Walker, Texas Ranger (1993–2001): Season 7, Episode 18 - No Way Out - full transcript

A crime lord named Caleb Hooks, whom Walker helped put in prison several years ago, escapes from prison, hell bent on revenge against the Texas Rangers (because Hooks' brother had been shot and killed during a shootout, and he claims it was murder). Hooks initiates his plan by having Alex and Trivette kidnapped, then placed in a huge tank full of freezing, running water. Hooks then contacts Walker and begins playing cryptic games with Walker, in hopes of both luring his sworn enemy into a death trap of his own and stalling Walker in his efforts to rescue his friends before they drown.

♪ Ohh, lovely ♪

♪ Oh, my ♪

♪ Ow ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪

♪ Long legs With
all the right moves ♪

♪ She's hot-blooded ♪

♪ A sweet smile
And nasty attitude ♪

♪ She's hot-blooded ♪

♪ Ow ♪

♪ One look at those
Big brown eyes ♪

♪ And I can feel My
temperature rise ♪

♪ She's hot-blooded ♪

♪ Oh, help me ♪

You wanna get
that for his birthday?

Trivette works on
the computer all day.

You wanna get him a
computer football game?

Well, what do you wanna get him?

A social life.

A new sweater.

Tickets to the
Dallas Philharmonic.

Something where he can
meet the future Mrs. Trivette.

We're buying him a
birthday present, Alex,

not changing his life.

Oh, isn't she cute?

Yeah, she is.

The baby.

Well at least we can
agree upon a sweater.

Now, wait a minute.

I didn't agree on a sweater.

Why not?

Alex, guys like to
buy their own clothes.

You mean to tell me that
you didn't like that sweater

I bought for you for Christmas?

No. I mean, yeah,
yeah, I did like it.

You know, it was a
good sweater, but...

Gadgets. He likes gadgets.

♪ Mm, mm, yeah ♪

♪ Ow! ♪

♪ Ohh, yeah ♪

♪ To die for And
dressed to kill ♪

WOMAN: Ranger Trivette,

Ranger Trivette, do you copy?


Do you copy?

Ranger Trivette, Ranger
Trivette, do you copy?


Ranger Trivette?

Yeah, Trivette.

Message from Walker.

Meet him at the Commerce
Industrial Complex,


I'm on it.

♪ Oh, hit me ♪

"It slices, it dices, it gives
stock market quotes."


Hey, he likes to cook,

he plays the stock market.

What's wrong with that?

I'm going back and
getting him that sweater.

That's what I'm gonna do.

He's gonna hate it.


Oh, I said that he's
going to be, uh...


Alex, come here.

This is it.

This is it.

A Johnny Unitas jersey.

Johnny Unitas
was Trivette's hero

when he was growing up.

This is the perfect gift.

Well, he can't wear it,

but he's certainly
gonna love it.

You mean we can buy it?

Yes. Good!

Good, good, good, good.

Hey, now I gotta go.

I've got a meeting
with the mayor.

I know, I know. I'll
take care of everything.

You just go. I'll
meet you at C.D.'s.

Mwah! Bye.

Huh, I wonder where Walker is.




Ranger Trivette.


Very good.

What do you want?

Your partner's life.

♪ In your arms ♪

♪ Safe and warm ♪

♪ Ohh ♪

♪ Always forever for life ♪

♪ With you by my side ♪


♪ In the eyes of a Ranger ♪

♪ The unsuspecting stranger ♪

♪ Had better know the truth ♪

♪ Of wrong from right ♪

♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪

Oh, what do you fellas want?

We want you, old
man, so let's go.

Okay, but, uh, first let me...


What the heck is he doing?

Get up.

Come on, C.D.

You okay?

Where's Parker?

Walker showed up.





Are you okay?

I'm okay. Where are we?

I don't know.

Dadgum it.

You okay, C.D.?

Yeah, yeah, I'll
be... I'll be fine.

Alex, I'm at C.D.'s.

Call me as soon as
you get this message.

She should've been
here an hour ago, C.D.

Ah, she'll be here,
Cordell. She'll be here.

