War and Remembrance (1988–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Part 6 - full transcript
Pug Henry returns to Washington where President Roosevelt asks him to take an assignment at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. There, the U.S. Ambassador is none too pleased with the lack of acknowledgment from the Russians on the benefits of lend-lease but Pug is impressed with the work they are doing. All efforts to get Natalie, Louis and Aaron out of Lourdes fail and they learn that all of the internees are being transferred to Baden Baden in Germany. At Pearl Harbor, Byron reports for duty as Executive Officer on a new submarine, the Moray, commanded by his old friend "Lady" Aster. What he doesn't realize is that his friend is having an affair with his widowed sister-in-law, Janice.
[doorbell chimes]
Hi, Rho.
Oh, Pug.
I'm sorry. Oh, I'm so sorry.
l didn't mean to cry. Really.
I'm just so happy to see you.
it's all right. it's all right.
Oh, damn!
Oh, damn. I meant to carry this
off with a smile and a martini and...
though a martini's a
scrumptious idea, isn't it?
it's a fine idea, Rho.
Come on.
Well, now, let's have a look at you.
Madeline's coming home
for Christmas, you know,
and, well, not having a maid, I got
the tree early and trimmed it myself.
Well, say something, Pug.
These Captain's inspections
are giving me the whim-whams.
What do you think
of the old hulk, huh?
You look absolutely marvelous.
Oh. Oh, I knew you would say that.
Oh, and look at you.
Oh, so smart.
Oh, a few new gray hairs
you old thing...
but very attractive.
Ooh, that feels good.
How about that drink now?
l could use one.
l better call Digger first, find
out why I'm on class one priority.
Digger will only tell you
to call the White House.
White House?
Oh, Lord.
Lucy Brown will have my head.
She swore me to secrecy.
l just assumed you knew.
Assumed that I knew what?
Exactly what did she tell you
and when?
Oh, dear.
it seems the White House ordered
Bupers to get you back P.D.Q.
Now, this was sometime
in November, before...
well, before you lost
the North Hampton.
That's all I know.
That's all Digger knows.
Pug, can't it wait?
You go make the drinks, honey.
Just don't let on that Lucy told me.
She will roast me over a slow fire.
[playing swing version
of winter wonderland]
So what did Digger say?
I'm supposed to meet
the President at noon tomorrow.
The President? Oh, Pug.
l must say, you don't look
very happy about it.
The last time I visited
the White House,
it damned near wrecked my career.
in Pearl, I was summoned
by Admiral Spruance.
He's now Nimitz' Chief of Staff.
l expected hell for losing my ship.
l figured my career was finished.
Evidently, they thought I did
something right in that battle.
Spruance wants me for his
Operations Officer.
Nimitz put in the request.
Oh, Pug.
What is it, Rho?
I'm very happy for you, Pug.
it's just that I was hoping...
maybe you would get to be
the President's Naval Aide.
Well, that was Lucy Brown's guess.
Then, at least we'd get to see
something of each other a while.
Yes, that would be nice.
it sure would.
it's good.
Do you want to talk about
the North Hampton, Pug?
We got torpedoed, and we sank.
Poor Alistair Tudsbury.
l was flattened when I read about it.
Yes. That was a shock.
Damn pity, but at least old Talky
died with his boots on.
l wonder what Pamela will do now.
l saw them when they passed
through Hollywood.
l got your letter.
She told me she actually
wrote some of his speeches.
She was ghosting quite
a bit toward the end.
Now... how about that dinner?
Yes, the dinner.
l think that's enough wine, dear.
Negative. This is my homecoming.
I'm celebrating.
Now, where was l?
You were telling me
about new Caledonia,
where you took the North Hampton
after Midway.
Oh, right.
Yeah. A madhouse.
All those fussy French Colonialists
overrun by American war-making.
Halsey's running the whole damn
South Pacific campaign from Noumea.
He has a few navy nurses
some French girls,
and they're surrounded 4-deep
by Colonels and Captains.
A Lieutenant hasn't got a look-in.
Warren didn't like that.
We're sitting in the bar
of this musty French hotel,
and Warren leans in with that grin,
and says,
''Dad, what these girls are forgetting,
when the uniform come off,
the more stripes, the less action.''
Only Warren, huh, Rho?
I'm afraid you're not making
much sense, dear.
You just said you and Warren
were together, and he cracked a joke.
l guess I could do with some coffee.
l don't think coffee
will help much, dear.
That is discouraging.
Sweetie pie, I love you
to little pieces,
but I just don't think
you could make it.
One good night's sleep and the tiger
will be back on the prowl.
it's good to have you back.
Sorry about this.
Well, I guess he's forgiven me...
But he hasn't even begun to forget.
The question is...
is it salvageable?
l think it is.
All in all,
it wasn't such a bad first day.
Pug, it's been a while.
Have a seat.
The Great White Father
will call us.
Leahy and Hopkins are with him.
Did Bupers notify you
that Admiral Nimitz wants me
as Deputy Chief of Staff?
Well, uh...
yes, yes, they did.
The President knows, too?
My advice to you is to go in there
and simply listen when summoned.
[telephone rings]
Okay. Thank you.
We're on.
Mr. President,
Captain Victor Henry.
Well, Pug, old boy.
Mr. President.
So the Japs made you swim
for it, did they?
I'm afraid so, sir.
My favorite exercise,
you know - swimming.
Good for my health, but I like
to pick my time and place.
You remember Harry.
And you know our head
of Joint Chiefs Admiral Leahy.
Yes, sir.
l regret the loss of that grand ship
and all those brave men.
The North Hampton gave
a fine account of herself.
I'm glad you got away safe.
Thank you, sir.
Tell me something, Henry.
Exactly what happened out there
off of Tassafaronga?
I've been reviewing the records.
We found ourselves
in torpedo water, sir,
after opening fire at 12,000 yards.
We had intelligence,
Mr. President,
that the Japs were building
a remarkably long-legged torpedo.
Tasssafaronga confirmed it.
Noticed you mentioned
those torpedoes
in the conference report
of the battle,
and suggested commencing
firing at longer range.
Yes, sir.
it's too bad someone didn't listen,
Why do you suppose that was?
We're looking into it, Mr. President.
Care to comment on that, Henry?
No, sir.
Well, I said, Mr. President,
it's being looked into.
Well, thanks for your time, Chief.
I'll send you a written summary
of next week's agenda this afternoon.
Thank you, Henry.
Yes, sir.
Sit down, Pug.
When I got word from Sec-Nav
about your boy Warren, I felt terrible.
is Rhoda bearing up?
Yes, sir, she is.
That was a remarkable
victory at Midway,
and it was all due to brave
youngsters like Warren.
They saved our situation
in the Pacific.
We ran into a shortage
of landing craft for North Africa.
There was talk of a crash
program to turn them out.
Your name came up.
One forceful man riding herd on that
problem for the navy is what I need.
However, quite by coincidence,
something else has come along.
You remember old Bill Standley?
I've made him my
Ambassador to Moscow.
Yes, sir. I heard that.
He's been singing your praises
ever since you went there with him
last year on that Harriman Mission.
He wants you back in Russia, asked
for you as a special military aide.
Do you have a preference?
Mr. President,
this goes to my head a bit -
being offered such a choice,
and by you.
That's most of what I do,
old fellow.
l sit here, a traffic cop, directing
the right men to the right jobs.
Well, you've got to take
10 days leave first in any case.
Show Rhoda a good time.
That's an order.
Then call Russ Carton.
We'll put you to work.
Yes, sir. I'll do that.
By the way, how is your submariner?
Doing very well, sir.
And his wife - that Jewish girl
who was having difficulties in Italy?
She's - she's all right, sir.
Thank you.
This Jewish situation
is simply awful.
I'm at my wits end about it.
The only answer is to smash
Nazi Germany
and give the Germans a beating
they'll remember for generations.
We're trying.
So long, Pug.
Thank you, sir.
[knock on door]
Hello, Foxy.
Slote, you made it.
Good to see you.
Where did you shoot
that thing - Siberia?
Just about.
Well, here it is.
Good. Now, you take a look at this.
What is this?
You're just in time.
''Joint United Nations Statement on
German atrocities against Jews.''
Foxy, what is this?
A keg of dynamite,
that's what it is.
A hell of a breakthrough.
Official. Approved.
Ready to go for simultaneous release
in Moscow, London, and Washington,
maybe as soon as tomorrow.
When Tuttle cabled us
about the stuff you were bringing,
it gave us leverage.
Who made these cuts?
They castrate the thing.
That's a very strong document.
Don't give me that!
lf we don't say our government
believes that the Germans
are committing genocide
against the Jews.
lf we don't talk about
the whole sale extermination
of women and children, who cares?
Then it's just about Jews -
far-off, bearded Kikes!
Les, that's an overwrought
emotional reaction.
Now, you're tired -
Damn right, I'm tired!
l have just come 5,000 miles
with these documents.
Now I want to know
who made these cuts.
They came from the second floor.
Breckinridge Long.
The President's dear old friend.
Oh, yeah.
As a matter of fact, he's champing
at the bit to see you.
Ask him.
You have an appointment
with him in 10 minutes.
Well, Leslie Slote.
We should have met
a long time ago.
Tell me...
how's your father?
My father?
He's fine. I wasn't aware
you were acquainted.
Well, I haven't seen him
since our days at Princeton,
but he and I used to just about
run the Ivy Club.
getting in trouble with girls.
Now, how did Timmy Slote's boy
ever happen to go to a tin-pot
school like Yale?
Why didn't your father
put his foot down about Princeton?
Thank you, sir.
Well, despite that handicap...
you've made an admirable
Foreign Affairs Officer.
Oh... I know your record.
Thank you.
The fact of the matter is,
that's why I wanted to see you.
l need help...
a special kind of help.
You do?
indeed, yes.
Uh...somebody in the division
of European Affairs
should be disposing
of Jewish matters
and not passing them on to me.
l think Timmy Slote's boy
is the man for the job.
Your reputation -
being a sympathizer with the Jews -
is a wonderful asset.
l don't want to be placed
in such a position
unless I can do something
to help the people who come to me.
Of course.
That's what I'd want you to do.
But the existing regulations
make that almost impossible.
Come on, tell me.
The visa requirements, for example.
How, in the name of God,
are German Jews
supposed to get a good conduct
certification from local police?
They're Gestapo.
Leslie, these are standard rules
devised to keep out criminals,
illegal fugitives,
and other riff-raff.
Nobody has a God-given right
to enter the United States.
it's agreed. Agreed.
But there are ways around all that...
if we look for them.
Yes. Yes. You're probably right.
I'm not pigheaded...
I'm not an Anti-Semite...
Despite all the smears in the press.
Hopefully, our joint statement
will go some distance
to silence that kind of thing.
Have you had a chance to look at it?
as a matter of fact, I have, and...
Breck, if I may speak candidly?
Oh, please. Please.
I'm terribly concerned about
the deletions in that statement.
Oh, as am l, Leslie.
As am l, but...
try to understand.
l am not entirely my own man here.
You see, uh...
