War and Remembrance (1988–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Part 4 - full transcript
Natalie Henry, baby Louis and her uncle, Aaron Jastrow, put into effect their plan to escape from Italy. Their hope of traveling from the Italian coast directly to Lisbon are dashed however and they soon find themselves going to Elba, then Corsica and finally to Marseilles where they are taken in by a local Jewish family who have been regularly assisting refugees. There, Natalie re-discovers her Jewish heritage. Byron has been posted temporarily to Gibraltar to work with the British and he has been making regular courier runs to the American Consulate in Marseilles. Rhoda Henry returns to Washington but stops in Chicago having decided to end her relationships with Palmer Kirby. She is soon pursued however by Colonel Harrison "Hack" Peters. General Halder tells Adolf Hitler that he has no chance of winning the war on the Eastern Front.
How kind of you.
This Bible has been
in our family a long time.
A companion for your journey.
Grazie, Signore Sasha Dote.
[Speaking Italian]
Good luck to you.
We cannot delay registering
with the Carabineer.
I'll see if I can start the car.
Corriamos en il mare.
The car is ready!
Professor, Signora Henry,
enjoy your stay in Colonial.
It's our honor.
Grazie, commendatory.
I felt rather awkward coming here,
what with the war and everything.
Oh, the war-stupidity.
Italy has no reason to go
to war with America.
I have a brother in Chicago -
a florist - makes good money.
America is nice place.
Italy is nice place.
What is to fight about?
It is the Germans.
What can you do but
damn the Germans?
What indeed?
"A Jew's journey, July 31st, 1942.
Follonlca, Italy.
We've been here a week now.
Still no word from Rabinovitz.
Only eight short days remain before
we are supposed to return to Siena.
I'm beginning to fear our
escape plans may have gone awry.
Though I have not shared
my concern with Natalie,
I know she fears this as well.
We can only offer up a prayer that
Rabinovitz gives us the signal soon."
Natalie, do join us, please.
Why, hello, Mrs. Henry.
How good to see you.
It's been so long.
Yes, Dr. Beck.
Good to see you again.
Are you no longer
with the foreign service?
Werner, do explain to Natalie
your formidable masquerade.
Certainly. You see, Mrs. Henry,
I'm on a tour of western ports
investigating a black market
shortage of fuel oil.
Italians are more forthcoming with
the truth when seeing this uniform.
I assure you; my SS commission
is purely honorary.
Well, the sea air
has done wonders for you.
And the baby, how is he?
I should love to see him.
Shall I go down and fetch him?
How long can you stay?
Regrettably, not long.
I have business in Piombino.
I thought I'd drop by
and pay my respects.
Let me get him then.
What does he want?
I don't know.
But, Dr. Jastrow, the broadcasts
are fine as they stand.
Why not record them now,
at least the first two?
A publisher once asked
the poet A.E. Houseman
to print essays he was discarding.
Houseman cut him off, saying,
''I did not say they were not good.
They were not good enough for me.''
Fine, but for us,
time is a key factor.
If this matter
is taken out of my hands,
you'll be extremely sorry.
My goodness, but he has grown.
May I take him?
If you knew how I miss Klaus,
my youngest.
Of course.
Well... hello there.
Hello, little happy boy.
We're friends, aren't we?
No politics between us, huh?
[Baby cries]
Your mother's looking anxious.
You must go back to her,
and tell her I've never
dropped a baby yet, huh?
Aw. So...
I return from my tour in five days.
Then I propose to take
you both with me to Rome.
Dr. Jastrow, you must be ready
to record the broadcasts.
I've already made
the hotel arrangements.
I'm going to be
very firm about this.
Five days?
I can try to do something,
but that second set of scripts
is out of the question.
I can cobble together one or two.
If you insist on all four,
I'll lie down in my tracks
like a broken old camp horse.
Have the first two
ready when I return.
Then we'll see.
I must be on my way.
Must I go to Rome, too?
Mrs. Henry,
I'm sure you wouldn't want to be
separated from your uncle.
Professor, Mrs. Henry.
[Door closes]
Thank heaven you're safe, doctor.
We were beginning
to get quite worried.
Sit down.
