We Own This City (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Part Four - full transcript
Jenkins pivots after a car chase yields no drugs. During an FBI interview, former officer Maurice Ward recalls how Jenkins remained unscathed as supervisor of GTTF. Steele confronts Davis. The city is rocked by the Freddie Gray pr...
I blew off roll call 'cause I got
that itch, man. It's hot up here.
Yo, dawg, I'm feeling this spot.
- Yeah, why's that?
- Man, I just... I can smell it.
We about to get that work.
Look at this cat right here.
See that? That right
there is a drug deal.
It's 11:30 in the morning, man.
How the fuck do you get that?
Come on, man.
Fucking make of car. The
backpack he's wearing.
In Baltimore, it's
all the PC we need.
Hey, Sean, I like these two
cats in the black Acura.
Let's jack these fools.
Let's light them up.
- Show me hands!
- Hands! Hands!
Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!
Come on! Let's
go, man! Let's go!
17-0-2, be advised. We're
in pursuit of a black Acura
travelling at a
high speed on Belle.
Headed towards Gwynn Oak.
Wanted on CDS violations.
- 17-0-2, 10-4.
- Motherfucker, you wanna roll? Roll.
- The driver's wanted for CDS.
- Get on the right! Get on the right!
- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
- Just take it slow. See me on the back?
- Stay the fuck there!
- KGA to 17-0-2,
- break off pursuit.
- Shut the fuck...
- Break this off, motherfucker.
- Do you copy?
Careful, bro.
I ain't gonna fucking stop,
motherfucker. I'm right on you now.
Hang on! Hang on!
Ah, come... Motherfucker!
Slow down.
- Show me your hands!
- Get out of the car!
- Get the fuck out of the car!
- Hands!
- Hands!
- Hands!
- Out of the car! Hands!
- On the ground! On your belly!
Hands behind your back!
Why the fuck did you book?
- Get up. Come on.
- Man, we didn't know you were cops.
- You didn't even show us your badge.
- Don't give me that fucking bullshit.
You seen our misery lights.
I don't wanna hear that.
Man, I ain't seen shit!
Cross your legs.
- Damn!
- 44-51.
- 10-4, 44-51.
- Yeah, I need an ambulance at the corner
of Gwynn Oak and Belle Ave.
- You're not gonna find nothing.
- Okay.
Requesting a 10-38 at Belle
and Gwynn Oak right away.
Ma'am... ma'am, are you hurt?
Ma'am... ma'am, I need you
to try to hold still, okay?
There's an ambulance
on the way, all right?
- Ma'am, I need you to try to breathe.
- Please, Allen...
- Are you hurt?
- Wake up!
- Okay.
- No, no, no!
Told you, there's
nothing in there.
I don't have that
number in the system.
- Please repeat the last four.
- Car's clean!
- Bullshit!
- 5-4-0-1.
You know these fuckers are dirty. What'd
you do? You toss it out the window?
- No.
- What's up?
- No.
- 5-4-0-1,
running it through
the system. Standby.
- Fuck!
- Why? You got nothing?
- No, man.
- 23-12.
23-12, go ahead.
They're clean, there's
nothing on 'em.
23-15, copy?
Jenks. They're clean.
There's nothing on 'em.
I'mma call the sergeant.
- Back up.
- Back up.
Baltimore is a poster child for the
basic failure to stop lawlessness.
No justice, no peace!
I've heard your calls for
"no justice, no peace."
No justice, no peace!
Where there's
smoke, there's fire.
These officers, they're
1930s-style gangsters.
You said Jenkins
was worried, why?
There's only a few situations
where we're supposed to initiate
or continue a high-speed chase.
A narcotics offense
ain't one of them.
I mean, we've got
helicopters up there
that could track a fleeing vehicle
without endangering innocent people.
And the old man in
the Monte Carlo?
He rolled a seven, yeah.
He was pronounced dead
at the ER at University.
Baker 10, good morning...
That's quite a CDR. Make
sure you add it to inventory.
Right on.
This was fatal.
Hey, Sean.
Do me a favor and just go
toss the car one more time.
You know? In case
we missed something.
It was on the floor,
right under the seat.
Man, you fucking
planted that shit!
Man, y'all cruddy as hell! Y'all
petty as shit. That's what y'all is.
Get off me, man! Look, you guys
know damn well I ain't do that shit!
I ain't got nothing
to do with that!
Man, you fucking planted
that shit on me, yo!
You tryin' to frame my ass!
Hey, how you gonna do me like that
knowing I had nothing to do with it?
Everyone sees you looking
at me. It was nothing!
Detective Ward, do you have any
knowledge of the Umar Burley incident
that Wayne Jenkins was
involved in back in 2010?
No, sir. I wasn't
with Wayne then.
Before we go any further, my client,
Mr. Ward, has something to say.
Go ahead.
I just wanna say I was wrong.
I was involved in
some bad things.
I knew it was wrong at the
time and I know it now.
I'm sorry for what I did. Not
just 'cause I got caught, but
sorry for real.
I just want y'all to know that.
Let's move on.
By the time you got together
with Jenkins in 2015,
he had made sergeant, correct?
Yeah, Sergeant Jenkins
invited me to a new SES squad.
I was hyped because
Jenkins was considered
one of the best guys
we had in plainclothes.
Nobody warned you about him?
The only blow back I got
was from this guy I knew
from the Western, Sean Suiter,
who... who works Homicide now.
Suiter said, learn what I could from
Jenkins, and get out of the squad.
He said Wayne was involved
in some crazy shit.
Sean said
they protect Jenkins,
and they leave the guys who
work for him to the wolves.
- Who's "they"?
- The brass.
I should've listened,
especially when I heard
Jenkins just got off of being in
some jackpot over some case of his
that went south.
All I know, they took him off
the streets for a couple months.
And the complaint came from
the State's Attorney's Office.
But you joined the unit anyway?
I made a poor decision.
When I was making that list,
I might have forgotten
a few things.
There were so many.
Pick one.
I can start with this one.
What's BT stand for?
Belvedere Towers.
Okay, when did this happen?
Spring, 2015.
And who was with you?
Jenkins and Taylor.
Yo, we about to get
up in that car trunk.
Yeah, that's the
fucking jackpot.
Check out those two.
Come on, let's get some.
Dealers were always
hangin' around the BT.
It was hot.
Let me see your
hands, gentlemen.
What's going on, fellas?
Now, look, I am a federal agent.
We are conducting a wiretap.
You are not the targets
of our investigation,
but we did overhear that there
was going to be a drug deal
on this lot. That's
why we're here.
Now, we do detect the smell
of marijuana. For that reason,
we're gonna have to go ahead
and search your vehicle.
Why don't you guys do me a favor, go
ahead and take a seat on the curb for me?
- Come on, man.
- Yo, I didn't give you permission
to search my shit, yo.
- Fuck is you talking about, yo?
- Calm down.
- You can't do this.
- I don't think you listening, dumb-dumb,
- I don't need a reason.
- I don't know who the fuck you think
- you talking to. You don't know me.
- Tell your boy to calm down.
Cross your legs. Hands
behind your back.
- And quiet.
- You don't know me.
Y'all ain't got nothing
better to fucking do, yo.
- Yo, this shit is phony as hell, yo.
- This shit is fucked up.
You don't know what the
fuck y'all talking about.
- What is that on your shoe?
- Quiet, yo.
- What you talking...
- Look down. Don't look up, okay? Just...
On that wall behind you
they've got a security camera.
Just in case we find something in the
car and we want to put it in our car.
Don't wanna get caught
on camera, okay?
So, just pull the car up a little bit
and lose the camera. Can you do that?
- Copy.
- My man.
Go and get a donut and coffee.
You... You... You hungry right now?
I know you want that donut, yo.
You need your man's help? Look,
he's gonna come up to me real quick.
What's up fellas?
You good, my man?
Ain't got nothing better
to do, I hear you.
You know, you need to be worried
about your mother at home.
- Yo, don't worry about it, man.
- You ain't from around here, yo.
They just got you on duty, yo.
That's your little... That's
your puppet master over there.
- For sure, yeah.
- Damn straight.
Okay, gentlemen, we're
gonna cut you loose.
You give their IDs back.
You're gonna get something from us
in the mail called a target letter.
Okay? We apologize
for the inconvenience.
We hope you guys have a good
night. You guys stay safe.
- Think they got us, yo?
- Hell yeah.
All the green.
See you around.
Hell yeah, them thieving
bitches got it all.
I fucking hate
them, yo. Bullshit.
Where the fuck are we going, yo?
Let's go.
Well, I just gotta check to see
if there's a GPS tracker in here.
I think we're good.
That's five stacks for you.
Five for you. Good
shit, gentlemen.
What about the rest?
Come on, man.
Come on, Sarge.
Gonna buy a crash bar.
- A crash bar?
- Crash bar?
Yeah. For the front of
my new departmental.
- Aw, hell no.
- For what? For that piece of shit?
Hey, don't do that, don't talk
shit about my ride, all right?
Hey, listen to me, listen to me.
You be smart. You understand?
No fucking banks, all right? Don't
pay off fucking credit card bills.
No shit like that. You just
go a little bit at a time.
- Let it trickle out. You understand?
- Got it.
- Yeah, you good?
- We got you.
Shut the trunk. Let's
get the fuck outta here.
I think we need to go look at some women.
How 'bout we hit up that Millstream?
- That farm to table strip joint?
- That's the one.
Hey, Maurice? Man, what
the fuck you doing?
While we still got
teeth in our heads!
But I put my share
of that money back.
Why? Why would you do that?
My wife is a BPD officer
and she clean, all right?
But, also, I was scared.
We took a whole lot of
money and pounds of weed.
I... I didn't know who we just
jacked up, it could've been DEA,
it could've been
informants, I didn't know.
Look, I know y'all don't believe
me, but I put that money back.
You can put me on the box
under oath, you'll see.
Let me see if I understand this. You
were uncomfortable with taking money,
or you were uncomfortable with
taking that amount of money?
That amount.
When I was in district plainclothes,
you know, we'd jack up corners
and skim a little
bit off the dealers.
You know, tax 'em a little bit.
But, man, this was another level.
It was... It was too much.
So why take it in
the first place?
Jenkins was my sergeant.
He told us what to
do and we did it.
Nobody bucked him. We
just did what he said.
You gotta understand, he'd
been working plainclothes
for like ten years
at this point.
And he was a damn legend for all the
drugs and guns he could put on the table.
He owned them streets.
There's a little more
about that night.
If you wanna hear it.
Ain't you done, girl? You
smell good for a white girl.
That's my fuckin' shit.
- Holy motherfuckin' shit.
- Oh, my Lord.
- You're on fire, baby.
- That's fire!
I don't believe it...
She's fucking gorgeous.
Holy shit!
Okay. Okay, girl. Goddamn!
Hey, this is the greatest
motherfuckin' place on earth.
This is... Fuckin' look at her!
Hey, hey, hey, listen, listen.
Do me a favor sweetheart,
go talk to her.
Get her ass off this stage,
tell her to come meet
me in a VIP, all right?
Yeah, yeah, I got you, boo.
Shit. You know I'm
gonna come correct.
Fucking stick your fucking hand
out like that. Go get her. Boom.
- Fuck you, man.
- Just go fucking get her.
- Oh, she's twerkin'.
- Let me tell you something,
I'mma fuck her.
I swear to God. Mother...
Yes, I am. Watch me, I swe...
