White Collar (2009–2014): Season 2, Episode 7 - Prisoner's Dilemma - full transcript
An FBI Agent is accused of selling witness locations during criminal trials, and the U.S. Marshals ask Peter and Neal for help tracking down the suspect. But when Peter uncovers the truth ...
That was a tough case.
It was a multimillion-dollar
embezzlement scam.
All right, I'll give that to you, but
all you got to do is follow the money.
Look, I'll show you.
Do you have a quarter?
Will I get it back? Depends.
If it disappears, can you find it?
What are you, a party clown?
I'm embezzling your quarter.
There's a crime in progress.
Solve it.
It's in your right pant pocket.
You didn't make the switch with
your right hand. Case closed.
How'd you know?
Because I kept my eye on the quarter.
See? All you got to do
is follow the money.
You're brilliant.
But we've got a new case.
Thank you.
Since when
do we handle murders?
Since it's linked
to corporate espionage.
The victim worked
for novice systems.
Tech firm?
Yeah, they manufacture
everything from cellphones
to supercomputers.
Meet Joseph Hayes.
He was novice's
lead R&D specialist.
Dropped dead of a heart attack.
What was he carrying?
A next-gen quantum microprocessor.
Anybody know what that is?
It's a very small...
...Tool. ...
For binary code-breaking.
Novice was vying
for a defense contract
with several competitors.
According to their P.R., Hayes
had a functioning prototype,
which put them in the lead
of that competition.
How do we know he was murdered?
Toxicology report
says there was digitalis
in his bloodstream.
Somebody killed him
and stole the prototype.
Any suspects?
Wesley Kent,
founder and C.E.O.
He's pointing fingers
at his competitors,
but according to NYPD,
he had an after-hours meeting
on his calendar with Hayes
the night that he died.
His initial statement
the timeline
from the coroner's report.
In other words, Kent's hiding something.
Looks like it.
That's why I'm sending someone
in undercover to the company.
I know a bit
about corporate culture, so...
Sit down.
Novice has its annual audit
for the beginning of next week.
It's a perfect opportunity
for us to get the access
we haven't been allowed.
Kent is expecting an accountant
from Banefield financial
to show up at his offices.
Well, if I'm not going in,
who is?
Peter Lassen, CPA,
at your service.
Thought you joined the FBI
to avoid number crunching.
Glad your accounting degree
hasn't gone to waste.
I was recruited by several
fortune 500 companies.
Single or double Windsor?
Single. It's hard to picture you
at a big financial firm.
Been a life-changer.
That's true.
In some alternate universe,
you'd be wearing power ties,
doing power lunches,
flying corporate jets.
Doubt we'd have ever met.
Well, maybe.
Under different circumstances.
Well, that's true.
You might have robbed the company.
You could have had a mansion.
I like my house.
A stable in the Hamptons.
I've got a dog.
No regrets, huh?
No. I've got the bureau.
I've got Elizabeth.
No. No regrets.
Banefield putting you up?
Yeah, company booked me in
a suite at a four-star hotel.
Almost as impressive
as your getting Kate's
flight-recorder data.
That's right.
Sara told me.
Neal, if you're working
on this, so am I.
I'm not working on anything.
Which means
Mozzie's working on it.
I want somebody from my team
Peter, he does not...
no protests.
We are working on this
All right,
who'd you have in mind?
She'll eat him alive.
Well, he's not much of a meal.
I want you to arrange
a meeting.
Are you sure this...
I look good.
Peter Lassen.
Can I see your bag, please?
The basket is for your phone.
I'm Ellen Samuel,
Mr. Kent's personal assistant.
Sorry for the security,
but we can't risk
our visitors leaving with any
sensitive information. I understand.
You can pick up your phone and your
laptop at the front desk on your way out.
If you'll just follow me,
Mr. Kent would like a word
before you start.
After you.
Thank you.
Sorry we can't give you
your own swipe key.
They're for employees only.
Executive offices are
just around the corner.
Mr. Kent,
this is Mr. Lassen.
Mr. Kent,
pleasure to meet you.
Wesley... please.
You mind if I call you Peter?
No, not at all.
You're gonna be with us
for the week,
might as well work on
a first-name basis.
Most C.E.O.s
aren't as welcoming to an external auditor.
Well, you're just looking
at our books.
my daily vice.
I thought that we could, uh...
You know, drink to your new home
for the week.
Ah, sorry, but not on the job.
Suit yourself.
I'll be coordinating with my
team at Banefield financial.
The first thing
I'll need to send to them
are expense reports
from your senior staff.
Whatever you want,
we will provide.
And miss Samuel
is at your service.
If you can just show me
where to set up...
I'm sorry?
My office...
where is it?
This is your office.
Now, if we can come together...
"together" being the key word...
we can move forward.
Look, if I'm gonna spend
my time working with lady suit,
it'd better be worth it.
And if I'm gonna spend
my precious time
your pocket-sized pal,
he better watch what he says.
Why are you even here?
Because my boss asked me.
Uh, because Neal asked me.
So Neal's your boss?
Hey, I answer to no one,
Nancy Drew!
I already have one fed
in my life.
And I've got plenty of crooks in mine.
Hey, hey.
We need to find Fowler.
We know Kate
tried to contact him
after Peter showed up
at the hangar that day.
He's the only one who can tell
us what really happened.
But I have rules.
You have rules?
You will meet me
with all the pertinent files
at a time and place
of my choosing.
I will contact you
via express courier.
You will receive a package.
In that package
will be a sonnet
giving clue
to our rendezvous point.
You want to send me a sonnet?
I don't
do scavenger hunts. Or poems.
Ah, this is Jones.
I can handle this.
I don't get handled!
Guys, please.
We're good?
Yeah, we're good.
Warrant came through
for the novice hard drives,
so we'll be looking
for anything relevant to Hayes.
Come on, Peter.
Where are you?
...And an index
of your earnings reports.
Can I get you anything else?
I'm fine.
Sure. Coffee.
Espresso, cappuccino,
Regular coffee's fine.
Do you have a preferred blend?
Just plain old coffee.
We have Brazil bourbon Santos,
a Panamanian boquete,
and an Ethiopian sidamo.
I prefer
the mediterranean espresso.
The beans are imported
from the caf? vivace in Rome.
Italian roast?
Yeah, let's go with that one.
Remote access.
Well done.
Timbuktu software
Peter installed
just gave me access
to the entire novice database.
All I have to do is get around
the server's firewalls.
And we're in.
That was fast.
A catalogued index
of our earnings reports.
And here's your espresso.
Thank you.
Got it.
I assume you have
everything you need?
I do now.
Yeah...That's good.
- Can you see me?
- I can.
Look at us
being a modern couple.
I know.
Okay, so, how's the room?
Uh, not a room, honey.
It's a suite.
See for yourself.
Looks pretty fantastic.
Oh, wait a minute.
Look at this view. Look at it.
There's a button that opens the
curtains automatically. Wow.
And I've got a baby grand.
Well, it looks like
you have everything you need.
Well, not everything.
Let me show you the best part
of the room...
Oh, thanks for bringing me along.
All right,
now, get back to work.
I miss you.
Miss you back.
Anybody see you?
No, I double-backed through
the service entrance.
