We Own This City (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Part One - full transcript
Momodu Gondo finds himself in an interrogation. A detective in a nearby county traces a string of overdoses to Baltimore.
I'm not here to tell you
that you're not gonna fight.
See, there is gonna come a time,
every single one of you,
you are all gonna have to fight
to control your post.
It's gonna happen.
All the talk in the world,
all that authority you think
you have, that just...
...that goes out the window
when some cat out there
wants to try it.
And here's the thing.
When you have to fight...
man, you gotta win.
There's people who think
that police brutality
is when police win fights.
But last time I checked,
aren't we supposed
to win the fights?
So, if we're in a fight,
fuck any talk
of police brutality.
Check it.
If we lose the fights,
we lose the streets.
Let that sink in.
But I'm not here
to talk to you about the fights
that you have to have.
See, I'm here to, uh...
I'm here to talk to you
about the ones you...
That you wanna have.
And ones you...
you think you're entitled to,
just because you're wearing
a badge.
See, that,
that's the real brutality.
The thing is you don't need
that kind of brutality.
And, hey,
not 'cause it's not fun.
Right? I get it.
Get a few licks in
on some mouthy asshole
who just can't shut the fuck up.
I mean, come on.
Fun is fun, right? Yeah.
But see,
that kind of brutality just...
It only gets in the way
of doing the job.
First off...
...no one's gonna talk
to you if you're beating on 'em.
I mean, no one is gonna tell you
what you need to know.
And here's the thing.
If you really wanna kick ass
out on those streets,
it's information.
...There it is.
...Find out who's who.
No, it ain't!
That ain't mine.
Who does what dirt,
where do they do it?
Who is it that they do
that dirt with?
That's what will get you cases.
- That's what will get you guns and drugs.
- I don't know, man.
So, you can think
you're the baddest dude
behind a badge,
Baltimore City bad ass,
you're beating on people,
but by the time
you walk into court,
- what are you walking in with?
- Lift your hands!
A bunch of failures to yield?
some ticky-tack nonsense?
You got nothing that's gonna
make a state attorney
sign your court slip.
So, what are you doing?
You're getting paid
to sit on a bench
in a hallway...
...outside Wabash
for a few hours
for a case that's only gonna
get dismissed?
You will exit on the right.
Truth is, man,
you ain't doing jack
by being brutal.
See, you ain't getting guns.
You ain't getting drugs.
You ain't getting those big,
hairy, balls-out cases,
the ones that'll get you paid,
get you promoted.
Here's the other thing about,
uh, being brutal.
Get the fuck off me, yo.
I ain't do something.
Not only does it get in the way
of doing the job,
but I'ma tell you right now,
when you beat on people,
you will get IAD complaints.
You'll get files.
You get enough complaints,
you get a reputation.
Maybe even transferred
out of your unit.
And even if you can write
your way out of the hassle,
and most police worth a shit,
well, they can write
their way out
of pretty much anything.
I'm telling you,
it just gets you the kind of attention
that only makes it harder
to do the job.
And I've heard it all before.
"No, Sarge,
I never got charged for that.
We never even went
in front of a trial board."
But then a month, two months
down the road,
a civil suit comes behind you.
City's gotta pay money for you.
You get a reputation for that,
then you get pulled off
the street. Then what good
are you to anyone?
Look, bottom line,
if beating on people made cases,
shit, I'd tell you, go on
out there, kick everybody's ass.
But you know what?
It just don't work like that.
So, if that's the kind of work
you wanna do,
I'ma tell you right now,
you're not coming anywhere
near my unit.
Gun Trace Task Force,
we are not about that bullshit.
So, what am I saying?
When you leave here tonight,
are you gonna say,
"Man, was Wayne Jenkins up here
telling me that we can't fight
if we have to fight?
Wayne Jenkins, he was telling us
that we can't control our post
if we have to control
our post."
Man, I'm telling you,
you better control your post.
"But Wayne Jenkins,
he was telling us
that our hands are tied?"
Your hands are not fucking tied.
Get this.
Police officer on the street,
if he knows the law.
- Fuck you!
- If he knows
how to use the law,
if he can write a report,
if he can make
that report read clean,
if he understands
his own authority,
he wins.
And that's not sometimes.
That's every time.
That is every fucking time.
And no matter what you're doing
out there in those streets,
by the time you walk
into any courtroom in this city,
your word prevails.
And if you're getting
good cases,
if you're getting
drugs and guns,
you're bringing in shooters,
Man, you can't lose.
Now, go out there
and give them hell.
- Back up!
- Back up!
Baltimore is a poster child
for the basic failure
to stop lawlessness.
No justice, no peace!
I have heard your calls
for no justice, no peace...
No justice, no peace!
Where there's
smoke, there's fire.
These officers,
they're 1930s-style gangsters.
So, just so I don't keep
misspelling it...
uh, give me your correct
first name.
My correct first name? Momodu.
- Just like it sounds.
- Just call me G-Money.
Tell us about Wayne Jenkins.
Wayne Jenkins?
That cop is fucking crazy.
No, he's off the hook, P.
But he understands something
the way the rest
of you fucking people do not.
And what you know is everything.
You understand me?
It's elementary shit.
If you're on the inside
of everything,
if people are talking to you
and you're talking to them,
then you're a step ahead
of everybody.
Now, this drug game
is about information.
Who got it, who gets it.
You dig?
Yeah, she got it.
Come on, Jenkins.
While we're young.
Will you hold the fuck on, man?
Let's get this shit done, man.
What the fuck
are we waiting for?
I just like it when your panties
get all up in a bunch, Marcus.
You know that shit
makes me happy.
- You ready?
- Yes.
- I feel like he's ready, y'all.
- Shit, man.
Aw. Fuck it.
All right. Let's go.
- Motherfucker! Police.
- Get the fuck out.
- Get out of here.
- Shit!
...Get your hands up.
- Get on the floor!
- Get down, now!
What'd I just say?
Get on the fucking ground.
What part of "on the ground"
don't you understand, dumb-dumb?
What the fuck I just say?
Let's go.
Anybody on the second floor?
- Your mother is.
- Anybody on the second floor?
Hey, get off the couch, man.
And shut that shit off,
motherfucker. Let's go!
Hey, man, you good?
Is there anyone upstairs?
Answer the question.
- Anyone upstairs?
- Nah.
All right. Let's go.
Cuff him up.
Hey, gun.
Now, you're talking.
Okay. Now, we eating.
Go ahead and bag those.
You on me.
All right, we're up.
- Yeah.
- Baltimore Police!
Let's go.
Who's upstairs?
Get the fuck
outta here with that.
Baltimore Police,
search warrant.
Fine, all right.
We'll talk.
I got the door on the left.
No. No. Leave that one.
That's mine.
64-52 to Dispatch, need a wagon
on Collingwood Square.
Make that a 10-15.
Keep moving.
- Oh, we got it, Sarge.
- All righty.
Let's go.
Search that closet right there.
Dag, boy.
Right where your man said.
- Big fucking Wayne.
- Oh, Hendrix.
I think I'm getting
an erection, man.
Big fucking Wayne.
That's what I'm fucking
talking about.
- You my man.
- This shit ain't stopping.
Check it out. Go through that.
Where's that at?
Oh, my God.
Oh, shit.
What you got, Wayne?
Wayne, what you looking at?
Let's go, let's go.
Thanks. I'll stop by today.
What's going on,
Detective Suiter? Okay. Okay.
Wayne. Hendrix.
Hey, man, do me a favor.
Just, go ahead, and go down,
and get in line at ECU,
- I'll meet you down there.
- All right. Good to talk.
Look at you, man.
Up in this homicide division
with your fancy ass.
I remember when we were both
fresh to the VCID.
- Look at us now.
- Man, time flies,
and all that bullshit.
In two years, I'll have my 20,
- and then I'm gone.
- Mm.
What about you?
Man, I love me some me.
Retire? No fucking way.
I was born to do this shit.
- What do you got there?
- That's a jackpot, Sean.
Swear to God, man.
We raided a stash house
over on the East side.
Man, these shit birds,
they got enough artillery,
it's like they was trying
to start a war or some shit.
I got 380s,
9 millimeters, shotgun.
I'll run this shit
through Ballistics, man.
I know you guys got, what?
A half-dozen fresh bodies
over the Eastern
the last two weeks?
So, I thought I'd swoop
through, you know?
Solve a crime or two.
And if we do,
I come at you with the info
on the crew we bagged.
Another feather in your cap,
I'll see you around, hotshot.
How long had you known
Antonio Shropshire,
a.k.a. "Brill,"
before you got involved
in his drug operation?
I've been knowing Brill
about five years.
You grew up
in the same, uh, neighborhood?
And in your recollection,
when did you first
start doing robberies?
Was it before or after
you got involved
with Shropshire?
It had to be around 2008 or so.
But... Yo, it...
It wasn't, like, armed robbery.
I mean, I was just leaning
into some people.
- You did that where?
- All over.
Was Belvedere Towers
on Northern Parkway
a hot spot for you?
The BT.
I did a lot of business
up there.
All right.
So, tell me something.
How you all get
onto all this shit?
- We ask the questions.
- I'm just curious. I mean...
what brought you all into us?
I'm just trying
to peep the game.
Long story.
Lot of twists.
No doubt.
No doubt.
Gonna be 10-8, too.
We're finishing up here.
MD will be transporting
the body.
Copy on the 10-8.
...Who pronounced it?
...Kenneth, yeah.
She was gone
when the EMTs arrived.
They were able to revive you
with a shot.