Dead ass, I'mma
fuck her. Watch me!
- Calm your ass down.
- I... I swear to God, on my own life,
- I'm gonna fuck her.
- Jenkins, fuckin' how?
What do you mean, how? I'mma
fucking handle my business, baby.
What y'all gon' fucking do?
- You don't think I will?
- Hell, no!
This liquor got you horny.
- That's the problem.
- Here she comes.
What's up, you gorgeous thing?
Goddamn, it's an honor
to meet you, sweet thing.
- What's goin' on?
- I got you. You're mine.
You's a nasty motherfucker.
- You see how I roll.
- He's dead ass.
Hey, put it up there.
Yes, sir. My man.
Seventy-five percent of
that body weight is ass.
- He's doing his thing, man.
- He goin' too hard.
How was your steak, man?
Mine was fuckin' slappin'!
- Thank you. Thank you.
- Variety in everything
is the spice of life.
Bro, that's some sick shit, bro.
Let your man live.
- What the fuck he about to do with that?
- Jenkins is crazy, man, but let him live.
- Bro, that's... Bro.
- Why is that sick?
You was just saying
how she was twerking.
Hey, yo. Yo, we gotta bounce.
- That was quick.
- Shut the fuck up, man.
When I say we gotta
bounce, we gotta bounce.
Yo man, them steaks good?
I'll take this motherfucker.
Lemme take the fucking
beer too, let's go.
What's going on?
Watch the fuck out.
Come on man, let's get the
fuck outta here. Let's go.
- Come on, we gotta go.
- Come on, come on.
Yo, what the... Jenkins,
what the fuck did you...
- Hot damn, man!
- Get in the fucking car already.
Let's go!
Wayne, man. We wasn't
even in there an hour!
Hey, look, man. All
right, look, look.
That little fucking
mini-me motherfucker
was on top of me for, like, five
seconds. I couldn't fit inside of her.
So I knew that shit wasn't gonna happen,
so I just dumped her right on the ground
- and I...
- She put it on you, didn't she?
- Nah, man.
- She put it on you, didn't she?
- I'll tell you what she didn't do...
- She put all that ass on him.
Yeah, I'll tell you what
happened motherfucker.
Hey, I grabbed her fuckin' money
and I bailed the fuck
out. That's what happened.
- You kidding me?
- Check this shit out.
Yeah, you fuckin' heard me.
Hey, look. It's like twice as
much as I fucking gave her.
Hee-haw, motherfucker.
- You robbed the midget stripper?
- Come on, don't put it like that, man.
- That's not cool.
- Come on.
That's not cool, Sarge.
A midget?
Dwarf is the preferred term.
Pardon my language, but that
was one fucked-up night.
Detective Ward, besides Suiter,
you must've known
about Wayne Jenkins
even before you joined the SES,
his... his reputation
had to have preceded him.
Yeah, but mostly because
of his arrest numbers.
I think I first met him
before I joined the squad, around
the time he got his stripes,
right before he got shipped
off to Northeast patrol.
Ain't you something. Shit, I
can't afford this nice-ass car.
How do you afford a
car like this, sir?
- I work.
- Shit, man.
You got... You must
have a nice job.
- That's a fancy ass town.
- Come on, Hersl. Hurry it up.
Look at this motherfucker?
- Aye!
- Isn't this a beautiful day for justice?
- You know what I'm sayin'?
- Look at this pretty bitch
- in his dark blue ensemble.
- Oh, no.
Three stripes for each
arm, each sleeve, man.
You know, I heard it and I did
not motherfuckin' believe it.
Hey. You better get used
to it, motherfucker.
I guess they'll make
anybody a sergeant nowadays.
God, it's a beautiful
day in America, innit?
- Sup, big boy?
- Hey! Where you headed, baby?
- I'm goin' up to the barn. Tell you what?
- All right, congrats, Wayne.
Y'all come through,
man, I appreciate you.
So you're just goin' around showing
everybody your pretty new stripes?
I gotta do what I gotta do.
Hey, youngster, you wanna come?
Hey, you ever seen
the Roger Rabbit?
Oh, give it to him!
- Spin off with it.
- This some bullshit, man.
Hey, look, when you guys get done
with this bullshit, come on up.
I bought a case of
beer in my own honor.
Oh, all right.
Happy Wayne Jenkins
Day, motherfuckers!
Looks and sounds
like an asshole.
- Okay.
- Champ is here.
What you think, LT? See, this
is about the best decision
- this department ever made.
- Fucker finally made it.
Tells me how fucked up the department
is that they gave you stripes.
All right, so where
are they sending ya?
The northeast.
Thank you, Charlie.
I can't believe you
drink that piss.
What, did you confiscate
it off a 16-year-old girl?
Ah, man... Hey, hey, look,
man, that's my super juice.
Northeast, so they probably
just got you out there
suppressing them kids
on dirt bikes, now?
Hey, man, I'mma make that
money wherever I'm at.
Hey, happy Wayne
Jenkins Day, everybody.
Oh, fuck you.
Describe your experience, please,
and tell us your juror number.
Four-eighty-six, sir.
Your Honor, I was beaten by
police as I was put in a jail van.
And what were you
being jailed for?
I attended a BLM rally.
Was there violence
at that rally?
As I said, I was beaten.
Were you combative, sir?
I'm a pacifist, Your Honor.
Were the charges
against you upheld?
No, they were
dropped eventually.
From that experience, you feel
you could not credit the testimony
of the police
officers in this case?
From that experience,
I wouldn't believe a Baltimore officer
who'd testify that his mother loved him.
- Is it soup yet?
- Hardly.
- You are dismissed, sir.
- We won't have a full jury and panel
until tomorrow at best.
- Thank you for your service.
- What's taking so long?
Well, what do you think?
Now, what about
juror number 574?
Stand up, sir.
Will you describe your
experience for the court, please?
Your Honor, I was arrested
by Baltimore police.
They picked me up for
loitering and disorderly.
Were you loitering, sir?
All I was doing was coming
from my sister's house.
Police said I was there buying
drugs, I wasn't buying drugs.
She just had a baby and
I was just bringing her
some baby stuff, Your Honor.
Because of that experience, you are
sure you could not be an impartial judge
of the evidence in this case?
Is the evidence coming
from Baltimore police?
'Cause if that's the case,
I know they ain't gonna
have no problem lying.
Sir, can I ask, was this
your only experience
with a Baltimore police officer
falsifying evidence against
you or someone in your family?
Aside from when I was locked
up, they also beat on my son.
Then said he swung on them
first. That was a lie, too.
- Was your son charged in that incident?
- For a New York minute.
Once he got down to Eagle Street,
they dropped the charges quick,
but he still got stitches
in his head though.
And they wrote the
thing in such a way
that when we tried to complain
to the police department,
they said, "No. He swung
first and needed to get hit."
The court will strike
juror number 574.
You are dismissed, sir.
Please report back to
the juror assembly room,
and thank you for
your service today.
Are there any other jurors
who have had prior experiences
that would cause them to disregard
the testimony of the police officers?
Stand up, sir.
Describe your experience, please,
and tell us your juror number.
452, here.
How's yours?
Let's put it this way.
Chi-town's got Maryland
beat on the crab cake front.
Please, tell me something real.
How's this? I've been doin' a deeper dive
on that list of officers and detectives
that the circuit court trial
teams wouldn't put on the stand.
There was a formal list at
one point, sent as a complaint
to the police department
but now it's just something
that gets passed around
by trial prosecutors.
But get this,
the list comes with specifics.
Known histories of false statements
or perjury in open court.
Sworn officers? Known perjuries?
But here's the amazing thing,
they're all supposedly still on
the street, doing what they do.
Their arrests just
never come to court.
Not if the P.C. or evidence
- requires their testimony.
- Wow.
What, nobody ordered for me?
All right, we're gonna
leave you to your lunch.
Come on, Ahmed.
I wanna see a man answer
a simple question,
and I want you to watch him try.
Motherfucker clocked the rearview
for two seconds too long.
Then I seen that shoulder dip.
I'm telling you, there's an
art to this shit, K-Stop.
Boss man, I don't know
what you're laughin' at.
Fucking string
bean-looking motherfucker.
Why does your car
smell like that?
What do you got?
Got a little nine under
the driver's seat,
about 40 vials of
coke in the glove box.
I can't wait to see what's
in this motherfucker's trunk.
Give me one second.
Shit. Give me a sec.
What's goin' on, baby?
We're at practice and he's
saying he doesn't want to play.
He's your son. Talk to him.
- All right, I'm on my way. Yeah.
- Okay.
K-stop. I gotta go, man.
You weren't gonna pop the trunk?
Ah, you heard what I said.
This lockup's yours, bud.
- What's the matter?
- It's my kid.
You go on and take the collar.
Copy that, Sarge.
- What's goin' on, double trouble?
- Oh, man!
- How you doin', hon?
- Hey, Wayne.
Shit, man. Look at that uniform.
What are you, Officer Friendly?
- Look at that shit, man.
- Hey, man, don't get used to it.
I just got that
transfer down to SES.
- Already?
- Yes, sir. Ten months.
Rotated out of plainclothes.
I'm setting a record
up in this bitch.
Most of these humps, they do
a year, maybe two in patrol
when they make
sergeant, but hey,
not Wayne Jenkins.
Don't forget,
takin' tomorrow off.
We're gonna go to casino,
we gonna have some fun, man.
We're gonna eat some better shit than
this right here, I'll tell you that.
Listen, D, I can't roll
with you on that, man.
- The fuck?
- Yeah, my oldest, he
he's got Peewee football try-outs,
and he's... he's all spinned out.
He thinks he's not good enough,
might not do the league this year.
- What?
- Yeah, I don't know, some kid,
he rung his bell the
other day, and...
I don't know, it got him all shook. I
mean, I went right home to be with him.
I mean, I'm in the middle of a
gun arrest over on Sinclair Lane,
Kristy calls me, she says he's
spiraling, you know, he needs me.
So I... Yeah, I just... I
left my squad right there,
I just hightailed it
home to him, and...
Look, man, he's got a practice on
Saturday and I gotta go with him,
that's what I'm doin'.
- Well, you're just a good dad, then.
- Yes, I am.
All right, well, great!
Donny, let me run
something by you.
I don't know, I was just
you know
thinking about that thing
we were talkin' about.
You know, if you wanna talk
about it, I'm just sayin'.
You know, we could. For real.
I ain't bullshitting
you, Donny. I'm...
I'm the best fuckin' cop
in this department, man.
Straight up, man, these
motherfuckers, they cannot touch me.
But I gotta listen
to their bullshit.
Them ragging on me 'cause I ain't
got their kinda fuckin' cash.
I mean, fuck that,
man. Fuck that.
I could offload it
for a number upfront.
What, man. Like,
what you thinkin'?
Well, you know, I'm
mostly into coke, so 15?
If that's steady, 15 is good.
- Yeah, steady's good.
- Yeah.
And what about if, you know, if I
can get my hands on some other shit?
Oh, I'd have to pass
that along right now.
But you know, if this works out,
there's gonna be plenty
upfront, all right?
- Shit, man, that's cool too.
- Okay.
This a good time to introduce
the other twin tower,
Derek Hines, he's joined
the prosecution team.
- Nice to meet you all.
- Erika, if you would.
Well, we're getting good
stuff on the wiretaps.
And it's becoming increasingly
clear there's a real problem
in the department's
gun-trace task force.
