Batwoman (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 8 - Survived Much Worse - full transcript

Batwoman follows Alice to get a Desert Rose to cure herself of the radiation poisoning that is slowly killing her. Meanwhile, Alice tries to bargain with Safiyah using Ocean's dead body to try and get Kate back.. so she can kill her twin sister.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Dear Kate,

today's the day I'm supposed to die.

Truth is, I'm not scared of dying.
I'm scared I didn't live.

My mama always told me
I was put on this Earth for a reason

and now I finally know what that is.

Today's the day I kill you, Kate.

I spent 11 years
waiting for you to find me.

But instead, I found you.

Then I waited for you to save me,
but instead, I saved you.

I turned you into a hero.

You helped me
find my inner warrior.

My voice. My power.

While I played
the part of your villain,

the girl who reminded you how right,
and noble, and courageous you were.

You made me feel brave.

I told you my greatest fear
was being locked away again.

And on that very day, what did you do?

You helped me break out
of this system trapping me.

You lured me into a box
and you locked the door.

- I've come so far...
- I've come so far

to get my revenge.

To inspire others.

And I've survived much worse.

Cartwright, the Queen of Hearts.

Foster care, the Candy Lady.

If I could do that,

- I can do anything.
- I can do anything.

I can push off death another day
if it means saving you.

I can even kill my sister.

♪ You're ultraviolet ♪

Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm the one who practices
without a medical license around here.

What are you doing?

It is a combination
of adrenaline and cortisone.

It will give me a jolt of energy
and it will kill some of this pain.

- What are you doing?
- How did you learn to do this?



Oh, did the YouTube medical expert
also explain to you

that this combination will accelerate
the speed of cell decay by 300%?

Without the shot, you have days.

And with it, you're lucky to have 24 hours.

Twenty-four hours is all I need.

I put the tracker on Alice.
She probably made it to Coryana by now.

I will follow her route. I will find Kate.

And I will get the Desert Rose
to heal myself.

And if something goes wrong, you die.

Mary, look at me.

I'm dead already.

Oh, my God.

Oh, God. Fine.

Team vote.

Where's Luke?


- Uh...
- Mary, where's Luke?

I have an active APB
and three field teams looking for Alice,

yet you not only managed to locate her

but tagged her
with a high-powered tracking device?


I'm sure you're familiar with the concept,
"Don't ask, don't tell"?

Then I won't ask. I will state.

You're working with Batwoman.


So why doesn't she track Alice?

Because she's sick.

- What do you mean "sick"?
- She's dying.

Long story short, Tommy Elliot
shot her with a poison bullet.

There's no antidote.

We need you to bring back
a stem of the Desert Rose to heal her.

Sorry to interrupt.

Our APB for Alice and all known associates
turned up this.

Her friend Ocean boarded a flight
to Rome last night.


The deal Alice made with Safiyah was that
she had to kill Ocean to get Kate back.

I doubt she showed up to Coryana
without him.

But she is crazy enough to show up
with a fake him.

Wouldn't be the first time she's slapped
a face on somebody's body.

God knows she fooled me
with a Bruce Wayne wannabe.

If that's true
and Safiyah believes the impostor,

then she hands Kate over to Alice
and Alice kills her.

Which means you need to get going now.

Record shows that Alice
left the Olsson airstrip and flew east.

Sophie low-key slipped me the feed.

So we're gonna gloss over you telling
a Crow you're working with Batwoman?

It's preferable to losing both Batwomen
in one fell swoop.

- Sophie said she would get a flower.
- And you believe her?

Can we stay positive, please?

We land.
We find my daughter. We get out.

And I am screwed.

One more thing.

We need to grab a Desert Rose
while we're there.

- What are you talking about?
- And I rest my case.

I'll explain en route, but we're
not leaving that island without it.

- No!
- Commander!

- What happened?
- They're Safiyah's men.

Safiyah knew they were coming.

- Oh, my God. What just happened?
- They're taking them somewhere.

Looks like they're
heading towards Olsson

airstrip, the same
airfield Alice left from.

- They're going to Coryana?
- I have no idea.

Ryan, no.

You inject that, you die today.

We literally just watched our last hope
fizzle before our eyes.

Unless anyone else
has any more brilliant ideas.

Start the clock. I am going to Coryana.

