Walker, Texas Ranger (1993–2001): Season 8, Episode 2 - Countdown - full transcript

Walker and Trivette receive a message from terrorists, who threaten to blow up enough anthrax to kill one million people in Dallas, if they don't receive $100,000 and the release of another terrorist from prison. It's a race against time as Walker and Trivette hunt for the bomb.

All right, don't tell me.

I know what the card is.

Three of hearts.

Queen of spades. Oh.

This stupid book.

I know a magic trick.

You do not. Yeah, I do.

I can tell you every
card in that deck

without looking at them.

You cannot. Yes, I can.

Shuffle the deck
and I'll show you.

Queen of hearts.

Nine of clubs.

Jack of clubs.

Ten of diamonds.

Jack of hearts.

How'd you do that?

Trivette, you know
the magician's code.

If tell you, I gotta kill you.


Okay, Gage. We'll
meet you there.

That was Gage. It's going
down sooner than expected.

They're meeting El
Leon this afternoon.

How's the new Ranger doing?

Let's go find out.

You're El Leon?

Indeed I am.

Ramon here has told
me a lot about you two.

Says you've been
our best customers

and now you're
looking to take a step up.

That's right.

If you can handle it.

Oh, believe me, I can handle it.

But before I meet with anyone,

I like to know who
I'm dealing with.

And, uh, as a matter of fact,

I checked you
both out personally.

You know, it's a funny thing.

Couldn't find anything
on either one of you.

What are you talking about?

What I'm talking about

is you either don't
exist, or you're cops.

Since I'm standing right
here looking at both of you,

that means you do exist.

I told you this
wasn't going to work.

I told you El Leon
was too smart for this.

It's not because he's so smart.

It's because you're so stupid.

Well, who are you
calling so stupid, huh?


You lousy cops.

Actually, we're not cops.

We're Texas Rangers.

Get him out of here.

Hey, Walker, Trivette,

nice to know your
timing is still excellent.

Gage, Ranger Cooke.

Hey. Nice work, you two.

Thank you. TRIVETTE: Yeah.

The Rangers have been
after El Leon for years.

You two are the
first to get this deep

inside the organization.

It took us nine months,
but it did pay off.

I have to give most of the
credit here to Sydney, though.

I got us in the door,

but she really kept
us in the game.

That was quick
thinking back there

when they had the drop on us.

Yeah? You mean,
considering I'm stupid.

Hey, hey, I had to think
of something to say.


It was good work for
your first assignment.

Thank you, Ranger Walker.

Let's go. All right. Thanks.

Thank you.

Stupid, huh? I had
to say something.

Oh. It could've been
something else. Ow.

Read 'em and weep, gentlemen.

Three lovely ladies.

Hm, that's looking good. Hm.

Well, that sure will
beat these three ducks,

but it won't beat this
pair of sixes with them.

A pair of sixes?

You got a full house?

Built it with my own hands.

I thought you were bluffing.

Now come on, Joe.

A Texas Ranger for 30 years?

You know I'm not gonna
be lying and bluffing anybody.


I'll stick with it.

I'll tell you what. I'll, uh...

I'll see that
nickel and I'll, uh...

I'll bump you a quarter.

You're bluffing.

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.

Cost you a quarter to see.

Excuse me, excuse
me. Well, lookie here.

I misread the hand.

♪ In the eyes of a Ranger ♪

♪ The unsuspecting stranger ♪

♪ Had better know the truth ♪

♪ Of wrong from right ♪

♪ 'Cause the eyes Of a Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪



Hey, Walker, ahem,

in case there's any trouble,
who do you wanna take?

I'll take the Concho brothers.

Yeah, right.

So that means I get Big Lou.

Well, you know
the saying, Trivette.

The bigger they are...
The harder they fall.

I was gonna say
the harder they hit,

but that sounds good too.

Hey, Big Lou,

that any way to treat
your parole officer?

