Beauty and the Beast (2012–2016): Season 1, Episode 4 - Basic Instinct - full transcript

Vincent revives a 19-year old boy who was left for dead in a dumpster and rushes him to the E.R., where he remains in a coma. Alex Carter guest stars.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ You can't fight the feeling

♪ And all is the same

♪ Pouring rain on the night

♪ Coming out of the ceiling

♪ Falling from above

♪ Falling in and out of love

♪ A broken heart
is still beating ♪

♪ In and out of time

♪ Hold your body
next to mine... ♪

Hey! Blunt trauma to the head.

Glasgow coma score of three.

We need Neuro!
Pupil is fixed and dilated.

Probable intracranial bleed, you got it?
Got it, Doc.

Wait, who are you?

Nine years ago,

I witnessed my mother's murder.

I would have been killed, too,
if it hadn't been for Vincent.

I was part of an experimental
special forces group.

Their goal was to create
the perfect super soldier.

They made us stronger,
faster, better.

But something went wrong.

They gave orders
to kill us all.

Somehow I survived and have
been in hiding ever since.

Until a case brought me
back to him.

But also alerted the group
that experimented on him.

Now we're both in danger.

And our best chance at survival

is if we save each other.

- Strike two!
- Come on, Chandler. Eyes on the ball.

Evan's better than you.
He's only ever played cricket.

Don't listen to him, Cat.
Just focus.

- What? I am better than her.
- All right, all right.

Come on, give her something to hit!
Here we go.

Eye on the ball, elbow up.

Eye on the ball,
elbow up.

Strike three!

Could you tone it down
with the enthusiasm?

- It is just a practice.
- Tess, can you please

take Chandler to right field

so she can't do
any more damage?

Why did I say
yes to this?

'Cause they need two girls.

And we can't lose to the FDNY
for the fifth year in a row.


a little
hustle, please.

This is not
a nail salon.

Listen, you have really good
hand-eye coordination.

You can hit a bull's-eye.
You just have to stop thinking.

I can't help it-- there's
just too much to remember.

It's like sex.

There's nothing to remember,
you just do it.

Yeah, at this point, I'd
have to think to remember.


I got it!

I got it.
I'll get it.

Did you choke up
on the bat?


My entire precinct
is right there.

I just found a kid beaten
unconscious in a Dumpster.


Avenue D and Second.
Did you see anyone?

Did you find any evidence
that might help?

No, I just got him
to the ER as fast as I could.

Okay. I'll follow up.

Okay, uh, let me know
if I can do anything.


- Ball fall in the Hudson?
- No!

No, I just...

I'm just peeing.

Just throw in the damn ball.


So, who found him?

A Good Sam called it in.

Uh, we get a description?

Of the Good Sam? No,
but I called the hospital.

They're sending over
his personals

and e-mailing his chart.
All right, fine.

But you're not getting
out of the game.

Okay, Tommy Holt, age 19.

No phone.

Wallet's still
got cash in it.

This wasn't a robbery.

Ooh, who's this hottie?

It says here
they took him

into surgery
for a depressive... crania...

Decompressive craniectomy.

It means they took
pressure off his brain.

Thank God you're here.
Can you keep translating?

I do not understand
a word of this.

Wow, another thing
you don't do well.


Okay, so he's in a coma.

Only periodic discharges
on the EEG

means this may be
a homicide soon.

It says possible history
of abuse or assault.

X-rays showed his bones
have been fractured

repeatedly over
the last few years.

Maybe an abusive parent
or sibling.

Nurse I talked to said that his
dad was on his way over there.

Sounds like we should
get him over here.


They're from fights.

He used to get in them a lot.

Thank you.

With whom?

Kids at school.


It's been tough
ever since his mom died.

Do you mind

telling us where you were
earlier today?

I was at the airport,
heading to Baltimore

for a story assignment.

Wait... you think I had
something to do with this?

Mr. Holt, about
those fights.

You said that
Tommy was "over that."

What did you mean?

My son has severe ADHD.

When he's not
taking his meds,

he has no impulse control.

He's gotten himself
in a lot of trouble.

Even ended up in a residential
treatment program for a year.

Besides fighting,

what kind of trouble
did he get into?

You name it.

B-and-E's, uh,
online gambling...

Is he off his meds now?


I don't know.

I-I went in his room.

I saw a brand-new Xbox.

He was wearing a fancy watch
the other day.

I tried to talk to him, but...

He told me he was working
on something

that was going to make me proud.

