V (1984–1985): Season 1, Episode 15 - The Wildcats - full transcript

Needing medicine to treat a deadly diphtheria epidemic, Julie and Kyle recruit a youth gang, one of whom may be a Visitor spy, to help steal the serum.

They arrived in 50 Mother Ships,

offering their friendship
and advanced technology to Earth.

Skeptical of the Visitors,

Mike Donovan and Juliet Parrish
infiltrated their ranks

and soon discovered
some startling secrets,

They're shipping food!

The Resistance is
all that stands between us

and the Visiters.

Hold on. The bridge isn't much further.

Hurry up, Willie.

We've got to get him to Julie
or he's gonna die.

That was excellent, Kyle.

Thanks. Now let's go!



-Where'd you pick him up?
Angel's Crest.

That's 20 miles from here.

The diphtheria is spreading
all across the valley.

We've got a full scale epidemic
on our hands.

Put him over there.
It's the only empty bed.

He's going to need 15 CCs
of ampicillin right away.

-We just ran out of ampicillin.
What? How could we?

You've been treating a lot of sick people.

We've got to do something.
We can't let all these people die.

There's got to be ampicillin somewhere.

There's plenty. Only the Visitors
have it under lock and key.


The medical storehouse in town,

but there's no way
you can get it out of there.

Not with just the handful of you.
You'd need some help.

We can radio Donovan.

He should be back
from the refinery raid by tonight.

I'm afraid by the time he got here,
it would be too late.

Is there any Resistance unit
still operating in this area?

I'm not sure you'd call them Resistance.

The Wildcats are more like a street gang.

The Wildcats.

Just a bunch of kids.

They do whatever it takes to survive.
You can't trust them.

Mary, who can you trust nowadays?

If they're fighters, we can use them.

Where do | find these guys?

Go about halfway up Widow's Canyon.
The Wildcats will find you.

Any sign of the Wildcats?

| have never seen a wildcat before.

How do they feel about reptiles?

These Wildcats aren't animals,
Willie, they're...

| take that back. Maybe they are animals.

Out of the car, hotshot!

Come on. Let's see you do it with
your hands high in the air. Both of you.

Don't breathe.

Turn around.

You lost or something?

This is Wildcat country.

No trespassers allowed.

Sorry, | didn't see the sign.

| was told you were the guys to talk to.

About what?

A little action. We're going to
hit the Visitor medical storehouse.

You and what army?

-Hopefully yours.
No way, José.

We have a major epidemic
on our hands. Listen...

No, man, you listen to me.

How dol know you're not a lizard spy?

Yeah, let's see what kind of
green blood's inside!

You want proof? Here's proof.

Check it out, man.

That's pure old-fashioned American red.


Look, the epidemic is spreading
across the entire area.

It could kill hundreds,
maybe thousands, of your friends.

We don't have any friends.

You can't hide from diphtheria, man.
It's a plague.

It'll eventually catch up to you.

You either fight it now,
or die from it later.

All right, let's hear this
brilliant plan of yours.

I knew Charles
had one last trick up his sleeve.

It's no trick, Diana.

The galactic law
is quite clear on the matter.

In the event that a supreme
commander is killed by an assassin,

the murderer ts to be buried with him.

And if no murderer is found?

Then all suspects shall be judged guilty

and shall accompany Charles
on his eternal voyage.

But he's being buried tomorrow.

And sol intend to close this investigation
by day's end.

We're getting a readout, Inspector.

A readout of what, may | ask?

The computer has examined
the fingerprints

found on the bottle of cat poison
used in the assassination of Charles.

Now it will generate an image from a
photoactive breakdown of the prints.

Really quite remarkable.

We're about to learn the identity
of the murderer in this case.

Look familiar?

Can you bring that
more clearly into focus?


She's the ship's pharmacist.

I'll speak to her at once.

At this point, she may be your last hope.

I'm sorry it had to come to this.

But as a servant of the law,

I'm forced to place
both of you under house arrest.

I don't know about this.

Getting cold feet?

| just hope your buddy's a good actor.

Don't worry. He's got the role down pat.

That shipment of ampicillin ready?

The one that goes to the collaborators.

Yeah, they're here for the pickup. Right.

It'll just be a second.

Cover me.
We're moving in for a closer look.

Your brother always been
this hard a guy?

He didn't used to be like that.

What happened?

Tony and I came home
from school one day

and we were all that was left of our family.

Our parents were rounded up,
taken away.

Same with Bart and Andy.

They even got Andy's little brother.

