Without a Trace (2002–2009): Season 2, Episode 6 - Sons and Daughters - full transcript

High school student Ethan Sawyer goes missing from his home, where his parents believed him perfect. Hours earlier he returned from team practice with cuts and bruises on his face and the team speculate that he may have had some p...

Washington trounced Chicago, 101-74.

New Jersey beats...

Indiana outscored Detroit, 94-81.

- Hey, Mom.
- Hey, Ethan.

- Did I miss dinner?
- Yeah, we all did except Brandon.

He made these sort of turkey sandwich
thingies, you want one?

- No, I'm not hungry.
- Kind of late for practice.

It was SAT stuff.

What happened to your face?

It was a tough practice.

- I'm going to get you some ice.
- No, it's fine.

Okay. You must be nervous
about tomorrow, though.

- About what?
- SATs.

- I've taken them twice already.
- What time should I wake you up?

- 7:00, 7:30.
- Done.

- Thanks.
- Sure. Night, honey.

Night, Mom.

Ethan Sawyer, senior at Glen Valley High...

plays soccer, never been in trouble before.
Everybody likes the guy.

Of course they do. What about the family?

Kid brother, Brandon, 11 years old.

Father's a bond trader.
Mother works in international banking.

- Could be a kidnap and ransom.
- Not high profile enough.

- Let's run a trap and trace anyway.
- Okay.

The mother was the last to see him...

as he went up to bed last night
at about 8:00.

- What about the alarm system?
- She put it on before she went to bed...

and turned it off this morning.
Danny's running the logs.

Let's check all computers in the house...

and run a check on all known
sex offenders in the neighborhood.


Agent Malone? Phil Damore.
Thanks for helping out.

Jack Malone. It's a pleasure.
How're the parents?

Pretty messed up. It's a good family.
Nice kid.

I'd like to think it's still a nice town.
But I guess no place is safe these days.

I hate to tell you, buddy.
It's been that way for a long time.

All right.

I understand that you told the police
that Ethan came in...

- with a bruise on his face last night.
- He said it was from soccer practice.

Do you think that's true?

I don't know.

- Has anything been bothering him lately?
- Not that we know of.

Actually, yes, there was something.

I was walking by his room
two nights ago...

Ethan? Honey?

- Ethan, honey, you all right?
- Mom! Come on, jeez.

- I'm sorry. Are you all right?
- I'm fine. Can you go?

Honey, no, you can talk to me, you know?

I know I can. It's nothing, okay?
It's nothing important.

Okay. I'm sorry.

I just thought it was
one of those high school things...

so I didn't want to intrude anymore...

but I have no idea what that was about.

- Hey, Brandon. Your brother have asthma?
- Yeah.

He has to carry that around all the time.

- Brandon, do you know who this is?
- That's Ethan's best friend, Alex.

- What's his last name?
- Durfee.

He lives around the corner. Big house.

So your brother lets you
hang out in his room?

He used to. He's been kind of weird lately.

- Weird, how?
- I think he's got a girlfriend.

Girlfriend. Do you know her?

- No. But he was talking to her last night.
- On the phone?

No. Outside. Before he came in.
I saw them.

Did you recognize her?

It was dark. But it looked like
they were arguing. Ethan was really mad.

Hey, buddy.

Do you know who Blue J is?

No. Must be from his girlfriend.

All right.

You mentioned that Ethan was scheduled
to take the SAT this morning.

Yeah. For the English.
He already had a 710 on his Math.

We spoke to the review center
and they say that...

he hasn't been in the SAT class
for at least two months.

Do you think he felt any pressure...

about school, the exams,
you know, sports?

- Pressure from us?
- Pressure from anywhere.

Look. Of course there's pressure.

If he missed a class, he had a good reason.

But if anything serious was going on,
he would've come to us, wouldn't he?

I would think so.

Kid's got a girlfriend
that nobody's ever heard of...

got a bruise on his face,
been ducking his SAT classes...

for the last two months.
Nice parents, but absolutely clueless.

Gentlemen, this is the alarm log
for the Sawyer house.

It indicates
that it was turned off at 9:47 p. M...

and turned back on a minute later.

So he snuck out.

Or somebody
who knew the system snuck in.

I went over the entire log
for the past year.

