Beautiful Days (2001–…): Season 1, Episode 13 - Episode #1.13 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Why did you remarry?

Why this family?



Didn't you hear me?


What were you thinking?

You should've denied
the whole thing.

What am I going to do?
My poor Sun-jae...

He's a good kid;
he'll get over this.


You're wasted.

Get up.


Please excuse me.

How long are you going
to tag around?

Don't feel bad.

I was only worried
about you.

I'm in no mood
to see you.

I understand completely.
I'll leave after saying this.

I consider you the same
as your father.

For you,
I'll do anything.

Don't forget that.

I don't want anything
from you.

Your father wanted you
to pursue a music career.

You can't imagine
how happy

I was to find out
that you're Zero.

I hope your dad's
wish comes true.

I'll go now.

Who is she?

She's Muse's president.


Don't you remember me?

I entered Muse's competition.
My name's Kim Sena.

- The one who threw the music sheets?
- Yes.

Are you practicing
hard for the finals?

I quit Victory,

because I want to
enter Muse

I'll think of this as
my last chance.

I'll expect a good outcome.

What were
you doing here?

You're acquainted
with Sun-jae?

How are you related
to Sun-jae?

He's my guy.

Is he?


He didn't come
home again?

It's not like him

to make Mother

I guess he's not ready
to face you.

It's not because of me.

How would you know?

No matter how hard,
he wouldn't come home because of me.

I think something much
worse has happened.

I've lived fifteen years
with him

but know nothing
about him.

Yet you seem to know him so well.
The same goes for you.

I know the side of
you Sun-jae doesn't.

Maybe you
and Sun-jae...

need some space to get
to know each other.

I wish you'd extend
a hand to him first.

Because he's having
such a rough time.

No matter how tough it gets,
he'd never want my help.

The same goes for me.

What are you doing there?

Go to your room.

What are you doing?

I'm packing
Sun-jae's things.


He's not coming back,
not ever.

No, I'm going to tell him
to stay away.

So Min-cheol...

Please don't harbor ill
feelings for Sun-jae.

He's had it hard.

I don't understand.

Why won't he
come back home?

You asked me

who Sun-jae's
father was.

Sun-jae's father is
Lee Young-jun,

the man I was
married to.

I'm sorry I couldn't tell
you when you asked.

I thought it's proper for Sun-jae
to find out before you.

Sun-jae's father is
Lee Young-jun?

He's not my
father's son?


Tell me again.


Sun-jae's not
my half-brother?

I feel bad for
you and Min-ji.

I'm sorry.

I have wronged you.

Even if your father did insist,
I shouldn't have.

I was too greedy.

I was so grateful for your
father's saying

he'd raise Sun-jae
as his own,

so I... so I...

I should not have dared
to wish for so much,

and now I'm being
punished for it.

- What's going on?
- Don't follow me.

What are you
doing there?

- Let's go in.
- What's the matter?

Please go home.

- What's bothering you?
- I said, go home!

What is this about?

How could you?

How could you
possibly do this?

This is ludicrous!

This is just too cruel!

After how Min-ji
and I have lived,

it was all a lie?

Each time I
contemplated Sun-jae,

tears of blood were
shed for my late mother.

But that was all a lie!

One word from you

and we lived in hell.

How could you?

We are your blood,
your children.

You ruin...

your children's
lives this way.

- Are you human?
- What?





Is Sun-jae your son,
as Grandma said?

Is he?

Yes. Sun-jae's my son.

How you treat your mom
is your business,

but don't meddle in
my and Min-ji's affairs.

How can you say that?

Min-ji and I haven't

We've lived as family
for fifteen years.

We're not strangers!
I wish we were!

To have us absent
from his life

will give him too much

Although he's taken many
happy days away

from us,

I won't let
that happen again.

Are you waiting
for my brother?

You won't even
deny it, will you?

She's the problem.

She must've really
aggravated him

to make him
run out again.

You didn't go home
last night?

