War of the Worlds (1988–1990): Season 1, Episode 18 - The Last Supper - full transcript

In 1953, Earth experienced
a war of the worlds.

Common bacteria stopped
the aliens but it didn't kill them.

Instead, the aliens lapsed
into a state of deep hibernation.

Now the aliens have
been resurrected,

more terrifying
than ever before.

In 1953, aliens started
taking over the world.

Today, they're taking
over our bodies.

We should surrender
to the aliens.

We have no other choice.

These must be on
display at all times.

Our people have been
trained to deal with anyone

not wearing their

I'd remember that.

Cargo in the holding
and it's moving.

This is unit three.

Cargo's in the bus.

MAN 1:10-4. I've got contact.

Cargo leaving 1-J.

Keep an even pace.

Sector 14, you're on.

Hey, slow down!

Don't even look at them.


Passing out of 14, now.

Got 1-J. Out.

Cargo arriving at
destination. Out.

All conditions green.

Cargo's coming in
for a landing, HQ.

We've got 'em. Thank you. Out.

We're coming at you, interior.

We've got a four count.

Dock to headquarters.
We're inside.

Doctors, this way, please.

Place your left hands
on the sensor plate.

Thank you.


Next, Dr. Blackwood.

Please, down the hall.

Follow the soldier.

Thank you.

Everything a go?

Everyone's waiting
for you inside.

We've had two security
anomalies, Harrison.

One, the representative
from Sri Lanka

couldn't go through
the heat sensor ID.

Because she's
wearing a pacemaker;

and we've had

a last minute replacement

for the representative
from Russia.

So his heat sensor
ID didn't check out.

I wonder why the replacement?


Good evening.

Okay, Let's seal them in.

I, uh, I want to thank
each of you for coming.

Due to the somewhat
controversial nature

of this meeting, a
number of countries

have declined our
invitation to attend.

Yet nonetheless
they eagerly await

the outcome of
these discussions.

So I want you all to know

that the eyes of many
people around the world

are upon us this weekend.

I think the best way
to begin is simply,

by introducing ourselves.

I'm Harrison Blackwood,
United States,

director of the
Blackwood Project,

a government-funded
unit whose mission

is to combat the alien
menace in America.

Norton Drake. United States.

I work on the Blackwood Project

as a communications
and computer expert.

Dr. Suzanne
McCullough. United States.

Microbiology and psychology.

I am Gabriel Morales,

of the Republic of Peru.

I am assistant to the
Minister of the Interior

and I am involved with
matters of an unusual nature.

Dr. Sunethra Menathong.

I teach Astronomy

in the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka,

at university.

It is my job to
investigate and coordinate

all reports of
unidentified flying objects.

Dr. Soo Tak.

Beijing Institute of
Extraterrestrial Research.

Dr. Morris Burnobi, last year's
Nobel Prize winner in Physics.

I've been the clearing
house on the African continent

for information of
close encounters

for over a quarter of a century.

I'm Dr. Leonid
Argochev, astrophysicist.

Union of Soviet

Socialist Republics.

Last but not least,
I'm Jerry Raymond.

I'm a photographer.

I have a doctorate
in celestial astronomy

and I'm president of
the Skywatch Society

in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Good. I think that's everybody.

Look, I, uh, I know this
abandoned old campus

and this drafty
gymnasium are way below

the standards of comfort

you're accustomed
to in your travels,

but I'm sure you all understand

the need for absolute security.

Now tomorrow...

Tomorrow we're going to begin

the actual discussions
about the alien problem

and this could be the
single most important event

in determining what
life-forms are going to exist

on this planet in the future.

Thank you, Advocates.

I am nothing
without your counsel.

To life immortal.

One of our units reports there
is a secret meeting of humans

from across the planet
who know of our existence.

It has always been amusing
how long it took for the humans

to organize any
global resistance.

This meeting could be a
major opportunity, for us.

If we find the location
of that meeting

and destroy those human leaders,

our task on this planet
will be considerably easier.

Your counsel is wise.

This shall be our
number one priority.

To life immortal.

To life immortal.

Good morning.

We've got a lot
of ground to cover,

very little time to do it in.

I think our goals

for the next two
days are pretty clear.

We're here to
exchange information

about the alien invaders.

To establish for
the first time really

the extent of their
threat globally.