Gondo, Ray am, maybe others.
Supervision there is in flux
with their last commander,
Sergeant Thomas Allers, having
signed on to the DEA task force.
Who's got that unit now?
Wayne Jenkins is taking over,
he's coming over from SES.
He's got a reputation
as a hard charger.
I actually crossed paths with
him about three years ago
when I was on the
safe streets team.
Somewhat of a cowboy, but
I don't think he's corrupt.
Erika thought we might advise Jenkins
that he's walking into a buzzsaw
with Gondo and Ray am.
Something wrong, Scott?
No, I... I don't know Jenkins personally,
but his name has come up a few times.
Especially on a jailhouse call that
I listened to about three years ago
between our two
narcotics targets,
Shropshire and Glen Wells.
Not without them coming out
and saying it point blank
it felt like they
knew he was dirty.
We have a transcript
of this call?
Yeah, it's in our files, and
I'll... I'll get it to you.
Why don't we let it run?
Revisit this in couple weeks.
Makes sense to me.
Thank you.
Why are these cops
still on the street?
If they can't even testify
in a Baltimore courtroom
for having perjured
themselves already?
Between you and me,
the history of this thing is
tangled up in all the infighting
between the State's Attorney's
office and the department.
It goes back to Pat
Jessamy and Fred Bealefeld
being angry as
hell at each other
and not listening to anything
that either one had to say.
When Fred was commissioner,
he was furious at Jessamy
for dropping cases and
refusing prosecutions
and Jessamy was critical
of the quality of the case
work. They stopped talking.
And so, any list of officers
who was unwelcome to testify
in circuit court
was seen as just another shot
fired in that ongoing argument.
So, these cops caught lying
remained on the street?
They did, and here I am.
- He's honest at least.
- To a point.
He told us what happened when
Bealefeld was commissioner.
But that list was still around
when Batts was commissioner
and it's still around now.
And whether or not the state's
attorney charges a criminal case,
what's to stop this
department from, right now,
researching all the
false statements
and firing every
cop caught in a lie?
That's a good point.
- How the fuck did you run him over?
- Fuck!
Hey, don't fucking
freeze up on me.
Cut that engine and
go look at that lawn.
Go find a gun.
Hey, you trying to win an
Academy Award out here, huh?
- Over here?
- You find anything?
- How far can he fucking toss it?
- The fuck you run for, dawg?
Let me get you an
ambulance. 24-50.
- 10-4, 24-50.
- Yeah, I need an ambulance
at the corner of Anntana and Belair Road.
I got a number one male hit by my vehicle.
Also send A.I.U.
- Sending a 10-38.
- Fuck.
- Copy, ambo on the way.
- You find that gun?
I'm not seeing it.
There's no fucking gun.
Oh, quit being a hump
and keep fuckin' looking.
Son of a bitch.
Keith, what's going on, man? Hey,
look, I need your help. I got...
- I'm in a little bit of jam, all right?
- I'm eating.
Hey, fuck your food,
okay. I need a piece.
No, I need it, all right. I'm...
I'm on Anntana Road, off Belair.
Just hurry up. The fucking
shift commander just posted.
- Copy, on my way.
- Yeah. Thank you. Yeah.
- The fuck you do?
- Yo, dawg. I'm chasing this motherfucker.
He runs across the street, he
stops, he points a gun right at me.
I had to hit him with the car.
Where's the gun? It's
around here somewhere, man.
He fucking pointed right at me.
Let's find this gun. All right.
Fan out, canvass the area,
look for surveillance cameras.
Casey, escort the ambo.
Hey, hey, you check that yard?
Nothing over here.
Yo, how about those bushes?
Got to recanvass that side.
I got that, let me take a look.
What exactly did you witness?
I was responding to
a 24-50 on my radio.
I was the S.I.C.
for the shift but...
I got there after the event.
Jenks had already
run that boy over.
Fuck, Wayne, Jesus
fucking Christ.
It's under the truck up there,
all right? Just be cool.
Uniform's gonna
find it, all right?
- Appreciate it.
- You're all right.
Found evidence. You might
wanna get back up here.
- What kinda evidence do you have?
- A firearm.
- Hey, you got a gun, brother?
- Just under the rear of the truck.
All right. All right, hey, hey,
everybody stay the fuck back, all right?
Let's just... We're gonna
wait for the crime lab.
- Copy that.
- Yeah. Good shit.
Keith, man, you saved my ass.
Well, I was in the middle of my
goddamn Peruvian chicken dinner,
motherfucker, down
at the Inner Harbor.
Yeah, well you know I owe you.
You fuckin' A right.
Now that... Now
that's a good one.
Shit is off the hook.
You know how many
jurors we requested
at the Judge's court today?
A hundred-eighty.
And at the end of the day,
we had seven souls empaneled.
The rest I had to strike or
wait for the Judge to do it.
- Defense strikes?
- Just a few.
Retired cops,
sheriff's deputies,
and one angry mother whose kid
was killed in a street robbery.
Hey, you got seven actual Baltimoreans
who are willing to believe police.
Well, this is what
it's come to, Sean.
I mean, you guys have locked
up and beat on so many people
we can't get 12 in a box who are
willing to trust what a cop says.
Yeah, see you later.
Following up any complaints
that came in on Wayne Jenkins,
and I think I might've stumbled
into a little bit of ugly.
- What do you have?
- Video
- of a car stop Jenkins did two years ago.
- And?
He searches the
car, comes up dry.
He then talks to the defendant
for close to 60 minutes,
both on a lot and in
his undercover car.
Then the tape ran out.
But subsequently, the
defendant is charged
with possession of seven ounces
of cocaine found in his vehicle.
Upon seeing the tape, which
outright contradicted.
Jenkins's signed
arrest statement,
the prosecutor dropped charges,
and notified the department's
Internal Affairs Division.
Let's take a look.
But it's not on the tape.
Wayne, they're accusing you of lying about
finding cocaine in the defendant's car
and the seizure's
not on the tape.
I must've found the drugs
after the camera went off.
Camera goes on, it goes
off, that's what they do.
- Wayne.
- I'll call the prosecutor.
I'll explain everything,
I'll make it right.
Well, it wasn't long before the prosecutor
got this text message from Jenkins.
It spooked her.
Jenkins complains that she's
slandering his good name
by calling him a dirty cop.
Then he ends with the following,
"This is not a promise,
nor is it a threat to you
in any way, shape, or form,
this is just hurting
me and my reputation."
And how did the department
deal with the accusation
that Jenkins lied
and then allegedly
planted drugs?
Internal Affairs recommended that
Jenkins be demoted, transferred,
and suspended for 20 days.
Was he?
Detective Ward, early in 2015,
Sergeant Jenkins was nearly suspended
for falsifying arrest reports.
That punishment was reduced
to verbal counseling,
and then they put him
right back on the street.
Wasn't no way they was gonna
throw a shadow on a hero.
I don't follow.
You wanna know what happened
to that disciplinary case?
Freddie Gray happened.
What's going on, Major?
Where is it bad?
Where is it worst?
Is that fucking Danny?
Well, look at that shit,
man. Hersl is on TV.
Look at this simple
Okay. Danny Hersl
takes no man's shit.
I'm gonna tell you right now, it ain't
gonna be like that bitch-ass shit
we seen in Ferguson.
- Not in Baltimore.
- Signal 13. Signal 13.
Any available units respond to
the entrance at Druid Hill Park
to assist injured officers.
- Signal 13. Signal 13.
- We got fucking officers down.
Motherfucker. Fuck this shit.
Hey, let's fucking go.
I'm fucking going, anybody
wanna roll with me?
- I'll go with you, Jenkins.
- Okay, Ms. Ellis.
- Let's do it.
- Okay, let's get some then.
Geez, fucking gun
belt's too short.
I haven't worn this shit
since Ripken was playing.
Sarge, you're gonna have
to put me on report,
I can't get into these things.
Come on, all you shit-talkers,
show us what you got out there.
I am too out of shape for this.
Fuck Freddie Gray.
And fuck the rioters.
What we got? We got shit.
Fuck me.
Could you slow down
just a little bit?
What the hell is wrong with you?
Could you slow down?
Come on, Ms. Ellis, you
know I keep it sexy.
- Driving like a bat out of hell.
- Hey, Nicky, you good?
Hey, what are you humps doin'?
You guys wanna go get into something
and help these cats out? Let's go!
Hey, my man, we gonna
need that van, okay?
Here's the deal. They're gonna
hurt us, we gonna hurt them worse.
You understand? That's
how it's gon' work today.
- Get out!
- Let's go! Let's get into this fight now.
Let's go, load up! Let's
go. Load the fuck up.
Hold on! Jesus! Could you
wait till I close the door?
Fuck the police!
Fuck the police!
- Fuck the police!
- Fuck the police!
Let's get these injured
officers into the van.
Hey, you good?
- Hey, look. I got you, I got you.
- You're going home. You're going home.
- Head's up.
- Let's load these up, all right?
Hey, keys in the ignition,
we're getting them to the
staging area by the zoo.
Open those doors,
get them shields out.
No peace! No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
Let's go! Grab your
signs, let's go.
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
Make some space.
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
They're just pissed.
Every single one of us
is going home tonight.
You understand? We're going
home, we hold this fuckin' line.
Don't you fucking do it.
Don't you fucking do it.
Don't you fucking do it.
- Go on, man. Go ahead and throw it.
- Watch what happens.
Motherfucker. Come on.
Hold the line! Hold the line!
We'll fucking show you.
Stand the fuck back,
man. I see you.
Hold this line. Stop
fuckin' throwing shit.
That's right. I'm right
here. I'm right here.
Come on, then. Come on then.
- I can't breathe...
- Do something else!
You're going to fuckin'
jail, man. You understand me?
You're going to
fuckin' jail, man.
I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
The CVS here at North and Penn
was the first to be looted.
Again, this is the scene in Baltimore
city where officers in riot gear
are still arriving.
Trying to contain the crowd...
Commissioner Batts,
welcome back.
Deputy Davis, I was on my way to
the airport when the mayor called.
Followed a smaller
group for a few blocks
and saw several windows smashed.
Thankfully it appears there
isn't a police officer inside...
But if there was...
Hey, major. Are we gonna
do anything about that car?
Sean, fuck that car.
At this point, it's better
to let them blow off steam.
This is fucking bullshit.
The fuck are we doing here,
- watching this shit?
- Fuck y'all.
Got chicken. What's
going on, Freddy?
You holding all right? What's
going on, y'all? Let's eat!
The man here just plopped
down 600 to feed your faces.
Go on, pass them round.
Don't leave no boxes
or crumbs in the car.
Make sure somebody else gets some, I
know you like that dark meat, girl.
Come on, pass that out, y'all.
Hey, make sure you guys
stay hydrated, all right?
Everybody get some water,
yeah. Suck it down.
A few hours ago, Mayor Stephanie
Rawlings-Blake's curfew
went into effect
across the city.
But the fires still burn.
For West Baltimore activist Danish
a, the curfew is not bringing peace
- nor quiet.
- You can hear the helicopter...
- You want backup, Sarge?
- Nah, I'm good.
Fucking city has going bat shit
crazy. Been chasing alarms all night.
Got a 10-31, B and E in progress
at Maryland and Lanvale.
I'mma stay here till this place
gets boarded up. Go and get that.
And stay safe.
Anyone else in there?
Just us.
Hey, drop that shit
and get the fuck goin'.