You sweep the place?
Yeah, minute I walked in. It's clean.
Nice digs, Peter.
Maybe you picked
the wrong universe to live in.
No, no, no.
Stay out of there.
Six bucks for a candy bar.
Yeah, it's on the tab.
Embrace your hypothetical self.
I don't do hypothetical.
Oh, we speculate all the time.
On our cases.
Not on my life choices.
No touching.
Come on.
What do you have?
Didn't get anything on Kent,
but Jones found
something pretty interesting
on Hayes' computer.
Failed password attempts.
The day Hayes died, someone tried
to access his office desktop.
They tried variations
on his birthday,
a bunch of song titles, and the
name of the dog he had as a kid.
Somebody had
a close relationship with him.
Looks like novice has a mole.
All right,
Kent and his upper management
can access any e-mail account
that they want.
They wouldn't have to go
fishing for a password.
We can rule them out.
Well, we need to dig
into the junior execs.
Since I'm the auditor,
I can't be hanging around
the water cooler.
But maybe you could.
You're sending me in?
Kent's kissing my butt.
He wants a clean audit so badly
that maybe he'd hire
a friend of mine
who's looking for work
in marketing.
If I pull the strings,
think you can land the job?
I can do marketing.
I had Westen farms
conduct a poll
on what people found
aesthetically pleasing
in their cereal bowls.
You know
what people liked to see?
Well, a finite amount
of raisins.
Market research gave us
the key formula...
A 6:1 flake-to-raisin ratio.
I made sure every box
we packaged met that standard.
Sales went through the roof.
That's how you got this job?
Breakfast cereal?
Ready-to-eat-cereal market,
$10.7 billion last year.
Right, the little plastic prizes
in the box.
That's billion with a "b."
But tech's where it's at, dawg.
That's why I want to talk
to you guys,
you know, get some pointers.
Want to grab some drinks later?
Oh, well, we've already booked
a dinner at Draytons, so...
Oh, you should come.
Screw you, Trent.
Fine with me.
You can play the game.
He can play the game, right?
What's the game?
It's a little tradition
we have here.
It's called
credit-card roulette.
Go out, run up a nice tab,
throw all our company cards
on the table,
and let the server pick one.
And that card foots the bill.
Blows your dinner budget
for the month.
You up for it?
Lock 'n' load, Trent.
Mr. Danvary?
The auditor
would like to see you.
He spoke to accounting
and has some questions
about your 2009 w2s.
Excuse me.
See you guys later.
I don't like him.
You don't like anyone, Trent.
I like Andrew.
'Cause I owe you money, Trent.
Thank you.
You are stepping up
in the world.
Well, it's not really
my office.
Can it be mine?
You already have a workspace.
Oh, yeah, I get a cubicle.
You get a palace.
I work harder.
How's the marketing department?
Oh, nice blend
of smarmy and suspicious.
I'll narrow it down later.
I'm meeting everyone
for dinner tonight.
I've always liked espresso.
No more ugly FBI mugs for you.
I think you missed
your calling.
Tiny cup, big office,
expensive suits.
Ugly mugs are fine.
Don't fight your instincts,
Peter. Embrace your true self.
You done?
I can keep going.
You're done.
What time is dinner tonight?
What are you thinking?
If we do have a mole,
we might be able to bait 'em.
You're pretty good
at chitchat, right?
You want me to spread some gossip?
Tell everyone
that you noticed
I was looking into Hayes' files.
Maybe I found something
Let 'em think you found
something on the dead guy.
Our mole will want to
poke around your office.
Yeah, make him come to us.
I'm on it.
How much was the smoked squab?
More than
the lobster tartine, Trent.
Which is why I had to raise you
with the opus.
Uh, uh...
three bottles of opus?
No matter who loses, someone's gonna
have to answer to accounting.
Or Kent himself.
I haven't met him yet.
Look, the only thing you need to know about
the boss is that he likes the high life
almost as much
as he likes quarterly profit.
And he also likes
his daily armagnac.
Buying him a bottle
every now and then
will help you stay
on his good side.
Thanks for the tip.
So, uh, what's up with the hat?
Oh, that's just my humble
assault on the commonplace.
I like it.
Kind of weird.
So, um, what happened
with Joseph Hayes?
He was head of R&D, right?
He was working on
the quantum processor.
Somebody told me
he was murdered.
Uh, w-why do you care?
Oh, when I was
in the auditor's office,
Hayes' file was on his desk.
Why is the auditor
looking into Hayes?
I don't know.
He had all your files too.
Are you serious?
Uh, here comes the bill.
Well, all right.
What's the damage?
Ooh! Ouch! $2,000.
So, hat guy, in or out?
Oh, I'm in.
All right.
Oh, whoa!
Shaking it up.
I'm not looking,
I'm not looking.
You do the honors?
Hey, uh, pick a winner, honey.
Ooh, I guess you win.
That's great.
Owie. Great.
Hope that bonus comes through.
George. Hey.
You surprised me.
You don't like surprises?
What are you doing here?
Working late.
How about you?
What are you doing
in the auditor's office?
I don't like anyone
looking into my life...
personally or professionally.
It's a little hypocritical,
considering your current
position, don't you think?
You said you were working late.
What is it
you're working on, George?
I needed to see
R&D's field studies
on the new product launch.
Oh, those are in records on 12.
12. Got it.
So, uh, why didn't you call
You could have reported me.
I'm here after hours.
I could be up to anything.
Which means you
could probably report me, too.
I won't tell if you won't.
You're probably asleep
right now.
Oh, I know,
it's too late for coffee,
but this is Ethiopian sidamo.
And it's not decaf,
and it's delicious.
I know
I'll be tossing all night,
which would probably drive you
crazy if you were here.
Or I was there.
...This could have been
my life.
Any regrets?
But it's not all that bad.
The coffee's good, and we
should think about silk sheets.
I never saw myself
as a robe guy, but I don't know.
When in Rome...
Room service.
I love you.
Look at you.
What, you're staying in character
in case I'm one of Kent's minions?
All right, what do you have?
She took the bait.
Jessica Breslin.
She's been at the company
for the last 14 months.
When did novice put in its bid
for the defense contract?
18 months ago.
So it's possible she's spying
for one of their competitors.
She could lead us
to whomever she's working for.
Room service.
Uh, yeah, come on in.
Keeping up appearances?
A man has to eat.
Your kobe steak, sir.
Ah, thank you.
You're welcome, sir.
Nothing but the best
for Peter Lassen,
CPA extraordinaire.
I think you're jealous
that I got the penthouse
and you got the paperwork
for once.
It's true.
Up is down. Black is white.
Let's focus on Jessica.
She's been sending out a lot
more mail since Hayes died.
Most of it to a P.O. box
in White Plains.
Company doesn't do any business
in white plains.
I'll have Jones get a warrant
for that P.O. box.
You get a chance to check out
Jessica's office, take it. Sure.
What's that?
Looks like Kent's inviting me
to dinner tomorrow night.
Ooh, look at that.
This smells delicious.
You want some? No, I'm good.
You sure?
Ah, ate before I came.
Oh, you had some kobe, as well?
Look at that. Okay.
What is kobe beef?
Are you ready yet?
I have a process.