Did you hear
about Kim Sena?

What about her?

She placed first in
Muse's competition.

Who would've guessed
this would happen

right after she left us?

Are you sure?

I triple checked.

I checked with Sena,
checked the Internet

and checked with
Muse Records.

This is great.

She might've given up
had she not made it.

I know. I didn't really
expect anything

as the competition
was so stiff.

But she placed first.

She is so great!

Who's making
so much noise?

Are you a man
or woman?

Make some space.

Now my days here
are numbered.

Sena promised

she'd make me
a manager as soon as

she'd gotten in with Muse.

So just worry
about yourself now.

There may come a day when Sena
and I may look down at you.

People change

when they come into power.

So work your butt off
to catch up to us.

about Sena.

I feel bad about
it for you.


I won't feel comfortable
until it works out for Sena.

What happened
last night?

Did something happen
with Mother?

I've got something
to ask you.

You say Sun-jae's having
a rough time.

You know the reason?

About Sun-jae's father,
you knew?

Why didn't you tell me?

I promised not to.

Sun-jae told me he wanted
to forget, to go on with life.

- I'm sorry.
- Don't be.

If he calls,
let me know.

You want to meet him?

I'm worried about you.

Call me when you
get this message.

What's come over you?

You run at having
to work late, yet,

tonight you volunteer?

It's part of maturing,

becoming responsible.

Don't waste precious energy;

make it quick
and go home.

You know
you don't get paid

overtime for this?

Don't worry

your pretty little
head over that.

A beauty has
to watch out at night.

My beauty makes me
wary in daytime.

What the...!
Go back home

Good night.

She's gone.

Let's get it ready.

Is it really okay?

Of course.
No one will know if we clean up.

Hurry up!
Why did you bring this?

No problem

No! Threre's no time!
Go fastt!

When did you prepare
all these?

I'm the queen
of the party.

Sun-jae. What took so long?
I waited for you.

Sena took first place
in the competition.

- Congratulations.
- Let's go.

- Where?
- We have to celebrate.

Let's go.
This is great.

- What are you doing?
- What's wrong?

but I should go.

Why? Is there someone
you want to avoid?

Remember ruining
my other gala?

You'll not bail out
on me again?


I'm so proud of you.



Have you been well?

What's happened?
Why won't you come home?


Congratulations, Sena.

Sun-jae, you haven't had dinner,
have you?

Let's eat.

Let's eat; we have
a feast to gorge on.


It's me. I'm at the store,
Sun-jae's here.



Something's going on.
Tell me what's wrong.

No sharing secrets with you.

Secrets make
the heart heavy;

I don't want to
do that to you.

How's Min-chu
I treating you?

I hope
he's good to you.

I sincerely hope so.

Only, then,
I won't regret my decision.

You know what?

If you had decided to leave
the house just one day later,

I wouldn't have given
you up to Min-chul.

That must be what's
called, "Fate."

You and I,

that's the extent
of our fate, I guess.

Mr. Lee!

Let's talk.

Some other time.

What do you want
to tell me?

I heard from Mother.


shouldn't I have found out
before Yon-soo?

It wouldn't have made
any difference.

You've not thought of me
as your brother anyway.

For you, this may have worked
out all for the better.

For the better...

How's that?

Knowing you're not
Father's son

won't recoup any
of the lost time.

What do you plan
to do now?

About what?

You're not coming back home;
your mother's there.

For now, better not
see each other.

I've a favor to ask.

Don't hate
my mother so much.

She's all alone without
me in that house.

We've lived together
for fifteen years.

I can ask this
much of you, right?

- I'd better go.
- Sun-jae.

You and I...

How would it have been
had we but known

we were not related?

Our relationship might've
been quite friendly.

We would've been
like other guys.

You and I,

we both had a sad life.

You lost your father
and I my mother.

We shared a same pain.

If not brothers,
maybe we could've been friends.

Friends? Yes. Perhaps,
if I didn't know the truth.

