Upstairs, Downstairs (1971–1975): Season 4, Episode 13 - Peace out of Pain - full transcript

James is still recovering at home but is not proving to be a very good patient. The Doctor has ordered at least 10 weeks of bed rest but James is surly with everyone, including the servants. His relationship with Hazel deteriorates even further with his moods and constant criticism frequently driving her to tears. Georgina has returned to England permanently and she and Hazel make up after their argument over James some months before. Richard meanwhile is full of enthusiasm when he hears that Virginia Hamilton and her two children are to arrive in London. Unbeknown to anyone, Richard had written to Virginia to ask her to marry him. At dinner that evening, she accepts. James doesn't take the news very well but comes around slowly. The war is coming to an end and there is talk of an armistice. The hospital wards are filled with patients suffering from the Spanish Flu and soon Hazel takes to her sick bed and dies. She is buried on November 11, 1918 the day the armistice is signed.

Subtitling by
Acorn Media (re-sync by moviesbyrizzo)

Oh, it's you two.

Eddie's just got here.

Oh, yeah.

The weekend-leave pass.

He's back from France
for good now.

Have you drawn
the landing curtains?


- Seen to the morning-room fire?
- Yes.

Taken Mrs. Bridges up
her afternoon tea?

Ruby has.

Oh, well, that's all right,
then. Hello, Edward.

Ever so charmed to meet you,
my lady.

Who's your letter from, Rose?

Well, it's got
an Australian stamp,

so I suppose
it's something to do with...

Oh, Sergeant Wilmot's people.

Oh, well, I don't know.

One of the lads in our section
at the depots from New Zealand.

Well, New Zealand's
not Australia, silly.

What section?

The one I told you about.

It's what that sergeant major's
had me put on

ever since I got posted home.

That's why I'm applying
for an early discharge

before I throw up.

Well, why, Eddie?

They've made me the regimental
sanitary corporal.


I'm in charge of latrines
at the depot.

[ Laughs ]
Go on.

Well, it's not funny, Daisy.
Flaming tragic.

Oh, I can't believe it.

It can't be true.

Oh, there's been a mistake.
Must have been.

What is it, Rose?

What's happened.

It's from Misters
Everett and Sole, solicitors,

14 Union Street,
Melbourne, Australia.

And it says...

Well, go on.

"Dear Miss Buck, estate of
the late Gregory walter Wilmot

hereby inform you bequest
under terms of will of the said

legacy of £1,200"

He's left...
He's left me £1,200.

- Here, look, Daisy.

Here, I'm not dreaming, am I?

I don't know.
Let's have a look.

That's what it says.
Look. Oh, Rose!


You're a flipping millionaire,

Oh, I know.
Oh, I must tell Mr. Hudson.

- Yes.
- Mr. Hudson!

Mr. Hudson.

Cor, 1,200 quid.

Cor, we could do with that,

Oh, I'll say we could.

Some people have all the luck.

Well, perhaps not.

It's a great deal of money,

But then he was your intended.

You were to have married.

Yes, I know.
That'll be the reason.

Ah, it'll make a difference
to your life, Rose, bound to.

It'll bring you
a certain independence.

Yes, I suppose it will.

Funny how a letter can come
through the post

and change your whole life.


There's a letter here
for his lordship

bearing an Inverness postmark

which could well alter
the course of his life

if I'm not too much mistaken.

Mr. Hudson!


Now, one could hardly
fail to notice

the recent exchange
of correspondence

between the master
and Mrs. Hamilton.

Mr. Hudson!

I'm gonna tell Mrs. Bridges.

I could buy a house,
whole street.

Oh, of course I'll buy you all
something nice with it.

Goes without saying.


Oh, Gregory.


Anyone at home?

- Miss Georgina.
Surprised to see me?

Mrs. Bellamy didn't mention it.

I know.

There was no time to send
a telegram or anything.

I only just got to Boulogne
in time to catch the leave boat.

Oh, you're looking
a wee bit tired, miss.

Shall I get you some tea?

No tea, thank you.

Just early bed tonight
and a good sleep, I think.

Where is everyone?

His lordship is out, I'm afraid,

and Mrs. Bellamy
at her canteen work today, miss.

The major is upstairs
in his room.

How is he?

Going on as well
as can be expected, miss.

He's still very weak,
though his appetite's improving.

That's good.

I shall go up and see him
at once.