Antony Eden drew up that plan.
between the Russians
and the British,
we've been going round and round.
That we could get anything
through at all...
it's a miracle.
Yes. I'm sure it was.
l truly believe we must help
the unfortunate Jewish race
in their time of agony,
whenever, wherever we can.
Within the law.
l need your help.
Will you help me?
I'll try, sir.
I'll try.
[Music - ''As Time Goes By'']
Well, bless me.
There's Colonel Peters.
Do you know him?
He's a fine man.
l met him at church.
Where on Earth
did he find that chorus girl?
What do you say, shall we join them?
Suits me.
Oh, I don't know.
Can I trust you at the same table
with that blond floozy?
Come on.
Mrs. Henry, nice seeing you again.
Colonel Peters.
My husband, Captain Henry,
Colonel Peters.
Captain. Susan Wiley,
Captain and Mrs. Henry.
Pleasure meeting you.
General, how are you?
[Music - Chattanooga Choo-Choo'']
Captain, tell me.
How do you think the war is going?
All over.
How does the Navy see it?
That depends on where you sit.
Then from where you're sitting.
l see plenty of hell behind us
and plenty ahead.
That's a better year-end summary
then I've read in any newspaper.
it's almost midnight,
ladies and gentlemen.
Allow me, Mrs. Henry.
Oh, Pug.
Happy New Year, Rhoda.
Happy New Year.
All right, everybody,
it's almost time.
Why don't we all count together?
And 10...
Happy New Year!
[Music ''Auld Lang Syne'']
Happy New Year, darling.
This will be a better one.
Let's hope so, Rho.
Let's hope so.
[doorbell rings]
Hello, Leslie.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year to you.
Well, it's been a long time.
it sure has.
Thank you.
l was very sorry to hear about
the North Hampton.
l was just checking
to see how we did
with our
Joint United Nations statement.
Oh, about the atrocities?
You mean you actually found it,
buried on page 10
of the Washington Post.
They didn't give it much play,
did they?
Well, I shouldn't be surprised,
l guess.
But still, if the three powers agree
on anything and commit it to paper,
you'd think it would be worth
something noticed.
At least the New York Times
put it on the front page.
Under the item about
gas rationing of course.
Oh, by the way, have you seen this?
No, I haven't.
it's too bad about Talky.
Oh, how good to see you.
Pleasure to see you.
This is our daughter Madeline.
Madeline, Leslie Slote, a very
good friend of Byron's and Natalie's.
Pleasure to meet you.
l heard a great deal about you.
Thank you for inviting me.
A bachelor can always
use a home-cooked meal.
Oh, don't be silly.
Oh, Time?
Yeah, it's about Tudsbury.
Oh, so awful.
Well, bless me.
Pamela's coming here.
And she's engaged
to Lord Burne-Wilke.
Did you know that, Pug?
No, I didn't.
She's done very well for herself.
l remember meeting her.
Lord Burne-Wilke was there,
the blond dreamboat
with the beautiful accent.
it was my party for the
''Bundles for Britain'' concert.
Burne-Wilke's an outstanding man.
Dad, his Lordship is unforgettable.
R.A.F blues, campaign stars,
and all those ribbons.
Kind of like a stern
Leslie Howard.
That's a screwy match, isn't it?
He's your age,
and she's about my age.
Oh, Madeline.
She's older than that.
is there any news of Natalie?
Actually, there's a lot to tell.
Madeline, let's get dinner on.
We'll talk at the table.
But why Lourdes?
Why were they interned there?
We don't really know.
But we are sure
the Vichy Government put them
exactly where
the Germans wanted them.
Can't the Germans take them
whenever they feel like it
with her uncle and the baby
and ship them to some ghastly camp?
Oh, Madeline.
No. That is the problem, exactly.
We just have to hope
it doesn't happen.
l report back to the White House
in a couple days.
Can I do anything for Natalie?
That's what I want to talk
to you about.
Do you have your contact
with Harry Hopkins?
He still calls me Pug.
All right, then.
There was no point
in alarming you before,
but their position
is extremely precarious.
We're no longer dealing
with the French for this group.
The Germans have taken over
the negotiations.
How come?
They're trying
to include in the swap
a swarm of agents from
North Africa and South America.
With the Germans involved,
this enormously heightens
Natalie's danger.
What can the White House do?
Get her out of Lourdes.
Through our people in Spain.
The Spanish border
isn't 40 miles away.
informal, quiet deals can be made,
sometimes indirectly
even with the Gestapo.
I'm not saying this will work.
I'm saying we better try it.
But how?
l know who to talk to at state.
l know where the cable should go.
A call from Harry Hopkins
will let us move.
l don't want to sound frantic,
but l...l urge you to try this.
lf this war goes on two more years,
every Jew in Europe will be dead.
Natalie's no journalist.
Her documents are fraudulent.
lf they break down... she's gone.
The baby, too.
This is the time to cash in whatever
credit you have at the White House.
Try to get Natalie out of Lourdes.
[knock on door]
Come in.
Captain Victor Henry.
Hello, Pug.
Thank you for seeing me, sir.
Always a pleasure.
I'll be going, Mr. Hopkins.
Have a seat.
A little historical trivia for you.
Do you realize it was in this room
that Abraham Lincoln signed
the Emancipation Proclamation?
No, sir, I didn't.
This is where he did it.
There's a real coincidence.
I've meant to get in touch with you.
You been giving any more thought
to our landing craft problem?
I've been thinking about it.
l hope you'll sign on for it.
Lick this one, and you'll be a hero,
and an Admiral pretty soon.
Actually, I've made no decisions yet.
I'm really here to see you
about my daughter-in- law.
So it's still a problem,
l take it.
She and the baby and her uncle,
Dr. Jastrow, are with the
American internees in Lourdes.
As you know, sir, they're Jews.
l was hoping something
might be done
to get them out ahead of the others.
Lourdes, huh?
[telephone rings]
Okay. Let me take a look at that.
This is Hopkins.
Oh, hello, Mr. President.
Right away.
By the way, sir, uh...
Pug Henry is here.
Yes, of course, sir.
The boss wants to say hi to you.
Another 30 seconds, sir.
it's been in long enough.
Well, Pug...
how are you?
Well, sir.
Did you have a nice New Year?
Yes, Mr. President.
What were you and Harry
cooking up just now?
Where do you go next, Moscow,
or Landing Craft Czar?
Mr. President, Admiral Nimitz
has requested my services
as Deputy Chief of Staff
for operations.
Oh, I see.
l suppose that's
where you'll go then.
l certainly wouldn't
blame you for that.
The Pacific is your ocean.
it's a grand assignment.
All the luck.
Oh, Art!
Yes, Mr. President.
Bring that report.
l want to go over it with you.
Here you are, sir.
You see, up here,
this and this don't jive.
it requires a bit more research.
You'll have to check on that.
They don't jive...
Mr. President,
l am always yours to command.
Well, Pug...
it's just that Admiral Standley feels
sure he could use you in Moscow.
l had another cable about you
from him only yesterday.
We're fighting a very big war.
There's never been anything like it.
The Russians are very difficult
allies, heaven knows,
perfectly impossible to deal
with sometimes.
But they're tying down
3.5 million, German soldiers.
We can't afford to have Stalin
thinking of negotiating
a separate peace with Hitler.
So, if you can help out in Russia -
and my man on the spot
seems to think so -
why, maybe that's
where you should be.
Aye aye, sir.
in that case, I'll go to Bureau of
Personnel and request those orders.
Good luck, Pug.
Thank you, Mr. President.
So long, Pug.
it will mean at least a year.
it will be a long time.
l was so hoping for Washington.
it's what the President wants, Rho.
Mmm. The President.
We certainly have come a long way.
Do you remember the night
you proposed?
That was too long ago.
Don't give me that!
Honestly, Pug,
you went on and on
about how awful it was
to be a Navy wife.
And you know something?
You were absolutely right.
Just wanted to let you know what
you were getting yourself into.
l thought you were trying
to talk me out of it.
l said, ''fat chance, Mister.
You're hooked.
This is your idea.''
we've had a lovely couple of weeks.
Yes, we have.
Too bad you have to leave tomorrow.
Byron will be here
in a couple of days.
l don't like that part.
You'll miss Pamela Tudsbury, too.
Yes, I'll miss Pamela Tudsbury, too.
Well, if you can stand it,
I've made an apple pie.
Ooh, I won't get that in Moscow.
I'll go get it.
it's 3:00 in the morning
we've danced the whole night through
and daylight soon will be dawning
just one more dance with you
that melody so entrancing
seems to be made for us two
l could just keep right on dancing
forever, dear, with you.
That melody so entrancing
seems to be made for us two
l could just keep right on dancing
forever, dear, with you.
May I take your breakfast order?
I'd like ham and eggs and pancakes.
Dear Pug, you pleased the boss
greatly the other morning.
He knows what the Nimitz Post
meant to you.
About that request
for your daughter-in-law,
I'm afraid the Germans
queered the effort.
Seems they're in the process
of moving the internees
to another location.
Exactly where, we don't know.
But don't worry, Pug.
Sumner Welles says he truly
believes they're in no hazard,
and that negotiations for exchanging
the crowd are well along.
Good luck in Moscow.
[train whistle blows]
All's well. Don't worry.
[band music]
They say these Baden-Baden
waters work wonders.
We'll be quartered
at the Brenner's Park
until the exchange takes place,
for which negotiations
are still in progress.
I'd like to present
our Swiss Liaison Officer,
Mr. Henri Bulle.
Good afternoon.
intense diplomatic efforts
are indeed proceeding
to speed the exchange.
Meantime, your welfare
is now the responsibility
of the German government.
My government,
by agreement of all parties,
is directly interested.
My instructions
are to make sure you are well
and comfortable at all times
and receive every courtesy
and good treatment
possible in wartime.
And now, Dr. Kurt Friedrich
of the German Foreign Ministry.
Welcome to Germany.
You are asked
to place your baggage
on the tables provided
for inspection.
All short wave radios
will be confiscated.
You will be allowed
to listen to German radio,
and you will have German
newspapers and magazines.
After baggage inspection
and you have been
shown your rooms,
lunch will be served
in the main dining room.
l wish you a pleasant stay
in beautiful Baden-Baden.
This hotel once had
a reputation for its cookery.
Professor Aaron Jastrow?
Author of a Jew's Jesus,
l believe.
Yes, indeed, Dr. Friedrich.
Professor, may I say,
l am a long-time
admirer of yours.
Your book should
be required reading
for all aspiring theologians.
Jesus the man
walks in the pages.
l am honored
to serve as your host.
I've not been
translated into German.
l thought I'd be unknown here.
Your name on the roster
might as well have been
in electric lights.
Oh, I see.
The top floor suite you and
your niece have been assigned,
with the fine river view.
is it adequate?
Oh, perfectly.
indeed, quite luxurious.
And you and your baby,
Mrs. Henry,
you're comfortable?
Yes, thank you.
it's the hotel's
best accommodation.
When you're settled in, sir,
perhaps you and I can chat
and discuss your work
and literature in general.