And, most important to my mind,

develop a planetary strategy

for combating the aliens.

Now we've brought
this equipment in

to help you with
your presentations.

And, uh, I thought
we could begin

by examining the documentation
I know you've all brought along.


Excuse me, Dr Blackwood.

Rather than proceeding
ahead recklessly,

it might be helpful
to open the floor

to any other thoughts
regarding the proposed agenda.

Well, there's nothing
written in stone, Doctor.

What do you have in mind?

Self-determination, in the form
of everyone having some say

in how these talks
should proceed.

I think for the
sake of expediency

we listen to
Dr. Blackwood's plan.

What difference does it make?

We all have
something to contribute.

Doctor, do you have a problem

with the way things
are set up here?

Or is it just outdated
Cold War posturing?

Dr. Burnobi, I don't
know what the criteria

for attendance
here is, perhaps it is

research like yours.

Research that is yet

to be replicated.

Gentlemen, gentlemen, it's
way too early in the morning

for this sort of thing,
don't you think?

We have less than two days.

To spend more than 20 seconds
on this kind of procedural matter

is negligent at best
and criminal at worst.

Dr. McCullough and
Mr. Drake have prepared

the United States presentation

and, if nobody
has any objection,

we could begin.

According to
archaeological dating,

we know the aliens
have visited this planet

for the last 2,000 years.

They have periodically
visited many places on Earth

using several different kinds

of spaceships.

Now the oldest ship
that we've encountered

was at the Westesquin
Indian Reservation.

This was a walking space
ship, over 600 years old.

In this century, we
know the aliens arrived

on the East Coast

of the United States

in late October, 1938 on
a reconnaissance mission.

The main invasion
force arrived in 1953,

as it apparently did
around the world.

The aliens would have
conquered the planet

if they had not
succumbed to our bacteria.

Now the United States
government placed what they thought

were the remains of dead
aliens into steel drums

and these drums were
placed in different dump sites

throughout the
continental United States.

One of the dump
sites, a secret facility

called Fort Jericho,

in northern
Nevada, was the first

confirmed location of
an alien resurrection.

There was a large number
of steel drums in storage.

About a year and a half
ago, a few of these drums

accidentally came in
contact with radiation.

The radiation
neutralized the bacteria

we thought had
killed the aliens,

and they came back to life.

The aliens searched
out the war machines

from the invasion of 1953,

and mounted a lethal attack.

At this point we
can only estimate

how many aliens are
in the United States.

Somewhere between

1,000 and 5,000.

But this number keeps growing.

Now we first discovered aliens

at the site of what appeared
to be a terrorist operation.

We were investigating the scene

and we think it started here.

The count is still incomplete.

We still have two
quadrants to check.

It appears we have, mm... six.

Six, only six.

But there were hundreds,
maybe thousands.

What is his problem?

Aliens walk the Earth again

and we let them get away.

Now we've had contact

with a renegade mutant
alien named Quinn.

He has confirmed
our worst suspicions.

The aliens' goal is
world domination.

In four short years a
force of millions of aliens

are scheduled to arrive here.

So let's see what
we're dealing with.

Structurally, they're more
like jellyfish than mammals.

By examining DNA molecules,
it appears that the aliens

possess humans using a
cell-face-matching technique.

The alien cells
literally overtake

the human cells through osmosis.

As a result, they have access
to the host body's intelligence

and can control them physically.

And yet there is no outward
way for anyone to know.

Physiologically, the
aliens have a liquid core

which carries
neurological information

as well as arterial matter.

Their stable, upright carriage

is supported by a
web-like muscular structure.

The alien stands between five
and a half and seven feet tall.

It has a cyclops eye in
the center of its forehead

and it is a biped.

It's got three fingers,
three toes and three arms.

Apparently it has no
skeletal structure per se.

One of the aliens' most
remarkable characteristics

is their ability to osmose
into the human body,

actually meld
their body into ours.

We have footage
that was taken by

a local news photographer.

Aliens have never
possessed animals or children.

Because of this, we theorize

they need a certain
minimal mass to occupy.

They can be anywhere
and they can be anyone.


Those are my men.

Not any more.



the homeless...


They can take over
just about anyone.

Once they took over
an abandoned town

and they stocked it with aliens.

You're telling me all of these
people have aliens inside them?