I didn't even get to write
my sonnet yet.
You have O.C.D.
Uh, some might call it
highly attentive.
Okay. I did a full
background check on Fowler.
There's been no hits
on his credit cards,
bank accounts, or passport.
I showed you mine.
You show me yours.
Don't ever say that again.
This is all we have on him.
This is just Fowler's
resignation from the bureau.
Yeah, as of five weeks ago.
O.P.R. booted him, swept
the whole thing under the rug.
I hope I'm not interrupting.
Oh, no, not at all.
You are but a welcome
and striking reprieve
from the bureaucratic
oppression in my midst.
Isn't he charming?
He has a way with words.
Yes, he does.
I wanted to speak to you
for a moment, please.
Peter gave me some forms
Neal's housing arrangements,
and I'm not sure
that I understand them.
Oh, sure.
Well, of course
you can't understand them.
has a vested interest
in creating the chaos
in which they exist.
Right here.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
It says that you can set
Neal's curfew if you want.
Uh, you can also establish any
procedure you deem appropriate
for preventing
a criminal relapse.
I think
Neal is doing just fine.
We'll talk later.
Bye, Mozzie.
Bye, June.
I got to get back to my office
in 20 minutes.
I need copies
of every statement you have.
Oh, of course.
I'll e-mail them to you.
- Lunch?
- Yep.
Do you have five minutes
to look over
the Kensington proposal?
Uh, legal needs to see my prep work
on the north-Morrison outlets.
Five minutes is gonna kill you, Jess?
If it's five minutes,
why don't you do it yourself? I wrote it.
I can't check my own work.
Oh, come on.
Have an intern do it.
Thanks, appreciate it.
Novice communications.
How may I direct your call?
How are you doing today?
Jessica's putting together intel
on Wesley Kent.
She's digging
into his travel arrangements.
What does she want
with the C.E.O.?
He could be another target.
Jones got our warrant.
He's gonna get ahold of me as
soon as he gets to white plains.
We find anything incriminating,
I'm bringing her down.
Where you headed?
Oh, business lunch.
Hey. All right,
let's make this quick.
I need to get back
to the office.
First week, and you're
already a corporate shill?
My condolences on your
recently departed integrity.
How'd it go with Diana?
I saw some sheet music
in her briefcase.
Maybe she's learning
the violin.
It was Mozart's "Piano Sonata
no. 2 in 'f'" from 1775.
The year
the music box was made.
Need I go on?
I'm sure you will.
I will. There's no
historical record
of what song it's playing.
The only way she would know
it's Mozart
is if she's heard it.
Peter trusts Diana.
And I trust him.
Ah, could be something.
Could be nothing.
I just thought you should know.
Also, you've got a tail.
Yeah, I noticed
a couple blocks back.
Listen, I'll worry
about my shadow.
In the meantime,
stay close to Diana.
Why don't I just go have coffee
with Hughes while I'm at it?
You're a hero, Moz.
Who do you work for?
You work with Kent?
No, no.
I'm with the FBI.
I was sent in to find out
if you murdered Joseph Hayes.
I didn't murder Joseph.
Then who did?
That's what I want to find out.
You want to explain that?
Joseph and I were close.
You were seeing each other.
But we couldn't tell anyone.
What do you know about
the project he was working on?
The microprocessor?
He said he was close
to a functioning prototype.
Kent claimed the prototype
was already working.
He lied.
Let's focus on you
for a second.
Why did you break into
Hayes' e-mail account,
rummage through his desktop?
The day before he was murdered,
Joseph was acting...
He said
someone was following him.
He said not to tell anyone
anything about what I knew.
And then he gave me the gun.
And you started
playing detective?
Kent murdered someone
I care about very much.
And I would do anything
to make sure he pays.
Look, he's been taking trips,
By himself,
under the guise of business.
Eastern Europe, China.
No one knows why.
You were trying to find out.
I was trying
to get into Kent's office.
I've been seeing garbage bins
coming out of there.
He's been destroying
shredding them and
then putting them in burn bags.
What would it take
to get in there?
All right,
let's start with the good news.
Tech lab has a remote scanner
that they can attach to the head
of Kent's shredder.
Makes a copy before
it shreds anything... nice.
Something wrong with your coffee?
No, it's fine.
You've been spoiled.
It's fine.
All right, the bad news is
getting the scanner in place.
Kent's office is tough.
Not even building security
has clearance.
The only people allowed inside
are Kent and his assistant.
Which is also the good news
because at lunch time,
no one will be
on the entire floor.
These are the key-cards
that give them access
to the top floor
of the building.
We can't duplicate them.
Kent also has a voice-activated
security system
that unlocks the door
to his office.
It opens and responds
to his voice only.
Well, do we know
what the password is?
Thanks to your friend Jessica,
we do.
"Faber est suae
quisque fortunae."
"Every man is the artisan
of his own fortune."
Now, I had Jones looking through
on-air interviews with Kent,
seeing if he can string together
some audio clip.
Yeah, well, I doubt
he speaks a dead language
when he does press.
Can we get Kent to say it
into a recorder?
Oh, I've got an idea.
Your dinner with Kent.
All right.
I like it.
Mr. Kent,
good to see you.
I told you...
Call me Wesley.
Yes, you did.
Oh, Peter, please,
I insist you treat yourself.
You're not on the job now,
are you?
Scotch and soda.
There we go.
I appreciate the invite.
Well, it's the least
I could do.
Believe me,
I wish I could do more.
I'm... I'm fine, really.
How would you like
to come work for me?
A member
of my finance committee
is stepping down
in a couple of months.
It's a very lucrative position.
I'm in the middle
of auditing your company,
and you're offering me work?
Well, I've seen
your credentials.
Peter Lassen looks damn good
on paper,
but he'd look even better
in my offices.
I've already got a job.
No, working for novice
is more than a job.
It's an achievement.
It's a new beginning.
Hence the name
of your corporation.
You know your Latin.
I understand
the etymology of novice.
And synonymous
with the newly arrived...
unique and original.
I also know a few other words.
Da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius.
"Give me the facts,
and I will give you the law."
You want the facts?
I want incentive, details.
What I'm working on right now
is gonna set up the company
and everyone in it for life.
I'm a self-made guy...
so am I.
And I believe that every man
makes his own fortune
with a good decision.
The politician caecus.
He had a saying for that,
didn't he?
Faber est suae
quisque fortunae.
"Every man is an artisan
to his own fortune."
He offered you a job?
I got what we needed.
Yeah, but, Peter, think of all
the tiny cups you could own.
Kent's meeting his R&D team
today at 1:00.
You think you can snatch
one of those key-cards?
Yeah, won't be a problem.
How's Jessica holding up?
She put her game face on.
Time for you to do the same.
...Just grab the comic-book novel?
I did, I did.
And I put it on your desk
for, uh, next Tuesday.
Faber est suae
quisque fortunae.
So, how'd you
even get in there?
Faber est suae
quisque fortunae.
They have some
pretty fun toys around here.
So, have they found
anything yet?
Well, agents are going through
the latest scans now.
We're gonna find something.
You know,
even if you arrest him...
It won't change what happened.
I understand.
I don't think you do.
Do you know how Joseph died,
how he was poisoned?