If you want to pursue a music career,
my door's always open.

No. I want a life apart
from Father and Victory.

I envy you.

You can live your life
without Father in it.

I'll go now.

What will you do
about Sun-jae?

He's got a soft heart.

He won't forsake
his mother.

As long as his mother's
living with me,

he won't hurt me.

But Yang Mimi...

It's for the better.

Yang Mimi blew it
all open for us,

that's all she knows.

Now we have to chide
Sun-jae; that's all.

Right, the only one who knows
about Lee Young-jun's death is I.


I need to talk to you.

I have nothing
to say to you.


Don't worry.
It won't affect work.

You are with me
because of Victory!

I'm staying with you because of
Victory, not because of you.

Isn't the weather wonderful?

I thought you'd be
stuck in that room,

so I asked you out for some fresh air.
I got a place for you,

it'd be uncomfortable
staying with someone.

I found a place
that you can feel comfortable.

Accept this!

Why should I accept this?

I want to help you.

A change of atmosphere would do
good when... Please let me be.

I'll take care of myself.

About Sena.

I think she'd make
a good partner for you.

As I was for
your father.

That's why
I picked Sena

against opposition.

But if you're not with her,

I won't insist on her.

What do you think?

Won't you make
Sena a hit?

You're mistaken.

Sena and I are not
that close.

Evaluate Sena
for herself.

It's been a long time.

Is recording going well?

What do you care?

You should,

it won't be fun crushing
a worthless competitor.

Hey, you're not
my opponent.

By the way,

did you sell any inside
info to Muse?

Otherwise, why would
they have picked you?

If you don't want
to just expose...


Mr. Oh, just where
do your loyalties lie?

Make yourself clear!

Where are you
taking me?

You'll find out
soon enough.


Introduce yourself;
she's the president.

How do you do?

This is Mr. Oh Jung-hun,

a.k.a. "Zero."


Yes. He'll write
songs for me.

I want to introduce
to you.

Sun-jae's the one

who'll write songs
for you.


Why did you lie,
saying he's your man?

You obviously know
nothing about him.

Relay a message
to Sun-jae

that unless he
works with you,

there's no deal
for you.

I'll see you later.

- Come out.
- Sena.

- What's this about?
- Come!

calm down.

- Come out.
- Sena.

She needs
to watch out.

What's wrong?

Are you so high and mighty?
Why are you playing with me?

What do you mean?

I've shared
everything with you.

I've shared
my heart!

You deceived me.

You knew I desperately
wanted to meet Zero.

You know how many times
I waitng to meet Zero

How could you!


It's a dream come true
to know that you're Zero.

The person I feel
so close to is Zero;

it's a miracle.

How could you
hide it from me?

You don't want
me to be happy?

What do you think
you're doing?

What are you doing?

I can't go on when you're
deceiving me too.


Why stop me?

You don't care
what happens to me.

You want to die so badly?
Then suit yourself.


Why are you so selfish?

I had my reasons too.

Do you even care
about that?

You're not the only
one suffering in life.


I'm sorry.
I really am.

Don't be mad at me.

You know how much
I like you.

And you know how much
I have dreamed about Zero!

So you cannot be
mad at me.

You're all I have
in this world.


Why are you here?

There's something
I wanted to tell you.

Please excuse me.

I don't know
what Yang Mimi said,

but don't let her give
you any wrong ideas.

She's uptight about losing
that award.

She's just using you.

You're saying everything
she's told me is a lie?

Perhaps part of
it may be true.

But there's something
Yang Mimi doesn't know.

Your mother was
my first love.

I introduced your mother

to your father once,

and soon after they
got married.

I supported your father
like a brother,

all the more reason
I felt betrayed.

Since then,
I dedicated my life

to surpassing him.


would understand,
as a man.

Your mother's in hell
because of you.

You don't want her to
abandon everything

for you,
do you?

Think hard what's
best for your mother.

You'll draw a conclusion.

Come back after
you've cooled off.