I'll send Daisy up to your room
later, miss.

I expect you'll be dining in bed

I'll see how I feel
after I've had a bath.

- Thank you, Hudson.
- Very good, miss.

[Knock on door]

Who is it?

It's me.

And I'm not a ghost.


You're back!

They sent me home,
just for a bit.

They think I'm overtired.

And so I should think.

Hey, come and sit down
and talk to me.

I get so bored and lonely
up here.

Oh, my poor Jumbo.

Are you still in pain?

Oh, not too bad, really.

The old leg plays me up a bit
if I stand on it too long.

Apart from that, all serene.

I've been going downstairs,
you know, to a few meals.

Come and sit down, eh?


And what about you,
my little Miss Nightingale?

Oh, I'm very glad to be home.

And why didn't you come home
on your last leave?

I went to Paris with Martin
Adams and two other people.

We had a very gay time.

Oddly enough, Martin was on
the boat coming over.

He was so kind. He helped me
when we got into Folkestone.

He lost an arm, poor darling.

Did he?

Wasn't it wonderful of Hazel

coming over with that ambulance
to fetch you?

And Father.


I don't remember much about it,
not really.

Well, I ought not to stay
too long and tire you.

No, I'm not tired.

The nurse who replaced me at
the COS came over from London.

Do you know they've got
five wards at St. Thomas'

filled with cases
of this awful Spanish flu?

It's quite an epidemic.

A lot of the soldiers
have got it.

That's all we need now,
a plague.

I...l better be going down.

I am glad you're feeling better.

Oh, Hazel.


Hudson told me you were home.

It's a lovely surprise.

It's all been
such a terrible rush.

Anyway, you're here now.

You must be very distressed
and tired

after all you've been through.

No, not really.

It's just the awful
lack of sleep.

I fainted twice in the ward
last week,

so Matron sent me
on indefinite leave to rest.

Anyway, isn't it wonderful that
James is getting on so well?


I thank God he was taken
into your hospital,

into your care.


if I behaved stupidly
over him coming home with you,

I do hope you can understand
and forgive me.

It's just that I was so afraid
for him.

Oh, the bumpy roads
and going onto the boat.

But I knew that you
and Uncle Richard

would take very good care
of him.

But perhaps I felt that...

...well, after nursing him
through the worst part that...



Come and sit down.

My dearest Georgina,

if I didn't understand
exactly how you felt,

I wouldn't be much of a person.

Naturally, I've known
how fond of James you've been

ever since you came to live
in this house

and he of you.

You're young, you're pretty,

and you're so full of life.

I've been rather
a disappointment to him.

Oh, no.

I'm still dreadfully shy.

You know, I still feel only part
of this family.

Perhaps it has something to do

with the circumstance
of our marriage,

our different homes.

I've tried hard
to make him happy,

to be a good wife to him, but...

Well, for one thing, never
being able to have children...

Oh, but, Hazel, you will.

I so want you to.

Well, anyway, he's safe now
and finished with the war,

so we can plan our future.


I mustn't bother you
with my life.

Come along, you must go upstairs
and rest.

I'll come up with you
and tuck you in.

Oh, Hazel,
you're being so kind to me.

Are you feeling all right?

You don't look well.

I think we're all
a little tired.

Come on.

Georgina, my dear, how splendid!

- You got some leave.
- Yes.

I was just about
to put her to bed

and have her dinner
sent up on a tray.

She's very tired.

Well, of course.
Good idea.

Hazel, there's no need
for you to come up.

Daisy can help me unpack.

I should like to.

Have you seen James?

He's much better, isn't he?

Much, much.

I'm afraid he's not up to dining

downstairs with us tonight,

Oh, that's a pity.

Is that clock right?

It's getting on
for half-past 6:00.

Then I must go.

- Where?
- Out.

You've only just come in.

Sorry, my dear, change of plan.
I'm dining out.

Will you tell Hudson that...

Ah, Hudson, his lordship is...

Dining out, Hudson,

and I shall need a taxi right
away, if you can find one.

No, on second thoughts, I'll
pick one up on Pond Street.

There'll be one on the rank.

I've got to meet a train
at King's Cross in 40 minutes,

and I shall have to hurry.

- Is it someone important?
- What?

The person you're meeting,
is it the first lord?

No, it's not the first lord
or even the prime minister.

It's someone a damn sight more
important than either of them.