To life immortal.

To life immortal.

Just a hunch.

To life immortal.

To life immortal.

To life immortal.

They took over an
abandoned warehouse

and they brought humans
for the aliens to possess.


This is really sick, Blackwood.

They're reviving new aliens.

This whole town has been set up

to recruit host
bodies for aliens.

The most frightening
thing of all...

they've absolutely no
regard for human life.

Not since Nazi Germany has
the world witnessed such callous

and brutal treatment
of human beings.

They mutilate...

they maim.

To them, we're
an inferior species

and they treat us like one.

I've heard of morbid
curiosity but there is a limit.

Look at this.

It's incredible.

The top of his head
was literally torn off.

Now we know the
alien threat is real.

And the future of our
planet is dependent upon

what we accomplish here.

Unless we transcend partisanship
and we begin to cooperate,

we may just as well hand the
Earth over to them right now.

It's an odd combination...

Microbiology and psychology.

I don't know.

I'm constantly amazed
at how often they overlap.

But we've been talking
about me all through dinner.

Tell me a little more
about what you do.

From your introduction

and the background that
your government sent us,

I couldn't really
figure out exactly

what you did.

I think that's the idea.

Now these aliens that we
were talking about this morning,

are they the same ones

you've been sighting
in your country?

Yes. Yes. Exactly the same.

Most curious, um...

we have tried to
communicate with them,

but, uh, as of yet,

unable to set up dialogue.

They're very intractable.

What about their numbers?

I mean, how many

do you estimate?

Well, I can only guess.

No more than 10,000.

That many?

We have a big country, sir.

Paul, having a good time?

Oh. Right, Norton.

I'm having a great time.

Half the number of men I need,

I don't know who the
hell is who around here,

and I am supposed

to trust that clown from Russia.

I'm having a
wonderful time, Norton.

Come on, big guy.

Wake up and smell
the caviar. It's amazing.

I don't have time, Norton.

Just no time.

What a guy.

Why do I like looking at this?

I do not know
but I like it, too.


intelligence has
collected vital information.

The humans meet near
the city called Philadelphia.

It is imperative we
locate that meeting.

Our kind is spreading
across that city as we speak.

We have no evidence of
alien activity in my country at all.

However, we believe
with some certainty,

that aliens walked our land
many thousands of years ago.

During an archaeological
dig funded by my government,

some extra-ordinary
discoveries were made.

While excavating a
previously untouched crypt,

deep within the hillside
tombs of the Andes,

a large and strange
artifact was uncovered.

This never-before-seen
object was removed.

It was brought to my ministry

where it was carefully
examined in detail by my staff.

After a very close examination

we found that inside
this artifact... was this.

We detected a soft X
ray of 93 angstroms...

Nothing dangerous...

And it emits a 33,000
hertz percussive sound

out of the range
of the ordinary ear.

This sound

mirrors in many ways

the audio tape of
the alien transmission

you forwarded to us

in preparation for
this conference.

To date, we are not sure

what function this
alien object has.

I think you're gonna find

some pretty
interesting parallels

in the tape that Norton
Drake has put together

on alien technology.


Here's some examples
based on eyewitness reports

of the aliens utilizing
everyday items

to make high-tech
tools and devices.

There's a report from Canada
where kitchen appliances

were jerry-rigged to make
radio receivers and locators.

And a story from New Jersey
where the aliens were seen

using a vacuum
cleaner-like device

to locate an alien warship
buried underground.

They've even used their
technology to create artwork

unlike anything we've
ever seen before.

We also believe that

they can communicate
over light years

in a matter of seconds,
using their makeshift devices.

So as we've seen,

the alien technology
runs from the lethal

to the sublime.

The closest that we've ever come

to actually examining
an alien artifact

was in an automated power
plant north of San Francisco.

The aliens had
taken over the facility,

brutally killed

every single member of the
crew and then had gone on

to set up this bizarre device.

When I finally found the
aliens we'd been looking for,

I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was a device
using a logic system

foreign to ours in every
way... It was fascinating.

After they'd gone,
Dr. McCullough and I

went up to examine this
strange alien handiwork.

They're gone.

What is that?

That's alien medical
science, Colonel.

It works like a distillery.

Somehow they're able
to reduce the brains

to their very essence...

and then one very
potent drop of this extract

and the sick alien is cured.