I'm a lover of serious history.
l shall be at your disposal.
They know who we are.
That will be 80 cents.
Thanks a lot.
You're welcome.
How have you been?
I'm okay.
Let me look at you.
You're becoming
more like Warren.
I'll never be like Warren.
Come on.
This is a nice place.
it's all Vic and I really need.
The spare bedroom is yours
while you're here
and whenever you're in Port.
That will be great.
Dad said in his last letter
you found Natalie.
is there any news?
Yeah, I talked to Slote
when I was in Washington.
She's in Germany.
I'll tell you later.
Where's Vic?
in the kitchen. Come on.
Hey, Skipper.
Yeah. Byron!
it's great to see you.
it's about time.
Welcome back.
Where did the sign come from?
Halsey's got it
hanging over his H.Q.
So, how do you
like the Moray so far?
Makes the Devilfish
look like a sardine can.
First patrol's in two weeks.
Let me show you around.
Magnificent, isn't she?
These fleet submarines
are a new breed.
Range, speed,
maneuverability, everything.
And maybe 40%
of her effectiveness
wasted on lousy torpedoes.
They haven't replaced
the mark 14s?
Nope. And the damn magnetic
exploders are still failing.
So I'm just going
to have to jam her in close
and shoot for contact.
Makes life interesting
for all hands.
Yeah, I guess so.
I've got a great idea.
I'm staying with Janice.
Why don't you come
to dinner tonight?
Maybe some other time,
all right?
Let me show you
the forward torpedo room.
[telephone rings]
Jan, it's Byron.
I'll miss dinner tonight.
I've got the watch.
Oh, that's too bad.
Everything okay?
Everything's fine.
I'll see you in the morning.
We'll be looking for you.
Especially Vic.
After one day he's already
asking for his Uncle Briny.
That's great.
Give him a hug for me.
Will do.
l hate to say this,
but the hanky panky
will have to stop for a while.
What are you talking about?
l can't take a chance
on Byron finding out about us.
Janice, you're a grown woman.
There's nothing wrong
with what we're doing here.
l know that.
But you know Byron,
and I don't want him to get
all upset and disapproving.
Am I understanding you?
Are you calling it off?
Would you mind all that much?
Hell, yes, I would.
Well, don't look so tragic.
Byron doesn't have to know.
He'll have the duty every...
every other night.
l suppose he will,
as long as you have
anything to say about it.
We'll see.
Byron must never,
ever find out about us.
Janice, it's none
of his business.
Casablanca, January 24, 1943.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
and Winston Churchill
meet secretly to map
the allied war strategy
for the coming year.
Mr. Prime Minister,
would you say that
in view of Stalingrad,
El Alamein, and Guadalcanal,
and our landings
in North Africa,
that we have turned
the corner in this war?
l have never promised anything
but blood, toil,
tears, and sweat.
Now, however,
we have a new experience.
A bright gleam has caught
the helmets of our soldiers
and warmed and cheered
all our hearts.
This is not the end.
it is not even
the beginning of the end.
But it is, perhaps,
the end of the beginning.
Mr. President, what can you tell us
of the decisions made?
Precious little.
But let me say this.
Some of you Britishers know that
we had a General named U.S. Grant.
He was called
''Unconditional Surrender'' Grant.
Well, the elimination of German,
Italian, and Japanese war power
means the unconditional surrender
of Germany, Italy, and Japan.
l associate myself
with that completely.
Mr. President,
doesn't this unconditional surrender
give the dictators
a propaganda tool
to prolong the war?
l will answer that.
Negotiations with Hitler
are impossible.
He is a maniac,
with power to play his hand
to the end, which he will.
Therefore, so will we.
Unconditional surrender, gentlemen.
Nothing less.
Unconditional surrender.
What pompous rubbish.
it is the biggest mistake
Roosevelt has ever made.
Dr. Goebbels will certainly
have a field day with that one.
in my opinion,
there is only one
propagandist in the world
who is shrewder
than Dr. Goebbels.
Who is that?
Franklin Roosevelt.
Do not you gentlemen realize
what a master stroke this is?
With just two words,
two sledgehammer words which are
even now ringing around the world,
he has announced
that we are losing the war.
And to forestall any possibility
of a separate peace in the east,
he has publicly assured Stalin...
that the allies
are in it to the end.
Field Marshal Von Manstein's
Operation Winter Storm,
the relief of Fortress Stalingrad,
has failed.
But Hitler stubbornly clings
to his stand or die policy.
Paulus to Fuhrer.
Troops without ammunition or food.
18,000 wounded.
No dressings or medicine.
Further defense senseless.
Collapse inevitable.
Request immediate permission
to surrender to save lives.
Surrender forbidden.
Sixth army's heroic endurance
to the last man
will be the salvation
of the Western world.
Paulus to Fuhrer.
Fortress can be held
only a few days longer.
l shall order breakouts in
organized groups to the Southwest.
[Hitler's voice]
Breakouts forbidden.
You will hold your positions
for the last man
and the last round.
Send this.
Paulus to Fuhrer.
Final collapse
a matter of hours.
Send this to General Paulus.
Fuhrer to Paulus.
You are promoted
to Field Marshal.
My congratulations.
List of 117 of your officers
also promoted one grade
is as follows.
''Chief of Staff,
Major General Schmidt.''
Good news, Schmidt.
General Lieutenant.
And may I be the first
to congratulate you,
Field Marshal.
He didn't commit suicide?
He didn't have the decency?
He surrendered?
Most surprising.
No sense of honor, Mein Fuhrer.
They've got a German
Field Marshal!
No other Field Marshal
has ever been captured alive!
What treachery!
What disgraceful behavior!
The dirty, cowardly swine!
How did he not have the decency
to kill himself?
Do you know what hurts the most?
That I promoted him
to Field Marshal.
Why does he think I did that?
200,000 soldiers died for him.
100,000 became prisoners
of the Bolsheviks.
That doesn't upset him.
Paulus didn't shoot himself.
That upsets him.
Somebody always has to be wrong.
But he never is.
You predicted it, Halder.
That was why he fired you.
There is only one way
to save Germany now.
Kill him.
And who will do it?
l will.
Count Claus Schenk
Von Stauffenberg--
Scion of ancient German
Catholic nobility,
career Army Officer.
it is he who will
take upon himself
the task of assassinating
Adolf Hitler.
Seven days later,
on the other side of the world,
Hitler's axis sustains
another staggering blow -
the Battle of Guadalcanal
comes to an end.
Six months and two days
after the bloody battle began,
Major General Alexander Patch,
Commander, Ground Forces,
sends a final communiqu?
to his superiors.
Message for Admiral Halsey.
Thank you.
from General Patch, good news.
Total and complete defeat
of Japanese forces
effective at 1625 today.
Am happy to report Tokyo express
no longer has terminus Guadalcanal.
Congratulations, sir.
Job well-done, well-done.
On these two poles of war -
Stalingrad and Guadalcanal -
the Second World War turns.
This is Halsey speaking.
Get me General Patch, Guadalcanal.
Both battles begin and end
within days of each other.
Both are desperate head-on clashes
of national wills.
Bill Halsey.
4-0, Alex.
And with both outcomes
and the axis defeat
in North Africa,
the tide of war shifts
for all the world to witness,
but for Adolf Hitler,
it marks the end of his dream
of world conquest.
After Stalingrad, he will only
be fighting to save his neck.
Great news from Guadalcanal.
What's the Kremlin's reaction?
it's hard to say.
From all we can tell,
the Politburo hasn't sobered up
since the Red Army kicked
those Heinies out of Stalingrad.
I'm sure glad
you're here, though.
Yes, sir.
I'm still not quite
sure why I'm here.
The whole purpose
of your presence in Moscow
is to get through
to your old buddy Yevlenko.
You remember Yevlenko,
don't you?
Yes, sir.
Well, he's Mr. Big on lend-lease now.
He won't give the time
of day to anybody.
That's why I'm counting on you.
I'll do my best.
What action do you want me
to get out of General Yevlenko?
Some quid pro quo,
something in return
for that Lend-Lease
we've given them free
on a silver platter.
Here. Look at what
it says on that.
Can you beat it?
From the Fellow Workers Party
of New York.
Those are Lend-Lease or Red Cross
cigarettes, nothing else!
Giving millions of them
to the Red Army.
How did you get them, sir?
Czech Diplomat gave them
to me last night.
Said he got them
from a Red Army officer.
Told him the fellow
Communist Comrades of New York
are supplying the Red Army.
l got reporters coming in here
in about 10 minutes,
and they're going to get an earful.
Admiral, the new Lend-Lease Act
will be voted on this week.
Perhaps this isn't the time
to bring this up.
it's exactly the right time.
That's what
you'll tell Yevlenko.
Let those scoundrels know what
ingratitude leads to
when you deal with Americans.
it's low-level stuff.
l wouldn't magnify it
out of proportion.
You wouldn't, huh?
Well, stick around.
Since I've been here,
I've been waiting
for the Russians to acknowledge
they're getting help
from us and the British.
l don't mean only Lend-Lease.
There's Red Cross
and Russian Relief.
My wife works
for Russian Relief,
and not one whisper.
We were at the Southern front.
We see lots of
Lend-Lease stuff in use.
That's not what I said.
l said some acknowledgements
that the Soviets
are fighting this war
with our military supplies.
They don't want to admit
they're getting outside help.
They want their people to believe
they're fighting this war alone!
You sure this isn't
off the record, Mr. Ambassador?
Use it.
The Soviet authorities
are apparently trying
to convince those
at home and abroad
that they're fighting
this war alone
with their own resources.
l see no reason why you shouldn't
print my remarks if you care to.
Mr. Ambassador!
Mr. Ambassador, please!
Glad you came, Rhoda?
I'm so glad you invited me.
it's been so long, I've almost
forgotten how to dance.
Speaking of that, let's -
Why, Mrs. Henry.
What a pleasant surprise.
Why, it's been ages.
Uh, Colonel Peters,
Lord and Lady Berne-Wilke.
Not yet, I'm afraid.
Pamela's journalism
still keeps her on the run.
Oh, that's too bad.
Pamela's father was
Alistair Tudsbury, the BBC man.
Pamela is following
in her father's footsteps.
My condolences.
Your father was a great voice
for the allied effort.
Thank you.
l was flabbergasted to read
about your engagement.
l didn't realize
you were still in Washington.
I'll be moving on soon,
probably to Moscow.
You'll probably see Pug then.
Very possibly.
Well, if you do,
remember to remind him
to watch his weight.
He absolutely balloons
when he's not at sea.
I'll be sure and mention it.
Well, it's been my pleasure,
but Pamela and l
have to show the flag
at another party this evening.
Good night.
Good night.
There's big brass for you.
Berne-Wilke was just given
the China-Burma-India Theater.
You don't say.
That's a very attractive couple.
She's looking much older.
Shall we dance?
I'd love to.
Thanks for seeing me, General.
it's good to see you again.
Not at all, Captain Henry.
l remember well our
last time together.
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.
As I understand it,
your Ambassador seeks
a general statement
on the use of Lend-Lease materials
on the battlefields.