But I have to rush.
Take care of yourselves.

Thank you, Hudson.

[ Both laugh ]

Well, if the major is dining
upstairs and Miss Georgina,

that will be just two trays,

I don't want anything.

Very good, madam.

Oh, Hazel, I really think
you ought to eat something.

I'm not hungry.

Besides, I have many letters
to write and bills to pay.

Oh, come along,
let's get you upstairs.

We had some American soldiers
in the ward last week.

"Hey, nursey, come over here."

They call all the nurses "sugar"
and "chocolate candy."

They're so funny,
the way they speak.

What you staring at, Ruby?

The soup, Mrs. Bridges.

Haven't you never seen
a pot of soup before?

His lordship is dining out now,
Mrs. Bridges.

Oh, why couldn't
he have said so before?

A letter in the afternoon post

appears to have altered
his plans.

So, there'll just be the two
trays for upstairs, Ruby.

Mrs. Bellamy is not hungry.

This place is getting like
a boardinghouse.

Letter in the post, did you say?

Postmark I-n-v-e-r-n-e-s-s.



Ruby, go and gratiné the cheese.

Oh, do you mean grate the cheese
with a grater, Mrs. Bridges?

I said gratiné and stop arguing.

I'm not.

Heard from her again, has he?

Hurried off to King's Cross
to meet a train.

You can guess where from.

She's not staying again, is she?

No, no, not this time,
Mrs. Bridges.

At least I've had no orders
to that effect.

Going to an hotel, I expect.

There's two younger children,
isn't there?

There are, indeed.

Poor woman.

Fancy losing a husband and a son
in the war.

I don't know.

How did she strike you,
Mr. Hudson, this Mrs. Hamilton?

A woman of breeding
and good looks, Mrs. Bridges.

Much character
and a good deal of dignity.

Not to be easily,
shall we say, pushed around

but kindly and with courage

and a healthy, cheerful soul
to boot.

I'd like some soup

I'd like some soup

and some roast chicken
with potatoes and spinach.

Oh, and perhaps
a little fruit salad.

I'm afraid long train journeys
always make me ravenous.

Of course they do.

I'll have the same, please.

And a bottle of hock,
whatever wine waiter recommends.

You're being so kind, Richard,
really spoiling me.

How spoiling you?

I didn't write and tell you
my train got in at 7:10

meaning you to meet us.

It was just by way
of information.

I couldn't leave you standing
on a drafty platform

with two young children
and a senile nanny.

The porter would have got us
a taxi.

And to come here first

to make sure
that our rooms were ready...

Oh, and the flowers.

Well, the flowers
were to welcome you to London.

I know.

of the Hyde Park Hotel.

That's not true.

How do you know?

Because when I telephoned
down to the manager's office

to thank him for them,
he knew nothing about it.


VIRGINIA: I'm afraid
you're just a very kind

and chivalrous man, Richard.

And now, to invite me to dine,
really, you shouldn't have.

You said you were ravenous.

l am.

Well, with the children upstairs
in bed,

what better than a leisurely
dinner in the grill room

so that...

So that what, Richard?

So that we can discuss
the future.

Whose future?


Did you really mean what you
said in your last letter?

Every word of it.

You'd be taking on three of us,
you know, and a nanny.

Alice is 10 now.
William's 6.

That's quite a circus.

New, young family.

They'll run up and down stairs,
you know,

and scream and shout

and invade your dressing room
when you're shaving.

Oh, and require endless games
of hide-and-seek.

[ Laughs ]
I shall like that.

Where would we live?

It would have to be in London.

I'll find a house north of the
park, near Marble Arch perhaps

so the children can run about
in Hyde Park.

What will James think
and Elizabeth?

Well, I like to think

they've always wanted
my eventual happiness

and have done
ever since their mother died.

She was very beautiful.


Are you ready yet to give
all your love to another woman?

Oh, yes.

I don't mean that selfishly,

I mean for your memory's sake.

I am ready to remarry, Virginia,
if you'll have me.

That is if you, too, are ready.

It hasn't been very long
for you, has it?

Four years.

I think Charles would approve.

He said when war broke out
that...that if he was unlucky,

he hoped that one day

I would find someone to be
a father to our children.

Marjorie told her greatest
friend the same about me,

that she'd hoped I would
marry again if ever...

Oh, people should.

But not for convenience.

Oh, good heavens, no.

