Wycliffe (1994–…): Season 4, Episode 6 - Bad Blood - full transcript

Hectoring land-owner Lionel Penmore is shot dead and the chief suspects are his tenants Kevin and Laura Kessell. Penmore has tried bribery and violence to evict the pair and their baby, Flo...

[theme music]

LAURA: Kev, please.

KEVIN: I'm going crazy, Laura.

I just gotta get out for a bit, all right?

I won't be long.

Kevin, no!

Don't worry, love.

This is our home.

I mean, they can't get us out if we don't wanna go.


I won't be long, all right.

Please, I promise.

See you, treasure.

1,000 pounds, if you'll leave by tonight.

You send kids around spraying paint,

and now you're offering us money?


I was born in that cottage.

I'm staying put.

She's sick!

She can't leave.


we're sick!

Of the likes of you messing us about!

Bloody leeches!


Don't you spit at me!

Who's a nice, clean girl, then?

[car approaching]

Get out of my house!


Open this door!

My father would have hung you by your tails!

You Kessells are the scum of the earth!

Always have been!

I want you out of here!

What do you think you're doing?

Put that down.


Another one bites the dust.

Bloody paperwork.

Why's he going to funeral, anyway?

It's Helen's cousin's auntie's granny's whatever.

Doug, Doug.

It's Helen's uncle.


[phone ringing]

DI Lane.

No, Superintendent Wycliffe's not here today.

He's gone to a funeral.

I'll deal with it.

Yeah, where is that?


I know.

OK, yeah.

I'll find that.

OK, how long from here?

Half an hour?

40 minutes.

All right.


What we got?

Incident in Helena.

I'll do it, Doug.

I'm allowed out these days, remember?

Someone's gone missing.

It's probably nothing.

I'll give you a call if the body shows up.

What am I now, the undertaker?

[radio chatter]


Dave Carson.

DI Lane.

Still no sign of the victim?

No, the informant's name's Mike Penmore.

That's in there.

His family's been trying to get rid of the tenants.

He came up here to see how his dad was getting on.

And if you look around here, found this.

[shutter clicking]

It's definitely his father's vehicle.

And look, something's been dragged through there.

LUCY: You checked the grounds and the cottage?

I was just going inside when I saw you driving up.

Right here, sir.

What are we waiting for, hm?

All this standing about?

I mean, he could be dying somewhere.

He's given me all the details.


Mr. Penmore, there really is absolutely nothing

you can do here.

You'll be better off at home.


I promise, if there's any developments,

we'll let you know.


Sir, it's Lucy.

Just giving you an update.

No sign of the body, but the amount of blood at the scene,

I don't think our victim could have got very far.

All right, whereabouts is this exactly.



Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, I know.

It's the back of beyond out here.

Nearest subdivisional station's Lanner, I think.

All right.

Well, make sure they search the area properly, will you?

Funeral's at 12:30.

I'll talk to you as soon as I get out of the church.


Well, get Doug over, if you need him.


All right, then.



It's fine.

We'd better go.

Yeah, I won't be a minute.

All right?


[baby crying]

[baby crying]

[baby crying]


[phone ringing]

KEVIN: Pam? Pam?

Hello? Kevin?

Have you seen Laura?

Kevin, what's happened?

She's just gone past in a police car.

KEVIN (ON PHONE): You gotta help her, Pam.

Something terrible's happened.


You just gotta help her.


I just saw Laura Kessell in a police car.

I know.

Something's happened to Lionel.

[radio chatter]

They closed the canteen down before I got here, sir.


The place is still operational, sir, but between you

and me, if they closed it down altogether,

it'd be no bad thing.

In there, sir.

How do you mean?

Makes no financial sense, sir.

There's a lot of money wasted in the old digs, or so they say.

Is that what they say, is it?

Oh, if you need to do interviews, sir,

there's a games room up the stairs there.

Only thing is, the heating's off.

