When Heroes Fly (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

{\be27}Extracted by\N{\c&H562CD0&}ll sCarLet ll{\c}\N{\c&HC48338&}@wahab_94{\c}.

Let's start from the bottom line.

It looks good, Dotan.

It looks very good.

The latest tests show no indication
of cancerous cells.

I don't carelessly say this
to my patients,

but it looks like you beat your cancer.

You still have to come for checkups,

but you're done with the therapy.

Excuse me.

What is it, Dubi? Is it urgent?

- Yes, can you talk?
- Not really. What is it?

Listen, there has been an accident.
Yaeli was involved in a car accident.

- What?
- Yes.

- An accident? Where?
- In Colombia.




we are ready.




Get out!

- What do we do now?
- Don't start, Dubi.

- Now, we have to think.
- Think about what?

About a plan.

- Are you okay?
- Yes.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

Everything is fine.

- Let's go.
- Hold on, Aviv. What's the plan?

You heard her,
we're going to her uncle's place.

And then what?

Come on, let's go.

Dubi, get in the car.

- Dubi, get in the car.
- What is wrong with you?

A moment ago, you want out.
Do you know something that I don't?

The Colombia police are after us now.

Then what do you suggest we do?

Wait for them?

- Listen...
- No, you listen.

This Pale Father, he exists.

Which means we have a lead
in finding Yaeli.

- Don't you get it?
- It's not a plan. It's nonsense.

It feels like a fucking déjà vu.

You and me, standing here, while you're
trying to talk some sense into me.

- It's not the same.
- You got that right.

Because this time, I won't listen to you.

Now, get in the car,
or we will leave you here.

The search continues for survivors
of the fatal accident in Colombia.

The Foreign Ministry has contacted
the families of missing hikers...

Rona Ashkenazi.

Yes, I'm the wife of her brother,
Dubi Ashkenazi.

They are not answering. I'm waiting for
the office of the embassy to open.

It's still early morning there.

I'll wait.

Did something come up?

- What's up?
- Hey, Himmler.


I listened to the news
all the way here, is it true?

Which part?

They said only one survivor
has been found so far.

It doesn't sound good.
The embassy is clueless.

I think they are still trying to
find out more about it.

Come here for a second.

I'll wait.

I've spoken to a rescue company,
Unit 669 veterans, top rescuers.

I gave them clearance.
They are flying out there in two hours.

Out where?


- Do you have your passport?
- Himmler, hold on...

Do you have one? Never mind.
You can sort it out at the airport.

Listen, I bought us tickets.
We will go there

- with the rescue team.
- What?

There's a helipad...

- I can't afford all this.
- Forget it, I've got this. Calm down.

Pack up and tell Rona we're leaving.

It will be all right.


We won't find Yaeli
from the comfort of your living room.

- You know that, right?
- Yes.


That's it. My battery just died too.

Here comes her uncle.

Hello, Uncle!

Which one is it?

The one with the kind eyes.

Hello, Fabi, how are you?

- Are you guys hungry?
- Yes, we are starving.


Are you guys hungry?

Let's eat something.

What's the scale of this map?

It's 1:50, I think.

Listen, if we walk straight down,

that will be a ten-kilometer hike
on a relatively flat terrain.

We could go here once we pass the bridge.

- We'll get around here?
- Yes, it will lengthen the way there,

but it will save us
from walking across the hills.

So, we're going to get around the ridge
and hit the La Esperanza river

around this area?

Yes, and then will we walk along the river

about seven kilometers
straight into the city.

Good, so everyone is happy.

Can I just say something
without being called a pussy?

- No.
- I'm serious.

I'm serious, man.

They are going to need weapons.

I don't think that would be a good idea.

Don't you think they are past
the phase of caring about bad ideas?

What do you want to say?

Suppose we don't get lost
and we arrive at the abandoned city,

whatever it's called, then what?

What do you mean by that?

Then what? Do we just honk a horn
until Yaeli comes down the stairs?

We're just going to bring her home, Dubi.

Let's see what toys he got here.

Dubi, these are not water guns.

This one is good.

I missed this shit.

You guys have really lost it.

Do you think you are in Lebanon?

Come here, Dubi. Pick a weapon.

I haven't touched a rifle in years.
I'm not getting one.

Come on, you wuss.
It's like riding a bike.

When was the last time you rode a bike?

Just for self-defense.

Are you sure?

Yes, I need you here.

We need to leave behind
someone we trust, okay?

Don't worry.

Thank you so much.

Come on, roll call!

I'm glad you find this amusing.

Dubi, when did you stop
laughing at my jokes?

You were never funny,
and we are done pretending that you are.

Let's move.

May God be with them.



- Are you all right?
- Yes, I'm fine.

Drink up.

What's wrong with him?

Just rest.