You're not convenient.

Not at all.

No, I didn't think I was.

I don't care how many
screaming children you've got

or that you once nearly got me
the sack from the Admiralty

or that I took a violent dislike
to you the first time we met.

I did ask you in writing,
don't forget, to marry me,

Virginia, my dearest,

because I have fallen
deeply in love with you.

I find you amusing, brave,

and utterly adorable,

and I want you to consider
very carefully

the prospect
of becoming my wife.

But not let it spoil
your dinner.

I won't.

You won't what?

I won't let it spoil my dinner,

because I don't
have to think it over.

I already have,

and I accept.

Good morning, my dears.

- Where have you been?
- Didn't you want any breakfast?

I had to go shopping.


To the jeweller's

What for?

What for?

Well, now, this seems a good
opportunity to tell you my news,

now that we've got all
the family gathered together

in one room for once.

All the family is not gathered
together in one room, Father.

Elizabeth isn't here.

I wrote Elizabeth a long letter
last night

which Hudson posted
this morning.

What about?
What is all this, Father?

HAZEL: I think I can guess.
Can I not?

Possibly, possibly.

GEORGINA: Oh, Uncle Richard,
you can't keep us in suspense.

Please tell us.

What, they haven't made you
a duke, have they?

- No.
- GEORGINA: Prime minister?

Oh, Richard, tell, please.

Well, I want you all to know
that last night

I asked Virginia Hamilton
to become my wife

and she agreed.

Oh, Richard!
Richard, how lovely.

There's my secret out.


Well, it's so nice and I...

Oh, you'll be so happy.
I know you will.

It's wonderful news!

Many congratulations.

Hazel said only last night

she thought there might be
something in the wind.

Thank you, my dears.

Well, I must confess to feeling
a trifle guilty

being so happy
at a time of so much suffering,

but I cannot help it.

I love Virginia very dearly,
you know.

HAZEL: I always thought
you'd fall in love with her.

Of course.

She'll never quite take
Marjorie's place

and doesn't aspire to.

We've both lost somebody
close and precious,

and, well, that gives us
something in common and...

Well, when we've found a house
and moved in with the children,

I shall no longer feel
quite such a burden.

you're not a burden to anyone.

Well, no longer a paying guest.

One less mouth to feed.

We'll miss you terribly.
What will we do without you?

Well, I hope I shall see
something of you.

I mean,
I'm not going to Timbuktu.

Only north of Hyde Park.

We'll come to tea,

and we'll play with
Mrs. Hamilton's children

in the nursery, won't we, Hazel?

And spoil them.

And take them to the zoo.


All the same,

the house will seem very funny
without you.

Not too funny, I hope.

Well, I must go.

My chief clerk
will start worrying.

I've got an Admiralty meeting
at 12:00.

Yes, I must go, too,
up to Manchester Square,

to see Vera Courtney
who's gone down with flu

and then on to Selfridges.

Well, come in my taxi. I'll drop
you at Hyde Park Corner.

Oh, would you? Then I can get
a bus up Park Lane.

- Thank you.

Well, James,
I shall see you later.

Yes, Father.

I am, in fact, taking Virginia
to dine at The Savoy tonight,

but I shall be back to change.

We'll have a good talk then,
eh, James?

Yes, Father.

Well, come along, Georgina.
Come on.

Mind he doesn't cheat.

He's rather keen on winning
lately, aren't you, Jumbo?

It's too early in the morning
for silly jokes.

Come on, Georgina.

I'm sorry.

Hmm, there you are, king.

Oh, dear.

One, two, three, jack.

One, please.

Thank you.

I can't see the point
of this idiotic game.

Do you want to stop?

Not particularly.

What else is there to do?

James, I am trying very hard

To keep me amused?


Yes, I am.
I'm doing my very best.

I know you're still not well

and I know
you're rather depressed,

but I do think you might try
and be a little more cheerful --

I didn't...l didn't sleep
very well last night, Hazel.

Then why didn't you ring
your bell?

I'd have come.

I can't disturb you every night.

You should never have got rid
of that Nurse Wilkins.

James, you virtually ordered me
to get rid of her.

You said she drove you mad
fussing over you.

She did.

But I didn't mean you
to sack the woman.

Oh, that's what you said.

I did not say that!

You implied that you wanted me
to dismiss her.

Why must you go on and on
being so unreasonable?