When we get through with you,

you're gonna think
he got off easy.

You gotta be kidding.


Okay, we were both right.

He hits harder
and he falls harder.

Yeah, Ranger Trivette.

All right, Alex.
We're on our way.

Alex says she needs us
at the Ranger office ASAP.

Walker, Trivette,

I'd like you to meet
Richard Mason.

Richard is the governor's
top policy advisor.


The governor specifically asked

that the two of you handle this.

Handle what?

This tape arrived at the
governor's office this morning.

Yesterday afternoon

a group of men in Dallas

were infected with
anthrax bacteria.

By this morning,

these men will think they
have the common cold.

By tomorrow the
symptoms will worsen,

and on the following
day they'll all be dead,

and this is just the beginning.

Is this for real?

I'm afraid so, Ranger Trivette.

This also came along
with the videotape.

That's anthrax? RICHARD: Uh-huh.

Enough to kill
everyone in this building.

I'm sorry. I have to
get back to Austin.

Uh, Alex, you will
keep me informed?

Absolutely. Okay.

Walker, that guy on the
video says that a group of men

have already been infected.

How are we gonna
get to them in time?

We're gonna have to call
every hospital and doctor

in the metroplex
and put them on alert

for anyone that comes
in with a cold or the flu.

I'll get the staff to
start making the calls.

I'll contact the news media.

Yeah, this is Ranger Trivette.

Yeah, I need your staff to
start contacting the hospitals.

Why did he warn us?

Cordell? Jimmy?

I got you all some vittles.

Hey, Big Dog, that's gross.

By golly, uh, ahem,
I've got a head cold.

Just come on this morning.

A cold?

Yeah, it just come
on this morning.

I was fit as a fiddle
yesterday. Here, take these.

Let's get him to the hospital.

Put that back. Come on.

Come on, come on.

What the hell are you
guys talking about?

Come on. Are you crazy?

What are we going
to the hospital for?

Well, it's a real good thing

you brought him in when you did.

A situation like this,
every minute counts.

You're sure it's anthrax?

Positive. C.D.: Five minutes.

Five minutes. That's all I
need with those sons of Bs.

I'll teach them a lesson or two.

Doc, how am I doing?

You're doing good, C.D.

Just breathe easy. Okay.

I'll be back. Much obliged.

Hey, Big Dog,

you think you can tell us where
you were yesterday afternoon?

Jimmy, I can't believe you.

I'm here for anthrax,
not Alzheimer's.

Hell, yes, I can tell you where
I was yesterday afternoon.

Every Monday afternoon I'm
down at the VFW playing poker.

C.D., we need a list of everyone

that was there yesterday.

All of them? Everyone.

I can do that.

Okay, good.

Fortunately you
found them all in time.

Another 24 hours would've
been a completely different story.

Walker, what's going on here?

I don't know,

but I get the feeling
we're gonna find out.

Well, they have 48
hours till this baby blows.

Yeah, we appreciate it.

The Centers for
Disease Control in Atlanta

say there's no practical way

to track down the
origin of the anthrax.

We have another tape.

Monday's action
was just a warning.

The purpose of the
action was to demonstrate

our capability and our resolve.

This anthrax,

along with a state of
the art delivery system,

has been installed
in a secure location

somewhere in Dallas.

As you are listening to
this, the clock is ticking.

In less than 48 hours,
by noon on Friday,

Dallas will be blanketed
with a cloud of anthrax spores,

enough deadly bacteria

to kill an estimated
one million people,

unless our demands are
met in a full and timely fashion.

First, 100 million dollars

will be wired to this account,

at the International
Bank of the Caymans.

Second, we are demanding
the immediate release

of five of our comrades in arms,

freedom fighters

who have been unfairly
and unjustly incarcerated.

They are Rufus
Harrison, Lorenzo Silva,

Arthur Woodson, Peter Clemens,

Dexter Laughton.

