Yargi (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 19 - 19. Bolum - full transcript


" The hardest thing in life is knowing which bridges
to cross and which to burn." ~ David Russell ~

Yes! He regretted it, of course.

What does it mean to shoot
a judge? ~EPISODE 19~

The world has escaped, Mr. Prosecutor.

Don't ask them! I don't know
which prosecutor will look into it but...

...had intent to kill.

This is not it, Mr. Prosecutor, to
protect his brother, he will burn himself.

It's already burned.

- Come on, Gyokusu.
- Are we representing Eren?

Did the result come out?

Say it, girl!

The hair found in the glove and
the sample of prosecutor Ilgaz...

...they are 100% compatible, we guarantee!

Ilgaz, leave the crime scene immediately.

What if I don't leave, Prosecutor?

Ilgaz, what you are doing...

Ilgaz went to the scene of the crime.

It is a great crime.
And now you know it thanks to me.

I hope this decision is
not rushed or emotional.

I don't do things that don't
suit myself and my office.

I do not favor anyone for anyone.
I don't give rights to anyone.

I'm not saying the case should be closed.
There is something else;

- 7 gopes were found near the house.
- So?

That is, on the morning of the
incident the weather was rainy.

The ground was wet,
but the buttocks were dry!

Her hair was blowing. Even the
smell of shampoo came to my nose.

I'm sure it was a woman.

Mrs Lacin, do you smoke?

Rarely, but yes I smoke!

The day and time of the murder, let's say it's
3:00 p.m. Where were you between 15.00 and 20.00?

This is none of your business.

I'm asking you, girl? The
law asks you! The law!

A glove was found at the crime scene.

- Yes.
- And male DNA was found in it...

As far as I know, Yekta.
Say your request quickly!

We require a comparison of Ilgaz
Kaya's DNA with the DNA found.

The hair found in the glove and
the sample of prosecutor Ilgaz....

...they are 100% compatible, we guarantee!

What's up bro? Look ahead!
Is this how you date?

These bikes are coming out of everywhere!

- Did you get the court decision?
- I got her, Chief.

Look here! What are we dealing with!

- Chief, sure...
- Eren, don't start with "sure" etc.

Move on.

Power of attorney is fine.

I will check the file, decide
how to proceed and let you know.

- Okay, thanks.
- God bless you.

So they won't get me, will
they? You won't allow it.

I don't want to leave
my mom and dad.

Please, brother
Ilgaz, don't allow it.

Don't worry. We will do our best.
Okay; Do not worry.

Come my daughter, let's not delay
the lawyer. He has a lot of work.

If there's nothing
else to do, let's go.

- We'll talk, see you later.
- Goodbye.

- Is Ilgaz?
- It's Jaylin, Chief.

Don't answer. Let's do the
test, make sure first and then.

You're right, chief. There must have been a
mistake. Let's not upset them unnecessarily.

Eren, didn't the result come out? If you
can't answer, at least send us a message.

We are waiting here.

Have we heard from Eren?

No. He doesn't even answer the phone.

It won't be out yet.

We already know the result.
Calm down.

When you put it like that, why do I calm down?

They always said I had magical powers.

Truth; Who was
telling you, for example?

Anyway. Congratulations
on your new client, lawyer!


By the way, I didn't hear wrong, did I?

Entering the hotel they said
that the trial is in two days.


You have a trial in two days
and you have no problem?

Then why did you fight me so
much in the furniture factory?

No, but you talked so much
just because I accepted.

Because this is not a sentencing hearing.
It's only the second trial.

A psychiatric evaluation will be presented. The judge
will want to see Melike. We still have a way to go!

- Yekta, I can't take it anymore. I'm leaving.
- Okay, go. I am coming.

If you want anything, I'll
be in the office, Mr. Yekta.

- Okay.
- My condolences again.

- My sincere condolences.
- Thanks.

Who is the one leaving?

A very old acquaintance.

Truth ; How old?

What's going on Senda? I
just buried my son. I'm tired too.

Why are you asking me
all this? He is who he is!

I think you know he is
Ilgaz Kaya's grandfather.

Of course I know
who Merdan Kaya is.

Excuse me?

Doesn't that bother you?

He is on the side of the people you are
attacking right now, the ones you call murderers.

It's right in front of us!

It doesn't scare me at all.
We don't mix with each other.

Neither he mingles
with me, nor I with him.

But it upset you, it's obvious.

Since you have been speechless!

It shook you, you
started sweating!

What did Merdan Kaya
do? I'm really curious.

I was wondering about your story with Merdan. I
wonder what kind of dirt is hiding underneath?

Too much curiosity is not good, my Senta.

Don't even open your mouth.

God forbid, this dirt
may fall on you too!

My dear, did you see how she
held her parents' hands as they left?

"You won't give me like that,
you won't allow it" he told me.

- What did you tell her?
- I said we will do our best.

What could I say? The
judge can give you to

your biological family,
and prepare for that?

I wonder why Mrs. Ipek is suddenly
playing it "mother". Why now?

I don't know, but this is one
of the hardest cases to win.

Usually the child is given
to the biological family.

If, of course, there are no other interests
or problems or I do not know a family defect,

... a situation where they will not be able to take
care of the child, like a situation of addiction.

Or a situation that will
cause harm to the child.


The theory is awesome.

But it is necessary to prove it.
If there is such a case, of course.

We have to look at the decisions of
the Supreme Court on such cases.

In what cases have decisions been
made against the biological family?

Like this, we will learn why the
biological family is not worthy in Melike.

We will claim that they did
not take good care of her.

How much the adoptive family
loves and appreciates Melike,

We will prove that it is to Melike's
advantage to stay with her current family.

By the way, can't this
Ipek have children?

It can.

Possibly, but wouldn't
that justify them more?


Are we representing?

Boy, how are you?

We'll kill you if you
don't bring the money!

Be smart, bring the
money, save yourself!

All good bro. We had a little
incident but we dealt with it.

A police officer, what's the point?
Or was there some resistance?

No, brother, no.

My aunt's son and I had a fight over
an issue, but we sorted it out as a family.

You weren't there when the last sample of prosecutor
Ilgaz was taken, is that why you were late?

No bro, here I was.
I was having breakfast in the cafeteria.

But Gyokusu is impatient, of course.

He immediately went and got the sample.

You missed a big event.

I received a sample from Prosecutor
Ilgaz this morning for testing.

That's fine.

- What happened? What happened to your face?
- Nothing, go get some air.

What impatience, we submit? I
swear I didn't see Niyazi in the morning.

When District Attorney Pars said
to do it right away, I took the test too.

Okay, let's not get carried away.
You have the samples, right?

- Yes, Chief.
- Okay.

The court's decision is here.

Let's run this test again. Obviously
there is something wrong. Let's fix that.

As you order, Chief.

Niyazi, my brother, if you
don't mind, bring us 2 teas.

We'll wait here with the
captain until the results come out.

All right, bro.

Now, we have seen their house. I think the
financial situation of IPEC is very good.

If we compare it to Galip's,
it is indeed excellent.

Unfortunately, biological family is quite
advantageous in terms of what they can offer.

- Okay, but everything is money?
- Of course not.

Also, this is the energy of their
house, her energy, I don't know.

Meanwhile, when you left in such a hurry, then the
neighbor saw me and closed the door with force..

I think they will fight.
Something will definitely come out of it.

Maybe. Did you see the broken furniture
in the house and the mark on the wall?


You made remarks to the woman,
when did you get to see all this?

Ms. Aidan, who came to clean the
apartment, noticed that I was pregnant.

She couldn't have
children, so we made a deal.

A few months later, I secretly gave birth.

Mrs. Aidan took the baby and left.
I never saw it again.

As I told you, I was very young.
I went back to school and back to my life.

Years passed and six years ago,
Salih appeared before me again.

We fell in love again.

There may be some problem or dispute
at home and the neighbors are disturbed.

Then we have to go there again.

I hope we don't meet
with this cold Ipek!

Let's send the proxy first, we'll take
a look at the files and then we'll go.

Ok, I'm fine!

How nice it is to work with you like this.
To argue, to compromise...

Compromising with you is
also a great success. Well done!

By God, you entered the field quickly!
You're improving faster than I thought.

You have your shortcomings, but
you will correct them. Do not worry.

I can't understand, since I just
resigned from the specialty of pathology.

Of course, medicine and law are different fields,
but thanks to you I will overcome all difficulties.

- This is what I meant;
- What did you mean ;

Shall we compromise?

Of course, ma'am!

Relearning is always good.

Eren will be.
The result would come out.

- Will you drink coffee?
- Yes.

Do you allow me? We need to talk.

Good job, Mr. Lawyer.

Thanks, but I don't think you came for good.

Unfortunately, I'll get straight to the point.

Besides, it's not right that I'm here.

The hair on the glove is a 100 percent
match to the sample they took from you.

And now what do we do, Ilgaz?

It's not possible.

Everyone in this room knows
that, right? This is not possible.

We know that, but here's the report.

I'm holding the most ridiculous
thing in the world right now.

Could it be wrong?

- The trap!
- We will see that.

Eren is there.
The test is done again.

How; How did you convince the judge?

How did you present a
reasonable doubt for retesting?

I begged a little, Ilgaz!
I mean, I vouched for you!

I swear, I'm in pieces.

How long does it
take to do this job?

If you had prevented Ilgaz from
going to the crime scene in time...

