X Company (2015–2017): Season 2, Episode 1 - Creon Via London - full transcript

Creon Via London S2E1 After the ambush at the docks the team is reeling as Alfred is taken by the Gestapo and Tom was shot in the mayhem. Now communication is cut off, and all of the Camp X program may have been compromised by Alfred's capture.

Previously on "X Company"...

Alfred has a condition
that's been identified as synesthesia.

The brain is cross-wired.
One sense is actually

- fused to another.
- Is it true that he remembers

- everything he sees?
- Everything he's seen here,

- it can never fall into enemy
- hands. Now, training's over.

In the next four weeks,
we're gonna be hitting

the Germans hard.
Stealth attacks...

- Bombs.
- Go!


You were in the Resistance
with Ren?

- Aurora will take over as sergeant.
- Yes, sir.

This is systematic
extermination of Jews.

They call it a concentration camp.
Place to throw away the people.

- Move!
- Gotta kick people in the ass.

Tell them that looking
the other way is not an option anymore.








(crying) Oberfuhrer Franz Faber

knows about you. He knows about
your friend with the memory.

- You're walking into a trap.
- You're an agent for the Germans?

- I'm so sorry.
- Don't move! Drop your weapon!

- It's Alfred they wanted!
- If he's ever in danger

of being captured,
he can never be taken alive.

Sir. It's Alfred.

You're going to tell me
everything you know.

(military drumming)

Everything on these walls

is compromised.
Volontaires de la libert?,

Arm?e secrète compromised.
(Morse code beeping)


Anything he would
have seen while he trained.

- The timing of his capture...
- I know.

It's a disaster! Just when
we need all hands on deck.

- I'm aware.
- Those Denmark circuits

were active too.

He was your prot?g?,
your calculated risk.

Do you know how long agents last
under interrogation?

- The strong ones?
- Under 24 hours.

You know it has
to happen, Duncan.

I take full responsibility.

(Morse code beeping)

Incoming from Harry again.

You know what to do.


(Morse code beeping)

(Morse code beeping)

(Morse code beeping)

"Nothing at this time.
Stand by for orders."

Again! That doesn't
make any sense.

They're cutting us off.

We'll have to change our
appearance. They got a good look

at us at the docks. The glasses
he left; any of them fit?


You're sure this place is safe?

It's the one place
Alfred doesn't know about.

Sinclair thought ahead.

(Knock-knock! Knock!)
They're here!

(man groaning in pain)

Put him, put him here!

(Harry): What happened?

A bit of a dust-up
with the roundup police.

Watch your head.
(man gasping in pain)

Should have seen him though,
shooting like a cowboy.

He saved my skin.

I saw the mark at the gate. How'd
the catacombs get compromised?

You know the nurse that was
helping us in Marmonne?

She was working for Franz Faber.

She was?

She led us into an ambush.

They have Alfred.

(blows landing)
(man gasping in pain)

This won't end
until you start talking.





(blows landing)
(gasping in pain)

Aaah! (Morse code beeping)

Creon Via London

(gasping in pain)

How the hell would the Germans
know to take just him? Harry?

What? You were there too,
we both saw. They took Alfred...

- And they knew to single him out, how?
- Neil, that's not helping.

It was the morphine.

It's my fault.

- I said too much.
- Fantastic!

- What else does she know?
- What does it matter?

They've got Alfred, they're
gonna know everything, right?

He wasn't supposed to have been
taken alive in the first place!

They dragged him out of range,
they threw him in the car,

- and I didn't have the shot!
- Jesus Christ!

There's fragments still
in here; he's still bleeding.

- I can see that!
- He needs a professional.

We can't take him to a hospital.

- What about the radio?
- No, we're cut off.

OK, we need the nurse.

She's a traitor!
She sold us out!

She's the only one
who can help him.

It's insane to think
she's not gonna do it again.

- Do we have a choice, Harry?!
- She's a liar!

She lies! Do you
understand that? We can't

- trust a word she says!
- We don't need to trust her;

we just...
we just need to get her here.

At gunpoint if necessary.
I'll go.

Where? We don't even know
where she is.

Anton went after her.
I know his safe house.

Yeah, so does Alfred.
Watch yourself.

Harry, stay by the radio.