I am saving them. I am saving Kate.

And I'm saving my damn self.

I feel good.
Haven't felt this good in months.

Okay. Easy, tiger. The faster you work
the adrenaline through your system,

the faster it returns
to self-destruct mode.

Twenty-four hours was a guess,
not a promise.

Alice's transponder died over
this tiny section of the Mediterranean.

- I don't see an island.
- That's the point.

It's rigged to avoid satellite detection.

If I had the only serum on the planet
that could cure cancer

and I wanted to cloak it
so nobody else could have it,

I'd use anti-radar electromagnetic waves.

The cowl's lenses can detect
the electromagnetic field.

- Consider it your bullseye.
- A bullseye for what?

These are EMP grenades.
According to Sophie,

the only electricity she saw on the island
was used for electric restraints.

These will knock out the power
for a few hours...

and free anyone wearing them,
presumably Mary's dad, Sophie and Kate.

- Okay, you didn't answer my question...
- I have to find you a ride.

Okay. Um...

Can I address the elephant in the room?

You are not going to die.


the elephant is if I live.

Say I find Kate and I bring her back here.
Then what?

She's Batwoman. What does that make me?

That's not...
Kate would never push you out like that.

So then there's two Batwomen,
because that's not confusing.

Okay, I don't know what happens
when Kate comes back.

All I know is that I...

I really, really want her back.

I know.


if I do die...

you're in charge of my baby.

Oh, no, no, no. Nope.

That's not me.


Angelique gave her to me,

and I was gonna give her to my mom
when we moved into our place.

She's all I have left of her.

Well, then it's official.

You definitely have to make it back.

Because I couldn't even keep
my Tamagotchi alive for five minutes.


I think I just found you a ride.

Okay, and?

Let's just say I couldn't order you
the vegan option.

You couldn't even afford coach.

We're lucky this carrier's gonna fly
within five miles of Coryana's air space.

- Clock's ticking.
- Yeah, 18 hours to live. I got it.

No, you're 25 minutes from the drop.

The what now?

I can override the door and buy you
a window for the HALO jump.

- What's a HALO jump?
- High altitude, low opening.

You asked about the bullseye? You need
to hit a target from 33,000 feet.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. This
would be a lot easier

- if we had a Batplane.
- That's what I've been saying.

I'll get right on that after I work out
the kinks in the Batsub.

Don't deploy your chute

until your display
reads 3,500 feet so you avoid detection.

Use your pressure mask,
otherwise you'll die.

Is this is a bad time to say
I have never been on a plane before?

Tatiana informed me
you two had a little chat.

Of course she did.

That she told you
how you and Ocean fell in love.

How he stole a Desert Rose,

and how he convinced you
to leave Coryana with him.

That was the gist of it,

lest a few juicy details about how
he wasn't the only islander who loved me.

I want to be clear about something.
I considered Ocean a brother.

I had you both erased from each other

because I believed
you were a bad influence on him.

Got it.

A ruler doesn't get to play
by the whims of her emotions.

Nor can she afford to be blind
to what's right in front of her.

You've disappointed me.

I brought you your brother
with your fancy knife through his chest.

Now give me my sister
so I can put one through hers.

You foolish girl.

My men found a tracker on your boot.

You are being followed.

You okay?

I think so.

Where the hell are we?

Exactly where you wanted to be.

Not how you saw this going?

Are you kidding me right now?

There's nothing down there!

Yes, there is. You need to jump.

That's easy for you to say.
What if my chute doesn't open?

It will! Hurry up!

If you miss, you're gonna
end up in the ocean.

There's no shark repellent on the belt.

- Why not?
- Because that's stupid. Now go!

Okay. Okay.
You got this. You got this.

Come on! Let's go!

♪ Here come the skeletons
Crawling out your closet ♪

♪ They grab your ankles
When you run and try to lock it ♪

♪ Open your mouth
But you can't make a sound ♪

♪ Walls tumble down
Try to breathe... ♪

- There it is!
- I can't watch.

You're breaking through
the electromagnetic shield.

Okay, I see two unique heat
signatures. They could be restraints.

Deploy your chute and the EMPs.

Why are we here?

You're here because Alice wants you

to have a front row seat
to watch her kill Kate.

She's here at Safiyah's request.

Me? What did I do?

It's not what you did.

