Batwoman (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 7 - It's Best You Stop Digging - full transcript

As Ryan's condition worsens, she questions Batwoman's "no killing" code when she realizes the opportunity to avenge her mother is slipping away. Tatiana fills in the gaps for Alice about her time on Coryana and her history with Ocean,

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Batwoman"...

Ryan's only hope is the Desert Rose,

which is on Coryana with Kate.

- Who's Safiyah?
- The woman who has my daughter.

We can't locate her, but since this was

the last thing on Kate's phone,
we think it will help.

ASSASSIN: The Many Arms
will kill whoever

lays hands on that painting.

You'll never find Coryana.

The painting gets us
to Coryana? Is it a map?



Aah! It feels like my brain
is hemorrhaging.

LUKE: It's even nastier since yesterday.

It kind of reeks, too. It kind of...

Thanks, Luke! Very helpful!

MARY: Okay. Remember a few days ago

when I deleted half the DVR
to make room for your shows?

- What?
- Just remember you like me, okay?



- What the hell just happened?
- I am trying really hard

not to seriously freak out right now,

but I'm pretty sure the Kryptonite

just entered her brain.

TATIANA: Not only I
have to fly to Gotham,

but then you make me wade through a mile

of rabid rats to find you?

It's a wee bit remote,

but these types of places
kind of have to be.

This was Ocean's smoke-out,
wu-wu meditation spot.


As promised, Tatiana.

I think you'll find
the Ocean is dead calm.

Got to admit I didn't
think you had it in you.


You really shouldn't be
thinking at all, Tatiana.

It's not your strong suit.

SOPHIE: I never would have
traded that map for Alice

if I'd known I'd be forced
to hand it right back over

to a bunch of thugs.

Some highly paid thugs it turns out.

Aaron Helzinger wanted the Desert Rose

to heal his damaged amygdala.

He also claimed that Hamilton doctors

had been experimenting on his brain.

We can assume those same doctors

were the ones who sent him to
Mary and me for more antidote.

These are all the doctors he's seen?

Yeah. Most of them work for
upstanding regional hospitals

except one... Dr. Ethan Rogers.

Rogers was Helzinger's last known
neurologist, worked in a lab.

Appears to have been running
off-the-grid medical experiments.

You think Rogers was responsible
for taking the map?

We found that Garnick
Logistics was owned

by an offshore company
held by Hamilton Dynamics.

It appears we have unearthed yet another

of Catherine's dirty, little secrets.

- Let's go get that map, sir.
- Let's go get that map.

Good morning, my little lesbian pet.


What is this?

Oh, this? Yeah. This is storytime.

See, you are going to take me
down memoryless lane,

tell me the who, what, where, and why

Ocean and I were experiencing
fleeting moments

of forgotten memory.

Does it really matter? He's dead.

Yeah. Well, I think you'll find
you have that in common

if you don't start talking!

Thought you'd figured it out by now.

Safiyah had your memories wiped.

I know, but Safiyah
rules over an island.

I was an orphan runaway.

What was so threatening
about little old me?

To understand what made you a threat,

you have to understand
what made you appealing.

You and Safiyah had a common enemy.

Catherine Hamilton? I remember.

After Catherine burned Safiyah

on an island defense system,

Safiyah instructed us to
steal one of her yachts

to teach her a lesson.

Turns out vengeful minds think alike

because we found you
stowed away in the cabin,

wearing her clothes, swilling her
5-figure bottles of champagne.


Why the hell am I here?

Can I kill her now?

Leave us, please.

She's a filthy outsider.

- We have no use for her.
- She is my prisoner.

I will deal with her my way.

You fought off 4 of my men

before we put you down.

To me, you were a feral animal,

but to Safiyah, you were something else.

You were special.

Relax. I'm not going to hurt you,

and from the looks of
what you did to my men,

I wouldn't stand a chance.

Why am I here?

What do you want?