Hey, get that for
me, will you, Cordell?


May I speak to
Ranger Walker, please?

Speaking. Captain.

This is Major Caleb Hooks.

You do remember.

I remember you.

You're Caleb Hooks.

That's right.

And I'm gonna kill you

for the murder of my brother.

I thought you were in prison.

You know no prison can hold me.

I underestimated
you last time, captain.

Your fighting skills were
more than I expected.


I promise that
won't happen again.

What do you want?

No, no, no, it's what
you want, captain.

Your friends.

Miss Cahill and Ranger Trivette

are now in my custody.

If you wish to see
them alive again,

you're gonna have to
find out where they are.

Now, in order to find
out where they are,

you have to listen very
carefully to what I tell you.

Are we on the same page?

I'm listening.

Good, because you're
gonna be tested on this,

so you'd best be ready.

No games, Hooks.

Just tell me where they are,

and you and I will
settle this man-to-man.


It's not a game, captain.

This is life and death.

First theirs, and then yours.

If Miss Cahill and
Ranger Trivette

know how to swim,

they have about five hours.

If not, possibly three.

It's me you want, Hooks.

Whatever you do to them,

it's not gonna bring
your brother back.

Anger your opponent.

Make him lose his poise.

Make him say something stupid.

Not this time, Walker.

Not this time.

Three years in
solitary confinement

teaches a man one good thing:


You don't have control, Hooks.

Revenge has control of you.

Well, let's just say
I'm a willing instrument.

Now listen, captain.

I know your future.

It's the war heroes memorial.

That's where they bury
all the war heroes like you.

There's a place there for you.

It's where you belong.

What the hell was
that about, Cordell?

Caleb Hooks.

You know how it was in Nam.

Kids so scared that
they'd wet their pants.

Just like your brother did.

I'm gonna cut your
lying tongue out.

He has Alex and Trivette.

Oh, my Lord.

Who's doing this to us?

Caleb Hooks.


He set me up.

Called in a phony
message for Walker.

He's using us as bait.


Don't you remember?

Walker killed Hooks' brother.

We're not letting you out.

I warned you.

I'm gonna kill her.

Your time's a-coming.

Your time's comin'
real, real soon.



Now listen, captain.

I know your future.

It's the war heroes memorial.

That's where they bury
all the war heroes like you.

There's a place there for you.

It's where you belong.

Kill him, Chin.

Who are you?

Where are they, Hooks?

Well, let's say

they're just keeping
their head above water.

Why don't you come out
and face me like a man?

Oh, you haven't earned
that right yet, captain,

but I must salute
you on your first test.

Prove to me they're
still alive, Hooks.

Well if you wish to doubt
my honor, that's fine.

But the time you're
wasting is theirs.

Hooks, let us out of here!

Let us out of here!

Are we satisfied?

I'll be satisfied when
it's just you and me.

Yes, very good.

You just hold that
thought, captain.

Get to the point.

There's a phone booth

on the corner of
Beltline and Houston.

Be there at 5:00.

And, captain, don't blow it.

Jimmy, what are we gonna do?

Don't worry about it.

You know Walker's
out there looking for us.

You know how he is.
You know what he can do.

He's tearing the
city up right now.

He won't let us down.

It's not too late.

If we turn around right
now, I could talk to...

You'd think they'd
be more careful

about disguising their trail.

They're not worried about us.

That is their first mistake.

No, their first mistake
was taking Alex.

It's okay, Alex.

It's okay.

You're right, Jimmy.

He's never let anyone down.

Hold that thought, okay?

Hold it.

Emergency dispatch.

This is Ranger Walker.

I need information
on a fire emergency

that occurred within
the last few minutes.

Why is Hooks doing this to us?

Just like LaRue, Max Kale

and Brouchard, and
all the rest of them.

And you know what
happened to them.



Oh, Walker.

You're right, Jimmy.

Hooks is no match for Walker.

He's gonna beat him
and get us out of here.



What is it?


Might give us a way out of here.

I'll tell you what.

Can you support my weight?

If... If it helps us
get out of here,

I could support C.D.'s
weight right now.