(gasping in pain) (door opening)

(door closing)





























Sir, you asked to see me?

Yes. I'm handling Colonel
Sinclair's duties for now.

During which time I'll need you
to fill me in on the day-to-day.

- How long will he be away?
- He was responsible

for putting a very vulnerable
agent in the field.

Any further information
is need-to-know. Would you close

the door?

- There's one thing I can share with you.
- Sir.

The Allies are preparing
an invasion on the North Coast

- of France.
- I see.

We need your service to rally on the ground

to cripple the enemy's ability
to strike back.

- The timing...
- Yes, I know.

We've had to put all our networks under
quarantine. We need to rebuild everything

from the bottom up.
How long away?

Four weeks.

Four weeks?

(gasping in pain) How many
networks operating in Paris?

Talk to us now
or we bring in the others.

The boy?


I ask again. How many allied
networks in Paris?

(gasping in pain)
The moment you are willing

to talk... (blows landing)

Please! Yes, please.
Just please just stop!

(Alfred breathing hard)

I'll tell you
what you want to know.

(Alfred weeping)

(people chattering)

(Bzz-bzz-bzz! Bzz-bzz! Bzz!)

I caught her coming back
for her medical bag and money.

She was trying
to get out of town.

I radioed for instructions;
every network's gone dead.

- What the hell's going on?
- Where'd you put her?

Locked her in the bedroom.
What about Drabek?

We know an artist,

uncompromised. He's gonna
help him get out through Spain.

- It's the best we can do.
- On foot?

Look, we shouldn't
even be talking.

Christ! What the hell
is going on here?!

No! No!

Damnit! I'm not gonna
let you do this.

Come on! Look at me!

(nurse gasping and crying)

I need you to snap out of it!

You want to die? Huh? I'd be
happy to help you with that,

but first you've got work to do.
(nurse vomiting and gasping)

Come on. You're not done yet.

(nurse vomiting)
You know, you can't stay here

because of her.
I need you to pack your radio,

put the signal in the window
and run. I'll take care of her.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Look at me.

Are you sorry enough
to do something about it?


'Cause you're in luck.
I'm gonna you one chance.

One chance.

to make things right.

- Let's go. Come on.
- Is Harry all right?

He's peachy. Come on.

Let's go!



4-4HG... 51a,



- These are codes?
- I'm telling you everything.


3-0-2-3. A LiteFlyte.


These are serial numbers
for typewriters.



(gasping in pain)
Do you think this is a game?!


(screaming and gasping)

(breathing slowing down)

(muffled hitting)

Just hang on, mate.
Yeah, help's coming.

Just hang on,
don't you go anywhere.

This is nice.

What is?

Us holding hands like this.

It's gonna make
your girlfriend jealous, though.

What was her name
again? Fei Yen?

That is, that is
a girl's name, right?

(knocking in secret code)
Piss off.

Welcome back.

(moaning in pain)

How long ago was he shot?

Yesterday afternoon.

How long have you been
at this game then?

"Let me help you, I'm a brave
nurse, risking my life

- for the cause."
- She's here now, let her work.

I didn't know what the Germans
were doing, about death camps.

- I knew nothing.
- With the police kicking down

doors, rounding people up? Go on,
how long have you been at it?

You, Englishman! Copper no less!

It was one of you

who kicked my husband's head
open on the street.

Ha! You want to pretend
you and me, we're not at war?

You want me to help your friend?

Say "please."


Let's just make this clear.

I didn't plant the knife
in Harry's neck;

I saved his life.

I didn't shoot Tom, but I'll do
my best to keep him alive.

I will do all I can

to make this right,
but I will not be judged.

Not by you.

The wound's infected.

Beyond morphine for the pain,
there's nothing I can do.

He needs treatment,


Otherwise, he's got four days...

maybe a week
before he dies of sepsis.

I am sorry.

Go on.

(muffled hitting)






(metallic door opening)

(metallic door slamming shut)

I've had enough.

It's not survivable
without treatment.

He needs a hospital.

- There's one not far from here.
- Yeah, and he's known to the Gestapo.

- He'd be thrown straight into prison.
- Harry, try the Camp again.

Maybe we can airlift him to
England, get him to an infirmary.

I suppose I'm of no more use
to you now.

