Vikings (2013–…): Season 5, Episode 13 - Episode #5.13 - full transcript

Did he really say that?


King Harald!

I will think of you in York.

I left some good men
in charge there.

I will be glad to meet them.

But York will only be
a staging post for us.


I still consider it part
of my new kingdom.

I think it is a good thing
that I'm leaving.

Yes, I agree.
I think it is a good thing.

But don't worry.

With my ships filled
with treasure and slaves,

I will come back.



What's the matter with you,
huh, little brother?

I am not your little brother!

And you know exactly
what's wrong with me.

Margrethe is dead!

I know.

Of course you know!
You ordered the killing!

Why would I do that?

Because she knew

that you could never
get a woman pregnant.

But that is not quite true.

Is it, sweet?


Tell them why.

For I am with child.

She is with my child!

And, in any case,

she was a crazy woman.

I liked her.

She was right about you
from the very beginning, Ivar.

Be very careful what you
say about me, Hvitserk.

Why? Will you kill me next?

Just remember, I am also a son
of Ragnar Lothbrok.

The people of Kattegat
don't love you, Ivar!

What do you think
they would do

if you even touched
a hair on my head?

Well, just a thought,

why don't you go back to
England with King Harald, hmm?

I belong here with you, Ivar.

You know that.

I chose your side.

And now, for good or ill,

you're stuck with me.



Bishop Cuthred is dead!

-Cuthred is dead. Murdered!

Murdered? By who?

By Lord Heahmund.

In the cathedral.

-Where is Heahmund now?
-Here. In the chapel.

Let me speak with him alone.

-But he...


-How dare you!

In all of this world,
there can be no justification

for murdering a servant
of God in his own house!

And now, still drenched
in the martyr's blood,

you come and defile
this holy place too!

Surely to God you do not mean
to try and defend yourself?

I killed Cuthred because he
and the other bishops,

clergy, and several
of your leading ealdormen

formed a conspiracy
to overthrow you

and then...

To assassinate you.

For your attacks on the power
and privilege of the church,

which they think has
only just begun.

For your offer of friendship
to pagans

and for your weakness.

I felt I had no choice
but act,

to save both your crown...

And your life.

Did he
tell you who else

was involved
in the conspiracy?

What other bishops? Ealdormen?

No. Only that Cuthred
was at the heart of it.

And he told me
that if I now restored

him to the bishopric
of Sherborne,

then he might easily
identify the others.

But if you were
to reinstate Heahmund,

it would cause the greatest
outrage and resentment,

especially in the church.

Even so, Mother,
Heahmund has possibly shown

himself to be
my greatest supporter.

This is true.

I have to say, Brother,
that I am amazed and outraged

that you would even
consider giving shelter,

let alone preferment,

to a self-acknowledged


Heahmund shall be punished
for his heinous crime!

That is not
your decision, Brother.

For I am King, and I alone

can make that determination.

We are not sure
what has happened.

No one has told us.

But I see you are imprisoned.

I killed the man who
replaced me as bishop.

-He found out about us.

He would have betrayed
me to King Alfred.

And I would never
have been restored.

So, now...

Everything depends
on the King.



If he believes that
we will protect him

against his enemies,
then all shall be well.

I'm not sure what
to think about you.

I'm trying to do
the right thing.

For us and for Wessex.

And yet now you
are imprisoned.


You have laid upon
me such a burden.

I'm not sure your choice
was wise after all.

They whisper that I am weak,

I fear they are right.


give me strength.

King Alfred is in trouble.

There are those here
who want to overthrow him.

They think he is weak.

They don't like the fact that
he allows us to live here.

But Bishop Heahmund
said he'd protect us.

He is imprisoned for murder

and incapable
of protecting anyone.

Perhaps we should
never have come here.

If we stayed in Norway, Torvi,
we would all be dead by now.

It seems we are
all at the mercy

of circumstances
beyond our control.

We have to pray to the gods

that the King overcomes
his enemies.


