V poiskakh kapitana Granta (1986): Season 1, Episode 7 - Robinzon Okeanii - full transcript

In Search for Captain Grant

Robinson of Oceania

Episode Seven
Robinson of Oceania

Paris, monsieur!

- We are already under the bridges.
- I'm coming.

I just need to put the full stop.

Why are you... looking at me

as if I just came back from the dead?

You did, Henry!

So you did kill me after all?

It just happened.

I dare say, monsieur...

that's not good, not the Christian way!

You'll jinx me an early end and...

On the contrary, Henry!

I am making you immortal!

Please get acquainted.

Madame, this is Jules Verne.

Jules, believe me, it's a great honour for me to present my dear guest to you.

Marko Vovchok, a writer.

Marko Vovchok is a Slavic name, if I'm not mistaken,


Georgianne is also a man's name!

- Markovich in marriage, Maria Alexandrovna.
- My sincere pleasure!

Well, Jules, you've fulfilled one promise at least.

The book did turn out pretty thick!


The newspapers were reporting every stage of your journey.

They say you were even welcomed by the Pope!

- What did you talk about with him?
- I tried keeping my mouth shut.

Otherwise he would've exposed my godless nature straight away!

That's right, never miss an opportunity to remain silent!

So here's what I want to suggest...

Madame Markovich writes in Russian and Ukrainian,

French is like her mother tongue as well.

Listen, Jules, your books are not translated well in Russia - they're incorrect, confusing.

So I intend to provide Madame Markovitch the rights to translate all of your novels.

Agree! You will be mutually happy!

Am I known in Russia? Are my books being read there?

Read... and loved.

They're waiting for new ones, hunt for them, and even ban them!

- Ban?
- Yes!

Imagine, recently the minister of internal affairs, Mr. Valuev,

ordered to withdraw your "Journey to the Center of the Earth"

- from all student libraries.
- Is that so?

His resolution: "This book is immoral by its nature".

That's perhaps the most original review of my work!

But Russia does not consist of Valuevs only.

Educated Russia loves you!

- You have a wonderful talent!
- Thank you!

And a heart capable of elevating it further!

How is Turgenev? I would love to meet him.

Turgenev! He is now in Paris with Viardot.

You should definitely meet him. He is a charming man.

And a real writer! A great writer!

"Notes of a Hunter". I've read it thrice.

Its pages just... have the aroma of

the Russian steppes, forests, rivers!

And the characters! I'd never be able to write like this.

Oh no! You have your own path in literature,

and I would not call it easy.

Monsieur Ethel told me the plot of your novel.

I'm burning with impatience to learn the fate of your heroes!

Did they find that courageous Captain?

Well, I'll tell you!

I myself cannot wait to brag about

how nice of an ending I came up with.

That's it! It's over!

Look! The natives have stopped!

They will not go on any further! Go!

After me!

Hurry! Quickly!

Come in!

Donkeys! Here, do not forget!

Try climbing this mountain!

Dense donkeys!

You are the biggest idiots in the entire Pacific Ocean!

That's the chief's grave!

Yes, my boy.

Their leader is buried here.

That's why this mountain is tabooed.

Nobody has the right to get up here unless they crave death!

- God is keeping us safe.
- You are mistaken here, Madame!

God is on the side of the natives right now.

He even came up with a punishment for us.

Oh, they have English weapons here.

Not a bad idea to bring weapons to the other side!

Obviously, for hunting in the eternal life.

We will utilise this arsenal better than the deceased.

Well, we have water and food.

And fire in the soil!

A real paradise.

I propose to set up a colony here,

and live here till the end of our days.

What terrible death are you threatening us with today, Paganel?

The death of sacrilege!

The punishing flame is under our feet.

But this volcano didn't just appear yesterday.

Can it wait a week or two?

The Maori have a custom of burning their dead,

but they didn't burn their leader. Why?

So just like animals feel an earthquake,

the natives felt the upcoming eruption?

That's why they left their village.

It is doomed because it's situated on the volcano.

So the deceased will burn anyway?

Altogether with us?!

What are you whispering about, friends?

Miss Mary and Lady Ellen...

have already proven that they can face danger.

You can speak frankly with them.

Why are you silent, Paganel? Is Providence preparing a new test for us?


You think that this mountain will not last any longer?

A volcano crater will soon be here!

How long do we have left?

Well, regardless of when the eruption begins,

the Maori won't leave until they make sure we are dead.

Therefore we need to convince them we are, before we really die.