I'm sorry.

We're talking history.

The only thing that matters
is the here and now.

Like Tony says, no point in having
dreams anymore. Not worth it.

You don't believe that, do you?

| don't know what to believe anymore.

-There you go.
Thank you very much.

Get back.

Ambush! The rooftop!

Let's get to the cars.

We've got the serum. Get out of here!

| had nothing to do with the
murder of anyone,

let alone a supreme commander.

Your fingerprints were found
on the bottle of cat poison.

Of course, I'm the pharmacist.

| held the bottle in my hands
before | sold it to Lydia.

Let me ask you another question.

How well did you know Charles?

What were your feelings toward him?

Like every woman in the fleet,

| have admired him from afar.

He was the supreme commander.

He was handsome.

But he had no idea | was even alive.

There was nothing between us, | swear.

| just wanted to tell you,

that was very heroic, what you did today.

My name's Ellen Baker. What's yours?


Willie what?

Just Willie.

That's nice.

How's your friend?

She'll be fine. The girl's tough as nails.

Listen, man, I'm sorry
about the way we came on to you.

No hard feelings?

Whatever you say.

You'll see, Tony's not such a bad guy.

Why don't you come out
to our camp later?

We got reason to celebrate.

No, you don't.

This isn't ampicillin. It's baking powder.

Obviously, they knew you were coming.

Somebody here is a spy.

Now just a second, Doc.
Who you pointing the finger at?

-'Cause if it's one of us...
Take it easy.

| don't like being called a traitor.

Especially by a bunch of outsiders.

Yeah, we were getting along fine
before you heroes showed up.

We came because
these people needed help.

Kyle, radio Donovan
and tell him what's going on.

Maybe he can get his hands
on some ampicillin in Los Angeles.

Yeah, but can he get it here in time?

Let's hope so. Let's pray so!

This is where we'll cause the diversion.

This is where we strike.

When we move in,
let's concentrate our fire on the bridge.

Mike! Kyle on the box for you. It's urgent.

Be right back.

Yeah, Kyle. You're all okay?

For the moment,

but there's a diphtheria epidemic
in the valley

and it's spreading like wildfire.

-What do you need?

As much as you can score, and fast.

I'll get a plane and the medicine.

All you've got to do is
find me a place to land.

I'll let you know as soon as we do.

Roger. I'll be in touch,

Excuse me, Inspector,
but | must see Diana at once.

I'm afraid that's impossible.
She's been placed under house arrest.

Sir, it's urgent.

I've just received word that Julie Parrish
has been spotted in the Lassen Valley.

Julie Parrish...

With your permission,

I'd like to track her down
and finish her off myself.

Of course.

Go at once.

This is all your fault.

If you hadn't poisoned him,
none of this would have happened.

Quiet! This is no time
for your petty complaints.

The fact is, revolting as it may seem,

if we're to survive, we must act as one.

Don't be a fool.

Marta will tell Philip
you bought the cat poison.

You'll say | used it. And we'll
be right back where we started.

What we need is a sacrificial lamb.

Who do you have in mind?

Marta. What are you doing here?

| want you to know how sorry | am that

our friendship has to end this way.

How very thoughtful of you.

It's so unjust what's happening.

| know you both loved Charles very much.

Was there anything else, Marta?

No. I've got to go.

If there's anything | can do to help,
please let me know.

We will, dear.

Diana, you wouldn't.

Do you wish to spend the rest of your life

floating through space
with a rotting corpse?

If you don't mind, I'd like to hear
the specifics of your strategy.

I'll handle the specifics, Lydia.
You handle the guards!

| can't believe there's really a spy.

| mean, the Wildcats are like a family.


Yeah, you know,

like brothers and sisters, Mom and Dad,
all rolled into one.

Rolled into one?

Together. One for all, and all for one.

| understand.

That caring is what
makes you so remorseful.

Remorseful? You mean "resourceful."

You're too much, Willie.

Yes, sol have been told.

Hey! What are you doing?

Big Brother's back.

| told you not to get friendly with them.

I got the feeling these guys
aren't going to be around for long.

We'll be around long enough
to get the job done.

Which job? Stopping the epidemic,
or wiping out the Wildcats?

Maybe both.


Boy, must | separate you two?

This airfield’s long enough
for Donovan to land on, isn't it?


As long as nobody knows he's coming.

Don't push me.

I have a suggestion. Why don't we clear
off the rocks and debris from the airstrip?

Hey, yo.
I'm telling you, man, don't push me.