[ Crying ]

Oh, go away.
I can't bear weeping women.

Get out if you're going to weep
all over the place.

What have I done
that's so wrong?

Why are you being cruel to me?



Nothing I do is right for you
these days.

You shout at me.
You curse me.

Whenever I try to be helpful,
loving and concerned for you --

Just leave me alone,
will you, Hazel?

Leave me alone, will you?

What do you want me to do
about Nurse Wilkins?

Get her back?

No, I don't care.

No, no, I don't want her back.

Are you sure?

What about your --

I do not want her back!
Didn't you hear me?

Yes, I heard you.

I do not want her back.

Now, get out.


[ Crying ]


Madam, what's the matter?

It's nothing, Rose, nothing.
It's all right.

Was you going upstairs?

Oh, well, I'll come with you.

Would you?

Of course I will.

I've done the linen.

Oh, Rose.

Oh, good morning, sir.

Are you feeling
a bit better today?

No, Daisy, I am not.

Get on with your work.

He don't mean it.

He's not hisself, not yet.

And you mustn't be upset by it,
please, madam.

Dear Rose.

You're so good and comforting.

When I think what you've
suffered, I'm ashamed.

Oh, we've all suffered, madam.

You've had the uncertainty,
the worry and not knowing.


The major is safe.

He's home, and he's alive.

I ought to be thankful,
but he's changed.

He's not loving
or glad to be safe.

It seems as if
he'd rather be dead.

Oh, it's the strain,
what he's been through.

He'll get over...
He'll get over it.

Madam, you're ever so hot.

Your cheeks are burning.
Feel your skin.

I am a bit flushed.

It's being upset, I expect.

Are you feeling all right?

I feel a bit feverish and giddy,
but it'll pass, Rose.

I think you ought to lie down
for a bit.

I can't.
I've far too much to do.

I've the shopping,
it's my canteen day,

and I must see Mrs. Bridges
about the books.

Well, I think you ought to lie
down for a while.

Feels to me as if you're running
a temperature.

It's not normal to be that hot.

I'm all right, Rose.
Really, I am.

Will you let me take
your temperature?

Just to satisfy myself.

If you insist.

The thermometer
is in the desk drawer.

Hello, Dr. Foley.

Hello, Dr. Foley.

I'm speaking
on behalf of Lord Bellamy.

It's the butler, sir.

His lordship is out, you see,
and the fact

is that Mrs. Bellamy
is running a temperature.

A temperature.

Yes, well, her maid says
it's just over 103 degrees.

In bed?

Oh, yes.
Yes, she is, sir.

You will?

Oh, very good, Doctor.
Thank you, Doctor.

He'll be round within the hour.

[Music playing]

Who's playing a gramophone?

Oh, it's Major Bellamy, sir,
next door in his room.

Well, that ought to be stopped.

Yes, sir.

She won't feel like listening
to that for the next few days.

No, sir.

You'll have to have this made up
at the chemist,

as soon as possible.

And have that music stopped.

I couldn't, sir.

It's not my place
to tell Major Bellamy

he can't play his gramophone.

No, I suppose not.

Oh, very well, then,
I'll go in and see him myself.

Oh, but, sir, madam specially
didn't want him told.


I don't want him to think
I'm at all ill.

Of course he must be told.
He's your husband.

He's not well himself, not yet.

He's well enough to be told
if his wife's ill.


Rose, I'm burning.

Rose, my face, my body.
I feel as if I'm on fire.

Oh, it'll quieten down
in a minute.

Please try to go to sleep.

I'll close the curtains
a bit more and shut the sun out.

Oh, it's a lovely day outside.


I was so glad to hear
about your money from Australia.

He wanted you to be all right.

Yes, madam.

Now, you go to sleep.

Good morning.

Oh, Dr. Foley, I didn't know
you were coming any more.

I'm supposed to be better,
you know.

So I hear.

I say, would you mind
turning off this machine?

I find it difficult
to hear what I'm saying.

A bit of music
keeps me cheerful, Doctor.

I'm sure it does, James,
but I would like it turned off.

[ Music stops]

I'm not giving up my gramophone,
if that's what you're saying.

I wasn't going to say that,
not in so many words.

I just think you should know
that your wife's down

with what I'm fairly sure
is this wretched Spanish flu.

Oh, God.
Oh, no, Hazel.

No, no, look, I-l don't want her
disturbed just now.

