Wanted: Dead or Alive (1958–1961): Season 1, Episode 26 - Eager Man - full transcript

Josh is approached by the wife of a wanted man eager to turn himself in peacefully, provided Josh split the bounty with his wife. To ensure the deal goes as planned, Josh enlists the aid of an old friend: Sheriff Pat Garrett.

What're you doing in Almagordo?

Eating a steak.

I think you're here after Nelson.

- You do, huh?
- Yeah.

I'm warning you: stay away from him.

What if I don't?

Then you'll join him.

He's gonna die.

What if he doesn't turn his back
on you?



Hello, Pat. Sit down

- You know Pat Garret?
- We've met.

I just saw Foley.

You bit off a big piece, Josh.

I have good teeth.

If you're gonna do any chewing,
you do it outside town, understand?

I'm minding my own business
and you give me my floating papers.

Sorry. Just finish up.

Folks here got a funny feeling
against bounty hunters.

Even you.

- Hello.
- You're Josh Randall?

Every time I answer that
I get into trouble.

I want you to come with me.

- Why not?
- You don't understand.

Please, Mr. Randall.

Where could we go to talk?

A building doesn't have
to fall on me.

- Sit down.
- Thank you.

What's so important?

Do you remember Ted Nelson?

He's got a lot of friends
all of a sudden.

I just left him.

How did you know who I was?

I heard you were in town yesterday.

I told Ted.
He sent me back to get you.

I asked some people,
they told me the Ace bar.

I haven't seen Ted in five years.

He told me you used to
ride together in Texas.

Yeah. We were pretty close.

Before he went to the other side.

Now he's an outlaw with $1000 on
his head and you're a bounty hunter.

And you want to turn him
over to me and split the reward.

I'm his wife.
We got married a year ago.

I hadn't heard.

I want him to give himself up.

He didn't kill anybody.
A few years in prison

and we'll be together.
That's all I want.

What do you want me to do?

He wants to see you.
I'll take you to him

if you give me your word
you'll go as a friend.

If after you've seen him

you decide to hunt him down,

he wants a 24-hour start.

That's what he asked me to tell you.

- How far is it?
- Just a couple of hours ride.

Josh, I asked you to move on.

This time,
maybe I better walk with you.

I'll see you outside.

Put this in your stocking.

You'll be back?

I wouldn't count on it.

- What's the matter really?
- What do you mean?

We've been friends for a long time.

In Dallas, I'll drink with you, in
Denver, I'll fight. But I live here.

People don't understand me being
friendly with a bounty hunter.

Does it matter what they think?

Like I said, I live here.
And there is another reason.

This town's crawling
with out-of-work trail hands.

They know you
or they know about you.

Sooner or later,

one of them's gonna try to make
a reputation, being faster than you.

I'm not looking for trouble.

Trouble has a way of finding you.

If you stick around here,
somebody's gonna get hurt.

Do me a favor, just ride out!

See you in Dallas.

That's a deal.

Wait a minute.

Why are we stopping here?

If we're followed, now is a good time
to find out about it.

Pull your horse in over there.

You see right there?

That man Foley.

He's trailed Ted from Texas,
to kill him and collect the reward.

Does he know you?

I don't know. He may have
seen me and Ted together.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna stop him.

You go and stay out of sight,
do you hear?

That's it, Foley!

On the ground. Keep your
hands where I can see them.

Drop the gun belt.

Go on over to that tree.

Go on!

You keep looking at the front.

Kinda close, wasn't it?

How much farther is it?

About an hour.

Not very far from here.

You will be honest with Ted,
won't you?

I haven't gone back on my word yet.
Ted knows that.

That's why he asked you to find me.

I love him very much.

He's had more trouble
than he can stand.

Hold it, Josh!

Keep your hands away from your gun.

Hello, Ted.

You mind dropping the gun?

I'm nervous
with that $1000 on my head.

You shouldn't make him do that.
He gave me his promise.

Annie, I shot a wild turkey.

It's ready to cook
and the fire's about right.

I know when I'm not wanted.

Glad to see you, Josh.

Me too.

- Might as well be comfortable.
- Alright.

We used to be good friends.

I don't like to trade on that
but I need someone I can trust.

That's me... up to a point.

I want you to turn me in.

The reward is like money in the bank.

Why don't you walk in yourself?

I can't collect the reward myself
and I need the money.

My wife

comes from a good family
in Kansas City.

I want her to go home.

So you want me
to split the reward with her.