We have to slow down the pace.

At this rate, the people will break down.

Are you okay?

- Yes, boss.
- Are you sure?

I'm sure.

He's all right.

- Get back to work.
- Cesar.

Look at them.

They can rest for a bit.

You're in charge of it.

You need to talk to your boss.

Let's do this.

Check this out, Aviv.

This mountain isn't on the map.

No, it's right here. It's this one.

- No way.
- Take a look again.

What's going on?

We overshot our detour.
We have to go back.

Can I look at the map?

We're here.

Behind that ridge is the city.
It's a 15km beeline.

- Which means?
- We need to cross the ridge.

We have no choice.
We're not turning back now.

Aviv, let's conserve our energy.
It's better to go back

and walk a kilometer.

Let's regroup and fuck that ridge.

Come on, Himmler,
let's show that ridge who is the boss.

- "Who is the boss"?
- We're wasting time.

Come on, man. Let's go.

Come on. Don't collapse now.

I'm not, I'm just thinking,

how will I break the news to my parents?

About what?

That Yaeli is dead.


Dubi, look at me.

Yaeli is not dead. We have not found
any evidence of that.

We have been roaming around here
for two days,

you think anyone can survive out here?

I'll believe she's dead
once I see her with my own eyes.

Man, I truly appreciate what you're doing,

I'll never forget this,

but you've got to face reality.

My dad is in bad shape as it is,
I don't know how I'll break it to him.

How will I tell him
that his daughter is dead?

- Father, may I have a word with you?
- Roy succeeded.

He broke the wall!

He managed to change his memory.

Father, the situation isn't good.

The people are collapsing.

Father, the people
are collapsing in the lab.

I heard you the first time, Gabriel.

Anything else?

Do you remember

the team's training that winter,

when Azoulay made us climb
that huge mountain?

- My body is still sore from that hike.
- Man, that was such a drag.

Azoulay sure was a mountain lion.

Do we get a rite of passage
after this hike?

Quit whining, Dubi.

I'm whining?
Look how you're panting like some rookie.

Dubi Ashkenazi calling me a rookie.

Look how the tables have turned.

Keep walking, will you?

- Himmler!
- Aviv.

Goddamn it! Move! Leave me alone!

Let's take a break.
We are out of shape. We need to rest.


Not just Himmler. Me, Dubi, and you.
We have to eat, too.

Let's go.

Himmler, are you all right?

Keep going, leave me alone.

Let me breathe.

I've got canned tuna and corn
that Rona shoved in my bag,


and something that looks like
the local brand of canned meat.

Cool. Give me the canned meat and beans.

- Here you go.
- I'll cook us up a dish.

Himmler, where is the can opener?

Where is it, man?



- About the beans.
- Yes?

Maybe tuna is better, don't you think?

I feel like having beans.

Forget the beans.

Is there something
you guys want to tell me?

Tell me about it now.

We had to bear with you
for years in the army.

Fuck you!

- As if you guys did not fart!
- We didn't say we did not,

but there are different kinds of fart,
and then there is yours.

Well, I can't help it if my farts
are flashy and authentic.

As authentic as a gas rig.
Forget the beans, have tuna.

- But I want the beans!
- Come on, Benda,

there are rare species
and protected vegetation out here.

- Besides, tuna is healthier.
- But I want the beans!

I can't let you eat it, man.


put down the beans.

Drop the beans.


All this fart talk made me want
to take a dump.

Hey, do you think he calls it a dump
when he is at home with Maria?

- Is there a word for it in Spanish?
- Benda!

- What's the Spanish word for "dump"?
- Cagada.

I think he was offended.
He won't come back anymore.

Somebody has to say it.


What was that?




What is that?

I don't know.
It looks like a first aid bag.

I found it in the bushes.

There are other things here too.

- What is this stuff doing here?
- I don't know.


It must be from the accident.

- Why would it be here?
- Because this is where it happened.

Yes, it wasn't far from here.
It happened around this area.

It must be left behind
by the search teams.

- How do you know?
- I'm sure this is the area.

Last time, we got here via chopper
instead of on foot,

so I didn't recognize it.

What are you talking about?

We have been here before.

When did you come here?

We searched for Yaeli, Aviv.

After the accident.

This is so surreal. It's definitely that.

You have been to Colombia?

- For how long?
- Two weeks.

So, you were in Colombia for two weeks.

Aviv, we weren't in touch back then,

and you were at that health farm.

You were in Colombia.

Goddamn it.

- Goddamn it!
- What is it?

We were supposed to hit
the fucking river at this point.

I can't find it.


- We missed the river.
- No way.



It's the food bag.

Come with me, Aviv.

What's going on with you, Himmler?
Are you okay?

- Let me look at you.
- I'm not okay.

Move aside and let me breathe!