I just wish he would wake up.

You know, and tell me
what it is.

We have three working theories.
One, abusive dad.

No record,
but according to colleagues,

he has a reputation
of being a hothead.

We're following up on his alibi.
And Wallet Girl is number two?

Well, we don't have his
cell phone, so I.T.'s trying

to get access
to his e-mail,

see if there's any
suggestion of a

relationship gone bad.
And three, maybe Tommy

got himself into trouble again.
We're waiting to hear

back from tox to see
if he was taking his meds.

Great. Chandler,
head to the vic's apartment.

Vargas, morgue.

You're splitting us up?

It's called
"divide and conquer."

See, that way, you can wake up

for an early morning practice.

Does he have money
on this game or something?


Pride, okay?

This about the whole precinct.

It's about you, too.

Now, be her coach.

Go, team.


I'm not even gonna ask.
I just found a kid

beaten unconscious
in a Dumpster.

And what, you're gonna
operate on him?

That's cool.
No, he's at the hospital.

Catherine just asked
if there was any evidence.

I'm just helping out, okay?

You know what?
And for once,

JT, I almost feel normal.

Okay, I got to stop
you there. Normal?

Like... like you could put on
a pair of rubber gloves

and head off to work
for the day?

She may have you feeling
almost normal, big guy,

but Muirfield doesn't agree.

You are still their experiment
that went awry,

and they are never going
to stop hunting you down...

Hunting me down,
yeah, okay, I get it.

You're gonna give
yourself an ulcer.

I'm gonna go
help Cat.

If anything happens
to you, that's on her.

Detective Chandler.

Remember me?

♪ Beauty and the Beast 1x04 ♪
Basic Instinct
Original Air Date on November 1, 2012

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

Kidnapping, false imprisonment
of an officer.

Kind of pushes the Patriot Act
to the limit, doesn't it?

I apologize for the physicality.

But I knew
you wouldn't come easily.

Gee, how'd you guess?
Where is he?

I don't know who
you're talking about.

Oh, I think you do.

In fact, you're the one who
found his cross-species DNA

at a crime scene a few weeks ago
and called the FBI to report it.

It was corrupted.
I was wrong.

Magna cum laude at Princeton,
top marks at the academy.

You're not wrong about much.

First time for everything.

I'm not
the bad guy here.

I'm trying to protect
the citizens of this city.

While you're choosing
to protect a monster.

And that's what he is.

Not a man.

He's a monster.

Your people sent him off to
war to be a killing machine.

It's ten years later;
he's not that anymore.

I see your amnesia
is clearing up.


Yeah, now I remember.

You and your
Muirfield assassins

are the ones
who killed my mother.

How about you indulge
an old man?

There are some things
you ought to see.

Check this out.

This was an unsanctioned
attack on an Afghan village.

The population before
the attack was 500.

After the attack... zero.

That was what
you programmed him to do.

Is that how you're going
to rationalize this?

He saves people.

I know it's romantic
to think he's some kind

of mythological
protective beast,

but how do you
explain Simon Holmes?


Pregnant wife.

Found behind
the local bar.

Was he not innocent

because he chose
to have a cocktail?

No, this can't be real.

You know it's real
because you've seen it.

He can't control it.

Do you really think

that we would pour this many
resources into finding him

if he wasn't
absolutely lethal?

Where is she?

What, the Jane Doe
from last night?

In the freezer next door.
No. Cat.

I can't find her. She's
not answering her phone.

She's probably cowering
in humiliation

after that performance tonight.

Although I had a more salacious
theory that I'd walk in

and find you two together
on the autopsy table.

Wouldn't be great on the back.
Speaking of...

Tommy's got abrasions on his
from the cuts in his shirt.

Probably from
being dragged.

CSU didn't find
any blood in the alley,

so he was probably moved
from another location.

I'm looking into the soil
on his clothes.

Now look at this.

Check out these contusions.
Tommy's body is covered in them.

Same shape, same size.

What did you say
the father does?

Journalist. He couldn't
have done that with a pen.

Or a fist.
It's just lately she's been

disappearing and then she comes
back with this great insight

on a case, and I just figured it was...
Tess, we work together.

So, unless you're online dating,
that's where people meet-- work.

I meet people lots of places.

Oh, and...

toxicology came back
positive for ADHD medicine.

Okay, well, there goes
the office meds theory.

As for the Chandler-Marks
theory, I'm not letting it go.

We don't want to hurt him.

We just want to bring him
to a place where...

he won't be a danger to anyone.