This chemical...
it drops the heart rate,
spikes the blood pressure.
You can't see.
And a few minutes later,
you can't feel.
You're dead.
You can't think about that.
It's all I can think about.
If someone took away
the person you loved,
wouldn't you want them to know
how it feels?
Be right back.
We just pulled this from
the shredder in Kent's office.
This is Hayes' prototype.
And it never worked.
Kent tried to make it look
like espionage,
and he had the damn thing
the whole time.
This is the cover-up.
I think I know
why Hayes was killed.
We found another document
in the shredder.
It's addressed to an unnamed
foreign intelligence agency
to arrange a meeting
in the next month and a half.
The trips he's been taking...
Kent knew he wouldn't win
the defense contract
from our country in time.
So he decided to sell his device
to another government.
It's treason for profit.
Hayes didn't want
any part of that.
That's why Kent killed him.
And corporate espionage
is the perfect cover.
He made it look like a competitor
stole a working product.
Company saves face...
if a foreign government
turns up with it later...
Kent's in the clear,
and Hayes stays silent.
How do we prove it when Kent
hasn't committed treason yet?
But he has committed murder.
The C.E.O.'s concerned
about anyone finding out
what he's really up to.
Maybe Hayes talked to someone
before he died.
You want to use Jessica
as bait?
I'm meeting Kent
in the afternoon.
Maybe I can hint to him
that she knows something.
He'll come after her.
And when he does,
we take him down.
Think she's up to it?
She's certainly driven.
Yeah, that's what worries me.
I'm not sure if she
wants revenge or justice.
Can't blame her either way.
You have empathy
for that woman.
What if I do?
There's a right way to do things
and a wrong way.
Revenge is the wrong way.
It's short-sighted,
and it's dangerous.
What's justice, then?
It's restoring order...
not furthering chaos.
You kept that recording data
from me.
I hope you don't have any more secrets.
You talked to Diana lately?
Not today.
You trust her?
As much as you trust your friend.
Is there a problem?
What happens
if we do find Fowler?
What comes next?
We'll cross that bridge
when we come to it...
Now let's prep the team
for what we have today.
Hey, it's time.
You know the drill?
We meet as planned. And
then we go to the safe house.
Right. There's no reason
to be nervous.
I'm not.
See you outside.
Advanced copy of my report.
Your company has nothing
to worry about.
Well, this is cause
for celebration.
There is one other thing about
one of your staff members.
Uh, Jessica Breslin
was involved
with one of
your former employees
in research and development...
Joseph Hayes.
Uh, how do you know this?
Cross-referenced expense reports
between your workers
to see if any them
were in a league to bilk funds.
Apparently, the two of them
shared a hotel room
a few weeks in a row.
When I confronted
Ms. Breslin about it,
she asked me
not to say anything.
I thought you might want to deal
with her appropriately.
Well, I will take care
of Ms. Breslin.
Now, more importantly,
have you thought any more
about my offer?
I hate to sound
like a broken record,
but I've already got a job.
Well, if you change
your mind...
I appreciate that, Wesley.
You on the job?
It is after 6:00.
I won't tell anyone.
Doing okay?
All right. An agent
will be here any second.
She's gonna need your phone
and all forms of I.D.
For the protection detail.
Pretty calm for somebody
who's about to go into hiding.
I was supposed to be relieved.
Are you sitting down?
What is it, Moz?
Sitting or standing?
Then you better hold on
to something.
I did some additional checking.
Peter knows Diana has the box.
I-I didn't want to say anything
until I was sure.
But the trail for the box
just goes cold with him.
Neal, there can't be
any other explanation.
I'll call you back.
Faber est suae quisque...
why do you have this?
Um, I-I found it
on your desk.
You were in Kent's office.
What'd you do, Jessica?
I wanted him to know
how it feels
to die
the way that Joseph died.
Poisoned him?
Daily vice.
The armagnac.
Peter's in there with him!
What is this?
There's a powder on this.
I got to get to the phone
and call 911.
I-I need to get
to the top floor.
Nobody gets to the top floor.
This is an emergency, sir.
What's the emergency?
Please! I got to check with Mr.
Kent and then my supervisor.
Yes, good.
Yes, check with Kent.
Call 911.
Get back here!
I will call the police.
Call the paramedics.
You need to exit the elevator now, sir!
Will you send me up to Kent's floor?
Hell no!
Then I can't.
This is alpha-2 in the lobby.
Where's my backup?!
On the way, sir.
How much time do we have?
How much time do we have?
Is there an antidote?
Is there an antidote?
I don't...
I don't know.
How much time did Hayes have?
I don't know.
Come on, Kent! Think!
This is the same poison
that you gave him!
You met with him,
you gave him something to drink.
And then he died.
Now, how much time passed?
Who are you?
How much time, Kent?
How much time, Kent?
I-I don't know.
I don't know.
15... 15, 20...
I don't... 15 minutes.
Come on, buddy.
It's gonna be okay.
Stay with me, all right?
Hang in there.
Get Kent. No, no.
Peter, we don't have time.
Come on.
You can't leave him behind.
You are dying!
Neal! Neal!
We don't leave anybody behind.
Heart's stopped.
I need the epinephrine.
No, nothing on the pulse.
What... what...
what are you doing?
You confessed
to a federal agent.
You're under arrest
for the murder of Joseph Hayes.
You can't be serious.
You give me the facts,
I'll give you the law.
Thanks, Di.
I'm not the only one
who makes dumb decisions.
Saving Kent? You're taking this
"innocent till proven guilty" thing
a little too far.
If he lives or dies,
it's not my call.
Whose is it?
You do what's right.
Let the pieces fall
where they fall.
"Do what's right."
She said she didn't mean
to hurt Peter.
She had no idea he'd
be having a drink with Kent.
What happens to her now?
Got to charge her
with attempted murder.
She can't just walk away
from this.
Looking good.
Feeling even better.
I got a clean bill of health
this morning.
You know, there's a coffee shop
a couple blocks away.
I hear they make
a pretty nice espresso.
This tastes just fine to me.
Oh, come on. You can't tell me
you don't miss it...
the imported beans,
the giant office
and swanky suite.
All right, I'm gonna humor you
for a second.
What if I went corporate
right after college?
Best-case scenario...
I became a millionaire.
Sounds like
a pretty good scenario.
Mm, one with a flip side.
What if I never joined the FBI?
Would have made my life a lot easier.
Mine too.
But what if 12 years ago
I was never assigned
to an art-gallery scam downtown?
What if...
I never met
this assistant manager?
No, there are more important
things in life than a nice view.
Like having people in your life
you care about.
I'd be without those people.
I like the man I am.
"Do what's right."
You lied to me
about the music box.
I know you still have it.
How did you find out...
Mozzie found the sheet music.
It wasn't hard from there.
You want to talk about it?
If you're ready to listen.
I want to see it.
I didn't tell you everything...
for your own protection.
I don't know what you're
gonna do, and neither do you.
I know my options.
Revenge or justice, right?
As long as I'm involved,
it's going to be the latter.
What if justice
isn't good enough?
It has to be.
It will be.
What'd you find?
There's a piece of the box
that's still missing...
right here.
Now, at first, I thought
it was one of the cherubs
that had broken off.
