We Own This City (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Part Six - full transcript
Suiter is concerned about his grand jury subpoena after the GTTF arrests. Jenkins learns his GTTF cops are cooperating, as his crimes come to light. Davis battles over consent decree funding. Steele questions if the system can be ...
I know what I'm doing.
This proffer session is
for purposes of learning
what you, Sergeant Jenkins,
can offer to the government
as cooperation in the event you
are offered a plea agreement.
Nothing said today will be
entered into the legal record.
It is instead an opportunity
for you to let us know
the value and extent of your cooperation
should we decide to accept your plea,
and recommend an agreed-upon sentence
to the judge. You understand?
- I do.
- Well then, let's proceed.
Well, first off, I'm innocent.
Sergeant Jenkins,
there is an old and wise
saying in the federal courts
that defendants in criminal cases, when
facing a preponderance of evidence,
are well-advised to
cooperate early and often.
The first ones to cooperate
get the best deals,
last ones to cooperate get
the worst end of the stick.
And you are not early here.
I am not gonna sit
in front of you
and tell you that I haven't been
around some bad things. I have.
But I can also tell you,
that these things that
you think that I've done,
these things that you've heard
about me, they are false.
Completely false.
Now, is there misconduct
in this department?
Of course, there's
misconduct, but...
I'm not the one you want.
Sergeant, our investigation
is lengthy and detailed
and the charges against you are
corroborated by electronic intercepts,
as well as a multitude
of witnesses.
Multitude? Okay, so a
multitude of witnesses lied.
How about that? Can
I ask you a question?
I am one of the most talked
about, most celebrated officers,
history of this city.
Do you not find it odd?
And now, all of a sudden, I am the
mastermind of this whole thing?
That doesn't strike
you as weird?
They're all lying?
That's what I said.
- In the Burley case alone...
- Oh, come on. The Burley case,
I'm completely innocent on that.
I didn't plant those drugs on
Umar Burley. That wasn't me.
- Sergeant Jenkins...
- No, no, no, no. Hang on.
I know who did that.
I know who did it.
And maybe you're right.
You know something, maybe the
fact that I knew that information,
I didn't report it at the time.
Maybe I was wrong there, so you
got me. I'm guilty. Hey, you win.
But bottom line is, I did not
plant those drugs on Umar Burley.
I didn't do it, wasn't me.
For the sake of argument,
you wanna tell us who did?
I do not feel like telling
you that right now.
But I do know for a fact that it was not
Wayne Jenkins who planted those drugs.
That's what matters here.
This proffer is concluded.
What does that mean
it's concluded?
Wait, that's it, you guys
just gonna walk away?
Ma'am, you don't have
any questions for me?
2.7 KILO'S, $100,000.
- Backup.
- Backup.
Baltimore is a poster child for the
basic failure to stop lawlessness.
No justice, no peace!
I've heard your calls
for no justice, no peace.
No justice, no peace!
Where there's
smoke, there's fire.
These officers, they're
1930-style gangsters.
So, Wayne Jenkins
actually thinks
his fellow officers are
going to hold the line...
When in reality, they're all in a race
to try to testify against each other.
Funny how he made a
point of telling us
he didn't plant the drugs in
the Burley case, of all things.
Who would he put it on?
The others who were there and wrote
on it? Ryan Guinn and Sean Suiter.
Well, it's not
likely to be Guinn.
He went out of his way to speak
up about all of this years ago.
Sean Suiter?
You know me from
headquarters, Sean,
but I've been detailed
here to work with the FBI
in public corruption cases. And
Erika here is my supervisor.
The fact is we've been working this stuff
involving the city plainclothes unit,
and I know you've seen a lot of
people you work with get arrested.
The thing we want you to know, right off,
is that you're not necessarily a target.
Not necessarily?
Well, right now, we're looking at
others and we need help with that.
I work murders.
I don't know what you think
I could help you with.
This is from years ago. From
the time you were working VCID.
Do you remember a car chase
involving a suspect named Burley?
There was a crash, and
a motorist was killed.
Hands! Out of the car!
J, it's on the floor.
Right under the seat.
- This was two thousand...
- I remember.
Drugs were discovered in Burley's
vehicle subsequent to the crash.
Your name is on the evidence
submission paperwork.
So, what are you saying?
One of the witnesses claims
that you were the one
who planted the drugs on Burley.
We don't necessarily
believe this other witness.
Now this can go two ways, Sean.
Either you know what
happened and how those drugs
got into a car that was
already searched by officers,
in which case
you're a witness...
Or you become a suspect.
At this point, it's our
assumption that you are a witness.
Am I going to lose
my job over this?
End with the phrase,
"Real police work."
Real... police... work
Then pick up with
the last paragraph.
- Got it.
- Read that part back to me.
"A consent decree is
not a magic pill."
"It is, however, a court-ordered
and enforced mandate
that will compel us to
make necessary improvements
to processes that have
long been neglected."
"At times, it will introduce changes to
our organization that may cause anxiety."
"Police after all do not
adjust well to change."
"We must not confuse
time-honored traditions
and the growth necessary to
improve as an organization."
"We must honor our traditions,
but not cling to them."
"We must embrace changes
that make us better crime fighters
and community ambassadors."
Community ambassadors?
Gimme a break.
"And not dismiss them as contrary
to the notion of real police work."
Good, good. So, that's on
the front page from me.
But inside, make sure we run the item
on Jenkins and the Gun Trace Task Force.
Make sure that's in
the newsletter, too.
If I'm gonna sell the consent
decree and change, on the one hand,
I've got to
acknowledge the people
who are putting guns and
drugs on the table now,
who are doing the job now.
I don't need those guys slowing
down or doubting themselves.
I need them out on the streets.
- Stop running!
- Got him!
Come here!
- Don't fucking move.
- He got a gun.
- Fuck.
- Hands on the hood.
- Hands on the fucking hood.
- Get your fucking hands on the hood.
What you running for,
man? You got that gun?
- Saw his gun here somewhere.
- It's in that garbage right there,
right under the...
that jacked up Malibu
- in that garbage there.
- There ain't no...
- Yeah, buddy.
- Hey, man, we know it's yours.
- Ain't no use in lying.
- Yes, sir.
Yeah, we eatin'
tonight. We eatin'.
- Good shit, youngster.
- Have a seat, on the curb.
Oh, yeah. I carry that for
protection, man, that's it.
Sir, sir, sir. Is
your life in danger?
I'm serious. If your life is
in danger, just tell me how.
Tell me how... I'm happy to look into it,
if someone's trying to hurt you, kill you,
I'll find... I'll
find out who they are.
All right, tell me, I'll get
another gun off the street.
What's going on, sir? How
is your life in danger?
A 73-45, can we get a wagon...
Man, everyone life in
danger, man. It's Baltimore.
You know what? That's
a good fucking answer,
I like that. I... you know what,
I like you, man. I like you.
Yo, can I tell someone
I'm being locked up, man?
Maybe get this bail going?
Yeah, man, you're good.
Where's your phone at?
Front right.
Running from y'all. Shit, man.
Hit four on my speed dial.
Yeah, say what you wanna say.
Hang on, let me get this on.
All right, you're
good, you're on.
- Hey, what's up?
- Yo, they found a joint in the alley.
- And put that bitch on me, yo...
- Hey, come on. What the fuck are you...
Why the fuck would you do that?
Honestly, man, why
would you do that?
You know, have we been cruddy
with you? We ain't cruddy police.
Why would you do that?
We all just saw you throw that
gun with your own right hand.
We all just saw it.
We don't get down like that. Ain't
the kind of police work we do.
Can I explain something to you?
If somebody puts a gun on somebody
and that gun ain't theirs, then...
that cop, he gets rolled
on, he gets charged.
What you just said on that telephone,
that was very disrespectful.
These men right here, these men, my
detectives, we do things by the book.
Your ride's here, buddy.
Get your fat ass up.
- Bro, help me with this.
- Fuck, man. Fuck, man. Damn.
Shit, man.
Fucking sick of this bullshit.
Calling my ass dirty.
Step up, watch your head.
Wayne. Wayne, listen to me.
The answer is no. All
right? Fuck, fucking no. No.
- Wayne...
- What?
- Everyone is talking...
- Not every... Not everyone.
Don't say that. My guys ain't
fucking talking. So don't say that.
What are you saying?
You know something,
fuck everyone.
All right, well then I am going on
the stand and I'm gonna tell my story
and my story is gonna
hold. How about that?
I'm not a dirty cop.
So, Jenkins is still trying to hold
you guys to staying silent, huh?
He says that video he taped
of us opening the safe
is enough to knock
your case down...
He was saying that if
we all just clam up
then you feds can't
prove nothing otherwise.
Sergeant has lost it, man.
I've been trying to get away from
Wayne Jenkins for a while now.
I mean, at first it was just
about the money, taking the money.
- We did that.
- We took money all the time.
That shit happens all over
the fucking department.
Drugs? No.
No, no, no. No,
that's different.
The drugs was like
a pain in the ass.
A lot of times we would just get up
on the Jones Falls and toss the dope
and coke out on the
expressway. Just...
Just be done with it. It's easier
than driving down to headquarters
to stand in line and fill
out paperwork at ECU.
Not Sergeant Jenkins,
though. Not Sergeant Jenkins.
Not Wayne, though. No.
Not Wayne Jenkins.
Oh, shit.
One time, this motherfucker...
This man asked me
if I had any relatives
that would sell drugs
if we got the hands on them.
I understand we are in the
streets doing this shit.
But my man, like, that's
my fucking family.
What type of cold
motherfucker gonna do that?
I heard him on the phone
once talking to somebody
and it was like anything
you hear on the street.
Just another drug transaction.
Wayne went there, man.
He was that dude.
One time, I come in the office.
The Sergeant was in there,
heat-sealing a bag of vials.
I'm talking, this man
was re-sealing cocaine.
Why else would
you be doing that?
Was he selling the stuff back
to dealers? To Shropshire?
No, I... I doubt that.
- I'd have heard it from Brill.
- There was this one guy though...
He was always showing up places,
always partying with Jenkins.
I mean, this dude could literally get
keys cut in any car, or a GPS tracker.
Stuff to bounty
hunt, you know...
Friend of Wayne's from
out in the county.
Some shady ass white dude.
Bail bondsman. Donald something.
Police, search warrant. Get your
hands in the air and step toward me.
Hands in the air right
now. Let's go, move.
Look, I didn't order him in any way.
He was completely free to refuse.
And, Sergeant Jenkins,
your claim is that in
undertaking this car stop
involving Mr. Stevenson here,
you only wanted to
speak with him. Correct?
Yes, sir.
So, what did you do when you
approached the vehicle, Sergeant?
