Years of Upheaval (1991–…): Season 1, Episode 15 - Episode #1.15 - full transcript

Brought to you by WITH S2
Written In The Heavens Subbing Squad

- Yangtze River -

- Episode 15 -
Originally Aired on 11/20/1991

To your positions.

Your documents.


Arrest him.

What's the matter?

- Is anything wrong?
- I'm so sorry, I must be seasick.

- But thank you.
- Feeling better now?

- Gyeongseong -

Our hands are pretty much
tied these days.

I don't know what's wrong
with today's students,

but I'm suddenly getting
the cold shoulder?!

The other day, this younger schoolmate of
mine even acted as if he never saw me?!

I don't deserve that kind of treatment...

Acting all stuck up because he went
to Tokyo Imperial University?!

So I see some Tokyo Imperial University
students can actually get out of the army?!

I'd heard he was killed in Saipan, but here
he was, alive and well in Gyeongseong.


He tried to deny it,
but I'm sure it was him.

Or else he wouldn't have left
without even finishing that drink.

- Jong-Ro Police Station, Gyeongseong -

So about this play in Korean.
How many people do we arrest?

The more the merrier,
just catch everyone you find.

I just get the feeling the Korea Youth
Corps might have infiltrated that place.

All right.

I'll be home,
today is my eldest's birthday.

- Did you get him a present?
- I'll just buy him a cake or something.

Also, look into this man for me.
Name is Harimoto Natsuo.

He enlisted while studying medicine
at the imperial university,

so if you ask the military police,
they should tell you.

Joseon name is Jang Harim.

- Yes, leave it to us.
- All right, then.


Have you sent that letter to Japan?

He's living there with that
baby all by himself...

I wonder how he can take
care of a child that age.

We shouldn't have let him take the baby.

Think of how Harim will feel,
if he comes back.

It's his child...

Stop thinking about him.

So, what, should I just give up on ever
seeing him again? Would you?

I would refuse to believe it
even if I saw his corpse...


All right, fine.
I'll just stop.

It's getting serious.

It's not like we can go looking
for his body in Saipan...

And now she even says that she
wouldn't believe it anyway.

{\a6}- Kwantung 58th Army Command, Jeju -

We deployed our 22nd unit,
with a total force of 18,123 men.

An additional nine thousand
from the 96th division.

12,000 men from the 111th division.

Six thousand from the 108th brigade,
2,100 from field artillery 6th regiment.

2,900 men from mountain
artillery 20th regiment.

And with the 111th deployment
from last month,

it's a total force of over fifty thousand.

Once our 121st division arrives,
you can add 13,000 men to the total.

But we're still lacking the necessary
numbers to complete our mission.

There are men guarding posts here and here.

We'll have to go through four areas
before we can get to those classified files,

five if you include the entrance.

Not to mention that nobody can enter
this classified area without a permit.

And a major's uniform is not
going to help you in any way.

How about using the roof?

But even if we do get in, that won't
be the end of our problems.

You need both a key and a
combination to open that safe.

And it's a pretty safe bet that they'll
have some kind of alarm as well.

Blowing it up would probably
alert everyone?!

So that leaves us with only one choice.

There is one?!

We get them to deliver the
documents straight into our hands.


Should I try to ask nicely, then?

"You'll pardon me, but could I maybe
have a look at those documents?"

"We kind of need them, you know..."

And for that to happen, we probably
need some backup, right?

No doubt it's Saipan.

He was in Harbin before they
transferred him to Saipan.

And that's where the entire contingent
lost their lives once the Americans landed.

And if he's still alive?

If he is, he can only be a
prisoner of the Americans.

Why, is there anything special about him?

Someone claimed to have seen
him here a few days ago.

How can that be?

Saipan is in the middle of
the Pacific Ocean,

did he fly all the way here or something?

Call MP headquarters again and ask them
to verify whether it's really him.

If that's the case and he's here...

Check where his family lives.
Where is it?

Yes... Here in Gyeongseong.

His mother and brother.

- Then...
- Don't you get it?

If their report is right,
we're dealing with an American spy!

Wait... Wait a minute.

What's the matter?


- Honey.
- Who are you people?

What's wrong with you?

- Honey... Honey!
- Let me go!

- I said let go!
- Honey!

- Are you Harimoto Natsuo's mother?
- That is indeed me, but who...

What do you think you're doing?

Listen... Where is my mother?

If there is anything you need
to know, just ask me.

- Listen to me!
- Aigoo... Sure is hot. Summer's coming.

Hot, isn't it?

Here... Shall we begin?