I-I have news.
I spoke to Rabinovitz' man
in Piombino- Frankenthal.
It is as we feared.
He has just heard
there are problems.
We can no longer go by
freighter to Lisbon.
The British have
closed off that avenue.
Rabinovitz has been trying
to arrange other means.
Beck will be back on Friday.
Do not be alarmed.
We are going on to Elba.
But there we must wait until
preparations are made for Corsica.
When do we get
to see Avram Rabinovitz?
When he has prepared
a new escape route.
And we leave for Elba...
Tomorrow morning.
The weather is your ally.
There will be no
checking of papers today.
Tell Avram Rabinovitz
we are eager to get to Corsica.
He's working on it.
You'll be well treated on Elba.
Better board.
Well, my dear,
we're really fugitives now.
Yes, off to Elba.
Napoleon managed
to escape from Elba.
So shall we.
I can't believe it.
The Italians are supposedly upset
over this Jastrow incident,
but I was summoned
to the German embassy
to be interrogated by this
rather loathsome fellow Beck.
By the end,
I'd had quite enough.
I told him to go to hell.
But what were his points?
His? Only one, really.
If professor Jastrow and his niece
are in hiding, they will be found.
If they try to escape,
they will be caught.
In either event, they'll go directly
into concentration camp.
It's hopeless.
It's a dizzy spill.
Well, I'd better find out what Jewish
organizations in Geneva know.
What else did this
Herr Beck have to say?
Well, he seemed to take
a great deal of satisfaction
in telling me the Italian authorities
have confiscated
the professor's Siena villa,
his bank account, and the contents
of his safe deposit box.
Will you notify Natalie's husband?
I don't think so.
Not yet.
If I've learned one thing
in these matters Antoine,
it's there's always
time for bad news.
I have to meet our minister.
I must go.
Au revoir.
Au revoir.
And merci.
I'll make this short.
I have this garden party
at the Brazilian embassy.
Yes, sir.
Now listen, Les.
I don't like what's been going on
at the division of European affairs.
They've totally ignored all my reports
on the Wannsee protocol document.
You wrote them
about the photostats?
When the Polish
government-in-exile stuff came out,
gave me second thoughts.
How on Earth
can you fabricate that?
The statistics, the locations,
the carbon monoxide fans,
the midnight raids
on the ghettoes...
That business of searching the dead
women's rectums and vaginas,
for God's sakes, for jewelry.
How could anyone just
imagine such things?
I know, sir. I know.
That's when I wrote the department.
You're making me feel
like a human being again.
Besides, the railroad intelligence
is getting damned strange.
Those huge jammed trains really
are hauling civilians from all over
Europe to Poland
and rattling back empty,
even though the German army
is hurting for cars and locomotives.
I wrote the President a letter
about this business, Les,
then I tore it up.
We're losing the damned war,
and he shouldn't be burdened
with anything else.
If these Germans do win,
they'll turn the world
into an execution yard.
I believe that.
So pull all your material together,
and I'll send it straight
to Sumner Wells.
You could be the courier.
How does that strike you?
Nice little stateside leave?
Well, uh...
Mr. Tuttle, your car is ready.
Well, that's it, Les,
and I'll look forward
to getting your stuff.
Thank you, sir.
Palmer, dear.
You look marvelous.
How long is your layover?
Until midnight.
Of course, if you're terribly busy
with that horrible thing
you've been working on,
I can fend for myself.
Don't be silly. I've got reservations
at the pump room.
Oh, there's news from Byron.
Oh, good. What is it?
Well, he phoned me from San Diego
just before I left.
He's been ordered to Gibraltar,
some hush-hush thing to do with
submarines in the Mediterranean.
What about Natalie and the baby?
No word. He still plans
to fly to Switzerland
to see what he can do from there.
Another hare-brained scheme,
but that's Byron.
Still, he sounded happy,
the first time he's sounded
happy since Warren...
This is the best restaurant
in Chicago.
Colonel Peters, your table is ready.
Evening, Kirby.
Colonel Peters!
Good seeing you.
Well, Colonel Peters, hello, hello.
Who was that?
It's the new army liaison man
on the project I'm working on.
I gave him the drill today.
