Beautiful Days (2001–…): Season 1, Episode 12 - Episode #1.12 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Mr. Lee!

are you all right?

Don't you begin to think
that you know me.

Get up.

Get up!


If you've done talking,
please go.

Go after him.
I'm okay go.

- Go home.
- You're not coming home?

I don't think we should
go in together.

Don't worry so. If you explain
to him, he'll understand.

Be strong.

I know it's tough for you now,
but it'll work out.

You too.

Was it good?

Did you have a good time
with Mr. Prince?

You were smiling ear
to ear yesterday.

Something's wrong?

This is so frustrating.

What is Mr. Prince

that he's able to turn
your mind inside out?

Good morning.
You should be more careful.

Good morning.

Good morning, sir.

He seems to be
in a good mood.

Number 69.

Hello, I'm Kim Sena,
number 69.

You're currently
recruited by Victory?

- Yes.
- Then why are you here?

I didn't want to
grow old waiting.

Go ahead.


See that music sheet,
start with that tune.

- This?
- Yes.

- I don't know how to read music.
- Then you may leave.

But I haven't sung yet.

The competition's
for those

with musical talent.

I have that.

I'll continue.

- What's your name?
- Kim Sena. Why do you want to know?

You remind me of
myself at your age.

Sena's here.

What is it?

I have something
to tell you.

We'd better go.

- Tell me.
- I have a favor to ask.

Please specify on
the contract the date

you'll let me record.

I haven't the confidence
to wait with no deadline.

I know you're doing
this for my sister,

and that's the reason

I'm asking for
this favor.

That's not possible.

We can't make such
stipulations to the contract

Sir, do me
this favor,

and Yon-soo and I won't
forget your kindness.

I think you're mistaken.

The reason I offered
you that contract is

because of a promise
I made to Yon-soo.

But that's about
all I can do,

or wish to do.

I hope, from now on,
you won't be making

unreasonable demands
in Yon-soo's name.

What did you and
Mr. Prince discuss?

What kind of discuss
do you have!

Is it going well
with Mr. Lee?

Can't you tell
by her face?

- No wonder.
- Why?

He's as cold as ice.

He wouldn't be if it were
going well with Yon-soo.

- I'm off.
- Sena...

Can you forget?

My father raised
me as his own.

And he doesn't
want me to find out,

I don't want to
disappoint him.

Starting tomorrow,
I'll be the old Sun-jae

who concentrates
on his studies only.

Sun-jae. Why didn't you
tell me you played piano?

- It's no big deal.
- What's that piece you played?

I don't know

- I just heard it somewhere.
- Where?

Must have been
on the radio.

It's so nice.
Play it again.

Next time.

Can I ask a favor?


It's a change of clothes for Min-chul,
can you give it to him?


Mr. Lee.

Why don't you
ask me anything?

Why do you get upset
but won't let me explain?

That day,

I wanted to go...

Can't you see
I'm changing?

Don't do errands like this.

- Hello.
- Come to my room.

Sit down.

Did you know Sena's
auditioned elsewhere?


A contract
that I offered Sena

is only because of you,

And other reason is

Sena is sincere
to our company

But Her competing
to another company

after receiving
a contract shows

she means otherwise.

Tell Sena
what I mean!

Tell Sena if she doesn't
come by tomorrow,

the offer's no longer valid.

That's all,
you can go.


- Have you been well?
- Yes.

You don't look it.

You must be confused,

finding out about your father.
I can understand.

I have something
to tell you.

Don't call me anymore.

I want to live the way
I have been.

Nothing's changed.

So don't pay any more
attention to me.

Did Mr. Lee tell you

not to see me?


doesn't know
that I know.

I'm quite disappointed.

I had a favor
to ask of you.

I wanted
to produce an album

memorial to
Mr. Lee Young-jun,

and I'd hoped
to include your song.

A son's dedication

in memory of
a late father...

This is very worthful,


you want to ignore
your birth father.