We were looking for your brother,

but I hear some people actually
spotted him here in Gyeongseong?!

I don't know who told you that,
but he's dead.

We were notified of his death.

Where is he now?

If you don't believe me,
go ask army command.

They're the ones who sent that notice,
so wouldn't they know?

But that's peculiar, isn't it?!

Shouldn't you be happy to hear
your brother is actually alive?

I wonder why you keep
telling me he's dead?!

So did he come see you at home,
or did you just meet outside?

Let's suppose he did manage to run away.

Why would he come home?

And even if he had, I would have
forced him to turn himself in.

- So...
- So we're just wasting our time?

But waste of time or not,
I'm afraid it's our duty to do it.

Who knows...

Harimoto might eventually show up, worried
about what might happen to his family.

Or maybe his brother could talk,
knowing what this could do to his mother.





Mother... Mother!


You shameless bastards!
Don't you have parents?

- Mother... Mother!
- Who doesn't?

We want this to end just
as much as you do.



Have a word with your son.

Since he might know something.


Mother... Mother!


I'm all right...



They're saying Harim is alive.
We must save him.

Did I make myself clear?

I don't have that much
left to live, anyway.


If you want to talk,
let my mother go first!

- Let her go!
- No... Don't...

You really want to see the
end of me right here?


- Danjiangkou -
Hubei Province, China

Excuse me, is there any
bus headed for Yenan?

- Excuse me, I need to go to Yenan...
- I don't know.

Is there any bus headed for Yenan...

- I need to go to Yenan...
- I don't know!

Thank you.

- I need to go to Yenan...
- I don't know.

- How can I get there, then?
- I said I don't know! Beat it.

Excuse me, do you speak Chinese?

I'm sorry, is there any bus
headed for Yenan?

Are you Japanese?

I'm from Joseon.

No bus goes there.

Buses here can only travel
within Japanese territory.

Have some of this.

Come on.

There's a checkpoint past that hill.

Once you get through that,
you'll be out of Japanese territory.

Can you do me a favor?

Give this to Mister Mao in Yenan.

Ask the Eighth Route Army
and they'll lead you to him.

Just say it's from a man called Wu.
I'll be counting on you.

- Wait.
- It's important.

I won't make it through
that checkpoint.

I know it's dangerous, but try
to go past their checks.

I can't do it, it would be
too dangerous for me.

I'm sorry.
I just can't.

Aren't you from Joseon?

If you're going to Yenan,
doesn't that mean you're with us?

This doesn't look right.

Thank you.

All right.

- You, show me your documents.
- Yes.

- Your name?
- I'm Li Jiazhu.

- Where are you headed?
- I'm just...

Come with me.

Hurry up!

What are you doing?

Catch him!


I just picked it up on the street!
I don't know a thing!

We have a spy here.

She was relying information
to the Eighth Route Army!

Detain her.

Let me go!
I know nothing!

Let me go!
I don't even know that man!

Wait... Listen to me.

I did nothing wrong.

- I found that on the street.
- Shut up and come!

- I mean it!
- Be quiet!

You saw me pick it up, didn't you?

- Keep your mouth shut!
- It's the truth.

Haven't you seen it?

Wait a moment.

Kaneyama Haneko.
Are you from Chosen?


- Where are you headed?
- To Dongchang.

That's Eighth Route Army territory?!

I don't even know what that is.
I just know my husband is there.

So you have nothing to do with that
dead Eighth Route Army soldier.

And you picked that up just
because it looked nice.

Wanted to give that watch
to your husband?



- Gyeongseong -

Let's make some order here, shall we?

Take it.


Someone is looking for you.

Uh? The bank?
Nah... Just keep an eye on her.

And look into anyone she meets there.

Stick someone to each and
every one of them.

I'm sorry.

- You're the only one who came to mind.
- Of course.

Since I'm friends with Gyeongrim, and you
said I was the first one who came to mind...

So it's only natural I should
do my best to help you.

- Then, I'll get going.
- Have a safe return.

Shouldn't you at least tell
me what's going on?

You don't need to know,
just do as I say.

Start packing and take this
evening's train out of here.

Go back to your old folks and
wait until I call you.

How about you?

Take all the jewelry as well.

My bankbook.

Right... It was here.

Honey... Did anything happen at the bank?

- Come on, tell me what's going on!
- I said I'll call you!

You're really something.

Here, for the train.

Don't you follow me.

And if you see me on the street,
just act as if we're strangers.

Although I doubt it'll ever happen.

I'll get going.
Stay there.

Wait... Honey.

I said stay there!

Going somewhere?

- So you work at that bank?
- Yes, it's been eight years already.