Someone was sneaking out
three times a week...

for the last two months, like clockwork.

Probably going to meet this Blue J.

You won't get anything
out of the computer.

The inbox was trashed last Tuesday.

Okay. Obviously,
something happened on Tuesday...

that set off this erratic behavior.

I think our priority is to find out
who this Blue J is.

You and Ethan are best friends?

Yeah. We've known each other
since second grade.

So you'd know
if something was bothering him, right?

I'd like to think so.

We think something happened to him
on Tuesday, something pretty serious.


No, I have no idea.

He's been sneaking out of his house
at night for the past couple of months.

Ethan? No way. He wouldn't do anything
to get himself in trouble.

We thought maybe he was having trouble
with his girlfriend.

- What girlfriend are you talking about?
- Blue J.

Never heard of her.

But I've got to believe
if he had a girlfriend, he would tell me.

I mean, he's kind of square.

Sweet. Goodbye, Pink Man.

Dude, that guy regenerates. Like, see?
His arm's coming back.

Ethan, that ain't his arm.

It's been a while, man.
It's good to see you.

Yeah, man. It's a good thing
about getting benched...

you get to blow off some practices.

- Blow them all off.
- I still got a shot at starting.

Yeah. And the girls really like it.


- You're getting laid, right?
- Come on. Of course.

You're still a virgin, aren't you?

Okay, now, you said he was benched
from the soccer team?

That's when we started hanging out more.

- His parents never told us about that.
- Maybe they didn't know.

Any problems with them?

No, they're good people.
He's lucky to have them around.

- Speaking of parents, where are yours?
- Dad died when I was a kid.

Mom moved to Europe a few years back.
This is my uncle's place.

- Is he around?
- No. He travels a lot.

But it's cool.
I got this great spread, you know?

It doesn't make sense.
Ethan's a sweet kid. Everybody likes him.

- He has asthma, something fierce.
- Yeah, we know.

The kid's a fighter, which is why it killed
me when I had to put him on the bench.

How did he take that? Did he take it hard?

Yeah. Missed a few practices.
But nothing serious, actually, until...

Until what?

The last couple of days,
he's been off. Pissy.

And then yesterday...

he got into it with one of the guys.

Get off of me!

What the hell do you think you're doing?

Go! Both of you. On the field. Five laps.

I'd never seen Ethan go off like that.

Do you have any idea what it was about?
Did you overhear anything?

No. I mean, there's always rivalries, but...

You know, these boys are 16,17.
They've got a lot of buildup.

- Coach?
- Ted. Not now.

Yes, sir.

You got them peeing in cups.

Mandatory drug testing.
We had an incident a year ago.


Yeah, they got them off some doctor
in White Plains. We busted it up.

School board's got me
processing urine on a routine basis.

- Was Ethan involved in that?
- No.

But actually, that kid he was fighting with,
Chris Norton, he was.

The doctor that was selling them
the steroids, do you have his name?

Dealing steroids ruined my life.
I was a doctor.

Now I'm a file clerk
at an office-supplies place.

You think I want to have anything...

to do with pimply-faced kids
trying to be Spiderman?

- Why'd you get into it in the first place?
- Ever try to live off an intern's salary?

- Not to mention my med-school bill.
- Tell us about Chris Norton.

He was my main buyer,
but I haven't seen him in a year.

How about Ethan Sawyer?


He was never into the steroid thing,
as far as I know.

But the weirdest thing is
he came into the store a few weeks ago.

He thinks I can get him some Amoxicillin.

- What did he need Amoxicillin for?
- It ain't for strep throat, that's for sure.

Says he burning when he takes a leak.
He's begging me for the stuff.

Seems like all the kids
have been hitting me up for it lately.

I tell them I'm way out of that game.
They should go to the free clinic.

A teenage epidemic
of sexually transmitted diseases.

- It doesn't make sense.
- No. Not in this town.

Something's going on. Either way,
Ethan didn't disappear because of an STD.

What if he gave it to someone else,
and they got pissed.

He got into the fight with Chris Norton.
But it wasn't about steroids.

Maybe this J girl we're looking for
is Norton's girlfriend.

Right, and that's what the fight was about.

- 364 is up there on the right.
- What's going on?

- Christopher Norton?
- FBI.

- What do you want? I've gotta go.
- Talk to us first. What happened here?