Found the only way out.

I didn't think he
was smart enough.

Jimmy, are you getting it?

Can you get it open?

Yeah, I'm getting it.

Time's the enemy.

Walker, it's 30 seconds.

You've gotta get out of here.

There's three wires, Alex.

If I cut the wrong one...

I'm sorry. I was just so scared.

Throw him back in the tank.



Are you okay?

There's a phone booth

on the corner of
Beltline and Houston.

Be there at 5:00.

And, captain, don't blow it.


Ranger Walker, this
is emergency dispatch.

We've got the
information you requested

on the fire emergency.

It was a two-alarm fire
at Miller's Sporting Goods.

The call came in a 2:12.

Okay, which stations responded?

Engine companies 71 and 43.

Isn't 71 a State
Park substation?

That's correct.

Where's 43 located?

One moment.

Farmer's Branch Industrial Park,

Diplomat and Spring Valley.

Okay, thanks.

If Miss Cahill and
Ranger Trivette

know how to swim,

they have about five hours.

If not, possibly three.

Five o'clock.

He should be in the phone booth.

Out of service.

Out of service?

How could it be out of service?

I bet Walker figured it out.

I'm so proud of you, Zeke.

I'm so cold.

It's so cold.

My feet are cramping.

My legs.

Jimmy, what are we gonna do?

We're gonna hang tight, honey.

Just a little cold water, huh?

You've survived it before.


I remember.

What the hell are you...?

I'm gonna smash
your face in, Walker.

Oh, I thought you
were... Yeah, I know.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Next time I take
you to Disneyland.

No way, I'm afraid of the rides.





Come on, now.


Stay with me, huh?

Stay with me.

Think good thoughts.

Good... Good thoughts.

Yeah, thattagirl.

Grab on.

Grab on.


You're a workaholic.


Relax the wrist.

Okay, okay.

I can do it.

You're self-righteous.

You're stubborn
as the day is long,

and you think you...

Well, one thing I do know,

you don't have any balance.

You're also right

about needing a solid
place to start from.



I've missed you.

I'm glad.


Do you remember the wedding?


Do you remember that

there was something I wanted
to ask you after the wedding?

Yes, I remember.

What I wanted to ask you was...

♪ You've touched my soul ♪

♪ You've made me whole ♪

♪ With a passion
That burns like fire ♪

♪ Lifting me higher ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-ohh ♪

Will you marry me?



♪ One love ♪

♪ Always, forever for life ♪

♪ You by my side ♪

I love you, Walker.

Oh, my God.

How is she?

She hung on for a long time.

She hung on for a
long time, Walker.

♪ Always forever... ♪

Come on, Alex.

Come on.

Come on, Alex.

Come on, Alex.

Come on, Alex.

Come on, Alex.

Come on, Alex.

♪ ...you by my side ♪

Oh, thank God.

Thank God.

♪ With you by my side ♪

Wow, the place looks great.


Hi, honey.

I want you to try something.

What is it?

It's vegetarian chili.

You know Jimmy, he...

He doesn't eat any red meat.

It's good, C.D.

But I taste meat.

Ah, well, uh,

I... I put a little
hog lard in it.

That kinda binds the
vegetables together.

That's meat, isn't
it? Is that meat?

Well, now, it's, uh...
It's not exactly a meat.

It's kind of a meat product.

It's, uh... Meat is meat.

What Jimmy don't
know won't hurt him.

Happy birthday!

Get over here.

You have to open our
present first, though.

I wanted to buy a sweater,

he wanted to buy
a computer game,

so we agreed on this.

Yep. You're gonna
love this. Open it.

You agreed?


You agreed?


Oh, my God!

Oh, my... Oh!

Oh, Johnny Unitas.

Hey, guys, oh,
thank you so much.

Oh, my gosh!

Happy birthday.


Oh, oh, hey, you know
what I was thinking?

What if, uh...?

What if I'd've had to
have mouth-to-mouth too?

Well, Trivette,

instead of celebrating
your birthday,

we'd be mourning
at your funeral.

I'm only kidding.


♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