We will fight for Freddie Gray.
All night, all day, we will
fight for Freddie Gray.
No justice, no peace.
No justice, no peace.
All night, all day...
What's goin' on, man?
The fuck's this?
Fucking animals were
looting a Rite Aid.
We got the entire fuckin'
pharmacy there, man.
Tell you what, I don't even know
what half that shit is, man.
It's fuckin' oxy, man.
It's worth 20 bucks a pop.
Well, shit, good. What you want me to
say? Fucking good for us. God damn.
But what the fuck am I
gonna do with all this?
You'll figure it out.
Let's get breakfast.
Lieutenant Rice, Officer
Miller, and Officer Nero
illegally arrested Mr. Gray.
While each of these officers are
presumed innocent until proven guilty,
- we have brought the following charges...
- You believe this fuckin' horseshit?
Officer Goods on is being charged with
second-degree depraved-heart murder.
- Damn. Murder.
- What? Murder? That's extreme.
- Are you fucking kiddin' me?
- Second-degree negligent assault.
Bro, fucking murder?
What the fuck is that?
- No fucking way, yo. No fucking way.
- You phony fucking bitch.
- You phony fucking bitch. Bullshit.
- It's crazy.
She's out here dishin'
out fucking charges
to these police officers
for doin' their job!
- That's all they doin'.
- That's all they did!
- They did their fuckin' job.
- The fuck else we gonna do?
What the fuck is "second
degree depraved-heart murder?"
Hey, why not charge him with fuckin'
mopery if you're makin' bullshit up?
I mean, she loadin'
up on the charges.
Even if you pin negligence,
on the fuckin' wagon there,
how the fuck do you come out
with second degree murder?
- Fuckin' murder.
- It's crazy.
- It makes no fuckin' sense.
- And them guys they charged
for makin' the arrest? He ran.
- And they got him with a knife.
- That's what the fuck I'm sayin'.
- That's it.
- And now this little fuckin' animal,
they're gonna make him out
to be a fuckin' hero, watch.
That's what they're gonna
do, you hear these people
cheering for this bullshit?
Nobody has a fuckin' idea.
Can you imagine our guys right
now? Seein' these charges?
You know it's gonna fuck 'em up.
Them motherfuckers
ain't gonna wanna work.
I tell you what? Fuck it, I'm
goin' out with city-wide email.
I'm doin' it tonight.
I'm goin' to every fuckin'
member of this department.
I don't care if you're
retired or active.
You fuckin' donate. You're
pitchin' the fuck in.
You don't be selfish.
You don't be judgmental.
You pitch the fuck in.
We're goin' to have an
answer for this bullshit.
You wanna help your brothers
and sisters in blue?
You do it fuckin' now. We
fuckin' answer to this.
Like I said, there's more
than one Wayne Jenkins.
- So, what's next?
- According to Mr. Ward's list
the robbery on Heath field Road.
Go ahead.
So, it was Sergeant Jenkins,
Taylor, Hendrix, and me,
and Sergeant Jenkins is drivin'
the wrong way down Jonquil Avenue
when he spots this guy, Brown,
getting into a mini-van.
Now, Jenkins had this thing
about anybody over, like, 18,
carrying a book bag.
He figured they were
concealin' drugs or weapons.
Now, this one started off
like our usual take downs, but
man, then it just
went of the chain.
- Shit, what the fuck, man?
- Hands!
- Put your hands of the fuckin' wheel.
- Put your hands on the steering wheel.
Put your hands on the
fuckin' steering wheel.
- It's all right. I'm sorry, dude.
- Why you come in so fuckin' hot, man?
I wouldn't worry about all that.
You got something
on you, player?
- Half a key of coke.
- Oh, look. You a baller, huh?
How much money was recovered?
Twenty-one-five. But we
only submitted 15 thou.
I think Sergeant Jenkins
took 6,500 off the top.
Then what happened?
Then Sergeant Jenkins
told the two suspects
he was a federal agent,
just like he did at the BT.
And he told us
Stevenson probably had a
lot more cash and coke.
So he had dispatch run Stevenson
through the watch center,
and they came up with an address for
the man's house up on Heath field.
So we tossed the house.
Down in the basement,
Jenkins hits the jackpot.
Down here!
My man. When was the last time
you seen one of those, huh?
Oh, man.
- What you got?
- Hey, come look out for yourself.
You just know there's
money up in that bitch.
Hell a money.
All right, Mo, you stay
here. You two, with me.
- Where you goin'?
- We're gonna go get a warrant.
Ain't this some shit.
So they left me
to guard the house
and they're taking a while,
I'm startin' to get nervous.
And I hear females
come into the house.
It was Stevenson's
wife and her sister.
And I advised them as
to what was going on,
but the wife started
actin' a fool.
So I called Jenkins
and he says he'll send Taylor back
and I was to call a marked unit.
The uniform arrives, the females,
they settle down in the livin' room.
So, this must've
gone on for hours.
Yeah, it was like a couple hours
before Hendrix and
Jenkins finally showed up.
And that's when they brought
the prybar and the ram.
That shit popped.
Let's go, let's get it.
Oh, fuck yeah.
Holy shit.
Fuck I tell ya? I told you
Reese was a big dog, right?
The fuck I say?
How much he say was
supposed to be in there?
Hundred. Hundred thousand.
That's a lot fuckin'
more than a hundred thou.
Bet your ass, all right, let's
go. Let's get it out and count it.
All right, let's
go. Get it all out.
Get it all out on the
floor right there.
I'd say there's about 10 Gs
in each one of those
stacks, that seem right?
- Same here.
- Okay, here's what we're gonna do.
You count out ten
of those piles,
100,000 dollars, that goes in the safe.
All right? We're gonna shut that shit up.
Everything else goes
in the duffle bag.
Okay? Right in that
fuckin' duffle bag.
Let's make it happen, let's go.
Come on.
Duffle bag, by the car.
Got ten right here.
All right, let me tell you...
tell you what we gonna do, okay?
In case Stevenson makes a
little bitch-ass complaint,
we gotta cover our ass, all right?
You take out your camera phone.
Okay? We gonna video
this whole fuckin' thing.
We gotta make a
movie. You understand?
You gonna pry that
bitch open again.
Do it the same fuckin' way.
You're gonna hit that bitch
and you're gonna pry it. All
right? When it opens, you say,
"Oh my God. Holy
shit," all that.
Believe in what the fuck
you're saying, all right?
I'm gonna be upstairs. You guys
call for me when that shit opens.
You make sure you get everything
on camera, you understand?
- Everything. See the whole fuckin' world.
- Yes, Sarge.
- You got it? All right...
- You got it.
Let's go motherfuckers. Listen, make
sure you start at the same time.
What's the shit that movie assholes
say? Fuckin' action. Right?
Say, "action" then start.
Don't say "action" on camera.
Where is my husband?
Make sure you're on
the same fuckin' page.
- Do you have a warrant?
- Bro, what the fuck?
- Ma'am, could you please listen to him...
- Are we really about to do this?
- Y'all ready?
- Yeah, man. We got to.
All right, back up.
- Come on.
- Come on, let's go.
- You ready?
- Yeah.
I think I'm close.
We almost got it open, Sarge.
Oh, my God. Holy shit.
All right, somebody
get a flashlight on it.
- Jesus.
- Back off. Everybody stay the fuck away
and just put a flashlight on it.
Is there more than
5,000 dollars in there?
- Yes, sir.
- Okay. I gotta call the feds.
Any time you get a seizure
of over 5,000 dollars,
you gotta call the high-intensity
drug trafficking area agents.
Excellent work, gentlemen.
Just another seizure
by the books.
Sergeant Jenkins gave Hendrix,
Taylor, and me twenty thou each,
and he kept the rest.
Did he get 20,000?
No, it was a lot more.
Did anyone have a problem with him
getting more than the rest of you?
No, he was Wayne Jenkins.
He was the one who could see
something goin' down on the street
and put all the pieces together.
I mean, just drivin' down Jonquil
Avenue the wrong way, smart.
And from that, we
knocked off a big dog.
So what did you
do with the money?
On my way home, I
had time to think.
I parked my car outside my
house and I took a walk.
So you want us to believe
that you tossed away
your 20,000 dollars?
Crazy, right?
If it wasn't about the money...
I wanted to get in
with these guys.
You know, you don't
wanna be black-balled.
You don't want them
to think you a snitch.
Right? So...
And to be truthful, if I thought I could
take that money and not get caught,
I probably would've kept it.
But I didn't wanna bring that money
in my house and jeopardize my family.
Bad outweighed the good.
Shit. I'm an idiot.
Last spring, if McDougal and
Kilpatrick hadn't flagged it,
I was about to warn Jenkins his
squad was under investigation.
And I could've fucked
up this entire case.
But you didn't.
You don't even
fucking wanna know.
Then they came through with
that... Remember they came through
with all that slash
day bullshit, right?
You know, push to get guns off the
street. We gonna give you a slash day
for every gun you get.
That didn't do shit.
I mean, day off,
that don't put money
in your pocket.
That don't fuckin'
incentivize nobody, right?
So then the murder rate
starts to go crazy again.
Everybody's fucking head
gets all fucked up, right?
And they finally figured it out.
Let's turn on that overtime speed.
Look, I don't know about
you guys, but over in S.E.S.
What were we doing?
- Putting in work. Grinding.
- Straight up. Straight the fuck up.
Grinding. What are we
doing this for, right?
- Money.
- That's right. That's fuckin' right.
Fuck yeah. How about you
just... Tell 'em what you did.
You know, last year, base.
Like 72, 73 thou.
Tell 'em what you
made on overtime.
You got me beat.
- Oh, shit, I only made 29.
- 'Cause you don't do shit.
Nigga, shut your...
My base last year was 85
and my overtime was 83.
Yeah, you heard that right.
I don't know if y'all
are fuckin' math wizards,
but I'll tell you right
now, that's 170,000.
That ain't fuckin'
bad for a sergeant
- doing day work, right?
- Hell no.
And now look. They just handed me
the gun-trace task force, right?
Made my ass citywide, right?
Great, and it's awesome, right?
But you gotta ask yourself
why did they do that?
See, these bosses, they
think I'm the golden boy.
They think Wayne
Jenkins can do no wrong.
I mean, Mosby, she
jams these guys up.
What's goin' on in this
department right now?
There's a work slowdown across
the entire fuckin' thing.
But we were out there in the S.E.S,
we were fuckin' kickin' ass right?
- Fucking right.
- We're puttin' in work, gettin' guns.
Commissioner Davis comes up to me and
he says, "Well, how do you do it?'"
"How do you keep your men motivated
in an environment like this?"
I say, "It's easy, sir."
"It's just one little word
and that word's 'overtime.'"
He said, "Cool. Shit. Keep
up the good work, son."
That's what he said.
Well, you know something?
That's exactly what the fuck we gonna
do. We gonna keep up that good work.
So, starting tomorrow, we
gonna work eight to four,
but we ain't comin' in till two.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Shit, I like that.
But when we do come
in, we come correct.
We go proactive as a
motherfucker. You understand me?
We go, and we come
to fuckin' hunt.
We go get those
guns, you understand?
'Cause as long as we do
that, as long as we produce,
as long as we put
those numbers up,
they don't fucking give
a shit about what we do.
We literally can do
whatever the fuck we want.
You understand me?
We own this city.
We own it.
- Aye, I'm with that shit. Hit me, nigga.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Fuck yeah.