You know, cutbacks. - Sounds perfect.

Excuse me.

[radio chatter]

I can't.

I shouldn't have come.

Laura, all we wanna do is ask you a few questions.

That's all.

Yeah, but you could have asked me them at home.

You shouldn't have made me come here.

Is everything OK?

We have a possible suspect, sir.

What's her name?

Laura Kessell.

She and her husband have both got form for minor offenses.

But word is, sir, she's doolally.

Barely able to look after herself, let alone a baby.

We had a problem getting her in the car,

and, well, now she won't get it.

Got it.


[radio chatter]

Hello, Laura.

I'm Detective Inspector Kersey.

She doesn't wanna get out.

Yeah, I don't have to if I don't want to.


We'll stay in here, then, eh?


LAURA: Her name's Flo.

How old?

11 months.

Too young to help with the dishes, then, eh?

Laura, why did we have to bring

the car right up to your front door before you'd get in?

Where's Kevin?

I wanna know where he is.

Over here.

Nicely tucked away, isn't he?

Do you reckon he you died here?

I doubt it.

More likely, he was shot outside the cottage

and the body was dumped here afterwards.

Now, as you see, the shot has had time to spread.

Not by much, though.

FRANKS: No, but I am pretty sure it was fired

from about two yards away.

Possibly more.

Well, if the attacker was that far away, we've got to say

it was deliberate, haven't we?

But one other thing.

I can't be sure of the time of death, of course.

But I'm pretty certain the time of the shooting

was seven minutes past 9:00.

Could you be a bit more precise at all?

Yes, I can.

His watch caught some of the shot, OK?

Ah, there you are.


Forensic'll be packing up in an hour or two.

Inside's pretty clean, and they've nearly

finished with the Land Rover.


When are you expecting Mr. Wycliffe?

He'll be here later on today.

His wife's uncle's died or something.

And so he's gone to the Funeral

So do you wanna move the body before he gets here?

Well, it's been dragged backwards through a hedge,

hasn't it?

No point in hanging around for the flies.

Uh, listen, do you know why Lionel Penmore was trying

to kick the Kessells out?

I know he's been desperate to sell the farm.

He even asked us to help get rid of 'em.

Couldn't believe they wouldn't do as they were told.

Thing is, Doug, there's been Kessells in there

for generations.

Used to be a pack of them.

Now it's just the boy, of course.

Most have either died or moved on.

You better tell your lads to keep an eye

out for Kevin Kessell, then.

Will do.

I'm off to tell the family we found Lionel Penmore's body.

You never know.

Maybe they can tell us if his watch kept good time.


Mostly, I feel like--

I dunno.

Like somebody else, you know?

Like everything's happening in front of me.

Laura, I need to know exactly what happened this morning.

Now, you said you heard Lionel Penmore break in.

Then what?

Then I went onto the landing.

As soon as I heard the shot, I just grabbed Flo and hid.


You never went outside the cottage?

This is the first time I've been past the front door since

I took her to the doctor's.

Which was when?

Six months ago.

You haven't been outside for six months?

Is this because the Penmores are trying to evict you?

Nah, that just made it worse.

No, it started when I was a kid with Dad.

My mum left, and I had to look after him.

He was sick.

It didn't seem right to leave him on his own.


Michael Penmore?

He's in the store.

Michael Penmore?

Detective Inspector Kersey.

You found him.

The body of man's been found in some woods, yes.

We think it is your father.

You're kidding.

I'm sorry, Mr. Penmore.

I realize this may not be the time,

but if you could answer some qu--


We've been told that Lionel Penmore had a brother.

Richard, is it?

Ah, he's in the house.

Thank you.

Hey, you make sure you put that Kevin Kessell

away for good. Do you hear?


Life should mean life.

We'll talk later.

Tom Durden, that's my name.

I'll tell the court whatever you want.

Hey, that's Kevin Kessell.