Oh, fuck.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Yeah, it's all back here.
- What was she to you?
- S... she was my friend. I... I...
- I... I met her at rehab.
- Rehab, huh?
She called me
out of the blue today.
Sh... she'd been doing
coke and ecstasy,
and she wanted some heroin.
- You guys had sex tonight?
- Yeah. Yeah. We had sex.
- Consensual sex?
- Yes.
It was consensual sex.
All right. 'Cause I checked
on your phone,
and looks like you snapped
a couple nudes of her
- while she was sleeping?
- That was just a joke, man.
I... I was gonna show her those
when she woke up.
It was her that called 911,
if that's any consolation.
She probably saved your life.
If you're gonna keep doing
this stuff,
make sure you keep some
Narcan around.
Where'd this come from?
- The city.
- Be more specific.
There's other Bumblebees
like this in your bedroom.
That tells us that you cop
from the same guy
on the regular. Who is he?
Goes by Black.
That doesn't really narrow it
down that much.
His name is Anderson, okay?
That's all I know.
I roll into the city,
and I roll out.
And I don't even
get out of my car.
But where do you cop?
At the Alameda.
It's that strip up...
Next to the chicken-box place.
Just "Anderson"? No other name?
All I got other than Black.
Fuck. Oh, God.
Sorry for your loss.
Well, whoever
this Anderson guy is,
he's dealing Shropshire product.
Those Bumblebee bags
are Shropshire's sig.
this shit is laying people out.
I've seen him...
He ain't doing anything.
Stop fighting!
Stop fighting!
Back up!
You wanna get hit?
Stop fighting.
You wanna get hit?
Get the fuck off him, man!
Give me your fuckin' hands!
Yeah, go on, nigga.
Beat on him like you gonna do.
We know you wanna.
Give him your arm.
Dude, you're gonna get hurt.
- Give him your fuckin' arm!
- Fuck this. It's not worth it.
Let him go, pig!
- Police yourselves.
- Police yourself, pig!
Take care of your own
fuckin' problems!
Take your dumb ass
to the suburbs!
Yeah! We're goin' viral
on your bitch ass.
I bet your mama's a pig, too.
Yeah, let me get some ribs, hoe!
Get that shit, yo.
Bitch-ass police, man.
"Anderson," hits 1,100 times
in the police computer.
Now, "Anderson" with "Black,"
is still over 100.
But this guy, Aaron Anderson,
grew up near the Alameda.
I printed a photo.
- Anything on the CE?
- One hit for Antonio Shropshire
and a street name of Brill
confirmed in the computer.
Baltimore County
is also working him.
Let me guess.
- Kilpatrick?
- Yeah. No doubt.
That fucking Mick has his hand
in everything.
Hey. Be nice.
The Irish are everywhere.
Hey there. Is Kilpatrick in?
Yes. Who's calling?
McDougall with the Task Force
out of Harford County.
Sure, one moment, please.
Tell him it's about my bar tab.
That'll get him to the phone.
You a wild dude, man.
Civil Rights Office, Baltimore.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I looked for you at lunch.
Oh, I went for carry-out.
Shore Seafood, Northeast Market.
Heard good things
about their lake trout, so...
Lake trout? Really?
You learn a city by its food,
Nicole, you should see this.
iPhones are no friend
to the BPD.
On North Avenue.
I was just there.
They do post these quick.
Did you see how it ended?
Ends with the guy on the ground.
Nope. It ends...
when the police ran away.
- What do you mean?
- They just quit the arrest.
Cameras pointing at them
in every direction,
and they just...
cut and ran.
Left that man on the pavement
just like that.
Well, that makes a statement.
Sure does. It says
that after Freddie Gray,
"If we have to police
the right way,
we're not gonna police at all."
I have an acolyte for you.
- An acolyte?
- A follower.
- Ugh.
- A trial attorney.
- Call me Ahmed.
- DOJ sent you?
They did.
I was in Philly, but...
Yeah, I saw enough there
that I asked
if there were openings
in the Civil Rights Office.
And so, here I am.
You better hope
that Hillary wins.
What do you mean?
She means if the election goes
the wrong way,
you won't have any work
to do for four years.
In any Republican
the OCR is where good lawyers
come to die.
But there's no way Trump
even gets a nomination.
And no... no way he can...
- He can win.
- Anyway, welcome to the team.
- You met Charlie, I guess.
- And Bill,
who left for the courthouse
before lunch.
Charlie and Bill supervise
the Patterns and Practices team.
So, this will be your first
consent decree investigation?
Yeah. Washington just...
...tossed me into the deep end.
One minute I'm doing
drug and tax cases, and...
next minute I'm in Baltimore.
Well, it might
be a while before you land
in a courtroom again.
We don't usually litigate.
We hold hands,
and we twist arms.
Wanna meet the mayor?
No. I'm good. Thanks.
...Come on, have some.
...Is it impolite?
Crab chips.
They make you feel good.
Tell me about Shropshire.
You know, we've been up on him
for a while now, but...
he's slick. He mostly stays away
from the hot spots.
All right,
so, what about his guys?
Glen Wells, 'Twan Washington.
You ever come across
a guy named, uh,
Aaron Anderson, goes by Black?
- You're gonna make me work?
- Come on. Look it up for me.
Take a second out of your day.
Anderson. Anderson.
Yeah, I got the name.
But I don't have him dealing
the same weight
as Shropshire
or his lieutenants.
He might be with them, or not.
Well, I got four ODs out
in Harford County.
All of them Bumblebee bags.
Latest one last night,
and apparently,
Anderson dealt it.
- Huh.
- Fact is,
I've been tracking
this stuff through the ME.
These fucking Bumblebee bags
have dropped,
like, a dozen people so far.
Uh, six in the city,
three in your county,
one down in Arundel.
See, I got Anderson working out
on the Alameda,
that shopping center they got
below Belvedere.
I don't have a good address
on him.
You know, he stays
with girlfriends mostly.
He drives a Cherokee,
if I remember.
Also in a girl's name.
My last OD copped off
the Alameda.
You know what I'm thinking?
You could set up shop.
Well, I don't wanna step
on your toes.
We want the same thing.
It's all coming out
of the city anyway.
It's hard to make a county case
without us all showing up
downtown, right?
All right.
Throw in together on this one?
- Sure.
- Come on.
Harford and Baltimore County
only for now.
- Why is that?
- I've been to the Alameda.
It's an open market,
but you rarely see a bust.
Corner boys there, they see
BPD radio cars cruise by...
they don't even flinch.
We're not gonna make a dent
in this shit, are we?
If I thought about that,
I wouldn't get
out of bed in the morning.
Thank you, brother.
- Here you go.
- A little milk, extra foam?
Double cap
with a dash of vanilla, dry.
I told the barista,
but he told me
to go fuck myself.
Oh. That's terrible.
I... I might be confused, but...
seems to me there's some
drug-related activity
going on here tonight.
It's too dark to make out
the players, huh?
Our guy from BG&E will be here
in the morning
to put a camera up
one of the light poles
so we can read the monitor.
You know that lot
across the street?
The guys are parking
their whips there
- before they go to work.
- Good to know.
This is supposed
to be the most important
- meal of the day.
- I think it's dinner.
What do you do for dinner?
I drink it.
You will too
once you see
what this job has to offer.
I'm kidding. I'm kidding,
but just a little bit.
It's that bad, huh?
This is my fourth go-around.
Seattle, Cincinnati,
New Orleans, and now here.
In fact, I got to Baltimore
before Freddie Gray,
with an independent
consulting team
that was requested by the mayor
after the newspaper here
revealed a shit-ton of city
payouts to brutality victims.
So, that was voluntary.
But after Freddie Gray,
the mayor went all-in.
Asked DOJ
for a full-bore investigation
to support a consent decree.
But the truth is,
she didn't have to ask.
After Freddie Gray,
we were coming
whether she asked or not.
Mm. Excess brutality, profiling,
selective prosecution.
In a city of 620,000,
BPD cops reported over 300,000
pedestrian stops
in the last five years.
Right? And of those stops,
less than four percent resulted
in a citation or an arrest.
We have seven Black males
who were each stopped
more than 30 times.
Driving while Black.
Walking while Black.
Same damn bullshit.
- You seem angry.
- Aren't you?
But I don't make it
my everything.
Drive-thru windows,
for Christ's sake.
These guys
just don't give a fuck.
I think Anderson
just got out of his ride.
It looks like him anyway.
Late model Cherokee.
That's it, there.
Can you make out the plates?
- Yeah.
- All right.
I'm not your opponent here,
Ms. Steele. No one is.
We began this process
with you in good faith,
even before Freddie Gray.
And as far as I'm concerned,
everything that can be done
to turn this thing around
needs to happen sooner,
not later.
Thank you for that, Ms. Mayor.
But I asked
for this meeting today
because I wanted some insight
as to why you've asked
the police commissioner
to resign.
Have you seen the crime stats?
Since Freddie Gray,
the city is out of control.
Murders, shootings, robberies,
everything is way up.
And you blame
Commissioner Batts?
See, I have the impression
that a lot
of your rank-and-file officers
are quitting on you.
A work slowdown
is the new commissioner's
worry as well.
with Mosby's indictments
in the Freddie Gray case,
arrests have nosedived.
But you asked
why I replaced
Commissioner Batts.
And the honest truth is,
that I began
to lose faith in him,
even before
the crime rate exploded.
In fact, I'd date it to the day
of Freddie Gray's funeral.
Funeral and the rioting
that followed.
- The uprising.
- Uprising. Pardon me.
Call it what you will.