...Now, we wouldn't expect
these results here, Mr. Eren.

Now take the snake out of the hole!

Although who do I tell?

You say it yourself,
you hear it alone Metin.

You could stop him Eren.
Stop him.

Well done to you too.

You are exactly the same! And then you say, no it
didn't happen like that, no it happened like that!

Chief...Yes he
went, Ilgaz went...

But just look.

He didn't do anything else.
Nothing else crossed our minds.

Of course!

It had never crossed my mind that he would
resign as a prosecutor and become a lawyer.

Don't say that!
This is different, Chief.

It's exactly the same!

Everything he does, he does for Jaylin.

To save her.

The rest, he doesn't care either.
Let the world burn.

No, chief.
I don't accept this...

This is Ilgaz.
Is it ever possible?

Gyokusu is a novice. I swear..
She can't finish the job in an hour.

You'll see when the result comes out. It won't
have anything to do with Ilgaz. You'll see, chief.

We will see that!

Let's say it's a trap...

...but until that is revealed, you know
what things will happen to us, Ilgaz.

What will all this cause?

They will open an investigation against you.

You are late! It's already opened.
Yekta knows he went to the crime scene.

He went and filed a complaint, the prosecutor
has also obtained permission to investigate,

He started the investigation
file and the investigation began.

He also called the police officers
who were at the scene to testify...

Why don't I know these?

You were in prison then.

I understand your anger.
Thanks for covering me..

Yes I went, but there are two police
witnesses. I didn't touch anything.

It will not be continued, it will be closed.

It will close;

- Does this report mean nothing to you?
- Nothing!

Because I didn't touch
the glove or anything else.

I'm not the one we should be
focusing on here right now, but Jaelyn!

Once Yekta finds out about the 3rd
person, he will attack to remove suspicion.

He will appeal the no-arrest trial
and demand immediate remand.

- Our subject is Jaylin!
- I know that too...

Or did I turn the investigation
into a mess? My pair are attacking!

You have put me in such a difficult
position, that you have tied my hands.

They will say that his husband is changing details.
His wife is free outside, they will say...

The folder is at risk.
Let's get Ms. Jaylin in right now.

For God's sake, put
yourself in my shoes.

What would you do if such a request
were made with the available evidence?

You send it directly to the judge.
Am I wrong, Ilgaz?

If you're not sure, if the
review hasn't finished yet, wait.

- It is your right, as a prosecutor.
- Thanks bro!

I have been in the profession for 12 years
and I am learning the job thanks to you!

I know that too.

This will stay with me.

No one will know until
the result comes back.

Let's pray that nothing goes wrong.
I'm going to Eren now.

I'm coming too.

Me too!


You all know what to do, right?

This will be our last
meeting for a while, friends.

You're fine, right, no problem?
Don't forget what we said.

- Okay.
- Serdar?

Are we so sure?
Is there no danger?

Brother, trust your friend!
This is not fair.

Come, girls, to see you.

- Look at your phone.
- OK OK.

- Goodbye.
- See you.

- Bye bye. See you
- Take care.

You will not come;

No, I have a job to do. You go.

OK Bye.

You can't screw around like
that in the lab. It's not right.

Besides, it's none of your business, is it?

I called Eren from the office.
He said it will be out soon.

What to do ; Go to the diner.
Sit still and wait there.


It's not right to be in front of
law enforcement all the time.

Makes sense.

I'm gone!

It is not clear whether he
is punishing us or loving us.

Right now he is doing something very
difficult, he is putting himself in danger.

Don't take it personally,
forget it. Let's go!

Good job.

Go there.

We'll get through this too, you know that?

Welcome, Mr. Prosecutor.
The usual ;

Let the team come and we'll see.


Unfortunately, it fits again, Mr. Prosecutor. The
machine outputs Ilgaz Kaya, it doesn't say anything else.

Eren, we need to talk about this situation. I'm
in the cafeteria across the street from the lab.

Come here, let's talk.

Yes, Mr. Prosecutor.
I know the place, we're coming.

- What it says ;
- What can he say, chief?

- He says: "Come and see what we will do."
- Welcome, go ahead.

Ours have arrived.

What are they doing here?

It's a free country, Brother Metin.
Anyone can eat wherever they want.

Yes, let them eat too, Mr. Prosecutor,
as long as they don't eat their "livers"!

My leader is a little
angry, Mr. Prosecutor.

We got it.

Eren, you were present at
the proceedings, weren't you?

Whether from the beginning or the end,
the result does not change, Mr. Prosecutor.

This means that someone changed the sample
from the inside. There is no other explanation.

But who? Who dared
to mislead justice?

To tarnish the name of the department?

All three know that the
sample has changed.

Otherwise, this silly
result wouldn't come out.

So we lost the jacket too.

We must find the criminal!

You could be at
this table right now.

I'm happy where I am.

Mr. Prosecutor, whether someone
from the outside came in like the ghost...

...Or I don't want to take
anyone on my throat but...

...I don't know, there's a traitor inside.

Eren, we are human.

We all make mistakes, but the important thing
is to find the person who made the mistake.

Otherwise how will we trust each other?

Now the question is who?


There was an incident in the
lab with the burnt jacket, Chief.

You remember that, right?

Yes, but there was nothing suspicious.

But when one thinks about it
now, one wonders if it could be.

To remember...

Didn't we get two blood samples
from Yekta's house? We took!

Wasn't one of the samples destroyed?

God, well done Mr. Prosecutor.
I had completely forgotten about it.

Now that's it. Who are we
going to trust on the inside, Eren?

Who will we trust?

There is Niyazi.

He's been in the team for years.
He's a decent kid. Isn't that right, boss?

Of course he could.

His father was also a policeman, before
he got sick. He is my friend, I know him.

They are a very honest and downtrodden family.

Alright, let's call out Niyazi.

Besides, Mr. Prosecutor, if someone from the inside
does this, someone from the inside will find him.

He called for Niyazi to come.

Let me call him, Mr. Prosecutor, but let's consider
the possibility that he is not from the inside.

Of course Eren.
We will consider each one separately.

No one tries to interfere with this justice,
we will find him and he will be punished.

By the way, I got approval from the center.
These files are fine.

- OK. I'll put them into the system later.
- Okay.

- You go on and I'm coming.
- Okay.

Zumrut ;

Get out now, Osman.
I'm waiting in the park next to the bank.

Zumrut ;

What happened, are you ok?

Sister Eileen came in the morning.
Ask whose child it is...

What ; What did you tell her?

What can I say, what kind of question is that,
Osman? I said it was by Giver, of course.

Okay, don't cry, you're
breaking my heart.

He didn't believe me. He said to do a test.

Even in the mother's womb,
you can find out who the father is.

He said he would make me do it.
I won't do any tests, Osman.

Okay, wait, calm down.

What test is this, how did you come
up with it? Is there such a thing?

I don't know if it exists, Osman.

I say what he told me. He will
take my hand and take me for a test.

I don't know what you are going
to do but stop your wife! Stop her!

- What is ;
- By God, brother, they don't do anything.

The boy with the big eyes has a veranda, they
gather there, eat, drink and listen to music.

And then they leave. I didn't see anything.
They don't seem to have a problem.

Okay. Your eyes on Chinar.
He's weird these days, okay?

- Look carefully at what he's doing.
- Okay brother, as you wish.

Come on Niyazi.

Come on my brother!

Call the other "your brother"
while we're talking about betrayals!

Mr. Prosecutor! Chief!

Come, "brother" of Eren, Niyazi, sit down.


We called you for the last test.

There you go, bro.

Look now... It's obvious there's
a traitor running around the lab.

Whether in or out,
the samples change.

What do you think; Can such a thing happen?

Very difficult. I don't think so, chief.

But of course it's possible.
Besides, it's not impossible.

Okay my boy.
Then we'll find out who does it.

I am at your disposal, chief.

- We will check them all. Okay;
- Okay;

Of course this work will be
done in the utmost secrecy...

Who is this traitor, who had the
ability to get in, must be found.

Why; It's not just for us,

It should also be found
for security reasons.

As you order, Mr. Prosecutor.

- Okay "my brother". You go and I'll come.
- All right, bro.

Mr. Prosecutor! Chief!

Now are we going to trust this Niyazi?

- Why did you say this now, Mr. Prosecutor?
- I do not know. Anyway ok.

I'll leave too. I'll take a look at the cameras
and the lab corridor to see if I can find anything.

- Will you come, chief??
- I am coming.

See you, Mr. Prosecutor.

They are very angry.

After they leave, the plan is complete.

The result of the repeated test I
think you understood what it was.

Very funny. Very.

We were obviously close to the killer,
and someone took that ability away from us.

I'm telling you, there's
a traitor in the lab.

But we'll find out who did it.
There is no other choice.

But I'm begging you...

Please! See my good intentions,
my efforts and stand back a bit.

Don't do anything behind me,
don't rush, don't put the knife on me...


Be happy, don't let it
get more complicated.

I'm going to the courthouse now.

I will ask you to sit where you are.
Mind your own business...

Go on the honeymoon
you didn't go on...

...but don't go near this case.

- Where are you going ;
- I am coming.

Pars ;

Once Yekta sees the result, he
will appeal Jaylin's trial without arrest.

I know. They'll come to me in a second.

But remember, we didn't raise the
suspicion of a third party with the glove.

We mentioned cigarette butts and
footprints. And these are still valid.

- Do you want me to take it from there?
- Just a little reminder.