We followed the rules of probable
cause, that's what we did.
And we do that because we want
our case to hold up in court.
See, I've... I've learned from
my past mistakes, Your Honor.
Now, look. We knew initially we
had no cause to detain the suspect.
We had no cause to ask
him to exit his vehicle.
So, we... we, you know, we talked
to him. Purely on a voluntary basis.
So, where were the
other three officers?
They were... they were positioned
on all sides of the vehicle.
You surrounded the vehicle?
Yes, sir. Look, it's a car
stop. You know, it's...
They can go bad. If they
go bad, they go bad quick,
so we need to maintain
tactical advantage at all times
purely as a precaution. It's
just... Yeah, that's what we do.
May I approach, Your Honor?
- Did you hear what he said?
- I did, indeed, Mr. Bates.
Officers surrounding a car.
That's pretty compelling.
In fact, I don't see
what I can do here
other than consider
detention without cause.
Thank you, Your Honor.
- All right. Hey, man, good luck.
- Thank you.
I'll catch you later.
Ivan Bates, Ivan Bates.
Beat me again, huh?
Well, you know, you lost when you
said your guys surrounded the car.
- That amounts to an unlawful detention.
- Shit.
What about the kilos I seized,
huh? That doesn't bother you?
- No, man. Fruits of a poisonous tree.
- Know something, man?
Easy come, easy go. Fuck it.
Wait, look, Wayne,
look. Hold on a second.
I don't know what you're
doing out there, okay?
- But everybody tells me the same thing.
- What?
You rob, you steal, and you're
taking everybody's money.
Who told you that? What,
your client told you that?
Look. He told me you didn't
turn in all those drugs, okay?
- Come on, man.
- Look, never mind the cash.
But he's not the only one.
- They're lying.
- Wayne. Come on, man.
This was a multi-kilo seizure.
And my guy had priors.
Stevenson's a big dog. You ever wonder
why this case didn't go federal?
Yeah, think about it.
The US Attorney's Office doesn't
want to touch you anymore.
They want nothing to do
with you. Why would that be?
there's not a lot I disagree with
here, but then you knew that.
What's the mayor
saying privately?
Supporting it is one thing.
Paying for it is another.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Schools. Rec centers.
The city pension fund is always bankrupt.
It's... it's a poor city.
How about we take half the money
the cops burn up in
overtime and court pay
and... and turn that back into anti-crime
and community-based programming?
- Hey, hey, hey. I'm on your side, okay?
- I know, I just...
I'm just saying that
political will always falters,
at the point where real money
gets used to solve real problems.
Better get ready for that.
Let me ask you another question, and
please, don't take this the wrong way,
but what doesn't this
consent decree say?
What do you mean?
Well, I mean this is an immense document
showing what the police do that is
wrong procedurally
and unconstitutional.
It cites chapter and verse
patterns and practices
that violate civil
rights at best
and brutalize citizens at worst.
And it represents a lot of hard work
on the part of you and your team.
- So, credit where credit is due.
- But...
What is it that you can't
say that you need to say?
What is the Justice
Department unwilling to admit?
What are the police
trying to do?
Arrest everybody. We spoke
about this. I... I heard you.
But why? What's the mission?
- The drug war.
- Exactly.
And in a war, you need warriors.
In a war, you have enemies.
In a war, civilians get hurt
and nobody does anything.
In a war, you count the bodies
and then you call them victories.
Is the Justice Department, or
even the Office of Civil Rights,
ready to declare that we
long ago lost this war?
That we have achieved nothing but
full prisons, and routine brutality,
and a complete collapse of trust
between police departments
and their cities?
I fought this war, Nicole.
I was even good at it
and honest when I did it. But
it was lost when I got there,
and I did nothing but lose in my time,
and the guys who are out there right now
on the street, they
all know it's lost.
Are you people ready
to say that out loud?
Is anybody?
They warned me about this.
Warned you about
what, Miss Mayor?
The money. This
is millions more.
And we're already bleeding out
from all the departmental overtime.
Where does it end?
Well, you read the same
consent decree that I did.
What they're asking for
isn't going to be possible
without additional budgeting.
The cost of upgrading the
video technology alone is...
John's run the numbers.
I was conservative. But looking
only at what we've agreed to here...
If you look at the overall
fiscal budget, this can only come
from schools, rec centers,
and after-school programs...
Those are my babies. It
can't come from my babies.
Cut off the overtime pay.
We're four hundred
positions down right now
and only one academy
class in the pipeline.
You cut overtime,
patrol cars go empty.
Then find somewhere else to cut.
Your Honor, we're going to hit
340 murders again this year.
Crime is up in every
category, and I have officers
who won't go out on the street to
police because of the Freddie Gray case.
That is the reality
I'm dealing with here.
It's hard to listen to the
police commissioner plead poverty
when we just paid out a six and
a half million-dollar settlement
to the Gray family.
How many new body cameras
would that money have paid for?
Look, Mosby's decision to go
beyond the manslaughter case
and charge counts
relating to Gray's arrest
has left me with dozens
of officers resigning
and others unwilling to
get out of their cars
for fear they'll be
charged criminally
if they even make an honest
Fourth Amendment mistake.
Now, you're telling me to cut pay
from the guys who are working.
Your job is to keep crime down with
the resources that are available.
And with the money
we're spending,
and the crime rate out
of control in Baltimore,
it will no longer be available.
No money from my
babies. Find cuts.
So, this is what
the city agrees to?
In full.
You don't seem impressed.
What happens if they
don't do these things?
I mean, what really happens?
A federal judge
monitors compliance.
If they fail to make the promised
goals, or the reforms don't happen,
he can hold the whole
city in contempt.
And... then what?
There can be fines and the court
can issue additional orders
and demand that the
reforms proceed.
And then what happens?
You're asking me
what happens if the police
don't want to change.
No, I'm saying that we are the
people the police department hunts
and kills and captures.
And you are bringing me a piece of paper
that says there's gonna be new rules
on how they can hunt us?
They're giving you
spit and chewing gum
and telling you to keep the
whole machine running with it.
It doesn't matter.
Watch. I'll be fired before the
Gun Trace scandal goes to trial.
They're just keeping me around just
long enough to put that stink on me.
After the last bad
headline, I'm gone.
Hey, yo!
You better open up real quick!
Anyone can put a juror to
sleep with a closing argument.
- Tell me about it.
- When the judge starts nodding off on you?
Anyway, yeah. So we'll continue those
motion hearings next week sometime.
- Take a look at the calendar.
- Sounds good.
Hey, Ivan. Can I talk
to you for a sec?
Hey, I'll catch you
downstairs in a minute.
Appreciate you, man.
- Wayne.
- Yeah. You know, Ivan, I...
I respect you, man. I just want
to let you know that I'm done.
Yeah, I'm... I'm never gonna make
another arrest again. Not until...
- Wait, what?
- Yeah. I just... Fuck this place, man.
And fuck all the shit that, you
know, people are saying about me.
I don't care about
all that, man.
Just, I... I got these fucking bosses,
you know, they... they don't appreciate,
they don't appreciate a fucking thing.
You know, I... I get 'em all these guns.
I'm taking all these
risks and now I just...
I don't know, man.
I'm just... I'm done.
I'm gonna go on inside,
be a lieutenant.
Yeah, I just... You know,
man, I want to let you know.
Fuck it. I'm done.
See you around.
I've done what I can to feel out
the US Attorney on this, and look,
they're saying you're not a
target here, you're a witness.
But what does that mean?
Well, it means they don't think
you planted drugs in Burley's car.
They think Jenkins is their man.
So why grand jury me?
Well, you were at the scene.
Even if your testimony only sets the
scene and eliminates you as a suspect,
that's helpful to their case.
But here's the thing, Sean,
I've seen proffer sessions
and grand jury testimony
where things go sideways
because guys didn't anticipate the
things they might be asked about...
Like what?
Let's not be naive.
If you heard that
Wayne stole money
or other guys took money,
you're gonna have to tell them.
If they ask you,
you can't hold back.
Serious fucking police work.
Say about four Gs in drug money.
You know something? I'm gonna
call it in like that, dawg.
Mr. Stepp, we're from the
FBI Public Corruption Squad.
You don't seem surprised.
Would you be?
How do you know Wayne Jenkins,
a Baltimore police sergeant?
Well, he's a friend
of mine. We hang out.
But that's not what you're
here to talk to me about.
He gave me the drugs I sold.
How... how much drugs
did Jenkins give you?
More than I could sell. I mean, it
was a million dollars worth to us.
Pure profit.
But listen, I'm here to tell
you whatever you wanna know.
Just ask me, I'll cooperate.
Although, you did
miss the cocaine.
We did?
Well, where was it?
Well, it is under the baseboard radiator
in the laundry room. Three kilos.
Appreciate that. Truly.
No problem.
Do you realize
what you're asking?
Until there is a change
in national drug policy,
I mean a complete overhaul,
do you see how impossible it
would be for us to issue a report?
- But without that, we...
- We do what we can, Nicole.
We address what we can.
We change what we can.
But even the Office
of Civil Rights,
as high-minded as we
think ourselves to be,
is still a part of the
Justice Department.
And at this point, federal
drug laws are what they are.
But then everything in the
Baltimore report is about a symptom.
You don't think we've had
these same conversations?
All the way to the top?
Beginning with the second term,
Holder told all the US Attorneys
to reduce the federal intake of
drug defendants. And we did that.
So, instead of fixing the laws, we
just quietly work around them...
until we can't?
Now, we're out, Trump is in,
and Jeff Sessions wants
to arrest everyone he can
for fucking
marijuana possession.
I... I'll never make
it four years. I...
I made sure you were protected.
You're not a
political appointee,
you're in a civil
service posting.
I mean I can't bear to sit
on my ass for four years,
maybe eight, while this entire office
is shut down by these assholes...
Tell me I'm wrong.
Tell me the entire
Civil Rights Division
isn't dead in the water under
this new administration.
If I give you eleven hundred, nigga, you
supposed to give me my eleven hundred.
I don't give a fuck where...
Antonio Shropshire.
Who y'all?
Baltimore County narcotics.
But it's a federal warrant.
Federal, huh?
Yeah, we've been up on you for
like a year and a half, so...
It's a real pleasure to
finally meet you in person.
Can't say the same.
What's the warrant for?
- Conspiracy to distribute.
- What do we have here?
- Oh, look at that.
- See, that's just bad luck right there.
Had it in my pocket
because somebody complained
- and handed it back to me.
- That's very sloppy, Brill.
Bless your heart. You
wanna call your fiancée
- and let her know what's gone down?
- Yeah. Her number, 4-4...
No, no, I got it.