Lend-Lease is very costly.
Our President needs popular support
if it is to continue.
But haven't victories
like Stalingrad
gained enough public support?
We are a grateful people,
Captain Henry.
We show it by fighting.
What else would you have us do?
Still, my Ambassador feels
there's been
insufficient publicity
on American and Allied aid.
You toured the front
at a bad moment in 1941.
Well, by a pleasant coincidence,
l can offer you
another such trip.
l am about to leave Moscow
to inspect the Lend-Lease situation
in the battlefield.
l will visit active fronts.
There may be...
Do you wish to accompany me
and render an eyewitness report
to your President?
That can be arranged,
and perhaps we can then agree
on a general statement, too.
l accept. When do we start?
When do we make a start?
American style.
Vash Zdorovye.
We'll probably go
to Leningrad first.
it is still under attack,
but there are ways through
that are not, uh, too dangerous.
Don't the Germans
shell the tracks?
and we keep fixing them.
it is called
the Corridor of Death.
But we will not be going
into the city that way today.
No. We are traveling
over the ice
in one of the truck convoys.
[speaking Russian]
They smell us,
but they can't really see us.
it's too far away.
[shell explodes]
Their sense of smell
is not too bad.
l hope these trucks float.
Yeah. Powdered eggs.
l recognize the stuff.
I've eaten enough of it at sea.
Also, the boots and the uniforms
of this Battalion.
Do they know
what they're wearing?
Russian body.
l don't see any destruction.
Not here.
it's a beautiful city.
it was.
Now I will show you what
the Germans have done
to the rest of our city.
Before siege,
Leningrad was city
of three million people.
Now, 600,000.
[speaking Russian]
Captain Victor Henry -
[speaking Russian]
My daughter-in-law Vera
invites us to her apartment.
Big blunders were made.
Crude, stupid,
unforgivable blunders!
By whom?
A million old people,
children, and -
and others who were
not able-bodied
should have been evacuated.
With the Germans
150 kilometers away
and bombers coming
around the clock,
food should not have been stored
in old warehouses!
Six months' rations for the whole
city burned up in one night.
Burned up!
But the Germans
did not take Leningrad,
and they will not!
Moscow gave the orders,
but Leningrad saved itself,
despite the orders.
That is my son.
Fine-looking young man.
l believe you told me...
you have an Aviator son.
l did.
He was killed
in the Battle of Midway.
His name?
Varren Viktorovich Henry.
So, Mr. Hopkins, regarding
the question of a separate peace
on which you have
asked for my judgment,
today such a peace
would be a betrayal.
When I'm among Russians,
l don't sense or fear
that kind of treachery.
Lend-Lease is an inspired
and historic policy,
but blood shed on the battlefield
remains the decisive thing in wars.
People can stand only so much of it
without hope of relief.
My crystal ball, therefore,
says something very obvious -
lf we can convince the Russians
that we're serious about
a second front in Europe soon,
we can forget about
a separate peace.
Otherwise, it's a risk.
Sincerely, Victor Henry.
Stalingrad, Leningrad, all those
Russkie cities you've seen.
You've covered some ground.
I'll bet those boys
in the Foreign Office
have their noses out of joint.
Outstanding, Pug.
I'm the beneficiary
of a delusion
that around here, I'm somebody.
You are somebody.
Give me that report the soonest.
You know, Pug,
my head may still roll for that
press conference I gave,
but by God, it worked.
Pardon me?
Haven't you heard?
Lend-Lease stories
have flooded the Soviet Press.
That, and Yevlenko's
finally come around
with those statements I wanted.
They'll think twice before
kicking us around anymore.
Admiral, they're putting up
a magnificent fight
along a 1,000-mile front.
They're breaking
Nazi Germany's back,
and they're suffering horribly.
There's your quid pro quo.
Yeah, yeah.
How about the Germans
retaking Kharkov?
That confounded maniac
Hitler's got nine lives.
You ought to have seen
the down-in-the-mouth Russkies
at the Swedish Embassy last night.
See you later, Pug.
Dear Captain Henry,
The Washington-Moscow Pouch
is a handy thing.
l have some news for you,
but first, a request-
Pam Tudsbury is here, as you know,
working for the London Observer.
She wants to go to Moscow,
where all the major war stories
are found these days.
She applied for a Visa,
but no soap.
Quite simply,
can you do something about this?
When I suggested to Pam
that she write you,
she turned colors and said,
'no chance.
Wouldn't dream of pestering you.'
l told Pamela I would
write you about her.
She turned more flamboyant colors
and said,
'Leslie, I won't hear of it!'
l took that as British
female double-talk
for 'oh, please, please do.'
Now I come to the news.
The attempt to get Natalie and her
uncle out of Lourdes fell through.
The 40 Aircraft
are discussed on pages 17-18.
And here is my
Lend-Lease summary.
Thank you.
l cannot read this now.
I'm off to the Southern front.
l will read it on the plane.
General, I've also written
a personal letter to Harry Hopkins.
l don't want to leave
a copy with you,
but if you care to read it,
l will wait.
That is the kind
of cautious secrecy
we Russians are often accused of.
Possibly, it's infectious.
As I told you, Captain Henry,
unfortunately, I have
very little time now.
in that case,
when you return,
I'll be at your service.
[telephone rings]
[speaking Russian]
lf you have any comments,
I'll transmit them
to Mr. Hopkins.
He may not like
what I have to say.
That doesn't matter.
Your talk of a separate peace
is provocative and naive.
Now I must go.
You asked about my son
on the Kharkov front.
We have heard from him.
He is all right.
I'm absolutely
delighted to hear that.
As for Miss Pamela Tudsbury,
her Visa...
has been issued.
Your driver will return you
to your flat.
A Jew's Journey,
February 20, 1943.
it's been some time since
I've felt well enough
to make a journal entry.
Shortly after our
arrival in Baden-Baden
almost two months ago,
l began to suffer
from severe gastric problems.
Just last week, I became so ill
that our American doctor,
a Red Cross man,
requested my hospitalization.
After every conceivable
gastro-intestinal examination,
the diagnosis is an aliment
known as diverticulitis,
and the treatment -
a special diet, bed rest,
and continuous medication.
This morning, for the first time
since I left the hospital,
l am at last feeling
a little better.
it's good to see you
working again.
l hope you're not overdoing it.
Aren't you chilly?
No. I'm fine, my dear.
As fit as a boy.
All those hospital custards
did me good.
Have you heard the latest
rumors about our exchange?
Now it's supposed
to take place at Easter.
Yes. The Germans showing their
civilized respect for religion,
l suppose.
Well, we shall see.
Aaron? Aaron, what is it?
Oh, my God!
Look here.
You can see the developing lesions
in the intestinal wall.
I'm afraid it will require surgery,
but... unfortunately, we don't
have the facilities here.
Then what do we do?
Paris, Mrs. Henry.
The best man for such surgery
is in the American hospital there.
Mrs. Byron Henry?
Wald Liestal, Swiss Mission.
Henry Bulle in Baden-Baden
sent me your files.
I'll be your
Swiss contact in Paris.
Are we safe here, Mr. Liestal?
Oh, yes. Try not to worry.
There are several special-case
Americans like yourself in Paris
awaiting the exchange.
We'll get your papers today.
Thank you.
Comte de Chambrun.
Monsieur Liestal.
May I present Mrs. Byron Henry,
Professor Jastrow's niece.
Mrs. Henry, Comte Aldebert
de Chambrun, hospital Director.
I'm honored.
Merci, comte.
They're taking you
to your room now.
I'll see you later.
Madame, can I relieve you
of any burdens?
Thank you, but I'm only
concerned for my uncle.
When is his surgery scheduled?
it is scheduled
for 8:00 tomorrow morning.
There were complications,
Madame Henry.
He'll have some bad days, yes,
but he should do fine.
He will take time to recuperate.
But when we can move him,
he will have a splendid, sunny room
with a terrace for his recovery,
as well as 'round-the-clock nursing.
Of course.
l am taking a personal interest
in your uncle,
and I'll keep you informed.
l don't know how to thank you.
You must be Natalie, the niece.
[speaking French]
You're as lovely
as my husband said.
Your husband?
Ah, I'm the Comtess de Chambrun.
My, we're a long way from home,
aren't we, little britches?
You're American?
l was.
Your uncle, the author,
l take it?
I'm a Longworth, related
to the Roosevelts by marriage.
We can't count that man
in the White House.
He's just a throwback.
One can't choose one's relatives,
can one?
Except by marriage.
That's my connection
to Pierre Laval.
Our son married his daughter,
a lovely, frail little thing.
Did I mention that?
No, you didn't.
He'll be the Savior of France.
That the allies
flock to De Gaulle amazes me.
Nothing but a posturing Charlatan,
with that horrendous nose.
The statement
that France lost a battle
and not the war, is rubbish!
Won't you join me
in my husband's office for some tea?
We have something to discuss.
l know,
it tastes like boiled grass.
it's verbena tea.
Miraculous for digestion.
Anyway, there's no
other kind available.
Your uncle seems very ill, indeed.
He almost died
of internal hemorrhaging.
Oh, dear.
My husband says he can't return
to Baden-Baden for some time.
Now then.
l understand you're Radcliffe,
with a Sorbonne Graduate degree.
Yes. in another lifetime.
Don't be soppy.
As it happens,
l manage the American Library.
My help went home
when the Bosch marched.
How would you like
to do something useful?
I'd love it.
What about my son?
I'll arrange for someone
to look after him.
Well, then. it's all settled.
You'll work for me.
By the way,
where are you staying?
l found a boarding house.
A boarding house?
Absolutely unacceptable.
The hospital provides
perfectly adequate lodging
for its staff close by.
There will be plenty of room.
We'll arrange that right now.
And you'll come to work for me
at the library.
You're terribly kind.
l want to resume writing my book
on Hamlet and Macbeth.
I'm a Shakespeare Scholar...
of sorts.
April in Paris.
l had my first love in Paris.
in April.
A long time ago.
The only time and place.
All these German uniforms
ruin everything.
One soon stops noticing them.
One soon doesn't notice
those yellow stars, either.
Never. Not me.
lf the British hadn't left us
in the lurch at Dunkirk,
you wouldn't see that in Paris.
Unfortunately, that Churchill
is nothing more than
a drunken loudmouth.
Come let's have lunch.
[marching band music]
Another sight I'll never get used to -
the Champs-Elysees.
Believe me, the Bosch are a lot
better than the Bolsheviks.
lf Hitler had the sense not to invade
France and finish Russia instead,
he would have been
a world hero today.
Now, we have to wait
for the Americans to rescue us.
So, Natalie, is your uncle
pleased with his suite
in our convalescent home?
He's a bit dazed by the luxury
and treatment, as am l.
Why is that?
The occupiers requested it.
l wake up nights worrying about that.
Child, what nonsense.
There's nothing strange about it.
After the exchange,
your uncle will no doubt be talking
to newspapers and magazines
about his treatment
at German hands.
This is a chance for them
to counter the unfavorable opinion
on their Jewish policy.
You think it's a propaganda ploy?