I know what comes next.

Sit down.

(fast clicking)
(Morse code beeping)

Tell us exactly
what you told Faber about us.

Physical descriptions...

your first names,
Alfred's memory...

Alfred. Any idea

- where he might be right now?
- Somewhere secure.

I'd guess the Gestapo
Headquarters on Avenue Foch.

How long would they
keep him there?

I don't know.
It depends, maybe...

- how long it takes...
- For him to break.

And then he's executed?
Or thrown into a work camp?

I've heard they take high-value
prisoners straight to Berlin.

Which he is.

We're gonna have to move fast.

I need you to go back to the HQ.

- No, hang on...
- Find out if he's still

in there, what cell he's being
held in, how well he's guarded...

I'm not sure I can just walk back in there.

That's not where we meet,
it's not how it works...

You want to send her right
back to her German friends

and just hope
they don't follow her back here?

(Aurora): There's no other way.

I'll do it.

I'll find out what you need.

They still trust me.
I can't take back what I did.


it's the least I can do.

(Morse code beeping)

(indistinct yelling)

(metallic door closing)






Franz... Haha... Um...
(distant yelling and screaming)














(distant woman yelling)
(distant hitting)

(distant German man yelling)

(distant hitting)

(distant woman screaming)
(metallic door opening)

(metallic door closing)

(Morse code beeping)

I must have made a mistake.
Can't understand it.

(Neil): What does it mean?

Um, they're saying as little
as possible over the air, but

"circa" means "around." And
these numbers with the N and E...

- Latitude and longitude.
- Yeah.

I should be able to track that down,
shouldn't be too far from Paris.

And 2400...

Midnight. "Creon via London
small shadow." What's that?

- My eyes only. Sorry.
- You know what it means?

It means... a plane is coming.

We need to find a field
in this area.

We'll signal the pilot
from the ground.

- And I'll boost a car.
- No. Neil can handle that.

I want you to go to the HQ with the nurse.

You can join us at the field
when she's done.

No, I'll go with her in case
anything goes wrong.

If there's one person she might
not rat on right now, it's Harry.

- It was an act.
- She says she wants

to make things right.
If that's true, you're the one

she's doing it for.
So go with her,

tell her whatever it takes
to keep her close to you.

- OK.
- I'll tell him the plan.

(whispering): Whatever it takes.

(indistinct whispering)

(Tom scoffing)

I'm sorry I struck you.

I lost my temper. I'm tired.

(distant indistinct talking)

I shouldn't have taken this on.
Not today.


I was just thinking about
my first job in university.

Picking Zuckerruben.

I don't know
the English word for that.

- Sugar beets.
- Sugar...

The Fuhrer had quotas
to bring agriculture

back to pre-war levels, so...

my boss... sat at my shoulder,

watching how many beets
went into the basket,

yelling at me.
It was terrifying.

Still, you want to laugh.

"More sugar beets."

- It's not that different now.
- I'm not gonna talk.

Just give me something I can
take back to my superiors

like the location
of safe houses.

Your colleagues will be
avoiding them anyway.

It will make no difference
to their safety,

but it will help you live.

And even if you don't care,

I know there is
somebody who does.

Somebody who loves you...

your mother, your father.

What would they say
with you gone?

I just want to spare
the suffering.

Beat me all you want;

I don't feel it now.

The pain?

Is it the synesthesia
that helped you stop feeling it?

I've been building a file on you
since you were in Marmonne.

Consulted a neurologist
in Berlin.

This must be unbearable.
All your senses fused into one,

it must be overwhelming.

I prayed for it to go away.

- For silence.
- What do you mean?

The way the clouds smelled,

my mom's voice,
the way it tasted.

They thought it was cute
when I was a boy,

but one day he shook me, told me
not to talk about it anymore.

Who did?

"People don't like anomalies.
They'll think you're a freak."

Your father?

He didn't think
you were a freak;

- he was trying to protect you.
- Protect me?

After I'm done, I'll be interned
and executed, won't I?

What you did was
out of loyalty to your country

and because of a promise
you made to somebody you loved.

What you're doing today,
it's going to count.

I could be a triple agent.

The Germans still trust me.
I could feed them

false information.


- What do you think?
- What do you want me to say?