You just want
to clean up your mess.

No, we want
to fix it.

Perhaps find him
an antidote.

That's why you sent
all those hit men after me.

Clearly the wrong tactic.

All right, I'll
make you a deal.

Your mother.

For ten years, you've been
searching for the truth

about what happened to her

the night she was killed.

You bring me Vincent...

...I'll tell you everything.

This is a picture of your mother
at our headquarters.

And as far as Vincent goes,
if you don't believe me,

you mention these incidents
I told you about.

Ask him yourself.

This number will be good
for the next three days.

I'm not going to follow you,

but if I don't hear
from you by then,

I'm going to have to go back
to the wrong tactics.

Vincent, what are
you doing here?

You asked if there
was any evidence.

Get inside.
Why? What's going on?

Get inside.

Okay, get away from the window.

Muirfield grabbed me.

They pulled me into a car,

took me to some...

It's okay.

I'm fine.
They didn't hurt me.

You don't seem fine.

They know you're alive.

They wanted me
to tell them where you are.

I-I didn't--

And that was it.
And they just let you go?

Probably thought that if they
tracked me, they'd find you.

I made sure I wasn't followed,
but still, you should go.

I'm not going now, okay?

You just got nabbed
because of me.

It's my fault, too.

You kept telling me
to stay away, and I...

and I didn't,
and now they know about you.

I know you want
to protect me,

but you know as well as I do--
better than I do--

that the best way
to protect me is to stay away.

Uh... uh, I came here
because I found a watch

next to the Dumpster.

The cops, they have it now.

Tommy. You saved Tommy.

His dad mentioned a watch.

Are you sure you're okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

You need to go.

Thank you.

That information will help me
find whoever it is

that assaulted him.

There you are.

You are completely
avoiding your fears.

Practice 6:00 a.m.?

Oh, my God, I'm sorry.
I totally forgot.

I just... I've been working
on our case.

Tommy's dad, he alibied out.

We got a receipt
from Ruby's Diner at Newark.

So who's Simon?

Oh, no,

I'm just on this page
for the ad.

Balloons? What, are
you gonna throw

the firefighters a party
when they beat us?

I agreed to help

my dad's fiancée
with her bridal shower.

Uh, but, CSU tracked this down.

I tracked the
serial number.

Leads to a jeweler
in Westchester.

Purchased by a
Lois Whitworth,

president of the
Hawkshire Polo Club.


You and your boyfriend Evan
are completely in sync.

He's not my boyfriend.
Really? Because he told me

the dirt found
on Tommy's clothing

contains phosphorus levels
unique to Westchester.

And all in that
charming British accent.

That must be where
the assault happened.

Tommy's dad, he mentioned that
residential recovery program.

Maybe it's there.
Yeah, you know,

real athletes, they're
not supposed to have sex

on the day of the big game,
but in your case,

I think it might help.

Okay, I will practice.

But for now, can we just
focus on this case?

I'm focusing. Look.

"Achieve to Ride" Program
for Troubled Teens,

run by Lois Whitworth.

Watch Lady.

You're home-- good.

Got you that book
you wanted. Used my...

Bio-chem Professor of the
Semester gift certificate.

JT, I think you need
to sit down.

Look, I didn't mean to
burst your bubble earlier.

Here, drink.

I'm not saying

you can never leave
this place...

Muirfield took Catherine.

I'm sorry, what?

He asked her to give us up.

To give me up.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, uh...

What did they do to her?

Is-is she dead?

She is fine, okay?

She told them that
she does not know anything.

I'm confused.

Muirfield took her,
she said,

"I don't know anything," and
then they just let her go?

Look, I guess they need her
alive to find me.

We got to go.
We got to move.

Like-like movemove, like,

out of here.
I can't

just leave her now.

She's not what they're after.
Us leaving

makes things safer
for her, and-and

safer for us,
if-if she's giving us up.

She is not gonna
give us up.

Until they break her down

and water-board our address
right out of her.

Staying here,
we're sitting ducks.

You're the one who's been
spurned into action, so act.

This is it. We-we got to press
the eject button of our lives.

Okay, you're right.

I got to do something.

Where are you going?

We need to pack.

Like, now.



There is a boy unconscious
in the hospital,

and we are...
Multitasking! Look,

it's not like there's
a serial killer

on the loose.

Now what?

Never mind.

Joe says FDNY is uptown
right now practicing.

I got to scout their pitcher.

You cannot just leave me here.
Uh, the hell I can't.