We saw the estate agent's sign on the gate.

We-- we started packing as soon as the farm

went up for sale, eh.

I-- I think-- well, me and my brother, we--

Tell you what, Mr. Penmore, I'll--

I'll go for a wonder and come back in 10 minutes, OK?

No, no, no, no, no.

I'll make us a cup of tea.

Not much left.

Must be the only dairy farm in the country

that's run out of milk.


I ran out a fortnight ago.

We were going at the end of the week.

Why are you selling up?

I'm sorry, Mr. Penmore more, but given the circumstances

of your brother's death, there are certain questions

I have to ask. So if now isn't the time--

We're up to our ears in debt.

I still will be.

How do you mean?

Everything's had to go.

Livestock machinery, even some of the furniture.

Still won't be enough to pay back the bank.

Our family's been here since 1865.

And now they're gonna build holiday shallies.

What about the Kessells?

Did you have to get them out of their cottage?


Look, I know they've got rights, but you've got to understand

our side of things.

We owe a fortune in interest alone.

If you-- you knew what it's been like.

We've been back and forth between the bank

and solicitors, everyone breathing down our necks.

Have you ever had to--

I'm sorry, Mr. Penmore, but what's that gotta

do with the Kessells?

My brother agreed with the developer Arthur Long

that there'd be no sitting tenants.

He gave him his word.

And Long was coming over tomorrow morning to take

one last look before signing.

So basically you had to get rid of the Kessells

today, yeah?

We couldn't afford anything to go wrong, see?

The sale has to be finalized by tomorrow morning,

and for the Kessells to move.

Look, I-- I know the law's on their side,

but it's not as if they had to pay much rent.

I'm sorry.


If it's all right with you, I think I'll have

to go and lie down for a bit.

Yes, of course.

We-- we need to confirm that the body we

found in the woods is Lionel's.

So either you or your nephew will

have to come and identify him.

And can I ask you when you last saw your brother?

Yeah, about 9:00 this morning, at Mercy Lane,

arguing with Kevin Kessell.

Thank you.

Kessell, we only wanna talk to you!

[siren wailing]

I done nothing!

What don't you just leave us alone?

You won't find Kevin Kessell around here.

What makes you think we're after him?

We're just asking questions about Lionel Penmore.

That's all.

What was he like?

Was he popular?

Tom Durden was telling me you're the farm manager.

You must have had quite a bit to do with him, hadn't you?

A killer's on the run, and all you can do

is stand around asking questions!

He was a good boss.

Treated everyone fair.

What more do you want me to say?

There you go.

[phone ringing]


Hello, sir.

How's it going?


Yeah, tell me, do Forensics think the body is connected

with both crime scenes?



Um, well, I'm coming down now.

I'm getting the next train.

Um, tell you what, I'll ring you from the train,

and you can bring me up to date then.


All right.

I'll make sure there's a car to meet you at the station.

All right, then.

OK, bye. - I'll be back in a minute.

Kevin Kessell's been found near Newquay.


Uniform're bringing him over.


Question is, do we want the two of them

bumping into each other?

Well, I was gonna suggest taking her home.

Are you serious?

I don't see there's any point in keeping her here.

No, we'd better get a social worker over,

stick her in a B&B.

Doug, she's got a child.

Anyway, what social worker is gonna come all the way out

here without two weeks notice?

We know the killing took place outside,

and I think she's genuinely phobic.

Do you think a phobia would have kept her indoors

if her child was threatened?

Come on, Lucy.

A mother will do anything to protect her child.

Now, she told you that she hadn't been outside for, what,

six months? - Mm-hm.

But you managed to get her into the car, didn't you?

With great difficulty.

No, she is a possible eyewitness

or even a potential suspect.

Either way, it's too early to take her home.

I disagree.

Incident room.

One day.

One day, someone is gonna listen to me.

- Doug? - Yeah.