Do you have an idea, Major?

If only we can persuade New Zealand's Pluto to wait until it's dark.

And then what?

See that ridge? We can climb to a nearby volcano through it.

Not a bad idea!

They are waiting for us below, but we will go up!

But in order to climb that ridge, we first need to go down the slope!

Then we will be at a shooting distance from a Maorian weapon!

Better to die from a bullet than in a savage's stomach.

Huh, a rich choice.

Have our friends quieted down?

Oh, there's more of them now!

Look, they've built fires!

They will be waiting for a second coming.

It's getting hot.

Let's hope this entire construction won't burst into flames.

There's something buzzing and bubbling!

It's magma, my boy.

Sooner or later it will find a way out and... a new Vesuvius will be here.

So we're sitting on a powder keg?

Devil knows what! What were they thinking?

What are you looking for, McNabbs?

To equip a man for an eternal life and not leave him even a snuff of tobacco!

For your general knowledge, Major, the New Zealanders do not smoke.

Unlike you, they treasure their health!

That's your answer to the question of what we're missing on this mountain.


This is why I don't want to stay here any extra hour.

To the table, gentlemen!

Mary, you are wonderful mistress!

One can only envy your future husband.

What do you have there, Paganel?

What does this mean, monsieur Paganel?

And now, dear friend, can you finally tell us what happened to you?

Yes, tell us, monsieur Paganel!

There is nothing interesting about my story, really.

Well, well, do not be modest, my friend!

Looks like you've lived a stormy life without us!

What happened to you, Mr. Paganel?

Nothing special! Just like you,

I was captured by a native tribe.

- And you were not eaten?
- As you can see, no!

Moreover, you were mistaken for their own.

If you want to tell the story for me, you are welcome!

Oh no!

Oh no, my dear! I have such a high opinion of your wits

that I won't be surprised to discover that the natives made you their leader.

You almost guessed it right, I have indeed befriended their leader!

Monsieur Paganel, we are all dying from impatience!

Fine, fine, I'll tell you.

As you remember,

it happened so that I had escaped your fate.

I was picking flowers when suddenly I heard screams, noise, gunshots.

I looked out of the bushes and saw you being surrounded by the natives!

I saw you getting tied up, pushed in the boats.

Well, I... ran after you,

then I swam across a river,

when suddenly two natives jumped out of the bushes!

Therefore I, just like you,

was captured, but obviously by another Maori tribe.

Then I was brought to their leader.

He was hostile until he saw those signs on my chest.

And most of all ...

...I neglected our friendship and fled at the first opportunity.

So what do these signs on your chest mean, Mr. Paganel?

At the dawn of humanity, when continents, perhaps,

were not yet separated by oceans, people used to communicate through the language

of signs, gestures, and understood each other. We're missing this terribly!

That's why a Maorian leader understands the drawings of a Patagonian leader.

And the signs on my chest... Well, they probably indicate

that I hold a high position in my tribe.

And it is true!

I hope you are not joking, Major?

It's time!

This terrible death awaits anyone who dares to break the taboo!

Robert! Hand!

Look! They're leaving!

Quiet, my boy!

Do not forget that we are dead and buried under lava.

But tonight we will be resurrected and leave our grave.


People were here just now!

A fire!

The coals are still hot!

The ocean! The ocean!

- To the sea!
- Push!

- Natives!
- Look!




Robert! Get back!

This way, Robert! Back!

A sailboat!

Look! That's a ship!

- A sailboat!
- A steam ship!



We are here!

- "Duncan" and the convicts!
- The convicts?

Look! Tom Austin! I see him! He's waving at us!

Hey, Tom! Here! To us!

Final stretch, friends!

Hurry up and shoot!

Take this... as a memento.

Poor Olbinett!

- Where are the convicts?
- Convicts? What convicts?

- Well, the rascals who attacked the yacht!
- What yacht? Your yacht, m'lord?

Of course, Tom! The "Duncan"!

So how did it happen that you've been cruising near New Zealand?

By your order, m'lord!

- My order?
- Yes, m'lord!

I only carried out the instructions contained in your letter.

- In my letter?
- Yes, m'lord!

It was not written by you, but the signature is yours.

Wait, Tom, we really need to sort this out,

because I think I'm dreaming.

- So you say you got the letter?
- Yes, I did.

Ben Joyce delivered it to you?

No, m'lord, a sailor named Ayrton, the boatswain of "Britannia".