Seems a decent enough chap.
We'll have wine, I suppose.
Oh. No wine tonight, I think.
A very dry martini, please.
You know what I keep thinking of,
No, what?
Berlin airport,
the time you drove me there.
I don't know why.
There's certainly no resemblance
in the surroundings, for God's sake.
That was a farewell.
Well, we thought it was.
I certainly did.
Is this a farewell?
Do you know I ate here
once with Pug?
On our way
from San Francisco to Annapolis.
We were driving east for Warren's
graduation at the Severn School.
It was 10 or 11 years ago,
I guess.
It's all getting so blurry.
You never really know
when you're happy, do you?
We thought we had problems then.
Byron was always failing school.
Madeline was fat,
and had crooked teeth.
Terrible tragedies like that.
Oh, but how proud
we were of Warren.
He won the school sword...
and the track medal...
The history prize...
Oh, hell.
I'll have another one, Palmer,
and then no more.
Rhoda, let me speak my piece
and get it over with.
I won't embarrass you with any
messy outpouring of my feelings.
I have to accept your decision,
and I do.
That's all.
Palmer, truthfully...
Aren't you glad to be out of it?
In your presence, madam,
I cannot be.
It's a very pretty speech, sir.
Well, now at least
we can enjoy our dinner.
Yes, we can.
Change your mind about wine?
Why don't you order a half bottle?
Make it a whole bottle.
If I were you,
I wouldn't trust the colonel
with any deep, dark secrets.
Oh, why's that?
Well, he's not very subtle,
is he?
I mean, he is looking at that girl
as though she were a partridge.
Would you give me a moment
to powder my nose?
Oh, Kirby.
Is that the lady you said you'd meet?
The one who lost her son?
You could have said
he was her husband,
and I'd have believed it.
She is striking, isn't she?
You'll excuse me, Kirby.
My game plan is running
behind schedule.
Nice visit we had today.
Any time, Colonel.
Come along, Becky.
What are your plans?
Go back to Washington and close up
the Foxhall Road House.
I might even sell the damned thing.
Then, off to Hawaii to join Pug.
Good. Good.
Well, yes, I suppose it's time.
Goodbye, Palmer, dear.
Goodbye, Rhoda.
All aboard!
All aboard!
All aboard!
Cognac, please.
Pardon me.
I'm Colonel Harrison Peters.
I saw you at the pump room
with Palmer Kirby.
I remember.
Rhoda Henry.
Palmer told me
about the loss of your son.
Please accept my condolences.
That's very kind of you, Colonel.
Are you on your way to Washington?
Yes, I am.
So am I.
Mind if I join you for a nightcap?
No, not at all.
I'd enjoy the company.
Thank you.
Scotch and water, please.
So tell me, Mrs. Henry,
do you spend much time in Chicago?
As the summer of 1942
continues to unfold,
Germany and Japan have conquered,
or remain in control,
of nearly 1/3
of the surface of the earth
but on August 7th,
determined to eliminate
the Japanese air threat
against America?s line to Australia,
the United States finally
goes on the offensive.
Elements of the first marine division
storm the beaches of Tulagi,
and other Islands
In the Solomon chain.
So begins the long and bloody war
of attrition,
a do-or-die test of both countries'
national wills.
Elsewhere, there are indications
that the ferocious Nazi war machine
has also begun to falter.
[Knock on door]
Good morning, Roon.
Good morning, Haider.
One half hour after I step down
from the plane from El Alamein,
Fuehrer Conference.
I understand Rommel
is back in Berlin.
To see the doctors.
What ails him?
They say it's his liver?
No, it is not his liver.
It is no air cover,
no reinforcement, no resupply.
It really is very sad,
but with minimum support,
Rommel might still break
through to the Suez Canal-
even to the Persian Gulf.
A magnificent opportunity
is being thrown away, squandered.
Not only in North Africa.
The situation here is explosive.
You heard about list?
List? No.
He is being dismissed.
Then who is commanding
in the Caucasus?
He is, the Fuehrer.
That is a rather bad joke.
No, hardly.
He has personally relieved list
and taken over.
That's right.