Hey, Ellen. Ellen.

Where's Bart?

Here he comes.

Our spy just checked in.

They're scouting an airfield.

-Do you have the location?

They'll be moving south
from the field in a blue van.

Excellent. Let's crush them.

Marta, you have been brought before me

to answer certain
grave charges against you.

If they are substantiated,

your life must be forfeit.

You see your accusers.

What have you to say to refute the charge

that you are the murderer of Charles,
the late commander of the fleet?

lam innocent!

lam innocent.

I've been cruelly betrayed.


This holo-video was found
in your quarters.

Roll tape, please.

Charles, my love...

My fover....

How did you do it?

Lydia, when are you going to
realize I'm a very gifted woman?

/ must have you

or you must die.

This is a frame! | never made that thing.

And yet that is you, your form,
your voice, and your threat.

What have you to say for yourself?

It's a lie, a sham, all of it.

A vicious trick played by
those two fiendish hellcats.

Name-calling will do nothing
to disprove your guilt, Marta.

Why not be gracious?

Admit everything and throw yourself
on the mercy of the court.


Then by the power vested in me,

| pronounce you guilty of Charles’ murder

and sentence you to spend eternity
with him in his sarcophagus.

Make her ready.

Oh, no, no. No! No!

So far, so good.
No sign of lizards anywhere.

Maybe our luck will hold
till Donovan gets here.

It doesn't look that way!

Hang on!

They've cut us off. Hit the woods! Quick!


Willie, get out of here!

What's with you?
The lizards know every move we make.

There's too many of them. We gotta split.

Meet back at the camp.

Take off, I'll cover you!



Put me down. Help!

Who said that?

Are you okay?


You saved my life.

| was just lucky.

Not lucky. You're fantastic!

Where did you learn to talk lizard?

Ellen, there is something
we must talk about.

-l know.
You know?


This may sound totally nuts.

| know we just met and everything,

but I like you a lot.

Come on, we'll talk later.
Let's get out of here.

Hop in.

We should have simply destroyed the van.
They've escaped in that forest.

For the moment, perhaps,
but it really doesn't matter.

The airstrip is a magnet
that will draw them back to us.

It's where Donovan will have to land

and they'll all be there
to try to protect him.

So all that remains ts for us
to find out exactly when he arrives.

And for that, you have your spy.

So, you see, we really can't lose.

Can we?


I do like you.

A lot.

This was Grandma's.

She told me, before she died,

that when | met a man
l really cared about,

| should give it to him.

It is truly beautiful.

But l...

But I can't take it.

You have to.

‘Cause | won't take it back.

No, you do not understand.

Ellen, | can't take it because I'm...


Married? You're married?

No. No, I'm not married.

That's a relief.

lam not...

I'm not like other men.


I know.

That's why | like you.

No, no, no.

You do not understand.

lam not...



I'm a Visitor.

That's my Willie, always joking.


| am telling you the truth.

Stop it, Willie.



I'm one of them.

Oh, my...

Ellen, I'm sorry.

But | wanted to tell you.

It is the truth.

Get away from me!


Are you sure you want her
to go out alive?

Not only alive, but conscious.
| don't want her in a procorb haze.

But I've never prepared anyone
for a funeral service

who was still breathing.

Then it will be a memorable first.

No buts, Oswald.

If she stops breathing, so do you.

Mike, you just can't risk it.

One of the kids
we've been working with is a spy

and he knows you're on your way.

I can't abort, Julie.
What about those sick people?

Mike, you're not hearing me.

The Visitors will probably be waiting
for you.

That's a chance I'll have to take.

What if they shoot you out of the sky?

They won't have much lead time.

I'm coming in on the deck,
under the radar.

I'll see them before they see me.

Be careful.
We'll try to provide some cover.

I'm counting on it. fil maintain
radio silence from here on in.

See you at 6:00 a.m. Take care.


Pretty good punch you threw there.

You gotta keep your dukes up man.

Somebody's coming fast.

Excuse, please...

Ellen has disappeared.

She what?

We were talking, she got upset
with me and ran away.

| looked for her but...

You left her out there? Alone?
In the dark? You stupid...

A lizard! No wonder!

Let's waste him, Tony!

| can explain.

That won't be necessary.

Okay, lizard, let's have it. Where's Ellen?

I told you. | don't know.

You're lying again.

Don't even think of it.

Shut your face, man.

You been all fake around here.

Willie's one of us.

He's loyal.

Yeah? Well, maybe he's one of you,
but he ain't one of us.