Don't worry. I won't agree to
any unreasonable request anyway.

Thank you.

You can be charged with
tampering with evidence.

You may even be fined.

You resigned as a prosecutor
but you can burn as a lawyer Ilgaz.

Whoa, take it easy! Not so much!

Look, the chief, the prosecutor, the deputy
constable, they are all looking for the truth.

I didn't put the glove there.
And it will prove. It's that simple.

- Will you calm down now?
- I can not!

The truth will be revealed, Jaylin.
There is nothing we can do now.

Work will save us.
Let's look at our work.

Are you ok; Your life is in danger and
we're going to act like nothing happened?

- Yes, because it isn't.
- Yes it is!

Your life, your reputation, everything is
at stake and we know it's because of Yekta.

But our hands are tied and
we will wait for it to come out.

What do we have to do; Should we grab
him by the throat and make him confess?

They are looking for it everywhere.

Sometimes it's good to wait. We'll
calm down, wait, and take a step back.

The man said it with all sincerity.
He said to wait.

We've already put Pars
in a pretty tough spot.

Do we doubt his good intentions?

Didn't he prove it? He proved it.

Eren is there, my father. The team is
super. They made the plan and took action.

So let's let them do their job.

Besides, Yekta is waiting in the corner!

Let's not give him another advantage.
Let's keep calm.

Let's wait.

A person loses
reality only with speed.

Let's take it slow, let's figure it out.
Let's hit the brakes a little...

I also got a new power of attorney.
I have an audition in two days.

I looked into a girl's eyes and
said "I will do my best for you".

I also promised her father that.

We will keep our
promise and do our job.

Prayers were to be read at home.
Why did we come to the courthouse?

I have a job, Lacin.

Someone made a big mistake.
He hurt someone.

He has to pay
for it, doesn't he?

May I, Mr. Prosecutor?

Here, Mr. Yekta, of course.

Listening to you is
part of our daily routine.

We can't start the day
without hearing from you.

Yes, what is it about?

Mr. Prosecutor, this is Lacin.

I hope you didn't come
here to report your wife.

I wish I could laugh at your joke,
but it's serious. It is very serious.

Please don't stand up, sit down.

We both know Lachine didn't go
to Shile the day Engin was killed.

Yes, the ETS records show it
was somewhere around Kantikioi.

So I'm afraid you'll have
to call Lacin again to testify.

I don't know how
one can say this but...

... to her husband, even to me,
she does not tell where she was.

Which means he doesn't want
anyone to know what he did that day.

She has been your wife for so many
years, Mr. Yekta. You must have an idea.

I think the reason for
Engin's escape is Lachin.

Come on, my God!

It's strange, of course. No
man wants to burn his wife, but...

... I am the father.

I'm burning inside!

If the reason is Lachine,
I have a right to know.

So please, invite her to come. To explain
where and with whom he was that day.

Okay, the request is reasonable. We will
call her tomorrow to testify. Do not worry.

Thank you.

I can't believe we're here!

Did you say something;

Yes, I said it!

I'm the prime suspect in the case.

You are the one who overshadows the case,
who changed the facts, but we are here.

When you were a lawyer, did you only handle one case?

No, I was looking at 3 or 5 at once.
All that God had given.

Fine, just think of it this way.
Let me keep my promise.

Besides, I texted Eren.

Let us find out whether the one we are looking for is
from within or without and we will act accordingly.

We will investigate it.
Without harming anyone, of course.

Okay. I'm in.

We don't know who does it, but we know that
the one who pulls the strings is Yekta.

What are we going to do about it?

We don't know that, it's a guess.
We haven't even considered this idea.

It will show..Let's say,
we found out that it is him...

..We will catch him at trial.
As befits us.

Isn't this the apartment
across the street from Ipek?

- Yes.
- They're moving.

Was that the woman who knocked on the door?

I assume. Yes.

Good job.


We are looking for a house and I
think you are moving. Is it for rent?

Yes, for rent. The agent
just went up to put the ad up.

What kind of apartment is it?
I mean, those who live here.

My wife doesn't like fighting
and noise. Isn't that right, my love?

- Yes, I don't like them.
- You are in the wrong place!

Because this; It's a nice,
wonderful neighborhood.

Yes, our neighborhood is nice and wonderful
but the neighbors across the street are not!

Watch out! Do not break the branches.
I had a hard time raising them.

If I leave my own house, it is because of them. So
if you're looking for peace of mind, look elsewhere.

These two are one worse than the other. Neither
their fights nor their noises have an end!

Are they not doing well?

The man cheated on his
wife with some of the work...

Then the woman came
and raided the house.

There was a great commotion in the building.

- I wish you had called the police.
- I called the police. Of course I did!

They also went to the department.
Then, Ipek fired the woman from her job.

When did what you say happen?

About six or seven months.
Yes, it was early summer.

I guess they've found it again
now that the problem is over.

I wish! But they stopped for a while, for
about 1 month, and then they started again.

It's their home. I don't think they'll
ever leave their home for that…

That is why it is not wise to become
their neighbor. It is not for you to stay.

Sister, you said some things just don't
go away. Which one; Come take a look.

- Sorry.
- Thanks. Good luck.

Here, Jekta?

I turned from the road.

The DNA report would come out.
It should have been out by now...

You would have hidden it from me if I
hadn't asked you, right Mr. Prosecutor?

Never mind, my dear!
Shall I give you an explanation too?

We said to approach it humanely
and immediately attack us!

You have no limit! Really!

Otherwise, you'd be
waiting like everyone else.

It is uploaded to the system and
then you will see the DNA report!

You're going to make me
make a privacy decision again!

Then you will see the report!
Here you go!

...It is 100 percent
compatible with Ilgaz Kaya!

But I said it! I said it!
I said there will be a series.

The rookie lawyer
Ilgaz created evidence.

Why ; To save his wife
by suspecting a third party!


A romance novel story but
the ending...unpleasant ending!

- Is your dramatic review over, Iekta?
- It's not over!

I insist on Jaylin's
trial without arrest.

I request that it be
processed as soon as possible.

Then submit your objection in writing.

The report just came.
I'll think about it, check it out and see.

Everything is written
here, Mr. Prosecutor.

What else will you consider and think
about? It is compatible with Ilgaz DNA.

In fact, even footprints are
questionable from now on.

Didn't Ilgaz defend Jaylin like that?

Didn't he get out of jail because
of the 3rd person suspicion?

Whoever put on the glove
also created the footprints!

In fact, these footprints
may belong to Ilgaz.

I request that it be
investigated as soon as possible.

I filed a complaint against Ilgaz,
did you get a statement from him?

And the suspicion about
him is growing more and more.

Jekta, come now!
What are you talking about;

Or do you favor Ilgaz?
You are in denial!

Nothing to do with! You are
deviating, Mr. Yekta! Back off a bit!


I understand that, but no problem.
I'll take care of my own business.

I will go to the magistrates court and
demand that Jaylin be arrested again.

Don't bother.

Husband and wife teamed up,
they ransacked the crime scene...

...The killer is on the loose!
But I won't let that happen!

He didn't rightly say that instead
of a house you buy the neighbors!

The woman kept talking...

So we are looking for a woman who
worked together with Salih, Ipek's husband.

Search your phone
for Salih Soydan.

He works for a software company.

On the company website, there
is information about the staff.

There are only managers.
It has nothing for the staff.

A woman who was fired 6 or 7 months ago. After they
went to the department, it is in the police register.

Ilgaz, I don't know, you'll see.

Thank you, you helped me a lot!

What are we going to do; Will
we be offended? Won't we work?

The question you just
asked is very misleading.

Yes, bring me 10 cases and I will look at them
all but in this case the issue is me, you.

Sorry but I can't concentrate.


Chief, none of
them are strangers.

They are all employees of the laboratory.

So the traitor is one
of us, it's clear but who?

- Make a list of everyone in forensics.
- All right, Chief.

Let's single out those on
the same floor as the lab.

It is clear who enters the laboratory.

Let's look at them too.
So we will have a list in front of us.

From then on we will
look for them carefully.

Received, Chief.

Let's find him and
I'll pick out his livers!

Here, Eren?

Ilgaz, my brother, is not a stranger.

It's from the inside.

- Do you have a name?
- No.

We are looking for it.
We're making a suspect list.

When it comes out, I'll let you know, okay?

Okay, Eren, thanks. Good job.

What does Eren say?

No stranger has entered the laboratory.
Obviously, it's from the inside.

Of course, there are many employees. Somehow
they will revise the list and narrow it down.

So we go back into standby mode?

For a while.

This is all to
protect Pars, isn't it?

Man does so much for us.
I won't let him down either.

Since evidentiary goals
change, Mr. Prosecutor...

...since the suspicion of the
third person is now questionable...

...then, shouldn't Ceylin
Erguvan Kaya be arrested again?

I have already read your objection.

You have also stated your request
with reasons. I understand that too.

You may leave, Mr. Lawyer.

Yes Sir. Good shift.

Ilgaz ;

You can help me;

What happened;

Let's move this in.

Was this here? I didn't even notice it.
Why isn't it hanging?

Engin didn't like the chalk, he
said it was old, let's get white...

What are we going to do with it?

We'll move it in. We didn't get any
more and it ended up being that way.

- Come.
- Be careful.

Where is he going ;

In here. Left.
Watch your leg..

- Now that's on the side, of course.
- Okay, we'll do some work.

Besides, what am I doing and is it right?