My sister, she just tried to kill herself.
I've got to get to the hospital.

- What's her name?
- Jen. Jennifer. Can I go?

Does Jen know Ethan Sawyer?

- Why do you think this happened?
- What do you mean?

He raped her.

Chris, tell me about Ethan Sawyer.

I swear to God, I didn't do anything to him.

How do you know
that he raped your sister?

He's been drooling all over her for weeks.

Every time her name comes up,
he looks all funny.

And then she comes home Tuesday night,
and she tells my mom she was raped.

By Ethan?

Yeah, no. She wouldn't say who,
but I figured it out.

- So how's Jen?
- Fine. Why?

I just wanted to see how she was,
make sure she was okay.

- Why wouldn't she be okay?
- I don't know, man. Never mind.

You son of a bitch!
What'd you do to my sister?

Get off of me!

What the hell do you think you're doing?

Go on. Both of you. On the field. Five laps.

So Ethan asks you, "How's Jen?"
And you jump him.

Jen didn't tell anybody
about what happened to her, okay?

Not even her friends.
So Ethan comes up to me...

all worried, asking how she is,
like he knows something...

and I gotta figure
that's the only way he knows.

We've got Chris Norton back here.
Your Agent Taylor's interrogating him.

- So you're aware of the rape allegation.
- Not from Chris.

And I certainly didn't know
it had anything to do with Ethan Sawyer.

But you knew something.

Mrs. Norton informed us that her daughter
had been raped on Tuesday.

A couple of my deputies looked into it,
but the girl was uncooperative.

Wouldn't say what, when, who.
Nothing we could do.

And you didn't think this was important
enough to share with me?

I didn't want to expose the family.
If your agents had told me...

Chris Norton fought with Ethan
the other day...

I certainly would've told you.

But the communication
has to go both ways.

Right. I'll keep that in mind.

It's not true. It simply can't be true.

You think this has something to do with
why Ethan's missing?

It's possible. Mrs. Sawyer,
I need you to think about this.

If it is true,
do you think Ethan might've run?

I don't know. I suppose.

All right. We ran his credit card
and his ATM. There was no activity.

- Does he have access to any other money?
- No.

All right. I apologize for asking this...

but is there a possibility...

that your husband knew,
and he just kept it from you?

And what? Helped Ethan run away?

No. Absolutely not.

My son is not capable of raping some girl.

Your son cut SAT classes
for the last two months...

snuck out of the house regularly...

was dropped from the starting lineup
of his soccer team...

he may have even picked up
a sexually transmitted disease...

all of which you claim
to know nothing about.

I know my family. I'm telling you,
my boy did not rape that girl.

And how can you be so sure?

That other stuff. As far as I'm concerned,
that's just teenage rebellion.

But there are certain things
that a father knows.

I know how I raised my kid.
And I know what kind of boy he is.

If you are helping Ethan run or hide,
you're just making the situation worse.

I don't know where he is.

I came home Tuesday.
I found Jennifer in her room.

She was drunk, she was filthy...

there was evidence of sexual contact,
and she was crying her eyes out.

I begged her to tell me
who had done this to her, but she refused.

- Why do you think she refused?
- Why?

She was ashamed, obviously, or she's
frightened, or she's protecting someone.

And now you tell me that
Ethan Sawyer's involved?

We don't know that for sure.

We wanted to speak to Jennifer
to confirm it.

I don't think she's up for it.

- I'll try.
- Thank you.

That's the same day that Ethan erased...

- all of his e-mail accounts.
- Burning the evidence?

But if he raped Jennifer,
why wait three days to run?

- You still don't know where Ethan is?
- No, we don't.

Do you know where he is, Jennifer?

Look. I know this is really hard for you.

But we need to know, okay?

Can you tell me what your relationship
with Ethan was?

- Please. This is too much for her.
- No. It's okay.

Jennifer, did Ethan rape you?

Of course he didn't rape me.
We were in love.


I've never felt like this.

Me, neither.

I don't want to be with anybody else,
not even for a second.

- Really?
- Isn't that weird?

I love you.

I'm so in love with you.

If Ethan didn't rape you,
can you tell me who did?

Do you think he may have found out
who did this to you?

I don't know.

Ethan was sneaking out at night
to see you, wasn't he?