First, I'd like to know why
a beautiful young woman

with her entire life ahead of her

was found sequestered away on a boat

floating in the middle of nowhere.

Let's just say I've grown
accustomed to small spaces.

The real world can be an
overwhelming place sometimes.

I understand we both have a bone to pick

with Catherine Hamilton-Kane.

She convinced my entire family

I was dead while I spent
the last 11 years

in my kidnapper's basement cell.


And here you are,

a siren once trapped in a net,

who somehow found her way out.

TATIANA: Safiyah liked you
because she was inspired by you.

Whatever story you told
her of your captivity,

you did the one thing she never could...

Escape. She would never admit it,

but to this day, she considers
herself a prisoner of Coryana.

Oh. Poor thing.

It must be so hard
being handed a kingdom,

but I remember all of this.

When did Ocean factor in?

When Safiyah realized you had purpose.

Technically, you were our prisoner,

but she wanted to harness
the rage you had for Catherine

by making you one of her loyal soldiers

except you were an
untamed and angry girl.

You needed discipline.

And Safiyah knew exactly
who would teach you

how to be a good, little soldier.




very few rules on our island...

no leaving, no stealing the Desert Rose,

and if Safiyah wants
something, she gets it,

and Safiyah wanted your loyalty

so that after you went home to Gotham

to get revenge against your family

you would come back and join hers.

And what did I want?

You wanted Ocean.


MARY, WHISPERING: Hey. Come here.

Sophie thinks they might
know who took the map.

They're bringing an army
of Crows to his work.

So what happens next? Does Ryan suit up

and jump on the jet with them?

No. She's never gonna make it.

She has acute radiation.

Her bone marrow is disintegrating.

Her circulatory system is failing.

Okay. So what do you suggest?

I think we need to ask my dad to bring

a flower back with Kate.

If he finds the map and
if he gets there in time,

not to mention, Mary, that the
man just shut down your clinic.

- I know.
- How do you think he'll react

to finding out that
you're on the Bat team?

I'm still in the brainstorming phase.



LUKE: Ryan!


So you're telling me that...

A little crush on the first
cute boy I laid eyes on

after escaping captivity for 11 years

threw the island queen into a tizzy?

It wasn't like that.

In fact, at first, no one even noticed.

Let me guess-

clandestine trysts by the water well?

No. The reason no one noticed

was because you two hated each other.


Now use my weight against me.



ALICE: Aah! Ohh!

The game is never over.

What's the point of this?

Has anyone ever heard of a gun?

Guns can jam, get taken.

The real fight is in here,

and that they can't take away.

Preparation, engagement, commitment.

Surrendering to false
gods and ideologies.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means there is a whole world

outside this island that
you know nothing about...

Books, food, electricity...

and Safiyah likes to keep it that way

so that you stay close
and loyal and uninspired.



As the weeks passed,

you two became each
other's sparring partners.


I think Safiyah will like you.

This is a waste of time.

You're not even trying.

You're wasting your own time.

Well, if it's all the same to you,

I'd rather waste my time
and go get drunk.

What do you really want?

Revenge? Why?

Because your family moved
on after more than a decade?

Catherine Hamilton
lied through her teeth

so they would forget me.

Or maybe she did them a favor.

You said they looked for a year.

You weren't gonna be found.
What were they supposed to do,

sit around and be miserable
for the next decade?

Is that really what you wanted,

the family you supposedly
love and miss so much?

You don't need to learn
how to fight, Alice.

You need to learn how to feel.



CORA: Baby...

Are you sure you want to be
going where you're going?


CORA: You know I have faith

in your decision-making.

All I'm cautioning is be mindful

the company you keep.

Other people judge your friends.

Mama... Angelique is a good person.

Mm-hmm. She also gets in trouble,

and I don't want you getting
roped into her drama.

You were put on this earth

for bigger and better things, child.

I know. You tell me this every day. Ha!


What the?

What happened?

Why'd you stop?


Mama, what happened?