But if you look more closely,
it hasn't broken off.
It's a keyhole.
The missing piece is a key.
Which you have.
No more secrets, Peter.
No more secrets.
It was a multimillion-dollar
embezzlement scam.
All right, I'll give that to you, but
all you got to do is follow the money.
Look, I'll show you.
Do you have a quarter?
Will I get it back? Depends.
If it disappears, can you find it?
What are you, a party clown?
I'm embezzling your quarter.
There's a crime in progress.
Solve it.
It's in your right pant pocket.
You didn't make the switch with
your right hand. Case closed.
How'd you know?
Because I kept my eye on the quarter.
See? All you got to do
is follow the money.
You're brilliant.
But we've got a new case.
Thank you.
Since when
do we handle murders?
Since it's linked
to corporate espionage.
The victim worked
for novice systems.
Tech firm?
Yeah, they manufacture
everything from cellphones
to supercomputers.
Meet Joseph Hayes.
He was novice's
lead R&D specialist.
Dropped dead of a heart attack.
What was he carrying?
A next-gen quantum microprocessor.
Anybody know what that is?
It's a very small...
...Tool. ...
For binary code-breaking.
Novice was vying
for a defense contract
with several competitors.
According to their P.R., Hayes
had a functioning prototype,
which put them in the lead
of that competition.
How do we know he was murdered?
Toxicology report
says there was digitalis
in his bloodstream.
Somebody killed him
and stole the prototype.
Any suspects?
Wesley Kent,
founder and C.E.O.
He's pointing fingers
at his competitors,
but according to NYPD,
he had an after-hours meeting
on his calendar with Hayes
the night that he died.
His initial statement
the timeline
from the coroner's report.
In other words, Kent's hiding something.
Looks like it.
That's why I'm sending someone
in undercover to the company.
I know a bit
about corporate culture, so...
Sit down.
Novice has its annual audit
for the beginning of next week.
It's a perfect opportunity
for us to get the access
we haven't been allowed.
Kent is expecting an accountant
from Banefield financial
to show up at his offices.
Well, if I'm not going in,
who is?
Peter Lassen, CPA,
at your service.
Thought you joined the FBI
to avoid number crunching.
Glad your accounting degree
hasn't gone to waste.
I was recruited by several
fortune 500 companies.
Single or double Windsor?
Single. It's hard to picture you
at a big financial firm.
Been a life-changer.
That's true.
In some alternate universe,
you'd be wearing power ties,
doing power lunches,
flying corporate jets.
Doubt we'd have ever met.
Well, maybe.
Under different circumstances.
Well, that's true.
You might have robbed the company.
You could have had a mansion.
I like my house.
A stable in the Hamptons.
I've got a dog.
No regrets, huh?
No. I've got the bureau.
I've got Elizabeth.
No. No regrets.
Banefield putting you up?
Yeah, company booked me in
a suite at a four-star hotel.
Almost as impressive
as your getting Kate's
flight-recorder data.
That's right.
Sara told me.
Neal, if you're working
on this, so am I.
I'm not working on anything.
Which means
Mozzie's working on it.
I want somebody from my team
Peter, he does not...
no protests.
We are working on this
All right,
who'd you have in mind?
She'll eat him alive.
Well, he's not much of a meal.
I want you to arrange
a meeting.
Are you sure this...
I look good.
Peter Lassen.
Can I see your bag, please?
The basket is for your phone.
I'm Ellen Samuel,
Mr. Kent's personal assistant.
Sorry for the security,
but we can't risk
our visitors leaving with any
sensitive information. I understand.
You can pick up your phone and your
laptop at the front desk on your way out.
If you'll just follow me,
Mr. Kent would like a word
before you start.
After you.
Thank you.
Sorry we can't give you
your own swipe key.
They're for employees only.
Executive offices are
just around the corner.
Mr. Kent,
this is Mr. Lassen.
Mr. Kent,
pleasure to meet you.
Wesley... please.
You mind if I call you Peter?
No, not at all.
You're gonna be with us
for the week,
might as well work on
a first-name basis.
Most C.E.O.s
aren't as welcoming to an external auditor.
Well, you're just looking
at our books.
my daily vice.
I thought that we could, uh...
You know, drink to your new home
for the week.
Ah, sorry, but not on the job.
Suit yourself.
I'll be coordinating with my
team at Banefield financial.
The first thing
I'll need to send to them
are expense reports
from your senior staff.
Whatever you want,
we will provide.
And miss Samuel
is at your service.
If you can just show me
where to set up...
I'm sorry?
My office...
where is it?
This is your office.
Now, if we can come together...
"together" being the key word...
we can move forward.
Look, if I'm gonna spend
my time working with lady suit,
it'd better be worth it.
And if I'm gonna spend
my precious time
your pocket-sized pal,
he better watch what he says.
Why are you even here?
Because my boss asked me.
Uh, because Neal asked me.
So Neal's your boss?
Hey, I answer to no one,
Nancy Drew!
I already have one fed
in my life.
And I've got plenty of crooks in mine.
Hey, hey.
We need to find Fowler.
We know Kate
tried to contact him
after Peter showed up
at the hangar that day.
He's the only one who can tell
us what really happened.
But I have rules.
You have rules?
You will meet me
with all the pertinent files
at a time and place
of my choosing.
I will contact you
via express courier.
You will receive a package.
In that package
will be a sonnet
giving clue
to our rendezvous point.
You want to send me a sonnet?
I don't
do scavenger hunts. Or poems.
Ah, this is Jones.
I can handle this.
I don't get handled!
Guys, please.
We're good?
Yeah, we're good.
Warrant came through
for the novice hard drives,
so we'll be looking
for anything relevant to Hayes.
Come on, Peter.
Where are you?
...And an index
of your earnings reports.
Can I get you anything else?
I'm fine.
Sure. Coffee.
Espresso, cappuccino,
Regular coffee's fine.
Do you have a preferred blend?
Just plain old coffee.
We have Brazil bourbon Santos,
a Panamanian boquete,
and an Ethiopian sidamo.
I prefer
the mediterranean espresso.
The beans are imported
from the caf? vivace in Rome.
Italian roast?
Yeah, let's go with that one.
Remote access.
Well done.
Timbuktu software
Peter installed
just gave me access
to the entire novice database.
All I have to do is get around
the server's firewalls.
And we're in.
That was fast.
A catalogued index
of our earnings reports.
And here's your espresso.
Thank you.
Got it.
I assume you have
everything you need?
I do now.
Yeah...That's good.
- Can you see me?
- I can.
Look at us
being a modern couple.
I know.
Okay, so, how's the room?
Uh, not a room, honey.
It's a suite.
See for yourself.
Looks pretty fantastic.
Oh, wait a minute.
Look at this view. Look at it.
There's a button that opens the
curtains automatically. Wow.
And I've got a baby grand.
Well, it looks like
you have everything you need.
Well, not everything.
Let me show you the best part
of the room...
Oh, thanks for bringing me along.
All right,
now, get back to work.
I miss you.
Miss you back.
Anybody see you?
No, I double-backed through
the service entrance.
You sweep the place?
Yeah, minute I walked in. It's clean.
Nice digs, Peter.
Maybe you picked
the wrong universe to live in.