Were you and Ethan having sex?

Did you know he had
a sexually transmitted disease?

No, he didn't.

We know that he went to a clinic
a couple of weeks ago...

and tried to get some antibiotics.

That wasn't for him. It was for me.

- What?
- I don't want to talk anymore!

- I just have a few more questions.
- No.

- I'm sorry. Please leave.
- It'll be really...

- Mom.
- I'm sorry. Please leave!

I guess Ethan was
the knight in shining armor after all.

Okay, so maybe he finds out
who rapes Jennifer...

he goes after them, and it turns ugly.

We should talk to her friends.
Somebody has got to know something.

So we understand Jennifer Norton's
one of your closest friends.

Yeah, she is. How's she doing?

She's seen better days,
but she'll be all right.

Amber, we need to speak to you
about something confidential.

- So we're going to...
- Okay.


Jennifer was raped.


- When?
- Four days ago. Tuesday afternoon.

At the party?

Yeah. At the party.

Who told you about that?

There were a lot of people there.
Some of your friends have got big mouths.

Tell us what you know, Amber.
Whatever it is, it won't leave this room.

To be honest, I was pretty blitzed.

But I didn't see anything like that.

Can you tell us
who Jennifer was there with?

- Was Ethan Sawyer there?
- Ethan's not really into the scene.

He only hangs out every once in a while
because of Alex.

Alex Durfee?

Yeah, of course.
The party was at his house.

They usually are.
We hang out after school.

She's a porn star!

- So, was Ethan there?
- He showed up late...

and he wasn't particularly happy
with what was going on with Jennifer.

It was pretty wild, even for Jen.

So how often do these parties go on?

Couple of times a week.

It's not that big a deal.
I mean, everybody's okay with it.

- These kids are having orgies, Jack.
- How many kids?

Twenty, thirty. Sometimes more.

They watch porn and then duplicate
what they've seen on TV...

like it's some kind of game.

14-year-old kids with multiple partners.
It's getting rough out there.

The parents impose these curfews
on Friday and Saturday nights.

they're completely unaware of...

what's happening in the afternoons
when they're at work.

- So, was Ethan in that room with Jennifer?
- Some of the time.

But according to Amber Rogers,
he mostly just stood around.

Is it possible that he did something
to her after?

Amber said she didn't see,
because she was getting busy herself.

Maybe Ethan saw something
he shouldn't have...

or was gonna out everybody.

We need to get more
out of Jennifer Norton...

and we need to bring in Alex Durfee.

You like to party, Alex?

Sure. Who doesn't?

- What about Tuesday at your house?
- What about it?

- Jennifer Norton was raped there that day.
- What?

- No way, man.
- Yeah, and Ethan found out.

Threatened to report it,
and the whole thing...

was going to come tumbling down, right?

No. Sorry. That's wrong.

Do you see where we are, man?

It's the police station.
You know why that is?

Because you're 18, an adult.
Jennifer's 16, a minor.

If something happened
to her in your house...

- you'll be charged with accessory to rape.
- Look. I only know what I saw.

- Get the... Go! Get out of here!
- Stop it, Ethan! What're you doing?

You didn't see
what happened in that room?

How could I? Door was closed.

How long were they in there?

I don't know. A few minutes.
Then Ethan came out, went right by me.

Jen was in there, crying.

Look, for all I know, he could've raped her.

I know Alex, all these kids.

I coached Amber Rogers
and her brother in T-ball.

I don't think Amber Rogers
has played T-ball for quite some time.

She's a good kid. She's from a good home.

There's something very wrong
in this town, Sheriff.

Coming from a good home
doesn't make any difference.


Right away.

That was the Sawyers.
Ethan just got in touch.

I checked my Blackberry
first thing this morning...

and there was this message
right here. Look.

"Mom, Dad. I had to go. I love you. Ethan."

At least he's alive.
This means he's alive, doesn't it?

- Yes, it could mean that.
- It's good news.

We'll put a trace on it,
find out where he is.


We'll be in touch
as soon as we know more.

- Great.
- Thank you.

We shouldn't try to get their hopes up.

That message was really generic.
It could've been sent by anyone.

We know about Alex, okay?
We know what was going on at his house.

You don't know anything.

I know you were getting tired
of the whole thing.

And then you met Ethan.