Our Bohemian Corporal is now
not only head of the Nazi party,
the head of the German state,
and supreme war lord,
he is in direct command
of the Caucasus army group,
which is 600 miles away.
Stalingrad has brought everybody
to the breaking point.
But we still hold Stalingrad.
At least, when I left
two weeks ago we did.
Surrounded, invested, neutralized,
burning down to ash and rubble.
He wants to occupy
every last building.
I warned you.
Be optimistic, be unrealistic,
or be quiet.
Withdraw? Withdraw?
You always come here
with the same proposals- withdraw!
General Von Paulus is there
at Stalingrad, Mien Fuehrer.
He recommends withdrawal-
just for regrouping-
in the Mamaev-Kagen hills area,
because of the ravines.
All you Generals are alike.
Withdraw! Regroup!
Turn tail! Retreat!
You infect my soldiers
with your spinelessness.
That's the reason I haven't
yet occupied all of Stalingrad.
Mien Fuehrer, you would hold
all Stalingrad now.
If back in July, you had not halted
the 6th army's drive
and diverted the 4th Panzers
to Rostov needlessly!
Two months ago,
Stalin was ours for the taking.
That one move crippled
your whole Case Blue campaign.
General Haider...
How dare you use
such language to me?
Because it is the truth.
Brave men and officers
are falling in the thousands,
because Commanders at the front
cannot make sensible decisions.
You've tied their hands!
The front?
What did you do
in the first world war?
Do you presume to tell me
how men feel and think at the front?
What do you know about
what goes on at the front?
You cannot command a front
from 600 miles away!
That is unfair to the troops.
Yet I relieved list,
and the Caucasus troops
are advancing again.
And why?
Because I have the will to advance!
Advancing, yes...
to positions where they will be
trapped when the first snow falls.
They should be withdrawing
from the Caucasuses.
The objectives are unrealistic.
The oil fields are beyond their reach.
You've overstrained the troops,
and you've overstretched
the supply lines!
I will take
the Caucasus' oil fields,
just as I am taking Stalingrad!
Occupying Stalingrad never
was a proper objective of Case Blue.
You're destroying
your own campaign!
You're obsessed!
You're grinding up
our finest mobile divisions
in a house-to-house rat war
for no purpose!
The Russians are massing
great forces to attack
those worthless Italians
and Rumanians guarding your flank.
And you just ignore the intelligence!
If I had listened to intelligence
I would not have conquered
and Poland...
and France!
is what cowards like you hide behind.
My intuition...
tells me the Soviet Union
is finished.
That I am this close
to winning the war
and you dare tell me
I risk losing it.
Fuehrer, you lost it when you
declared war against America.
You and I are suffering
from nerves.
Half my nervous exhaustion
is due to you.
It's not worth going on.
The national socialist
will need it to win this war...
I cannot expect that from
an officer of the old school, like you.
I shall act as my own Chief of Staff,
until, in due course,
I appoint a replacement.
America is one big bluff.
[Rooster crows]
If you become more rusticated,
our hosts will send you to the fields.
Glad you enjoyed your walk.
I'd enjoy getting off
this island a lot more.
Patience, Natalie.
Our only choice is to leave matters
in Rabinovitz's hands.
Why exactly are you reading that?
Aristotle said that in old age,
he became increasingly
interested in myth.
Care to join me?
Aaron, I haven't studied Hebrew
since I walked out of
Sunday school class when I was 11.
Very well.
Let's see how much you remember.
That's a ''B'', isn't it?
Beh-ray-shis, is that right?
Quite right.
Summa cum laude.
''In the beginning-''
Please, can you both come?
Bon jour.
Who is he?
He's from Rabinovitz.
Pascal Gaffori.
He's going to take us to Corsica.
You'll be staying with me
and my family.
When do we leave?
Now. And we must hurry.
Mio pardon.
So as you can see Tudsbury with
the extended airfield operational,
and those siege guns
trained seaward,
the anchorage
is virtually impregnable.
Indeed, Admiral,
I seem to remember the same praise
being lavished on Singapore.
Of course, that was before
the Japs over ran it in 90 days.
Aye, but Singapore didn't have the
black watch guarding its back door.
Am I correct, Mr. Tudsbury?