Keep your weight back.
Good luck.


What are you doing here?
I thought...

Muirfield-- when they took you,

did you get a license plate
or an address?


Anything to track them.

They gave me a card.

It's at home... What are you
going to do with it?

Catherine, I don't buy
that they just let you go.

Okay, I don't know
what's going on,

but they will have a plan.

They will come back,
and when they do,

they will probably hurt you.

I can defend myself.
You don't need to.

So, I can help
a kid in a Dumpster,

but I can't help you?

How are you going to help?

I'm gonna find them
and I am gonna stop them.

By killing more people?

When they took me,
they showed me photos.

Articles with...
with victims.

They weren't just guys
from Muirfield or...

casualties of war there.

There was a guy
behind a bar.

That was five years ago.

He had a woman, okay?

He was holding her down...

I didn't realize
there were civilians.

You're afraid of me.

Last night,

I thought it was Muirfield,
but it's me.

Understand that I am a cop.

I put people like you away.

You're trying to decide
if I belong in a cage.

♪ You and I

♪ Underneath

♪ You and I...

♪ If you let her soul burn

♪ Let her soul burn

♪ Let her soul
burn ♪

♪ She would come
right back to you ♪

♪ If you let her soul burn

♪ Let her soul burn

♪ Let her soul
burn ♪

♪ She would come
right back to you ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh

♪ Oh...

If this is where

they send troubled teens,
where do I sign up?

Look at these people.

Practicing their sport.
Not a care in the world.

Getting really
good at it.

No big decisions to make.
Oh, my God, don't tell me

this is about what
balloons to pick

for your step-monster's
bridal shower.

Hey, you're still talking
about softball.

And now I'm talking
about polo.

Look at the end of this.

It's the same shape
as Tommy's bruises.

You must be the detectives.

I'm Lois Whitworth, president
of the Hawkshire Polo Club

and the Achieve to Ride Program.

How's Tommy?
He's in a coma.

Oh, my God.
I was gonna go visit him

at the hospital today,
but I didn't want to intrude.

Sounds like you were close.
Ah, people

send us their children;
they become our children.

It's just heartbreaking
that we can't control

what happens
outside of our cocoon.

Your cocoon have
security cameras?

Uh, only in the clubhouse.

But I thought this happened in the city.
Actually, we have reason

to believe it
happened here.

Tommy's dad mentioned

that he finished the
program six months ago,

but do you know if he was
still coming up here?


He did so well,
we put him on payroll.

He would, uh, clean the stalls,
maintain the grounds.

He actually played
quite a bit of the sport.

He was very good.
He have any rivals, enemies?

No, not out here. We're a
very close, loving community.

So close that
she gave him this?

That's a pretty
nice watch.

No, this is my husband's.
Where did you get this?

He didn't notice
it was missing?

He passed away two years ago.

So he stole it?

I don't know.

This is the hard part of my job.

You take in a kid like Tommy,
with all of his issues,

you think you're
making a difference, but...

Maybe he was back
to his old ways.

If he stole from me, he could
have stolen from anyone.

Do you recognize her?

Yeah, this is
my daughter.

Were she and Tommy

in a relationship?

No. She has a boyfriend.

You don't think this has

something to do with her,
do you?

He didn't steal my dad's watch--
I gave it to him.

I thought I was
in love with him.

But you didn't tell anybody?

Your mom didn't know--
she thinks you have a boyfriend.

Sean Hyland?

Yeah, she has us
walking down the aisle,

but... I broke up with Sean,
like, three months ago.

How'd he feel about
you and Tommy?

I don't know if he knew, either.

Come on, Whiskers, let's go.

Look, Tommy was
part of the program.

I guess I just felt like
everyone would have disapproved.

I mean,

he has a lot of baggage
and a record.

I just didn't want
to hear about it.

You said you were in love
with Tommy-- past tense.

What happened?

What happened is, a tiger
doesn't change their stripes.

Turns out he was doping horses.

What do you mean?

He was
injecting them

with steroids and then
betting on polo matches.

Sounds like a good way
to piss people off.

Anyone else know about it?

I don't know.

I mean, I was

until I found out he
had done it to Whiskers.

When was that?


a week ago.

That's a pretty recent betrayal.

Where were you two nights ago?


Weeping into a bowl
of ice cream.

I just feel
so stupid.

"Achieve to Ride
for Troubled Teens."

He came with
his own warning label.

How did I not see it?

I think most of
us can relate.



Seriously, dude,

today is not the day
to screw with me.