Well, Ben Joyce and Ayrton are the same person.

What was in the letter?

It contained an order to leave Melbourne

- and to head to the east coast of
- Australia.

Australia? No, not Australia!

- New Zealand!
- No, Australia, Tom, Australia!

- Australia, Tom, Australia!
- No.

No, no, there's something wrong here!

All right, calm down, Tom, that was the Providence's wish then.

It's impossible! I could not have been mistaken, m'lord!

Ayrton has read the letter the same way I did. It was actually him...

It was him who wanted me to go to Australia despite the order.

- Ayrton?
- Yes.

Ayrton assured me that this was a mistake,

and that the Twofold bay was the designated meeting spot.

- Do you still have this letter?
- Of course, Mr. McNabbs.

I will bring it now.

Goodness gracious, Paganel!

That would be too much!



"I order Tom Austin to sail off

and move along the 37th parallel

to the east coast of...

New Zealand".

Well, my dearest Paganel,

it's fantastic that you didn't end up sending us

to Indochina!

Oh, John! Great!

Well, answer me honestly now, Paganel.

I admit that your mistake was lucky

because if it wasn't for you, our ship would've been taken by the convicts!

And if it wasn't for you, we would've been captured by the natives again!

But dear God, tell me, what incomprehensible quirk

made you write "New Zealand" instead of Australia?


And you, Tom? Didn't the order seem strange to you?

To cruise around the coast of New Zealand?

To be honest, m'lord, I was quite surprised,

but I'm not used to discussing orders, so I obeyed.

Wouldn't you have done the same?

Yes, Tom, I would have done the same!

So, m'lord, I decided that in the best interests of Harry Grant

I needed to go where you ordered.

"Obviously," I thought, "you were going to New Zealand

on some other ship, so I should be waiting for you on the east coast".

When the boatswain Ayrton found out where the ship was heading...

- Ayrton?
- Yes.

- Is he on the yacht?
- Yes, m'lord.

- Where is he?
- In one of the cabins, under arrest.

Did you detain him?

When Ayrton saw that the yacht was going to New Zealand,

he became furious and wanted to force me to change the ship's route.

He threatened me and then started inciting the crew to rebel.

That's when I realized that this man is dangerous, so I decided to isolate him.

Bring him in.

So, Ayrton,

here we are aboard that very "Duncan",

which you have failed to take over.

- Speak, Ayrton, speak!
- I have nothing to say, m'lord.

I was stupid enough to get into your hands.

Do as you please!

Tell me first how we should call you - Ben Joyce or Ayrton?

Were or were you not a boatswain aboard "Britannia"?

Listen, Ayrton, only a confession can improve your situation.

I'm asking for the last time: will you answer?


Let justice itself convict me!

This is not a trial, Ayrton!

And I do not force you to testify against yourself.

But you know well who we are searching for.

Just one word from you can lead to us a track lost.

Will you talk?


Fine, Ayrton, can you at least say

where did "Britannia" crash?

You will not learn anything from me! You can hang me if you want!

Raise the yellow flag!


There are no judges and no executioners, Ayrton.


You will be handed over to the English authorities at the next stop.

Ayrton, if you know anything at all about Harry Grant,

tell it at least to these poor children.

I know very little about Harry Grant!

It's unlikely to help you find his tracks.

Well, speak, Ayrton!


So, m'lord, you intend to hand me over to the English authorities?

Yes, Ayrton, it will only be fair.

So you won't agree to grant me freedom?

I cannot do that.

- I'm not asking for it.
- What do you want then?

Something in-between the gallows and freedom.

That is...?

Drop me off on one of the uninhabited islands in the Pacific Ocean.

I'll manage from there on the best I can.

Plus I will have time to think: is it worth repenting or not?

If I promise to do what you ask,

- will you tell me everything?
- Everything I know!

Well, speak, speak, Ayrton!

I warn you once again, gentlemen,

that I do not know much about Harry Grant.

This deal will be less useful for you than for me.

Yet still, tell me, Ayrton! All that you know!

First of all, who are you?

I am indeed Tom Ayrton.

A boatswain of "Britannia".

On the 12th of March...

1859, I left Glasgow on Harry Grant's ship.

We were looking for a place in the Pacific to establish a Scottish colony.

Harry Grant was born for great feats,

but we often collided quite badly,

his character is not for me!

I cannot obey no questions asked!

When Harry Grant decided on something, it was over!

All objections were useless!

He is a man of steel!

He is strict to himself and to others!