I handle loans.

And since it's the main branch, you get
to meet all sorts of important people.

I even had lunch with Kuniko of the
Government-general yesterday.

- When did you meet him?
- For lunch, so probably around noon...

- Harimoto Natsuo!
- Yes, Harimoto Natsuo!

He's a brother's friend.
No... He's a friend's brother, so...

I'd see him whenever I visited
his brother at home.

- Before he enlisted, was it Showa...
- Who are you trying to fool?

You packed up and tried to flee the
moment you heard about him.

And that smells.

So we'll have to make you talk,
whatever it takes, I'm afraid.

Wish I had better things to do,
you know?

I mean, I don't like violence.

Wait! Sir!
I'll tell you everything!

- Let's go.
- I'll confess everything.

I was going to tell you right now...

- Wait... Wait!
- Shut it!

I was just about to tell you.
Please allow me to...

Come on, didn't I just say
I would talk?

- I beg you!
- Get moving.

You're misunderstanding.
The only reason I was packing...

Please, listen to me.

I only met Harim... I mean Natsuo,
by complete accident.

He was wearing some uniform!

A senior officer's one.

That's all.

I told you everything I knew.

He was wearing a Japanese
army uniform, so I just...

Get in touch with the military police.

Ask who the lieutenant sent to that
meeting on the night of the 12th was,

as he's suspected of being a spy.

- All right, Sir.
- I'll head to that restaurant.

Put someone on his brother's trail. Beat his
mother to a pulp and see if he talks.

No... First go to Harimoto's place,
I need you to get something.

- Kwantung 17th Army Operational Control -
Yongsan, Gyeongseong

So this Chosen man you were talking
about is that lieutenant we met there?

That's right. After studying medicine at
Tokyo Imperial, he was assigned to Harbin,

and after being transferred to Saipan,
he went missing in action.

But he was recently spotted here
wearing a senior officer's uniform.

That sure sounds interesting.

So what you're saying is that we
organized all that feast for a spy?

And you say that based on simple
assumptions, without any evidence?

I'm just asking to see this man.

We have his family in custody,
so we'll be able to verify the truth.

All right.

If he's suspected,
we'll have to verify the truth.

But since this must and will
remain an internal matter,

the investigation will be handled
by military police forces.

So leave these documents with us.

What is it?

Someone from the police station
is here to see you.


- Isoda!
- Sir!

Get in touch with the Jeju command.

No... Let me do it.

- The 58th Army command in Jeju.
- He's in Jeju?

- When does the train for Busan leave?
- Are you headed there?

To Jeju.

I'm the one on his trail,
and I'll capture him.

But the military police won't
be too happy with that?!

Especially if they're the ones losing him.

What are you waiting for?
There's no time!

Where is it?

What... There's no one here?!
Follow me.

They were here until the last roll call,

and weren't seen leaving
the premises after.

They must be still inside.

Block all entrances and make
sure nobody can get out.


- Take the lead and find those spies!
- Yes, Sir!

Enemy spies?! Nice showing...

You're telling me you let them sit here
and listen to our strategy briefings?

What on earth do you people...

Forget the shelters!
We first must catch them!


It's a lieutenant and a major.
Capture them alive or dead!

Quick... Get moving!

Crash it!
There are classified files inside!

Hurry up!

Here... Quick!

Find those files... Quick!

Get moving... Quick!

Let's get moving, come on!

Hurry up!

Don't move.

Good job, Miura.
Will you give it to me now?

Let's walk to the exit.

I'm sure you know that you better
keep quiet if you want to survive.

Catch him!
He's the spy!

He's the spy! Catch him!

What are you waiting for?
Capture him!

Hurry up!

Get on!

- Couldn't you come through the front gates?
- We were exposed.

Goddamn, they've spotted us.

What now?

- Let's go.
- Fine.

We're dead anyway.

- WithS2 Presented -
20th Anniversary Special
E Y E S of D A W N
- Episode 15 -

- Starring -
Choi Jaesung (Choi Daechi)
Chae Sira (Yoon Yeook)
Jang Harim (Park Sangwon)

Park Geunhyeong (Suzuki)
Kim Donghyeon (Gyeongrim)
Im Hyeonshik (Hwang Seongcheol)

Maeng Sanghoon (Kono)
Nam Youngjin (Kwon Joonggu)
Hong Seungok (Seongcheol's Wife)

- Written By -

- Based Upon the Novel By -
KIM Seongjong

- Produced By -
KIM Jonghak

- Translated and Timed By -

- Timing QC -

- Editing -

- Coordinators -
ay_link, mily2