There will be no
further contact.

The timer is set.

The operation is a go.

Meet our demands

or one million people will die.

It's entirely up to you.

Have a nice day.

The governor wants you

to set up a task
force to stop this.

Now, he's authorized me

to give you his
personal assurance

that you will have
the full resources

of the State of Texas
at your disposal.

Anyone, anybody that you need.

Miss Cahill here
will be the liaison

between the governor's
office and your task force.

I'll be in touch.

Task force?

Yeah, the governor's right.

We're going to need all the
help we can get on this one.

You have anyone in mind?

Yeah, I do.


Hey, what are you...? Stop.

Hey, Texas Ranger.
I need your bike.

Sure, Ranger.


Man, you should've seen
the look on Gage's face.

Boy, it was great.


Whew, Ricky, Ricky,

why do you have
to make this difficult?

You know I gotta take you in.

Oh, you think you
can? Yeah, I think I can.

Not that I'm complaining,

but to what do I
owe the pleasure?

You've got a new assignment.

What is it?

You'll be working
with Walker and me.

Look, you're gonna
need a new partner.

How about Phil
Jefferson over in Amarillo?

Don't get me wrong,
Walker. Phil's a good Ranger,

but if you're giving
me the choice,

I'd really like my
last partner, Sydney.

Sydney Cooke?

She's a pretty new Ranger.

I know. She is
still a little green,

but I've never worked with
anyone who had better instincts.

Okay, it's your call.

Thanks. Thanks, Walker.

Meet our demands,

or one million people will die.

Have a nice day.

Here it is.

Here's everything that
we have on the five men

identified in the ransom demand.

Okay, why don't you two run
background checks on these guys.

Talk to anyone that's
been associated with them.

Yes, sir. GAGE: You got it.

Trivette, I'm gonna bring
Dan Johnson in on this.

Boy, that amount of anthrax

could really make
for a lousy weekend.

What else have you got?

That's it.

Whoever these guys
are, Dan, they're smart.

We have to assume
they've planted the anthrax

in a place where it would
do the most damage.

Well, you want me
to run simulations

on probable locations?

There's a lot of variables.

I'll have to factor in
wind, weather, traffic,

the configuration of
the downtown buildings.

But can you do it?

Yeah, oh, yeah, but
it'll take some time.

We've got 42 hours.

Let's check the
ventilation system.

That'd be the most likely
place to spread the anthrax.

That's how they did it.

I'll call the Center
for Disease Control.


Yeah, this is Ranger Trivette.

Wanna wait for CDC?

Yeah, we'd better.

What's the next move?

Look up there.

Security camera.

You think maybe?

Let's find out.

The quality of the
original surveillance tape

was pretty low,

so I digitized it
into my system.

Now you say you
found the anthrax

in the ventilation system?

That's right.


J.J. Smith Heating
and Air Conditioning.

I'll check it out.

I already did. There's
no such company.

Did you find
anything on the tape

that would help us
identify the guys, Dan?

You know, either they
knew the camera was there,

or they're just a couple
of very lucky hombres.

What about coming out?

No. Same deal.

Run it back to when they
first got out of the van.

Run it back again.

Hold it.

Do you notice the
reflection in the window?

Whoa, check it out.

Can you do anything with that?

Uh, let's see.

Let me enhance the image.


Got a face.

Now all we need is a name.

Dan, isn't the FBI

working on face
recognition software?

Yeah, the technology
is still pretty primitive,

but, uh, let me check it out.

Okay. We'll see you later.


Rufus Harrison currently
serving five to seven in Huntsville

for grand theft auto.

Doesn't exactly sound like
much of a freedom fighter to me.

No, he doesn't.

What do you make of all this?

I don't know, but
I'll tell you one thing.

If these guys are
yanking our chains,

I can't wait to
start yanking back.

His name is Talbot,
Jason Talbot.