Forensics haven't found anything in the cottage,

so I'm gonna take her back.

She's distressed.

And I think if she's got anything else to say,

she's more likely to say it at home.

I'll take full responsibility.

As long as you tell Wycliffe that.

Is it really that big a deal?

Maybe not for you.

But from here on in, any cockups just associated with me.

That prat Stephens will be on it,

and I don't intend to give him an inch, OK?

Excuse me.


I'm sorry.

I know Laura Kessell.

I just wondered how she is.

He never felt he settled in the south, really.

No, he said the tea tasted wrong.

Well, he had a good innings.

He did.

You'll miss him, won't you, Hel?

You were always his favorite.


Charlie, can you take Mr. and Mrs. Wilson in your car?

I'm terribly sorry.

He can't come back to the house.

He's got a case on.

Oh, I see.

I'm sorry.

Look, if you drop me at the station, I'll get a train back.

No, I can manage.

I'll take the train.

If it makes you feel any better.

The thing is, Kevin, what I need to know

is, where were you at 9:00 this morning?

I was waiting.

You were waiting. You were waiting.

How do you mean, you were waiting?

I arranged to meet a friend.

Who was this friend, then?

Just a mate.

Where was this?


So you're telling me that you were in Newquay

around 9:00 this morning, yeah?

Well, the trouble is, I've got a witness

who saw you arguing with a Lionel Penmore

in Mercy Lane at 5 past.

I must have got to Newquay later, then.

So you did meet Lionel Penmore this morning.

I didn't say I didn't.

Did you follow him back to your cottage?

You see, in her statement, your wife

Laura said she was upstairs with your daughter, Flo,

and heard Lionel Penmore breaking in.

Moments later, she heard a shotgun go off.

Now, this would have been shortly after you were

seen arguing in Mercy Lane.

So I'll ask you again, Kevin, after you

argued with Lionel Penmore, did you follow him to your cottage?

I didn't argue with him.

He hit me.

DOUG: Why?

'Cause I wouldn't take his money.

'Cause I said we were staying put.

He's been trying to drive us out of our own for weeks.

You know what he got the local kids to do?

Poison our dog, a little puppy.

We've been stuck in there for weeks, scared sick.

It's not our fault that golf course

or whatever it was went under.

Golf course?

Well, he's lost a fortune running some land

deal near Perranporth.

I was born in that cottage.

My family have been in there over 50 year.

And him and that son of this think they can just come in

and kick us out, like we're rubbish.


OK, we'll go over what happened bit by bit.

You saw Lionel Penmore in Mercy Lane this morning at 9:00.



You argued.

He offered you money to get out, which you refused.

And then he hit you.


So what happened after that?

I went to Newquay.

You definitely did not go back to your cottage?

I definitely didn't go back to my cottage.

I couldn't face it.

Couldn't face what?

I just couldn't--

I just-- I was just stuck in there, and Laura being the way

she was, I just had to get out for a bit.

DOUG: Leaving her alone.

I was only gone a while.

Just went to see a mate.

So why were you running away from the police, then?

They blame us for everything. You always have.

You'll have to make a formal statement, Kevin.



Mike, you should've let me identify him.


Mike, are you all right?

What kind of a question's that?

What do you think?


Make sure he's all right.

Got back 330 pound from the unused fertilizer,

and you're getting 700 for what's left of the hard feed.

The Menzies are taking the tractors.

The bank got the money out from yesterday.


She's putting Flo down for a sleep.

Do you think the Penmores did this?

They probably got the kids from the village to do it.

How long have you known Laura?

Well, I don't really know her.

She just rang the bell one day, wanted

me to take Flo to the doctor's, oh, about six,

seven months ago.

I don't think Kevin and Laura had anything

to do with the shooting.

I know people blame Kevin whenever anything goes missing,

but the last time I was here, they--

they hardly had it in 'em to--

to make a cup.