This is a perfect example
of the alien logic system,

their problem-
solving abilities.

It's absolutely
amazing; it's so complex

and it's so simple.

Something... not of this world.

I can't even tell if it's
elemental or synthetic.

We are gonna learn so much.

But apparently
they'd anticipated us,

and the device
was booby-trapped.

Clearly, they do not want anyone

to get a hold of
their technology.

Excuse me.

This note was left at
the security desk. By?

We don't know.

Colonel Ironhorse
has brought me a note.

One of the delegates
to this conference

has accused Señor Morales

of having faked
his presentation.

This is outrageous!

Who says my presentation
was fraudulent?

The important thing is not
who made the accusation

but that it's been made at all.

We're here to deal with the
alien threat on this planet,

but we're being
stopped at every turn

by a carefully orchestrated

campaign to undermine
this conference,

and I, for one, think an
explanation is in order.

Why is it?

The automatic
United States reaction

is always to point the
finger and accuse us.

Thank you for your hospitality.

Advocacy, we are expecting
intelligence any moment

from one of our agents.

They say we will value
this information greatly.

That is not good enough.

We need faster action.

Time is wasting.

If you cannot
fulfill the mission,

we will find agents who can.

But, Advocate... URICH: Silence.

I am nothing
without your counsel.

Should we send more troops?

We should send operatives
who are more efficient.

I can't believe we've blown this
opportunity. We haven't blown it yet.

The question is,
what are we gonna do

to salvage this conference?
Could the Russians know something

the rest of us don't?

We don't even
know it's Argochev.

We've got to deal with
this head-on. Let's go.

Obviously, there has
been a lot of speculation

as to who made this accusation
against Señor Morales.

I'd like to suggest that
since our time is short,

that we just continue
with the program,

pending, of course,
the outcome of research

into Señor Morales's

Dr. Blackwood, if I might?

I believe an
explanation is in order.

I was the one who
accused Señor Morales.

My apologies, Señor.

My accusation was
totally unfounded.

You're right, Dr. Blackwood,

I have been a very disruptive
influence in these proceedings,

but I've been so with
very good reason.

Soviet military intelligence
has been checking out

our security reports that
indicate that one among us

is not who he says he is.

That one among us is an alien.

Couldn't we tell if one of us
was, in fact, an alien, Doctor?

You mean by visual inspection?



Doctor, that we are
exposed to an environment

poisoned by an alien presence...

I am formally requesting security
assistance from my embassy.

As soon as arrangements
can be made,

I will be leaving.
Señor Morales,

if I told you I could definitely
tell if anyone here was an alien?

Can you do that, Doctor?

Okay, now, Dr. McCullough
is going to, uh,

stick your fingers with
a sterilized instrument.

She'll take out a drop of blood,

she'll put it under
her microscope,

and we are going to
be able to tell instantly

if anyone amongst
us is an alien.

This was definitely
not part of the agenda.

I... I refuse. Oh,
now, we can't be

victim to this kind of paranoia.

This test is designed
to instantly allay

anyone's fears that
there's an alien amongst us.

I'll be very happy to
be the first one to go.

Doctor, would you choose the
sterilized instrument for my use?

Before I agree to
take this blood test,

if I could speak to
my home country first.

But that would be against the
strict communications blackout

that we've all been observing.

What harm would there be if whoever
wanted to contact their people could?

Then we could do

these infernal blood
tests and get on with it.

What choice do we have?

Well, I'm afraid we don't
have any choice at all.

Then I'd like to make a call.

I would as well.

It's gonna take some time. I...

I've got to get some
secure lines in here.


Harrison, are we
really gonna do this?

Yeah, I'm afraid that we are.

Yes, Advocate.

We've narrowed
down the location.

It's in a section
outside of Philadelphia

called Cheltenham.

Yes, we know.

You know?

One of our foreign operatives

has managed to contact
us from inside the meeting.

We have the exact location

and are making
plans to destroy them.

This is the most important
operation we have had

since arriving on this planet.

We succeed now,
we will have taken

a giant step in annihilating
the humans once and for all.

And the Earth shall be ours.

Look, Harrison, I have
got major problems

with what's going
on here. Meaning?

Meaning I can no
longer guarantee

the security for this operation.

There are just too many
variables out of my control.