LUKE: Batwoman, do you copy? Batwoman!

She just hit 92 miles per hour,

and she's not answering her comms.

Where the hell is she going?

She's headed towards the west end.

What the hell's up there?

- Oh, no.
- What?

Of course that's where she went.

Where? Where's she going?

Her brain isn't working,

- so she turned to her heart.
- What?

Oh, my God!

What the actual hell?

Angie. Angelique.

How do you know my name?

And are... are you okay?


Hey. Where's your wine opener?

Oh, my God!

- She doesn't drink.
- I don't drink.

I'm sorry. How do you know my life?

Angie, what is going on?

- RYAN: Angie.
- ANGELIQUE: Shouldn't you be out,

like, fighting crime?

I'm looking for your friend...


Can I have two seconds?


Ahem. Sorry.

No idea, uh, who you're talking about.

Maybe you know what this is.

Whoa. What are you gonna do, slash me?

Look. The dude grows shrooms
in a concrete jungle.

If you can't find him, maybe
you shouldn't quit your day job.

Or I'll haul your ass into the cops,

and I'll let them sweat it out of you.

All right. Fine. You got me.

You'll find him in Coventry.

I'll give you a head start.





Grab her legs.

MAN, ON P.A.: This is the
Gotham City Police Department.

Stop and back away from the suspect.

I repeat. Back away from the suspect.

You are interfering
in a police response.

Freeze. You are under arrest
and ordered not to move.

Repeat. You are under arrest...

I'll meet you in the Batcave.

- Why are you giving me the keys?
- I have to take the Batmobile.

- I can take the Batmobile.
- You've never driven it before.

- I've never driven your car before.
- Mary, no!

- Yes!
- No!

- Yes!
- Mary!

- MARY: Yes!
- MAN: Release the suspect.

- We don't have time for this.
- Give me, give me!

You are under arrest and ordered...

MARY: Hell, yeah!





Why are you here?

Why did you do this to us?

You must be mad,

or you wouldn't have come here.


Why did you kill her?
What was the point?


You know how much pain you caused me?

How do you do that?

How do you just murder someone's mom

and move on like it doesn't matter?

Ha ha ha!



Tell me you remember
her! Tell me her name!

[GASPING] Cora. Cora Lewis.

What are you doing?

I'm getting the justice...


My mother deserves.





LUKE: Okay. Okay. So I hid
the Batmobile keys in Dino,

and I'm putting an extra tracker

in her gauntlet cuffs in case
she decides to run off again

and thinks to turn off her GPS.

What are you doing?

I'm mixing two
complementary cardiotonics

to calm down her mind
and speed up her system

and hopefully pull her out
of these hallucinations,

but... this isn't gonna last,

and since I don't have access
to my clinic anymore,

I'm gonna need a few supplies.

Okay. Great. Do I look
like Postmates, or...

No, nor do you look like a doctor,

which is who needs to
stay with her right now,

unless you want to give it a shot,

you know, put her life in
your hands just for funsies?

Okay. I'll be back.


Ah, ah, ah.

Save some for the fishies.

So Safiyah and I shared a common enemy,

she thought I'd be a good soldier,

and I started to hate-crush
her metaphorical brother.

Call me old-fashioned, but I'm
missing the motive for a lobotomy.

You're really not getting it, are you?

Well, you're not exactly
unfolding the plot

to a Shakespearean drama here.

Safiyah would claim she
wanted you for her army,

survival instincts would make you

an excellent fighter and advisor.

And what would you claim?

That she was in love with you.

I heard there was wine.

Sounds like training's going well.

I have yet to see the point of an army.

You have no crime here,

everyone walks around with a smile.

I'm in Roman pleasantville.

That's actually why I invited you here,

to tell you about the Desert Rose.

It's delicate and vibrant

and in the wrong hands

one of the most dangerous
weapons in the world.


Its serum can cure illness,
hereditary disease.

It can expunge toxins, pathogens.