Y'all got me on tap, huh?
Hey, boo. Why the
hell you wake me up?
Y'all motherfuckers cruddy, yo.
Y'all know I got popped by
the city last week, right?
Yup. Gladstone's squad. But we've
got a superseding indictment.
Y'all working hard here,
but if I were y'all,
I'd get rid of the shit
you just took off me.
Use an informant or some shit
like that to put it on the street.
Get something nice for your
wives. Shit. Gladstone took it.
I shit you not.
So, looking at Sergeant
Keith Gladstone,
we not only have the fact that
Shropshire told county police
that Gladstone took and
resold seized narcotics,
but the fact that he
extensively worked with Jenkins.
Kind of an early mentor.
And if we look back far
enough, we come across this.
Keep in mind that in
searches of unmarked units
after our arrests of Hendrix and Rayam,
we also found several BB pistols.
BB guns?
Hendrix told us they
carried them routinely
in case of a bad shoot
with an unarmed suspect.
So, we go backwards looking for cases
involving injuries to the suspect,
recovered BB pistols,
and, sure enough, we find a
weapons case with a pursuit
and serious injury to the
suspect, one Demetric Simon.
Jenkins and another
officer are giving chase
until Jenkins actually runs the
kid over in his unmarked car,
claiming that the suspect
pointed a gun at him.
A BB gun is later recovered
from under a parked car nearby
and lucky for us,
one officer who was there
when the gun was found
is none other than Ryan Guinn.
Refresh my memory.
Guinn is the plainclothesman who
was an early informant on this case
and who we know to be clean.
But Guinn now tells us that
none other than Keith Gladstone
showed up at this scene unannounced
and said openly to Wayne Jenkins,
"It's over by the truck."
Is Gladstone still
on the street?
He retired quite suddenly.
A few weeks after we started
locking up other plainclothesmen.
I'm done, LT. I'm done.
Done with Gun Trace, dealing
with all this bullshit.
Now, look. There's this opening in
warrant apprehension. I want it.
- Warrant apprehension?
- That's right.
Wayne, are you kidding?
Is this... is this a joke?
I put my ass on the line. I... I get
all these fucking guns for command
and then they go on and they...
Fuck it. I'm just,
I'm... I'm... I'm done.
No one is gonna be
happy about this.
Not the colonel, not the Deputy Ops.
Wayne, you went on leave two months ago,
the whole task
force went to sleep.
The bosses noticed. They
want you back working.
You know what they're saying
about me down at the courthouse?
They talk all this shit. And
you know, I put my head down.
- I keep on working. You know me...
- Wayne. Who are you talking about?
I'm talking about the fucking
judges that throw out my cases,
I'm talking about fucking
bitch ass defense attorneys
that say I'm lying.
Wayne! What else is a
defense attorney gonna say?
What's the fucking point
anyway? Look at what's going on.
I mean, yeah, their bosses that go
along with this consent decree soft ass,
fucking baby-boy bullshit. I
mean, how am I supposed to police
- like this anyway?
- Right. Uh-huh.
Oh, come on, don't do that.
Don't fucking do that.
Get the fuck out of here. What?
"It should go without saying that
this is an extremely challenging time
for law enforcement nationally."
"Officers are questioning themselves
and their role in society,
and the changing law
enforcement landscape."
"Against this backdrop, I am
extremely proud to showcase the work
of Sergeant Wayne Jenkins and
the Gun Trace Task Force."
"This team of dedicated detectives has
a work ethic that is beyond reproach."
What you doing? Why
you reading that shit?
- It's in the goddamn newsletter.
- Right.
Wayne, you can put
in for the transfer,
but I'm telling you right now,
there is no way we dump you
in the warrants squad when your unit
is delivering the way that it is.
- It's not gonna happen.
- Okay.
I'm telling you right now, man,
I cannot be the one who
loses his job over this shit.
I just can't fucking do it, man.
So now you worried?
It's not that I'm worried. What
you motherfuckers don't understand
is I'm sick and tired of being
the one always taking the lead
on all of this.
I can't be putting my name on all
this shit. I just... I can't do it.
- I hear you, Jenks.
- Look, I need to just...
I need to lay back
some, all right?
You won't believe the shit that
I'm hearing people say, man.
- Down at headquarters, courthouse.
- Like what?
Motherfucker's saying I'm
cruddy. Like I'm a dirty cop.
- Ain't you that?
- Don't say that. Why...
How could you fucking say that
shit? I'm talking about being like,
fucking dirty, for real,
like I'm a bad person.
That's my name, motherfucker. I can't
have my name out there like that.
- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah, dawg.
- Oh, my goodness.
- Beautiful.
- I see you.
- Look at this.
- Damn.
- Sweetheart, we're good.
- Go on, girl. We're good.
- Do not listen to that man.
- Thank you, sugar.
- Now you happy,
go get me a fucking wine
cooler. The bar's that way.
Hey, man.
I told you weeks ago about
a federal investigation.
You thought I was
shittin' you, Wayne?
I mean, there ain't no
federal investigation.
There's always a rumor of
a federal investigation.
That shit never happens, it's Baltimore.
It'd take years to fucking go down.
Look, if they're looking at cops,
they're gonna get cops to talk.
We are some snitchin'
- Bet.
- Don't say that.
Nobody's snitching on nobody.
It's not gonna happen.
Hey, look, look. Here's
the bottom line, all right?
Stevenson beat us in court,
so we need to hit his
ass again, right away.
Now, we can do this shit, but
I'm telling you right now,
I need to lay back some.
I do not want my name
on any of the paperwork.
It's gotta be you two.
- How big?
- Big. Huge.
Two hundred Gs.
- Yeah.
- Two hundred Gs?
At least two hundred Gs.
Shit. We can do this, yo.
We can fucking do this, but it's
just gotta be us, all right?
Rest of the squad, they
cannot know about this.
We keep this tight.
We keep it close.
It's just us. I want
your word on that.
- Just us?
- That's right.
Shit. Cool.
You mind if I drink this
beer and stare at some pussy?
Or is this night
all about business?
- I'm trying, but my man is bugging.
- Right. Facts.
Relax, nigga. Lighten up!
Stare at whatever the
fuck you wanna stare at.
Somebody get this man a beer.
I got a fucking
invisibility cloak on me.
Hey, Brandi, can I get
a fucking wine cooler?
Bondsman arrested in police
corruption probe of city unit,
said to be cooperating
When's my next chance at a phone?
Can I get a chance at a phone?
You want me to get
a hold of what now?
The statement of probable cause
for the search of that car.
Why do we need that, man?
Look, I know Jenkins probably wrote
it, but we should at least know
what was in there since you
searched the car, right?
We should look at it before
you go into grand jury.
Just pull the probable cause
before you go down to
the courthouse tomorrow.
- Okay. Okay.
- It's due diligence, that's all.
- I'm sure it's gonna go okay.
- Yeah.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- All right.
Hey, Sean. You ready?
- You wanna... hit another stretch?
- Nah.
The best information we have is that
she works the area around Bennett,
- near the expressway.
- Yeah.
Maybe today you get lucky.
You know, it's always tough to
go back on a case a year later.
Givens, Antonio.
Possession with intent, possession
and loitering. Your Honor.
Is a lawyer for Mr. Givens here?
In the hallway, I believe, Your
Honor. Consulting on another case.
Okay. Hold on Givens. Next.
Dupont, Jerrod.
Okay, I gotta ask, what're we
doing here in a District Court?
- Aaron Soler representing Mr. Dupont...
- Look around.
This is an FTA. What
is the original charge?
- Look at it.
- Possession of cocaine
and possession of a
handgun, Your Honor.
And this is a second FTA?
Bail is revoked.
- Judge, my client...
- Save it, Mr. Soler.
You get one bite
of the FTA apple.
We've built this machine
where half the damn country,
the part with money and
power, chew up the other half
- that didn't have anything to begin with.
- Next.
- Vinson, Deshaun.
- Watch it work.
If this is what we want...
- Possession with intent. Resisting arrest.
- Then the Freddie Grays...
- Mr. Vinson, you are charged with...
- the Eric Garners the Michael Browns
are what we get.
- How do you plead?
- Not guilty.
And every page of whatever
court order we write...
Based on the amount seized, I'm
going to deny bail at this time.
- It won't fix it.
- Is that the last of the lockup?
Yes, Your Honor.
Thought you said you didn't
make it your everything.
Bulock, Keandra. Possession
of a concealed weapon.
Possession with intent.
Assaulting a police officer.
So, you even gonna
know where to see her?
I got a general description.
Name of Mary?
No last name. No
street name. Just...
Just a street whore named Mary who
knows something about the case.
It ain't much, but it's
worth a shake or two, right?
- Hey.
- Hey, Sean.
I can't talk right now.
Take a left on Schroeder.
What the fuck was that?
What, you saw something?
Where? Down the alley?
You sure you saw something?
A dude wearing leather,
squatting down.
Said you saw a jacket with
a white stripe, right?
Sean, man, I think we might have
seen that pile of trash right there.
Mistaken it for a
guy all hunched over.
Well, he's gone now.
Or he's gone to ground.
Let's roll back around
and see who's here.
ENLawyers - We need to talk. You
have USAO meeting tomorrow 11am.
Grand Jury tomorrow 1pm.
Let's swing back in 20.
In the meantime, let
me show you something.
This was my old
post, right here.
ENLawyers Call me
back right away.
Nothing like your
first post, right?
Let's try out the
alley one last time.
Why resign?
Why go that far?
If all you need is a vacation...
Trump's gonna give us that.
Relax, Nic.
This is about more than that.
Wait a minute. So, my orientation
ends with my advisor telling me
we're not doing
anything that matters?
That's what you're saying?
I didn't say that.
Then what are you saying?
I'm saying...
It's your turn, motherfucker.
Fuck it, Sean, it's 4:30 now.
It's quitting time, ain't it?
- You sure you saw something?
- There was movement, yeah.
I saw a guy ducking out of
the alley when we pulled up.
Tell you what, you go
up and around the corner
in case he makes his
way out onto Schroeder.
- All right.
- I'll see if he pops out here.
You got it.
Stop! Police, stop!
This is 70-4-20 Unit calling
Signal 13 at Bennett and Schroeder.
Shots fired. Officer
down. My partner is hit.
You kinda mentored Wayne Jenkins
- when he first got to plainclothes, right?
- Yeah.
We worked together. I
helped break him in.
But... truth is, I wasn't
all that close with Wayne.
So, why would you throw
away your whole career
to plant that BB gun for him?
I'm talking about the
Antanna Avenue incident?
I didn't come from
the greatest home.
When I was coming
up, I had brothers.
We were very close and
that's how we got through it.