No, no, no.
Stay out of there.
Six bucks for a candy bar.
Yeah, it's on the tab.
Embrace your hypothetical self.
I don't do hypothetical.
Oh, we speculate all the time.
On our cases.
Not on my life choices.
No touching.
Come on.
What do you have?
Didn't get anything on Kent,
but Jones found
something pretty interesting
on Hayes' computer.
Failed password attempts.
The day Hayes died, someone tried
to access his office desktop.
They tried variations
on his birthday,
a bunch of song titles, and the
name of the dog he had as a kid.
Somebody had
a close relationship with him.
Looks like novice has a mole.
All right,
Kent and his upper management
can access any e-mail account
that they want.
They wouldn't have to go
fishing for a password.
We can rule them out.
Well, we need to dig
into the junior execs.
Since I'm the auditor,
I can't be hanging around
the water cooler.
But maybe you could.
You're sending me in?
Kent's kissing my butt.
He wants a clean audit so badly
that maybe he'd hire
a friend of mine
who's looking for work
in marketing.
If I pull the strings,
think you can land the job?
I can do marketing.
I had Westen farms
conduct a poll
on what people found
aesthetically pleasing
in their cereal bowls.
You know
what people liked to see?
Well, a finite amount
of raisins.
Market research gave us
the key formula...
A 6:1 flake-to-raisin ratio.
I made sure every box
we packaged met that standard.
Sales went through the roof.
That's how you got this job?
Breakfast cereal?
Ready-to-eat-cereal market,
$10.7 billion last year.
Right, the little plastic prizes
in the box.
That's billion with a "b."
But tech's where it's at, dawg.
That's why I want to talk
to you guys,
you know, get some pointers.
Want to grab some drinks later?
Oh, well, we've already booked
a dinner at Draytons, so...
Oh, you should come.
Screw you, Trent.
Fine with me.
You can play the game.
He can play the game, right?
What's the game?
It's a little tradition
we have here.
It's called
credit-card roulette.
Go out, run up a nice tab,
throw all our company cards
on the table,
and let the server pick one.
And that card foots the bill.
Blows your dinner budget
for the month.
You up for it?
Lock 'n' load, Trent.
Mr. Danvary?
The auditor
would like to see you.
He spoke to accounting
and has some questions
about your 2009 w2s.
Excuse me.
See you guys later.
I don't like him.
You don't like anyone, Trent.
I like Andrew.
'Cause I owe you money, Trent.
Thank you.
You are stepping up
in the world.
Well, it's not really
my office.
Can it be mine?
You already have a workspace.
Oh, yeah, I get a cubicle.
You get a palace.
I work harder.
How's the marketing department?
Oh, nice blend
of smarmy and suspicious.
I'll narrow it down later.
I'm meeting everyone
for dinner tonight.
I've always liked espresso.
No more ugly FBI mugs for you.
I think you missed
your calling.
Tiny cup, big office,
expensive suits.
Ugly mugs are fine.
Don't fight your instincts,
Peter. Embrace your true self.
You done?
I can keep going.
You're done.
What time is dinner tonight?
What are you thinking?
If we do have a mole,
we might be able to bait 'em.
You're pretty good
at chitchat, right?
You want me to spread some gossip?
Tell everyone
that you noticed
I was looking into Hayes' files.
Maybe I found something
Let 'em think you found
something on the dead guy.
Our mole will want to
poke around your office.
Yeah, make him come to us.
I'm on it.
How much was the smoked squab?
More than
the lobster tartine, Trent.
Which is why I had to raise you
with the opus.
Uh, uh...
three bottles of opus?
No matter who loses, someone's gonna
have to answer to accounting.
Or Kent himself.
I haven't met him yet.
Look, the only thing you need to know about
the boss is that he likes the high life
almost as much
as he likes quarterly profit.
And he also likes
his daily armagnac.
Buying him a bottle
every now and then
will help you stay
on his good side.
Thanks for the tip.
So, uh, what's up with the hat?
Oh, that's just my humble
assault on the commonplace.
I like it.
Kind of weird.
So, um, what happened
with Joseph Hayes?
He was head of R&D, right?
He was working on
the quantum processor.
Somebody told me
he was murdered.
Uh, w-why do you care?
Oh, when I was
in the auditor's office,
Hayes' file was on his desk.
Why is the auditor
looking into Hayes?
I don't know.
He had all your files too.
Are you serious?
Uh, here comes the bill.
Well, all right.
What's the damage?
Ooh! Ouch! $2,000.
So, hat guy, in or out?
Oh, I'm in.
All right.
Oh, whoa!
Shaking it up.
I'm not looking,
I'm not looking.
You do the honors?
Hey, uh, pick a winner, honey.
Ooh, I guess you win.
That's great.
Owie. Great.
Hope that bonus comes through.
George. Hey.
You surprised me.
You don't like surprises?
What are you doing here?
Working late.
How about you?
What are you doing
in the auditor's office?
I don't like anyone
looking into my life...
personally or professionally.
It's a little hypocritical,
considering your current
position, don't you think?
You said you were working late.
What is it
you're working on, George?
I needed to see
R&D's field studies
on the new product launch.
Oh, those are in records on 12.
12. Got it.
So, uh, why didn't you call
You could have reported me.
I'm here after hours.
I could be up to anything.
Which means you
could probably report me, too.
I won't tell if you won't.
You're probably asleep
right now.
Oh, I know,
it's too late for coffee,
but this is Ethiopian sidamo.
And it's not decaf,
and it's delicious.
I know
I'll be tossing all night,
which would probably drive you
crazy if you were here.
Or I was there.
...This could have been
my life.
Any regrets?
But it's not all that bad.
The coffee's good, and we
should think about silk sheets.
I never saw myself
as a robe guy, but I don't know.
When in Rome...
Room service.
I love you.
Look at you.
What, you're staying in character
in case I'm one of Kent's minions?
All right, what do you have?
She took the bait.
Jessica Breslin.
She's been at the company
for the last 14 months.
When did novice put in its bid
for the defense contract?
18 months ago.
So it's possible she's spying
for one of their competitors.
She could lead us
to whomever she's working for.
Room service.
Uh, yeah, come on in.
Keeping up appearances?
A man has to eat.
Your kobe steak, sir.
Ah, thank you.
You're welcome, sir.
Nothing but the best
for Peter Lassen,
CPA extraordinaire.
I think you're jealous
that I got the penthouse
and you got the paperwork
for once.
It's true.
Up is down. Black is white.
Let's focus on Jessica.
She's been sending out a lot
more mail since Hayes died.
Most of it to a P.O. box
in White Plains.
Company doesn't do any business
in white plains.
I'll have Jones get a warrant
for that P.O. box.
You get a chance to check out
Jessica's office, take it. Sure.
What's that?
Looks like Kent's inviting me
to dinner tomorrow night.
Ooh, look at that.
This smells delicious.
You want some? No, I'm good.
You sure?
Ah, ate before I came.
Oh, you had some kobe, as well?
Look at that. Okay.
What is kobe beef?
Are you ready yet?
I have a process.
I didn't even get to write
my sonnet yet.
You have O.C.D.
Uh, some might call it
highly attentive.
Okay. I did a full
background check on Fowler.