Want the truth? You want to know
what I think? I feel sick.

'Cause after that time
in Marmonne, I couldn't stop

thinking about your face;
and now you're in front of me,

I don't even want to look at you
because I feel sick.

I can't even trust
what I feel anymore.

It was easier, wasn't it?

A few days ago when we knew
what we were fighting for.

When we thought we knew.

We're almost there.
We can't be seen together.

I'll circle around, recon
the other side of the building...

Harry, I don't expect you
to believe me...

but I want you to know every
second of that night was real.

How can I believe you?

I don't know you.
I know nothing about you.

We'll start here.

My name's Siobhan.

Do you believe that?

Be careful...


Good afternoon.

I'm here to see
Oberfuhrer Faber.


"Siobhan Daly."


Miss Daly?

You should know better
than to present yourself

without advance warning.
It's very poor security.

The news I have
is urgent, and tomorrow

might be too late.

I need to see
Oberfuhrer Faber personally.

The Oberfuhrer
is engaged right now, but,

if you'll come this way,
I can spare a little time.

(Siobhan): It's a nice office.

It's temporary.

How is the spy;
has he been helpful?

I apologize.

It isn't my place to ask
or yours to know,

- I shouldn't assume.
- No, by all means. He's well.

As well as can be expected.

But first, uh,
the information you mentioned?

I will ensure personally

that Oberfuhrer Faber
receives it the moment

he becomes available.

I can...

- speak freely with you?
- Of course.

I met with the others
in Alfred's cell.

They trust me.

I know where they are right now.

(people chattering)

The people I work with,
they wouldn't understand

about your condition:
your senses, your memory.

They don't see what I see...

that you need to be
treated differently.

- I want to help you.
- My memory also means

that I know how long you stood
there watching me get beaten.

- 59 blows.
- Alfred, your father was trying

to protect you by keeping
your condition a secret

and I could do the same.

My father didn't care about protecting me!

I can underplay the extent
of your memory to my superior.

You don't understand.

I'm ready for the pain.

I'm ready to die.

You'd do that to your mother?

My mom left me.

She couldn't take being
with my father anymore.

After what he became
in the First War,

what he saw out there.

He wanted silence too.

From the war, from me...

from raising a freakish boy
on his own.

What did he do?

(Alfred sniffles.)
I came home, 12 years old,

a bang, a burst, horrible
colour of a burning smell.

I came into the kitchen
and found my father

and the gun and the blood.

His face half gone,

still breathing, suffering.

I could feel the life...
The warmth...

Draining out of him,
right under my hands.

Do you know what that's like?

To feel the life
of someone you love

disappear from your hands?

To want it back?

The ache?

But there's nothing, it's gone.

(Faber sniffles.)

(Faber sighs.)

You do know.

(Faber slaps the table.)


(bird cawing)

(bird cawing)

It's empty but I don't
like it. It's too exposed.

It's better than
the last three fields

- we looked at.
- Wide open to patrols.

- I know.
- Being out after curfew,

setting up signal fires,
drawing attention...

- You have a better idea?
- I don't like it.

So you said.

Alright, let's go.

Come on, move your lazy arse.

Bloody hell.

I'll be glad to see
the back of it.

(Tom moaning)

Thank you for waiting.
This has been

very useful. I just have
a few more questions.

However I can help.

You said, uh...

Aurora has a contact, yes?
Just out of town?

Louisette, yes.

And they're heading
there tomorrow

- to find safe passage to Spain?
- That's why you need to go get them now.

- In the catacombs?
- That's right.

Near the south exit.

The catacombs were sealed off

last night.

There are no agents inside.

Yesterday at the docks,

our agents saw you talking
to the young one, Harry...

and then you ran.
(Siobhan sighs.)

- You've got it wrong.
- They report

the group took a defensive
formation and fired first.

As if they had advance warning
of what was coming.

Maybe that's because your agents
looked nothing like dock workers.

You will lead us
to these people.

We will follow you
at a discreet distance.

If you try to make a run for it,

you will be shot.

Please do not disappoint us,
Miss Daly.

(Siobhan gasping with emotion)

(phone ringing)

(people chattering)

(inaudible conversation)

(woman screaming)
(people talking)

Hey, hey!
What did she say to you?