I got out, joined the
military, camaraderie again.
Got into the police department,
camaraderie. It's just...
You know, John...
you go into these situations
and there is always
this person right behind you.
So, he called me. Asked
me for help. I did it.
And I threw away everything to do it
because I thought he'd do it for me.
So, you thought of
him as a brother?
I consider pretty much most police
I ever work with as a brother.
Out the back!
- Where the fuck is the ambulance?
- He can't wait. He's bleeding out.
Fuck the ambo. Get him in the back of
a car and drive him to shock trauma.
This can't wait.
- Get his head.
- Get his shoulders.
- Grab his feet.
- Everybody go!
- Move, move!
- Go, go, go, go, go.
Anyone in the scene, hold.
- Description. Height, weight...
- Go, go, go!
I didn't see anyone.
- The shooter...
- I got here so fast, man.
I could see the gun smoke
above him where he was laying.
I didn't see anybody.
- But you heard the shots.
- Yeah, I heard three,
maybe four shots. One of
them might have been an echo.
He shouted, "Stop, police."
Then the shots. His leg was still
moving when I got here, man.
I was just coming from the corner. I was
here him within three or four seconds.
Where was the gun?
Under his right shoulder.
Radio too. When... when backup got here
and we rolled him, he was still holding
his radio in his left hand.
He's fighting a suspect for
a gun in his right hand,
but doesn't drop the fucking
radio in his left hand?
Or he hit the guy with it?
Hines. Yeah, he's here with me.
Wise here.
Jesus. Just now?
Thank you.
Sean Suiter's been shot.
He's in shock trauma.
It doesn't look
good. Head wound.
We were gonna grand jury him tomorrow.
He's supposed to report at 11:00.
No reason to assassinate him.
Half these guys are pleading,
and the ones who aren't, are
cooked by the ones who are.
Suiter's testimony was
in no way critical.
He was told he wasn't a target.
Rayam was gonna...
name him as taking
money back in VCID.
Yeah, but is that
enough for him to...
Yeah. For a cop, yeah.
An independent review of the
death of Sean Suiter concluded
that the detective took his own
life, intentionally staging the event
as a death in the line of
duty. Others are unconvinced
and homicide remains the
official cause of death.
And also, the right to be
free from incarceration
due to a law
enforcement officer's
willful failure to disclose
exculpatory evidence to a prosecutor.
How do you wish to plead to counts one
through six of the superseding indictment?
Guilty, ma'am.
Do you agree, sir, that the
statement of facts is correct?
I do, Your Honor,
except there is...
Your Honor, we are agreeing
to the statement of facts
with the exception
of one correction.
In the matter of
the Burley arrest,
he is not acknowledging
he planted the drugs,
although he is acknowledging
he wrote a false report
with respect to another
officer planting those drugs.
Noted for the record,
Mr. Levin. We can acknowledge...
We just watched him put that sin
on Ryan Guinn and Sean Suiter.
Well, we know it's not Guinn.
And Suiter's not here to
defend himself at this point.
Any questions at all,
sir, for me or your lawyer
about your guilty pleas or the
terms of your plea agreement?
No, ma'am. Just...
I've... I've made a lot of
mistakes here, Your Honor.
In my life, I make a mistake,
I own it. I say, "I'm sorry."
That's... that's not
gonna cut it today.
I want you to know that,
you know, I feel very bad for
the things that I've done.
And that I've lost my
chance to be a father.
To raise my boys.
I'm ashamed of myself,
Your Honor. That's it.
Furthermore, Your Honor,
I would just like to say
that in the nearly 25 years
that I've known Wayne...
- Why would he take that plea?
- I can, without uncertainty, say...
I thought he wanted
his day in court?
- Will learn from his mistakes.
- Ask me, it was Stepp, the bail bondsman.
Once he started talking...
- He will use this experience to do better.
- Well. That means Wayne Jenkins
- isn't just a thief.
- Thank you for your time, Your Honor.
- He's a drug dealer.
- Worse, they partied together.
Stepp puts him with
strippers and hookers.
This way, he stays a family man.
All rise!
I love you.
Declining to cooperate in any way
that investigators could credit,
Wayne Jenkins is serving
25 years in federal prison.
This is a dysfunctional
police department.
I am telling you as a person who has seen
what a healthy organization looks like.
This is not one of them.
Will the defendant please rise.
Mr. Rayam, considering your
cooperation after your guilty plea,
this court sentences
you to twelve years.
Are you blaming this
on your predecessors?
this department has had four
commissioners over the last eight years.
So, there hasn't been
continuity in leadership here.
Mr. Gondo, due to your cooperation
after your guilty plea,
the court sentences
you to ten years.
All rise.
This is happening
now on my watch,
and I am taking responsibility
as the police commissioner.
Mr. Ward and Mr. Hendrix,
having pled guilty and subsequently
cooperated by agreeing to testify
against other officers,
this court sentences
you each to seven years.
I've moved to end
plainclothes policing,
and we've undertaken a plan to
track the quality of gun cases
to see how they fare in court
rather than just tallying stats.
We are already responding.
Mr. Allers, you've
been found guilty,
and since you have
refused to cooperate,
the court sentences
you to fifteen years.
But the federal investigators say
this has been going on for years.
Shouldn't the leadership of the
police department have known?
Well, Justin, speaking
for myself and my team,
we inherited a culture
that looks at accountability
as a four-letter word.
And that's years and
years of neglect.
Years and years of chasing after
the two H's, homicide and heroin.
Should someone have known
about this kind of corruption?
- Absolutely. They should have known.
- They should have known?
We should have known.
Three days before the
trial of the remaining
Gun Trace Task Force officers,
Police Commissioner Kevin Davis
was fired by the mayor.
The second in command, Deputy
Commissioner Dean Palmere,
was accused by a trial witness of
coaching an officer in a police shooting.
He denied doing so and
resigned the same day.
Crime is spilling out all over
the city, and we've got to focus.
He denied doing so and
resigned the same day.
And while we are grateful for the efforts
of Commissioner Davis and his team,
we need to move forward
in a new direction.
Commissioner Darryl De Sousa.
Thank you.
Change is coming to the
Baltimore Police Department.
And let me make it clear, I have
zero tolerance for corruption.
We're gonna be doing proactive
constitutional policing.
We're going to enforce the
laws of Baltimore city.
We're going to be very visible.
We're gonna have positive engagement
with the entire community.
A year later, mayor Catherine
Pugh pleaded guilty to conspiracy,
tax evasion and fraud. She
was sentenced to three years.
Your Honor, as a point of law,
it's Mr. Hersl's contention
that he is not guilty of
the charge of extortion
for taking money from citizens
subsequent to their arrest.
He was responsibly taking that money
as an agent of the state, Your Honor.
His crime is instead that of
failing to deliver that money
to the Evidence Control Unit.
Therefore, he is guilty only of
theft, not of extortion or conspiracy.
Novel defense, Mr. Purpura.
As the only two officers to
go to trial in federal court,
Daniel Hersl and Marcus Taylor
were convicted and sentenced
to eighteen years each.
Since the death of Freddie
Gray, the unsuccessful
prosecution of the officers
involved in that case
and the resulting work slowdown by
police, crime in Baltimore has exploded.
Since 2015, the city has averaged
well over 300 slayings a year,
becoming one of the most violent
major cities in the United States.
Police, search warrant.
Motherfucker! Police!
- Get the fuck out.
- Shit!
- Get on the floor.
- Down!
What I just say? Get
on the fucking ground.
- Let's go! Anybody on the second floor?
- Your mother is.
Anybody on second floor?
- Baltimore police!
- Let's go. Who's upstairs?
Baltimore police,
search warrant.
- All right, we got a door left.
- No, no, leave that one. That's mine.
Take the hall.
- Oh, we got it, Sarge.
- All righty. Come on.
Let's go. Search that
closet right there. Yeah?
Dag, boy.
Right where your man said.
Big fucking Wayne.
Oh, Hendrix. I think I'm
getting an erection, man.
- Big fucking Wayne!
- That's what I'm fucking talking about.
- You my man, yo.
- This shit ain't stopping.
Check it out. Go through that.
What's that?
Yo, we should... God. Shit.
What you got, Wayne?
Wayne, what you looking at?
We about to eat, motherfucker. Shut
that door. Shut the fucking door.
That's it, put your foot on
it. Stay in front of that shit.
Stay in front of it. Good.
Stand right there. I got you.
Oh, shit. We eating
this motherfucker.
- Weed motherfucker, that's what's up.
- That's what I'm talking about.
Make sure you put your
foot on the fucking door.
Are you shitting me? I'm fucking
bitches. I don't give a...
I can do what the fuck I wanna
do. Niggas was hating on me too.
All right.
Jackpot, motherfuckers.
Come on. You got a half-hour
of daylight all to yourself.
Your time to shine, Jenkins.
Sooner we get you to GenPop, sooner
we can stop babysitting your ass.
Go on and bring it.
- Three-ten to control.
- Copy.
- We got one for the yard.
- Clear.
You that cop from
Baltimore, right?
Fuck yeah. Best they had.
That's that fucking cop.
He up there, yo.
What's going on, LT?
- You ready for them?
- You know. I was born ready.
I'm glad you pulled back
that transfer request.
- And so are the bosses.
- Good.
Let's kill 'em dead.
Got you.
That's the other thing
with being brutal,
not only does it get in the
way of getting good cases.
But beating on people, you're
gonna get IAD complaints, files.
Maybe even a reputation,
get enough complaints,
get transferred
out of your unit.
And even if you can write
your way out of the hassle,
most police worth a shit can write
their way out of pretty much anything.
Look, it's just... It gets
you the kind of attention,
that only makes it
harder to do the job.
If beating on people
made cases, shit,
I'd tell you, "Go out there
and kick everybody's ass,"
but it just... It does not work. So, if
that's the kind of work you wanna do,
I'm gonna tell you right now, you're
not coming anywhere near my unit.
Gun Trace Task Force, we
are not about that bullshit.
Make no mistake. We're about
getting guns and drugs.
We're about getting the motherfuckers
that deal the drugs and shoot the guns.
That's what we do.
That's what we deliver.
Gun Trace Task Force, we get those
guns and we put 'em on the table.
We get that dope and
we put it on the table.
My unit took 132 guns off the
street in nine months of work.
We got 59 cases charged.
Every single one of those
went up to Calbert Street.
During that time, we've
kicked in 45 doors.
We got in over a
kilo weight of dope.
And coke. Not to mention, the pills
and all else. We took all that,
and we put it on the
table. That's what we do.
That's what we deliver.
That's the job.
And you take care of each other.
I'm proud of you.
Hey! How about that, huh?