With the funeral scheduled
and the city on edge,
I called Commissioner Batts
to ask about our preparations.
I reached him
on his way to the airport.
He was taking
a vacation in Greece.
I had to order him back.
Not that he came back
to Baltimore
and turned anything around.
By then, I had people
in the police department
telling me a job action
was underway.
And arrests are still way down
at this moment,
with the crime rate
at an all-time high.
They're mad as hell
about the state's attorney
- charging those officers.
- Reform has a cost.
It does. And if it was going
to be up to me,
I would certainly pay it.
It won't be up to you as mayor?
I've yet to announce this,
Ms. Steele, but...
I won't be running
for reelection.
I'm stepping down.
Oh, wifey's got
a kid in the car.
Man, I've seen guys roll up here
who look like they work
at T. Rowe Price.
Cars with Hopkins stickers
in the windows.
Heroin's cheaper than oxy.
And we think
that's Anderson's jeep?
We do, but he rolled out,
and we don't know
when he's coming back.
Well... patience then.
You think your latest
intel's good?
On Anderson?
I think so.
I got two CIs that say
he's not using Brill anymore.
He's getting his shit
somewhere else.
Oh, yeah,
there's something else I got.
Last spring,
Anderson got pulled up by BPD
for selling in the parking lot
of Belvedere Towers.
So, city guys roll his car.
They find 300 grams.
That's federal weight.
But he wasn't charged.
he talked himself out of it?
You gotta trade something good
to get out of weight like that.
I like that history.
I like a man
who cooperates early and often.
Or I don't know,
maybe Baltimore City
just does things
different than we do.
Who fucking knows?
Who fucking knows?
Well... Her Honor's had enough.
After Freddie Gray,
I can't blame her.
- But you know what that means?
- No.
The politician that asked us
to come to Baltimore
and fix things
won't be the same politician
that actually has to do it.
Going down.
Yeah, Cherokee.
Tags match.
That's Anderson.
Yeah, this is definitely
where he lays his head.
Our man's home
early tonight.
Just the girlfriend
on the apartment lease?
The Cherokee's also in her name.
Wait. Wait. Let him settle.
All right. Go, go.
All right.
We're up on him.
You wanna sit and watch a while?
No. Let's get home,
and see what the tracker
gives us tomorrow.
You've been a public defender
for how long?
- Hi. I'm almost done.
- Twelve years. Too long.
Two minutes.
- What does DOJ want from me?
- Give me two minutes.
- Thank you.
- How about a name?
If I was gonna look up
one problem cop
as a prime example
of what's gone
wrong here in Baltimore,
where would I start?
Daniel Hersl.
- H-E-R-S-L.
- Where's he stationed?
Eastern District last I checked.
A collection from only
my own cases.
These are some
of the people Hersl arrested.
This is what they look like
going into the jail van
after Hersl's done
arresting them.
Any of these have complaints
All of them.
All unsustained.
- Unsustained?
- Mm-hmm. Not a bug. A feature.
- Daniel Hersl.
- Pick of the litter.
And it's a big litter.
10-11, meet in the 2700 block
of Eager with a citation book.
License and registration.
Holy shit!
You know that stop sign
at the four-way back there?
You know that means stop, right?
Not pause. Not tap the brakes,
and proceed. Stop.
I made a full stop.
What you want me to do,
put it in park, and sit a while?
License and registration.
Why don't you step
out of the vehicle, sir,
so we can get
a good look at you?
That's Hersl.
- Give it here.
- You want me to pull
- my license out first?
- Give it here. Give it here.
Give it here. No need.
Let's see here.
Let's see what we got.
Come on!
All right.
Yeah. Here it is.
Oh, yeah.
David Baker.
Monument Street.
That's a nice neighborhood.
on all your success.
You can go.
In the future,
Mr. Baker, obey the law.
A little less backtalk, okay?
Put that in there.
Eager is clear from the incident
on Eastern.
34, 10-4, ma'am. We are on...
And we're up to twenty ODs
in three counties and the city.
Twelve fatal.
That's how I got on Shropshire
and Anderson both.
We've also been
on Shropshire for a while now,
trying to build something.
Given all of the different
jurisdictions, we figured
we might do better
if the task force
took it federal.
These overdoses are interesting.
We've got some statutes
we could apply
in ways the locals can't.
You can definitely tie
the heroin to these crews?
Testimony of at least
four survivors.
It's all coming out of the city.
How close are you on it?
Shropshire's insulated.
- It might take some time.
- But Anderson is sloppy.
We've got a tracker
on his vehicle,
and we're probably a week
from writing warrants.
Our boy rolled out.
Ain't nobody else
in that crib, right?
No. Not that I know.
- Watch our six.
- I got you.
Where's my shit at?
Where the fuck's our money
at, bitch?
Okay! Okay. What do you want?
What do you...
The fuck is this?
Man, what?
What's "affaint"?
- Affiant.
- Yeah.
The I comes before the A.
Oh, my God.
Did you get it wrong
just the once,
or every fucking time?
We're gonna be serving
this warrant at Christmas.
There it is.
- Got what we came for?
- Got what was there.
Bitch was so scared,
she damn near pissed herself.
His girl was up in there.
Wasn't expecting her, but...
she wasn't expecting us neither.
I bet.
Oh, I love it.
The warrant was all ready to go.
We were gonna take
Anderson's door.
But one hitch.
He suddenly changed his pattern,
and the tracker has given us
a second location
on where he lays his head.
- Where?
- Red Roof Inn.
The one up on Timonium Road,
off of 83.
The last couple nights,
he started staying there
and not the apartment.
- Either another girlfriend...
- Or a stash house.
So, now,
we write on both locations.
He had eight years of your shit.
Plainclothes, too.
I decided I would...
That's your lieutenant?
He's IAD.
We're required to have
an Internal Affairs supervisor
with us on every raid.
We can't kick in a door
without bringing one
of their guys with us.
- That's standard in your county?
- Yeah. With him along,
no one gets sticky fingers,
You think
they do that in the city?
What do you think?
I'll see you in my chambers
at00. Bye.
Judge Moore,
I really do appreciate you
making the time to meet with me.
Kevin Haughton
in the PD's Office,
he said that you might be able
to provide some insight.
How can I help?
I'm trying to find out
about Baltimore officers
whose names keep coming up
repeatedly in complaints,
either excessive force
or civil rights violations,
and he threw a name at me.
Daniel Hersl.
Hersl's not the only one,
but Kevin and I have talked
about him before, so...
He seems
to be a multiple offender.
Mm. You could say so.
About 50 complaints against him.
That's pretty multiple.
Why is he still on the street?
Simply put,
Hersl and guys like him,
they get out of their cars,
and they make arrests.
And that's more than you can say
about too many police
in this city who are collecting
a paycheck.
And it's become a bigger problem
since the Freddie Gray
- The work slowdown.
- Exactly.
So, strangely enough,
Hersl has become
an asset these days,
despite his many faults.
In fact, I've had to throw out
several of his arrests
on cases in my court.
And he's come damn close
to perjuring himself
on Fourth Amendment stuff
time and again.
Of course,
that's not unique to him.
You should get a copy
of The List.
- "The List"?
- Yes.
There is a list of about 24
Baltimore police officers
who can no longer
testify in court
because they have been exposed
for on-the-stand perjury.
That many?
And more being added
all the time.
Ugh. And Hersl's on this list?
Not yet, but he should be.
You gonna toss my shit?
I ain't even holdin' nothin',
Officer Hersl to you, shit bird.
...Sir, stay back.
Told your ass.
You ain't even had
no cause to even stop me.
- Yeah!
- This here is harassment.
Yeah. Keep runnin' your gums.
Sick of this shit. And fuck you.
Fuck me, huh?
Yeah? Oh, you see that?
He put his hands on me.
He touched me. Turn around.
I said turn the fuck around.
...Back the fuck up.
...Call the van.
Call the van.
31-17 to Dispatch.
10-15 at Lafayette and Bethel.
Back up.
Wagon to 10-15 Lafayette...
Get back.
Get the fuck back. Stay back.
What's the charge?
Assaulting a police officer.
You fucked me up!
Y'all got nothin', man.
This is bullshit.
Look, look,
I'm canceling that jail wagon
- and calling for a fucking ambo.
- What the fuck?
Throw a Band-Aid on him
in Central Booking.
- He's all right.
- You banged him, Hersl.
Fuck if I'm gonna help
you dump him
in a jail van bleeding,
and have Marilyn Mosby
indict my ass.
31-17 to Dispatch. 22 to Webb.
Everybody's so fucking
I got my phone.
I got my phone.
There you go.
He's all right.
...There you go.
- Thanks, baby.
- No problem, darling.
Oh, my goodness.
Bro, this is what
I'm talking about.
- Oh, look at this.
- You know what's up.
Oh, Brill.
There's your girl.
Look at him. Lover boy.
- Yeah.
- Thank you, sweetheart.
Good to be the king.
Y'all scored.
Your boy Glen had it right.
Anderson kept it all
at his spot in Pikesville.
- You heard?
- You took him off your own self?
Nah. It was me and Glen both.
It was nothing, though. He gone.
He left his girl
at the crib, though.
She see you?
No, she did not see my face,
all right? Relax.
Man, he gonna think I sent
'Twan and Munch to do it.
Mm. But I ain't give a good fuck
what he think.
That's a broke-ass nigga now.
You cop that Rolex out the deal?
Look at that thing shine.
To the winner go the jewels.
Shakespeare and shit.
This nigga don't know.
Yo, look. There she is.