There were chalks in there somewhere.

If we know our purpose, we
can move forward more easily.

Our purpose is to find
out who is playing with us.

To save you and me.

Something you didn't understand?

-Okay, start.

On Engin's revenge list...

...except you and me...

...There was Yekta and Lachin.



Then Juneit.

- And Chinar.
- Chinar.

Since we are talking about Chinar,
you asked him, did he get threatened?

Nothing, I asked him and he said nothing. Then it
all got confusing quickly and it stayed that way.

Minus points for both of us, then. I didn't
ask Osman either, but we have to find out.

You're right.

Okay, now don't pout.

It won't be anything, I don't think,
but it will be useful to know, of course.


Of course, there is also Pars.

The killer is a
long haired man...

It's not anyone on the list.

It's not anyone on the list.

It could be someone
Engin already knew or hurt...

But why wait so long to get
revenge? Maybe it's a coincidence.

I leave this idea. There was
no Senda but I want to add her.


What do you see when you look at this list?

I've said it before. My theory is
that the killer is the executioner.

Exactly but the
instigator is one of the list!

And who does this suit?

At first sight, in Yekta!

There is no first look
or last look, it's Yekta.

I don't like such an unproven statement.

Don't you see what a monster this guy is?

Let me remind you that he attributed it to the glove
just because you went to the scene of the crime.

He designed it himself.
He already knew what the result would be.

Even if he is not the instigator,
it is a legitimate demand.

Put yourself in his shoes. The first thing
you would ask for is a DNA comparison

- Sometimes you are so opinionated!
-You are not;

Where are you going ;

We're going to look into the complaint.

The complaint says with
whom he is cheating on his wife.

Jaylin, the trial is in two days.
We can't freeze life like that.

My mom texted me.

-What happened; Did something happen?
- No.

It's no big deal, but
I have to go home.

You go to the department. I left...

Hello, I am looking for a tricolor bag.

With which 3 colors?

Red, brown...

...and cream.


How much ;

Give me 50, that's enough.


Ah, Serdar!

Boy, we ate it up! Someone is following
the girl, what are we going to do?

Did you know about this tracking?

Okay, bro, calm down.
The girl knows what to do.

And if he doesn't, that's okay.
Don't worry about it.

Bro, are you stupid, are you retarded? The
police are following her. It's a little girl.

If they catch her, her life is
gone, she will burn us too.

Bro, I have clients now,
okay? I'll call you, come on.


What are you doing again?

Boy, there won't be any
trouble in this shop, got it?

Did your friends cause trouble again?

Son, things are already complicated.
Stop a minute! Move over!

Hello. Sorry, I had
to talk on the phone.

Yekta Tilmen appealed
against the decision.

He came and told me about his problem.

I wanted to get your opinion so that
there is no inequality, Mr. Prosecutor.

This case is yours from the start.
You control all the details.

Is a pretrial detention trial necessary?

Mister President...

... Mr. Yekta came to me with the same request,
but frankly, I did not find it necessary.

Yekta says there is no third
person, it's all made up...

...and says the glove was
placed at the crime scene later.

Now the only suspect we
have is Ceylin Erguvan Kaya..

When the crime is murder, a
custodial trial seems more appropriate.

Besides, Judge Neva did not release
the accused because the glove was there.

The glove was later found.

This decision was taken because footprints were found at the
scene of the crime that raise suspicions about third parties.

Buttocks were also found.

Mr. Yekta also says the following...

He wonders if these footprints
were made later by Ilgaz Kaya.

Mr. President, let's do the following:
I will take the testimony of Ilgaz Kaya.

We'll see if the
footprints are his or not.

We will put it in the file
and you decide accordingly.

Okay, that's fair. But it takes time.
Please, let's give it some priority.

Of course.

- Good shift.
- Also.

Mrs. Jaylin, where are you going?

Wait half a minute! Mrs Jaylin!

I took the request for a pretrial
hearing to Pars and he became furious.

Let's push him to finish the indictment, even
if they don't decide to put him on trial.

It is a crime of murder!
It's been so many days, it's getting late.

Exactly. If he insists on not writing it, I
will file a complaint with the prosecutor.

- What do you think you're doing?
- Mr. Yekta, I couldn't stop her.

- What do you think you're doing, bastard?
- Is the killer talking to me?

- Jaylin...
- What do you want from Ilgaz?

Your problem is not with me?

- Jaylin, pull yourself together!
- Austin Juneate...

Let's see the last battles of an assassin.

Is that all you know? All
you know is being dishonest?

You attack me on social media.
You're hiding the evidence!

Is that your perception as a lawyer?

Ilgaz has already contaminated
himself by going to the stage.

A fly that falls into a swamp
deserves to be drowned in the mud.

What the hell are you talking about?
You are both the swamp and the fly!

- Ilgaz is the cleanest man in the world.
- Of course! Of course!

Enough, Junette,
let's call security.

- You are dishonest and you will pay for it.
- You will pay for it.

I just buried my son,
the one you killed!

I didn't kill your son!
We both know that!

My son's blood will not go unpunished!
You will pay for it.

Whomever you love or
touch, all will pay in turn!

Leave me alone! All will be
revealed, you know that, don't you?

You try to put it on me by saying there
is no third person but I won't allow it.

There is no third person!
You put it out of your mind

The evidence will be this
puppet, the former prosecutor!

COME ON (***) HEY!

- Here look, that's exactly how he killed my son.
- Shimge, call security.

- You are witnesses. Come come.
- I didn't kill him!

- You and your son are murderers.
- Come on, come on, kill me too. Come.

- Let me! - Come!
- Go to hell, everyone.

- He raided my office.
- Let me tell you!

-Calm down!
-He attacked me and threatened me. Call the police.

The list is ready, who is on it?
Qubilai, Guixu, Hamit, Suha, Ramzi.

- You checked the inputs and outputs, right?
- Sure bro, it's all there.

Aman Niyazi, we must be careful.
We won't miss anything, understand?

What did they do, where did they go, who did
they contact? We will monitor them daily.

Down to the tiniest detail, okay?

- Don't worry bro, I got it.
- Fine, perfect.

Those who do this do not do it for a hobby.
Surely the bastard will get money.

We will also check the bank accounts, see if
there was an exchange of money, understood?

Whoever did this to us, we will
catch the bastard. We will catch him!

Okay, let's face it.

He's coming out now, Mr. Prosecutor.

I'm not a prosecutor anymore, Umut.

Habit, Mr. Prosecutor.

- I didn't get you in trouble, did I?
- Alas, is it possible?

Let's see what happened.

This Woman is Salih's girlfriend.
He raided their house and made a scene.

And the neighbors called the police.

The woman's name is Arzu Ayman.

I looked it up, she works
in a cosmetics store.

Also note the location.
Ok I found it. Thank you very much.

My pleasure.

- Has the world left Eren?
- They left, only Niyazi remained.

Okay, good to go.

- Eren, is there any progress bro?
- Yes, brother, there is. 'Come.

We narrowed the list down to five people.

We'll catch the bastard for sure.

Let me keep her too, maybe
we'll find something too.

I do not understand it...

I missed the parents' meeting and I came to get
information about Parla, what do you say, Mr. Director?

Unfortunately, it is, Mr. Osman.

If you hadn't come today,
we would have contacted you.

I assumed you didn't know.

But Parla hasn't come
to school for a few days.

This girl leaves the house every
morning for school and puts on her uniform.

Parla is not one to lie.

You should watch her,
Parla is a very good student.

But, after the match
she looks a bit confused.

Here are the women's fitting
rooms sir, the men's are opposite.

Honey, just a minute.

For God's sake, you
have nothing to prove!

- It's my turn, honey!
- When did you get in line?

What does my father
say about this situation?

What to say? He is angry.
He says what was the need of all this.

Don't get stuck. He will
understand, he is Chief Metin.

So he didn't say
anything about Jaylin?

Are we representing?

- Jaylin was arrested!
- What ;

Miss, will you stop for a moment?

We will look for you.
Give me your ID.

- What;
- I'll take this.

But what's going on? I don't
understand what you are looking for?

- Open your bag.
- Parla Yilmaz.

Open, open!

Come back.

Come back.

There you go, thanks.



ok ok are you ok

I was very scared
but now I'm fine.

And I told that idiot Sherdar.
He wouldn't mess with you, would he?

Anyway, all good.
You calm down.

Merve got them, didn't she?

Yes, I guess.

He came in while I was leaving
the fitting rooms, I guess he got it.

Okay, Merve will
have done the job.

It was the first and last time.

It's over, we won't mess
with you from now on, okay?

To be honest, I was
scared but I loved it!

When the police came,
my adrenaline hit red!

I felt so weird!

Come on my God!

Instead of the smart
ones, I got the crazy ones!

Let's go, let's not stop, come on.

Come. Take this.

jaylin, what have you been doing again?

Ilgaz I swear to you,
I couldn't help myself.

You have every right to be angry,
but I wanted to go and yell at him.

And then things got to a point
where I didn't want to, of course.

Good! Do you feel better;

Are you feeling better now?

From now on, in "I go to my mother",
I will not pay attention and doubt!

We won't leave you alone.

Are you very angry?

You made a big mistake.
Now you will open other jobs for us!

Ok, so you are, I
accept you now!

But if you only knew what went
through my mind until I got here.

You're right.

My dear ;

I'm very proud that you prefer this place
to meet, but can we find another place?