- Dope.
Sounds like you runnin'
for something, Jenkins.
He tryna be the mayor or
some shit? I'm just sayin'.
that itch, man. It's hot up here.
Yo, dawg, I'm feeling this spot.
- Yeah, why's that?
- Man, I just... I can smell it.
We about to get that work.
Look at this cat right here.
See that? That right
there is a drug deal.
It's 11:30 in the morning, man.
How the fuck do you get that?
Come on, man.
Fucking make of car. The
backpack he's wearing.
In Baltimore, it's
all the PC we need.
Hey, Sean, I like these two
cats in the black Acura.
Let's jack these fools.
Let's light them up.
- Show me hands!
- Hands! Hands!
Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!
Come on! Let's
go, man! Let's go!
17-0-2, be advised. We're
in pursuit of a black Acura
travelling at a
high speed on Belle.
Headed towards Gwynn Oak.
Wanted on CDS violations.
- 17-0-2, 10-4.
- Motherfucker, you wanna roll? Roll.
- The driver's wanted for CDS.
- Get on the right! Get on the right!
- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
- Just take it slow. See me on the back?
- Stay the fuck there!
- KGA to 17-0-2,
- break off pursuit.
- Shut the fuck...
- Break this off, motherfucker.
- Do you copy?
Careful, bro.
I ain't gonna fucking stop,
motherfucker. I'm right on you now.
Hang on! Hang on!
Ah, come... Motherfucker!
Slow down.
- Show me your hands!
- Get out of the car!
- Get the fuck out of the car!
- Hands!
- Hands!
- Hands!
- Out of the car! Hands!
- On the ground! On your belly!
Hands behind your back!
Why the fuck did you book?
- Get up. Come on.
- Man, we didn't know you were cops.
- You didn't even show us your badge.
- Don't give me that fucking bullshit.
You seen our misery lights.
I don't wanna hear that.
Man, I ain't seen shit!
Cross your legs.
- Damn!
- 44-51.
- 10-4, 44-51.
- Yeah, I need an ambulance at the corner
of Gwynn Oak and Belle Ave.
- You're not gonna find nothing.
- Okay.
Requesting a 10-38 at Belle
and Gwynn Oak right away.
Ma'am... ma'am, are you hurt?
Ma'am... ma'am, I need you
to try to hold still, okay?
There's an ambulance
on the way, all right?
- Ma'am, I need you to try to breathe.
- Please, Allen...
- Are you hurt?
- Wake up!
- Okay.
- No, no, no!
Told you, there's
nothing in there.
I don't have that
number in the system.
- Please repeat the last four.
- Car's clean!
- Bullshit!
- 5-4-0-1.
You know these fuckers are dirty. What'd
you do? You toss it out the window?
- No.
- What's up?
- No.
- 5-4-0-1,
running it through
the system. Standby.
- Fuck!
- Why? You got nothing?
- No, man.
- 23-12.
23-12, go ahead.
They're clean, there's
nothing on 'em.
23-15, copy?
Jenks. They're clean.
There's nothing on 'em.
I'mma call the sergeant.
- Back up.
- Back up.
Baltimore is a poster child for the
basic failure to stop lawlessness.
No justice, no peace!
I've heard your calls for
"no justice, no peace."
No justice, no peace!
Where there's
smoke, there's fire.
These officers, they're
1930s-style gangsters.
You said Jenkins
was worried, why?
There's only a few situations
where we're supposed to initiate
or continue a high-speed chase.
A narcotics offense
ain't one of them.
I mean, we've got
helicopters up there
that could track a fleeing vehicle
without endangering innocent people.
And the old man in
the Monte Carlo?
He rolled a seven, yeah.
He was pronounced dead
at the ER at University.
Baker 10, good morning...
That's quite a CDR. Make
sure you add it to inventory.
Right on.
This was fatal.
Hey, Sean.
Do me a favor and just go
toss the car one more time.
You know? In case
we missed something.
It was on the floor,
right under the seat.
Man, you fucking
planted that shit!
Man, y'all cruddy as hell! Y'all
petty as shit. That's what y'all is.
Get off me, man! Look, you guys
know damn well I ain't do that shit!
I ain't got nothing
to do with that!
Man, you fucking planted
that shit on me, yo!
You tryin' to frame my ass!
Hey, how you gonna do me like that
knowing I had nothing to do with it?
Everyone sees you looking
at me. It was nothing!
Detective Ward, do you have any
knowledge of the Umar Burley incident
that Wayne Jenkins was
involved in back in 2010?
No, sir. I wasn't
with Wayne then.
Before we go any further, my client,
Mr. Ward, has something to say.
Go ahead.
I just wanna say I was wrong.
I was involved in
some bad things.
I knew it was wrong at the
time and I know it now.
I'm sorry for what I did. Not
just 'cause I got caught, but
sorry for real.
I just want y'all to know that.
Let's move on.
By the time you got together
with Jenkins in 2015,
he had made sergeant, correct?
Yeah, Sergeant Jenkins
invited me to a new SES squad.
I was hyped because
Jenkins was considered
one of the best guys
we had in plainclothes.
Nobody warned you about him?
The only blow back I got
was from this guy I knew
from the Western, Sean Suiter,
who... who works Homicide now.
Suiter said, learn what I could from
Jenkins, and get out of the squad.
He said Wayne was involved
in some crazy shit.
Sean said
they protect Jenkins,
and they leave the guys who
work for him to the wolves.
- Who's "they"?
- The brass.
I should've listened,
especially when I heard
Jenkins just got off of being in
some jackpot over some case of his
that went south.
All I know, they took him off
the streets for a couple months.
And the complaint came from
the State's Attorney's Office.
But you joined the unit anyway?
I made a poor decision.
When I was making that list,
I might have forgotten
a few things.
There were so many.
Pick one.
I can start with this one.
What's BT stand for?
Belvedere Towers.
Okay, when did this happen?
Spring, 2015.
And who was with you?
Jenkins and Taylor.
Yo, we about to get
up in that car trunk.
Yeah, that's the
fucking jackpot.
Check out those two.
Come on, let's get some.
Dealers were always
hangin' around the BT.
It was hot.
Let me see your
hands, gentlemen.
What's going on, fellas?
Now, look, I am a federal agent.
We are conducting a wiretap.
You are not the targets
of our investigation,
but we did overhear that there
was going to be a drug deal
on this lot. That's
why we're here.
Now, we do detect the smell
of marijuana. For that reason,
we're gonna have to go ahead
and search your vehicle.
Why don't you guys do me a favor, go
ahead and take a seat on the curb for me?
- Come on, man.
- Yo, I didn't give you permission
to search my shit, yo.
- Fuck is you talking about, yo?
- Calm down.
- You can't do this.
- I don't think you listening, dumb-dumb,
- I don't need a reason.
- I don't know who the fuck you think
- you talking to. You don't know me.
- Tell your boy to calm down.
Cross your legs. Hands
behind your back.
- And quiet.
- You don't know me.
Y'all ain't got nothing
better to fucking do, yo.
- Yo, this shit is phony as hell, yo.
- This shit is fucked up.
You don't know what the
fuck y'all talking about.
- What is that on your shoe?
- Quiet, yo.
- What you talking...
- Look down. Don't look up, okay? Just...
On that wall behind you
they've got a security camera.
Just in case we find something in the
car and we want to put it in our car.
Don't wanna get caught
on camera, okay?
So, just pull the car up a little bit
and lose the camera. Can you do that?
- Copy.
- My man.
Go and get a donut and coffee.
You... You... You hungry right now?
I know you want that donut, yo.
You need your man's help? Look,
he's gonna come up to me real quick.
What's up fellas?
You good, my man?
Ain't got nothing better
to do, I hear you.
You know, you need to be worried
about your mother at home.
- Yo, don't worry about it, man.
- You ain't from around here, yo.
They just got you on duty, yo.
That's your little... That's
your puppet master over there.
- For sure, yeah.
- Damn straight.
Okay, gentlemen, we're
gonna cut you loose.
You give their IDs back.
You're gonna get something from us
in the mail called a target letter.
Okay? We apologize
for the inconvenience.
We hope you guys have a good
night. You guys stay safe.
- Think they got us, yo?
- Hell yeah.
All the green.
See you around.
Hell yeah, them thieving
bitches got it all.
I fucking hate
them, yo. Bullshit.
Where the fuck are we going, yo?
Let's go.
Well, I just gotta check to see
if there's a GPS tracker in here.
I think we're good.
That's five stacks for you.
Five for you. Good
shit, gentlemen.
What about the rest?
Come on, man.
Come on, Sarge.
Gonna buy a crash bar.
- A crash bar?
- Crash bar?
Yeah. For the front of
my new departmental.
- Aw, hell no.
- For what? For that piece of shit?
Hey, don't do that, don't talk
shit about my ride, all right?
Hey, listen to me, listen to me.
You be smart. You understand?
No fucking banks, all right? Don't
pay off fucking credit card bills.
No shit like that. You just
go a little bit at a time.
- Let it trickle out. You understand?
- Got it.
- Yeah, you good?
- We got you.
Shut the trunk. Let's
get the fuck outta here.
I think we need to go look at some women.
How 'bout we hit up that Millstream?
- That farm to table strip joint?
- That's the one.
Hey, Maurice? Man, what
the fuck you doing?
While we still got
teeth in our heads!
But I put my share
of that money back.
Why? Why would you do that?
My wife is a BPD officer
and she clean, all right?
But, also, I was scared.
We took a whole lot of
money and pounds of weed.
I... I didn't know who we just
jacked up, it could've been DEA,
it could've been
informants, I didn't know.
Look, I know y'all don't believe
me, but I put that money back.
You can put me on the box
under oath, you'll see.
Let me see if I understand this. You
were uncomfortable with taking money,
or you were uncomfortable with
taking that amount of money?
That amount.
When I was in district plainclothes,
you know, we'd jack up corners
and skim a little
bit off the dealers.
You know, tax 'em a little bit.
But, man, this was another level.
It was... It was too much.
So why take it in
the first place?
Jenkins was my sergeant.
He told us what to
do and we did it.
Nobody bucked him. We
just did what he said.
You gotta understand, he'd
been working plainclothes
for like ten years
at this point.
And he was a damn legend for all the
drugs and guns he could put on the table.
He owned them streets.
There's a little more
about that night.
If you wanna hear it.
Ain't you done, girl? You
smell good for a white girl.
That's my fuckin' shit.
- Holy motherfuckin' shit.
- Oh, my Lord.
- You're on fire, baby.
- That's fire!
I don't believe it...
She's fucking gorgeous.
Holy shit!
Okay. Okay, girl. Goddamn!
Hey, this is the greatest
motherfuckin' place on earth.
This is... Fuckin' look at her!
Hey, hey, hey, listen, listen.
Do me a favor sweetheart,
go talk to her.
Get her ass off this stage,
tell her to come meet
me in a VIP, all right?
Yeah, yeah, I got you, boo.
Shit. You know I'm
gonna come correct.
Fucking stick your fucking hand
out like that. Go get her. Boom.
- Fuck you, man.
- Just go fucking get her.
- Oh, she's twerkin'.
- Let me tell you something,
I'mma fuck her.
I swear to God. Mother...
Yes, I am. Watch me, I swe...
Dead ass, I'mma
fuck her. Watch me!
- Calm your ass down.
- I... I swear to God, on my own life,
- I'm gonna fuck her.
- Jenkins, fuckin' how?