But, nevertheless, I... dared to rebel against him.

I tried to start a riot among the crew and capture the ship.

Was I right, was I wrong?

It doesn't matter now.


Harry Grant threw me off the ship without thinking twice.

On the 8th of April 1860,

on the west coast of Australia.

- So...
- I've warned you, m'lord,

that this deal would not be useful to you.

I do not know anything about the fate of Harry Grant.

As for my story...

I've met a gang of recently escaped convicts

and joined them.

Under the name of Ben Joyce, I became the gang leader.

My dream was to capture a some kind of ship...

Then "Duncan" appeared...

You yourself told us about the "Britannia" crash,

and that it crashed on the 37th parallel.

I did not hesitate for a second.

I've decided to take the ship, but "Duncan" needed repair,

so I gave it the opportunity to go to Melbourne.

You know the rest.


Do you remember...

what plans... did Captain Grant have?

Not really.

Still, try to remember!

Even the most insignificant... fact

can lead us on the right path.

I know that Captain Grant was going to visit New Zealand.

Quite right!

However, the document has no mention of New Zealand.

I cannot answer that!

Alright, Ayrton, you've kept your word, so I will keep mine.

We will discuss which island to land you on.

The Maria Theresa reef is up ahead.

As far as I know, the island is uninhabited.

Actually, it's on the 37th parallel too!

How far is it?

About three days.

We'll look at this island and then decide.

Ayrton, go back to your cabin and wait for our decision.

This rascal...

could've become a real person!

Too bad that his abilities serve evil.

And Harry Grant?

- I'm afraid it's impossible to find him!
- Poor father!

Who will tell us where you are?

I will!


Paganel, do you know where Captain Grant is?

- Yes, as far as it's possible!
- How do you know that?

All from the same document!

Major McNabbs, listen first and then go "Aaah"!

I was silent because until now I was convinced that you wouldn't believe me,

but now Ayrton has confirmed my assumption!

- So, New Zealand?
- Yes.

Listen to me and judge for yourselves!

This error in the letter that ended up saving us

was not accidental!

When the letter was being dictated to me,

I couldn't get the word "aland" out of my head. "Zealand".

The word "aland" - "on land"

was read by us as... "on the ground",

while in reality it was the end of the word "Zealand"!

What a dreamer you are, Paganel!

You abandon your previous arguments so easily!

How do you interpret "austral" now?

The same as before - "southern countries"!

Fine. And the snippet of the word "indi", which was formerly interpreted as

the word "indians" - "Indians", and then as "indigene" - "natives"?

How do you understand it now?

The third and the final interpretation of this word: "indigence" -

"need, deprivation"!

So why did you keep this new interpretation to yourself for these past two months?

Well, I didn't want to get your hopes up for nothing.

In addition, we were already in New Zealand!

Where we haven't seen any traces of Harry Grant.

But instead we saw how Englishmen are treated there!

Robert! You are already a man.

You must accept these bitter news.

Perhaps, we will be able to find some pieces of "Britannia".

But the people...

On December 7th, 1865

"Duncan" dropped its anchor at an uninhabited island.

On the English naval map, it was marked as the Island of Maria Theresa.

Thank you.

A wild goat!

This animal is afraid of man, therefore it's familiar with humans!

- This way!
- Perhaps...?

Look! This bamboo has axe marks!


This way!



I refuse to understand anything, but...

how did the remains of "Britannia" end up on this island

that was not even hinted at in the document?

Either way, this island lies on the 37th parallel.

Yes, but the document...

Let's not despair, friends.

Let's search the whole island!



Let go! Let go! Let go!

Calm down.


Who are you?

We'll take him aboard the ship.

Maybe talking to people will bring his mind back.


We already know about the fate of two out of three victims of the crash.


One died, the other went insane.

There must be a third...

And he's here.

Not this...

Death is better...

He is crying.

If you're crying, then you're becoming human again.

I do not believe it!

I can't believe that my father would turn into something like this.

- If only you saw him, John!
- Calm down, Mary!

I'm sure I will get to shake his noble hand and tell him...

- You know what I will tell him.
- He's alive, right?

He's alive! People like my father do not die without finishing what they have started!

Of course, Mary! Calm down!

What's wrong?

Heard that?

That's my father's voice! Robert!

- Calm down, I beg you!
- No, no, this is my father!

- You're hearing things, Mary!
- No, it cannot be!

My... my father...

What, sister?

Robert, our father is on that beach!