Up until three years ago

he was a State
Department specialist

attached to the U.S.
Embassy in Moscow.

Specialist, huh?

Hmm, yeah. His
file was eyes only.

What happened three years ago?

Well, it seems your boy
had a big gambling problem.

Gambling? What kind?

Poker? Ponies?

Uh, chess.

What makes you think he's here?

Well, if he's still gambling,

this is where all
the players go.

You think that could be him?

Let's go see.


Jason Talbot?

Yeah. Who wants to know?

Texas Rangers. Wanna stand up?


He knew the chance he was
taking by going down there,

and he knew what the
consequences could be,

and now he knows
what he's gotta do.

That was Lawson.
They got Talbot.

Talbot won't say a thing.

I wonder if Gage and
Sydney found out anything

about those cons
they wanted released?

How'd it go?

It didn't. We hit
four out of five

and came up dry every
time. What about the fifth?

Arthur Woodson.

This is a strange one.

Woodson was arrested for
running a gun-smuggling operation

out of Corpus Christi,

providing arms to the
rebels in Southern Mexico,

but before that his
file's totally blank.

I'm gonna go talk to Talbot.

Trivette? Trivette?

Call a doctor.

Yeah, this is Trivette.

I got an emergency in
the interrogation room.

I need a doctor here.

What'd you find, Mary?

I'll need to run a tox
screen to be sure,

but my initial guess would
be cyanide poisoning.

Okay, thanks.

Cyanide? Where'd he get it?

He hid the pill in his watch.

In his watch?

You mean this guy killed
himself rather than talk?

I have a hunch
this guy's ex-CIA.

What makes you think that?

For a long time cyanide tablets
were part of the agents' packets

when they traveled
behind enemy lines.

Uh, just one question.

When did Dallas end
up behind enemy lines?

Hey, check this out, guys.

What do you got, Dan?

Checked out Talbot's
social security number,

and this is Woodson's.

Dan, this is Gage and Sydney.

Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.
- Sydney, hello.

These numbers are sequential.


Well, this confirms it.

The CIA issued
them new identities.

Woodson was CIA too?

Uh, yeah. His file
was also eyes only.

It's amazing what you can
do when you're determined.

Woodson was bounced from
the agency three years ago

as a result of a scandal
involving gun-smuggling

and the Russian Mafia.

Russia? DAN: Yeah.

Uh, Talbot, by the way,

was attached to the
embassy in Moscow.

Hmm, you're good, Dan.

Uh, Dan, check the other
social security numbers

that are sequential to these.

See what we come up with.

You got it.

Dan, what about the
simulations on the bomb location?

I'm still working on it.

Twenty-four hours
till the anthrax blows

and we ain't heard nothing.

You think they're
gonna go for it?

Yes, I do,

but maybe it is time to
give them a little push.

You guys are
gonna like this one.

Guess who has a brother?

Arthur Woodson. Heh.

You're good too, Walker.


His name is Roger Woodson,

who also happens to be ex-CIA.

So the other four
prisoners was just a ploy

to throw us off track.


This Roger Woodson's
a piece of work, man.

Walker, I've been looking
for you everywhere.

You've got to see this.

Just over one hour ago

a video tape was
delivered to the station.

We have tried to be reasonable,

however, it now appears
that reason has failed.

So in less than 24
hours a cloud of anthrax

will blanket the metroplex.

Panic on the streets and
pandemonium on the highways

as Dallas residents
flee the city.

For more on the story we
go now to David Chesterson.

Walker, Richard has
something to tell you.

I just got off the phone
with the governor,

and he has decided
to meet their demands.

He can't do that.

We have no choice. I'm sorry,

but are looking at a total
biological disaster here.

You realize that
they could still set off

that explosive device,

even if you do
meet their demands?

It's a perfect way
for them to escape.

I pray to God that
you're wrong, Walker.

Maybe there's another way.