Who wants to get some? I wanna
fucking get some! Let me hear it!
Who wants to get some?
B-16.10-70. Code 17.
I know what I'm doing.
This proffer session is
for purposes of learning
what you, Sergeant Jenkins,
can offer to the government
as cooperation in the event you
are offered a plea agreement.
Nothing said today will be
entered into the legal record.
It is instead an opportunity
for you to let us know
the value and extent of your cooperation
should we decide to accept your plea,
and recommend an agreed-upon sentence
to the judge. You understand?
- I do.
- Well then, let's proceed.
Well, first off, I'm innocent.
Sergeant Jenkins,
there is an old and wise
saying in the federal courts
that defendants in criminal cases, when
facing a preponderance of evidence,
are well-advised to
cooperate early and often.
The first ones to cooperate
get the best deals,
last ones to cooperate get
the worst end of the stick.
And you are not early here.
I am not gonna sit
in front of you
and tell you that I haven't been
around some bad things. I have.
But I can also tell you,
that these things that
you think that I've done,
these things that you've heard
about me, they are false.
Completely false.
Now, is there misconduct
in this department?
Of course, there's
misconduct, but...
I'm not the one you want.
Sergeant, our investigation
is lengthy and detailed
and the charges against you are
corroborated by electronic intercepts,
as well as a multitude
of witnesses.
Multitude? Okay, so a
multitude of witnesses lied.
How about that? Can
I ask you a question?
I am one of the most talked
about, most celebrated officers,
history of this city.
Do you not find it odd?
And now, all of a sudden, I am the
mastermind of this whole thing?
That doesn't strike
you as weird?
They're all lying?
That's what I said.
- In the Burley case alone...
- Oh, come on. The Burley case,
I'm completely innocent on that.
I didn't plant those drugs on
Umar Burley. That wasn't me.
- Sergeant Jenkins...
- No, no, no, no. Hang on.
I know who did that.
I know who did it.
And maybe you're right.
You know something, maybe the
fact that I knew that information,
I didn't report it at the time.
Maybe I was wrong there, so you
got me. I'm guilty. Hey, you win.
But bottom line is, I did not
plant those drugs on Umar Burley.
I didn't do it, wasn't me.
For the sake of argument,
you wanna tell us who did?
I do not feel like telling
you that right now.
But I do know for a fact that it was not
Wayne Jenkins who planted those drugs.
That's what matters here.
This proffer is concluded.
What does that mean
it's concluded?
Wait, that's it, you guys
just gonna walk away?
Ma'am, you don't have
any questions for me?
2.7 KILO'S, $100,000.
- Backup.
- Backup.
Baltimore is a poster child for the
basic failure to stop lawlessness.
No justice, no peace!
I've heard your calls
for no justice, no peace.
No justice, no peace!
Where there's
smoke, there's fire.
These officers, they're
1930-style gangsters.
So, Wayne Jenkins
actually thinks
his fellow officers are
going to hold the line...
When in reality, they're all in a race
to try to testify against each other.
Funny how he made a
point of telling us
he didn't plant the drugs in
the Burley case, of all things.
Who would he put it on?
The others who were there and wrote
on it? Ryan Guinn and Sean Suiter.
Well, it's not
likely to be Guinn.
He went out of his way to speak
up about all of this years ago.
Sean Suiter?
You know me from
headquarters, Sean,
but I've been detailed
here to work with the FBI
in public corruption cases. And
Erika here is my supervisor.
The fact is we've been working this stuff
involving the city plainclothes unit,
and I know you've seen a lot of
people you work with get arrested.
The thing we want you to know, right off,
is that you're not necessarily a target.
Not necessarily?
Well, right now, we're looking at
others and we need help with that.
I work murders.
I don't know what you think
I could help you with.
This is from years ago. From
the time you were working VCID.
Do you remember a car chase
involving a suspect named Burley?
There was a crash, and
a motorist was killed.
Hands! Out of the car!
J, it's on the floor.
Right under the seat.
- This was two thousand...
- I remember.
Drugs were discovered in Burley's
vehicle subsequent to the crash.
Your name is on the evidence
submission paperwork.
So, what are you saying?
One of the witnesses claims
that you were the one
who planted the drugs on Burley.
We don't necessarily
believe this other witness.
Now this can go two ways, Sean.
Either you know what
happened and how those drugs
got into a car that was
already searched by officers,
in which case
you're a witness...
Or you become a suspect.
At this point, it's our
assumption that you are a witness.
Am I going to lose
my job over this?
End with the phrase,
"Real police work."
Real... police... work
Then pick up with
the last paragraph.
- Got it.
- Read that part back to me.
"A consent decree is
not a magic pill."
"It is, however, a court-ordered
and enforced mandate
that will compel us to
make necessary improvements
to processes that have
long been neglected."
"At times, it will introduce changes to
our organization that may cause anxiety."
"Police after all do not
adjust well to change."
"We must not confuse
time-honored traditions
and the growth necessary to
improve as an organization."
"We must honor our traditions,
but not cling to them."
"We must embrace changes
that make us better crime fighters
and community ambassadors."
Community ambassadors?
Gimme a break.
"And not dismiss them as contrary
to the notion of real police work."
Good, good. So, that's on
the front page from me.
But inside, make sure we run the item
on Jenkins and the Gun Trace Task Force.
Make sure that's in
the newsletter, too.
If I'm gonna sell the consent
decree and change, on the one hand,
I've got to
acknowledge the people
who are putting guns and
drugs on the table now,
who are doing the job now.
I don't need those guys slowing
down or doubting themselves.
I need them out on the streets.
- Stop running!
- Got him!
Come here!
- Don't fucking move.
- He got a gun.
- Fuck.
- Hands on the hood.
- Hands on the fucking hood.
- Get your fucking hands on the hood.
What you running for,
man? You got that gun?
- Saw his gun here somewhere.
- It's in that garbage right there,
right under the...
that jacked up Malibu
- in that garbage there.
- There ain't no...
- Yeah, buddy.
- Hey, man, we know it's yours.
- Ain't no use in lying.
- Yes, sir.
Yeah, we eatin'
tonight. We eatin'.
- Good shit, youngster.
- Have a seat, on the curb.
Oh, yeah. I carry that for
protection, man, that's it.
Sir, sir, sir. Is
your life in danger?
I'm serious. If your life is
in danger, just tell me how.
Tell me how... I'm happy to look into it,
if someone's trying to hurt you, kill you,
I'll find... I'll
find out who they are.
All right, tell me, I'll get
another gun off the street.
What's going on, sir? How
is your life in danger?
A 73-45, can we get a wagon...
Man, everyone life in
danger, man. It's Baltimore.
You know what? That's
a good fucking answer,
I like that. I... you know what,
I like you, man. I like you.
Yo, can I tell someone
I'm being locked up, man?
Maybe get this bail going?
Yeah, man, you're good.
Where's your phone at?
Front right.
Running from y'all. Shit, man.
Hit four on my speed dial.
Yeah, say what you wanna say.
Hang on, let me get this on.
All right, you're
good, you're on.
- Hey, what's up?
- Yo, they found a joint in the alley.
- And put that bitch on me, yo...
- Hey, come on. What the fuck are you...
Why the fuck would you do that?
Honestly, man, why
would you do that?
You know, have we been cruddy
with you? We ain't cruddy police.
Why would you do that?
We all just saw you throw that
gun with your own right hand.
We all just saw it.
We don't get down like that. Ain't
the kind of police work we do.
Can I explain something to you?
If somebody puts a gun on somebody
and that gun ain't theirs, then...
that cop, he gets rolled
on, he gets charged.
What you just said on that telephone,
that was very disrespectful.
These men right here, these men, my
detectives, we do things by the book.
Your ride's here, buddy.
Get your fat ass up.
- Bro, help me with this.
- Fuck, man. Fuck, man. Damn.
Shit, man.
Fucking sick of this bullshit.
Calling my ass dirty.
Step up, watch your head.
Wayne. Wayne, listen to me.
The answer is no. All
right? Fuck, fucking no. No.
- Wayne...
- What?
- Everyone is talking...
- Not every... Not everyone.
Don't say that. My guys ain't
fucking talking. So don't say that.
What are you saying?
You know something,
fuck everyone.
All right, well then I am going on
the stand and I'm gonna tell my story
and my story is gonna
hold. How about that?
I'm not a dirty cop.
So, Jenkins is still trying to hold
you guys to staying silent, huh?
He says that video he taped
of us opening the safe
is enough to knock
your case down...
He was saying that if
we all just clam up
then you feds can't
prove nothing otherwise.
Sergeant has lost it, man.
I've been trying to get away from
Wayne Jenkins for a while now.
I mean, at first it was just
about the money, taking the money.
- We did that.
- We took money all the time.
That shit happens all over
the fucking department.
Drugs? No.
No, no, no. No,
that's different.
The drugs was like
a pain in the ass.
A lot of times we would just get up
on the Jones Falls and toss the dope
and coke out on the
expressway. Just...
Just be done with it. It's easier
than driving down to headquarters
to stand in line and fill
out paperwork at ECU.
Not Sergeant Jenkins,
though. Not Sergeant Jenkins.
Not Wayne, though. No.
Not Wayne Jenkins.
Oh, shit.
One time, this motherfucker...
This man asked me
if I had any relatives
that would sell drugs
if we got the hands on them.
I understand we are in the
streets doing this shit.
But my man, like, that's
my fucking family.
What type of cold
motherfucker gonna do that?
I heard him on the phone
once talking to somebody
and it was like anything
you hear on the street.
Just another drug transaction.
Wayne went there, man.
He was that dude.
One time, I come in the office.
The Sergeant was in there,
heat-sealing a bag of vials.
I'm talking, this man
was re-sealing cocaine.
Why else would
you be doing that?
Was he selling the stuff back
to dealers? To Shropshire?
No, I... I doubt that.
- I'd have heard it from Brill.
- There was this one guy though...
He was always showing up places,
always partying with Jenkins.
I mean, this dude could literally get
keys cut in any car, or a GPS tracker.
Stuff to bounty
hunt, you know...
Friend of Wayne's from
out in the county.
Some shady ass white dude.
Bail bondsman. Donald something.
Police, search warrant. Get your
hands in the air and step toward me.
Hands in the air right
now. Let's go, move.
Look, I didn't order him in any way.
He was completely free to refuse.
And, Sergeant Jenkins,
your claim is that in
undertaking this car stop
involving Mr. Stevenson here,
you only wanted to
speak with him. Correct?
Yes, sir.
So, what did you do when you
approached the vehicle, Sergeant?
We followed the rules of probable
cause, that's what we did.
And we do that because we want
our case to hold up in court.