Would you come in and make a statement?

Oh, I'm not a friend or anything.

- What are you doing here? - Hello, Michael.

She's still here?

Why's she still here?


Mike, come on now.

Where are you going?

I think it would be better if you just left.

After what they did to my dad?

TOM: Come on, Mikey.

You don't know anything.

Come on, now, just--

Get out of my way.

Mike, please.

I keep telling your husband you need a slapping!

I think it'd be best if you just took your friend's advice

and went.

You tell her.

You tell her if she's still here this time

tomorrow, her and her little brat,

their lives won't be worth living.

Got me?


[radio chatter]

Definitely knows something, doesn't he?

Nothing we could hold him on, though.

No, unfortunately.

And who decided to let the wife go back home to the cottage?

Well, she was pretty distressed, sir,

so what with her having the kid in tow,

it seemed best to question her at home.

We can always bring her back.


MAN (ON TV): These nocturnal mammals use echo

location to find their way.


KEVIN: Laura?

Laura, it's me.

All right, my love.

"He's turned everyone against us.

It's not our fault that golf course

or whatever it was went under."

Have we had that confirmed?

Well, the Penmores have suddenly lost a lot of money.

They've had to sell everything.

"I was born in that cottage.

My family have been there over 50 years in him.

And him and that son of his thought they could

throw out like we're rubbish."

What is he talking about?

He must mean Lionel Penmore and his son.

What about the brother?

Well, I've talked to Richard.

How was he?

I'll say he was upset.

He was upset about his brother, obviously.

And he was upset about leaving.

Does Richard blame his brother for having to sell?

It's hard to tell.

Who else was against Lionel Penmore selling the farm?


Pam, the police are here.

Look, all you've gotta say is that I was at home

this morning till about 10:00.

That's all.

[doorbell ringing]

Please, Pam.

Please, gal!

[doorbell ringing]

WYCLIFFE: Mr. Wright?


WYCLIFFE: Detective Superintendent Wycliffe.

MR. WRIGHT: Oh, right. Yeah, come in.

WYCLIFFE: This is Detective Inspector Lane.

This isn't gonna take too long, is it?

Shouldn't think so.

MR. WRIGHT: Me and the wife were at home this moving.

We're moving out tomorrow, so we're

trying to get everything sorted before the removals people get


WYCLIFFE: Where are you moving?

This place came with the job.

Now the farm's been sold.

You're looking at a new member of the homeless and unemployed.

What time did you leave the house?

About 10:30.

I left about half 10:00, didn't I, love?

What's this?

So where were you this morning, Mr. Wright?

He left the house about 10 to 8:00.

Shut up!

Where did you go?

I went to take a look at a chicken factory in Eastmar.

Been offered a job there starting next week.

Did you go straight there?


Richard asked me to help him bring some sacks of feed

in from one of the fields.

Go on.

You've got to understand, Richard

had such plans for the place.

Once we got the loan from the bank,

we were gonna increase the herd, build a new parlor,

use the old carhouse for the ice cream.

Ice cream?


All these places were interested.

Pubs, pick-your-owns, all sorts.

Right around the country, not just Cornwall.

So there was money from the bank?

There's money on the Monday.

On the Tuesday, Lionel said he and Mike had

invested it in a golf course.

It was only a matter of time before the bank

was gonna come knocking.

So you were working with Richard.

What happened?

I didn't do anything.

We saw Lionel and Kessell in Mercy Lane.

Lionel hit him and he ran off.

Then what?

Richard knew Lionel had a gun, and he was worried.

Asked me to drive around to the Kessells quick as I could.

We got there, and Lionel was there.

Next thing I knew, Richard had picked up Lionel's gun

and was marching him away from the house.

It was Richard who had the gun?

LUCY: And?

Lionel went for the gun, and I think Richard just cracked.

Richard shot him?


WYCLIFFE: And then what?

I got Richard into the van and we drove off.