She's sleeping.
It's the best thing for her.

You can see her later.

Is it serious, Doctor?

It's a nasty epidemic, James,

and she's running
a fairly high temperature.

We must just keep her quiet
and try to get it down.

Well, why in God's name
didn't anybody tell me?

I'll come back this evening
after dinner.

Meanwhile, no music, eh?

[ Door opens ]

[ Door closes]

[Breathing heavily]

She's holding her own.

That's about all one can say.

JAMES: ls there nothing more
you can do for her, Doctor?

DR. FOLEY: Not really.
If she wants anything --

ROSE: Oh, I've told her
to ring our bell, sir.

But don't let her talk too much.

There must be no undue strain.


You're doing very well,
Mrs. Bellamy.

I'll be back to see you
in the morning.



What time is it?

It's evening.

About 9:00.

It's dark outside.

How do you feel?

I'm better.

My body aches all over,
and my head throbs a bit.

Don't talk too much.

The doctor says
you're not to talk too much.

Try and get some sleep.

[ Door closes]

Thank you, Hudson.

You'll have to be mother
and pour out.

Yes, all right.

Uh, the major will be down
directly, madam.

- Thank you, Hudson.
- My lord.

Oh, tea is in, Major.

Thank you, Hudson.


I'm so sorry about Hazel.

Hudson tells me
she's a little better.

Yes, her temperature's down,
but it's still high.

She's -- She's more herself.

I'm so glad.

We've been looking at houses,
two in Sussex Gardens,

one in Clarendon Street.

And your father insisted
on bringing me home for tea.

Well, quite right.

After all, you're going to be
my stepmother, I believe.

Oh, dear.

That makes me feel 90 at least
and rather wicked.

Stepmothers in stories
are always wicked.

Should you not greet your future
stepmother with a kiss?

If I'm allowed to.

Of course you are.

Dear James.

Am I -- Am I allowed
to call you Virginia?

I don't know what else.

Stepmama, I suppose.

No, thank you.

Well, sit down
and have some tea.

Your stepmama
will pour you a cup.

I feel an awful intruder doing
this, but Richard insisted.

He seems to be insisting
on quite a lot these days.

Very determined, your father.

I didn't think Hazel would mind

Virginia presiding
over the teapot.

Somebody has to.

Of course she wouldn't.
Thank you, Virginia.

I want so much to go up
and see Hazel, if it's allowed.

Or perhaps sit with her
for a while and read to her,

if she feels up to it.

Do you think I might?

Oh, well, that would be
most awfully kind.

Heard the good news, James?

Only yours and Virginia.
What good news?

- The war news.
- No. what's happened?

German armies are falling back
on all fronts.

Austria, Hungary -- They've
asked for cease-fire terms.

Lord Cavern's troops
and the Italians

have smashed the Hapsburgs

I wish I could believe
it was nearly over.

It's been four years
and two months.

It seems more like 40 years.
So much has happened.

Yes, it seems more like
a lifetime.

Your father and I were wondering

if you felt up to
going out tonight.

We're dining at the Carlton,

and, oh, it would be fun
if you could come and join us.

Yes, uh, how about it, James?

Well, I haven't set foot
in a restaurant

since I got back from France.

I-I probably wouldn't know
which fork and spoon to use.

We'll show you.

Oh, do come, James.

Do you good to get out
of the house for a few hours.

Well, I must admit, I'm tempted.

Well, then -- then join us.

No need to wear a uniform,
just a light suit.

No, no, I-l will get into
my uniform, if you don't mind.

I don't want to shame
my new stepmama

by having a white feather
handed to me with my soup.

[ Laughter]

Glad to see you smile, old boy.

You're feeling better,
aren't you?

Yes. Yes, I do feel
a bit more cheerful today.

- Can't think why.
RICHARD: well, I can tell you.

Your wounds are healing,
Hazel's a bit better,

war's going well,

and you have just acquired
an extremely pretty

and attractive stepmother.

What more could a man want?

Nothing, I suppose.

Her temperatures gone up,
and she's delirious again.

Oh, it always takes a few days
to shake off a fever.

A few days?

It's been almost a week now,
poor soul.

How's the major taking it?

Oh, he sat up with her
all night,

and he's still in with her
this morning.

But Dr. Foley's coming
after lunch,

and they're getting in
a night nurse.

Some men have been putting straw
down the street outside.