See, I've... I've learned from
my past mistakes, Your Honor.
Now, look. We knew initially we
had no cause to detain the suspect.
We had no cause to ask
him to exit his vehicle.
So, we... we, you know, we talked
to him. Purely on a voluntary basis.
So, where were the
other three officers?
They were... they were positioned
on all sides of the vehicle.
You surrounded the vehicle?
Yes, sir. Look, it's a car
stop. You know, it's...
They can go bad. If they
go bad, they go bad quick,
so we need to maintain
tactical advantage at all times
purely as a precaution. It's
just... Yeah, that's what we do.
May I approach, Your Honor?
- Did you hear what he said?
- I did, indeed, Mr. Bates.
Officers surrounding a car.
That's pretty compelling.
In fact, I don't see
what I can do here
other than consider
detention without cause.
Thank you, Your Honor.
- All right. Hey, man, good luck.
- Thank you.
I'll catch you later.
Ivan Bates, Ivan Bates.
Beat me again, huh?
Well, you know, you lost when you
said your guys surrounded the car.
- That amounts to an unlawful detention.
- Shit.
What about the kilos I seized,
huh? That doesn't bother you?
- No, man. Fruits of a poisonous tree.
- Know something, man?
Easy come, easy go. Fuck it.
Wait, look, Wayne,
look. Hold on a second.
I don't know what you're
doing out there, okay?
- But everybody tells me the same thing.
- What?
You rob, you steal, and you're
taking everybody's money.
Who told you that? What,
your client told you that?
Look. He told me you didn't
turn in all those drugs, okay?
- Come on, man.
- Look, never mind the cash.
But he's not the only one.
- They're lying.
- Wayne. Come on, man.
This was a multi-kilo seizure.
And my guy had priors.
Stevenson's a big dog. You ever wonder
why this case didn't go federal?
Yeah, think about it.
The US Attorney's Office doesn't
want to touch you anymore.
They want nothing to do
with you. Why would that be?
there's not a lot I disagree with
here, but then you knew that.
What's the mayor
saying privately?
Supporting it is one thing.
Paying for it is another.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Schools. Rec centers.
The city pension fund is always bankrupt.
It's... it's a poor city.
How about we take half the money
the cops burn up in
overtime and court pay
and... and turn that back into anti-crime
and community-based programming?
- Hey, hey, hey. I'm on your side, okay?
- I know, I just...
I'm just saying that
political will always falters,
at the point where real money
gets used to solve real problems.
Better get ready for that.
Let me ask you another question, and
please, don't take this the wrong way,
but what doesn't this
consent decree say?
What do you mean?
Well, I mean this is an immense document
showing what the police do that is
wrong procedurally
and unconstitutional.
It cites chapter and verse
patterns and practices
that violate civil
rights at best
and brutalize citizens at worst.
And it represents a lot of hard work
on the part of you and your team.
- So, credit where credit is due.
- But...
What is it that you can't
say that you need to say?
What is the Justice
Department unwilling to admit?
What are the police
trying to do?
Arrest everybody. We spoke
about this. I... I heard you.
But why? What's the mission?
- The drug war.
- Exactly.
And in a war, you need warriors.
In a war, you have enemies.
In a war, civilians get hurt
and nobody does anything.
In a war, you count the bodies
and then you call them victories.
Is the Justice Department, or
even the Office of Civil Rights,
ready to declare that we
long ago lost this war?
That we have achieved nothing but
full prisons, and routine brutality,
and a complete collapse of trust
between police departments
and their cities?
I fought this war, Nicole.
I was even good at it
and honest when I did it. But
it was lost when I got there,
and I did nothing but lose in my time,
and the guys who are out there right now
on the street, they
all know it's lost.
Are you people ready
to say that out loud?
Is anybody?
They warned me about this.
Warned you about
what, Miss Mayor?
The money. This
is millions more.
And we're already bleeding out
from all the departmental overtime.
Where does it end?
Well, you read the same
consent decree that I did.
What they're asking for
isn't going to be possible
without additional budgeting.
The cost of upgrading the
video technology alone is...
John's run the numbers.
I was conservative. But looking
only at what we've agreed to here...
If you look at the overall
fiscal budget, this can only come
from schools, rec centers,
and after-school programs...
Those are my babies. It
can't come from my babies.
Cut off the overtime pay.
We're four hundred
positions down right now
and only one academy
class in the pipeline.
You cut overtime,
patrol cars go empty.
Then find somewhere else to cut.
Your Honor, we're going to hit
340 murders again this year.
Crime is up in every
category, and I have officers
who won't go out on the street to
police because of the Freddie Gray case.
That is the reality
I'm dealing with here.
It's hard to listen to the
police commissioner plead poverty
when we just paid out a six and
a half million-dollar settlement
to the Gray family.
How many new body cameras
would that money have paid for?
Look, Mosby's decision to go
beyond the manslaughter case
and charge counts
relating to Gray's arrest
has left me with dozens
of officers resigning
and others unwilling to
get out of their cars
for fear they'll be
charged criminally
if they even make an honest
Fourth Amendment mistake.
Now, you're telling me to cut pay
from the guys who are working.
Your job is to keep crime down with
the resources that are available.
And with the money
we're spending,
and the crime rate out
of control in Baltimore,
it will no longer be available.
No money from my
babies. Find cuts.
So, this is what
the city agrees to?
In full.
You don't seem impressed.
What happens if they
don't do these things?
I mean, what really happens?
A federal judge
monitors compliance.
If they fail to make the promised
goals, or the reforms don't happen,
he can hold the whole
city in contempt.
And... then what?
There can be fines and the court
can issue additional orders
and demand that the
reforms proceed.
And then what happens?
You're asking me
what happens if the police
don't want to change.
No, I'm saying that we are the
people the police department hunts
and kills and captures.
And you are bringing me a piece of paper
that says there's gonna be new rules
on how they can hunt us?
They're giving you
spit and chewing gum
and telling you to keep the
whole machine running with it.
It doesn't matter.
Watch. I'll be fired before the
Gun Trace scandal goes to trial.
They're just keeping me around just
long enough to put that stink on me.
After the last bad
headline, I'm gone.
Hey, yo!
You better open up real quick!
Anyone can put a juror to
sleep with a closing argument.
- Tell me about it.
- When the judge starts nodding off on you?
Anyway, yeah. So we'll continue those
motion hearings next week sometime.
- Take a look at the calendar.
- Sounds good.
Hey, Ivan. Can I talk
to you for a sec?
Hey, I'll catch you
downstairs in a minute.
Appreciate you, man.
- Wayne.
- Yeah. You know, Ivan, I...
I respect you, man. I just want
to let you know that I'm done.
Yeah, I'm... I'm never gonna make
another arrest again. Not until...
- Wait, what?
- Yeah. I just... Fuck this place, man.
And fuck all the shit that, you
know, people are saying about me.
I don't care about
all that, man.
Just, I... I got these fucking bosses,
you know, they... they don't appreciate,
they don't appreciate a fucking thing.
You know, I... I get 'em all these guns.
I'm taking all these
risks and now I just...
I don't know, man.
I'm just... I'm done.
I'm gonna go on inside,
be a lieutenant.
Yeah, I just... You know,
man, I want to let you know.
Fuck it. I'm done.
See you around.
I've done what I can to feel out
the US Attorney on this, and look,
they're saying you're not a
target here, you're a witness.
But what does that mean?
Well, it means they don't think
you planted drugs in Burley's car.
They think Jenkins is their man.
So why grand jury me?
Well, you were at the scene.
Even if your testimony only sets the
scene and eliminates you as a suspect,
that's helpful to their case.
But here's the thing, Sean,
I've seen proffer sessions
and grand jury testimony
where things go sideways
because guys didn't anticipate the
things they might be asked about...
Like what?
Let's not be naive.
If you heard that
Wayne stole money
or other guys took money,
you're gonna have to tell them.
If they ask you,
you can't hold back.
Serious fucking police work.
Say about four Gs in drug money.
You know something? I'm gonna
call it in like that, dawg.
Mr. Stepp, we're from the
FBI Public Corruption Squad.
You don't seem surprised.
Would you be?
How do you know Wayne Jenkins,
a Baltimore police sergeant?
Well, he's a friend
of mine. We hang out.
But that's not what you're
here to talk to me about.
He gave me the drugs I sold.
How... how much drugs
did Jenkins give you?
More than I could sell. I mean, it
was a million dollars worth to us.
Pure profit.
But listen, I'm here to tell
you whatever you wanna know.
Just ask me, I'll cooperate.
Although, you did
miss the cocaine.
We did?
Well, where was it?
Well, it is under the baseboard radiator
in the laundry room. Three kilos.
Appreciate that. Truly.
No problem.
Do you realize
what you're asking?
Until there is a change
in national drug policy,
I mean a complete overhaul,
do you see how impossible it
would be for us to issue a report?
- But without that, we...
- We do what we can, Nicole.
We address what we can.
We change what we can.
But even the Office
of Civil Rights,
as high-minded as we
think ourselves to be,
is still a part of the
Justice Department.
And at this point, federal
drug laws are what they are.
But then everything in the
Baltimore report is about a symptom.
You don't think we've had
these same conversations?
All the way to the top?
Beginning with the second term,
Holder told all the US Attorneys
to reduce the federal intake of
drug defendants. And we did that.
So, instead of fixing the laws, we
just quietly work around them...
until we can't?
Now, we're out, Trump is in,
and Jeff Sessions wants
to arrest everyone he can
for fucking
marijuana possession.
I... I'll never make
it four years. I...
I made sure you were protected.
You're not a
political appointee,
you're in a civil
service posting.
I mean I can't bear to sit
on my ass for four years,
maybe eight, while this entire office
is shut down by these assholes...
Tell me I'm wrong.
Tell me the entire
Civil Rights Division
isn't dead in the water under
this new administration.
If I give you eleven hundred, nigga, you
supposed to give me my eleven hundred.
I don't give a fuck where...
Antonio Shropshire.
Who y'all?
Baltimore County narcotics.
But it's a federal warrant.
Federal, huh?
Yeah, we've been up on you for
like a year and a half, so...
It's a real pleasure to
finally meet you in person.
Can't say the same.
What's the warrant for?
- Conspiracy to distribute.
- What do we have here?
- Oh, look at that.
- See, that's just bad luck right there.
Had it in my pocket
because somebody complained
- and handed it back to me.
- That's very sloppy, Brill.
Bless your heart. You
wanna call your fiancée
- and let her know what's gone down?
- Yeah. Her number, 4-4...
No, no, I got it.
Y'all got me on tap, huh?
Hey, boo. Why the
hell you wake me up?
Y'all motherfuckers cruddy, yo.