- It makes no sense.
- What did she say?

She said, "Tell him
he's in there alive...

and tell him that it was real."

(insects chirping) (dog barking)

(Tom panting)

You guys should get some rest.
Both of you.

What about you?

I'll rest when Alfred rests.

Now don't go getting
used to this, you.

There, that should do you
to London. And then we'll have

bundle you really tight, 'cause
it gets cold at that altitude.



Tom's not getting on this plane.

Do you want to explain that?

They said a plane
was on its way,

but they didn't say
they were sending it...

- for him.
- (Neil): Why else would they send a plane?

To make a drop.

"Small shadow"?
It's a parachute.

- To drop what?
- I can't...

I can't say.

- Wait, so the plane is coming...
- We're meant to receive

a package at midnight.
That's all.

Then why are we here?! Why
bring him out here like this?!

We couldn't just...

leave him behind.

And at least out here, we can...

- we can...
- We can what?

Go on. Say it.
Say it in front of him!


- It's OK.
- No, it's bloody not OK!

What, you knew about this?

I've got the morphine.
If I take it all...

- Jesus!
- Neil...

No! That's not gonna happen.

I can't!

We can't just give up on him
and watch him...

- Neil, it's OK.
- No! I'm not letting it happen.

I'll take you back
to town meself.

- I'll put you in a hospital.
- Then we're both dead.

We're terrorists
known to the police.

Bad idea.

I'm sorry.

(distant engine roaring)

We have to go. They're early.

Come on.

(door closing)


(plane humming)

(plane roaring)

Too low for a parachute drop!

- The plane's in trouble!
- We should try to get Tom!


Change of plans, Tom.

The plane's landing.
We're gonna try send you home.

I have to get you up, pal.


Two, three. (Tom gasping)

- How's it looking?
- Ugh! Oil everywhere!

It's a mess!
OK, what's this then?

You've got a passenger.

We got hit. Forced to land.

- We're losing oil.
- He needs a hospital.

- Can you get the plane in the air?
- Sergeant?

- Working on it, sir!
- How are we doing?

Almost there.

- Let's get him in!
- Let's go!

Grab it!

(Tom gasping in pain)
Come on.

Come on, Tom!

- Get up.
- (Neil): Put your leg up.

(Tom grunting)
(crewman): Here we go. We got you. Come on!

That's right. Here we come.

Standing by, sir!
You're gonna be good, mate.

- Hey! Hey!
- I'll run a test.

- No time!
- Hey! We've got to get out of here!

Harry, what's wrong?

Uh, they heard the plane.
Patrol, three men.

- Let's move. I'll cover!
- How far off?

- (Harry): Right behind me!
- Harry?

(suspenseful music) Go, go, go!

- Got it covered. Go!
- (Aurora): Get to the farmhouse!



Hey, what's going on?

Neil. Here you go.


- Get back there.
- C'mon, we'll flank them.

Soldier: Watch out. In front.



It's jammed.


Hey! It's OK. It's OK.

We got 'em.

It's OK. It's OK.

Come on! Come on! Come on!

This is "Creon," I take it,
coming via London.

- (Aurora): That's right.
- You knew?

There's a reason
you didn't tell me?

- Protocol.
- Protocol? You told Tom!

Only that the plane wasn't
for him. It seemed cruel not to.

Your job is to follow
protocol, Aurora,

not to decide
what's cruel or not.

Now, we've gotta get Alfred out before
he breaks.

If he hasn't already.

Any idea where he's being held?

Harry went to the Gestapo HQ
with a nurse.

- What did you learn?
- That he's in there.

He's alive. Or at least was
this afternoon.

And her name was Siobhan.

- Was?
- She died.

So, there's not a lot to go on.

Harry, it's a start.

(Neil): Where'd you get these?

- That's the HQ.
- Courtesy of Special Operations.



We're in trouble.

If we don't get Alfred out
before he breaks,

we're finished. Your war's over.

So this is what we're gonna do.

Announcer: On the next X Company.

If we don't get Alfred out

and he talks, we're finished.

Your war is over.

You've all been compromised.

You should be split up

and reassigned.

Is there anything you'd like to say?

Announcer: Next Wednesday at 9:00 on CBC.