Whatever else we are, we're human.

You're making a big mistake.

Not as big as the one your buddy made.

He's got my sister.

No, he doesn't.

| see your sister.

Yeah. Sure, you do!

Now, where is she?

How'd she do that?

The same way she can "see" your sister.

Now, do you want
to talk about it or go find her?

She's taken a fall.
She's trapped but she’s still alive.

How can she know all that?

The point is she's almost always right.

Okay. Somebody stay here
in case Ellen comes back.

That's me.

All right. Let's hit it.

Hey, ladies first.

Wait. | forgot my doctor's kit.
If she's injured, we'll need it.

Go on, I'll catch up to you.

The plane's on its way.

Estimated time of arrival, 6:00 a.m.

What about the Resistance fighters
with you?

They'll be meeting it at the airstrip.

You realize what will happen
if you're lying to us?

I'm not lying. | swear.

Wait a minute. What about my brother?

You're off the air, Andy.

We've lost him.

| didn't mean to rat on you.

Look, you gotta listen.
My brother's under arrest.

He's got the plague.

They promised to give him serum
and let him go if | play along.

Sit down!

Think about it.

Do you have any idea what it’s like
to see your brother dying?

So you decided to offer up
your friends instead?

That's a hell of a solution.

They were gonna let him die slow.
What else could | do?

You could have gone to your friends
and asked for their help.

And been turned down?

| doubt it.

Bad times don't make bad people, Andy.

They make tough people.
And they make cowards.

Hands behind you, now!

How does she do it?

None of us knows, exactly.
lt is a kind of extra-sensory perception.

Here! She's right here!

Help me. I'm stuck.

Ellen? Are you all right?

I'm okay, but not for much longer!

She's trapped.

Elizabeth, please, do something now.

Come on!

Ellen, I'm going to bring you out.

You've got to concentrate.

Just think with me.

Think about being free.


Just do what she says!

She's free!

Come on up.


There's your traitor.

Oh, come on. Andy?

What are you, crazy? Andy's one of us.

Tell her how off base she is, Andy.

Go on, Andy, tell her.

Maybe she's setting all this up
so she can save herself.

Yeah, right.

She sets up Andy. But you're the real spy.

That ts it, isn't it, Andy?


Come on, man, talk to me.

Oh no, man, not you.

How could you? We're your friends!

I'm sorry.

You gutless worm.
I'm gonna rip your lungs out.

That's not the way to operate.

Right now we've
more important things to deal with.

They'll have an ambush set up
at the airfield.


What we're gonna have to figure
out is how to ambush the ambush.

Come on, let's get out of here.

Sounds like Kyle and Willie
got some of them.


The man does have his licks down.

Let's move out.

Go easy. We don't know
how much Andy told the...

Take cover!

Stay here.

Let's give them something
to be mad about.

You ready? Let's do it.

Andy. Old Andy.

I still can't believe it.

We got off light,
thanks to Kyle and Willie.

We could have run
into a real buzzsaw here.

And we just did.

No way we can take on those odds.

Okay, magician, do your stuff.

| can't, they're too far away.


It's Donovan! He's coming!

What are we gonna do?

We can't just cut and run.
They'll shoot him down.

You want to tell me how
we handle them?

He's on final. Too late to wave him off.

We've got to stand and fight
and hope we can draw all their fire.

It's Andy!

He's not stopping. He's going
for the truck like a torpedo.

He may have made a mistake,

but when we really needed him,
he was there.

Give them a good chase.

A minor adjustment in the flight plan.

You're a sight for sore eyes.

One more time!

My compliments to the ground crew.

We had plenty of help.
Say hello to the Wildcats.

The Fighting Wildcats.

You've got a free membership
in our outfit anytime you want it.

Now, I'd say the first order of business
is to get this medicine delivered.

-Right. Let's hit it, people.
All right.

Willie, | owe you an apology.


You don't seem to understand.

| can never be family

like you and the Wildcats.

Oh, yes, you are. Maybe not
in body, but that doesn't matter.

You're family in my heart.

You ordered that she be conscious?

| wouldn't want her
to miss her own funeral.

You really are a heartless, vicious beast.

You're too kind, Lydia.

But don't worry,

when the time comes,
I'll do the same for you.

May the law prevail

in death,

in life.

Who sends him?


-By what right?
By right of marriage.

lam his wife.

Will you journey with him?

His murderess goes with him!

So itis written.

So it shall be.

May the heavens claim them.

Marta looks so pale.

Actually, | thought
she never looked better.