Y'all know I got popped by
the city last week, right?
Yup. Gladstone's squad. But we've
got a superseding indictment.
Y'all working hard here,
but if I were y'all,
I'd get rid of the shit
you just took off me.
Use an informant or some shit
like that to put it on the street.
Get something nice for your
wives. Shit. Gladstone took it.
I shit you not.
So, looking at Sergeant
Keith Gladstone,
we not only have the fact that
Shropshire told county police
that Gladstone took and
resold seized narcotics,
but the fact that he
extensively worked with Jenkins.
Kind of an early mentor.
And if we look back far
enough, we come across this.
Keep in mind that in
searches of unmarked units
after our arrests of Hendrix and Rayam,
we also found several BB pistols.
BB guns?
Hendrix told us they
carried them routinely
in case of a bad shoot
with an unarmed suspect.
So, we go backwards looking for cases
involving injuries to the suspect,
recovered BB pistols,
and, sure enough, we find a
weapons case with a pursuit
and serious injury to the
suspect, one Demetric Simon.
Jenkins and another
officer are giving chase
until Jenkins actually runs the
kid over in his unmarked car,
claiming that the suspect
pointed a gun at him.
A BB gun is later recovered
from under a parked car nearby
and lucky for us,
one officer who was there
when the gun was found
is none other than Ryan Guinn.
Refresh my memory.
Guinn is the plainclothesman who
was an early informant on this case
and who we know to be clean.
But Guinn now tells us that
none other than Keith Gladstone
showed up at this scene unannounced
and said openly to Wayne Jenkins,
"It's over by the truck."
Is Gladstone still
on the street?
He retired quite suddenly.
A few weeks after we started
locking up other plainclothesmen.
I'm done, LT. I'm done.
Done with Gun Trace, dealing
with all this bullshit.
Now, look. There's this opening in
warrant apprehension. I want it.
- Warrant apprehension?
- That's right.
Wayne, are you kidding?
Is this... is this a joke?
I put my ass on the line. I... I get
all these fucking guns for command
and then they go on and they...
Fuck it. I'm just,
I'm... I'm... I'm done.
No one is gonna be
happy about this.
Not the colonel, not the Deputy Ops.
Wayne, you went on leave two months ago,
the whole task
force went to sleep.
The bosses noticed. They
want you back working.
You know what they're saying
about me down at the courthouse?
They talk all this shit. And
you know, I put my head down.
- I keep on working. You know me...
- Wayne. Who are you talking about?
I'm talking about the fucking
judges that throw out my cases,
I'm talking about fucking
bitch ass defense attorneys
that say I'm lying.
Wayne! What else is a
defense attorney gonna say?
What's the fucking point
anyway? Look at what's going on.
I mean, yeah, their bosses that go
along with this consent decree soft ass,
fucking baby-boy bullshit. I
mean, how am I supposed to police
- like this anyway?
- Right. Uh-huh.
Oh, come on, don't do that.
Don't fucking do that.
Get the fuck out of here. What?
"It should go without saying that
this is an extremely challenging time
for law enforcement nationally."
"Officers are questioning themselves
and their role in society,
and the changing law
enforcement landscape."
"Against this backdrop, I am
extremely proud to showcase the work
of Sergeant Wayne Jenkins and
the Gun Trace Task Force."
"This team of dedicated detectives has
a work ethic that is beyond reproach."
What you doing? Why
you reading that shit?
- It's in the goddamn newsletter.
- Right.
Wayne, you can put
in for the transfer,
but I'm telling you right now,
there is no way we dump you
in the warrants squad when your unit
is delivering the way that it is.
- It's not gonna happen.
- Okay.
I'm telling you right now, man,
I cannot be the one who
loses his job over this shit.
I just can't fucking do it, man.
So now you worried?
It's not that I'm worried. What
you motherfuckers don't understand
is I'm sick and tired of being
the one always taking the lead
on all of this.
I can't be putting my name on all
this shit. I just... I can't do it.
- I hear you, Jenks.
- Look, I need to just...
I need to lay back
some, all right?
You won't believe the shit that
I'm hearing people say, man.
- Down at headquarters, courthouse.
- Like what?
Motherfucker's saying I'm
cruddy. Like I'm a dirty cop.
- Ain't you that?
- Don't say that. Why...
How could you fucking say that
shit? I'm talking about being like,
fucking dirty, for real,
like I'm a bad person.
That's my name, motherfucker. I can't
have my name out there like that.
- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah, dawg.
- Oh, my goodness.
- Beautiful.
- I see you.
- Look at this.
- Damn.
- Sweetheart, we're good.
- Go on, girl. We're good.
- Do not listen to that man.
- Thank you, sugar.
- Now you happy,
go get me a fucking wine
cooler. The bar's that way.
Hey, man.
I told you weeks ago about
a federal investigation.
You thought I was
shittin' you, Wayne?
I mean, there ain't no
federal investigation.
There's always a rumor of
a federal investigation.
That shit never happens, it's Baltimore.
It'd take years to fucking go down.
Look, if they're looking at cops,
they're gonna get cops to talk.
We are some snitchin'
- Bet.
- Don't say that.
Nobody's snitching on nobody.
It's not gonna happen.
Hey, look, look. Here's
the bottom line, all right?
Stevenson beat us in court,
so we need to hit his
ass again, right away.
Now, we can do this shit, but
I'm telling you right now,
I need to lay back some.
I do not want my name
on any of the paperwork.
It's gotta be you two.
- How big?
- Big. Huge.
Two hundred Gs.
- Yeah.
- Two hundred Gs?
At least two hundred Gs.
Shit. We can do this, yo.
We can fucking do this, but it's
just gotta be us, all right?
Rest of the squad, they
cannot know about this.
We keep this tight.
We keep it close.
It's just us. I want
your word on that.
- Just us?
- That's right.
Shit. Cool.
You mind if I drink this
beer and stare at some pussy?
Or is this night
all about business?
- I'm trying, but my man is bugging.
- Right. Facts.
Relax, nigga. Lighten up!
Stare at whatever the
fuck you wanna stare at.
Somebody get this man a beer.
I got a fucking
invisibility cloak on me.
Hey, Brandi, can I get
a fucking wine cooler?
Bondsman arrested in police
corruption probe of city unit,
said to be cooperating
When's my next chance at a phone?
Can I get a chance at a phone?
You want me to get
a hold of what now?
The statement of probable cause
for the search of that car.
Why do we need that, man?
Look, I know Jenkins probably wrote
it, but we should at least know
what was in there since you
searched the car, right?
We should look at it before
you go into grand jury.
Just pull the probable cause
before you go down to
the courthouse tomorrow.
- Okay. Okay.
- It's due diligence, that's all.
- I'm sure it's gonna go okay.
- Yeah.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- All right.
Hey, Sean. You ready?
- You wanna... hit another stretch?
- Nah.
The best information we have is that
she works the area around Bennett,
- near the expressway.
- Yeah.
Maybe today you get lucky.
You know, it's always tough to
go back on a case a year later.
Givens, Antonio.
Possession with intent, possession
and loitering. Your Honor.
Is a lawyer for Mr. Givens here?
In the hallway, I believe, Your
Honor. Consulting on another case.
Okay. Hold on Givens. Next.
Dupont, Jerrod.
Okay, I gotta ask, what're we
doing here in a District Court?
- Aaron Soler representing Mr. Dupont...
- Look around.
This is an FTA. What
is the original charge?
- Look at it.
- Possession of cocaine
and possession of a
handgun, Your Honor.
And this is a second FTA?
Bail is revoked.
- Judge, my client...
- Save it, Mr. Soler.
You get one bite
of the FTA apple.
We've built this machine
where half the damn country,
the part with money and
power, chew up the other half
- that didn't have anything to begin with.
- Next.
- Vinson, Deshaun.
- Watch it work.
If this is what we want...
- Possession with intent. Resisting arrest.
- Then the Freddie Grays...
- Mr. Vinson, you are charged with...
- the Eric Garners the Michael Browns
are what we get.
- How do you plead?
- Not guilty.
And every page of whatever
court order we write...
Based on the amount seized, I'm
going to deny bail at this time.
- It won't fix it.
- Is that the last of the lockup?
Yes, Your Honor.
Thought you said you didn't
make it your everything.
Bulock, Keandra. Possession
of a concealed weapon.
Possession with intent.
Assaulting a police officer.
So, you even gonna
know where to see her?
I got a general description.
Name of Mary?
No last name. No
street name. Just...
Just a street whore named Mary who
knows something about the case.
It ain't much, but it's
worth a shake or two, right?
- Hey.
- Hey, Sean.
I can't talk right now.
Take a left on Schroeder.
What the fuck was that?
What, you saw something?
Where? Down the alley?
You sure you saw something?
A dude wearing leather,
squatting down.
Said you saw a jacket with
a white stripe, right?
Sean, man, I think we might have
seen that pile of trash right there.
Mistaken it for a
guy all hunched over.
Well, he's gone now.
Or he's gone to ground.
Let's roll back around
and see who's here.
ENLawyers - We need to talk. You
have USAO meeting tomorrow 11am.
Grand Jury tomorrow 1pm.
Let's swing back in 20.
In the meantime, let
me show you something.
This was my old
post, right here.
ENLawyers Call me
back right away.
Nothing like your
first post, right?
Let's try out the
alley one last time.
Why resign?
Why go that far?
If all you need is a vacation...
Trump's gonna give us that.
Relax, Nic.
This is about more than that.
Wait a minute. So, my orientation
ends with my advisor telling me
we're not doing
anything that matters?
That's what you're saying?
I didn't say that.
Then what are you saying?
I'm saying...
It's your turn, motherfucker.
Fuck it, Sean, it's 4:30 now.
It's quitting time, ain't it?
- You sure you saw something?
- There was movement, yeah.
I saw a guy ducking out of
the alley when we pulled up.
Tell you what, you go
up and around the corner
in case he makes his
way out onto Schroeder.
- All right.
- I'll see if he pops out here.
You got it.
Stop! Police, stop!
This is 70-4-20 Unit calling
Signal 13 at Bennett and Schroeder.
Shots fired. Officer
down. My partner is hit.
You kinda mentored Wayne Jenkins
- when he first got to plainclothes, right?
- Yeah.
We worked together. I
helped break him in.
But... truth is, I wasn't
all that close with Wayne.
So, why would you throw
away your whole career
to plant that BB gun for him?
I'm talking about the
Antanna Avenue incident?
I didn't come from
the greatest home.
When I was coming
up, I had brothers.
We were very close and
that's how we got through it.
I got out, joined the
military, camaraderie again.
Got into the police department,
camaraderie. It's just...