Don't think
anything foolish.

Knowing what I do,

no matter your reasons,

I can't go back
to my old life.

Be good to my mother.

This is why blood's
thicker than water.

Like your father, you'd betray
me with that innocent face.

Think very carefully.

If you turn your back on me,

you and your mother
will live as strangers!

- Hello.
- Were you sleeping?


One sec.

We can talk now.

- Sorry to wake you up.
- It's all right.

I don't know what to say
now that I have you on line.

What did you do today?

I went to school,

my professor wanted
to introduce a part-time job.

A part-time job?

Yes, I have to get
ready for school.

Sena's doing okay,
and it's about time.

Will you be happier
if Sena does well?

I'm already
quite happy.

Sena's doing
what she's always wanted.

I'm sorry;
I know it's hard for you now.


I'd better let you go.
Take care.

You too.

I don't know
how I'll change.

I want to run
from everything,

but I can't.
I just can't.

What are you doing?
You don't smoke.

I wanted
to give it a try.

Why not?

They say a life's enclosed
in one cigarette.

Go ahead. What man
can't even smoke,

crying like a baby?

- Hello.
- Welcome. Good shot.

I hear your stocks are
up and up on Kosdaq.

- Congratulation!
- Thank you.

My friend have the stocks
of Victory too

and he seems to be
happy because of that

Please guide us.

When is my daughter's debut?

Just bide your time;
it's almost here.

Almost here? You've been
saying that for one whole year.

You should've picked
her the last audition.

Don't you think so?

I told you,

Director Lee's a hard
one to crack.

Better grease his palm
until it droops.

What more can I do?

I have already spent
so much money

That's why your daughter's
not getting anywhere.

- Mr. Jang.
- Director Lee.

What are you doing here?

I had a round
with my buddies.

Time to spare
I see.

Are you Victory's
Director Lee?

- Yes.
- Hey, you!

Don't bother
a busy man.

Stay aside.
I wanted to talk to you.

If there's no potential,

you should cut her off,
this is too much,

making her hang,

Let's go.

I don't understand
what this is about...

My daughter.

I paid my dues;
you have to make her a star.

I can't let this one pass.

It's no big deal.

You don't need to
make a disturbance.

I'll give
the money back.

This isn't the first time.

Can't have you trashing
the company name.

I can't see anymore

I didn't promise
her anything.

He was so...


I'll take care of this;

don't concern yourself.


I want his resignation
this time around.


I said
I'll take care of it.

Don't concern yourself
with trivialities.


Go on.

I can't really understand.

Why does the boss
protect Mr. Jang?

I can't understand!

They've been tight
for several decades.

If saying like
that the other guys

that you have fired are
all the same situation

The boss doesn't do
that for others.

- Ki-chul.
- Yes.

Do a background
check on Mr. Jang.

Find out his associates
and his doings,

report anything
suspicious to me.

Yes, sir.

Is it going well
for Sena?

I think so.

She's out at dawn and getting
home late, but she's all smiles.

When's her album coming out?

Don't know.
Suddenly she has so many secrets.

She says there's
a big surprise waiting.

She always
saying like that

Take care of her health.

I know;
I know.

If I don't care for my goods,
who will?

It's quiet lately.

You and Director Lee.

The peace has gone on
for a while now.

Mr. Lee's

a pitiful man.

And so is Sun-jae.

I thought having parents
was a good thing,

but it isn't always so.

What do you mean?


A woman does greatly
influence her man.

You've tamed a buck;
I'm so impressed.

Is Yang Mimi coming?

I believe so,

she was invited by
the association.



It's been a long time.

What are you doing here?

Sun-jae's working
as a producer at Muse.

Let's work weel.

Go in!

Stay away from Muse.

- I'll decide that.
- Don't trust your decision.

So much has changed
for Sun-jae.

I can't understand
what made him change so.

I can work with Sun-jae.

Muse's holding
Kim Sena's concert.

It's to be held
on a boat.