This simple flower is a
miracle cure-all, Alice,

and it's my birthright to
protect it at all costs.

- Hence the army.
- Hence the army.

On occasion, word of a mystical
flower on a faraway island

draws unwanted attention.

If outsiders were able to come take it,

we'd be left with nothing,

and our sanctuary would be destroyed.

Why don't you just grow more?

According to the lore, centuries ago,

the women of a village in Europe

banded together to escape
their abusive husbands.

They'd heard tell of an island

under the constellations of
Cassiopeia and Andromeda,

and they fled here with
their children in tow.

Months later, the men they
escaped tracked them down.

As their ships landed, the men were met

by a ferocious female army.

The women succeeded in driving
the men back into the sea.

However, it was at great cost.

Many women lay dead, slaughtered.

Only my ancestors and
a few others survived.

The next day, a field of Roses bloomed

in the very spot of the battle.

The women claimed the blood
that had been spilled

was sacred,

its protective feminine
essence enriched the land.

They wrote that only
a woman's life force

could birth this medicine

destined to save mankind.

Heh heh.

TATIANA: She knew she
couldn't tell you how she felt,

so she showed you.

She entrusted you

with her most valued secret.

And someone was a little jealous?

Ha ha ha!

You weren't a threat to me, Alice.

You were a threat to the
entire island of Coryana.

Not even, like, a teeny,
weeny, itty, bitty bit jealous?

I'm Safiyah's right hand.

It's my job to tell her

when there's a fox in the henhouse.

So you think I'm a fox?

I think you're a distraction.

I think you're in love with her.

You are such a child.

Well, you're the one who can't
admit you're in love with her.

Of course, I'm in love with her.

Ha ha ha!

And you'd better believe

that when the first opportunity arose

for me to destroy you
I did not hesitate.


Let's go, let's go!

Got to wonder if Catherine
ever wandered these halls.

Guess there's a lot you
didn't know about her.

Well, apparently, it runs in the family.

Turns out Mary was operating
an illegal medical clinic

out of a church basement.

Really? That's... huh.

Did you know?

- Sir...
- You got to be kidding me.

No one wants to tell me
anything around here.

Because I knew you'd shut it down.

That place was her life.

She helped a lot of people.

Have you two spoken since?

I refuse to let her
turn into her mother.

Catherine cut a lot
of corners at Hamilton.

Look where it got us.

I'll take that as a no.

Synthetic granulocytes.

My God.

Now injecting them in patient B,

an 80-year-old male
with a similar cancer.

Our hypothesis is that the new solution

SOPHIE: Dr. Rogers!

So much for our lead.

WOMAN: So we'll check back in 24 hours

and look for progress.



WOMAN: Help! Uh, just
calm down, breathe.

We need help in here!

Try to breathe.

What the hell are we dealing with?

Ryan, can you hear me?


This Kryptonite gives a worse hangover

than $2.00 tequila.

Wait. How did I get back here?

Luke and I found you
outside of Angelique's. Yeah.

But good news... I got
to drive the Batmobile.

Bad news... the wipers button
and the rocket launchers

look very similar.

Someone should label those.

What did you do?

I should be asking you that, missy.

Why'd you go to Angelique's
in the Batsuit?

I needed a lead on Ocean.

You're dying, and you waste

your last gasps of energy on him?

No. I find Ocean, I find Alice

so I can hear her last gasp.

- Ryan.
- No. I am not going down

without getting justice
for both of our moms.

Let's just get some more
fluids in you first,

and then we can talk... bucket list.


This is Rogers' office.

We looked into the deceased,

and everyone seems to have been involved

in the experiments with the Desert Rose.

My guess is they were trying
to create more and failed.

Coryana sent their assassins
to cover their tracks.

I believe Safiyah calls them
The Many Arms of Death.

Let's just hope they didn't find
the map that Rogers stole.

It has to be around here somewhere.

Hang on.



They beat us to it.

Agh! Agh!