Her name Keisha.
I'm throwing 20s at that
like I own this bar,
and have no money
by the end of the night.
Wait for my go.
Move in! Go, go, go!
Let's roll.
Where you park?
ANDERSON' You parked it.
- Don't move! Don't move!
- Shit!
Hands on the railing!
Do it now.
Put your hands on the railing.
Hands on top of your head.
Put 'em on your head!
- Right there, Anderson.
- More of this shit.
- No, there's nothing here.
- Huh?
Yeah, there's no drugs,
no money.
- You're kidding me.
- No guns.
But someone turned
this place over,
or Anderson cleared it out
before he moved.
- Really? Shit.
- And get this.
The door had already
been splintered
when we put the ram to it.
- That's interesting.
- Yeah. What about you?
We just started our search.
Looks like him and his girl
moved out here for keeps.
All their shit is stacked up
around the room.
All right.
- Oh, and, hey.
- Yep?
Make sure you get the tracker
off of his jeep, okay?
- Those things are expensive.
- Got it.
What the...
What the actual fuck?
I told Van it a,
"This agency is open to you,"
because the truth
is I'm not afraid
of a consent decree.
I policed under a consent decree
when I was assistant chief
down at PG County, and...
And that decree
helped us restore
some trust in the community.
Well, a consent decree is just
a piece of paper
unless the politicians
and the police agencies
- actually implement change.
- Yeah, very true. Water?
Oh, please.
So, let me ask you this.
And I'm fully aware you've only
been police commissioner
for a few months,
and I'm not asking you
to personally account
for all of this.
But how the hell
does an officer rack up
over 50 civilian complaints
of brutality and abuse
in one career,
and remain on the street?
- Hersl.
- That name came easy enough.
I first heard it from one
of the West Baltimore ministers
when I got to town.
In... in fact, he gave me
two names of shady cops.
Daniel Hersl and Fabien Laronde.
Hersl, as you point out,
is still on the street,
but do you know
where Laronde is?
He's awaiting a trial board
and he's off the street.
And he's not charged
with anything big,
but I've told my IAD people
that if the trial board finds
against him, he's gone.
So, what's the difference
between Laronde and Hersl?
Laronde has sustained
complaints. Five, in fact.
So, his jacket has enough
that I can say,
"Screw the union.
Screw the rank-and-file.
This guy is bad. This guy goes."
Hersl has a single
sustained complaint.
So, how does Hersl generate
so many complaints,
year after year,
and so little is sustained?
And how is it that Laronde,
with five sustained complaints,
is still on payroll
and is still awaiting
a trial board?
This is the department
that I inherited, Ms. Steele.
These are the tools I have.
- Is that 1-6 or 1-8?
- It's 1-6.
A as in apple, C as in Charlie.
It's on the subpoena
that we faxed over to you.
Crazy, man. If it hadn't felt
a little different in my hand,
I wouldn't have known.
It was only inches
from our tracker.
One jeep, two trackers. Crazy.
Can you spell that for me?
- C-L-E-W-E-L-L.
- All right.
All right, thanks.
Appreciate the assistance.
Who the fuck is John L. Clewell,
and why is his tracker
on our suspect's Jeep Cherokee?
Oh, but she got them titties,
though. Ah!
that's all you care about.
Stop playing.
I like that ass too.
Women gonna be your downfall.
Look, I like to have the ones
I ain't had.
- I bet you do.
- Don't be so critical, my nigga.
- God damn.
- Whatever, nigga. You...
We gonna collect
some taxes today?
Hey. Easy in front of choir boy.
Yo, you come empty-handed?
You ain't bring me
no sandwich or nothin'?
Fuck you, Gondo.
All right, Detective Clewell.
No sandwich for me today.
Let's go get some guns
off the street.
Clewell was a jarhead.
Before he joined BPD.
His bio says
he was a city cop since '09.
Gun Trace Task Force now.
So, they put the tracker
on his truck?
They were up on Anderson too?
If they were,
they didn't put anything
in the database
for deconfliction.
- Sloppy.
- Another thing
is this is not
a department-issued tracker.
Man, city guys are always
on their ass.
A lot of them even buy
their own gear.
...Please report to the...
But I guess we should call them
and let them know we have it.
We just popped Anderson.
That's going in the computer,
Yeah. So, if they're up on him,
they'll come talk.
When they do, I'll make sure
and remember to give that back
to Detective Clewell.
I'm also gonna let
the feds know.
- Bingo.
- Yo, that ain't mine.
- No?
- There's a dude I gave a ride to
for the party last night.
He must have left it in my car.
Oh, really?
He got a name?
I expect he does,
but I don't know it.
Why you pull me over anyway?
Why did we pull him over?
Rear license obscured.
- It don't look obscured to me.
- Why you acting brand-new, man?
- We good here?
- Yeah, I got it.
Hey, Gondo, what's up
with that tracker I lent you?
- Yeah, what about it?
- That shit costs.
Oh, why?
You can't afford it, a big timer like you?
Just get it back to me, okay?
- This man.
- What's up, Sarge?
What we got,
the brain trust here?
You lost, Sergeant Allers?
- You lost?
- No, man.
I mean, I see you guys
standing around...
looking all helpless.
Nobody helpless.
I'm thinking you can use
some assistance
from your actual supervisor.
What'd you pull?
A gun, but no drugs or cash.
- You want some of this?
- Ain't know
Sarge had them hands, boy.
Didn't know Sarge
have them hands on him.
Charlie come with that one-two.
All right, ladies, I'm 10-7.
I'ma head on down
to Pulaski Highway,
- get that pit beef.
- Mm.
I'm on the radio
if you need me, all right?
- All right.
- All right, Sarge.
Man, get out of here.
Gondo, pay attention, man.
All units be advised,
Sergeant Allers is 10-7
and procuring pit beef.
Hey, yo.
- He's one of yours now.
- One of ours?
He got himself assigned to work
with the DEA task force, right?
I'm just saying
he ain't street police no more,
if he ever was.
Yo, I didn't mean any offense.
You feds got some game.
I mean, she got moves.
I'm just sayin' when it come
down to the street...
we're the ones who got the guns,
who brought the drugs.
We were the cops they wanted.
It's a hell
of a rip, Sergeant Jenkins.
I appreciate that, sir.
In the wake of this seizure,
let me ask you if you have any
thoughts on the fact
that many of our officers
have been reluctant
to even attempt arrests
in the two years
since the Freddie Gray
Now, look, uh, DC,
I'm sure you know
the deal same as me.
Officers involved
in the Freddie Gray arrest,
they got the raw deal
in that indictment.
But those cases are coming out
the right way in court.
Now, I can't think of any reason
whatsoever, why would we need
to stand down on making arrests,
as long
as they're the right arrests?
But many in the rank and file
disagree with you, Sergeant.
our arrests are down 60 percent
- since the indictments.
- I can't speak to that, sir,
but I can speak...
Can speak to my unit.
Gun Trace Task Force,
our arrests are up
over the last eight weeks.
Now, look,
the numbers don't lie.
You compare our stats
post-Freddie Gray to before,
you'll see exactly
what I'm talking about.
You don't worry about going out
on the street
and ending up on someone's
viral video, Sergeant Jenkins?
Hey, as long as they get
my good side.
Ladies and gentlemen,
what you see here,
this is the result of one raid
on one house
in Collington Square.
we are the Gun Trace Task Force.
We get guns off the street.
It's what we do.
Now, with a little
more personnel,
a lot more overtime,
there's no telling the effect
that we could have
reducing the surge of violence
in this city.
Tell us about the PC
that got you
through that door on that raid?
That's a good question, sir.
Look, I've been working
with the same CI
over in the Eastern
for the last 18 months.
It may go further.
And the Bureau couldn't
have told me any earlier?
Of course not, Kev.
You know this.
Tomorrow morning?
Hey, I heard you
on the funding
for the plainclothes work,
and we're gonna do
what we can, Wayne.
I know you will, DC,
I appreciate you.
- PALMERE Excuse me.
- Yeah.
Oh, shit.
We got a lot of guns
on the table today.
Here. I need these officers
to report
to the off site tomorrow.
You tell them.
I mean, it's a million things.
Tell you what.
You know what I'm saying.
Well, as it happens,
Sergeant Jenkins,
IAD just called down here,
and asked if they could see you
up on Kirk Avenue
at00 a.m. tomorrow.
Oh, yeah?
Doesn't sound like anything
you can't handle.
Something about some damage
to the rear quarter panel
of a department vehicle
that you didn't report properly.
Wow. A real career-ender.
Thanks, DC.
Look at you, Steve.
Getting that good police
work in, huh?
You know, committing suicide
by cigarette.
- You got a date with IAD?
- Yeah.
Some nuisance shit.
You know, vehicular.
Can't fuck with Superman.
- What's the word, Charlie?
- Hey.
- What's going, fellas?
- What's going on, Wayne?
You know?
What's going on, hon? You good?
Hey, Wayne.
Let's go up to the meeting room.
Man, you looking at my ass?
I know you are.
Nigel told me
you don't know how to swim.
Is that true?
What kind of grown-ass
fuckin' man doesn't know
how to swim, man?
Please tell me
that's a bullshit rumor, man.
FBI! FBI! Give me your hands!
Hands! Hands! Hands!
- Hands, hands, hands!
- I'm one of you!
I'm one of you, man!
I'm one of you.
You're not one of us.
It's all good, Commissioner.
get your fucking hands off me.
You're on my fucking arm...
- What's the holdup?
- Waiting on our SAC.
The commissioner
wants just a moment.