It's what Safiyah thinks you're capable of.

You're skilled, strong
and, most of all, loyal.

She wants you to join her army.

Why the hell would I join an army
of ruthless killers?

Because you're already a part of one.


Both groups are organized, armed
and dangerous.

But we are committed
to protecting our people,

while you oppress yours.



I made it.


Sort of.

- See, that wasn't so bad.
- Oh, yeah. You owe me a spa day.

Just remember to conserve
your energy or your vitals will drop again.


You seeing this?


That must be the Desert Rose.

I've never seen anything
more beautiful in my life.


- Crap.
- Ryan!

Hello? Can you hear me?

The EMPs
must have knocked out the comms.



I'm Batwoman. Um...

Is your queen chick available?

We're really doing this, huh?

Oh, boy.

I expected
this to feel different.

I'm sure you can ask
your gal pal, Enigma,

to root around your
head and fix it for you.

Now give me Kate.

You don't even know
why you want to kill her.

She betrayed me.

That's what you keep telling yourself,

but maybe, deep down,
in the dangerous musings of your head...

there's a compulsion to kill her
because she's more loved than you.

And if you kill her, as
irrational as it sounds,

you think that love will transfer to you.

But that's not how it works.

So the conscious part
of you uses feelings like

pain, and hurt, and
betrayal to justify it.

But what happens to all those
messy feelings when Kate's dead...

and everyone still hates you?

You are not changing my mind.

I have fantasized about killing my sister
since she locked me in Arkham.

I know we've had our differences, Alice,

but I do care about you.

I just need to know this
is what you want more than anything.

More than the air I breathe.

As you wish.

I will take you to her.

If I had a nickel for every bad penny.


What brings you here?

We believe she was trying to help
our prisoners escape.

They're gone.

Is everything all right?

It will be.

Because you're gonna help me.

And in return, I'm gonna tell you something
you're gonna want to hear.

I see.

Unfortunately, I don't barter
with uninvited guests,

so if you'll excuse us,
we were in the middle of something.

You sure that's your boy over there?
You might want to look a little harder.

Enough with all these distractions.

I gave you Ocean
and now you can give me Kate.

My queen.

- I had no idea.
- That was clearly her intention.

Who is this?


Well, a body. Um...

Just one the morgue wouldn't miss.

You still have feelings for him, don't you?

Put her with the Bat.

And find me Ocean.

- What the hell is this?
- Batwoman.

Looks like an EMP blocker.
Probably how the cuffs disarmed.

I thought she was sick.

Didn't know you had an in
with Batwoman's doctor.

That Desert Rose I need to snag,
it's for her.

You're working with her?

I'm not working with her.
I'm just not working against her.

- Who is she?
- Honestly, I have no idea.

I don't, sir. But she's been
trying to help us to find Kate,

who obviously inspired her
to risk her life for total strangers.

I don't see the harm in us teaming up.

Except the Crows and Batwoman
abide by two different ideologies.

Because we're held accountable
for our actions and she's not?

If that were actually true,

those agents who plowed down Wolf Spider
on that tarmac the other night

wouldn't have just been fired,
they'd be in jail.

Now you sound like
one of Safiyah's lackeys.

You know I love my job, sir.

But I think it's time we stop pretending
we're not above the law.

What's that smell?

Ammonium nitrate.

As in the bomb-making chemical?

That's one use for it.

Also makes a very effective fertilizer.

- To grow the Desert Rose.
- Come on.

Kate's gotta be around here somewhere.

I was wondering how this place
could suck harder.

- Why are you even here?
- To stop you from killing Kate.

I don't know what this obsession is
with my sister,

but you're not part of
our family soap, okay?


I see.

You're on your way out.

You've got a few hours left to live
and you need Kate to tap back in

because God forbid the Bat ears
go unoccupied for five minutes.

So people like you can roam free
and kill their own siblings?

Not to play Monday morning quarterback,

but if you didn't want me to kill Kate,

you should've stopped me
when you had the chance.

Then I wouldn't have been able to follow
your dumb ass to this God forsaken island.

The tracker was you.

Clever girl.

That's it?

I just royally screwed up a move
you've been planning for months.

You could end me right now
but you just hit me with a loud sigh.

You're already on death's door.
Let's let nature run its course.

Or maybe you're terrified.