What do you mean, how? I'mma
fucking handle my business, baby.
What y'all gon' fucking do?
- You don't think I will?
- Hell, no!
This liquor got you horny.
- That's the problem.
- Here she comes.
What's up, you gorgeous thing?
Goddamn, it's an honor
to meet you, sweet thing.
- What's goin' on?
- I got you. You're mine.
You's a nasty motherfucker.
- You see how I roll.
- He's dead ass.
Hey, put it up there.
Yes, sir. My man.
Seventy-five percent of
that body weight is ass.
- He's doing his thing, man.
- He goin' too hard.
How was your steak, man?
Mine was fuckin' slappin'!
- Thank you. Thank you.
- Variety in everything
is the spice of life.
Bro, that's some sick shit, bro.
Let your man live.
- What the fuck he about to do with that?
- Jenkins is crazy, man, but let him live.
- Bro, that's... Bro.
- Why is that sick?
You was just saying
how she was twerking.
Hey, yo. Yo, we gotta bounce.
- That was quick.
- Shut the fuck up, man.
When I say we gotta
bounce, we gotta bounce.
Yo man, them steaks good?
I'll take this motherfucker.
Lemme take the fucking
beer too, let's go.
What's going on?
Watch the fuck out.
Come on man, let's get the
fuck outta here. Let's go.
- Come on, we gotta go.
- Come on, come on.
Yo, what the... Jenkins,
what the fuck did you...
- Hot damn, man!
- Get in the fucking car already.
Let's go!
Wayne, man. We wasn't
even in there an hour!
Hey, look, man. All
right, look, look.
That little fucking
mini-me motherfucker
was on top of me for, like, five
seconds. I couldn't fit inside of her.
So I knew that shit wasn't gonna happen,
so I just dumped her right on the ground
- and I...
- She put it on you, didn't she?
- Nah, man.
- She put it on you, didn't she?
- I'll tell you what she didn't do...
- She put all that ass on him.
Yeah, I'll tell you what
happened motherfucker.
Hey, I grabbed her fuckin' money
and I bailed the fuck
out. That's what happened.
- You kidding me?
- Check this shit out.
Yeah, you fuckin' heard me.
Hey, look. It's like twice as
much as I fucking gave her.
Hee-haw, motherfucker.
- You robbed the midget stripper?
- Come on, don't put it like that, man.
- That's not cool.
- Come on.
That's not cool, Sarge.
A midget?
Dwarf is the preferred term.
Pardon my language, but that
was one fucked-up night.
Detective Ward, besides Suiter,
you must've known
about Wayne Jenkins
even before you joined the SES,
his... his reputation
had to have preceded him.
Yeah, but mostly because
of his arrest numbers.
I think I first met him
before I joined the squad, around
the time he got his stripes,
right before he got shipped
off to Northeast patrol.
Ain't you something. Shit, I
can't afford this nice-ass car.
How do you afford a
car like this, sir?
- I work.
- Shit, man.
You got... You must
have a nice job.
- That's a fancy ass town.
- Come on, Hersl. Hurry it up.
Look at this motherfucker?
- Aye!
- Isn't this a beautiful day for justice?
- You know what I'm sayin'?
- Look at this pretty bitch
- in his dark blue ensemble.
- Oh, no.
Three stripes for each
arm, each sleeve, man.
You know, I heard it and I did
not motherfuckin' believe it.
Hey. You better get used
to it, motherfucker.
I guess they'll make
anybody a sergeant nowadays.
God, it's a beautiful
day in America, innit?
- Sup, big boy?
- Hey! Where you headed, baby?
- I'm goin' up to the barn. Tell you what?
- All right, congrats, Wayne.
Y'all come through,
man, I appreciate you.
So you're just goin' around showing
everybody your pretty new stripes?
I gotta do what I gotta do.
Hey, youngster, you wanna come?
Hey, you ever seen
the Roger Rabbit?
Oh, give it to him!
- Spin off with it.
- This some bullshit, man.
Hey, look, when you guys get done
with this bullshit, come on up.
I bought a case of
beer in my own honor.
Oh, all right.
Happy Wayne Jenkins
Day, motherfuckers!
Looks and sounds
like an asshole.
- Okay.
- Champ is here.
What you think, LT? See, this
is about the best decision
- this department ever made.
- Fucker finally made it.
Tells me how fucked up the department
is that they gave you stripes.
All right, so where
are they sending ya?
The northeast.
Thank you, Charlie.
I can't believe you
drink that piss.
What, did you confiscate
it off a 16-year-old girl?
Ah, man... Hey, hey, look,
man, that's my super juice.
Northeast, so they probably
just got you out there
suppressing them kids
on dirt bikes, now?
Hey, man, I'mma make that
money wherever I'm at.
Hey, happy Wayne
Jenkins Day, everybody.
Oh, fuck you.
Describe your experience, please,
and tell us your juror number.
Four-eighty-six, sir.
Your Honor, I was beaten by
police as I was put in a jail van.
And what were you
being jailed for?
I attended a BLM rally.
Was there violence
at that rally?
As I said, I was beaten.
Were you combative, sir?
I'm a pacifist, Your Honor.
Were the charges
against you upheld?
No, they were
dropped eventually.
From that experience, you feel
you could not credit the testimony
of the police
officers in this case?
From that experience,
I wouldn't believe a Baltimore officer
who'd testify that his mother loved him.
- Is it soup yet?
- Hardly.
- You are dismissed, sir.
- We won't have a full jury and panel
until tomorrow at best.
- Thank you for your service.
- What's taking so long?
Well, what do you think?
Now, what about
juror number 574?
Stand up, sir.
Will you describe your
experience for the court, please?
Your Honor, I was arrested
by Baltimore police.
They picked me up for
loitering and disorderly.
Were you loitering, sir?
All I was doing was coming
from my sister's house.
Police said I was there buying
drugs, I wasn't buying drugs.
She just had a baby and
I was just bringing her
some baby stuff, Your Honor.
Because of that experience, you are
sure you could not be an impartial judge
of the evidence in this case?
Is the evidence coming
from Baltimore police?
'Cause if that's the case,
I know they ain't gonna
have no problem lying.
Sir, can I ask, was this
your only experience
with a Baltimore police officer
falsifying evidence against
you or someone in your family?
Aside from when I was locked
up, they also beat on my son.
Then said he swung on them
first. That was a lie, too.
- Was your son charged in that incident?
- For a New York minute.
Once he got down to Eagle Street,
they dropped the charges quick,
but he still got stitches
in his head though.
And they wrote the
thing in such a way
that when we tried to complain
to the police department,
they said, "No. He swung
first and needed to get hit."
The court will strike
juror number 574.
You are dismissed, sir.
Please report back to
the juror assembly room,
and thank you for
your service today.
Are there any other jurors
who have had prior experiences
that would cause them to disregard
the testimony of the police officers?
Stand up, sir.
Describe your experience, please,
and tell us your juror number.
452, here.
How's yours?
Let's put it this way.
Chi-town's got Maryland
beat on the crab cake front.
Please, tell me something real.
How's this? I've been doin' a deeper dive
on that list of officers and detectives
that the circuit court trial
teams wouldn't put on the stand.
There was a formal list at
one point, sent as a complaint
to the police department
but now it's just something
that gets passed around
by trial prosecutors.
But get this,
the list comes with specifics.
Known histories of false statements
or perjury in open court.
Sworn officers? Known perjuries?
But here's the amazing thing,
they're all supposedly still on
the street, doing what they do.
Their arrests just
never come to court.
Not if the P.C. or evidence
- requires their testimony.
- Wow.
What, nobody ordered for me?
All right, we're gonna
leave you to your lunch.
Come on, Ahmed.
I wanna see a man answer
a simple question,
and I want you to watch him try.
Motherfucker clocked the rearview
for two seconds too long.
Then I seen that shoulder dip.
I'm telling you, there's an
art to this shit, K-Stop.
Boss man, I don't know
what you're laughin' at.
Fucking string
bean-looking motherfucker.
Why does your car
smell like that?
What do you got?
Got a little nine under
the driver's seat,
about 40 vials of
coke in the glove box.
I can't wait to see what's
in this motherfucker's trunk.
Give me one second.
Shit. Give me a sec.
What's goin' on, baby?
We're at practice and he's
saying he doesn't want to play.
He's your son. Talk to him.
- All right, I'm on my way. Yeah.
- Okay.
K-stop. I gotta go, man.
You weren't gonna pop the trunk?
Ah, you heard what I said.
This lockup's yours, bud.
- What's the matter?
- It's my kid.
You go on and take the collar.
Copy that, Sarge.
- What's goin' on, double trouble?
- Oh, man!
- How you doin', hon?
- Hey, Wayne.
Shit, man. Look at that uniform.
What are you, Officer Friendly?
- Look at that shit, man.
- Hey, man, don't get used to it.
I just got that
transfer down to SES.
- Already?
- Yes, sir. Ten months.
Rotated out of plainclothes.
I'm setting a record
up in this bitch.
Most of these humps, they do
a year, maybe two in patrol
when they make
sergeant, but hey,
not Wayne Jenkins.
Don't forget,
takin' tomorrow off.
We're gonna go to casino,
we gonna have some fun, man.
We're gonna eat some better shit than
this right here, I'll tell you that.
Listen, D, I can't roll
with you on that, man.
- The fuck?
- Yeah, my oldest, he
he's got Peewee football try-outs,
and he's... he's all spinned out.
He thinks he's not good enough,
might not do the league this year.
- What?
- Yeah, I don't know, some kid,
he rung his bell the
other day, and...
I don't know, it got him all shook. I
mean, I went right home to be with him.
I mean, I'm in the middle of a
gun arrest over on Sinclair Lane,
Kristy calls me, she says he's
spiraling, you know, he needs me.
So I... Yeah, I just... I
left my squad right there,
I just hightailed it
home to him, and...
Look, man, he's got a practice on
Saturday and I gotta go with him,
that's what I'm doin'.
- Well, you're just a good dad, then.
- Yes, I am.
All right, well, great!
Donny, let me run
something by you.
I don't know, I was just
you know
thinking about that thing
we were talkin' about.
You know, if you wanna talk
about it, I'm just sayin'.
You know, we could. For real.
I ain't bullshitting
you, Donny. I'm...
I'm the best fuckin' cop
in this department, man.
Straight up, man, these
motherfuckers, they cannot touch me.
But I gotta listen
to their bullshit.
Them ragging on me 'cause I ain't
got their kinda fuckin' cash.
I mean, fuck that,
man. Fuck that.
I could offload it
for a number upfront.
What, man. Like,
what you thinkin'?
Well, you know, I'm
mostly into coke, so 15?
If that's steady, 15 is good.
- Yeah, steady's good.
- Yeah.
And what about if, you know, if I
can get my hands on some other shit?
Oh, I'd have to pass
that along right now.
But you know, if this works out,
there's gonna be plenty
upfront, all right?
- Shit, man, that's cool too.
- Okay.
This a good time to introduce
the other twin tower,
Derek Hines, he's joined
the prosecution team.
- Nice to meet you all.
- Erika, if you would.
Well, we're getting good
stuff on the wiretaps.
And it's becoming increasingly
clear there's a real problem
in the department's
gun-trace task force.
Gondo, Ray am, maybe others.
Supervision there is in flux
with their last commander,
Sergeant Thomas Allers, having
signed on to the DEA task force.
Who's got that unit now?