The rest of them looked away.
Not this motherfucker.
Not for a second.
Do you guys know who I am?
that you're not gonna fight.
See, there is gonna come a time,
every single one of you,
you are all gonna have to fight
to control your post.
It's gonna happen.
All the talk in the world,
all that authority you think
you have, that just...
...that goes out the window
when some cat out there
wants to try it.
And here's the thing.
When you have to fight...
man, you gotta win.
There's people who think
that police brutality
is when police win fights.
But last time I checked,
aren't we supposed
to win the fights?
So, if we're in a fight,
fuck any talk
of police brutality.
Check it.
If we lose the fights,
we lose the streets.
Let that sink in.
But I'm not here
to talk to you about the fights
that you have to have.
See, I'm here to, uh...
I'm here to talk to you
about the ones you...
That you wanna have.
And ones you...
you think you're entitled to,
just because you're wearing
a badge.
See, that,
that's the real brutality.
The thing is you don't need
that kind of brutality.
And, hey,
not 'cause it's not fun.
Right? I get it.
Get a few licks in
on some mouthy asshole
who just can't shut the fuck up.
I mean, come on.
Fun is fun, right? Yeah.
But see,
that kind of brutality just...
It only gets in the way
of doing the job.
First off...
...no one's gonna talk
to you if you're beating on 'em.
I mean, no one is gonna tell you
what you need to know.
And here's the thing.
If you really wanna kick ass
out on those streets,
it's information.
...There it is.
...Find out who's who.
No, it ain't!
That ain't mine.
Who does what dirt,
where do they do it?
Who is it that they do
that dirt with?
That's what will get you cases.
- That's what will get you guns and drugs.
- I don't know, man.
So, you can think
you're the baddest dude
behind a badge,
Baltimore City bad ass,
you're beating on people,
but by the time
you walk into court,
- what are you walking in with?
- Lift your hands!
A bunch of failures to yield?
some ticky-tack nonsense?
You got nothing that's gonna
make a state attorney
sign your court slip.
So, what are you doing?
You're getting paid
to sit on a bench
in a hallway...
...outside Wabash
for a few hours
for a case that's only gonna
get dismissed?
You will exit on the right.
Truth is, man,
you ain't doing jack
by being brutal.
See, you ain't getting guns.
You ain't getting drugs.
You ain't getting those big,
hairy, balls-out cases,
the ones that'll get you paid,
get you promoted.
Here's the other thing about,
uh, being brutal.
Get the fuck off me, yo.
I ain't do something.
Not only does it get in the way
of doing the job,
but I'ma tell you right now,
when you beat on people,
you will get IAD complaints.
You'll get files.
You get enough complaints,
you get a reputation.
Maybe even transferred
out of your unit.
And even if you can write
your way out of the hassle,
and most police worth a shit,
well, they can write
their way out
of pretty much anything.
I'm telling you,
it just gets you the kind of attention
that only makes it harder
to do the job.
And I've heard it all before.
"No, Sarge,
I never got charged for that.
We never even went
in front of a trial board."
But then a month, two months
down the road,
a civil suit comes behind you.
City's gotta pay money for you.
You get a reputation for that,
then you get pulled off
the street. Then what good
are you to anyone?
Look, bottom line,
if beating on people made cases,
shit, I'd tell you, go on
out there, kick everybody's ass.
But you know what?
It just don't work like that.
So, if that's the kind of work
you wanna do,
I'ma tell you right now,
you're not coming anywhere
near my unit.
Gun Trace Task Force,
we are not about that bullshit.
So, what am I saying?
When you leave here tonight,
are you gonna say,
"Man, was Wayne Jenkins up here
telling me that we can't fight
if we have to fight?
Wayne Jenkins, he was telling us
that we can't control our post
if we have to control
our post."
Man, I'm telling you,
you better control your post.
"But Wayne Jenkins,
he was telling us
that our hands are tied?"
Your hands are not fucking tied.
Get this.
Police officer on the street,
if he knows the law.
- Fuck you!
- If he knows
how to use the law,
if he can write a report,
if he can make
that report read clean,
if he understands
his own authority,
he wins.
And that's not sometimes.
That's every time.
That is every fucking time.
And no matter what you're doing
out there in those streets,
by the time you walk
into any courtroom in this city,
your word prevails.
And if you're getting
good cases,
if you're getting
drugs and guns,
you're bringing in shooters,
Man, you can't lose.
Now, go out there
and give them hell.
- Back up!
- Back up!
Baltimore is a poster child
for the basic failure
to stop lawlessness.
No justice, no peace!
I have heard your calls
for no justice, no peace...
No justice, no peace!
Where there's
smoke, there's fire.
These officers,
they're 1930s-style gangsters.
So, just so I don't keep
misspelling it...
uh, give me your correct
first name.
My correct first name? Momodu.
- Just like it sounds.
- Just call me G-Money.
Tell us about Wayne Jenkins.
Wayne Jenkins?
That cop is fucking crazy.
No, he's off the hook, P.
But he understands something
the way the rest
of you fucking people do not.
And what you know is everything.
You understand me?
It's elementary shit.
If you're on the inside
of everything,
if people are talking to you
and you're talking to them,
then you're a step ahead
of everybody.
Now, this drug game
is about information.
Who got it, who gets it.
You dig?
Yeah, she got it.
Come on, Jenkins.
While we're young.
Will you hold the fuck on, man?
Let's get this shit done, man.
What the fuck
are we waiting for?
I just like it when your panties
get all up in a bunch, Marcus.
You know that shit
makes me happy.
- You ready?
- Yes.
- I feel like he's ready, y'all.
- Shit, man.
Aw. Fuck it.
All right. Let's go.
- Motherfucker! Police.
- Get the fuck out.
- Get out of here.
- Shit!
...Get your hands up.
- Get on the floor!
- Get down, now!
What'd I just say?
Get on the fucking ground.
What part of "on the ground"
don't you understand, dumb-dumb?
What the fuck I just say?
Let's go.
Anybody on the second floor?
- Your mother is.
- Anybody on the second floor?
Hey, get off the couch, man.
And shut that shit off,
motherfucker. Let's go!
Hey, man, you good?
Is there anyone upstairs?
Answer the question.
- Anyone upstairs?
- Nah.
All right. Let's go.
Cuff him up.
Hey, gun.
Now, you're talking.
Okay. Now, we eating.
Go ahead and bag those.
You on me.
All right, we're up.
- Yeah.
- Baltimore Police!
Let's go.
Who's upstairs?
Get the fuck
outta here with that.
Baltimore Police,
search warrant.
Fine, all right.
We'll talk.
I got the door on the left.
No. No. Leave that one.
That's mine.
64-52 to Dispatch, need a wagon
on Collingwood Square.
Make that a 10-15.
Keep moving.
- Oh, we got it, Sarge.
- All righty.
Let's go.
Search that closet right there.
Dag, boy.
Right where your man said.
- Big fucking Wayne.
- Oh, Hendrix.
I think I'm getting
an erection, man.
Big fucking Wayne.
That's what I'm fucking
talking about.
- You my man.
- This shit ain't stopping.
Check it out. Go through that.
Where's that at?
Oh, my God.
Oh, shit.
What you got, Wayne?
Wayne, what you looking at?
Let's go, let's go.
Thanks. I'll stop by today.
What's going on,
Detective Suiter? Okay. Okay.
Wayne. Hendrix.
Hey, man, do me a favor.
Just, go ahead, and go down,
and get in line at ECU,
- I'll meet you down there.
- All right. Good to talk.
Look at you, man.
Up in this homicide division
with your fancy ass.
I remember when we were both
fresh to the VCID.
- Look at us now.
- Man, time flies,
and all that bullshit.
In two years, I'll have my 20,
- and then I'm gone.
- Mm.
What about you?
Man, I love me some me.
Retire? No fucking way.
I was born to do this shit.
- What do you got there?
- That's a jackpot, Sean.
Swear to God, man.
We raided a stash house
over on the East side.
Man, these shit birds,
they got enough artillery,
it's like they was trying
to start a war or some shit.
I got 380s,
9 millimeters, shotgun.
I'll run this shit
through Ballistics, man.
I know you guys got, what?
A half-dozen fresh bodies
over the Eastern
the last two weeks?
So, I thought I'd swoop
through, you know?
Solve a crime or two.
And if we do,
I come at you with the info
on the crew we bagged.
Another feather in your cap,
I'll see you around, hotshot.
How long had you known
Antonio Shropshire,
a.k.a. "Brill,"
before you got involved
in his drug operation?
I've been knowing Brill
about five years.
You grew up
in the same, uh, neighborhood?
And in your recollection,
when did you first
start doing robberies?
Was it before or after
you got involved
with Shropshire?
It had to be around 2008 or so.
But... Yo, it...
It wasn't, like, armed robbery.
I mean, I was just leaning
into some people.
- You did that where?
- All over.
Was Belvedere Towers
on Northern Parkway
a hot spot for you?
The BT.
I did a lot of business
up there.
All right.
So, tell me something.
How you all get
onto all this shit?
- We ask the questions.
- I'm just curious. I mean...
what brought you all into us?
I'm just trying
to peep the game.
Long story.
Lot of twists.
No doubt.
No doubt.
Gonna be 10-8, too.
We're finishing up here.
MD will be transporting
the body.
Copy on the 10-8.
...Who pronounced it?
...Kenneth, yeah.
She was gone
when the EMTs arrived.
They were able to revive you
with a shot.
Oh, fuck.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Yeah, it's all back here.
- What was she to you?
- S... she was my friend. I... I...