Of killing a sky rat?

Of killing your sister.

You've been throwing
the same tantrum for months.

Poisoning bats, attacking Gotham Square,
killing God knows how many people.

Because if Kate was gonna die,
she was gonna die your way.

And here you are, moments away
from getting what you want,

except it's not actually
what you want, is it?

You don't want Kate back to kill her.

You just want her back.

Well, someone has
spent an awful lot of time

thinking about the girl they blame
for their mom's death.

You remember what you said
to me on your way out?

You said:

"It's not my fault."

But you weren't talking
about killing my mom.

You were talking about
why you are the way you are.

Because as dark and screwed up
as you are, at the end of the day...

you're a victim of somebody too.

And that tiny sliver of humanity
won't let you kill your sister...

because then it is your fault.

If you want Kate, she's yours.

You've traveled too far
to leave empty-handed.

When someone does me a favor,
I always react in kind.

What would you like
in return for helping me?

I've been poisoned.

I want enough Desert Rose to cure myself.

So be it.

And I want to take
Kate Kane back to Gotham.


You gave me one thing.

In fairness, I'm offering you
the same: the flower or the girl.

Choose one.

The flower.


I suppose that leaves Kate for you.

Enough with the games. Where is she?

I will bring you to her
once you've fulfilled your end of the deal.

What is this?

It's your second chance.

If you want Kate, you're going to kill him.

The real him.

Did you do this?

I didn't tell her anything.

She didn't have to. We
confiscated her phone.

Found a search for a charming little
shantytown in Portofino and there you were.

Isn't that precious?

She was going to come find you.

I always wanted to see their Piazzetta.

Such a sweet little love story
that ends today.

I gave Batwoman a choice
and now I'll do the same for you.

You can have one.

Ocean or Kate?

You're supposed to watch
for the feed to come back.

I am. It's not.

Mary, it's a plant.

It's Ryan's plant.

Something she's managed to keep alive
through her mom's death,

through a prison sentence
she doesn't deserve,

a fake Bruce Wayne trying to kill her.

Now she's saving Kate just so that
we can do what? Show her the door?

Getting Kate and Ryan back
would be a great problem to have,

because it would mean
they survived this Hail Mary of a plan.

Then keeping this alive
is literally the least I can do.

Oh, my God!

You're one of Safiyah's Many Arms.

Our queen doesn't like to be followed.


Okay. Okay.

Oh, the elevator to the cave is out.
We gotta take the stairs.

- Wait, Ryan's plant.
- What about it?

- I can't leave it.
- We can grab it later.

You want to send her a picture? Ask
her if she thinks we're doing a good job?

Ryan would want us
to run from an assassin.

- She asked me for one thing.
- Okay, fine, Mary.

- Just grab the damn thing.
- Fine.

Want to rock, paper, scissors it?


What is this even about?
Some BS frame job?

You made her believe I killed off her
little gang and blew up her sister's plane.

Why would I stir things up between
you two? Your brainwipe worked.

I didn't know Alice existed
until a few weeks ago.

Tell her!

Tell her, Alice. It was someone else.
I didn't frame Safiyah.

Give me the knife.

This was never
about someone setting you up.

This was about Alice caring about me
more than she cared about you

and your inability to live with it.

Kill him and you can have your sister.

Is it worth it? Killing
me just to kill Kate?

If you really want to punish her,
leave her here to rot.

I'm sorry, Ocean.

But I don't want to kill her anymore.

Now bring me to Kate...

before anyone else on this island dies.

- What are you doing?
- She's bleeding on the damn plant.


Okay, Mary.

You lift, I grab.

- Come on.
- Okay.

Okay, grab it, grab it.

- Run!
- Run!

Oi, oi, what's the rush?

- Julia, when did you get back?
- What the bloody hell is that?

Oh. Okay.

Where is Safiyah?

She said she would
bring me a Desert Rose.

She will...

once she's finished with Alice.

It's finally time for Alice
to be reunited with her sister.

Someone care to explain why
I had to dagger one of Safiyah's minions?

The Many Arms found out
we tracked Alice to Coryana.

Courtesy of Batwoman,
who followed her there to find Kate.

Got it.

Um, that's actually why I'm here.

I have to applaud you for picking
your own survival over Kate's.

Take it from an island lifer,
self-sacrifice is overrated.