Wayne Jenkins is taking over,
he's coming over from SES.
He's got a reputation
as a hard charger.
I actually crossed paths with
him about three years ago
when I was on the
safe streets team.
Somewhat of a cowboy, but
I don't think he's corrupt.
Erika thought we might advise Jenkins
that he's walking into a buzzsaw
with Gondo and Ray am.
Something wrong, Scott?
No, I... I don't know Jenkins personally,
but his name has come up a few times.
Especially on a jailhouse call that
I listened to about three years ago
between our two
narcotics targets,
Shropshire and Glen Wells.
Not without them coming out
and saying it point blank
it felt like they
knew he was dirty.
We have a transcript
of this call?
Yeah, it's in our files, and
I'll... I'll get it to you.
Why don't we let it run?
Revisit this in couple weeks.
Makes sense to me.
Thank you.
Why are these cops
still on the street?
If they can't even testify
in a Baltimore courtroom
for having perjured
themselves already?
Between you and me,
the history of this thing is
tangled up in all the infighting
between the State's Attorney's
office and the department.
It goes back to Pat
Jessamy and Fred Bealefeld
being angry as
hell at each other
and not listening to anything
that either one had to say.
When Fred was commissioner,
he was furious at Jessamy
for dropping cases and
refusing prosecutions
and Jessamy was critical
of the quality of the case
work. They stopped talking.
And so, any list of officers
who was unwelcome to testify
in circuit court
was seen as just another shot
fired in that ongoing argument.
So, these cops caught lying
remained on the street?
They did, and here I am.
- He's honest at least.
- To a point.
He told us what happened when
Bealefeld was commissioner.
But that list was still around
when Batts was commissioner
and it's still around now.
And whether or not the state's
attorney charges a criminal case,
what's to stop this
department from, right now,
researching all the
false statements
and firing every
cop caught in a lie?
That's a good point.
- How the fuck did you run him over?
- Fuck!
Hey, don't fucking
freeze up on me.
Cut that engine and
go look at that lawn.
Go find a gun.
Hey, you trying to win an
Academy Award out here, huh?
- Over here?
- You find anything?
- How far can he fucking toss it?
- The fuck you run for, dawg?
Let me get you an
ambulance. 24-50.
- 10-4, 24-50.
- Yeah, I need an ambulance
at the corner of Anntana and Belair Road.
I got a number one male hit by my vehicle.
Also send A.I.U.
- Sending a 10-38.
- Fuck.
- Copy, ambo on the way.
- You find that gun?
I'm not seeing it.
There's no fucking gun.
Oh, quit being a hump
and keep fuckin' looking.
Son of a bitch.
Keith, what's going on, man? Hey,
look, I need your help. I got...
- I'm in a little bit of jam, all right?
- I'm eating.
Hey, fuck your food,
okay. I need a piece.
No, I need it, all right. I'm...
I'm on Anntana Road, off Belair.
Just hurry up. The fucking
shift commander just posted.
- Copy, on my way.
- Yeah. Thank you. Yeah.
- The fuck you do?
- Yo, dawg. I'm chasing this motherfucker.
He runs across the street, he
stops, he points a gun right at me.
I had to hit him with the car.
Where's the gun? It's
around here somewhere, man.
He fucking pointed right at me.
Let's find this gun. All right.
Fan out, canvass the area,
look for surveillance cameras.
Casey, escort the ambo.
Hey, hey, you check that yard?
Nothing over here.
Yo, how about those bushes?
Got to recanvass that side.
I got that, let me take a look.
What exactly did you witness?
I was responding to
a 24-50 on my radio.
I was the S.I.C.
for the shift but...
I got there after the event.
Jenks had already
run that boy over.
Fuck, Wayne, Jesus
fucking Christ.
It's under the truck up there,
all right? Just be cool.
Uniform's gonna
find it, all right?
- Appreciate it.
- You're all right.
Found evidence. You might
wanna get back up here.
- What kinda evidence do you have?
- A firearm.
- Hey, you got a gun, brother?
- Just under the rear of the truck.
All right. All right, hey, hey,
everybody stay the fuck back, all right?
Let's just... We're gonna
wait for the crime lab.
- Copy that.
- Yeah. Good shit.
Keith, man, you saved my ass.
Well, I was in the middle of my
goddamn Peruvian chicken dinner,
motherfucker, down
at the Inner Harbor.
Yeah, well you know I owe you.
You fuckin' A right.
Now that... Now
that's a good one.
Shit is off the hook.
You know how many
jurors we requested
at the Judge's court today?
A hundred-eighty.
And at the end of the day,
we had seven souls empaneled.
The rest I had to strike or
wait for the Judge to do it.
- Defense strikes?
- Just a few.
Retired cops,
sheriff's deputies,
and one angry mother whose kid
was killed in a street robbery.
Hey, you got seven actual Baltimoreans
who are willing to believe police.
Well, this is what
it's come to, Sean.
I mean, you guys have locked
up and beat on so many people
we can't get 12 in a box who are
willing to trust what a cop says.
Yeah, see you later.
Following up any complaints
that came in on Wayne Jenkins,
and I think I might've stumbled
into a little bit of ugly.
- What do you have?
- Video
- of a car stop Jenkins did two years ago.
- And?
He searches the
car, comes up dry.
He then talks to the defendant
for close to 60 minutes,
both on a lot and in
his undercover car.
Then the tape ran out.
But subsequently, the
defendant is charged
with possession of seven ounces
of cocaine found in his vehicle.
Upon seeing the tape, which
outright contradicted.
Jenkins's signed
arrest statement,
the prosecutor dropped charges,
and notified the department's
Internal Affairs Division.
Let's take a look.
But it's not on the tape.
Wayne, they're accusing you of lying about
finding cocaine in the defendant's car
and the seizure's
not on the tape.
I must've found the drugs
after the camera went off.
Camera goes on, it goes
off, that's what they do.
- Wayne.
- I'll call the prosecutor.
I'll explain everything,
I'll make it right.
Well, it wasn't long before the prosecutor
got this text message from Jenkins.
It spooked her.
Jenkins complains that she's
slandering his good name
by calling him a dirty cop.
Then he ends with the following,
"This is not a promise,
nor is it a threat to you
in any way, shape, or form,
this is just hurting
me and my reputation."
And how did the department
deal with the accusation
that Jenkins lied
and then allegedly
planted drugs?
Internal Affairs recommended that
Jenkins be demoted, transferred,
and suspended for 20 days.
Was he?
Detective Ward, early in 2015,
Sergeant Jenkins was nearly suspended
for falsifying arrest reports.
That punishment was reduced
to verbal counseling,
and then they put him
right back on the street.
Wasn't no way they was gonna
throw a shadow on a hero.
I don't follow.
You wanna know what happened
to that disciplinary case?
Freddie Gray happened.
What's going on, Major?
Where is it bad?
Where is it worst?
Is that fucking Danny?
Well, look at that shit,
man. Hersl is on TV.
Look at this simple
Okay. Danny Hersl
takes no man's shit.
I'm gonna tell you right now, it ain't
gonna be like that bitch-ass shit
we seen in Ferguson.
- Not in Baltimore.
- Signal 13. Signal 13.
Any available units respond to
the entrance at Druid Hill Park
to assist injured officers.
- Signal 13. Signal 13.
- We got fucking officers down.
Motherfucker. Fuck this shit.
Hey, let's fucking go.
I'm fucking going, anybody
wanna roll with me?
- I'll go with you, Jenkins.
- Okay, Ms. Ellis.
- Let's do it.
- Okay, let's get some then.
Geez, fucking gun
belt's too short.
I haven't worn this shit
since Ripken was playing.
Sarge, you're gonna have
to put me on report,
I can't get into these things.
Come on, all you shit-talkers,
show us what you got out there.
I am too out of shape for this.
Fuck Freddie Gray.
And fuck the rioters.
What we got? We got shit.
Fuck me.
Could you slow down
just a little bit?
What the hell is wrong with you?
Could you slow down?
Come on, Ms. Ellis, you
know I keep it sexy.
- Driving like a bat out of hell.
- Hey, Nicky, you good?
Hey, what are you humps doin'?
You guys wanna go get into something
and help these cats out? Let's go!
Hey, my man, we gonna
need that van, okay?
Here's the deal. They're gonna
hurt us, we gonna hurt them worse.
You understand? That's
how it's gon' work today.
- Get out!
- Let's go! Let's get into this fight now.
Let's go, load up! Let's
go. Load the fuck up.
Hold on! Jesus! Could you
wait till I close the door?
Fuck the police!
Fuck the police!
- Fuck the police!
- Fuck the police!
Let's get these injured
officers into the van.
Hey, you good?
- Hey, look. I got you, I got you.
- You're going home. You're going home.
- Head's up.
- Let's load these up, all right?
Hey, keys in the ignition,
we're getting them to the
staging area by the zoo.
Open those doors,
get them shields out.
No peace! No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
Let's go! Grab your
signs, let's go.
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
Make some space.
No justice, no peace!
No justice, no peace!
They're just pissed.
Every single one of us
is going home tonight.
You understand? We're going
home, we hold this fuckin' line.
Don't you fucking do it.
Don't you fucking do it.
Don't you fucking do it.
- Go on, man. Go ahead and throw it.
- Watch what happens.
Motherfucker. Come on.
Hold the line! Hold the line!
We'll fucking show you.
Stand the fuck back,
man. I see you.
Hold this line. Stop
fuckin' throwing shit.
That's right. I'm right
here. I'm right here.
Come on, then. Come on then.
- I can't breathe...
- Do something else!
You're going to fuckin'
jail, man. You understand me?
You're going to
fuckin' jail, man.
I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
The CVS here at North and Penn
was the first to be looted.
Again, this is the scene in Baltimore
city where officers in riot gear
are still arriving.
Trying to contain the crowd...
Commissioner Batts,
welcome back.
Deputy Davis, I was on my way to
the airport when the mayor called.
Followed a smaller
group for a few blocks
and saw several windows smashed.
Thankfully it appears there
isn't a police officer inside...
But if there was...
Hey, major. Are we gonna
do anything about that car?
Sean, fuck that car.
At this point, it's better
to let them blow off steam.
This is fucking bullshit.
The fuck are we doing here,
- watching this shit?
- Fuck y'all.
Got chicken. What's
going on, Freddy?
You holding all right? What's
going on, y'all? Let's eat!
The man here just plopped
down 600 to feed your faces.
Go on, pass them round.
Don't leave no boxes
or crumbs in the car.
Make sure somebody else gets some, I
know you like that dark meat, girl.
Come on, pass that out, y'all.
Hey, make sure you guys
stay hydrated, all right?
Everybody get some water,
yeah. Suck it down.
A few hours ago, Mayor Stephanie
Rawlings-Blake's curfew
went into effect
across the city.
But the fires still burn.
For West Baltimore activist Danish
a, the curfew is not bringing peace
- nor quiet.
- You can hear the helicopter...
- You want backup, Sarge?
- Nah, I'm good.
Fucking city has going bat shit
crazy. Been chasing alarms all night.
Got a 10-31, B and E in progress
at Maryland and Lanvale.
I'mma stay here till this place
gets boarded up. Go and get that.
And stay safe.
Anyone else in there?
Just us.
Hey, drop that shit
and get the fuck goin'.
We will fight for Freddie Gray.
All night, all day, we will
fight for Freddie Gray.
No justice, no peace.
No justice, no peace.
All night, all day...