Unless they got to you.

So, listen to this--
not only is Sean Hyland

a scorned ex whose family
is worth millions,

he's also the president of the
club's disciplinary committee.

They have a
disciplinary committee?

They have entire meetings

devoted to gambling.

Maybe he caught Tommy violating
his "rich boy" code,

took discipline
into his own hands.



But had I,
I would have.

Doesn't sound like
you're too fond of him.

Was that 'cause he was
with your ex-girlfriend?

Was he?

I guess that's why she didn't
text me back this weekend.

Texting her? Does that mean
you wanted to get back together?

Look, even if I did,
I wouldn't have to kill Tommy

to get him out of the picture.
What do you mean?

He was leaving.
Decided to move to Florida.

How do you know?

He gave me his polo jersey,

told me to find someone else.

Look, I didn't get it.

A kid from that
tax write-off program

makes our team
and decides to leave?

I mean, come on.

This is Chandler.

So they drop a little water
on your forehead,

and you fold like an accordion.


I swear to God,
they touch him, I will...


what is going on?
What happened?

Forget the last five seconds
of this conversation.

I didn't understand
the last five seconds.

Where's Vincent?

He turned himself in.


I hear you've
been looking for me.

I'm ready to come back.

No, just rings. He left this.

"Proof I existed"?

In case something happens to us,
I'm supposed to send it out

to the world.
I had their phone number.

And you lost it?
I left it

in my apartment--
he probably took it.

Great. Now what do we do?
I didn't see

the plates on the SUV;
there was no address

at the warehouse.

My car.

Makeup? Now?

I need chalk.

There was another agent;
he drove my car.

He must have left prints--
all we need to do is lift them,

send them through the system,
track his phone,

and then we're there.
He'll be dead by then.

Do you have a better idea?

Hello, Vincent.

It's been a long time.

Welcome home.

That's a lot of weapons you
got there for a welcome home.

Just a precaution.

We weren't certain
what state you'd be in.

Before I come in,
I have some terms.

I'm listening.

You never harm

Catherine Chandler again,
you hear me?

Muirfield forgets she exists.

My bosses don't know she does;
I never told them.

Somehow I don't believe you.

The fact that an officer
of the law found out about you

wouldn't make me look too good
to the company.

But just in case,

I've drawn my blood.

Anything happens to her...

A fail-safe.

Ah, ten years on the run's

destroyed your ability
to trust, I see.

I mean, isn't that
why we're really here?

You're not scared that
we're going to hurt her;

you're scared that you are.


Right here.

Hold your fire.

The horse Whiskers is clean.

No drugs were found
in his system.

But the girlfriend said
Tommy was doping him.

Well, the girlfriend
was mistaken or lying.

Yeah, and I'm looking
into Tommy's financials--

there's no money
and there's no big purchases.

Not much of a gambler.
But he was leaving.

He booked an e-ticket
to Florida.

Maybe he just wanted

to get away from
the girlfriend.

Well, we've got a lying,
scorned girlfriend--

we just need something
to tie her to the crime scene.

I've got a mold of some
tire treads from the alley.

Seriously, how long does it
take to much a fingerprint?

We just sent it in.

Call the CSI guy again.

CSU. CSI is a TV show.


Hey, do you remember what kind
of car Clarissa drives?

Alfa Romeo.
I'll call you later, okay?

Okay. I swear,
I always thought,

when she disappeared,
she was with you.

I mean, what the hell
was he thinking?

After everything
we've been through,

after everything we've done.

You ever afraid of him?


That he's going
to hurt you or...?


I've known him
my whole life.

I mean, it freaks me out
when he's like that,

but... he'd never hurt me.

How do you know?

I just know.

We got him?

Okay, just give me one second.

Having a heart attack.

I'm having a heart attack
right now.

Okay, we got him. Let's go.

I'm still gonna have
a heart attack.

I'm not going in on a leash.

It's just
a precaution, Vincent.

We're working
on something

that may be able to help you,
make you better.

Well, look who it is.

She just can't stay away.

My terms.

Guns down. Guns down.

Vincent, don't do this.

You need to go now.

- No.
- As pleasant a surprise

as this is, he's already made
the decision for you,

It's not a decision, Vincent.

Tommy Holt would be
dead if not for you.

Come on, Vincent.

Take your hands off him.

So, what happens now?
Do more of them come after us?

No. His cell was the only one
who knew about you.

Yeah, but the rest of Muirfield
knows about you.