- I... I met her at rehab.
- Rehab, huh?
She called me
out of the blue today.
Sh... she'd been doing
coke and ecstasy,
and she wanted some heroin.
- You guys had sex tonight?
- Yeah. Yeah. We had sex.
- Consensual sex?
- Yes.
It was consensual sex.
All right. 'Cause I checked
on your phone,
and looks like you snapped
a couple nudes of her
- while she was sleeping?
- That was just a joke, man.
I... I was gonna show her those
when she woke up.
It was her that called 911,
if that's any consolation.
She probably saved your life.
If you're gonna keep doing
this stuff,
make sure you keep some
Narcan around.
Where'd this come from?
- The city.
- Be more specific.
There's other Bumblebees
like this in your bedroom.
That tells us that you cop
from the same guy
on the regular. Who is he?
Goes by Black.
That doesn't really narrow it
down that much.
His name is Anderson, okay?
That's all I know.
I roll into the city,
and I roll out.
And I don't even
get out of my car.
But where do you cop?
At the Alameda.
It's that strip up...
Next to the chicken-box place.
Just "Anderson"? No other name?
All I got other than Black.
Fuck. Oh, God.
Sorry for your loss.
Well, whoever
this Anderson guy is,
he's dealing Shropshire product.
Those Bumblebee bags
are Shropshire's sig.
this shit is laying people out.
I've seen him...
He ain't doing anything.
Stop fighting!
Stop fighting!
Back up!
You wanna get hit?
Stop fighting.
You wanna get hit?
Get the fuck off him, man!
Give me your fuckin' hands!
Yeah, go on, nigga.
Beat on him like you gonna do.
We know you wanna.
Give him your arm.
Dude, you're gonna get hurt.
- Give him your fuckin' arm!
- Fuck this. It's not worth it.
Let him go, pig!
- Police yourselves.
- Police yourself, pig!
Take care of your own
fuckin' problems!
Take your dumb ass
to the suburbs!
Yeah! We're goin' viral
on your bitch ass.
I bet your mama's a pig, too.
Yeah, let me get some ribs, hoe!
Get that shit, yo.
Bitch-ass police, man.
"Anderson," hits 1,100 times
in the police computer.
Now, "Anderson" with "Black,"
is still over 100.
But this guy, Aaron Anderson,
grew up near the Alameda.
I printed a photo.
- Anything on the CE?
- One hit for Antonio Shropshire
and a street name of Brill
confirmed in the computer.
Baltimore County
is also working him.
Let me guess.
- Kilpatrick?
- Yeah. No doubt.
That fucking Mick has his hand
in everything.
Hey. Be nice.
The Irish are everywhere.
Hey there. Is Kilpatrick in?
Yes. Who's calling?
McDougall with the Task Force
out of Harford County.
Sure, one moment, please.
Tell him it's about my bar tab.
That'll get him to the phone.
You a wild dude, man.
Civil Rights Office, Baltimore.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I looked for you at lunch.
Oh, I went for carry-out.
Shore Seafood, Northeast Market.
Heard good things
about their lake trout, so...
Lake trout? Really?
You learn a city by its food,
Nicole, you should see this.
iPhones are no friend
to the BPD.
On North Avenue.
I was just there.
They do post these quick.
Did you see how it ended?
Ends with the guy on the ground.
Nope. It ends...
when the police ran away.
- What do you mean?
- They just quit the arrest.
Cameras pointing at them
in every direction,
and they just...
cut and ran.
Left that man on the pavement
just like that.
Well, that makes a statement.
Sure does. It says
that after Freddie Gray,
"If we have to police
the right way,
we're not gonna police at all."
I have an acolyte for you.
- An acolyte?
- A follower.
- Ugh.
- A trial attorney.
- Call me Ahmed.
- DOJ sent you?
They did.
I was in Philly, but...
Yeah, I saw enough there
that I asked
if there were openings
in the Civil Rights Office.
And so, here I am.
You better hope
that Hillary wins.
What do you mean?
She means if the election goes
the wrong way,
you won't have any work
to do for four years.
In any Republican
the OCR is where good lawyers
come to die.
But there's no way Trump
even gets a nomination.
And no... no way he can...
- He can win.
- Anyway, welcome to the team.
- You met Charlie, I guess.
- And Bill,
who left for the courthouse
before lunch.
Charlie and Bill supervise
the Patterns and Practices team.
So, this will be your first
consent decree investigation?
Yeah. Washington just...
...tossed me into the deep end.
One minute I'm doing
drug and tax cases, and...
next minute I'm in Baltimore.
Well, it might
be a while before you land
in a courtroom again.
We don't usually litigate.
We hold hands,
and we twist arms.
Wanna meet the mayor?
No. I'm good. Thanks.
...Come on, have some.
...Is it impolite?
Crab chips.
They make you feel good.
Tell me about Shropshire.
You know, we've been up on him
for a while now, but...
he's slick. He mostly stays away
from the hot spots.
All right,
so, what about his guys?
Glen Wells, 'Twan Washington.
You ever come across
a guy named, uh,
Aaron Anderson, goes by Black?
- You're gonna make me work?
- Come on. Look it up for me.
Take a second out of your day.
Anderson. Anderson.
Yeah, I got the name.
But I don't have him dealing
the same weight
as Shropshire
or his lieutenants.
He might be with them, or not.
Well, I got four ODs out
in Harford County.
All of them Bumblebee bags.
Latest one last night,
and apparently,
Anderson dealt it.
- Huh.
- Fact is,
I've been tracking
this stuff through the ME.
These fucking Bumblebee bags
have dropped,
like, a dozen people so far.
Uh, six in the city,
three in your county,
one down in Arundel.
See, I got Anderson working out
on the Alameda,
that shopping center they got
below Belvedere.
I don't have a good address
on him.
You know, he stays
with girlfriends mostly.
He drives a Cherokee,
if I remember.
Also in a girl's name.
My last OD copped off
the Alameda.
You know what I'm thinking?
You could set up shop.
Well, I don't wanna step
on your toes.
We want the same thing.
It's all coming out
of the city anyway.
It's hard to make a county case
without us all showing up
downtown, right?
All right.
Throw in together on this one?
- Sure.
- Come on.
Harford and Baltimore County
only for now.
- Why is that?
- I've been to the Alameda.
It's an open market,
but you rarely see a bust.
Corner boys there, they see
BPD radio cars cruise by...
they don't even flinch.
We're not gonna make a dent
in this shit, are we?
If I thought about that,
I wouldn't get
out of bed in the morning.
Thank you, brother.
- Here you go.
- A little milk, extra foam?
Double cap
with a dash of vanilla, dry.
I told the barista,
but he told me
to go fuck myself.
Oh. That's terrible.
I... I might be confused, but...
seems to me there's some
drug-related activity
going on here tonight.
It's too dark to make out
the players, huh?
Our guy from BG&E will be here
in the morning
to put a camera up
one of the light poles
so we can read the monitor.
You know that lot
across the street?
The guys are parking
their whips there
- before they go to work.
- Good to know.
This is supposed
to be the most important
- meal of the day.
- I think it's dinner.
What do you do for dinner?
I drink it.
You will too
once you see
what this job has to offer.
I'm kidding. I'm kidding,
but just a little bit.
It's that bad, huh?
This is my fourth go-around.
Seattle, Cincinnati,
New Orleans, and now here.
In fact, I got to Baltimore
before Freddie Gray,
with an independent
consulting team
that was requested by the mayor
after the newspaper here
revealed a shit-ton of city
payouts to brutality victims.
So, that was voluntary.
But after Freddie Gray,
the mayor went all-in.
Asked DOJ
for a full-bore investigation
to support a consent decree.
But the truth is,
she didn't have to ask.
After Freddie Gray,
we were coming
whether she asked or not.
Mm. Excess brutality, profiling,
selective prosecution.
In a city of 620,000,
BPD cops reported over 300,000
pedestrian stops
in the last five years.
Right? And of those stops,
less than four percent resulted
in a citation or an arrest.
We have seven Black males
who were each stopped
more than 30 times.
Driving while Black.
Walking while Black.
Same damn bullshit.
- You seem angry.
- Aren't you?
But I don't make it
my everything.
Drive-thru windows,
for Christ's sake.
These guys
just don't give a fuck.
I think Anderson
just got out of his ride.
It looks like him anyway.
Late model Cherokee.
That's it, there.
Can you make out the plates?
- Yeah.
- All right.
I'm not your opponent here,
Ms. Steele. No one is.
We began this process
with you in good faith,
even before Freddie Gray.
And as far as I'm concerned,
everything that can be done
to turn this thing around
needs to happen sooner,
not later.
Thank you for that, Ms. Mayor.
But I asked
for this meeting today
because I wanted some insight
as to why you've asked
the police commissioner
to resign.
Have you seen the crime stats?
Since Freddie Gray,
the city is out of control.
Murders, shootings, robberies,
everything is way up.
And you blame
Commissioner Batts?
See, I have the impression
that a lot
of your rank-and-file officers
are quitting on you.
A work slowdown
is the new commissioner's
worry as well.
with Mosby's indictments
in the Freddie Gray case,
arrests have nosedived.
But you asked
why I replaced
Commissioner Batts.
And the honest truth is,
that I began
to lose faith in him,
even before
the crime rate exploded.
In fact, I'd date it to the day
of Freddie Gray's funeral.
Funeral and the rioting
that followed.
- The uprising.
- Uprising. Pardon me.
Call it what you will.
With the funeral scheduled
and the city on edge,
I called Commissioner Batts
to ask about our preparations.