My dear, the Germans
are a coarse and thick-headed lot.
But they display a brutish cunning
when it comes to propaganda.
Dr. Goebbels is quite clever
in his heavy-handed way.
in any event, what other
explanation can there be?
Natalie... we have a visitor.
An old friend of yours.
Mrs. Henry.
l am so pleased to see you again.
Hi, Rho.
Oh, Pug.
I'm sorry. Oh, I'm so sorry.
l didn't mean to cry. Really.
I'm just so happy to see you.
it's all right. it's all right.
Oh, damn!
Oh, damn. I meant to carry this
off with a smile and a martini and...
though a martini's a
scrumptious idea, isn't it?
it's a fine idea, Rho.
Come on.
Well, now, let's have a look at you.
Madeline's coming home
for Christmas, you know,
and, well, not having a maid, I got
the tree early and trimmed it myself.
Well, say something, Pug.
These Captain's inspections
are giving me the whim-whams.
What do you think
of the old hulk, huh?
You look absolutely marvelous.
Oh. Oh, I knew you would say that.
Oh, and look at you.
Oh, so smart.
Oh, a few new gray hairs
you old thing...
but very attractive.
Ooh, that feels good.
How about that drink now?
l could use one.
l better call Digger first, find
out why I'm on class one priority.
Digger will only tell you
to call the White House.
White House?
Oh, Lord.
Lucy Brown will have my head.
She swore me to secrecy.
l just assumed you knew.
Assumed that I knew what?
Exactly what did she tell you
and when?
Oh, dear.
it seems the White House ordered
Bupers to get you back P.D.Q.
Now, this was sometime
in November, before...
well, before you lost
the North Hampton.
That's all I know.
That's all Digger knows.
Pug, can't it wait?
You go make the drinks, honey.
Just don't let on that Lucy told me.
She will roast me over a slow fire.
[playing swing version
of winter wonderland]
So what did Digger say?
I'm supposed to meet
the President at noon tomorrow.
The President? Oh, Pug.
l must say, you don't look
very happy about it.
The last time I visited
the White House,
it damned near wrecked my career.
in Pearl, I was summoned
by Admiral Spruance.
He's now Nimitz' Chief of Staff.
l expected hell for losing my ship.
l figured my career was finished.
Evidently, they thought I did
something right in that battle.
Spruance wants me for his
Operations Officer.
Nimitz put in the request.
Oh, Pug.
What is it, Rho?
I'm very happy for you, Pug.
it's just that I was hoping...
maybe you would get to be
the President's Naval Aide.
Well, that was Lucy Brown's guess.
Then, at least we'd get to see
something of each other a while.
Yes, that would be nice.
it sure would.
it's good.
Do you want to talk about
the North Hampton, Pug?
We got torpedoed, and we sank.
Poor Alistair Tudsbury.
l was flattened when I read about it.
Yes. That was a shock.
Damn pity, but at least old Talky
died with his boots on.
l wonder what Pamela will do now.
l saw them when they passed
through Hollywood.
l got your letter.
She told me she actually
wrote some of his speeches.
She was ghosting quite
a bit toward the end.
Now... how about that dinner?
Yes, the dinner.
l think that's enough wine, dear.
Negative. This is my homecoming.
I'm celebrating.
Now, where was l?
You were telling me
about new Caledonia,
where you took the North Hampton
after Midway.
Oh, right.
Yeah. A madhouse.
All those fussy French Colonialists
overrun by American war-making.
Halsey's running the whole damn
South Pacific campaign from Noumea.
He has a few navy nurses
some French girls,
and they're surrounded 4-deep
by Colonels and Captains.
A Lieutenant hasn't got a look-in.
Warren didn't like that.
We're sitting in the bar
of this musty French hotel,
and Warren leans in with that grin,
and says,
''Dad, what these girls are forgetting,
when the uniform come off,
the more stripes, the less action.''
Only Warren, huh, Rho?
I'm afraid you're not making
much sense, dear.
You just said you and Warren
were together, and he cracked a joke.
l guess I could do with some coffee.
l don't think coffee
will help much, dear.
That is discouraging.
Sweetie pie, I love you
to little pieces,
but I just don't think
you could make it.
One good night's sleep and the tiger
will be back on the prowl.
it's good to have you back.
Sorry about this.
Well, I guess he's forgiven me...
But he hasn't even begun to forget.
The question is...
is it salvageable?
l think it is.
All in all,
it wasn't such a bad first day.
Pug, it's been a while.
Have a seat.
The Great White Father
will call us.
Leahy and Hopkins are with him.
Did Bupers notify you
that Admiral Nimitz wants me
as Deputy Chief of Staff?
Well, uh...
yes, yes, they did.
The President knows, too?
My advice to you is to go in there
and simply listen when summoned.
[telephone rings]
Okay. Thank you.
We're on.
Mr. President,
Captain Victor Henry.
Well, Pug, old boy.
Mr. President.
So the Japs made you swim
for it, did they?
I'm afraid so, sir.
My favorite exercise,
you know - swimming.
Good for my health, but I like
to pick my time and place.
You remember Harry.
And you know our head
of Joint Chiefs Admiral Leahy.
Yes, sir.
l regret the loss of that grand ship
and all those brave men.
The North Hampton gave
a fine account of herself.
I'm glad you got away safe.
Thank you, sir.
Tell me something, Henry.
Exactly what happened out there
off of Tassafaronga?
I've been reviewing the records.
We found ourselves
in torpedo water, sir,
after opening fire at 12,000 yards.
We had intelligence,
Mr. President,
that the Japs were building
a remarkably long-legged torpedo.
Tasssafaronga confirmed it.
Noticed you mentioned
those torpedoes
in the conference report
of the battle,
and suggested commencing
firing at longer range.
Yes, sir.
it's too bad someone didn't listen,
Why do you suppose that was?
We're looking into it, Mr. President.
Care to comment on that, Henry?
No, sir.
Well, I said, Mr. President,
it's being looked into.
Well, thanks for your time, Chief.
I'll send you a written summary
of next week's agenda this afternoon.
Thank you, Henry.
Yes, sir.
Sit down, Pug.
When I got word from Sec-Nav
about your boy Warren, I felt terrible.
is Rhoda bearing up?
Yes, sir, she is.
That was a remarkable
victory at Midway,
and it was all due to brave
youngsters like Warren.
They saved our situation
in the Pacific.
We ran into a shortage
of landing craft for North Africa.
There was talk of a crash
program to turn them out.
Your name came up.
One forceful man riding herd on that
problem for the navy is what I need.
However, quite by coincidence,
something else has come along.
You remember old Bill Standley?
I've made him my
Ambassador to Moscow.
Yes, sir. I heard that.
He's been singing your praises
ever since you went there with him
last year on that Harriman Mission.
He wants you back in Russia, asked
for you as a special military aide.
Do you have a preference?
Mr. President,
this goes to my head a bit -
being offered such a choice,
and by you.
That's most of what I do,
old fellow.
l sit here, a traffic cop, directing
the right men to the right jobs.
Well, you've got to take
10 days leave first in any case.
Show Rhoda a good time.
That's an order.
Then call Russ Carton.
We'll put you to work.
Yes, sir. I'll do that.
By the way, how is your submariner?
Doing very well, sir.
And his wife - that Jewish girl
who was having difficulties in Italy?
She's - she's all right, sir.
Thank you.
This Jewish situation
is simply awful.
I'm at my wits end about it.
The only answer is to smash
Nazi Germany
and give the Germans a beating
they'll remember for generations.
We're trying.
So long, Pug.
Thank you, sir.
[knock on door]
Hello, Foxy.
Slote, you made it.
Good to see you.
Where did you shoot
that thing - Siberia?
Just about.
Well, here it is.
Good. Now, you take a look at this.
What is this?
You're just in time.
''Joint United Nations Statement on
German atrocities against Jews.''
Foxy, what is this?
A keg of dynamite,
that's what it is.
A hell of a breakthrough.
Official. Approved.
Ready to go for simultaneous release
in Moscow, London, and Washington,
maybe as soon as tomorrow.
When Tuttle cabled us
about the stuff you were bringing,
it gave us leverage.
Who made these cuts?
They castrate the thing.
That's a very strong document.
Don't give me that!
lf we don't say our government
believes that the Germans
are committing genocide
against the Jews.
lf we don't talk about
the whole sale extermination
of women and children, who cares?
Then it's just about Jews -
far-off, bearded Kikes!
Les, that's an overwrought
emotional reaction.
Now, you're tired -
Damn right, I'm tired!
l have just come 5,000 miles
with these documents.
Now I want to know
who made these cuts.
They came from the second floor.
Breckinridge Long.
The President's dear old friend.
Oh, yeah.
As a matter of fact, he's champing
at the bit to see you.
Ask him.
You have an appointment
with him in 10 minutes.
Well, Leslie Slote.
We should have met
a long time ago.
Tell me...
how's your father?
My father?
He's fine. I wasn't aware
you were acquainted.
Well, I haven't seen him
since our days at Princeton,
but he and I used to just about
run the Ivy Club.
getting in trouble with girls.
Now, how did Timmy Slote's boy
ever happen to go to a tin-pot
school like Yale?
Why didn't your father
put his foot down about Princeton?
Thank you, sir.
Well, despite that handicap...
you've made an admirable
Foreign Affairs Officer.
Oh... I know your record.
Thank you.
The fact of the matter is,
that's why I wanted to see you.
l need help...
a special kind of help.
You do?
indeed, yes.
Uh...somebody in the division
of European Affairs
should be disposing
of Jewish matters
and not passing them on to me.
l think Timmy Slote's boy
is the man for the job.
Your reputation -
being a sympathizer with the Jews -
is a wonderful asset.
l don't want to be placed
in such a position
unless I can do something
to help the people who come to me.
Of course.
That's what I'd want you to do.
But the existing regulations
make that almost impossible.
Come on, tell me.
The visa requirements, for example.
How, in the name of God,
are German Jews
supposed to get a good conduct
certification from local police?
They're Gestapo.
Leslie, these are standard rules
devised to keep out criminals,
illegal fugitives,
and other riff-raff.
Nobody has a God-given right
to enter the United States.
it's agreed. Agreed.
But there are ways around all that...
if we look for them.
Yes. Yes. You're probably right.
I'm not pigheaded...
I'm not an Anti-Semite...
Despite all the smears in the press.
Hopefully, our joint statement
will go some distance
to silence that kind of thing.
Have you had a chance to look at it?
as a matter of fact, I have, and...
Breck, if I may speak candidly?
Oh, please. Please.
I'm terribly concerned about
the deletions in that statement.
Oh, as am l, Leslie.
As am l, but...
try to understand.
l am not entirely my own man here.
You see, uh...
Antony Eden drew up that plan.
between the Russians
and the British,
we've been going round and round.
That we could get anything
through at all...
it's a miracle.
Yes. I'm sure it was.
l truly believe we must help
the unfortunate Jewish race
in their time of agony,
whenever, wherever we can.
Within the law.
l need your help.
Will you help me?
I'll try, sir.
I'll try.