Is that all we can do?


There is something
else that we can do.

The King has asked
us to be baptized

in the Christian faith.

That way he can
appease his enemies.

He will no longer
be supporting

and harboring pagans,

but we would
be fellow Christians.

He asked you this personally?


And did you tell him
that there was no way

that you would renounce
our gods?

Did you?

Our father is in Valhalla.

He's sitting beside
the All-Father.

He is sitting across
from Thor.

They are drinking together
and they are happy together.

Are you telling me that
you don't believe it?

I think what Ubbe meant...

Let Ubbe speak
for himself!

What are you saying, Ubbe?

Our father stopped
believing it.


Did King Alfred
tell you that too?

And you actually believed him?

Sometimes I wonder
if you're Ragnar's son at all!

Did you see them?

-Perhaps they are not coming.

They will come.



So, Floki, what is it
you have to say?

We are all here.

I have risen from the dead.

Just as Odin did.

I died...

And then I was reborn,

here on this island,

among the gods.

But I don't care about myself.

I care about all of you.

I want you to live
together peacefully.

We have suffered the loss
of two of our children,


And Thorgrim.


I know what it's like
to lose a child.

The days ahead will be hard.

And our real hope

lies with the child that
Ketill's daughter

Thorunn carries in her belly.

For Eyvind's son,

Helgi was also involved!

So, now, I beg of you
all one last time

to please bury your axes.

Floki is right!

I have been

harsh on Floki.

It's true I doubted
his motives.

But I see I was wrong.

I believe Floki

is a pure spirit.

The death of my son Bul

caused my family

terrible grief.

But I see now
the death of Thorgrim

caused Ketill and his family
the same agony.


Let us look forward,

as a community,

to the birth

of a new child.

Let us drink to the new child.



Princess Elsewith,

I have neither courted
nor attended to you.

If you told me that
you no longer

had any desire to marry me,

then I would understand
and freely release you

from any agreement
made in my name.


in the unlikely event that
you were still willing

to proceed with the marriage,

then let me tell you
what you might expect.

You will be Queen
to a kingdom at war

and likely soon
to be attacked again.

You'll be married to a king
who is in present danger

of being overthrown
and assassinated.

Forgive me, my lady,
but I cannot make the prospect

sound any more attractive.

Thank you.

I have nothing to go back to,
nor any wish to do so.

If I were your wife,

I would gladly share your
dangers and tribulations,

and help you carry
the terrible burden

that fate has placed upon you.

I had not expected
this conversation

-to proceed in this manner.

I would hate you ever
to think me predictable.

My Lords,

I have summoned you
here once more because,

after much prayer and thought,

I have made
an important decision.

I have decided
to restore his grace,

Bishop Heahmund,
to the bishopric of Sherborne.


But how is this supposed
to serve God?

The murder of Lord Cuthred

must forever be upon
his conscience

and he must defend
himself before God.

But we, my Lords,

in these dark
and most uncertain days

when Wessex is threatened
as never before in our history

we cannot, and I will not,
do without the services

of the man who is our sword,

the greatest warrior for
Christ in this kingdom.

I wish also to announce
my marriage

to Princess Elsewith
of Northumbria.

Oh, how lovely!

Maybe an heir!

There is one final matter!

Ubbe, the son
of Ragnar Lothbrok,

and his wife Torvi,

have agreed to be baptized
into our Christian faith.

My Lords, please!

I ask all of you,
in God's name,

to recognize and celebrate
this conversion.

It marks the beginning
of something important.

Without the help
of these people,

who were once our enemies,

Wessex cannot
and will not survive.

He should not have done that!

He should never have
appointed a murderer

to such a high position
in our Holy Church!

Alfred is doing what he thinks
is best for Wessex.

And we must support him,
must we not?

He's my brother.
Of course, I support him.


At least his marriage
is arranged and settled.

Now, is the time
to arrange yours.

You have no need to arrange
everything in the world.