If you had listened to me,
you wouldn't have tired yourself out.

Are you serious?

Should I listen to you?

You know, Dubi,

ever since we landed,
I can't shake the thoughts of

what would have happened
if I hadn't listened to you.

- Don't bring that up now.
- Why not? We're all here. All of us.

It looks like a great time
to talk about this.

Do I need to remind you that it was you
who wanted to come here?

How dare you? I had to convince you
to search for your sister back then.

Well I, unlike you and this man here,
don't think I run the world, okay?

So, don't tell me
how I should act as her brother.

You know what I think?

You were eager to come here

because you figured that if you save her,
she could be yours.

You didn't do this for my sake.

You fucking loser.

I see you've had plenty of time
to lie to yourself.

But you know what, Dubi?
It won't change the fact

that Yaeli came here because of Aviv,

but stayed here because of you.

We lost the bag.

What's going on?

Never mind.

- What were you guys talking about?
- Never mind.

We never found the body.


Dubi and I were just discussing
that last time we were here,

- we didn't find the body.
- Himmler, shut up!

Whose body? Yaeli's body?


But there was a funeral, right?

What's up? Any news?

The police are packing up.

- Packing up?
- It's been two weeks, Himmler.

The chances of finding someone are slim.
We should return to Israel.

Dubi, this is a mistake,
the police can do whatever they want,

but nobody can stop us
from continuing the search.


I want to bury Yaeli.

It's important to me.
It's important to my family.

I want her to have a grave,
so my dad can say the Kaddish prayer.

His days are numbered as it is.

I want him to have a chance
to see Yaeli off.

I'm with you, man.

We won't return to Israel without Yaeli.

You don't understand, Himmler.
I spoke with the police.

They are willing to issue a statement
claiming that Yaeli's body was found.

- Nobody would know about it.
- Hold on. What?

- I can't follow what you are saying.
- Yaeli is dead, Himmler.

I don't even want to think
what happened to her,

to her remains, I just want to do
what needs to be done,

- and I need your help.
- What do you need?

They want money.

The police wants money
to issue that statement.

- Nobody would know about it.
- But you and I both know the truth.

I trust you.

You need my money.

I can't do that.

Sorry, man.

It's not about the money.
You know that I don't care about it.

I just can't do that.

You actually paid someone
to claim that Yaeli is dead?

Yes, Benda, okay?
Do you want to see it written?

Shame on you.

For nine years, I've been
grieving over an empty grave.

I can't believe it.

It's so easy to blame others, right, Aviv?

Let me remind you that it was you
who dumped her

and went to rot at that health farm.
Well, life went on!

You threw your life away, and someone else
had to clean up all the mess you left!

- What are you talking about?
- Aviv!

You paid someone off
to say that Yaeli is dead!

Yes, that's what we did.

Perhaps if you had joined us,

you would have thought of a better idea,
but as it happened,

that was not the case,
so we did what we had to do.

Your fucking money...

You bought her death!


Did you want her dead?

Did you do it to get back at me or what?

Did you do it to get back at me? Talk!

It's amazing how you make everything
about you. How do you do it?


we all fought in Lebanon.

The only difference

is that you chose to fall apart,

- and we chose to live.
- Himmler, get off my case.

- Himmler, talk nicely.
- No, Benda, I'm sick of this!

Everyone walks on eggshells around him.

We flew in,
hoping to find even remnants of her.

Everyone knows
that if you hadn't had a breakdown,

Yael wouldn't have come here...



- Himmler!
- Himmler?

- What's wrong?
- Himmler!

Get him some water.


- Here.
- Position him.

Elevate his legs.

There. He's recovering.

Sit him up.

Are you okay?

I'm sorry.

Don't flatter yourself.
It's not because of your punch.

You don't look good.

- You don't look handsome yourself.
- Come on, I'm serious.

Himmler, what's going on?

It's back.


My cancer. It's back.

Why are you all so quiet?

What do you mean? Since when?

I don't know. For a month or two.

It depends on who you ask.

How long have you known about this?

Does it matter?

I'll go look for the bag.

It's the motherfucking river.

May His great name
be exalted and sanctified

in the world which He created
according to His will!

May He establish His kingdom
during the lifetime

of the House of Israel

very soon, and say, amen.

May His great name be blessed forever.

Blessed and praised, glorified
and exalted, extolled and honored,

adored and lauded be the name
of the Holy One, blessed He

above and beyond all the blessings,
hymns, praises and consolations

that are uttered in the world!
And say, Amen.

May there be abundant peace,
good life, satisfaction, assistance,

comfort, shelter, forgiveness, atonement,
relief, and salvation from heaven.

For us and for all his people...


May He who makes peace in His high places

grant his mercy upon us

and upon all His nation, Israel,
and say, amen.




Subtitle translation by Hagit Harel