I hear he's a really nice guy.

He's an idiot.

- I gave him my heart.
- And he broke it.


We made a vow
that we would only be with each other.

I thought it'd be easy for him.
He was a virgin before we met.

He promised we were only going
to be together, and then I found out he...

- There's this girl. Vicki Johnson.
- He slept with her?

- How did you find out?
- She told me.

And I just got so mad.

I wanted to make Ethan go away...

in my mind.

So I went to Alex's party and...

got messed up and started doing...

just something. I don't know.
And then I saw him.

Get out of here! Go!

- What the hell are you doing?
- What do you mean, what am I doing?

I'm doing what I want to do.
To hell with you.

You're disgusting.

Shut up. You're disgusting, Ethan!

- What?
- How could you?

- I loved you, you liar!
- Look at you!


Was that the last time you saw Ethan?

No. I didn't hear from him for two days.

And then, Friday night, I was asleep.

He came by my house.



Let me in.

- Ethan, what are you doing here?
- Jen, let me in.

I'm sorry about the other day.

I know what happened. I'm so sorry.

But I need to talk to you.

Just go away. I can't deal right now.

Jennifer, please.

I should have let him in.
Maybe if I had let him in...

Hey. It's okay.

I don't know why
I was ever doing any of that.

Maybe because everybody else was.

I thought it was nothing at first,
like a game or something.

But after a while, it started to feel...

bad, really bad.

But I kept going back until I met Ethan.

Come here.

It's okay.

Mrs. Norton.
I just spoke with your daughter.

She wasn't raped, not by Ethan Sawyer,
not by anybody.

She told me she was.
Why would she lie to me?

I don't think she lied to you.

I think she let you believe
what you wanted to believe.

What I wanted to believe.
What could be worse than rape?

She was having sex
with multiple partners at a party...

and it wasn't the first time.

She was too embarrassed
and humiliated to tell you, so she didn't.

So she let me believe that...

And she got your attention...

which is what she needs from you
right now.

Vicki Johnson? FBI.
Which one of you is Vicki Johnson?

- I never had sex with Ethan.
- That's not what you told Jennifer Norton.

She's in the hospital, Vicki.
She tried to kill herself.

And we're fairly certain
that she's telling us the truth.

You wanted to hurt Ethan.
Ethan's gone missing.

That makes you a suspect.
Do you get that?

- So come on. Help us out here.
- It was supposed to be a joke.

I told Jennifer I slept with Ethan,
and I told her in a lot of detail.

- That was Tuesday afternoon.
- Yeah.

She was pretty messed up about it.

Later, I saw her at the party,
and she was with these guys...

and Ethan showed up,
and the whole thing got pretty ugly.

After a couple of days,
I started feeling really bad about it.

So, I went to his house,
and I told him the truth.

And you just lie like that? For fun?

I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

- Ethan, are you okay?
- Why would he put you up to that?

- Why would he do that to me?
- I don't know.

Maybe he just wanted
to screw with you or something.

I'm going to kill him.

And whose idea was it to lie to Jennifer?

- Do I have to say?
- Yes. You have to say.

Alex. Alex Durfee.

What's going on here, man?
I told you everything already.

We just have a few more questions
for clarification.

So I spoke with this girl, Vicki Johnson.
Do you know her?

Yeah. Sure.

She mentioned some gag
that you played on Ethan.

- You know what I'm talking about?
- Gag?

Apparently you knew that Ethan
and Jennifer Norton were in love.

So you told Vicki to lie to her, to say that
Ethan was sleeping with someone else.

- It was just a joke.
- Right.

But Jennifer ended up at your house
on Tuesday night, back to her old ways.

And Ethan saw what was going on,
and that's when they had that fight.

I'm sorry. I should have told you before.

Yeah, you probably should have.

And I think you would have
if you didn't have something else to hide.

Now, what was that?

You know what?
I want to talk to my uncle now.

We already called your uncle.
He knows what's going on.

And he didn't seem all that concerned.

As a matter of fact,
he's on his way to Hong Kong right now.

- Won't be back till next week.
- Whatever.

Yeah, maybe we should call your mom.

You have any idea where we can find her?

I didn't think so.

You know,
I went to high school with a guy like you.

Threw all the big parties, slept with
all the girls. But you know what?