And, as a matter of fact,
I've already chosen my bride.

May I know her name?


Do I know her?

I do not think so.

She's Cuthred's daughter.

Open the gate!

Oh, he's strong

and all his teeth
and fingers too.

Come on!

Six, seven, eight!

More? Any more?

The King!
Welcome back.

He is home!
King Harald, welcome!

The King! Harald!

Before being received

into God's Holy Church,

you must renounce
your former errors.

I renounce my belief

in Odin and all other
pagan gods.

I renounce
my belief in Odin

and all other pagan gods.

With my breath,

I do exorcise these evil
spirits which inhabit you.



King Harald Finehair.

Welcome to York.

I am Jarl Olavosonn.

Ivar, the Boneless
left me in charge here.

I am happy to meet you,
Jarl Olavosonn.

But don't expect to be

in charge here
for much longer.

We have just been
promised eternal life.

I don't feel any different.

Do you?


We now have to wear
these crosses, though.

It is said that our new God

died on the cross
for our sins.

What sins?


Now I do feel different.

Well, you can always
wear it again.

Do you,
Alfred, son of Aethelwulf,

before all these witnesses
here gathered,

take this woman, Elsewith,

as your lawful wife,
to have and to hold,

from this moment
until death parts you?

I do.

And do you, Elsewith,

before all these witnesses
here gathered,

take this man Alfred,
to have and to hold,

forsaking all others,
to serve and obey,

until you die?

I do.



In the sight
of all these witnesses,

and in the sight of God,

I now pronounce you

man and wife.

Bjorn Ironside?


You and I have much in common.


We share the same father.

My name is Magnus.

I'm Ragnar's son
by Queen Kwenthrith.

I grew up here on
the royal estate with Alfred.

He was my childhood friend.

But, in the end,
not long after Ragnar

was imprisoned here,
I was expelled.

Alfred's family threw
me to the wolves.

We had heard Ragnar
fathered a son in Wessex.

Yes. I managed to survive.

Of course,
they don't know I survived.

They don't even know who I am.

I heard you were here.

My half-brothers
and I had to see you.

Well, this is incredible.

You have no idea how happy
this makes me.

After all these years
of being lost.

Well, now, my brother,

you are found.


The gate!

I'm here to attack Wessex.

Their defenses...

Were weakened
by our Great Army,

but I saw enough when
I was there to know

that there are still plenty
of places to plunder.

And I want to be rich.

For I have
considerable ambitions.

It may interest
you to know that

Wessex has a new King.


A boy.

Ecbert's grandson, Alfred.

Then they're even
weaker than I thought.

Why did you say that I would
not be in charge very long?

As far as I know,

you and Ivar, the Boneless
are allies.

I didn't mean to insult you.

I want to invite you

to raid Wessex with me.

We can enjoy
the fruits of victory

and then we can make
new plans.

New plans?


Do you want to stay here

in York all your life,
and look after it for Ivar?


It's true, I've always
had bigger ambitions.

You are Viking!

Of course you did.


After we plunder Wessex,
you and I,

together, will return
in triumph to Kattegat.

To share our spoils
with its King?


We overthrow its King.

It seems to me that you are
not a son of Ragnar Lothbrok.

Neither am I.

But the sons
of Ragnar Lothbrok

are the most famous
people in all our world.

And I am not sure that
I wish to fight against them.

Any of them.

What is there in a name?


In times to come,
no one will remember

Ragnar Lothbrok and his sons.

They will be
utterly forgotten.

I can hardly remember
his name even now.

Perhaps you are right.

But in that case,

what a poorer place
the world would be.

We should always
remember Ragnar Lothbrok,

even if we did not know him,

even if we only
heard his name.

And do you know why?

Because we are all sons
of Ragnar Lothbrok!

All of us.


Think on it, Jarl Olavosonn.

The King has shown
courage after all.

He has.

More than I expected.

What happens now?

I must seek to flush
out the others

who conspired against
him and against us.