[Music - ''As Time Goes By'']
Well, bless me.
There's Colonel Peters.
Do you know him?
He's a fine man.
l met him at church.
Where on Earth
did he find that chorus girl?
What do you say, shall we join them?
Suits me.
Oh, I don't know.
Can I trust you at the same table
with that blond floozy?
Come on.
Mrs. Henry, nice seeing you again.
Colonel Peters.
My husband, Captain Henry,
Colonel Peters.
Captain. Susan Wiley,
Captain and Mrs. Henry.
Pleasure meeting you.
General, how are you?
[Music - Chattanooga Choo-Choo'']
Captain, tell me.
How do you think the war is going?
All over.
How does the Navy see it?
That depends on where you sit.
Then from where you're sitting.
l see plenty of hell behind us
and plenty ahead.
That's a better year-end summary
then I've read in any newspaper.
it's almost midnight,
ladies and gentlemen.
Allow me, Mrs. Henry.
Oh, Pug.
Happy New Year, Rhoda.
Happy New Year.
All right, everybody,
it's almost time.
Why don't we all count together?
And 10...
Happy New Year!
[Music ''Auld Lang Syne'']
Happy New Year, darling.
This will be a better one.
Let's hope so, Rho.
Let's hope so.
[doorbell rings]
Hello, Leslie.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year to you.
Well, it's been a long time.
it sure has.
Thank you.
l was very sorry to hear about
the North Hampton.
l was just checking
to see how we did
with our
Joint United Nations statement.
Oh, about the atrocities?
You mean you actually found it,
buried on page 10
of the Washington Post.
They didn't give it much play,
did they?
Well, I shouldn't be surprised,
l guess.
But still, if the three powers agree
on anything and commit it to paper,
you'd think it would be worth
something noticed.
At least the New York Times
put it on the front page.
Under the item about
gas rationing of course.
Oh, by the way, have you seen this?
No, I haven't.
it's too bad about Talky.
Oh, how good to see you.
Pleasure to see you.
This is our daughter Madeline.
Madeline, Leslie Slote, a very
good friend of Byron's and Natalie's.
Pleasure to meet you.
l heard a great deal about you.
Thank you for inviting me.
A bachelor can always
use a home-cooked meal.
Oh, don't be silly.
Oh, Time?
Yeah, it's about Tudsbury.
Oh, so awful.
Well, bless me.
Pamela's coming here.
And she's engaged
to Lord Burne-Wilke.
Did you know that, Pug?
No, I didn't.
She's done very well for herself.
l remember meeting her.
Lord Burne-Wilke was there,
the blond dreamboat
with the beautiful accent.
it was my party for the
''Bundles for Britain'' concert.
Burne-Wilke's an outstanding man.
Dad, his Lordship is unforgettable.
R.A.F blues, campaign stars,
and all those ribbons.
Kind of like a stern
Leslie Howard.
That's a screwy match, isn't it?
He's your age,
and she's about my age.
Oh, Madeline.
She's older than that.
is there any news of Natalie?
Actually, there's a lot to tell.
Madeline, let's get dinner on.
We'll talk at the table.
But why Lourdes?
Why were they interned there?
We don't really know.
But we are sure
the Vichy Government put them
exactly where
the Germans wanted them.
Can't the Germans take them
whenever they feel like it
with her uncle and the baby
and ship them to some ghastly camp?
Oh, Madeline.
No. That is the problem, exactly.
We just have to hope
it doesn't happen.
l report back to the White House
in a couple days.
Can I do anything for Natalie?
That's what I want to talk
to you about.
Do you have your contact
with Harry Hopkins?
He still calls me Pug.
All right, then.
There was no point
in alarming you before,
but their position
is extremely precarious.
We're no longer dealing
with the French for this group.
The Germans have taken over
the negotiations.
How come?
They're trying
to include in the swap
a swarm of agents from
North Africa and South America.
With the Germans involved,
this enormously heightens
Natalie's danger.
What can the White House do?
Get her out of Lourdes.
Through our people in Spain.
The Spanish border
isn't 40 miles away.
informal, quiet deals can be made,
sometimes indirectly
even with the Gestapo.
I'm not saying this will work.
I'm saying we better try it.
But how?
l know who to talk to at state.
l know where the cable should go.
A call from Harry Hopkins
will let us move.
l don't want to sound frantic,
but l...l urge you to try this.
lf this war goes on two more years,
every Jew in Europe will be dead.
Natalie's no journalist.
Her documents are fraudulent.
lf they break down... she's gone.
The baby, too.
This is the time to cash in whatever
credit you have at the White House.
Try to get Natalie out of Lourdes.
[knock on door]
Come in.
Captain Victor Henry.
Hello, Pug.
Thank you for seeing me, sir.
Always a pleasure.
I'll be going, Mr. Hopkins.
Have a seat.
A little historical trivia for you.
Do you realize it was in this room
that Abraham Lincoln signed
the Emancipation Proclamation?
No, sir, I didn't.
This is where he did it.
There's a real coincidence.
I've meant to get in touch with you.
You been giving any more thought
to our landing craft problem?
I've been thinking about it.
l hope you'll sign on for it.
Lick this one, and you'll be a hero,
and an Admiral pretty soon.
Actually, I've made no decisions yet.
I'm really here to see you
about my daughter-in- law.
So it's still a problem,
l take it.
She and the baby and her uncle,
Dr. Jastrow, are with the
American internees in Lourdes.
As you know, sir, they're Jews.
l was hoping something
might be done
to get them out ahead of the others.
Lourdes, huh?
[telephone rings]
Okay. Let me take a look at that.
This is Hopkins.
Oh, hello, Mr. President.
Right away.
By the way, sir, uh...
Pug Henry is here.
Yes, of course, sir.
The boss wants to say hi to you.
Another 30 seconds, sir.
it's been in long enough.
Well, Pug...
how are you?
Well, sir.
Did you have a nice New Year?
Yes, Mr. President.
What were you and Harry
cooking up just now?
Where do you go next, Moscow,
or Landing Craft Czar?
Mr. President, Admiral Nimitz
has requested my services
as Deputy Chief of Staff
for operations.
Oh, I see.
l suppose that's
where you'll go then.
l certainly wouldn't
blame you for that.
The Pacific is your ocean.
it's a grand assignment.
All the luck.
Oh, Art!
Yes, Mr. President.
Bring that report.
l want to go over it with you.
Here you are, sir.
You see, up here,
this and this don't jive.
it requires a bit more research.
You'll have to check on that.
They don't jive...
Mr. President,
l am always yours to command.
Well, Pug...
it's just that Admiral Standley feels
sure he could use you in Moscow.
l had another cable about you
from him only yesterday.
We're fighting a very big war.
There's never been anything like it.
The Russians are very difficult
allies, heaven knows,
perfectly impossible to deal
with sometimes.
But they're tying down
3.5 million, German soldiers.
We can't afford to have Stalin
thinking of negotiating
a separate peace with Hitler.
So, if you can help out in Russia -
and my man on the spot
seems to think so -
why, maybe that's
where you should be.
Aye aye, sir.
in that case, I'll go to Bureau of
Personnel and request those orders.
Good luck, Pug.
Thank you, Mr. President.
So long, Pug.
it will mean at least a year.
it will be a long time.
l was so hoping for Washington.
it's what the President wants, Rho.
Mmm. The President.
We certainly have come a long way.
Do you remember the night
you proposed?
That was too long ago.
Don't give me that!
Honestly, Pug,
you went on and on
about how awful it was
to be a Navy wife.
And you know something?
You were absolutely right.
Just wanted to let you know what
you were getting yourself into.
l thought you were trying
to talk me out of it.
l said, ''fat chance, Mister.
You're hooked.
This is your idea.''
we've had a lovely couple of weeks.
Yes, we have.
Too bad you have to leave tomorrow.
Byron will be here
in a couple of days.
l don't like that part.
You'll miss Pamela Tudsbury, too.
Yes, I'll miss Pamela Tudsbury, too.
Well, if you can stand it,
I've made an apple pie.
Ooh, I won't get that in Moscow.
I'll go get it.
it's 3:00 in the morning
we've danced the whole night through
and daylight soon will be dawning
just one more dance with you
that melody so entrancing
seems to be made for us two
l could just keep right on dancing
forever, dear, with you.
That melody so entrancing
seems to be made for us two
l could just keep right on dancing
forever, dear, with you.
May I take your breakfast order?
I'd like ham and eggs and pancakes.
Dear Pug, you pleased the boss
greatly the other morning.
He knows what the Nimitz Post
meant to you.
About that request
for your daughter-in-law,
I'm afraid the Germans
queered the effort.
Seems they're in the process
of moving the internees
to another location.
Exactly where, we don't know.
But don't worry, Pug.
Sumner Welles says he truly
believes they're in no hazard,
and that negotiations for exchanging
the crowd are well along.
Good luck in Moscow.
[train whistle blows]
All's well. Don't worry.
[band music]
They say these Baden-Baden
waters work wonders.
We'll be quartered
at the Brenner's Park
until the exchange takes place,
for which negotiations
are still in progress.
I'd like to present
our Swiss Liaison Officer,
Mr. Henri Bulle.
Good afternoon.
intense diplomatic efforts
are indeed proceeding
to speed the exchange.
Meantime, your welfare
is now the responsibility
of the German government.
My government,
by agreement of all parties,
is directly interested.
My instructions
are to make sure you are well
and comfortable at all times
and receive every courtesy
and good treatment
possible in wartime.
And now, Dr. Kurt Friedrich
of the German Foreign Ministry.
Welcome to Germany.
You are asked
to place your baggage
on the tables provided
for inspection.
All short wave radios
will be confiscated.
You will be allowed
to listen to German radio,
and you will have German
newspapers and magazines.
After baggage inspection
and you have been
shown your rooms,
lunch will be served
in the main dining room.
l wish you a pleasant stay
in beautiful Baden-Baden.
This hotel once had
a reputation for its cookery.
Professor Aaron Jastrow?
Author of a Jew's Jesus,
l believe.
Yes, indeed, Dr. Friedrich.
Professor, may I say,
l am a long-time
admirer of yours.
Your book should
be required reading
for all aspiring theologians.
Jesus the man
walks in the pages.
l am honored
to serve as your host.
I've not been
translated into German.
l thought I'd be unknown here.
Your name on the roster
might as well have been
in electric lights.
Oh, I see.
The top floor suite you and
your niece have been assigned,
with the fine river view.
is it adequate?
Oh, perfectly.
indeed, quite luxurious.
And you and your baby,
Mrs. Henry,
you're comfortable?
Yes, thank you.
it's the hotel's
best accommodation.
When you're settled in, sir,
perhaps you and I can chat
and discuss your work
and literature in general.
I'm a lover of serious history.
l shall be at your disposal.
They know who we are.
That will be 80 cents.
Thanks a lot.
You're welcome.
How have you been?
I'm okay.
Let me look at you.
You're becoming
more like Warren.
I'll never be like Warren.
Come on.
This is a nice place.
it's all Vic and I really need.
The spare bedroom is yours
while you're here
and whenever you're in Port.