They have my Kate, damn it.

I can't stand losing
another daughter like this.

When I was being held in that cell,

my father and sister
came looking for me.

I was told if I made
a sound they'd be shot,

but Kate, my, um... my twin,

she found my cell,

and I heard her put
her hand on the door,

so I did the same,

and I just stood there
silently... praying

that she would...

feel me.

And she never did?

You asked why I want revenge.

It's because I can't forget
moments like that.

Then don't,

but do you really want to spend

the rest of your life trying
to get her to apologize?

Because that's not how this works.

She's your sister.

She will spend every waking moment

trying to fix it, to fix you,

and she can't.

Only you can do that.

You got out, you got your second chance.

Let it go.

Be happy.

You make that sound so...

So easy.

It is.

At least it is now.

Desert Rose snips.

I'll plant them, nurture them,

feed them blood so they bloom.

Pretty soon, all of mankind
will have its miracle drug,

and I'll have money to travel the world.

You are not supposed to have those.

There's a lot Safiyah
tells us we can't have.

I want to do what you did.

I want to escape, I want to start over

and experience life outside this island.

And I want you to come with me.

The man you were willing

to change your life for,

the one person who offered
you a second chance

and freedom from your past

is the same man Safiyah
convinced you to stab

through the heart.

Ha ha ha!

I'm sorry. That's it?

That's your big mic drop moment?

"Surprise! You killed your soul mate

that you don't even remember".

Yeah. I found my mother's
head in a freezer,

so if you're trying to shock me,

you're gonna have to do
a little better than that.





Don't you think you
should be lying down?

RYAN: Angelique said he grew shrooms

in a concrete jungle,
meaning he would need

some type of indoor forest.

That means a neighborhood
with a high moisture level.

- North side by the water.
- Wait. What?

He'd have to block out his windows,

wouldn't want questions asked,

and he'd have to draw
a crapload of power

for all those grow lamps.

Oh! The grow lamps.

Ryan, you need to lie down.

I need to find Alice.

No. I... I can't let you kill Alice.

Do you love your mom?

Of course I do.

Do you believe in what we do here?

You know I do.

Then how can we stand behind this symbol

and claim we fight for justice

and we stand up for victims

and we protect our streets

with a legitimate serial-killing
psychopath out there,

living, breathing,

looking for a way to find
your sister and kill her, too?

- And we will stop her!
- When?

When two Crows bring
me some miracle flower

from an island we can't get to?

- That's what I was...
- Did they find the map?

Did they find the map?

The map's gone.

Alice took our moms from us, Mary.

Do you ever for a second

think about what your life would be like

if she were still here?

If she could be proud
of you for one more day,

if you could ask her for advice

or tell her about a crush

or hear her tell you she loves you?

A million times a day.

I am as good as dead, Mary,

and I am not leaving here

without getting justice,

so... you can step out of my way

and let me do my thing,

or I can go through you.

Keys are in Dino.

What are you doing?

Packing up. We're done.

You don't want to know more?

What's to know?

Safiyah got jealous, so she took away

my memory of Ocean to punish me.

I could have saved a lot of time

by reading the back of the book.

It wasn't as simple as plucking
out just those memories.

There was collateral damage.

SAFIYAH: I never thought I'd see the day

that a man I considered a brother

would be kneeling before
me a betrayer of his island

and his people!

That flower is everything to us,

that which defines us,

that which is the key to our survival!

Safiyah, we both know this
isn't about a stupid flower.

And what do you think it's about?

Me having the one thing you can't.

Alice is a snake

that slithered into our garden.

Let me kill her.

We're not killing anyone.

I'm going to visit a punishment upon her

that fits the crime.

Find Enigma, bring her to me.

OCEAN: Safiyah, no. You can't do this.

Yes, my queen.

You wanted to take
the one thing that was

precious to me.

I will take what's
most precious to you...

each other!

- Who's Enigma?
- A hypnotist.