I reached him
on his way to the airport.
He was taking
a vacation in Greece.
I had to order him back.
Not that he came back
to Baltimore
and turned anything around.
By then, I had people
in the police department
telling me a job action
was underway.
And arrests are still way down
at this moment,
with the crime rate
at an all-time high.
They're mad as hell
about the state's attorney
- charging those officers.
- Reform has a cost.
It does. And if it was going
to be up to me,
I would certainly pay it.
It won't be up to you as mayor?
I've yet to announce this,
Ms. Steele, but...
I won't be running
for reelection.
I'm stepping down.
Oh, wifey's got
a kid in the car.
Man, I've seen guys roll up here
who look like they work
at T. Rowe Price.
Cars with Hopkins stickers
in the windows.
Heroin's cheaper than oxy.
And we think
that's Anderson's jeep?
We do, but he rolled out,
and we don't know
when he's coming back.
Well... patience then.
You think your latest
intel's good?
On Anderson?
I think so.
I got two CIs that say
he's not using Brill anymore.
He's getting his shit
somewhere else.
Oh, yeah,
there's something else I got.
Last spring,
Anderson got pulled up by BPD
for selling in the parking lot
of Belvedere Towers.
So, city guys roll his car.
They find 300 grams.
That's federal weight.
But he wasn't charged.
he talked himself out of it?
You gotta trade something good
to get out of weight like that.
I like that history.
I like a man
who cooperates early and often.
Or I don't know,
maybe Baltimore City
just does things
different than we do.
Who fucking knows?
Who fucking knows?
Well... Her Honor's had enough.
After Freddie Gray,
I can't blame her.
- But you know what that means?
- No.
The politician that asked us
to come to Baltimore
and fix things
won't be the same politician
that actually has to do it.
Going down.
Yeah, Cherokee.
Tags match.
That's Anderson.
Yeah, this is definitely
where he lays his head.
Our man's home
early tonight.
Just the girlfriend
on the apartment lease?
The Cherokee's also in her name.
Wait. Wait. Let him settle.
All right. Go, go.
All right.
We're up on him.
You wanna sit and watch a while?
No. Let's get home,
and see what the tracker
gives us tomorrow.
You've been a public defender
for how long?
- Hi. I'm almost done.
- Twelve years. Too long.
Two minutes.
- What does DOJ want from me?
- Give me two minutes.
- Thank you.
- How about a name?
If I was gonna look up
one problem cop
as a prime example
of what's gone
wrong here in Baltimore,
where would I start?
Daniel Hersl.
- H-E-R-S-L.
- Where's he stationed?
Eastern District last I checked.
A collection from only
my own cases.
These are some
of the people Hersl arrested.
This is what they look like
going into the jail van
after Hersl's done
arresting them.
Any of these have complaints
All of them.
All unsustained.
- Unsustained?
- Mm-hmm. Not a bug. A feature.
- Daniel Hersl.
- Pick of the litter.
And it's a big litter.
10-11, meet in the 2700 block
of Eager with a citation book.
License and registration.
Holy shit!
You know that stop sign
at the four-way back there?
You know that means stop, right?
Not pause. Not tap the brakes,
and proceed. Stop.
I made a full stop.
What you want me to do,
put it in park, and sit a while?
License and registration.
Why don't you step
out of the vehicle, sir,
so we can get
a good look at you?
That's Hersl.
- Give it here.
- You want me to pull
- my license out first?
- Give it here. Give it here.
Give it here. No need.
Let's see here.
Let's see what we got.
Come on!
All right.
Yeah. Here it is.
Oh, yeah.
David Baker.
Monument Street.
That's a nice neighborhood.
on all your success.
You can go.
In the future,
Mr. Baker, obey the law.
A little less backtalk, okay?
Put that in there.
Eager is clear from the incident
on Eastern.
34, 10-4, ma'am. We are on...
And we're up to twenty ODs
in three counties and the city.
Twelve fatal.
That's how I got on Shropshire
and Anderson both.
We've also been
on Shropshire for a while now,
trying to build something.
Given all of the different
jurisdictions, we figured
we might do better
if the task force
took it federal.
These overdoses are interesting.
We've got some statutes
we could apply
in ways the locals can't.
You can definitely tie
the heroin to these crews?
Testimony of at least
four survivors.
It's all coming out of the city.
How close are you on it?
Shropshire's insulated.
- It might take some time.
- But Anderson is sloppy.
We've got a tracker
on his vehicle,
and we're probably a week
from writing warrants.
Our boy rolled out.
Ain't nobody else
in that crib, right?
No. Not that I know.
- Watch our six.
- I got you.
Where's my shit at?
Where the fuck's our money
at, bitch?
Okay! Okay. What do you want?
What do you...
The fuck is this?
Man, what?
What's "affaint"?
- Affiant.
- Yeah.
The I comes before the A.
Oh, my God.
Did you get it wrong
just the once,
or every fucking time?
We're gonna be serving
this warrant at Christmas.
There it is.
- Got what we came for?
- Got what was there.
Bitch was so scared,
she damn near pissed herself.
His girl was up in there.
Wasn't expecting her, but...
she wasn't expecting us neither.
I bet.
Oh, I love it.
The warrant was all ready to go.
We were gonna take
Anderson's door.
But one hitch.
He suddenly changed his pattern,
and the tracker has given us
a second location
on where he lays his head.
- Where?
- Red Roof Inn.
The one up on Timonium Road,
off of 83.
The last couple nights,
he started staying there
and not the apartment.
- Either another girlfriend...
- Or a stash house.
So, now,
we write on both locations.
He had eight years of your shit.
Plainclothes, too.
I decided I would...
That's your lieutenant?
He's IAD.
We're required to have
an Internal Affairs supervisor
with us on every raid.
We can't kick in a door
without bringing one
of their guys with us.
- That's standard in your county?
- Yeah. With him along,
no one gets sticky fingers,
You think
they do that in the city?
What do you think?
I'll see you in my chambers
at00. Bye.
Judge Moore,
I really do appreciate you
making the time to meet with me.
Kevin Haughton
in the PD's Office,
he said that you might be able
to provide some insight.
How can I help?
I'm trying to find out
about Baltimore officers
whose names keep coming up
repeatedly in complaints,
either excessive force
or civil rights violations,
and he threw a name at me.
Daniel Hersl.
Hersl's not the only one,
but Kevin and I have talked
about him before, so...
He seems
to be a multiple offender.
Mm. You could say so.
About 50 complaints against him.
That's pretty multiple.
Why is he still on the street?
Simply put,
Hersl and guys like him,
they get out of their cars,
and they make arrests.
And that's more than you can say
about too many police
in this city who are collecting
a paycheck.
And it's become a bigger problem
since the Freddie Gray
- The work slowdown.
- Exactly.
So, strangely enough,
Hersl has become
an asset these days,
despite his many faults.
In fact, I've had to throw out
several of his arrests
on cases in my court.
And he's come damn close
to perjuring himself
on Fourth Amendment stuff
time and again.
Of course,
that's not unique to him.
You should get a copy
of The List.
- "The List"?
- Yes.
There is a list of about 24
Baltimore police officers
who can no longer
testify in court
because they have been exposed
for on-the-stand perjury.
That many?
And more being added
all the time.
Ugh. And Hersl's on this list?
Not yet, but he should be.
You gonna toss my shit?
I ain't even holdin' nothin',
Officer Hersl to you, shit bird.
...Sir, stay back.
Told your ass.
You ain't even had
no cause to even stop me.
- Yeah!
- This here is harassment.
Yeah. Keep runnin' your gums.
Sick of this shit. And fuck you.
Fuck me, huh?
Yeah? Oh, you see that?
He put his hands on me.
He touched me. Turn around.
I said turn the fuck around.
...Back the fuck up.
...Call the van.
Call the van.
31-17 to Dispatch.
10-15 at Lafayette and Bethel.
Back up.
Wagon to 10-15 Lafayette...
Get back.
Get the fuck back. Stay back.
What's the charge?
Assaulting a police officer.
You fucked me up!
Y'all got nothin', man.
This is bullshit.
Look, look,
I'm canceling that jail wagon
- and calling for a fucking ambo.
- What the fuck?
Throw a Band-Aid on him
in Central Booking.
- He's all right.
- You banged him, Hersl.
Fuck if I'm gonna help
you dump him
in a jail van bleeding,
and have Marilyn Mosby
indict my ass.
31-17 to Dispatch. 22 to Webb.
Everybody's so fucking
I got my phone.
I got my phone.
There you go.
He's all right.
...There you go.
- Thanks, baby.
- No problem, darling.
Oh, my goodness.
Bro, this is what
I'm talking about.
- Oh, look at this.
- You know what's up.
Oh, Brill.
There's your girl.
Look at him. Lover boy.
- Yeah.
- Thank you, sweetheart.
Good to be the king.
Y'all scored.
Your boy Glen had it right.
Anderson kept it all
at his spot in Pikesville.
- You heard?
- You took him off your own self?
Nah. It was me and Glen both.
It was nothing, though. He gone.
He left his girl
at the crib, though.
She see you?
No, she did not see my face,
all right? Relax.
Man, he gonna think I sent
'Twan and Munch to do it.
Mm. But I ain't give a good fuck
what he think.
That's a broke-ass nigga now.
You cop that Rolex out the deal?
Look at that thing shine.
To the winner go the jewels.
Shakespeare and shit.
This nigga don't know.
Yo, look. There she is.
Her name Keisha.
I'm throwing 20s at that
like I own this bar,
and have no money
by the end of the night.