The atmosphere is
different, we like it here.

Okay, don't make fun of me.

Open it, open it, come on.

Fortunately, your lawyer proved to be
serious or it would have been too late!

Let's see, let this
be the last one.

You will give a deposit and then we will
leave. We have collected all the complaints!


Come early in the morning. I will leave
my parents with relatives and come, okay?


- Don't leave before you collect everything.

Leave us alone...

Did you knowingly send Parla
into the arms of the police?

Yeah man, yeah I knew it!

Boy, the police are getting suspicious.

If we hadn't acted early, they would have
grabbed both the money and the merchandise!

That's why I sent her there.

But what was I supposed to do?

Now the goods must have
gone from Merve to Tuchce...

Do not worry.

Boy, she's still
young, a little girl.

How many times have I asked you
if there is a risk? "No bro, no bro"

My boy, how unconscious are you?

Knowing that the police were
there, you sent them on them!

- Boy why? why;
- Shut up, lower your voice!

Boy, why are you so hot?

Did something happen to you? No.
Did something happen to Parla? No.

Are you out instead of in custody?Yes!
Then why this behavior?

Boy, you keep saying she's small, etc.,
but are you falling in love with Parla?

(***)...You heard me;
Which love you fool?

Ingie confided
in me, boy, Ingie!

I won't let you or anyone
hurt her, did you hear me?

Nothing will happen to this girl, Serdar.

Not another person will die because of me, Serdar.

- You understand me; Can you hear me;
- Okay, you're right.

I'll say it once and never again. Do whatever
you want but you won't mess with this girl.

- Okay ;
- OK OK.

Tuchse ?

- I thought you were home.
- I just arrived.

-Where did you just come from?
-I was outside.

Where have you been out,
girl? You have no school, no job.

Out at this time, can you
tell me what you were doing?

Excuse me, I'll change my clothes first.
Then you can interrogate me!

Ok. The rice is also ready.

When did you become an expert in the kitchen?

Ok, no matter what you do, you have
an obsession with perfection, I get it..

But that goes a long way!

- We will drink ;
- No.

But look, I made the salad.
And I think I did it perfectly.

Tomorrow I will go to Pars for a deposition.

Why ;

Yekta Tilmen said that Ilgaz
Kaya made the footprints!

Start the attack!

He will also detonate
his nuclear bombs soon.

What I understand is that he doesn't want to waste
time and get the indictment out as soon as possible.

And I added fuel to the fire, right?

We may not have nuclear weapons,
but we do have brains, Ms. Jaylin.


This is the lab's list
of possible suspects.

Do you know anyone from here?

Anyone whose name you know
or who might be related to Yekta?

I don't know any of them.

Let's eat first and then
check social media...

Maybe something will come to
mind if we see a picture, okay?

Okay. By the way, this
husband of Ipek.. How is he?

Very tasty!

Mr. Salih, whom we have not
yet met, is the biological father.

I learned where his
forbidden love works.

Tomorrow we will go from there
and then we will go to the courthouse.


- You want ;
- I want.

I forgot that!

Come on, bon appetit!

- Do you want anything else, bro?
- Thank you, everything is perfect.

Beautiful girl, did you surprise me?

I like them too.
I'm good at surprises!

Your mother-in-law loves you.
I mean, the old one, come on.

- I have eaten.
- Welcome.

How long have you known Yekta?

Are you asking me for the
answer you didn't get from Yekta?

How long have you
known Yekta, I asked you.

Hair and beards are
white for a reason.

When a person becomes friends with someone
they immediately understand everything.

Since you're close enough to come to
the funeral. Then you have a certain past.


Then please ask him yourself
and find out where the body is.

Don't you know the way, pretty girl?

Some questions are not asked directly.

Obviously I can't ask him
something like that either.

"Hello, Jaylin's father was killed. Engin
knew where the body was, but he died too.

Where do you think the
body is?” Can I ask Jecta that?

I find you a bit relaxed.

I feel like I should push
you a little, don't you think?

Leave the past and learn
what there is to learn.

The month ends, the time ends.

You will come to me with an answer.
I'm bored, I'm bored!

And when I'm bored, I get angry!

The vegetables also arrived.

Brother, you have not sat down since you
came. I wish I could help you a little.

No, my lady.
You just got better, sit down please.

But since I'm fine.

Since you are well, eat your soup.

Yummy yogurt soup!

- Take it.
- Hello to your hands.

How nice it smells.

Of course you missed
my food, didn't you?

And a lot in fact.

- Come on, bon appetit.
- Good appetite.

I say, can we bring your things back?
This breakup took too long, Neva.

I don't think you should go back to the hotel?

Bro, I bought a house.

Did you buy a house?

I bought but haven't moved in yet.

Is this what you meant when
you said about your personal life?

Yes. That's it.

I was looking for a house at the time.

I hid it from you too, I didn't tell you.

Hello. Warm then,
what can I say?


He, for example, is 44 years
old, does he look familiar to you?

No, I don't know him.

She; She is the employee
who took my sample.

To see her.

Yes, so isn't she
closer to the evidence?

- Exactly.
- Eren, did you ask him?

He's watching them!
He says we will find out today or tomorrow.


I've had enough.

Won't you finish it?

Hello to your hands.

My girl ;

Can we talk for a while?

- I'm studying dad, I have an exam.
-Do not lie.

What do you read when you don't go to school?

- What is a lie, mom?
- Silence!

Eileen, wait a minute.
Let's talk calmly.

Parla, you don't go to school.

My girl, you get dressed in the
morning, you leave, you're out until night.

Where are you going; What are you doing;

What are you looking at me, Osman?

If you don't speak, no harm will happen.
Where are you going;

Nowhere. I roam the streets.
What should I do, mom?

Girl, are you a bum? What
are you doing on the streets?

Because I'm embarrassed, okay?

I feel like I'm suffocating when I go to school,
I can't breathe. Everyone is looking at me.

-I am confused! - OK OK.

I hate it, it's like torture.
I cant breathe...

...Look, that's how I am.

- I'm getting so bad.
- Girl, come on, calm down.

-I feel like I can't breathe.
-Okay, calm down! Come on.

- Come, come, my beauty.
- Osman!

-I'm getting so bad.
- Come on, come on, okay.

Shut up, okay. Are you
ok; It passed, it passed.

Take a breath. It's over, my beauty!
Eileen, bring a cologne, come on.

Okay girl, okay. Ok..Parla!

He has such an annoying
and laid back demeanor.

And how incriminating is that.

An arrogance bomb.

Of course I knew it the moment
he said to call the police...

But it was too late by then.
He knows me too. How I get nervous!

God, I get so bored
with myself sometimes.

Do not laugh! What are you laughing;

It's the first time I've ever heard
someone say they're bored of themselves.

Anyway, what's done is done.
There is nothing to do.

We'll handle it somehow.

You're not angry, are you?

Well done, really.

You don't get angry, you don't
blame, you don't take sides.

Do you know how valuable it is
not to be blamed for your mistakes?

Because when we were little and
we fell we were scolded for running.

And for example, I never understood
what they were angry about.

You grow up not knowing
if you are loved or not.

Now, you heal my wounds,
and you do me good...

I hope you don't
leave like my father.

I'm very happy where I am.
I don't plan to go anywhere.


No, but you insult me!
What is this; You get all of Ilgaz!

Shame on you, queen! I promise, when
I catch the traitor, I'll get you first!

No, there is no information.

This color is for you.
I would like you to see it on your skin.

Mrs. Arzou, good job.

We are lawyers.

We would like to ask you a few questions
about Salih Soidan, if you have time.

Sweetie, can you handle it?

You go and I'll come.


One minute, chief.

Chief, I checked the bank
accounts of these five suspects

There is nothing. Salaries are paid normally,
cards are paid. So everything is normal.

- Who do you think did it?
- Oh God, I think it's Yekta!

Then let's investigate his movements
as well. Inform District Attorney Pars...

I think we should keep
chasing that money, Eren.

All right, leave it to me, chief.

Ours has arrived.
Come on Niyazi.


What did you do; There is something;

Bro, I don't want to
take any on my neck.

- But it seems there is something.
- How does it look, my boy?

Something either exists or it doesn't.

Who do you have in mind?

Brother, he is ours...



What do you say Niyazi? A fine girl.
She wouldn't burn herself.!

Bro, there is something strange about her movements since yesterday.

It's like he's hiding something.

Boy with "as" nothing happens.

Look, take Gyokusu and ask
her, as if we don't suspect her.

Okay, I'll take care of it, Chief.

Let's get these out of the way
before things get complicated.

- Go to your work.
- Yes, Chief.

They haven't been in a relationship for a
long time. He would divorce her from Ipek.

We were also seriously considering marriage.

Did you break up because his wife found out?

'Not exactly.

Ipek found out, got drunk,
passed out and then made a scene.

She told him that she would not give him a divorce,
that she would rather die than divorce him...

But Ipek mentioned the child.

They were a couple before they got married.

The woman got pregnant when
she found out they were divorced...

... gave birth to the child
and gave it to someone else.

Then they married again.

He didn't say we have a child all this time.

When she realized that her husband was going
to divorce her, she used the child as an asset!

Salih was of course surprised.

- And you broke up after that?
- Yes.

Last time they said they were going to
take the child. I don't know what they did.

Mrs. Arzou, can you tell
them in court as a witness?

We want to prove that Mrs. Ipek
wanted Melike to keep her husband.


do you want

Need to go. Inform me.