Alfred is not safe,
despite his courage.

If Cuthred was
once their leader,

who is their leader now?

I don't know.

But I'm almost certain

they intended to replace
Alfred with Aethelred.

But whether Aethelred is part
of the conspiracy or not,

I have yet to discover.

I wish I could help.

Even now, the forces of Satan
are gathering to strike.

That is why you are here.

To help me fight
against the Devil.

Ah, Prince Aethelred.

You wanted to speak
to me, Brother?

Yes, my brother.

Come, sit down. Drink!
I have some wonderful news.

Great news.

Isn't that right,
my sweetheart?

Yes. Wonderful news.

Come on! Sit down!

Sit down!

So, what's the great news?
I would love some great news.

Where to start?

You know that our whole family

is descended from
the All-Father?


Yes, that is you.
That is me, too.

You and me are
descended from Odin.

Everyone knows that.

You also remember,
when we were young,

you and your brothers always

made fun of me because
I was different.

I don't remember
me making fun of you, Ivar.

No, but you pitied me.
And I was ashamed.

I hated being a cripple.

Always breaking my bones.

The endless pain.

I was so angry
all the time, Hvitserk.

And I asked myself,

why did the gods
hate me so much?

Why me?

And then Freydis explained
something to me.

She told me that
being deformed

was a sure sign
of the gods' favor.

That it marked me out
as a very special person.

It wasn't a badge
of shame after all.

Not a curse,

but a blessing.

It's true. I knew that!

Why are you telling
me this, Ivar?

I am telling you this,

because this very
special person,

has realized
something extraordinary

and astonishing about himself
and it is so obvious.

Realized what?

Realized that I am not just
descended from the gods.

No. Uh-huh.

The fact is, Hvitserk,
Ivar, the Boneless

is a god.

He is a god.

And I am carrying
his divine child.

You're crazy, Ivar.

I am not crazy. I am not.

That is your mistake.
I did the impossible.

I am going to be a father.

I am divine.

And to celebrate,
we will have a feast

and we will invite
everyone in Kattegat!

And we will make a sacrifice,

dedicated to my fellow gods,

welcoming me into
the family of the Aesir!

But it must be
an important sacrifice.

It must be someone that
the gods will have heard of.

Someone that all the people
will have heard of.



You don't know what
you're saying, Brother.


What is your decision?

I will raid Wessex with you.



And what of your
authority here?

I will recognize you
as King over York,

and I will no longer feel
bound to serve Ivar.

In which case, you will come
with me to overthrow him?

Even though he
is a son of Ragnar?

Show me your arm ring.

Is that answer enough?



She's gone!

-She's gone!
-What do you mean, gone?

Thorunn. She's disappeared.

I don't understand.
She can't have disappeared.

Mother told me she had gone
to pray at the waterfall.

She felt her time was near.

She wanted to pray to Freya
for a safe delivery.

She wasn't there.

I shouted. I looked for her.

She's disappeared.

-Come on, Frodi.
-Yes, Father.

Oh, no. Please,
please, please, please.

Not your sister! Not Thorunn!

You have lived your
life in the shadows.

So, why don't you
reveal yourself,

your true identity, to Alfred?

He was a companion
of your youth.

I'm sure he would
recognize you.

No, his father expelled
me from the villa.

Alfred never tried to find out
what happened to me.


If I was to reveal myself,
I'm sure that they'd kill me.

King Ecbert and his family

betrayed me as they betrayed
our father.

And they say that you're here
to support King Alfred.

But how can you do that?

We are at Alfred's mercy.

He should be at yours!

Alfred is just as
guilty as his father

and his grandfather for
the death of our father.

Hail the god Ivar!

Hail the god Ivar!

Hail the god Ivar!

Hail the god Ivar!

Hail the god Ivar!

Move! Get on!


Kneel to the god Ivar!

Kneel down!

Bow your head!

On your knees!

Bow to god Ivar!

Bring on the sacrifice!





Praise Ivar!