That will be great.
Dad said in his last letter
you found Natalie.
is there any news?
Yeah, I talked to Slote
when I was in Washington.
She's in Germany.
I'll tell you later.
Where's Vic?
in the kitchen. Come on.
Hey, Skipper.
Yeah. Byron!
it's great to see you.
it's about time.
Welcome back.
Where did the sign come from?
Halsey's got it
hanging over his H.Q.
So, how do you
like the Moray so far?
Makes the Devilfish
look like a sardine can.
First patrol's in two weeks.
Let me show you around.
Magnificent, isn't she?
These fleet submarines
are a new breed.
Range, speed,
maneuverability, everything.
And maybe 40%
of her effectiveness
wasted on lousy torpedoes.
They haven't replaced
the mark 14s?
Nope. And the damn magnetic
exploders are still failing.
So I'm just going
to have to jam her in close
and shoot for contact.
Makes life interesting
for all hands.
Yeah, I guess so.
I've got a great idea.
I'm staying with Janice.
Why don't you come
to dinner tonight?
Maybe some other time,
all right?
Let me show you
the forward torpedo room.
[telephone rings]
Jan, it's Byron.
I'll miss dinner tonight.
I've got the watch.
Oh, that's too bad.
Everything okay?
Everything's fine.
I'll see you in the morning.
We'll be looking for you.
Especially Vic.
After one day he's already
asking for his Uncle Briny.
That's great.
Give him a hug for me.
Will do.
l hate to say this,
but the hanky panky
will have to stop for a while.
What are you talking about?
l can't take a chance
on Byron finding out about us.
Janice, you're a grown woman.
There's nothing wrong
with what we're doing here.
l know that.
But you know Byron,
and I don't want him to get
all upset and disapproving.
Am I understanding you?
Are you calling it off?
Would you mind all that much?
Hell, yes, I would.
Well, don't look so tragic.
Byron doesn't have to know.
He'll have the duty every...
every other night.
l suppose he will,
as long as you have
anything to say about it.
We'll see.
Byron must never,
ever find out about us.
Janice, it's none
of his business.
Casablanca, January 24, 1943.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
and Winston Churchill
meet secretly to map
the allied war strategy
for the coming year.
Mr. Prime Minister,
would you say that
in view of Stalingrad,
El Alamein, and Guadalcanal,
and our landings
in North Africa,
that we have turned
the corner in this war?
l have never promised anything
but blood, toil,
tears, and sweat.
Now, however,
we have a new experience.
A bright gleam has caught
the helmets of our soldiers
and warmed and cheered
all our hearts.
This is not the end.
it is not even
the beginning of the end.
But it is, perhaps,
the end of the beginning.
Mr. President, what can you tell us
of the decisions made?
Precious little.
But let me say this.
Some of you Britishers know that
we had a General named U.S. Grant.
He was called
''Unconditional Surrender'' Grant.
Well, the elimination of German,
Italian, and Japanese war power
means the unconditional surrender
of Germany, Italy, and Japan.
l associate myself
with that completely.
Mr. President,
doesn't this unconditional surrender
give the dictators
a propaganda tool
to prolong the war?
l will answer that.
Negotiations with Hitler
are impossible.
He is a maniac,
with power to play his hand
to the end, which he will.
Therefore, so will we.
Unconditional surrender, gentlemen.
Nothing less.
Unconditional surrender.
What pompous rubbish.
it is the biggest mistake
Roosevelt has ever made.
Dr. Goebbels will certainly
have a field day with that one.
in my opinion,
there is only one
propagandist in the world
who is shrewder
than Dr. Goebbels.
Who is that?
Franklin Roosevelt.
Do not you gentlemen realize
what a master stroke this is?
With just two words,
two sledgehammer words which are
even now ringing around the world,
he has announced
that we are losing the war.
And to forestall any possibility
of a separate peace in the east,
he has publicly assured Stalin...
that the allies
are in it to the end.
Field Marshal Von Manstein's
Operation Winter Storm,
the relief of Fortress Stalingrad,
has failed.
But Hitler stubbornly clings
to his stand or die policy.
Paulus to Fuhrer.
Troops without ammunition or food.
18,000 wounded.
No dressings or medicine.
Further defense senseless.
Collapse inevitable.
Request immediate permission
to surrender to save lives.
Surrender forbidden.
Sixth army's heroic endurance
to the last man
will be the salvation
of the Western world.
Paulus to Fuhrer.
Fortress can be held
only a few days longer.
l shall order breakouts in
organized groups to the Southwest.
[Hitler's voice]
Breakouts forbidden.
You will hold your positions
for the last man
and the last round.
Send this.
Paulus to Fuhrer.
Final collapse
a matter of hours.
Send this to General Paulus.
Fuhrer to Paulus.
You are promoted
to Field Marshal.
My congratulations.
List of 117 of your officers
also promoted one grade
is as follows.
''Chief of Staff,
Major General Schmidt.''
Good news, Schmidt.
General Lieutenant.
And may I be the first
to congratulate you,
Field Marshal.
He didn't commit suicide?
He didn't have the decency?
He surrendered?
Most surprising.
No sense of honor, Mein Fuhrer.
They've got a German
Field Marshal!
No other Field Marshal
has ever been captured alive!
What treachery!
What disgraceful behavior!
The dirty, cowardly swine!
How did he not have the decency
to kill himself?
Do you know what hurts the most?
That I promoted him
to Field Marshal.
Why does he think I did that?
200,000 soldiers died for him.
100,000 became prisoners
of the Bolsheviks.
That doesn't upset him.
Paulus didn't shoot himself.
That upsets him.
Somebody always has to be wrong.
But he never is.
You predicted it, Halder.
That was why he fired you.
There is only one way
to save Germany now.
Kill him.
And who will do it?
l will.
Count Claus Schenk
Von Stauffenberg--
Scion of ancient German
Catholic nobility,
career Army Officer.
it is he who will
take upon himself
the task of assassinating
Adolf Hitler.
Seven days later,
on the other side of the world,
Hitler's axis sustains
another staggering blow -
the Battle of Guadalcanal
comes to an end.
Six months and two days
after the bloody battle began,
Major General Alexander Patch,
Commander, Ground Forces,
sends a final communiqu?
to his superiors.
Message for Admiral Halsey.
Thank you.
from General Patch, good news.
Total and complete defeat
of Japanese forces
effective at 1625 today.
Am happy to report Tokyo express
no longer has terminus Guadalcanal.
Congratulations, sir.
Job well-done, well-done.
On these two poles of war -
Stalingrad and Guadalcanal -
the Second World War turns.
This is Halsey speaking.
Get me General Patch, Guadalcanal.
Both battles begin and end
within days of each other.
Both are desperate head-on clashes
of national wills.
Bill Halsey.
4-0, Alex.
And with both outcomes
and the axis defeat
in North Africa,
the tide of war shifts
for all the world to witness,
but for Adolf Hitler,
it marks the end of his dream
of world conquest.
After Stalingrad, he will only
be fighting to save his neck.
Great news from Guadalcanal.
What's the Kremlin's reaction?
it's hard to say.
From all we can tell,
the Politburo hasn't sobered up
since the Red Army kicked
those Heinies out of Stalingrad.
I'm sure glad
you're here, though.
Yes, sir.
I'm still not quite
sure why I'm here.
The whole purpose
of your presence in Moscow
is to get through
to your old buddy Yevlenko.
You remember Yevlenko,
don't you?
Yes, sir.
Well, he's Mr. Big on lend-lease now.
He won't give the time
of day to anybody.
That's why I'm counting on you.
I'll do my best.
What action do you want me
to get out of General Yevlenko?
Some quid pro quo,
something in return
for that Lend-Lease
we've given them free
on a silver platter.
Here. Look at what
it says on that.
Can you beat it?
From the Fellow Workers Party
of New York.
Those are Lend-Lease or Red Cross
cigarettes, nothing else!
Giving millions of them
to the Red Army.
How did you get them, sir?
Czech Diplomat gave them
to me last night.
Said he got them
from a Red Army officer.
Told him the fellow
Communist Comrades of New York
are supplying the Red Army.
l got reporters coming in here
in about 10 minutes,
and they're going to get an earful.
Admiral, the new Lend-Lease Act
will be voted on this week.
Perhaps this isn't the time
to bring this up.
it's exactly the right time.
That's what
you'll tell Yevlenko.
Let those scoundrels know what
ingratitude leads to
when you deal with Americans.
it's low-level stuff.
l wouldn't magnify it
out of proportion.
You wouldn't, huh?
Well, stick around.
Since I've been here,
I've been waiting
for the Russians to acknowledge
they're getting help
from us and the British.
l don't mean only Lend-Lease.
There's Red Cross
and Russian Relief.
My wife works
for Russian Relief,
and not one whisper.
We were at the Southern front.
We see lots of
Lend-Lease stuff in use.
That's not what I said.
l said some acknowledgements
that the Soviets
are fighting this war
with our military supplies.
They don't want to admit
they're getting outside help.
They want their people to believe
they're fighting this war alone!
You sure this isn't
off the record, Mr. Ambassador?
Use it.
The Soviet authorities
are apparently trying
to convince those
at home and abroad
that they're fighting
this war alone
with their own resources.
l see no reason why you shouldn't
print my remarks if you care to.
Mr. Ambassador!
Mr. Ambassador, please!
Glad you came, Rhoda?
I'm so glad you invited me.
it's been so long, I've almost
forgotten how to dance.
Speaking of that, let's -
Why, Mrs. Henry.
What a pleasant surprise.
Why, it's been ages.
Uh, Colonel Peters,
Lord and Lady Berne-Wilke.
Not yet, I'm afraid.
Pamela's journalism
still keeps her on the run.
Oh, that's too bad.
Pamela's father was
Alistair Tudsbury, the BBC man.
Pamela is following
in her father's footsteps.
My condolences.
Your father was a great voice
for the allied effort.
Thank you.
l was flabbergasted to read
about your engagement.
l didn't realize
you were still in Washington.
I'll be moving on soon,
probably to Moscow.
You'll probably see Pug then.
Very possibly.
Well, if you do,
remember to remind him
to watch his weight.
He absolutely balloons
when he's not at sea.
I'll be sure and mention it.
Well, it's been my pleasure,
but Pamela and l
have to show the flag
at another party this evening.
Good night.
Good night.
There's big brass for you.
Berne-Wilke was just given
the China-Burma-India Theater.
You don't say.
That's a very attractive couple.
She's looking much older.
Shall we dance?
I'd love to.
Thanks for seeing me, General.
it's good to see you again.
Not at all, Captain Henry.
l remember well our
last time together.
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.
As I understand it,
your Ambassador seeks
a general statement
on the use of Lend-Lease materials
on the battlefields.
Lend-Lease is very costly.
Our President needs popular support
if it is to continue.
But haven't victories
like Stalingrad
gained enough public support?
We are a grateful people,
Captain Henry.
We show it by fighting.
What else would you have us do?
Still, my Ambassador feels
there's been
insufficient publicity
on American and Allied aid.