- Of course. Thank you
- Thank you.


Osman, this girl is
not pretending, is she?

No, I don't think so. The girl
collapsed in our arms, didn't you see?

It was like a panic attack, it
definitely has something like that.

What are we going to do, is he going to sit at home like this?

Forced to go and
get worse at school?

Let's leave her alone
for a couple of days.

Let's have it on our heads.

If he told her she had
to go, she would go.

Go ahead and make an appointment with
a psychologist. Let's not fool ourselves.

Don't push her too hard.

Ziver made chives last night.

We didn't bring it because it was late.
We've got these for you.

Sister, good morning.

Thank you Ziver, hello to your hands.

It seems that Zumrut longed for them in the evenings...

That's how it happened, really. I got
up and kneaded them in two minutes.

How nice!

If you ask for salty, you'll get a
boy, so they say, right Zumrut?

Will you give birth to a boy?

Sister, have a good day.

To you too.

How nice, isn't it?

It will be a boy for
sure, just sit and see.

Ms Lacin, you said you
went to Sile but you never did.

You said you had
the key, but you didn't.

The driver told you
the key was in the car.

Your statements were words of the wind!
I don't know where to start.

I understand.

Your son had gone out.

You didn't want to see him
behind bars again. For a mother...

...a very reasonable reason
but, the law doesn't say that.

Don't bother me anymore.
Say you kidnapped him and we're done.

No, there is no such thing!

I did not do anything.
I didn't kidnap Engin.

For some reason, I can't
believe you, I'm sorry.

I can not believe it.

Look, I neither saw nor spoke
to Engin after he recovered.

But you have met again. So you had
enough time to make this plan, right?

Did you see him in prison or not?

You saw him!

Look, it's obvious there's
a planned action here.

Who are you kidding?
Don't, for God's sake!

I did not do anything.


Look, I have in front of me the written
statement of Ceylin Erguvan Kaya.

He says the gun and keys
were already in the car.

Let's say it's all a coincidence.

Was the jammer in
the car by any chance?

Did it also have an interferometer?

Of course, he was in the car.

I do not know anything.

You know nothing.Let's just say
we believed everything you said.

Well, since that's the case, tell me
where you were at the time of the murder?

Don't you know that either?
Doesn't a man know where he went?

Say my love, the prosecutor
asked you a simple question.

Where were you that day?
Tell it to end, don't be silent.

Don't I have the right
not to speak, to be silent?

Of course you have. Do you want to
exercise your right to remain silent?


- Did you hear it, Mr. Prosecutor...
- I heard it!

Mrs Lacin, this silence
raises suspicion about you.

And it leads me to murder.

So it will be worse for you. You better
think about it too, quietly, quietly!


They suspect me.

Lacin, what happened?

They suspect me!

The investigation isn't over yet and
you're talking about the indictment, Jekta!

I will tell!

How many days have passed and
you still haven't written the indictment!

What does this have to do with
time? You ask like a novice lawyer.

The investigation has not been completed.

Just now, Mrs. Lacin
was behaving suspiciously.

After examining everything and
everyone, then the indictment is written.

Is the indictment written
just to say it was written?

It's not because he favors
Ilgaz, right Mr. Prosecutor?

Look Yekta, it's the second time.
Don't push it any further!

Do you realize what you
are accusing a prosecutor of?

- I understand!
- What do you understand ;

- Gentlemen!
- What do you understand;

Calm down!

Mr. Prosecutor, you know very well that you should
have written the indictment a long time ago.

You're late, admit it.

Why am I late, my dear? Is
there a date or day for this?

Come now, for God's sake!
It's just not ready!

Delivered when the indictment is ready!

It is not dated, but
there are precedents.

You have enough
deposits in hand to write.

If you say you're not ready,
you won't write it, you know.

Then we will discuss the
matter with the attorney general.

Or we'll take the case to the press.

It will immediately become the first topic!
Too bad for you. The choice is yours.

Is that so, madam lawyer? Are
you threatening me like Mr. Yekta?

Okay, there's the door,
do whatever you think.

We offer you options, Mr. Prosecutor.

Better take the case to court
and they will proceed with it!

You're stuck and just
sitting at your desk.

I won't ask you what I'm going to do!
Know your place!

- So, Mr. Prosecutor?
- So!

Sin is gone from me..
Let's go Senda!

He is right.

You know it too.

I know that very well.

We will go to the Attorney General.

Look and see!

The man said he wanted a divorce
and the wife told him she has a child.

There you go, I found it. The date the lawsuit was
filed is the same as the date the relationship appeared.

If the divorce hadn't been mentioned...

Or if the infidelity had not been revealed,
no one would have pursued Meliket.

Exactly. Melike would live with her
family, which she believes to be real.

Really, it uses the child!

Look what the woman does
just to keep the man in her hands.

You made the most accurate
determination from day one.

Meliket is no different from
any object for this woman.

Because of her ambitions,
she ruins the child's life.

Such women are to be feared!

On the other hand, you can't predict
what a cheated woman might do.

But God, it's not an easy situation.

Why think? He doesn't choose
you and you become the second wife!

Not everyone can handle it.
That's why the woman has lost control.

- You mean these things happen like this...
- Who knows what else there is.

But God, I don't know, because
it has never happened to me.

Come on, have you ever cheated?



Mr. Prosecutor, I am begging
you as a father and as a lawyer.

...Prosecutor Pars is very
late with the indictment.

Let him write it, let the court decide.

It is not acceptable to be so late.

Not only as a father...

...But also for common sense, this
case needs to be tried as soon as possible.

Ok Mr. Yekta, I
will meet with him.

Please. If he doesn't write it, let
him hand it over to another prosecutor.

You are right, Mr. Yekta. It is time
to write it down and end the case.

I will ask you to be quiet.
Prosecutor Pars is doing what it takes.

I guess you do this
because you are a father.

Otherwise, I know which
prosecutor will examine the case file,

- I don't want to mess you up.
- Of course Mr. Prosecutor.

With your permission. Good job.


That was all.

Now let's gather the
reporters in that courthouse.

The bigger the event, the
more useful it will be for us.

- They should be afraid of you!
- Come now Seda...

It's like you don't know your brother-in-law!

But my real bomb is at the end!

Did you lose your temper, Mrs. Jaylin?

Or will you attack me here too? Have you come
to do the same thing here as in my office?

Or should I have requested police
protection while at the courthouse?

Should we keep a level
because it has reached the floor?

What is this lawyer?
Will you lock me in?

But that was when you
were a prosecutor, right?

- I forgot, sorry...
- Okay, no need to talk.

I applied to the judge.
I will be at his door every day.

I have also added my complaint from yesterday.
I asked for your pre-trial detention!

Say goodbye guys, parting is near.

Mr. Yekta, I am the journalist
covering the Engin Tilmen case...

- I have a few questions.
- Sure, here we go.

How did I not grab him
by the throat yesterday?

OK, you're right to be upset,
but we're here to testify.

Bon appetit, chief.

Come, let's eat together. Where have
you been? Everything has cooled down.

Don't ask, Chief.
Gyokusu didn't stop talking.

- So, did he say anything?
- No.

Chief, I say maybe we should
take a look at those HTS files?

Does it have anything to do with
Yekta? Made a phone call or a meeting?

- You have to ask the prosecutor.
- Prosecutor Pars will immediately say "okay"!

Ask, ask! Not without asking.

I will ask him chief, is
it possible not to ask?

Of course not.

Especially you and Ilgaz, you
don't take a step without consent!

You can't stop without
getting us in trouble.

You have eaten my life!

Okay, Chief, you're upset, I
get it, and you're messing with us.

Yekta Tilmen says that perhaps Ilgaz
Kaya left footprints at the crime scene.

So I have to ask you, what
shoe size do you wear?


Same number as the
one at the crime scene.

It could be a coincidence.

Then we'll have to look at these
shoes to make the comparison.

Yes, send a team to take what's
in the house and examine them.

Let's do it so they don't say later that
something was missing or wasn't done.

As you know, we have
many "jackals" around us.

It is an indisputable
fact, Mr. Prosecutor.

- Ilgaz, what's going on?
- I came to give a statement, Mr. Prosecutor.

- Fine, go after me too.
- I will pass, Mr. Prosecutor.

Prosecutor Pars, are you coming?

Please, Mr. Prosecutor.

It's obvious that Yekta
is going to stir things up.

Write the indictment.
I don't understand what you expect?

He is not ready now, Mr. Prosecutor.
Things are missing. Deposits continue.

You should have completed it.
It doesn't work like that.

Public opinion pressure on the one
hand, media pressure on the other.

Yekta will soon also
set up a tent in my office.

Come now, for God's sake, Mr. Prosecutor.
Complete my research and I will write it up.

Should we now send it to court to be
returned because there are deficiencies?

For God's sake don't.
We won't let the pressure get to us.

We're in a lot of trouble, Pars!
Write your indictment and let's finish.

If signed, you can exit.

Sign, Mr. Prosecutor.

Do you have another order, Mr. Prosecutor?

Calm down, Rinvan! A little
peace of mind, if you've got it!

He asked you about
the indictment, didn't he?

Exactly. Anyway, we're
dealing with it for now.

Pars, I don't want to upset you,
but Yekta will continue to attack.

Let him attack, Ilgaz. The justice
system does not work to anyone's liking.

The guy is not going to stop.
He won't stop until he gets what he wants.