That's not why I did it.

Alice isn't going to kill her sister.

I'm curious how you know that.

I saw it in her face.

Revenge, hate, anger...

those are the only emotions she knows,
so she hides behind them.

Well, you're right about one thing.

Alice isn't going to kill her sister today.


Where is Kate?

What is this?

What did you do?

I hired a team to run down
some leads from the tip line.

We found... body parts
off the coast of Bludhaven.

Must have got caught in the currents.


What do you mean "body parts"?

They ran the DNA.



Where is she?

Where is my sister?

I never had your sister, Alice.

The DNA was hers. It was Kate's.

I'm so sorry.

Kate's dead.

No! No! No!

Get her out of here.

No! Kate! No!

No! Get off me! Get off me!

No! You blew up her plane!

You killed her, you stupid lying bitch!

I had nothing to do with her plane.

When someone tried to frame me
for killing your sister,

I saw an opportunity to get what I wanted.

To make you and Ocean
pay for your betrayal.

You are a monster!

And I created you.

So what does that make you?

Get her off my island.

No! No! No!

Are you seeing this?

This is gonna get us out of here.

- You know how to fly?
- Used to.

I'll get this running.

I'll look for Kate.

Give me an hour.
Just, if we're not back...

I'll find you. Go.

Well done, my queen.

This should serve as a lesson
to anyone who decides to betray you.

What the hell is happening?
He was dead.

When this blade was molded,
its molten was imbued with the Desert Rose.

It's curative properties sealed
Ocean's arteries upon its entrance.

Welcome back, brother.

That breath in your chest
is only there because of me.

I gave you your life back.

Why would you do this to me?

When push comes to shove, Alice
doesn't actually have feelings for you.

I wanted you to see that.

You're sick.

I'm not the one who just put
a knife through your heart.

Alice's loyalty will always lie with her
sister just as yours should lie with me.

Because loyalty is everything to me,
isn't that right, Tatiana?

It is, my queen.

Then why test it?

Why after I gave you power,
and freedom, and health,

would you pick a fight
with Alice on my behalf?

- Safiyah, I don't know what...
- You slaughtered Alice's gang.

You sent her a note saying I killed Kate.

You reeled her back into my life.

Why, when you know how hard
I worked to forget her?

But you never forgot
her. That's the problem.

You couldn't.

You were in love.

I was trying to get rid of that toxic...


You always hated Alice and
tried to drive a wedge between us.

- That's how I knew it was you.
- No.

You wanted to see her lose
and now you have.

Congratulations, Tatiana.

I hope you were entertained.

Keep that in her.

I'll pull it out when I
decide to forgive her.

♪ The house is burning
Better run for cover ♪

♪ Run for... ♪

♪ The house is burning
Better run for cover ♪

♪ Run for cover
Run for cover ♪

♪ Wheels keep turning ♪

Now we both have nothing.

♪ Going under ♪

♪ The house is burning
Better run for cover ♪

What's happening?

♪ Run for cover ♪

My roses!

Oh, my God.

It's too late.

You are here.

Are you okay?

Did you get a Desert Rose?

I was wondering why my guard left his post.

Looks like it wasn't meant to be.

We need to find Kate
and get the hell out of here.

Kate's not here.

What do you mean Kate's not here?

I mean, Safiyah lied.

Tatiana told me
Kate was never on this island.

Kate died in the plane crash.

This can't be real.

I don't want to believe it either.

The feed's back on.

Is that the Desert Rose?

Bloody hell, it's ashes.

Oh, this isn't happening. We needed that.
Ryan needed that to live.

Oh... my God.

The commander thinks
he can hot-wire the plane. We need to go.

I'm not gonna make it.

You don't know that.

I've only got a few hours.

There's nothing there for me.

Will you stay with me?


I don't want to die alone.

I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot.

You didn't deserve that.

It's because I wasn't Kate.


Sophie, can you hear me?

How is my phone suddenly working?

The EMPs must have expired.

I couldn't flag Batwoman on the comms.

- I'm with her.
- You need to get her back to Gotham.

She doesn't want to leave.

Tell her to get her ass back here now!

I have a cure.

- It's our birthstone.
- Red is a very symbolic color.

Let's take a picture.
Make sure her necklace is there.

Ready? Cheese.