What's goin' on, man?
The fuck's this?
Fucking animals were
looting a Rite Aid.
We got the entire fuckin'
pharmacy there, man.
Tell you what, I don't even know
what half that shit is, man.
It's fuckin' oxy, man.
It's worth 20 bucks a pop.
Well, shit, good. What you want me to
say? Fucking good for us. God damn.
But what the fuck am I
gonna do with all this?
You'll figure it out.
Let's get breakfast.
Lieutenant Rice, Officer
Miller, and Officer Nero
illegally arrested Mr. Gray.
While each of these officers are
presumed innocent until proven guilty,
- we have brought the following charges...
- You believe this fuckin' horseshit?
Officer Goods on is being charged with
second-degree depraved-heart murder.
- Damn. Murder.
- What? Murder? That's extreme.
- Are you fucking kiddin' me?
- Second-degree negligent assault.
Bro, fucking murder?
What the fuck is that?
- No fucking way, yo. No fucking way.
- You phony fucking bitch.
- You phony fucking bitch. Bullshit.
- It's crazy.
She's out here dishin'
out fucking charges
to these police officers
for doin' their job!
- That's all they doin'.
- That's all they did!
- They did their fuckin' job.
- The fuck else we gonna do?
What the fuck is "second
degree depraved-heart murder?"
Hey, why not charge him with fuckin'
mopery if you're makin' bullshit up?
I mean, she loadin'
up on the charges.
Even if you pin negligence,
on the fuckin' wagon there,
how the fuck do you come out
with second degree murder?
- Fuckin' murder.
- It's crazy.
- It makes no fuckin' sense.
- And them guys they charged
for makin' the arrest? He ran.
- And they got him with a knife.
- That's what the fuck I'm sayin'.
- That's it.
- And now this little fuckin' animal,
they're gonna make him out
to be a fuckin' hero, watch.
That's what they're gonna
do, you hear these people
cheering for this bullshit?
Nobody has a fuckin' idea.
Can you imagine our guys right
now? Seein' these charges?
You know it's gonna fuck 'em up.
Them motherfuckers
ain't gonna wanna work.
I tell you what? Fuck it, I'm
goin' out with city-wide email.
I'm doin' it tonight.
I'm goin' to every fuckin'
member of this department.
I don't care if you're
retired or active.
You fuckin' donate. You're
pitchin' the fuck in.
You don't be selfish.
You don't be judgmental.
You pitch the fuck in.
We're goin' to have an
answer for this bullshit.
You wanna help your brothers
and sisters in blue?
You do it fuckin' now. We
fuckin' answer to this.
Like I said, there's more
than one Wayne Jenkins.
- So, what's next?
- According to Mr. Ward's list
the robbery on Heath field Road.
Go ahead.
So, it was Sergeant Jenkins,
Taylor, Hendrix, and me,
and Sergeant Jenkins is drivin'
the wrong way down Jonquil Avenue
when he spots this guy, Brown,
getting into a mini-van.
Now, Jenkins had this thing
about anybody over, like, 18,
carrying a book bag.
He figured they were
concealin' drugs or weapons.
Now, this one started off
like our usual take downs, but
man, then it just
went of the chain.
- Shit, what the fuck, man?
- Hands!
- Put your hands of the fuckin' wheel.
- Put your hands on the steering wheel.
Put your hands on the
fuckin' steering wheel.
- It's all right. I'm sorry, dude.
- Why you come in so fuckin' hot, man?
I wouldn't worry about all that.
You got something
on you, player?
- Half a key of coke.
- Oh, look. You a baller, huh?
How much money was recovered?
Twenty-one-five. But we
only submitted 15 thou.
I think Sergeant Jenkins
took 6,500 off the top.
Then what happened?
Then Sergeant Jenkins
told the two suspects
he was a federal agent,
just like he did at the BT.
And he told us
Stevenson probably had a
lot more cash and coke.
So he had dispatch run Stevenson
through the watch center,
and they came up with an address for
the man's house up on Heath field.
So we tossed the house.
Down in the basement,
Jenkins hits the jackpot.
Down here!
My man. When was the last time
you seen one of those, huh?
Oh, man.
- What you got?
- Hey, come look out for yourself.
You just know there's
money up in that bitch.
Hell a money.
All right, Mo, you stay
here. You two, with me.
- Where you goin'?
- We're gonna go get a warrant.
Ain't this some shit.
So they left me
to guard the house
and they're taking a while,
I'm startin' to get nervous.
And I hear females
come into the house.
It was Stevenson's
wife and her sister.
And I advised them as
to what was going on,
but the wife started
actin' a fool.
So I called Jenkins
and he says he'll send Taylor back
and I was to call a marked unit.
The uniform arrives, the females,
they settle down in the livin' room.
So, this must've
gone on for hours.
Yeah, it was like a couple hours
before Hendrix and
Jenkins finally showed up.
And that's when they brought
the prybar and the ram.
That shit popped.
Let's go, let's get it.
Oh, fuck yeah.
Holy shit.
Fuck I tell ya? I told you
Reese was a big dog, right?
The fuck I say?
How much he say was
supposed to be in there?
Hundred. Hundred thousand.
That's a lot fuckin'
more than a hundred thou.
Bet your ass, all right, let's
go. Let's get it out and count it.
All right, let's
go. Get it all out.
Get it all out on the
floor right there.
I'd say there's about 10 Gs
in each one of those
stacks, that seem right?
- Same here.
- Okay, here's what we're gonna do.
You count out ten
of those piles,
100,000 dollars, that goes in the safe.
All right? We're gonna shut that shit up.
Everything else goes
in the duffle bag.
Okay? Right in that
fuckin' duffle bag.
Let's make it happen, let's go.
Come on.
Duffle bag, by the car.
Got ten right here.
All right, let me tell you...
tell you what we gonna do, okay?
In case Stevenson makes a
little bitch-ass complaint,
we gotta cover our ass, all right?
You take out your camera phone.
Okay? We gonna video
this whole fuckin' thing.
We gotta make a
movie. You understand?
You gonna pry that
bitch open again.
Do it the same fuckin' way.
You're gonna hit that bitch
and you're gonna pry it. All
right? When it opens, you say,
"Oh my God. Holy
shit," all that.
Believe in what the fuck
you're saying, all right?
I'm gonna be upstairs. You guys
call for me when that shit opens.
You make sure you get everything
on camera, you understand?
- Everything. See the whole fuckin' world.
- Yes, Sarge.
- You got it? All right...
- You got it.
Let's go motherfuckers. Listen, make
sure you start at the same time.
What's the shit that movie assholes
say? Fuckin' action. Right?
Say, "action" then start.
Don't say "action" on camera.
Where is my husband?
Make sure you're on
the same fuckin' page.
- Do you have a warrant?
- Bro, what the fuck?
- Ma'am, could you please listen to him...
- Are we really about to do this?
- Y'all ready?
- Yeah, man. We got to.
All right, back up.
- Come on.
- Come on, let's go.
- You ready?
- Yeah.
I think I'm close.
We almost got it open, Sarge.
Oh, my God. Holy shit.
All right, somebody
get a flashlight on it.
- Jesus.
- Back off. Everybody stay the fuck away
and just put a flashlight on it.
Is there more than
5,000 dollars in there?
- Yes, sir.
- Okay. I gotta call the feds.
Any time you get a seizure
of over 5,000 dollars,
you gotta call the high-intensity
drug trafficking area agents.
Excellent work, gentlemen.
Just another seizure
by the books.
Sergeant Jenkins gave Hendrix,
Taylor, and me twenty thou each,
and he kept the rest.
Did he get 20,000?
No, it was a lot more.
Did anyone have a problem with him
getting more than the rest of you?
No, he was Wayne Jenkins.
He was the one who could see
something goin' down on the street
and put all the pieces together.
I mean, just drivin' down Jonquil
Avenue the wrong way, smart.
And from that, we
knocked off a big dog.
So what did you
do with the money?
On my way home, I
had time to think.
I parked my car outside my
house and I took a walk.
So you want us to believe
that you tossed away
your 20,000 dollars?
Crazy, right?
If it wasn't about the money...
I wanted to get in
with these guys.
You know, you don't
wanna be black-balled.
You don't want them
to think you a snitch.
Right? So...
And to be truthful, if I thought I could
take that money and not get caught,
I probably would've kept it.
But I didn't wanna bring that money
in my house and jeopardize my family.
Bad outweighed the good.
Shit. I'm an idiot.
Last spring, if McDougal and
Kilpatrick hadn't flagged it,
I was about to warn Jenkins his
squad was under investigation.
And I could've fucked
up this entire case.
But you didn't.
You don't even
fucking wanna know.
Then they came through with
that... Remember they came through
with all that slash
day bullshit, right?
You know, push to get guns off the
street. We gonna give you a slash day
for every gun you get.
That didn't do shit.
I mean, day off,
that don't put money
in your pocket.
That don't fuckin'
incentivize nobody, right?
So then the murder rate
starts to go crazy again.
Everybody's fucking head
gets all fucked up, right?
And they finally figured it out.
Let's turn on that overtime speed.
Look, I don't know about
you guys, but over in S.E.S.
What were we doing?
- Putting in work. Grinding.
- Straight up. Straight the fuck up.
Grinding. What are we
doing this for, right?
- Money.
- That's right. That's fuckin' right.
Fuck yeah. How about you
just... Tell 'em what you did.
You know, last year, base.
Like 72, 73 thou.
Tell 'em what you
made on overtime.
You got me beat.
- Oh, shit, I only made 29.
- 'Cause you don't do shit.
Nigga, shut your...
My base last year was 85
and my overtime was 83.
Yeah, you heard that right.
I don't know if y'all
are fuckin' math wizards,
but I'll tell you right
now, that's 170,000.
That ain't fuckin'
bad for a sergeant
- doing day work, right?
- Hell no.
And now look. They just handed me
the gun-trace task force, right?
Made my ass citywide, right?
Great, and it's awesome, right?
But you gotta ask yourself
why did they do that?
See, these bosses, they
think I'm the golden boy.
They think Wayne
Jenkins can do no wrong.
I mean, Mosby, she
jams these guys up.
What's goin' on in this
department right now?
There's a work slowdown across
the entire fuckin' thing.
But we were out there in the S.E.S,
we were fuckin' kickin' ass right?
- Fucking right.
- We're puttin' in work, gettin' guns.
Commissioner Davis comes up to me and
he says, "Well, how do you do it?'"
"How do you keep your men motivated
in an environment like this?"
I say, "It's easy, sir."
"It's just one little word
and that word's 'overtime.'"
He said, "Cool. Shit. Keep
up the good work, son."
That's what he said.
Well, you know something?
That's exactly what the fuck we gonna
do. We gonna keep up that good work.
So, starting tomorrow, we
gonna work eight to four,
but we ain't comin' in till two.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Shit, I like that.
But when we do come
in, we come correct.
We go proactive as a
motherfucker. You understand me?
We go, and we come
to fuckin' hunt.
We go get those
guns, you understand?
'Cause as long as we do
that, as long as we produce,
as long as we put
those numbers up,
they don't fucking give
a shit about what we do.
We literally can do
whatever the fuck we want.
You understand me?
We own this city.
We own it.
- Aye, I'm with that shit. Hit me, nigga.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Fuck yeah.
- Dope.
Sounds like you runnin'
for something, Jenkins.
He tryna be the mayor or
some shit? I'm just sayin'.