Wait for my go.
Move in! Go, go, go!
Let's roll.
Where you park?
ANDERSON' You parked it.
- Don't move! Don't move!
- Shit!
Hands on the railing!
Do it now.
Put your hands on the railing.
Hands on top of your head.
Put 'em on your head!
- Right there, Anderson.
- More of this shit.
- No, there's nothing here.
- Huh?
Yeah, there's no drugs,
no money.
- You're kidding me.
- No guns.
But someone turned
this place over,
or Anderson cleared it out
before he moved.
- Really? Shit.
- And get this.
The door had already
been splintered
when we put the ram to it.
- That's interesting.
- Yeah. What about you?
We just started our search.
Looks like him and his girl
moved out here for keeps.
All their shit is stacked up
around the room.
All right.
- Oh, and, hey.
- Yep?
Make sure you get the tracker
off of his jeep, okay?
- Those things are expensive.
- Got it.
What the...
What the actual fuck?
I told Van it a,
"This agency is open to you,"
because the truth
is I'm not afraid
of a consent decree.
I policed under a consent decree
when I was assistant chief
down at PG County, and...
And that decree
helped us restore
some trust in the community.
Well, a consent decree is just
a piece of paper
unless the politicians
and the police agencies
- actually implement change.
- Yeah, very true. Water?
Oh, please.
So, let me ask you this.
And I'm fully aware you've only
been police commissioner
for a few months,
and I'm not asking you
to personally account
for all of this.
But how the hell
does an officer rack up
over 50 civilian complaints
of brutality and abuse
in one career,
and remain on the street?
- Hersl.
- That name came easy enough.
I first heard it from one
of the West Baltimore ministers
when I got to town.
In... in fact, he gave me
two names of shady cops.
Daniel Hersl and Fabien Laronde.
Hersl, as you point out,
is still on the street,
but do you know
where Laronde is?
He's awaiting a trial board
and he's off the street.
And he's not charged
with anything big,
but I've told my IAD people
that if the trial board finds
against him, he's gone.
So, what's the difference
between Laronde and Hersl?
Laronde has sustained
complaints. Five, in fact.
So, his jacket has enough
that I can say,
"Screw the union.
Screw the rank-and-file.
This guy is bad. This guy goes."
Hersl has a single
sustained complaint.
So, how does Hersl generate
so many complaints,
year after year,
and so little is sustained?
And how is it that Laronde,
with five sustained complaints,
is still on payroll
and is still awaiting
a trial board?
This is the department
that I inherited, Ms. Steele.
These are the tools I have.
- Is that 1-6 or 1-8?
- It's 1-6.
A as in apple, C as in Charlie.
It's on the subpoena
that we faxed over to you.
Crazy, man. If it hadn't felt
a little different in my hand,
I wouldn't have known.
It was only inches
from our tracker.
One jeep, two trackers. Crazy.
Can you spell that for me?
- C-L-E-W-E-L-L.
- All right.
All right, thanks.
Appreciate the assistance.
Who the fuck is John L. Clewell,
and why is his tracker
on our suspect's Jeep Cherokee?
Oh, but she got them titties,
though. Ah!
that's all you care about.
Stop playing.
I like that ass too.
Women gonna be your downfall.
Look, I like to have the ones
I ain't had.
- I bet you do.
- Don't be so critical, my nigga.
- God damn.
- Whatever, nigga. You...
We gonna collect
some taxes today?
Hey. Easy in front of choir boy.
Yo, you come empty-handed?
You ain't bring me
no sandwich or nothin'?
Fuck you, Gondo.
All right, Detective Clewell.
No sandwich for me today.
Let's go get some guns
off the street.
Clewell was a jarhead.
Before he joined BPD.
His bio says
he was a city cop since '09.
Gun Trace Task Force now.
So, they put the tracker
on his truck?
They were up on Anderson too?
If they were,
they didn't put anything
in the database
for deconfliction.
- Sloppy.
- Another thing
is this is not
a department-issued tracker.
Man, city guys are always
on their ass.
A lot of them even buy
their own gear.
...Please report to the...
But I guess we should call them
and let them know we have it.
We just popped Anderson.
That's going in the computer,
Yeah. So, if they're up on him,
they'll come talk.
When they do, I'll make sure
and remember to give that back
to Detective Clewell.
I'm also gonna let
the feds know.
- Bingo.
- Yo, that ain't mine.
- No?
- There's a dude I gave a ride to
for the party last night.
He must have left it in my car.
Oh, really?
He got a name?
I expect he does,
but I don't know it.
Why you pull me over anyway?
Why did we pull him over?
Rear license obscured.
- It don't look obscured to me.
- Why you acting brand-new, man?
- We good here?
- Yeah, I got it.
Hey, Gondo, what's up
with that tracker I lent you?
- Yeah, what about it?
- That shit costs.
Oh, why?
You can't afford it, a big timer like you?
Just get it back to me, okay?
- This man.
- What's up, Sarge?
What we got,
the brain trust here?
You lost, Sergeant Allers?
- You lost?
- No, man.
I mean, I see you guys
standing around...
looking all helpless.
Nobody helpless.
I'm thinking you can use
some assistance
from your actual supervisor.
What'd you pull?
A gun, but no drugs or cash.
- You want some of this?
- Ain't know
Sarge had them hands, boy.
Didn't know Sarge
have them hands on him.
Charlie come with that one-two.
All right, ladies, I'm 10-7.
I'ma head on down
to Pulaski Highway,
- get that pit beef.
- Mm.
I'm on the radio
if you need me, all right?
- All right.
- All right, Sarge.
Man, get out of here.
Gondo, pay attention, man.
All units be advised,
Sergeant Allers is 10-7
and procuring pit beef.
Hey, yo.
- He's one of yours now.
- One of ours?
He got himself assigned to work
with the DEA task force, right?
I'm just saying
he ain't street police no more,
if he ever was.
Yo, I didn't mean any offense.
You feds got some game.
I mean, she got moves.
I'm just sayin' when it come
down to the street...
we're the ones who got the guns,
who brought the drugs.
We were the cops they wanted.
It's a hell
of a rip, Sergeant Jenkins.
I appreciate that, sir.
In the wake of this seizure,
let me ask you if you have any
thoughts on the fact
that many of our officers
have been reluctant
to even attempt arrests
in the two years
since the Freddie Gray
Now, look, uh, DC,
I'm sure you know
the deal same as me.
Officers involved
in the Freddie Gray arrest,
they got the raw deal
in that indictment.
But those cases are coming out
the right way in court.
Now, I can't think of any reason
whatsoever, why would we need
to stand down on making arrests,
as long
as they're the right arrests?
But many in the rank and file
disagree with you, Sergeant.
our arrests are down 60 percent
- since the indictments.
- I can't speak to that, sir,
but I can speak...
Can speak to my unit.
Gun Trace Task Force,
our arrests are up
over the last eight weeks.
Now, look,
the numbers don't lie.
You compare our stats
post-Freddie Gray to before,
you'll see exactly
what I'm talking about.
You don't worry about going out
on the street
and ending up on someone's
viral video, Sergeant Jenkins?
Hey, as long as they get
my good side.
Ladies and gentlemen,
what you see here,
this is the result of one raid
on one house
in Collington Square.
we are the Gun Trace Task Force.
We get guns off the street.
It's what we do.
Now, with a little
more personnel,
a lot more overtime,
there's no telling the effect
that we could have
reducing the surge of violence
in this city.
Tell us about the PC
that got you
through that door on that raid?
That's a good question, sir.
Look, I've been working
with the same CI
over in the Eastern
for the last 18 months.
It may go further.
And the Bureau couldn't
have told me any earlier?
Of course not, Kev.
You know this.
Tomorrow morning?
Hey, I heard you
on the funding
for the plainclothes work,
and we're gonna do
what we can, Wayne.
I know you will, DC,
I appreciate you.
- PALMERE Excuse me.
- Yeah.
Oh, shit.
We got a lot of guns
on the table today.
Here. I need these officers
to report
to the off site tomorrow.
You tell them.
I mean, it's a million things.
Tell you what.
You know what I'm saying.
Well, as it happens,
Sergeant Jenkins,
IAD just called down here,
and asked if they could see you
up on Kirk Avenue
at00 a.m. tomorrow.
Oh, yeah?
Doesn't sound like anything
you can't handle.
Something about some damage
to the rear quarter panel
of a department vehicle
that you didn't report properly.
Wow. A real career-ender.
Thanks, DC.
Look at you, Steve.
Getting that good police
work in, huh?
You know, committing suicide
by cigarette.
- You got a date with IAD?
- Yeah.
Some nuisance shit.
You know, vehicular.
Can't fuck with Superman.
- What's the word, Charlie?
- Hey.
- What's going, fellas?
- What's going on, Wayne?
You know?
What's going on, hon? You good?
Hey, Wayne.
Let's go up to the meeting room.
Man, you looking at my ass?
I know you are.
Nigel told me
you don't know how to swim.
Is that true?
What kind of grown-ass
fuckin' man doesn't know
how to swim, man?
Please tell me
that's a bullshit rumor, man.
FBI! FBI! Give me your hands!
Hands! Hands! Hands!
- Hands, hands, hands!
- I'm one of you!
I'm one of you, man!
I'm one of you.
You're not one of us.
It's all good, Commissioner.
get your fucking hands off me.
You're on my fucking arm...
- What's the holdup?
- Waiting on our SAC.
The commissioner
wants just a moment.
The rest of them looked away.
Not this motherfucker.
Not for a second.
Do you guys know who I am?