He was really just a sad, Ionely kid.

And you know why?

Because when it came down to it,
nobody really gave a crap about him.

You got it all figured out.

You know Ethan...

he's got a mom and a dad.

He's got a real life.

That's all you really want, isn't it?

So, what?
You're going to arrest me for being Ionely?

No. But I will arrest you for killing Ethan.

Why the hell would I kill Ethan?
He's my best friend.

Because your best friend found out
about your little prank.

And he snuck out of his house
that night to come see you...

and to tell you what he thought of you...

or maybe just to give you the beating
that you deserved.

But you got the better of him, didn't you?

- No.
- No, it was an accident, right?

You guys got into it.
He told you what's what.

- Then you lost your cool.
- That's not what happened.

- Then what? I know he came to see you.
- He did come to see me...

- but that's not what happened.
- Then what happened, Alex? What?

He wanted to know why.

How could you do this to me?
You're supposed to be my brother!

I was trying to protect you, man!
You saw her.

You think she cares about you?
You think she loves you?

You want to talk about love?

You're pathetic.

I don't ever want to see you again.

It's just...

I didn't want to lose him.

- So he went to Jennifer after Alex?
- Lf Alex is telling the truth.

I think he is. He's a sad, screwed-up kid,
but I don't think he killed Ethan.

So what happened
after Ethan left Jennifer's?

I got background on Vicki Johnson.
Check this out.

Johnson is her mother's name.
Her born name is Victoria Ann Damore.

Sheriff Damore is her father.

Deputy said you wanted to see me.

Yeah, Phil. Come in.
Shut the door behind you.

Grab a seat.

Looks like
we might've had a breakthrough.

That's great.


A girl named Vicki Johnson.

She gave us some information
about Jennifer Norton.

- And?
- Looks like your people were right.

There was no rape.

- So Jennifer lied.
- Apparently.

Did her mother know?

About Jennifer lying? No.

Ruth Norton is a good woman,
just trying to protect her daughter.

- Yeah.
- She is a good woman, isn't she?

- What's that?
- Ruth Norton. She's a good woman.

We've run a check on your phones.
Here and your cell phone.

We know that the night
Ethan went missing...

you called Ruth Norton several times.

We've checked the records
back to January, Phil.

So Ruth and I were seeing each other.
I mean, we're adults. It's not a crime.

I'm in the process of getting a divorce.

When it comes through,
we plan on being married.

We've been all over the Nortons
for the last 24 hours...

and you've never mentioned it.

What's this about?

Ruth Norton told you
that her daughter was raped...

but you knew that no one would
take it seriously...

because she wasn't going to talk.
So you went down to the high school...

talked to a couple of high school kids,
stumbled into Alex Durfee's party...

and that's where you saw
your own daughter, Vicki.

I understand, Phil. I really do.

I have two daughters of my own,
and I would do anything to protect them.

It was an accident.

I never meant for it to happen.

I just want you to tell me
what happened on Friday night.

I went over to that kid's house.

Alex. And they were doing things
that were just, you wouldn't believe.

I was going to go in there and bust it up...

and then Vicki came out.

That look in my daughter's eye.

I knew I'd lost her.

And somehow,
I couldn't get the nerve up to go in there...

and put an end to it. I just wish I had. God.

So what did you do?

I called Ruth. I couldn't get her.

She was in the city
working on some big deal. So...

I went and got drunk.

I parked myself in front of her house
and just waited for her to come home.

And then I saw Ethan.

Jennifer, please!

And that did it for me.

I thought it had to be him...

the one who raped Jen.

So I picked him up.

Took him out to the woods
outside of town.

I just wanted him to confess.

- I didn't do anything.
- You raped her, you piece of crap!

- I didn't! Who?
- Jennifer Norton.

- What?
- Yeah. I know all about it.

- Now I want to hear it from you.
- You're crazy.

- I love her.
- Tell me now. Say it, you son of a bitch.

Tell me what you did to her. Say it!

It all happened so quickly.

I didn't know he had asthma.

After I screwed up with my daughter...

I just wanted to be there for Jen.

I just wanted to be there.

Sheriff Damore,
I'm gonna have to read you your rights.

I don't want to be with anybody else,
not even for a second.

- Really?
- Isn't that weird?

I love you.

I'm so in love with you.