Right now, I'm more worried
about cleaning up this mess.

Vincent, it's the middle
of the day; you should go.

No, I'm not going to
leave you with this.

Go back to the case,
figure out what happened

to the kid, okay?

I will deal
with this.


You lied, Clarissa.

You told us Tommy
was doping horses.

He was.
Were you just heartbroken 'cause

he was leaving you
to move to Florida?

You just snapped?

No, no, he said
he wasn't leaving me.

I would never...
We tracked your E-ZPass.

You drove into the city

right before Tommy's body
was left for dead.

Your treads match
the tire marks

we found by
the Dumpster,

and I'm pretty sure,

when we send CSU to check
your car, we'll find

evidence that
Tommy was there.

He attacked her.

My mother.
He was doping horses.

She caught him,
and he came after her.

She had to fight him off.
It was self-defense.

Why didn't she just
call the police?

It would hurt
the club's reputation,

her program's reputation.

He has a record.

He has done things
like this before.

That's not you talking;
that's your mom, isn't it?

You know Tommy's a good person,

that he's changed.

Your mom made
you doubt that,

made you question
what you knew was true.

She needed my help moving him.

And you drove
her and Tommy

into the city and helped her put

his body in that Dumpster.

Why would she hurt him?

You said
you didn't want

to tell her
about the relationship

because she wouldn't approve.

But she didn't even know
about me and Tommy.

When did you give Tommy
your father's old watch?

Last weekend.

Oh, my God.

She must have seen
Tommy wearing it,

then figured it out.

Wait a minute.
Why do you have that?

Well, we're not here
for polo lessons.

Your daughter told
us where to find

the mallet you used on Tommy.

We looked into
your financials.

When your husband died,
he left you in horrible debt.

You've been counting
on Clarissa marrying Sean Hyland

to get you
out of it.

Tommy was going to ruin
the whole thing.

No, he was doping horses.

CSUs went through
Clarissa's car,

found this.

It's Tommy's cell.

Must have slipped out
when you dumped the body.

Texts say Tommy told you
he wasn't leaving after all,

that he and Clarissa
loved each other.

So you told him to meet
you in the stables,

he said okay, and
that's the last text

he wrote.

He should have listened to me.

I couldn't let my daughter
just ruin her life.

Yeah, or yours.

Lois Whitworth,
you're under arrest

for the attempted
murder of Tommy Holt.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say
can and will be held

against you
in a court of law.

You have the right to an
attorney. If you can't

afford one, you will be
provided with one.

Do you understand your rights
as I have read them to you?

He's doing better.

He woke up.

He knows who I am.

I'm really glad.

I want to thank you
guys for everything.

I wish I could thank
the guy who found Tommy.

Whoever he is,
he a hero.

Yeah, he is.

("Round and Round"
by Imagine Dragons playing)

Bottom of the ninth.

FD leads five to three.

No balls, one strike.

♪ We are all living
the same way, the same way ♪

♪ We are escaping the same way,
the same way ♪

Strike two!

you don't hit this,

you're riding the desk.

It's all right.

It's all right.
Come on, Cat.

Trust your instincts.

♪ We think we're making
our own way, our own way ♪

♪ Circling

Keep your eye on it.
Keep your eye on it.

♪ All the emptiness inside you

♪ Is hard enough to fill

♪ Without a sense of purpose

♪ We're setting up to fail

♪ You don't have
to make it right ♪

♪ Just hold your head up high

♪ Round and round

♪ I won't run away this time

♪ Hold your head up high ♪
♪ Till you show me what this life is for... ♪

Of course, she gets a home run.

Yeah, she did.


NYPD putting out fires, ha!

♪ Hold your head up high ♪

♪ Till you show me
what this life is for. ♪

Game ball.

You were there?

It was a nice home run.

This isn't a typical situation.


I'm used to things
being black-and-white,

and this is just... it's gray.

The things you've done...

I hate myself
for them.

I know that,
and I know

that you can't control it

and that... and that you have
a good heart.

But I'm going to have questions.


For the first time in
a long, long while,

I've felt like new things
are possible for me,

but, Catherine, the
way that you looked

at me in the park
that night...

...everything came
crashing back.

The reality of

what I am and what
I have done...

and the idea that you and JT
are paying the price for it,

that you are collateral
damage because of me...

that is why I
gave myself in.

You know, that, um... that first
night we met in the woods...

...I knew
that you would never hurt me.

That was my gut.

I'm sticking with that.

I wish this was easier.

Yeah, I do, too.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==