- I heard his voice!
- There?

- What's the matter, John?
- Mary, what happened?

"Help, help!"

- Did you recognize his voice, my child?
- Yes, m'lord! I could not be mistaken!

- It's my father!
- Impossible! At this distance?

Mary is telling the truth! I believe her!

Our father is there! He is calling for us!

M'lord, order to deploy the boat!

But... Mary could've been mistaken, it's nighttime!

- No!
- Maybe we should wait until morning?

If you don't want me to reach the shore by swimming,

order to deploy the boat, m'lord!

Watchman! Right side boat on the water!

Look, there's a fire! A fire on the beach!

- This is... this is father!
- Come on, guys! One, two!

It's father's voice! Father!

I'm here! I'm here!

This way!

- Father!
- Robert! My boy!


On the 7th of June, year 1860

"Britannia" had crashed against the reefs.

The sea was raging so bad that...

only two sailors have managed to reach the shore.

Bob Liers, Joe Bell... and me.

My crew... has perished.

Bob Liers soon died from his injuries,

so the two of us were left.

We could only pray to the Lord Almighty, and rely on ourselves.

Every day and every hour we had to fight for our lives.

My friend lost hope and submitted to despair.

He sank low, stopped looking after himself

and never looked at the sea again.

I missed the moment of that inner breakdown in him.

And then it was too late!

My words did not work on him,

he didn't react to them at first, then became hostile.

At last, his mind deteriorated.

Since the moment of the shipwreck

this was the heaviest blow from fate for me.

To lose a friend.

The only living being that understood you,

with whom you could share your grief,

or just talk to in a human language!

I realised that I will meet the same fate.

You will ask, what was the hardest thing for me during these 4 years?


Staying human!

When a person is thrown into extraordinary conditions,

and heavens send him one challenge after another,

and even the forces of nature rise against him,

it's always the hardest thing.

To retain the right to be called human!

Mary and Robert

had time to tell me about you.

I feel like I know you for years!


Let me... ask for your daughter's hand.

Bravo, John! Finally you decided to utter these words!

M'lord, and you, ma'am, please bless our children!


- Miss Mary, congratulations!
- Thank you!

- Mary, congratulations!
- Congratulations!

Excuse me, Captain! Can you finally explain

the contents of your mysterious note?

Oh right, Captain, do you remember the note word by word?

Of course I do! Not a day has passed since I didn't remember its words!

After all, it was our only hope!

Tell us these words!

Reveal them! Our pride has been hurt!

Which one of the three are you interested in?

Aren't they identical?

They are, except for one name.

Tell us the French version of the note.

It was the best one preserved and our search mostly relied on it.

Here is this text, word for word: "On June 7th, 1860

a three-mast ship "Britannia" from Glasgow

has crashed 1500 leagues from Patagonia, in the Southern Hemisphere.

Two sailors and Captain Grant have reached the Island of Tabor.

Uh, what Island of Tabor? This is the Maria Theresa reef!

That's right, Mr. Paganel!

English and German maps identify it as Maria Theresa,

but the French ones - as Tabor.

Oooh! I am an idiot!

I should not have forgotten about the island's double name!

Ooh, this error is unforgivable

and unworthy of a secretary of the Geographical Society!

- Geographer!
- I'm disgraced! Disgraced!

Do not despair!

Calm down, Mr. Paganel!

Did you know that even the greatest Humboldt...

I only know that I'm a massive idiot!

And a scientist to top it off!

It's me, Ayrton.

I see, Captain!

I'm glad to see you in good health!

Looks like I've made a big mistake dropping you off in the inhabited lands.

You will be left on this island instead of me.

I hope you will repent of the evil you have done?



You want me to drop you off on an uninhabited island?

Yes, m'lord.

Is the Island of Tabor suitable for you?


Now I want to tell you a few final words.

You will be left alone,

but you will not be lost and cut off from the world like Captain Grant was.

People will still remember you, even though you do not deserve it.

I know where to find you.

I will not forget it.

God save you, m'lord!

This will be useful to you!

Edward, is it so necessary to leave this unfortunate there?

Yes, Ellen, it is necessary.

This is redemption!

The Island of Tabor was the final travel destination.

Moving along the 37th parallel, the participants of this unusual expedition

have crossed three oceans, two continents, and have completed a round-the-world voyage.

It lasted a year and a half.

On January 12th, 1866, "Duncan" set to sail north,

to the shores of its native Scotland.

The End

Original subtitles: Elena

thank you