This is quite a let down,
it's painful, in fact.

I only have one father,
the one who raised me.

Please excuse me.


Take this with you.

Young-jun would want
you to have this.


What are you doing?

I was waiting for you.


I'm okay.

I'm not going to think
too deeply into it.

Not all family's
related by blood.

Those who can't have

adopt from
total strangers.

Compare to them,
I'm lucky.

I have you.

And Father accepted me

because he loved you.

That's more than enough

to respect him as a father.

Thank you.

Thank you, son.

Don't worry about me.

I haven't changed.


I have traveled outside

I'm craving some
home cooking.

- Make me something delicious.
- Okay.

We need to talk.

I have nothing to say.


Go ahead.

I know you're upset with me and
that you've got every reason to be.

But that day,
you were wrong.

So you wanted to tell
me that I was wrong?

I can't go into details,

but Sun-jae was having
a very rough day.

If you had been in my shoes,
you would've done the same.

I don't think so.

I'm not as kind as you.

And not give my everything
so easily

It's strange
when I think about it.

At first, that's
what I liked about you,

but now that's
what's become overbearing.

One more thing.

Just with our being brothers,

Sun-jae and I find things
complicated enough

I want nothing to do
with anything involving him.

No matter the subject.

Regardless who it is.

Doesn't my heart matter?

It's you whom I love.
Doesn't that matter?

Sun-jae will understand
your feelings.

I don't know how
to read others' hearts,

nor do I trust them.

What's wrong?
What happened?

Is it because of Mr. Lee?

I'm not going to let him be.


thought he was upset at me

and that's why he
was being so cold.

But that wasn't it.

No matter how
angry I might be,

I would never be so
cold or mean to him.

If you really like someone,
you want to try to understand

Though he isn't
good to you

If he tell something
to you

then you want to trust it...
isn't it?

But he won't listen

or try to understand.

If he really likes me,
he can't do that.

He should never
act like that...

That bastard!

What are you going to do now?
You fool!


Come in on time.

Are you all right?

You should've stayed
over last night.

I couldn't sleep a wink
after you left.

- I'm sorry.
- How are you feeling?

I'm going to leave
that house.

That's the best way.

It's hard for me
to face him

and it'd be uncomfortable
for him too.

Who cares if he's uncomfortable,
just think about yourself.

I have to quit here too.

Take it slow.

How can you do that?

How are you going
to take the after shock.

I have to move in
to your place...

I'm really sorry.

I'm all for your comeback.

You're a perfect

Saying truly...

It's hard
to live with her

Sena's lazier than I.

Why buy so many books?

You have to study other
subjects to enter college.

I picked the basic ones.

Making an effort
step by step

Don't you worry.
I'll study when the time comes.

I'll feel better
this way.

It won't do any good
to be nice to me.

My brother's got a girl.

He must've really
fallen for her

if he's going to
introduce her to me.

So wake up from
your dream.


Are you that hurt?

So why bark up
the wrong tree?

You'll only hurt yourself.

Drink this and get
yourself together.

Will you promise
me something?


That you'll only think
about yourself.

Do the things you want,

aim for what you want.

You're so much like Sena.

I wanted to help you

but only got in your way.

What's this about?

Are you getting back
at me for being mean?

It's not like that.
I just feel bad.

Still up?


Did you talk
to Min-chul?

He needs time.


I'm going to move out
from here.


It's not your fault,
so don't let it bother you.

Thanks for everything.

You're having
a hard time,

and I feel bad making you
worry about me as well.

You don't want to see me,
and I feel the same way.

So I'll make it short.

Are you going to let
Yon-soo leave?

She has to leave eventually,
but this is not the time.

If she goes now,
it'll leave a scar.

you make her stop.

I wouldn't have come
to you, if I could.

This is all for the better.

We're brothers,
after all, it's no good-

two brothers fighting
over one woman.

The time's ripe
to settle this matter.