Have you seen?

ROSE: Yes, I have.
Dr. Foley ordered it.

So as the traffic won't make
too much noise going by

and disturb her.

They do that when someone
in the house is gravely ill.

All right, Ruby, less talk
and get on clearing the table.

Yes, Mr. Hudson.

I hear there's two more cases
of it next door but one --

Mrs. Wentworth-Baker's house.

One of the children
and the nurserymaid.

How can English people
catch Spanish influenza?

That's what I can't work out.

The disease
is brought into this country

by foreign waiters, Daisy,

and the crews of foreign ships
and others

whose hygienic standards
fall below our own.

Oh. Then it must have started
in Spain.

That goes without saying,
Mrs. Bridges.

DAISY: Phew.
I hope I don't get it.

What's the matter, Daisy?
Don't you feel well?

'Course I do, stupid.

It's no joking matter, Ruby.

I wasn't joking.

VIRGINIA: "In brief,
the bass-voiced man

VIRGINIA: "In brief,
the bass-voiced man

of the chimney-corner
was never recaptured.

Some say
that he went across the sea,

others that he did not,

but buried himself in the depths
of a populous city.

At any rate,
the gentleman in cinder-gray

never did his morning's work
in Casterbridge,

nor met anywhere at all,
for business purposes,

the genial comrade with whom he
had passed an hour of relaxation

in the lonely house
on the coomb.

The grass has long
been green..."

How is she?

I'm afraid Thomas Hardy
has sent her to sleep.

She dropped off
while I was reading to her.

That's good.

You must go downstairs now

and keep Uncle Richard and James

I'll sit with her.

I'm all right, Georgina.
Let me stay.

I'm not tired,
and you must be exhausted.

I'm used to this.

Besides, I want to be with her
for a bit.

All right.

[ Door closes]

[Moans lightly]

- Snap!
- Oh!

[ Both laugh ]

There, I've won.

A "W".

If Hazel wants to be read to
again in the morning,

do go on
with "The wessex Tales."

She dearly loves them.

I've put a bookmarker
in the place.

- Oh, right.
-[ Door opens]

Oh, Georgina, what's the matter?

Well, I'm sure it's nothing
to be alarmed about,

but, well, she's breathing
awfully noisily.

I'm a bit afraid
it may be her lungs.

Well, then Foley must come
'round at once and look at her.

He's coming, Father, at 10:00.
He's got people to dinner.

RICHARD: If she's having
difficulty breathing,

I want him here now.

That night nurse won't be here
for another hour yet.

Hello, Hudson?

Get me Dr. Foley's number,
will you?

Private number, yes.

Quickly as you can.

[ Clicking ]



Taxi meter.

Doctor must be going.

- Where are you going, Rose?

Well, the doctor's leaving,
and I want to see how she is.

It is not your place
to go up, Rose.

His lordship
will see Dr. Foley out.

He'd have rung otherwise.

I don't care.

He's been up there
ever such a long time,

and I want to know how madam is.


Don't go up.

DR. FOLEY: It's not the first
case of this wretched flu

that's taken this turn,
nor will it be the last.

Yes, of course.
It is quite unpredictable.

Um, beg pardon, my lord.

I just wanted to inquire
how madam was going along.

Mrs. Bellamy died in her sleep,
Rose, about 10 minutes ago.

No, no, don't go upstairs, Rose.

Dr. Foley has arranged things
in the room.

The door's locked.

Perhaps you'd...

just go down
and tell the others, would you?

[ Door opens ]

Hello, James.


Pour yourself a whiskey
and soda, old boy, eh?


Yes, I think I will.

Was it very distressing?

They were...

That's all I can say.

Mrs. Forrest was pretty good.

Did her best to hold her end up.

But her father was simply --

I know.

Wonderful parents.

They were shattered.


Did you happen to settle a date?

Yes. Yes, the 11th,
the day after tomorrow.

It's the only day
the vicar can manage.

It'll be at her parish church,
St. Mark's in Wimbledon.

Yes, I see.

Do you think any of the servants
will want to come?

They must be given the chance
to go, certainly.

I can make some arrangements
to motor them out there.

[Boy shouting in distance]

What's that paperboy shouting?

He's coming this way
by the sound of it.


Something about
the Kaiser's abdicated.

Before I say grace today,

I think we should all offer up
a small prayer.