He will even reveal things that
will hurt you without any hesitation.

Like what ;

-Your illness.
-Leave us! For God's sake!

You were exaggerating too.
I have nothing, I'm fine!

Ignoring her doesn't
change the truth Pars.

Even if you don't admit it, you
are sick, which is perfectly normal.

Does it say anywhere that
prosecutors won't get sick? No,

Just go to the doctor
and get your treatment.

The deposition is over, Mr. Lawyer.

That's it, Mr. Prosecutor,
good luck.

The pressure on Pars began.

The Attorney General requested the indictment.

We expected this.


Let's go for a walk. We'll get
the attention of those at the bank...

I guess I don't come to
your door for pleasure.

You see she hates me, she is very angry. I'm
afraid he's going to say something to Jiver.

Say something!

What can I say, Zumrut?

The baby is yours Osman,
I'm as sure as my name!

What will happen when he takes me for the test?

Will you shut up then too?

Just do something, stop her!

I'll tell you something and don't get angry.


- Should you have an abortion?
- What are you talking about ;

Jiver is so tender to me.
Can't you see how happy he is?

How do I tell him to have an abortion?
Besides, I also want to give birth.

He is a soul, his heart beats. How did
you think of such a thing? What nonsense!

I can't believe you!

I don't want it, don't you think?

Christ and the Virgin Mary!

- What do you say Pars should do?
- With the indictment?

I think he'll say he's not ready
and delay it. Until you find proof.

- Oh! He is angry.
- It can't be too late

What do you think he will claim?

The situation is this, the girl did
it, that's what she's going to say?

I don't think he would say that.
Pars believes in us, he is on our side.

He won't, right?
He wouldn't do that.

Did you leave Mrs. Lacin at home?

Yes, sir, I left her
and came to get you.

We're going to Tilmen.

Mr. Prosecutor, may I have two minutes?

There is a rumor. You will blame
Lacin for helping Engin escape.

No, you can't.

What arrest? Mr. Prosecutor,
please don't do it!

What; How many years will you ask?

What 10 years, Mr. Prosecutor?
Please don't do it!

Show some compassion.
This woman just buried her son.

Lachin will not last there, she will die.

Yes, you are right. He doesn't say where he was. I know,
he doesn't talk to me either. I don't know what to do.

Maybe he is protecting someone or for some other
reason. But I'm 100% sure it's not his fault.

I know my wife, Mr. Prosecutor.

Let me speak to her one more time.


Hi, you are right.


Murat, stop, I'm not well.
Move over.

I wonder how he feels?

Who knows what goes
on in her tiny world.

Just think, at this age your
life is turned upside down.

The reality and the sense of belonging, is
upside down. It will surely leave her a wound...

Sure, of course.
And for a selfish reason.

No, I mean, if the birth mother
had been looking for her for years...

... if he had regretted it,
if he really wanted her...

... maybe he would stay in the middle.

However, the priority is the
interest of the child, in any case.

Do what is best for her.

Come on, let's go down.

Come in if you want.
I'll talk to Melike for a bit.

Good idea. I'll talk to
the people at home too.


- Are you ok;
- Fine.

You know, I really liked
playing lame when I was little.

But because I was impatient,
I always stepped on the lines.

If you play it again,
you might not hit them.

OK I will try.

Yes, stone. Thank you.
can i give it to you

I didn't step on them...

Aaah! I stepped on them!

I'll try again, ok.

Let's see.

I didn't press it. I pressed it;

I didn't step on it, I didn't step on
it, I didn't step on it. Did I step on it?

I didn't press it... I did!!

I can not.

Come inside...

Come on, sit down, your
mother-in-law loves you!

- Make us some tea, Aidan.
- Okay.

Where is Jaylin? Will not come;

We saw Melike on the street, now she will come.

- You're welcome...
- You're welcome.

Sister Jaylin can't play
lame! He's in a hurry about it.

He always does that.

Melike will show me
her room. We are leaving.

Go and I'll bring you warm buns.

Tomorrow the lady judge will hear Melike.
I wanted to make sure you were ready too.

He will ask her which family she will be
most comfortable with, how is it with you.

That's how she'll know from her look.

OK, let them ask.

We are not ashamed of our daughter.
We always had it ready.

Let them ask and they will get the answer.

Whose medicines are these?

He has Muscular Dystrophy.

My mom said they won't give
me to them. Is she telling the truth?

Yes, my honey.

We will do everything we can
for you to stay with your family.

Do not worry.

- This is very beautiful.
- I love Atatürk very much.

Me too.

All your drawings are beautiful.

who is here


But here you are in a wheelchair.

I won't be able to walk when I grow up.

But my parents will take care of me.

My love!


Lachin, everything will be fine.

I'm here. I'm next to you.

- Will it pass?
- Of course it will pass.

I will never leave you alone.

I will always protect you.

Will you protect me?

Didn't I always protect you?

Mr. Yekta?

Can we talk about something?

Okay, come with me.

Mr. Yekta, I accidentally
heard you in the car...

...Besides when I picked her up
from the courthouse to take her home...

...Mrs Lacin, cried a lot.
So I knew there was a problem.

Yes, Murat.


...The prosecutor started writing
the indictment, adding Lacin to it!

And I can't do anything.

And who have I not saved here?

I have saved the impossible,
but now there is nothing I can do.

The prosecutor is asking for ten
years and I can't do anything for my wife.

Lacin is very sensitive now.

I can't ask anything,
it's bad so I'm desperate.

If he tells where he was and what he was doing on the day of
the murder, he will be saved but for some reason he is silent.

I can take it all on myself.

Do not understand ;

I will say that I did everything myself.

Mr. Engin asked me to help him, I
arranged for the car and everything.

I will say that I helped him escape.

Do you love that much?


Driver Murat will give a statement to
Pars, be with him at the courthouse.

Wait a minute, what deposit?

He will testify about Engin's escape,
you will accompany him to the courthouse.

What, you're blaming him for your own crime?

- You kidnapped Engin.
-No, the man volunteered.

When the prosecutor attacked Lachin,
she was upset and couldn't stand it.

He said he will go in her place.

- So you didn't force it?
- Don't be silly, Senda.

I can't plan everything.
Man is willing.

For so many years he eats bread
from us, he pays his gratitude.

Be glad your stupid sister's life was
saved instead of interrogating me.

- I really don't understand.
- You don't understand a single thing.

He is a lost employee.
He is a failure.

He tries to lick his boss.
Let him burn.

Come to my office.
Go give a deposition.

I'll keep these.

Are you sure, right?

Does the other side not know about Melike's illness
or that she has been undergoing treatments for a year?

- No.
- At the first audition?

We didn't say it anywhere,
nor did they ask us.

Should I have said that or was I wrong?

No, there is no need to worry.
Do not worry.

Since you say so...

-See you tomorrow at the courthouse.
- Wait, I forgot.

You can have it for breakfast.

But God, if you don't take them, he will be
offended. And he'll worry about it until morning.

Hello in your hands. Thank you.

- For goodness sake.
- Goodbye.


- He broke my heart.
- Do not ask.

This is Ipek, her own mother,
didn't she know the child was sick?

He may have contacted the lawyers
and informed them, but I don't think so.

It hadn't even crossed their minds.
We need to see the entire case file.

We would have seen it if
he had, but let's look again.

Think, they don't even know about the health
status of the child they want to adopt.

- They didn't even care.
- I will cut myself off in anger.

Because the woman's problem is different. He does
not realize the responsibility he is about to assume.

So. So even if he is healthy,
the child is a big responsibility.

So what if we suggest that Ipek has
made no preparations for the child?

- He doesn't even have a room, for example.
- Nice!

I see when you focus you are fire!

This is what happens when we talk about children.

Besides, I noticed you didn't say anything
about the indictment and changed the subject.

But now I'm stuck.

Don't worry, there's nothing we can do.

So we can't get involved.
Anyway, back to our topic.

The fact that Galip destroyed their living
room to make Melike's room is a good thing.

Let's present it at trial.

You will introduce it. As you
know, I can't even sit next to you.

Now you are alone with me.

I hope this employee does not
pay for the sins of one of you.

I admit it was a difficult day, Ridvan.

Lock the door and go to rest.
Your hair is also damaged.

Who are you sleeping
with? With Uncle Cemal?

Mr. Prosecutor, it is said that you have not yet written
the indictment in the Engin Tilmen case, is that true?

Ilgaz Kaya is your close friend... It is
said that you are delaying on purpose..

They say you are sick and
not doing your job properly.

- Mr. Prosecutor, won't you say anything?
- Will you be removed from the case?

- Remove them!
- What is your illness, Mr. Prosecutor?

Prosecutor Pars ;

Things are out of control,
do you understand that?

The events were also covered by the press.
Everything I say happens one by one.

Now they will write everywhere, it will be news,
they will come to us. And that's because of you.

It is done.
You have until tomorrow morning.

Either you prepare the indictment,
or you leave the file in my office.

The decision is yours.

Here you go...

Ilgaz, after tomorrow's hearing,
you go to Cinar and I go to Osman.

Let's find out who and why
was threatened or not intended.

Maybe we'll find something,
it might touch Yekta.

Where is the sponge?

I'm taking us off this list.

I take out Eren and also...

Pars may be the subject of the
event, but the problem is someone else.

Are you talking about
Neva? For the prison visit.


- Welcome.
- Good Evening.

Can I steal your husband for
a few hours? Do you allow us?