Mr. Tudsbury.
Good heavens.
It can't be.
It is.
It's Byron Henry, by Jove.
Glad you have time for lunch.
Wouldn't miss it.
Don't worry.
He's seen everything there is to see.
Not enough, Pamela.
What are you doing here?
That was a British tender.
Temporary duty.
We're helping the British navy
maintain some old boats.
Are you broadcasting in Gibraltar?
No, no, I'm en route for Egypt.
Going to do a piece
on Commander Montgomery.
There's a hell of a battle
building up at el Alamein.
All Les Slote could tell me
is that he thinks they may be
running for Lisbon or Marseilles.
I want to talk
to refugee groups in Marseilles.
How will you manage that?
It's possible.
I have a high American
security clearance.
I'm on the roster for courier duty
into unoccupied France.
Something's up on this old rock.
Something really big.
I haven't pried a syllable of
information out of our command.
What have you got?
Scuttlebutt about a big allied
invasion, but where?
France, North Africa,
maybe even Italy.
I'm betting on North Africa,
if invasion it is.
If it's North Africa, the Germans
will take unoccupied France
and if Natalie's in Marseilles
when they come...
Churchill once wrote,
''The terrible ifs accumulate.''
Don't let the ifs haunt you.
Natalie's a tough,
resourceful girl, Byron.
I'm sure she'll be all right.
How's your mother?
Did she ever get to Hawaii?
No, according to dad's last letter.
Problems with the house.
She'll be all right.
She's one of those people
who never changes.
Rock of ages, left for me
let me hide myself in thee
let the water and the blood
from thy wounded side that flowed
be of sin the double cure
cleanse me from its guilt and power
should my tears forever flow
should my zeal no respite know
all for sin could not atone
thou must save, and thou alone
Mrs. Henry.
Mrs. Henry.
Hello, Rhoda.
Colonel Peters, you're a regular
at St. John's these days.
The sermon was
much better this week.
Yes, it was.
I stayed awake, too.
I really like that hat.
It's just a hat.
How's the family?
Heard from your husband recently?
No, I haven't.
How are things with you?
Are you enjoying Washington?
It's all right, I guess.
A little lonely, though,
for an old bachelor.
That's not what I heard.
Colonel Peters, excuse me,
I have to get a taxi.
Don't you have your car?
No. With the rationing,
I drive it as little as possible.
Well, look; I've got my car.
Why don't you let me drive you?
Thank you.
That's very kind.
It was Warren's last letter,
just three days before-
I don't know why I keep carrying it.
Your son was a brave
young fighting man.
If I may say so,
there's a certain elegance
in the way you bear your loss.
I have the deepest admiration
for your courage.
Well, thank you.
Your husband is a very lucky man.
You both have my deep sympathy.
Well, I've got to be running now.
Thanks for the coffee.
And the company.
Thank you.
I enjoyed the company, too.
Colonel, were you always
such a church goer?
Does it have to be church, Rhoda?
Could I maybe take you to dinner,
or the theater?
All on the up and up.
I've been wanting to ask, but with
your husband in the Pacific-
I think we'd better let it be church.
All right, Rhoda.
Whatever you say.
It looks like I'm due
for some church-going.
Who knows, it just might
improve my character.
Goodbye, and thank you
for the lift home.
See you in church.
Natalie, we have a visitor.
Who is it?
Avram Rabinovitz.
Oh, my God.
Well, he makes no such claim,
my dear,
but he is some sort of a savior.
I mean, how long will he be here?
Louis is covered in soap,
and I'm an absolute mess.
And what's the news,
are we leaving?
I gather not.
He's staying for lunch.
I'll be there in 15 minutes.
Louis, come on.
Hello, Mrs. Henry.
Wait, I have a surprise for you.
Stretch out your arms.
Go, Louis.
And he's starting to talk.
Maybe it's the Corsican air.
For your hospitality
in this difficult time,
we are forever indebted.
America will repay its debt,
Monsieur Le Professeur,
the day she frees Corsica.
And on that day, Corsican people
will stand and do their part.
And we'll cut many German throats
and Italian throats.
Just like in the old time.