There's been no hits
on his credit cards,
bank accounts, or passport.
I showed you mine.
You show me yours.
Don't ever say that again.
This is all we have on him.
This is just Fowler's
resignation from the bureau.
Yeah, as of five weeks ago.
O.P.R. booted him, swept
the whole thing under the rug.
I hope I'm not interrupting.
Oh, no, not at all.
You are but a welcome
and striking reprieve
from the bureaucratic
oppression in my midst.
Isn't he charming?
He has a way with words.
Yes, he does.
I wanted to speak to you
for a moment, please.
Peter gave me some forms
Neal's housing arrangements,
and I'm not sure
that I understand them.
Oh, sure.
Well, of course
you can't understand them.
has a vested interest
in creating the chaos
in which they exist.
Right here.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
It says that you can set
Neal's curfew if you want.
Uh, you can also establish any
procedure you deem appropriate
for preventing
a criminal relapse.
I think
Neal is doing just fine.
We'll talk later.
Bye, Mozzie.
Bye, June.
I got to get back to my office
in 20 minutes.
I need copies
of every statement you have.
Oh, of course.
I'll e-mail them to you.
- Lunch?
- Yep.
Do you have five minutes
to look over
the Kensington proposal?
Uh, legal needs to see my prep work
on the north-Morrison outlets.
Five minutes is gonna kill you, Jess?
If it's five minutes,
why don't you do it yourself? I wrote it.
I can't check my own work.
Oh, come on.
Have an intern do it.
Thanks, appreciate it.
Novice communications.
How may I direct your call?
How are you doing today?
Jessica's putting together intel
on Wesley Kent.
She's digging
into his travel arrangements.
What does she want
with the C.E.O.?
He could be another target.
Jones got our warrant.
He's gonna get ahold of me as
soon as he gets to white plains.
We find anything incriminating,
I'm bringing her down.
Where you headed?
Oh, business lunch.
Hey. All right,
let's make this quick.
I need to get back
to the office.
First week, and you're
already a corporate shill?
My condolences on your
recently departed integrity.
How'd it go with Diana?
I saw some sheet music
in her briefcase.
Maybe she's learning
the violin.
It was Mozart's "Piano Sonata
no. 2 in 'f'" from 1775.
The year
the music box was made.
Need I go on?
I'm sure you will.
I will. There's no
historical record
of what song it's playing.
The only way she would know
it's Mozart
is if she's heard it.
Peter trusts Diana.
And I trust him.
Ah, could be something.
Could be nothing.
I just thought you should know.
Also, you've got a tail.
Yeah, I noticed
a couple blocks back.
Listen, I'll worry
about my shadow.
In the meantime,
stay close to Diana.
Why don't I just go have coffee
with Hughes while I'm at it?
You're a hero, Moz.
Who do you work for?
You work with Kent?
No, no.
I'm with the FBI.
I was sent in to find out
if you murdered Joseph Hayes.
I didn't murder Joseph.
Then who did?
That's what I want to find out.
You want to explain that?
Joseph and I were close.
You were seeing each other.
But we couldn't tell anyone.
What do you know about
the project he was working on?
The microprocessor?
He said he was close
to a functioning prototype.
Kent claimed the prototype
was already working.
He lied.
Let's focus on you
for a second.
Why did you break into
Hayes' e-mail account,
rummage through his desktop?
The day before he was murdered,
Joseph was acting...
He said
someone was following him.
He said not to tell anyone
anything about what I knew.
And then he gave me the gun.
And you started
playing detective?
Kent murdered someone
I care about very much.
And I would do anything
to make sure he pays.
Look, he's been taking trips,
By himself,
under the guise of business.
Eastern Europe, China.
No one knows why.
You were trying to find out.
I was trying
to get into Kent's office.
I've been seeing garbage bins
coming out of there.
He's been destroying
shredding them and
then putting them in burn bags.
What would it take
to get in there?
All right,
let's start with the good news.
Tech lab has a remote scanner
that they can attach to the head
of Kent's shredder.
Makes a copy before
it shreds anything... nice.
Something wrong with your coffee?
No, it's fine.
You've been spoiled.
It's fine.
All right, the bad news is
getting the scanner in place.
Kent's office is tough.
Not even building security
has clearance.
The only people allowed inside
are Kent and his assistant.
Which is also the good news
because at lunch time,
no one will be
on the entire floor.
These are the key-cards
that give them access
to the top floor
of the building.
We can't duplicate them.
Kent also has a voice-activated
security system
that unlocks the door
to his office.
It opens and responds
to his voice only.
Well, do we know
what the password is?
Thanks to your friend Jessica,
we do.
"Faber est suae
quisque fortunae."
"Every man is the artisan
of his own fortune."
Now, I had Jones looking through
on-air interviews with Kent,
seeing if he can string together
some audio clip.
Yeah, well, I doubt
he speaks a dead language
when he does press.
Can we get Kent to say it
into a recorder?
Oh, I've got an idea.
Your dinner with Kent.
All right.
I like it.
Mr. Kent,
good to see you.
I told you...
Call me Wesley.
Yes, you did.
Oh, Peter, please,
I insist you treat yourself.
You're not on the job now,
are you?
Scotch and soda.
There we go.
I appreciate the invite.
Well, it's the least
I could do.
Believe me,
I wish I could do more.
I'm... I'm fine, really.
How would you like
to come work for me?
A member
of my finance committee
is stepping down
in a couple of months.
It's a very lucrative position.
I'm in the middle
of auditing your company,
and you're offering me work?
Well, I've seen
your credentials.
Peter Lassen looks damn good
on paper,
but he'd look even better
in my offices.
I've already got a job.
No, working for novice
is more than a job.
It's an achievement.
It's a new beginning.
Hence the name
of your corporation.
You know your Latin.
I understand
the etymology of novice.
And synonymous
with the newly arrived...
unique and original.
I also know a few other words.
Da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius.
"Give me the facts,
and I will give you the law."
You want the facts?
I want incentive, details.
What I'm working on right now
is gonna set up the company
and everyone in it for life.
I'm a self-made guy...
so am I.
And I believe that every man
makes his own fortune
with a good decision.
The politician caecus.
He had a saying for that,
didn't he?
Faber est suae
quisque fortunae.
"Every man is an artisan
to his own fortune."
He offered you a job?
I got what we needed.
Yeah, but, Peter, think of all
the tiny cups you could own.
Kent's meeting his R&D team
today at 1:00.
You think you can snatch
one of those key-cards?
Yeah, won't be a problem.
How's Jessica holding up?
She put her game face on.
Time for you to do the same.
...Just grab the comic-book novel?
I did, I did.
And I put it on your desk
for, uh, next Tuesday.
Faber est suae
quisque fortunae.
So, how'd you
even get in there?
Faber est suae
quisque fortunae.
They have some
pretty fun toys around here.
So, have they found
anything yet?
Well, agents are going through
the latest scans now.
We're gonna find something.
You know,
even if you arrest him...
It won't change what happened.
I understand.
I don't think you do.
Do you know how Joseph died,
how he was poisoned?
This chemical...
it drops the heart rate,
spikes the blood pressure.
You can't see.
And a few minutes later,
you can't feel.
You're dead.
You can't think about that.