You toured the front
at a bad moment in 1941.
Well, by a pleasant coincidence,
l can offer you
another such trip.
l am about to leave Moscow
to inspect the Lend-Lease situation
in the battlefield.
l will visit active fronts.
There may be...
Do you wish to accompany me
and render an eyewitness report
to your President?
That can be arranged,
and perhaps we can then agree
on a general statement, too.
l accept. When do we start?
When do we make a start?
American style.
Vash Zdorovye.
We'll probably go
to Leningrad first.
it is still under attack,
but there are ways through
that are not, uh, too dangerous.
Don't the Germans
shell the tracks?
and we keep fixing them.
it is called
the Corridor of Death.
But we will not be going
into the city that way today.
No. We are traveling
over the ice
in one of the truck convoys.
[speaking Russian]
They smell us,
but they can't really see us.
it's too far away.
[shell explodes]
Their sense of smell
is not too bad.
l hope these trucks float.
Yeah. Powdered eggs.
l recognize the stuff.
I've eaten enough of it at sea.
Also, the boots and the uniforms
of this Battalion.
Do they know
what they're wearing?
Russian body.
l don't see any destruction.
Not here.
it's a beautiful city.
it was.
Now I will show you what
the Germans have done
to the rest of our city.
Before siege,
Leningrad was city
of three million people.
Now, 600,000.
[speaking Russian]
Captain Victor Henry -
[speaking Russian]
My daughter-in-law Vera
invites us to her apartment.
Big blunders were made.
Crude, stupid,
unforgivable blunders!
By whom?
A million old people,
children, and -
and others who were
not able-bodied
should have been evacuated.
With the Germans
150 kilometers away
and bombers coming
around the clock,
food should not have been stored
in old warehouses!
Six months' rations for the whole
city burned up in one night.
Burned up!
But the Germans
did not take Leningrad,
and they will not!
Moscow gave the orders,
but Leningrad saved itself,
despite the orders.
That is my son.
Fine-looking young man.
l believe you told me...
you have an Aviator son.
l did.
He was killed
in the Battle of Midway.
His name?
Varren Viktorovich Henry.
So, Mr. Hopkins, regarding
the question of a separate peace
on which you have
asked for my judgment,
today such a peace
would be a betrayal.
When I'm among Russians,
l don't sense or fear
that kind of treachery.
Lend-Lease is an inspired
and historic policy,
but blood shed on the battlefield
remains the decisive thing in wars.
People can stand only so much of it
without hope of relief.
My crystal ball, therefore,
says something very obvious -
lf we can convince the Russians
that we're serious about
a second front in Europe soon,
we can forget about
a separate peace.
Otherwise, it's a risk.
Sincerely, Victor Henry.
Stalingrad, Leningrad, all those
Russkie cities you've seen.
You've covered some ground.
I'll bet those boys
in the Foreign Office
have their noses out of joint.
Outstanding, Pug.
I'm the beneficiary
of a delusion
that around here, I'm somebody.
You are somebody.
Give me that report the soonest.
You know, Pug,
my head may still roll for that
press conference I gave,
but by God, it worked.
Pardon me?
Haven't you heard?
Lend-Lease stories
have flooded the Soviet Press.
That, and Yevlenko's
finally come around
with those statements I wanted.
They'll think twice before
kicking us around anymore.
Admiral, they're putting up
a magnificent fight
along a 1,000-mile front.
They're breaking
Nazi Germany's back,
and they're suffering horribly.
There's your quid pro quo.
Yeah, yeah.
How about the Germans
retaking Kharkov?
That confounded maniac
Hitler's got nine lives.
You ought to have seen
the down-in-the-mouth Russkies
at the Swedish Embassy last night.
See you later, Pug.
Dear Captain Henry,
The Washington-Moscow Pouch
is a handy thing.
l have some news for you,
but first, a request-
Pam Tudsbury is here, as you know,
working for the London Observer.
She wants to go to Moscow,
where all the major war stories
are found these days.
She applied for a Visa,
but no soap.
Quite simply,
can you do something about this?
When I suggested to Pam
that she write you,
she turned colors and said,
'no chance.
Wouldn't dream of pestering you.'
l told Pamela I would
write you about her.
She turned more flamboyant colors
and said,
'Leslie, I won't hear of it!'
l took that as British
female double-talk
for 'oh, please, please do.'
Now I come to the news.
The attempt to get Natalie and her
uncle out of Lourdes fell through.
The 40 Aircraft
are discussed on pages 17-18.
And here is my
Lend-Lease summary.
Thank you.
l cannot read this now.
I'm off to the Southern front.
l will read it on the plane.
General, I've also written
a personal letter to Harry Hopkins.
l don't want to leave
a copy with you,
but if you care to read it,
l will wait.
That is the kind
of cautious secrecy
we Russians are often accused of.
Possibly, it's infectious.
As I told you, Captain Henry,
unfortunately, I have
very little time now.
in that case,
when you return,
I'll be at your service.
[telephone rings]
[speaking Russian]
lf you have any comments,
I'll transmit them
to Mr. Hopkins.
He may not like
what I have to say.
That doesn't matter.
Your talk of a separate peace
is provocative and naive.
Now I must go.
You asked about my son
on the Kharkov front.
We have heard from him.
He is all right.
I'm absolutely
delighted to hear that.
As for Miss Pamela Tudsbury,
her Visa...
has been issued.
Your driver will return you
to your flat.
A Jew's Journey,
February 20, 1943.
it's been some time since
I've felt well enough
to make a journal entry.
Shortly after our
arrival in Baden-Baden
almost two months ago,
l began to suffer
from severe gastric problems.
Just last week, I became so ill
that our American doctor,
a Red Cross man,
requested my hospitalization.
After every conceivable
gastro-intestinal examination,
the diagnosis is an aliment
known as diverticulitis,
and the treatment -
a special diet, bed rest,
and continuous medication.
This morning, for the first time
since I left the hospital,
l am at last feeling
a little better.
it's good to see you
working again.
l hope you're not overdoing it.
Aren't you chilly?
No. I'm fine, my dear.
As fit as a boy.
All those hospital custards
did me good.
Have you heard the latest
rumors about our exchange?
Now it's supposed
to take place at Easter.
Yes. The Germans showing their
civilized respect for religion,
l suppose.
Well, we shall see.
Aaron? Aaron, what is it?
Oh, my God!
Look here.
You can see the developing lesions
in the intestinal wall.
I'm afraid it will require surgery,
but... unfortunately, we don't
have the facilities here.
Then what do we do?
Paris, Mrs. Henry.
The best man for such surgery
is in the American hospital there.
Mrs. Byron Henry?
Wald Liestal, Swiss Mission.
Henry Bulle in Baden-Baden
sent me your files.
I'll be your
Swiss contact in Paris.
Are we safe here, Mr. Liestal?
Oh, yes. Try not to worry.
There are several special-case
Americans like yourself in Paris
awaiting the exchange.
We'll get your papers today.
Thank you.
Comte de Chambrun.
Monsieur Liestal.
May I present Mrs. Byron Henry,
Professor Jastrow's niece.
Mrs. Henry, Comte Aldebert
de Chambrun, hospital Director.
I'm honored.
Merci, comte.
They're taking you
to your room now.
I'll see you later.
Madame, can I relieve you
of any burdens?
Thank you, but I'm only
concerned for my uncle.
When is his surgery scheduled?
it is scheduled
for 8:00 tomorrow morning.
There were complications,
Madame Henry.
He'll have some bad days, yes,
but he should do fine.
He will take time to recuperate.
But when we can move him,
he will have a splendid, sunny room
with a terrace for his recovery,
as well as 'round-the-clock nursing.
Of course.
l am taking a personal interest
in your uncle,
and I'll keep you informed.
l don't know how to thank you.
You must be Natalie, the niece.
[speaking French]
You're as lovely
as my husband said.
Your husband?
Ah, I'm the Comtess de Chambrun.
My, we're a long way from home,
aren't we, little britches?
You're American?
l was.
Your uncle, the author,
l take it?
I'm a Longworth, related
to the Roosevelts by marriage.
We can't count that man
in the White House.
He's just a throwback.
One can't choose one's relatives,
can one?
Except by marriage.
That's my connection
to Pierre Laval.
Our son married his daughter,
a lovely, frail little thing.
Did I mention that?
No, you didn't.
He'll be the Savior of France.
That the allies
flock to De Gaulle amazes me.
Nothing but a posturing Charlatan,
with that horrendous nose.
The statement
that France lost a battle
and not the war, is rubbish!
Won't you join me
in my husband's office for some tea?
We have something to discuss.
l know,
it tastes like boiled grass.
it's verbena tea.
Miraculous for digestion.
Anyway, there's no
other kind available.
Your uncle seems very ill, indeed.
He almost died
of internal hemorrhaging.
Oh, dear.
My husband says he can't return
to Baden-Baden for some time.
Now then.
l understand you're Radcliffe,
with a Sorbonne Graduate degree.
Yes. in another lifetime.
Don't be soppy.
As it happens,
l manage the American Library.
My help went home
when the Bosch marched.
How would you like
to do something useful?
I'd love it.
What about my son?
I'll arrange for someone
to look after him.
Well, then. it's all settled.
You'll work for me.
By the way,
where are you staying?
l found a boarding house.
A boarding house?
Absolutely unacceptable.
The hospital provides
perfectly adequate lodging
for its staff close by.
There will be plenty of room.
We'll arrange that right now.
And you'll come to work for me
at the library.
You're terribly kind.
l want to resume writing my book
on Hamlet and Macbeth.
I'm a Shakespeare Scholar...
of sorts.
April in Paris.
l had my first love in Paris.
in April.
A long time ago.
The only time and place.
All these German uniforms
ruin everything.
One soon stops noticing them.
One soon doesn't notice
those yellow stars, either.
Never. Not me.
lf the British hadn't left us
in the lurch at Dunkirk,
you wouldn't see that in Paris.
Unfortunately, that Churchill
is nothing more than
a drunken loudmouth.
Come let's have lunch.
[marching band music]
Another sight I'll never get used to -
the Champs-Elysees.
Believe me, the Bosch are a lot
better than the Bolsheviks.
lf Hitler had the sense not to invade
France and finish Russia instead,
he would have been
a world hero today.
Now, we have to wait
for the Americans to rescue us.
So, Natalie, is your uncle
pleased with his suite
in our convalescent home?
He's a bit dazed by the luxury
and treatment, as am l.
Why is that?
The occupiers requested it.
l wake up nights worrying about that.
Child, what nonsense.
There's nothing strange about it.
After the exchange,
your uncle will no doubt be talking
to newspapers and magazines
about his treatment
at German hands.
This is a chance for them
to counter the unfavorable opinion
on their Jewish policy.
You think it's a propaganda ploy?
My dear, the Germans
are a coarse and thick-headed lot.
But they display a brutish cunning
when it comes to propaganda.
Dr. Goebbels is quite clever
in his heavy-handed way.
in any event, what other
explanation can there be?
Natalie... we have a visitor.
An old friend of yours.
Mrs. Henry.
l am so pleased to see you again.