My ancestors in Corte,
they cut Saracens' throats,
Genoese throats, Turkish throats,
from ear to ear.
That German Hitler
should have looked at history
before coming to Corsica.
They wouldn't dare come up
into these hills, Monsieur Gaffori.
As for you, Monsieur Rabinovitz,
you're one of us.
You'll always be welcome
in this house, as long as you live.
Thank you for bringing
the American writer and his friends.
A la victoire.
A la victoire.
A la victoire.
The view's marvelous.
Do you mind the walk?
It will help work off that big lunch.
So what happens next?
The American Consul General
in Marseilles,
James Gaither, knows you're here.
He's okay.
He works with the resistance.
I've confided in him,
and he's handling
your problem himself.
Nobody else knows about it.
When all your papers are in order,
you'll come to Marseilles
and proceed by train to Lisbon.
When will that be?
It might be awhile.
The tough thing is the exit visas.
But your embassy can get
things done in Vichy.
You'll get the visas.
I see what you mean.
A fine view.
What about the Castlenuovos?
I can't possibly move them there.
If anything goes wrong,
your Consul General
can step in for you.
But they'd have no protection at all.
Please, don't worry, Mrs. Henry.
We'll work something out for them.
My train leaves in about an hour.
Is there anything else
we should talk about?
Is it possible to go
to Marseilles right away?
But why?
It is safer to wait here.
What is it, Mrs. Henry?
It's that young guy, Pascal.
What about him?
I'm afraid I'm going to wake up
one night and find him in my room.
No, I mean it.
He scares me.
He looked at you
that way during lunch?
It's been like that
ever since he first saw me.
Should I talk to his father?
The Gafforis are
very important to me.
I can't have problems.
Perhaps it is best
you should go to Marseilles.
That way,
when your papers come through,
you can leave right away.
Yes. That is what we'll do.
You will leave tomorrow.
While we're in Marseilles...
Could I see you once in a while?
Why not?
I was very disappointed
when you left the Redeemer.
Mrs. Henry,
that's the kind of behavior
that could get you
into trouble with Pascal.
But I don't think
I have to worry about waking up
to find you in my room.
To a Frenchman,
that's no compliment.
It would be hard on the children.
They're like brother and sister now.
What are his plans for you?
We can go out illegally
to Spain or Switzerland.
I guess Spain is better.
It's on the way to Lisbon.
You can connect to Palestine.
The trouble is getting to Spain.
We'd have to cross the Pyrenees
on foot in November.
Miles of walking in the snow and ice.
What about Switzerland?
If they catch you,
it's back to France
into the hands of the French police.
Rabinovitz prefers Spain,
but Anna worries about Miriam
walking over the mountains.
And there are no alternatives?
You'll be all right.
I trust Avram.
So do I.
And if Miriam has to walk over
the Pyrenees, why, she will do it.
She's a strong, healthy girl.
Bet you'd prefer a sub
to the pony express.
Where's the consul general's office?
Upstairs. But he's not here.
Had to go to Vichy.
I need to talk
to Mr. Gaither about my wife.
I've written him about her.
Could you tell him I'll return?
Sure thing, Lieutenant.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, Miss.
My name's Byron Henry.
Are the Quakers keeping rosters
on arriving Jews?
We're very busy.
Please, just one minute.
My wife and child, they're Jewish...
I guess you haven't heard.
Congress is passing a resolution
allowing 5,000 Jewish children
into the United States.
Well, that's good.
What's the problem?
No parents. Only the children.
I'm sorry.
We've got to round them up
before the state department
finds a gimmick to refuse them.
So come back later.
All right?
Good luck.
Madame Henry est-la?
Dans la cuisine.
[Speaking Yiddish]
[Speaking Yiddish]
Ah! Avram, you should hear
her Yiddish now.
A real Litvak!
I'm so rusty.
There is news from Gaither.
Where is your uncle?
I'll show you. Come with me.
[Speaking Yiddish]
Once a teacher,
always a teacher.
Otherwise they yell
and give me a headache.
Don't believe it.
He's having a great time.
[Speaking Yiddish]
Well, Avram, what news?
I just reached Jim Gaither
by phone in Vichy.