Since you're not
one to do that,

I'll have to.

Is that so easy for you?

I'm glad

you hold the knife.


It's me.

There's something
I have to tell you.

It's late,
let's talk tomorrow.

Sit down.

I hear you're moving out.

Sun-jae's very worried.

Do you have
a place to stay?

I'll move into
Narae's place.

Did you tell Min-ji?

I should've told her
this morning, but...

I know she'll be
thrilled to hear me go,

but I couldn't bring
myself to tell her.

Tell her sorry for me.

Will you continue
to work at the store?


I'm going to look
for another job.

I know talks like

this make you

but I'm really
concerned for you.

You say you can't read
people's hearts

nor trust them.

But I believe

you've shown me
your heart and fear

that you'll shut it
again because of me.

I'm so worried
about that

I'd better go.

I have to say good-bye since
I'll be gone before you come home.


Are you done packing?

There's nothing
much to pack.

Let's have a farewell party.


It's only fitting.

Leave the bags here

I'll bring
them tomorrow.

I don't want to
trouble you.

It's okay.

How is this?

Isn't this nice?


- It's me.
- What's up?

I'm at Yoido,
the cherry blossom festival.


I'm with Yon-soo.
Come get her.

I'll wait until
around eight o'clock.

If you don't show
until then

I'll think you have
no feelings for Yon-soo.

And I won't hold back
because of you

in front of her

We should've called Sena too.
Shall I call now?


- Wait here a minute.
- Are you going somewhere?

I should get you flowers
for the occasion.

You don't have to.

I'll be right back.

- Hurry back.
- Wait here.


- It's me, Yang Mimi.
- Hi.

How did you feel hearing
your father's songs?

Didn't you have
a change of heart?

No, my mind
hasn't changed.

I see.

I won't see you again.

- Take care.
- Wait.

Can we have
one last talk?

Do you know
where we are?

The 1975 Music Awards
was held here.

Sit here.

That very seat was

your father's
that evening.

I was...

on stage, singing,
looking at your father,

not even knowing
it was to be

my last performance.

- Your last performance?
- That night,

I was busted then

for marijuana possession.

I was forbidden to perform
after that.

And that's not all.
It was the night the one

I most respected

and loved left this world.

People said he got drunk
because of me,

that I was to blame.

He died because of me

I have felt mortified

I didn't use marijuana.

I was set up.

The person who sat here,
he was the culprit.

I saw everything

We sat here

and watched
the whole affair.

He sat here,

I wanted to forget
at first.

I moved to the U.S.
To forget,

but I just couldn't.

Even after Mr. Lee left,

that man took
everything from him.

Even his most beloved...

wife and son.


The person
who sat here

was Lee Sung-chun.

Want to know how
Victory made it big?

Lee Sung-chun talked
your narve mother

into selling
Young-um's factory

and took over
its market.

Victory was

built on Lee Young-jun's

I can't understand
your mother.

How could she fall
for Lee Sung-chun?

He was always
on the prowl to

ruin your birth father.

This is absurd.

You can't believe it?

Ask your mother!

She'll tell
you everything

what's the matter?

- Sun-jae.
- Mom.


- Mom.
- What's the matter?

Tell me the truth.

You have to be honest.

What's Father's relation
with my birth father's?

Did Father really cause
my birth father's collapse?

- Sun-jae.
- Tell me!

It's not like that.

They were
just competitors.

I heard that Father was
out to ruin my birth father.

He tried to win my birth father
with an unjust step

Why didn't you tell me?

Why didn't you tell me
I had a different father.

Do you have
something hiding to me

Is there more
you're hiding from me?

Why did you remarry?

Why this family?




Didn't you hear me?

What are you doing now?

I can't go on when you're
deceiving me too.

I'm not his father!

He cannot incur

another person's ill will
from his kids.

I consider your father
has another reason

only for himself!

Don't think father is bad.

Sun-jae! I'm sorry.

I really am.
Don't be mad at me.