Of course, of course.

- I'll wait downstairs.
- I am coming.

- What does he have?
- I don't know, we'll find out now.

- Does it have anything to do with the case?
- I don't know, Jaylin...

He might want to
talk, he's human too.


Okay dude, just kidding.

Besides, I like Pars, but this was
not a pleasant arrival, you know that..

You go home, I'll come too.

No, I'll stay here.

Besides, what have we said?
Sometimes I need to be alone.

An agreement is an agreement,
the process cannot be broken.

I forgot my phone.

-What happened;
-We have until tomorrow morning.

To write the indictment.

And you will help me,
like an old colleague.

And this will remain
between us until we die.

- Good morning, Mr. Prosecutor.
- Good morning, Ridvan.

Take this and bring me the printout.
Inside is this long-awaited indictment.

Of course Mr. Prosecutor, immediately.

Good morning.
It was very busy and I was late.

They are very excited, they are
all waiting in front of the court room.

The cold Ipek has also arrived.
The psychologist is next to Melike


-Good morning.
-Good morning.

- They still haven't gotten over the shock.
- Little by little they will get used to it.

What was Pars's problem, won't you
tell me? Is it the indictment or the case?

Staff, we were just talking.

Somehow all your
secrets are out so I shut up!

Here's your water.

And that's your bonus.

Good for you.

The defendants Galip
Yunus Aidan Yunus...

Plaintiffs Ipek and Salih Soidan...

Melike will stay here with
her psychologist sister.

- You are welcome.
- Let's go..

God bless you, baby.

We will come.

When Madam Judge calls
you, we'll go together later, okay?

Now relax.

What happened Ridvan, you stayed like this...

Here, Mr. Prosecutor.

From the look on your face,
I think I've made a mistake.

No mistake, Mr. Prosecutor. I certainly
had the opportunity to take a look.

Out of the corner of the eye.
Honestly, I was surprised!

Ridwan, get out.

I'm sorry, Mr. Prosecutor.

Good morning, Mr. Prosecutor.

I hope she's good, Prosecutor Pars.

Prosecutor, I think it's good, it's
the indictment of Engin Tilman's case.

I wanted your opinion
before I take this to court.

Okay, let's take a quick look.


It's OK.

Mr. Prosecutor, if you allow me, I would like to
undertake the prosecution of this trial as well.

We have the legal authority and
that's the way it's supposed to be.

After all, you are the one
who knows the file best.

But the investigators are so busy that it
is difficult for them to act as prosecutors.

I mean, it would be
better if there was time.

- That is, if you don't mind.
- No, Mr. Prosecutor, what do you say? I can.

Then, good luck. Here you go..

- Good shift.
- You too.

Yes.. Let's take your deposits.

Madam President...

As a result of our investigations, we found an interesting piece
of information that coincides with the date of this lawsuit.

When Mr. Salih's illicit relationship
was learned by Mrs. Ipek...

Mr Salih said he wanted a divorce.

Mrs. Ipek, because she did not want to divorce her
husband, to whom she has been married for six years...

She suddenly announced to him that they
had a child that she was hiding from him.

It's a strange coincidence.
It's like an excuse.

Mrs. Ipek, are these true?

No, I've been trying to tell him
for years, I've been suffering inside.

Do you think it's easy to
say I gave away our child?

It should be easier
than giving it away.

"Call Arzu, she's here, waiting."

Madam President, if I may, Mrs. Arzou,
Mr. Salih's ex-girlfriend, is here...

We would like to hear her as a witness.
Let her explain what happened.

Okay, let's call out Mrs. Arzou.

Do you swear on your honor, your values ​​and your beliefs, that you will not
hide anything from the questions I will ask you and that you will answer honestly?

Melike, are you ready? Madam
President will call you now.

- She is good ;
- She is very good...Let's go.

Melike Yunus!

Come Melike, welcome.

Now you're going to answer the questions I'm
going to ask you without hesitation, okay?

Do you know why you are here today?

They want to take me
away from my mom and dad.

Who are they, my honey?
Who wants to take you?

I don't know them.

Well, do you want to know?

- Why ;
- I already have my mom and dad.

I am their daughter.

Hello, honey, I have something to ask you. Look
behind you, you will see a lady with a red scarf...

This is your biological mother,
the mother who gave birth to you...

The gentleman next to her is your father.

I don't look like them at all, but I am my
own mother and I look a lot like my dad.

You will decide, what
will be my house?

I already have a house.

My room, my mother, my father.
I don't want to go anywhere else.

They can't look at me.

Well honey, we tired you, didn't we? Thank
you very much, you have helped us a lot.

But now you can go out with
the sister, we have more to say.

Well done, my Melike.
You answered very well, my dear.

- Is Aunt Judge mad at me?
- No. Never.

Now look, we'll go inside and
you wait here with the sister.

You have already met.
We'll be right back, okay?

Jekta ??

Murat is nowhere, I asked and was told
he was arrested, what does that mean?

My dear wife, I am very sorry
too, but such a thing has happened.

So is it true?

Unfortunately. I would have told
you yesterday when I came here...

Stop it now!
Tell me why Murat was arrested.

He sacrificed himself for us.

I didn't know you loved us so much.
But God, what a devoted man he was.

He saw that you were in danger of being accused of
kidnapping Engin and he went and gave a statement.

-For me;

He said, I did it, not Mrs. Lachin, I
arranged it all, I helped Mr. Engin escape.

Can not!

What can't?

Jekta, save him! It is a great injustice. Do something.

Of course I will save him, dear.

Do not worry.

This job is mine, don't worry.

Pars submitted the indictment to the court.

This is a drawing Melike did.
It describes her emotional world.

Can I ask you to
comment on this image?

This drawing is not the only one, we
have done many drawings together.

Melike's harmony and
development is very good.

In fact, it is ahead in some areas.
I have all the details in my report.

But all the drawings say the same thing, that
he is afraid. Melike expresses it herself.

- What is he afraid of, he told you about it?
- Because of her illness.

Meanwhile, she believes that her
biggest support is the love of her parents.

Will you explain it to us?

A year ago, Melike was diagnosed
with a disease called FSHD.

This is a disease that causes
a type of muscle wasting.

Likely, Melike will be confined to a
wheelchair as she enters puberty.

How did it happen, when I gave her she was healthy!

They couldn't take care of my child.

Mrs. Ipek, this is a
genetically inherited disorder.

It is transmitted, either from
the mother, or from the father.

Mrs. Ipek, didn't you know
that Melike had such a disease?

No, we're hearing it for the first time, we had no idea.

I am shocked.

Madam President, no such
information was shared with us.

Madam lawyer, didn't you ask?

- If we're done, I'll go to Melike.
- You are welcome.

Ask Aidan if she wants
Melike despite her illness.

Madam President, I should add that Galip Yunus,
in order not to lose Melike, lost an eye...

If I may, I would like to
ask Mrs. Aidan a question...

You are welcome...

Mrs. Aidan, you know about
Melike's illness and its course, right?

That he won't be able to walk, that
he may be bedridden in the future.

I know, the doctor told us.

Still, you want to be a mother and take
care of a child you haven't given birth to.

I'll carry her on my back if I have to.

If she can't hold her hand, I'll be her
hand If she can't see, I'll be her eyes...

I ask that the same
questions be asked of Ms. Ipek.

Mrs. Ipek, we are waiting for you...

I don't know. Honestly, we had no idea.

- I'm frozen now!
- Are you frozen????

Mrs. Ipek is frozen, what should we do!
Let's take a half hour break, okay?

You can wash your
hands, relax and defrost!!

Then, if you are available,
we will get your reply.

Good appetite.

Thank you chief, let's eat
together, I also have fresh tea.

No thanks, I ate.

Gyokusu's HTS recordings, have they arrived?

No, chief, I'm waiting for
permission from the court.

He did not come.

Come Umut.

The license has arrived, we're sorry.

Finally! That's exactly what we were talking about.

Here you go.

- Why did you bother?
- Alas.

- What will happen now ;
- We do not know.

He will testify now, but he
gave us a huge opportunity.

Let's see, Mrs. Judge got angry.
It's hard to come back from here.

Let's see.

Look what I'm about to show you.

You see;

How did it disappear?

If you want, one day I will teach you.

The defendants, Galip
and Aidan Yunus...

Plaintiffs Ipek and Salih Soidan...

Madam President, we waive the lawsuit.

Do you approve of this decision?


It's over, Melike is your daughter.

The decision was taken...

It was decided to dismiss the case due to
waiver of the obligation to justify the detail.

There's no going back, it's over.

Melike is officially their daughter.

I'm filing for divorce.

What ;;

Did you see how happy they are?

Everyone is where they belong.

Well done, I actually
cried, you were so good.

Thanks to your tactics, Ms. Jaylin.

Then we deserve to
celebrate, don't you think?

ok what do you want

Let's not talk to them, come on.

Young people, why? The indictment
was filed in court and was even accepted.

What ;;

Let's not stop you, Mr. Yekta,
we'll look it up in the system. You go.

I do not accept this!

I won't watch it without you.
Let's look at it together, please.

How fast.
I'll look into it too.

He's still laughing!

He knows you.

This time I will
not fall into his trap.

Juniet, should we offer
coffee to the young people?

- Enough Jekta!
- I can not get enough.

- Here you can see it.
- We are waiting to see it ourselves.

Read it out loud
for all to hear.

This is up to a lifetime!