According to my simulations,

the ideal placement
of the device would be

in one of these 30 locations.

The anthrax is
connected to a timer,

so we have to assume

that the timer's connected
to an explosive device,

so be careful.

Dan, what's your
best guess on this?

Walker, if I was him,

I'd have to put it in
one of these two places.

Okay, Trivette and
I will take those two.

Right, the unit from the
Centers for Disease Control

and the bomb squad are on alert.

We've got two hours.

Let's find this thing.

Let's go.

All right, we got it. Let's go.

Hey, we've got contact.

What? What have we got?

We just got an e-mail
from the Caymans.

The electronic
transfer is on its way.


Through a link up with Interpol

and the law enforcement
in the Caymans,

we were able to
rig a fake transfer.

Not only will no money
be wired into the account,

but any time they
try to access it

we will have an automatic
trace on the transaction.

What happens if
they, uh, realize

the transfer's a fake?

Well, in order
for them to realize

the transfer's a fake,

they would have to
be smarter than me,

and, uh, you know, I just
don't see that happening.

Hey, check it out.

In a last ditch effort to avoid

an unprecedented
biological disaster,

the governor has agreed to
meet all of the terrorists' demands,

starting with the five
prisoners they wanted released.


Get them on. You're
out of here in five.

And with the final demand

of the terrorists
having been met,

it seems that Dallas can
breathe a sigh of relief.

This is Virginia Watkins

from Channel 11 Action News.

Heh, we did it.

A hundred million
bucks in the bank,

and your brother's a free man.

He'll be here in
less than an hour.

All right, we'll wait
for the device to blow,

and while they're
trying to figure out

how to inoculate
a million people,

we are flying out of here.

There are only two other
locations the anthrax can be.

Walker, there's nothing up here.

Okay, we've got 12 minutes left.

It's our last shot.

Trivette, up there. Take a look.

A new lock.

You think it's in
there? It's gotta be.

Well, if it is, then how
are we gonna open it

without jarring the
explosive device?

Hold the box.

You gonna try to disarm it?

I don't wanna take a chance.

Get a chopper up here.

Tell them that they have to
be up here in five minutes.

This is Ranger Trivette.

We need a chopper
at, uh, Pearl and Elm.

Yeah, get it here quick.

It's at 4500 Ledge.

Okay, thanks.

That was Sydney.
They got a location.

Hey, big brother, I'm out.

All right, we go in two hours.

That's two, huh?

Wait a minute.
Something's wrong.

And once again, it appears

that the Texas Rangers
have saved the day.

Karen, it's back
to you in the studio.

Damn it.

All right, we've all got
tickets and fake passports.

We meet in Reno on Thursday.
Now let's get out of here.

Texas Rangers. Hands in the air.

Hold it.

You're not taking me back.

I'm not going back to prison.



You okay?

Yeah. You?


All right, you gotta tell me.

How did you find us?

Still have that old
CIA inquisitiveness.

Should we tell him, Walker?

Why not?

Oh, brother.

Mm, very good, very good.

Here you go, Cordell.

This'll cure what ails you.

Uh, so we are, huh? We are?


I mean, when we were in
the FBI Academy at Quantico,

everybody talked about you guys.

Oh, I love this. They did.

You hear that, Walker?
They're talking about us

at the FBI Academy, man.

All right, tell me what
they're saying about us.

Long version.

Okay, well, everybody talked
about Walker's arrest record

and his martial arts and...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, I know, I know.

What about me? What
about my arrest record?

My computer skills. They
talked about my computer skills.

Well, um...

Gage, don't hang me up, brother.

Well, actually, Trivette,

all anyone ever
talked about really was

that time you went undercover
as a male stripper in Lubbock.


♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh ♪

Let's not go there.

They say the little
old ladies in Lubbock

are still talking
about your, um...

Backfield in motion.

What, you're not hungry anymore?

♪ 'Cause the eyes Of a Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