He's returning this weekend
with the exit visas.
I didn't tell him
you were here yet.
Not over the telephone.
But I'm sure when he finds out,
he'll move quickly.
How quickly?
How long do you think it might take?
If things go well, you could be
in Lisbon early next week.
Oh, that's wonderful news, Avram.
How is your boy, Natalie?
He's fine.
There are two other families here,
plus the others coming
and going every day.
He's never had so many playmates.
It's like a nice, big,
warm, noisy Jewish home.
Wonderful people, the Mendelsons.
They've helped more people
then you can possibly imagine.
I'll be buying
your train tickets today.
So everything will be ready.
I'll miss you, Avram.
You're going home.
That's the main thing.
Somehow we've never talked.
And now I guess we never will.
Not in this madhouse.
Where do you live?
You come and go like a ghost.
A little place in old town.
Not very neat, I'm afraid.
Will you be here
for Friday night dinner?
I always try to be.
Do you want to come over
for awhile afterward?
Might be quieter.
I share it with another guy,
but he'll leave us alone.
So, do we have what you call
a date for Friday night?
Yes, we have a date.
[Police whistles]
[Pounding on door]
What is it?
The police.
Oh, my God.
[Speaking Yiddish]
It's all right.
There's no cause for worry.
They won't enter this building.
come away from the window.
How can you be sure?
My firm does much business
with the municipal government.
I have protection.
All those people...
They're Jews, aren't they?
Without resident permits.
Please trust me, Mrs. Henry.
You'll be safe here.
Now let's not wake
the little one, eh?
You asked for me, sir?
Yes, take a look at this, lad.
Seems you're headed back
to the Pacific.
The moray.
That's a brand-new fleet sub.
Oh. Isn't your navy reaching
rather a long arm here?
That's my old skipper.
He's got the moray.
It's like him, requesting
the officers he wants.
There's no date on those orders.
You can be on your way.
There's a mission tomorrow.
I'll sign off afterward.
The royal navy extends its thanks
for your services, Henry.
You're a good sailor...
for a yank.
Thank you, sir.
It runs in the family.
Oh, and lad...
good hunting out there.
Aye aye, sir.
Well, the man of the hour.
The consul general's
been asking about you.
Gaither? When can I see him?
Why don't you go on up?
Tell him I'm coming.
[Speaking Italian]
Where are they?
It's all right, Donna.
[Speaking Italian]
Lieutenant Henry, I take it?
Yes. Sorry about barging in.
That's all right, Lieutenant.
I've got some
very good news for you.
They're fine, last I heard.
All three of them.
They're in Corsica.
God, it's so close.
How do I get there?
A boat? A plane?
There's no airplane to Corsica.
The boat runs three times a week.
But they'll be leaving soon.
They will?
That's great.
I'll take them with me
to the states.
Can I talk to them on the phone?
I wouldn't recommend it.
Not just now.
Now look, Sam Jones
has an urgent job for you.
Taking a pouch to Gibraltar tonight.
Sam will bring you
to my house first.
We'll discuss over dinner,
the two of us, what happens next.
How's that?
That will be fine.
I repeat, they're all right.
They'll be out in a few days.
Incidentally, Sam knows nothing
about all this.
Nobody knows.
Let's keep it that way.
Sure. Thanks, sir.
Thanks a lot.
Remember, steady does it.
Don't get impatient.
[Praying in Hebrew]
Good shabbas.
Good shabbas.
Good shabbas.
Good shabbas.
[Speaking Yiddish]
Don't worry. Don't worry.
We'll make a Rabbi's wife of you yet.
Here, Louis, go to your mama.
There's a good boy.
[Speaking Yiddish]
Itzhak, how did you manage
so much food?
I told you he was well-connected.
Including with all the thieves
in Marseilles.
Natalie, Jim Gaither is back.
With the exit visas?
Surely. I missed him today,
but I'll go see him in the morning.
[Doorbell buzzes]
Itzhak, the door.
Please excuse me. I must go.
Is there something wrong?
How long will you be gone?
I don't know. I'll be back.
[Singing Yah Ribon]
[Singing Rozhinker Mit Maudlen]
Natalie, come with me.
Come on.