It's all I can think about.
If someone took away
the person you loved,
wouldn't you want them to know
how it feels?
Be right back.
We just pulled this from
the shredder in Kent's office.
This is Hayes' prototype.
And it never worked.
Kent tried to make it look
like espionage,
and he had the damn thing
the whole time.
This is the cover-up.
I think I know
why Hayes was killed.
We found another document
in the shredder.
It's addressed to an unnamed
foreign intelligence agency
to arrange a meeting
in the next month and a half.
The trips he's been taking...
Kent knew he wouldn't win
the defense contract
from our country in time.
So he decided to sell his device
to another government.
It's treason for profit.
Hayes didn't want
any part of that.
That's why Kent killed him.
And corporate espionage
is the perfect cover.
He made it look like a competitor
stole a working product.
Company saves face...
if a foreign government
turns up with it later...
Kent's in the clear,
and Hayes stays silent.
How do we prove it when Kent
hasn't committed treason yet?
But he has committed murder.
The C.E.O.'s concerned
about anyone finding out
what he's really up to.
Maybe Hayes talked to someone
before he died.
You want to use Jessica
as bait?
I'm meeting Kent
in the afternoon.
Maybe I can hint to him
that she knows something.
He'll come after her.
And when he does,
we take him down.
Think she's up to it?
She's certainly driven.
Yeah, that's what worries me.
I'm not sure if she
wants revenge or justice.
Can't blame her either way.
You have empathy
for that woman.
What if I do?
There's a right way to do things
and a wrong way.
Revenge is the wrong way.
It's short-sighted,
and it's dangerous.
What's justice, then?
It's restoring order...
not furthering chaos.
You kept that recording data
from me.
I hope you don't have any more secrets.
You talked to Diana lately?
Not today.
You trust her?
As much as you trust your friend.
Is there a problem?
What happens
if we do find Fowler?
What comes next?
We'll cross that bridge
when we come to it...
Now let's prep the team
for what we have today.
Hey, it's time.
You know the drill?
We meet as planned. And
then we go to the safe house.
Right. There's no reason
to be nervous.
I'm not.
See you outside.
Advanced copy of my report.
Your company has nothing
to worry about.
Well, this is cause
for celebration.
There is one other thing about
one of your staff members.
Uh, Jessica Breslin
was involved
with one of
your former employees
in research and development...
Joseph Hayes.
Uh, how do you know this?
Cross-referenced expense reports
between your workers
to see if any them
were in a league to bilk funds.
Apparently, the two of them
shared a hotel room
a few weeks in a row.
When I confronted
Ms. Breslin about it,
she asked me
not to say anything.
I thought you might want to deal
with her appropriately.
Well, I will take care
of Ms. Breslin.
Now, more importantly,
have you thought any more
about my offer?
I hate to sound
like a broken record,
but I've already got a job.
Well, if you change
your mind...
I appreciate that, Wesley.
You on the job?
It is after 6:00.
I won't tell anyone.
Doing okay?
All right. An agent
will be here any second.
She's gonna need your phone
and all forms of I.D.
For the protection detail.
Pretty calm for somebody
who's about to go into hiding.
I was supposed to be relieved.
Are you sitting down?
What is it, Moz?
Sitting or standing?
Then you better hold on
to something.
I did some additional checking.
Peter knows Diana has the box.
I-I didn't want to say anything
until I was sure.
But the trail for the box
just goes cold with him.
Neal, there can't be
any other explanation.
I'll call you back.
Faber est suae quisque...
why do you have this?
Um, I-I found it
on your desk.
You were in Kent's office.
What'd you do, Jessica?
I wanted him to know
how it feels
to die
the way that Joseph died.
Poisoned him?
Daily vice.
The armagnac.
Peter's in there with him!
What is this?
There's a powder on this.
I got to get to the phone
and call 911.
I-I need to get
to the top floor.
Nobody gets to the top floor.
This is an emergency, sir.
What's the emergency?
Please! I got to check with Mr.
Kent and then my supervisor.
Yes, good.
Yes, check with Kent.
Call 911.
Get back here!
I will call the police.
Call the paramedics.
You need to exit the elevator now, sir!
Will you send me up to Kent's floor?
Hell no!
Then I can't.
This is alpha-2 in the lobby.
Where's my backup?!
On the way, sir.
How much time do we have?
How much time do we have?
Is there an antidote?
Is there an antidote?
I don't...
I don't know.
How much time did Hayes have?
I don't know.
Come on, Kent! Think!
This is the same poison
that you gave him!
You met with him,
you gave him something to drink.
And then he died.
Now, how much time passed?
Who are you?
How much time, Kent?
How much time, Kent?
I-I don't know.
I don't know.
15... 15, 20...
I don't... 15 minutes.
Come on, buddy.
It's gonna be okay.
Stay with me, all right?
Hang in there.
Get Kent. No, no.
Peter, we don't have time.
Come on.
You can't leave him behind.
You are dying!
Neal! Neal!
We don't leave anybody behind.
Heart's stopped.
I need the epinephrine.
No, nothing on the pulse.
What... what...
what are you doing?
You confessed
to a federal agent.
You're under arrest
for the murder of Joseph Hayes.
You can't be serious.
You give me the facts,
I'll give you the law.
Thanks, Di.
I'm not the only one
who makes dumb decisions.
Saving Kent? You're taking this
"innocent till proven guilty" thing
a little too far.
If he lives or dies,
it's not my call.
Whose is it?
You do what's right.
Let the pieces fall
where they fall.
"Do what's right."
She said she didn't mean
to hurt Peter.
She had no idea he'd
be having a drink with Kent.
What happens to her now?
Got to charge her
with attempted murder.
She can't just walk away
from this.
Looking good.
Feeling even better.
I got a clean bill of health
this morning.
You know, there's a coffee shop
a couple blocks away.
I hear they make
a pretty nice espresso.
This tastes just fine to me.
Oh, come on. You can't tell me
you don't miss it...
the imported beans,
the giant office
and swanky suite.
All right, I'm gonna humor you
for a second.
What if I went corporate
right after college?
Best-case scenario...
I became a millionaire.
Sounds like
a pretty good scenario.
Mm, one with a flip side.
What if I never joined the FBI?
Would have made my life a lot easier.
Mine too.
But what if 12 years ago
I was never assigned
to an art-gallery scam downtown?
What if...
I never met
this assistant manager?
No, there are more important
things in life than a nice view.
Like having people in your life
you care about.
I'd be without those people.
I like the man I am.
"Do what's right."
You lied to me
about the music box.
I know you still have it.
How did you find out...
Mozzie found the sheet music.
It wasn't hard from there.
You want to talk about it?
If you're ready to listen.
I want to see it.
I didn't tell you everything...
for your own protection.
I don't know what you're
gonna do, and neither do you.
I know my options.
Revenge or justice, right?
As long as I'm involved,
it's going to be the latter.
What if justice
isn't good enough?
It has to be.
It will be.
What'd you find?
There's a piece of the box
that's still missing...
right here.
Now, at first, I thought
it was one of the cherubs
that had broken off.
But if you look more closely,
it hasn't broken off.
It's a keyhole.
The missing piece is a key.
Which you have.
No more secrets, Peter.
No more secrets.