I took the shotgun and dumped it.

How'd you get the blood on your overall?

Oh, yeah.


I went over to Lionel, to see what I could do, you know?

And he grabbed me.

He was still alive?

So why didn't you ring for an ambulance?

There was no point.

I could see he was dying!

Oh, God.

Did you move him?


You just left him there, left him to die.

I could've been set up for life!

Because him and his son threw the money away,

I'm left chasing a job in a bloody chicken factory!

I didn't pull the trigger!


Tommy, Tommy, Tommy.

Mikey, Mikey.


You haven't heard about Kessell, then?

What about him?

He's bloody out.


They let that little bastard go.



Come on.

We're gonna need a new lock.

I thought you weren't coming back.

Oh, I came back.

It was horrible.

I was frightened.

KEVIN: I think I know what happened.

You didn't come and find me.

I saw he was dead.

And I got his body away from our home.

Was it an accident?

It must have been an accident.

I don't know.

We were hiding upstairs.

I didn't do it.

I didn't do it!

All right, all right, all right.

I'm sorry.

There's a light on over there, look.

Richard Penmore.

I'm Detective Superintendent Wycliffe.

This is Detective Inspector Lane.

Seems strange, empty.

It would have worked.

I know it would.

Build a bigger parlor for the new herd,

use this for the freezers, and--

Mr. Penmore, Jed Wright just told us how your brother died.

Richard Penmore, I'm arresting you for the murder

of Lionel Penmore.

I must caution you that you do not have to say anything.

But it may harm your defense if you do not

mention, when questioned, something you later rely on

in court.

What did he say, Jed?

He told us you shot him.

I didn't mean to kill him.

I-- I didn't.

It just-- I took him being boss for so long.

All my life!

He had me on a wage, you know.

Me, his own brother.

And the one time I tried to turn this place around, he ruins it.

Did you move the body?


Would you come with me, please, Mr. Penmore?

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

I-- I-- I know I'm going to prison, but--

but the farm will still be sold, won't it?

It's just that-- it's the banks, you see.

They gotta get their money back, and I don't

want them coming after me.

You going back to the station as well?

No, let's talk to the Kessells first.

There's a few loose ends need tying up.

[baby crying]

All right, love.

I'll go.

All right, my darling.

Daddy's coming.


What's up with my little twinkling, hey?

It's daddy's little twinkle.


A big smile?

[cars approaching]

Come on, Kessell, let's see ya!

[baby crying]

Just stay with her.

Are you coming out, or am I coming to getcha?


[glass shatters]

Laura, move away from the window!

[glass shatters]

No way.

I ain't gonna let it happen.

I ain't gonna let it happen.


No way.

I ain't gonna let it happen.

I ain't gonna let it happen.

No way.

This whole place'll go up.



I ain't gonna let it happen.

I ain't gonna let it happen.

No way.

I ain't gonna let it happen.

I ain't gonna let it happen.

Come on.


Everything's gonna be all right.

Everything's gonna be all right.

Come on!

Everything's gonna be all right.

Everything's gonna be all right.

Everything's gonna be all right.

Mike, calm down!

Mike, calm down!


[car starts]



[glass shatters]

You want some of this?

You really want some of this?


[car starts]

They've gone, Laura.


Kevin, what happened?

What's happened?


Keep an eye on this one.

I wanna talk to him later.




Oh, no.

Laura, can we see the baby?

Come on, Laura.

Come on.

Let me look at her.

Oh, no.

I-- I just thought if I held on to her tightly, they

wouldn't be able to get her.

I just didn't want them to get her.



Got Laura in St. Hilda's.

It's the best place.


I should have listened to you, shouldn't I, Doug?

Should have kept her here till Charlie got back.

I should have put her up somewhere.

I should have arrested Mike Penmore when he threatened her.

Yeah, well.

Doug, come up here a minute.

What can I say?


[theme music]