I highly recommend

that we call this
whole thing off.

It's just gotten too risky!

We have a global alien
problem, remember?

That's what's too risky!

Let's go!

I don't think I
have to remind you

that we are at war with an
enemy who is so insidious

that it could be any one of us.

Now, I think it's time that we
all started working together.

Dr. Blackwood, I must interrupt.

My superiors

are very concerned
about the taking

of any intrusive test.

We must find another way.

Well, then forget
about the tests.

But let's keep these
discussions going.

And what have we got to lose?

If, in fact, there is
an alien among us,

they already know who we are

and what we're about.

I say let them test our resolve.

Let them learn about
our passion for freedom.

And if this alien

were to leave with
all our identities?

Well, I don't think
that's going to happen.

I think in the short
time we have left,

we're going to ferret

this alien out...

and we're going to capture it.

I, for one,

say let's do it.

I'm willing.

As am I.


Okay. Now, I believe
that Colonel Ironhorse

has a presentation that's
gonna be a lot more encouraging

than what we've seen so far.

I'm sorry, Harrison.

Due to the new
security situation,

I think it best

I excuse myself.

Seal them in.

Come with me.

We've been painting a
pretty negative picture

about our battle
with the aliens,

but there is a bright side.

They can be killed.

We're getting
pretty efficient at it.

One particular
incident comes to mind.

The aliens had broken into

a secure Army facility in search

of war machines and
weapons left over from

their earlier invasion.

Our intelligence
discovered this plan.

We wiped them out.

What they turn
into after they die

is the only real
indication we have

that these were
once human beings

who are now possessed by aliens.

But we can be fooled.

You're wasted.

They're students.

Pretty weird students.

As a result of an
exothermic reaction,

their cells become a
horrible broiling mass

of decomposing alien
and human tissue.

They are vulnerable...

and so are we.

We have already lost
a member of our team.

We've lost many
soldiers in combat.

Of course, all the
innocent people.

The aliens are deadly...

and they promise, as
their numbers increase

and they become
more sophisticated,

they promise to
become even deadlier.

What's that?


Here they come. Out.

Everybody, please, stay calm.

We don't know
what's happening here.

Follow me.

Gather round.

Okay, men. We're outnumbered.

Each one of you
will have to be ten.

So it will be up
to you out here.

I'm heading back to the gym.

This is what you've
been trained for.

Good luck.

Dr. Blackwood, your security

has obviously been compromised.

What do you plan to do?

We're going to have
to defend ourselves.

Bring 'em on, mate.

Let me re-introduce myself.

Lieutenant Argochev,
GRU, Military Intelligence.

Norton! Try and
raise the colonel.


Can you hear me?

Stand back away from this door.

This is Norton. Colonel?

What are those gunshots?

We've been found out.

It's the aliens.

You two men, cover the
far end of this hallway.

What's the situation?

We've got problems, Harrison.

We're outnumbered.

The entire perimeter
is under attack.

Somehow we've got to make
our lack of numbers work for us.

Harrison, we don't have time.


We should surrender
to the aliens.



But, Harrison...

We don't have any other choice.

You're out of your mind.

Look, we're hopelessly
outnumbered here.

What can we hope
for if we surrender?

Talk with them.
Reason with them.

Look, this could
be the opportunity

we've been looking for.

But by your own

admission, Doctor,
they hold no regard

for human life.

Look, I know that if we
can all present our case,

if we could just talk

to one of them...

You are.

Stop her.

I am one of them.

So, there was a spy among us.

You were right,

Dr. Blackwood.

You said we'd find a spy
amongst us, and we did.

You humans are such fools.

That weapon is empty.

You insult my intelligence.

Stop her!

Well done.


What happened?

She went out the window.

Omegans... on the double.

We've got to get out of here.

We've got to protect
these delegates first.


Put them right under there.

We'll draw the
aliens out of here.


You. Open that up.


Let's go.

You, go with Norton.

The boiler room. Plan "B."

Come on, people... let's go!

What happens once
we draw them out?

Trap them.

Okay. Let's move.

Follow me.

Down there.

You, you two, down there.

Okay... let's go.

Norton, you all set?

Ready, Colonel.

Let's do it.

They're coming.

Well done, Colonel.


We've won.

This time, yes,

but tomorrow...

Tomorrow is another day.