You know, John...
you go into these situations
and there is always
this person right behind you.
So, he called me. Asked
me for help. I did it.
And I threw away everything to do it
because I thought he'd do it for me.
So, you thought of
him as a brother?
I consider pretty much most police
I ever work with as a brother.
Out the back!
- Where the fuck is the ambulance?
- He can't wait. He's bleeding out.
Fuck the ambo. Get him in the back of
a car and drive him to shock trauma.
This can't wait.
- Get his head.
- Get his shoulders.
- Grab his feet.
- Everybody go!
- Move, move!
- Go, go, go, go, go.
Anyone in the scene, hold.
- Description. Height, weight...
- Go, go, go!
I didn't see anyone.
- The shooter...
- I got here so fast, man.
I could see the gun smoke
above him where he was laying.
I didn't see anybody.
- But you heard the shots.
- Yeah, I heard three,
maybe four shots. One of
them might have been an echo.
He shouted, "Stop, police."
Then the shots. His leg was still
moving when I got here, man.
I was just coming from the corner. I was
here him within three or four seconds.
Where was the gun?
Under his right shoulder.
Radio too. When... when backup got here
and we rolled him, he was still holding
his radio in his left hand.
He's fighting a suspect for
a gun in his right hand,
but doesn't drop the fucking
radio in his left hand?
Or he hit the guy with it?
Hines. Yeah, he's here with me.
Wise here.
Jesus. Just now?
Thank you.
Sean Suiter's been shot.
He's in shock trauma.
It doesn't look
good. Head wound.
We were gonna grand jury him tomorrow.
He's supposed to report at 11:00.
No reason to assassinate him.
Half these guys are pleading,
and the ones who aren't, are
cooked by the ones who are.
Suiter's testimony was
in no way critical.
He was told he wasn't a target.
Rayam was gonna...
name him as taking
money back in VCID.
Yeah, but is that
enough for him to...
Yeah. For a cop, yeah.
An independent review of the
death of Sean Suiter concluded
that the detective took his own
life, intentionally staging the event
as a death in the line of
duty. Others are unconvinced
and homicide remains the
official cause of death.
And also, the right to be
free from incarceration
due to a law
enforcement officer's
willful failure to disclose
exculpatory evidence to a prosecutor.
How do you wish to plead to counts one
through six of the superseding indictment?
Guilty, ma'am.
Do you agree, sir, that the
statement of facts is correct?
I do, Your Honor,
except there is...
Your Honor, we are agreeing
to the statement of facts
with the exception
of one correction.
In the matter of
the Burley arrest,
he is not acknowledging
he planted the drugs,
although he is acknowledging
he wrote a false report
with respect to another
officer planting those drugs.
Noted for the record,
Mr. Levin. We can acknowledge...
We just watched him put that sin
on Ryan Guinn and Sean Suiter.
Well, we know it's not Guinn.
And Suiter's not here to
defend himself at this point.
Any questions at all,
sir, for me or your lawyer
about your guilty pleas or the
terms of your plea agreement?
No, ma'am. Just...
I've... I've made a lot of
mistakes here, Your Honor.
In my life, I make a mistake,
I own it. I say, "I'm sorry."
That's... that's not
gonna cut it today.
I want you to know that,
you know, I feel very bad for
the things that I've done.
And that I've lost my
chance to be a father.
To raise my boys.
I'm ashamed of myself,
Your Honor. That's it.
Furthermore, Your Honor,
I would just like to say
that in the nearly 25 years
that I've known Wayne...
- Why would he take that plea?
- I can, without uncertainty, say...
I thought he wanted
his day in court?
- Will learn from his mistakes.
- Ask me, it was Stepp, the bail bondsman.
Once he started talking...
- He will use this experience to do better.
- Well. That means Wayne Jenkins
- isn't just a thief.
- Thank you for your time, Your Honor.
- He's a drug dealer.
- Worse, they partied together.
Stepp puts him with
strippers and hookers.
This way, he stays a family man.
All rise!
I love you.
Declining to cooperate in any way
that investigators could credit,
Wayne Jenkins is serving
25 years in federal prison.
This is a dysfunctional
police department.
I am telling you as a person who has seen
what a healthy organization looks like.
This is not one of them.
Will the defendant please rise.
Mr. Rayam, considering your
cooperation after your guilty plea,
this court sentences
you to twelve years.
Are you blaming this
on your predecessors?
this department has had four
commissioners over the last eight years.
So, there hasn't been
continuity in leadership here.
Mr. Gondo, due to your cooperation
after your guilty plea,
the court sentences
you to ten years.
All rise.
This is happening
now on my watch,
and I am taking responsibility
as the police commissioner.
Mr. Ward and Mr. Hendrix,
having pled guilty and subsequently
cooperated by agreeing to testify
against other officers,
this court sentences
you each to seven years.
I've moved to end
plainclothes policing,
and we've undertaken a plan to
track the quality of gun cases
to see how they fare in court
rather than just tallying stats.
We are already responding.
Mr. Allers, you've
been found guilty,
and since you have
refused to cooperate,
the court sentences
you to fifteen years.
But the federal investigators say
this has been going on for years.
Shouldn't the leadership of the
police department have known?
Well, Justin, speaking
for myself and my team,
we inherited a culture
that looks at accountability
as a four-letter word.
And that's years and
years of neglect.
Years and years of chasing after
the two H's, homicide and heroin.
Should someone have known
about this kind of corruption?
- Absolutely. They should have known.
- They should have known?
We should have known.
Three days before the
trial of the remaining
Gun Trace Task Force officers,
Police Commissioner Kevin Davis
was fired by the mayor.
The second in command, Deputy
Commissioner Dean Palmere,
was accused by a trial witness of
coaching an officer in a police shooting.
He denied doing so and
resigned the same day.
Crime is spilling out all over
the city, and we've got to focus.
He denied doing so and
resigned the same day.
And while we are grateful for the efforts
of Commissioner Davis and his team,
we need to move forward
in a new direction.
Commissioner Darryl De Sousa.
Thank you.
Change is coming to the
Baltimore Police Department.
And let me make it clear, I have
zero tolerance for corruption.
We're gonna be doing proactive
constitutional policing.
We're going to enforce the
laws of Baltimore city.
We're going to be very visible.
We're gonna have positive engagement
with the entire community.
A year later, mayor Catherine
Pugh pleaded guilty to conspiracy,
tax evasion and fraud. She
was sentenced to three years.
Your Honor, as a point of law,
it's Mr. Hersl's contention
that he is not guilty of
the charge of extortion
for taking money from citizens
subsequent to their arrest.
He was responsibly taking that money
as an agent of the state, Your Honor.
His crime is instead that of
failing to deliver that money
to the Evidence Control Unit.
Therefore, he is guilty only of
theft, not of extortion or conspiracy.
Novel defense, Mr. Purpura.
As the only two officers to
go to trial in federal court,
Daniel Hersl and Marcus Taylor
were convicted and sentenced
to eighteen years each.
Since the death of Freddie
Gray, the unsuccessful
prosecution of the officers
involved in that case
and the resulting work slowdown by
police, crime in Baltimore has exploded.
Since 2015, the city has averaged
well over 300 slayings a year,
becoming one of the most violent
major cities in the United States.
Police, search warrant.
Motherfucker! Police!
- Get the fuck out.
- Shit!
- Get on the floor.
- Down!
What I just say? Get
on the fucking ground.
- Let's go! Anybody on the second floor?
- Your mother is.
Anybody on second floor?
- Baltimore police!
- Let's go. Who's upstairs?
Baltimore police,
search warrant.
- All right, we got a door left.
- No, no, leave that one. That's mine.
Take the hall.
- Oh, we got it, Sarge.
- All righty. Come on.
Let's go. Search that
closet right there. Yeah?
Dag, boy.
Right where your man said.
Big fucking Wayne.
Oh, Hendrix. I think I'm
getting an erection, man.
- Big fucking Wayne!
- That's what I'm fucking talking about.
- You my man, yo.
- This shit ain't stopping.
Check it out. Go through that.
What's that?
Yo, we should... God. Shit.
What you got, Wayne?
Wayne, what you looking at?
We about to eat, motherfucker. Shut
that door. Shut the fucking door.
That's it, put your foot on
it. Stay in front of that shit.
Stay in front of it. Good.
Stand right there. I got you.
Oh, shit. We eating
this motherfucker.
- Weed motherfucker, that's what's up.
- That's what I'm talking about.
Make sure you put your
foot on the fucking door.
Are you shitting me? I'm fucking
bitches. I don't give a...
I can do what the fuck I wanna
do. Niggas was hating on me too.
All right.
Jackpot, motherfuckers.
Come on. You got a half-hour
of daylight all to yourself.
Your time to shine, Jenkins.
Sooner we get you to GenPop, sooner
we can stop babysitting your ass.
Go on and bring it.
- Three-ten to control.
- Copy.
- We got one for the yard.
- Clear.
You that cop from
Baltimore, right?
Fuck yeah. Best they had.
That's that fucking cop.
He up there, yo.
What's going on, LT?
- You ready for them?
- You know. I was born ready.
I'm glad you pulled back
that transfer request.
- And so are the bosses.
- Good.
Let's kill 'em dead.
Got you.
That's the other thing
with being brutal,
not only does it get in the
way of getting good cases.
But beating on people, you're
gonna get IAD complaints, files.
Maybe even a reputation,
get enough complaints,
get transferred
out of your unit.
And even if you can write
your way out of the hassle,
most police worth a shit can write
their way out of pretty much anything.
Look, it's just... It gets
you the kind of attention,
that only makes it
harder to do the job.
If beating on people
made cases, shit,
I'd tell you, "Go out there
and kick everybody's ass,"
but it just... It does not work. So, if
that's the kind of work you wanna do,
I'm gonna tell you right now, you're
not coming anywhere near my unit.
Gun Trace Task Force, we
are not about that bullshit.
Make no mistake. We're about
getting guns and drugs.
We're about getting the motherfuckers
that deal the drugs and shoot the guns.
That's what we do.
That's what we deliver.
Gun Trace Task Force, we get those
guns and we put 'em on the table.
We get that dope and
we put it on the table.
My unit took 132 guns off the
street in nine months of work.
We got 59 cases charged.
Every single one of those
went up to Calbert Street.
During that time, we've
kicked in 45 doors.
We got in over a
kilo weight of dope.
And coke. Not to mention, the pills
and all else. We took all that,
and we put it on the
table. That's what we do.
That's what we deliver.
That's the job.
And you take care of each other.
I'm proud of you.
Hey! How about that, huh?
Who wants to get some? I wanna
fucking get some! Let me hear it!
Who wants to get some?
B-16.10-70. Code 17.