So she can get some decent clothes
and take it back home.

After being with her folks awhile,
she'll get me out of her system.

She knows about this?

Not quite.
She wants me to turn myself in.

She doesn't know I want her
to go back to Kansas.

Listen, Ted, you wanna
tell her about this.

Yeah. Give me a day

I'd sooner lose my arm than her.

She's the only decent thing
that ever happened to me.

All I've ever given her
is reason to cry.

- What time tomorrow?
- Middle of the afternoon?

Ted... You know
a fella named Foley?

Yeah. Why?

I tied him to a tree halfway
between here and town.

Did Anne know who he was?

Well listen, Ted...

- I better get back.
- Alright, Josh.

Leaving, Mr. Randall?

Going with him, Ted?


Ted, I'll be by here
tomorrow afternoon.

Alright, Josh.

Help, somebody!

You wanna take a ride
with me, loudmouth?

What did you do with the girl?

She told me not to tell you.

- Think I don't know who she is?
- I never think about you at all.

Get on your horse.

Listen, Foley.

You keep looking straight ahead,
or I'm gonna dot both of your eyes.

Let's move out.

Hold it!

Listen. I'm gonna say this easy

so you can understand.
I want you to stay away from me.

Alright, William?

Your ears gone wrong?

Just wanna talk to you.

What about?

Let's go to the Ace bar,
and talk while I eat.

This better be good.

You got a poster on
a man named Nelson?

- Might have. What's his first name?
- Ted.

- You're after him too?
- What do you mean?

Half a dozen people here
want a piece of that $1000.

I just didn't figure
you were one of them.

The girl I rode out of town with
this morning.

Yeah. What about her?

- That's his wife.
- Where is he?

That's what I wanna
talk to you about.

Here, you said thick and rare,
that's what you got.

But if it moos at you, bulldog it.

At least you got the hide off of it.

Sure you don't want anything,
Mr. Garret?

Just a little privacy.

You think you can take Nelson alone?
I could back you up.

It's all set up. Nobody gets hurt.

I'll turn him over to you
by 5 tomorrow afternoon.

What about this $1000 that
Wells Fargo's putting up?

Whatever my take is,
I'll split it with you.

You've got to guarantee he'll have
safe conduct back to Texas.

You gotta promise me that.

We're old friends.

You got it.

Wait a minute! Whatever your take is?
It's $1000 dollars, isn't it?

When Nelson goes to jail, his wife's
going back to Kansas City.

How much you gonna
give her out of 1000?

You'll just have to go along with me.

Don't worry.
We're gonna come out of this.

It's a deal.

I ran into Foley this afternoon.
He tried to follow me after Nelson.

Go ahead.

- He didn't make it.
- He found out where Nelson was?

I don't think so.

I'd be careful with him.
Never let him see your back.

Yeah, I heard that.

Who else reads your mind?

- Kind of a dangerous hobby.
- I'm a gambler.

You two don't need me.

I'll drop by your office
at noon.

Right. Goodnight.

How come you're so cosy
with Garret all of a sudden?

He doesn't take to bounty hunters.

I asked him to tell me about
the time he killed Billy the Kid.

That'd do it!

Sure you don't want me along?

No problem. I'll be back by 5.

See you.

I was going for a ride
when I saw you get your horse.

Mind if I ride along with you
for a while?

That'd be fine.
To the edge of town, alright?

- That's it.
- Thanks for the sample.

My pleasure. I'll see you tonight.

It's Foley! He followed Josh.
They took the south road.

I know where they went.
Watch things!

Ted, can you think of
anything else you'll need?

Can you think of anything
you wanna take with you?

Just you.

It won't be long.
Just a few months maybe.

I forgot my razor.
Would you get it for me?

I can't find it, Ted.

It's there some place.

What's the matter with you?

I changed my mind.
I'm not going with you.

It'd be better if you did.

Wouldn't do you any harm either,
would it?

I asked you to come alone.
You promised.

I'm sorry, Josh.

If it means anything, I want you
to know that I didn't bring them.

Doesn't matter.

They only made it happen faster.

I wasn't going back with you alive.

I knew that yesterday.

I didn't wanna do that.

But I was afraid one of them
would get me before you did.

I couldn't go back to jail.

I've been there.

The money...

You promised, remember...

You promised.

We saw him.

Pat, about that reward...

I know, half of nothing is nothing.

It don't matter.
I got a hole in my pocket anyway.

Subtitles by Teletota