She wants to screw with our heads.

You're not a snake, Alice.

You're just a broken little girl,

who sought refuge from her trauma

by escaping into a fantastical book!

I know the big, wild world
seemed daunting to you.

I was going to show you how easily

you could rise and thrive,

but instead, you turned to him
for solace and rehabilitation.

She didn't do anything wrong!

You are going to go home, Alice!

You are going to embrace this
fairytale persona of yours,

and you're going to imbue it with fury!

You will build your own army,

you will become your own queen,

and you will carry out the
vengeance on your family

that you so desperately crave,

and you'll forget all about Ocean

and your love for each other!

Don't do this, Safiyah.

With the memories came

the love and humanity that
was bubbling up inside of you.

Safiyah took that and in turn

activated this...

cold, hard,

vengeance-obsessed killing machine.

You would have run away with Ocean

and started a new life,

happy, free, in love.

Instead, Safiyah
turned you into herself.

You look upset.

Shakespearean enough for you?

Take the body.

I'll call you for my pickup.

Where are you going?

Oh, I'm not requesting
an audience with the queen

dressed like this.


- Enigma did this?
- Mm-hmm.

Of course.

She's a hypnotist.

Owed Safiyah a favor.

Safiyah and her legion
of lady loyalists.

Tatiana found out you were
stealing the Desert Rose.

Good riddance. That flower's
meant to save lives,

yet it destroys everything it touches.

And... I guess this is it.

There's a bar in Portofino

I've always wanted to try.

Cobblestone Streets, view of the Harbor.

What about you? What now?

Uh... now I'm off to Coryana

to get my final revenge on my sister.

Unless... you have a reason to stop me.

Live your life.

See you, Alice.


Where's Ryan?

My dad couldn't find the map,

so there's no way to find Coryana.

Why are her comms off? Where is she?

- She's gonna die.
- Mary, where is Ryan?

Alice, do you know who I am?

Okay. I've had a day.

Can we do this in, say, 2... 3 weeks?

Do you know who I am?

Honestly, so many women keep showing up

in that outfit, it's impossible
to keep track.

How's this?

You killed my mom,

and now I'm here to kill you.

Heh. You're kidding, right?

That's what this is about?

My mom was Cora Lewis.

Your gang beat her to death
on December 13, 2015.

I get it. Mommy died,

and now you're a "Woman on fire",

which means I'm responsible for spawning

not one Batwoman... but two.

- You think this is funny?
- Yes.

My mom meant everything to me!

I have no memory of your mommy.

- Liar!
- Unh!


Aw. Did you hurt yourself?

Is that my fault, too?



Aah! Ohh!



RYAN: Aah!


- Raah!
- Aah!

I wasn't the one who killed her.

Your army did

because of you because you turned them

into coldblooded killers!

- Ha ha ha!
- Aah!



CORA: Ryan!

This isn't the girl I raised.


But she killed you.




I don't know what made you this way,

but you're not worth it.

You'll never be worth it!

It wasn't my fault.

Everything's your fault.

Now leave!


No sign of Alice anywhere, sir.

You know, I figured out
why Catherine lied

and said that Beth was dead.

She was doing me a favor.

The only thing worse than
losing one of your children

is the cycle of waking up every morning

with hope and then having it ripped away

and losing them all
over again by dinner.

Sir, you really should get some sleep.

I won't sleep until
I have my family back.

This must be the airport shuttle.

Get in.

Air Coryana terminal, jeevsy.

Where's Alice?

Hello to you, too.



Well, I realized killing her would only

make me more like her.

Kind of went along with
what you guys were saying.

Great. So where is she?

- I let her go.
- What?! Okay.

There's not killing, but
there's still apprehending.

We need her to go to Coryana.

No, we don't. She'll kill Kate.

I'll stop her.

I put a tracker in her boot.

We follow her, we find Coryana,

we save Kate.

And we get you the Desert Rose.

MAN: Greg, move your head!