First, let us ask our Lord
to grant peace and repose

to the soul of Mrs. Bellamy,
our dear departed mistress.

Dear departed mistress?

You couldn't stand her
when she was alive.

Leave her alone now she's dead.


Oh, she's all upset today,
Mr. Hudson.

You must forgive her.

What with the war ending and
thinking about Sergeant Wilmot

and now madam going
and everything.

If I have upset Rose,

I shall certainly make it up
with her later.

Meanwhile, I-l still believe
we should all of us pray

for Mrs. Bellamy

and for the major to receive
for what divine comfort he may

and to give thanks
to the Almighty

for the Allied victories
in the field

and pray to him for a speedy end
to the fighting.


- Amen.
- Amen.

And now, for what we are
about to receive,

may the Lord
make us truly thankful.

The cauliflower smells
extremely appetizing, Ruby,

if you were responsible for it.

That's right, Mr. Hudson.
I was.

It's gratiné.


There's yours now, Rose.

Tuck in, eh?

Sorry, Mr. Hudson.

Do you realize,
15 minutes from now,

when we're on our way
to Wimbledon,

the guns in France
will be silent?

The cars are here, my lord.

Thank you, Hudson.

We'll be off, then.
Come along, my dears.

Is my hair all right
at the back, Virginia?

- Yes, it's perfect, my dear.
- Thank you.

We'll be off, then.

Hudson, you take the second car.

Very good, my lord.

[Bells ringing]

Hey, listen, Daise.


All the church bells
are ringing.

[ Gunshots ]

What's them guns firing?

That's the horse artillery,
firing a salute in Hyde Park,

celebrate armistice.

It's all over.

And my Eddie's safe.


All ready
to start my new life now.

[ Chuckles ]
Oh, we'll show them.

We'll make a nice pile of money,

and we'll buy a little house
with a garden,

and you'll be waiting
by the gate every evening

for your wealthy,
successful hubby

to come home for his supper.

Home from where, Eddie?

Well, the factory or the works,
maybe a bank.

Well, any place of business
Where I'm employed.

I see.

Well, when are we gonna give
the major our notice, then?

Or his lordship.

Well, when things
settle down a bit, eh?

I think we ought to give
a fortnight's notice tonight.

After all, if we're gonna
leave service here,

there's no point in stopping on,
is there?

I mean, let's --
let's get it over with.

Well, they'll
have only just been

to Mrs. Bellamy's funeral today.

They'll still be a bit upset,
won't they?

Can't see what difference
it's gonna make.

This house is going to pot

Mr. Hudson says his lordship
and Mrs. Hamilton

won't be living here
once they're married,

and with Mrs. Bellamy gone,

he reckons the major will go
and live in rooms.

There's Miss Georgina.

I don't know what's
gonna happen to her.

Oh, unless she goes to
her grandmother's at Southwold.

[Sighs ] Yeah, it's all
blimmin' sad, I reckon.

Oh, come on, Daise.
Let's talk about something else.

Hey, hope Mr. Hudson's gonna
let you have this evening off

so we can go 'round to the pub

and drown the kaiser
in a pint of ale, eh?

We'll make a nice night of it.

[Crowd cheering,
indistinct singing]

Hudson told me Virginia
was dining, so I dressed.


I asked her because she oughtn't
to be alone tonight.

Nobody should be.

Hope she'll be able to get here.

The streets are crammed
with people cheering, screaming.

You can hear them from
the window in my bathroom.

Yes. Two men went charging past
the house just now,

completely intoxicated,

singing "God Save the King"
at the top of their voices.

Will she be all right?

I sent the car for her.

I should imagine that the whole
world is rejoicing tonight.


I suppose as a family we've had
our fair share of the grief.

No more, no less
than any other family.


But it's for men to perish
in war, not women.

I'd rather be with them --
the men who died.

There's no shame
in being spared, James.

The young men who came through

have a gigantic task
on their hands --

to see to it that all men live
in peace in a better world.

Isn't it exciting,
all the cheering?


Aren't you going to be late?

What for?

I thought you were going
to an armistice party

at the Dansbury's.

Oh, they telephoned to ask me,
but, well I didn't think I'd go,

not tonight.

The funeral's over, Georgina.

I couldn't go out to a party
tonight, James.

Well, for your sake.

No, for my sake,
you must go to the party

and sing and dance and drink
as much champagne as you can.

Hazel would hate you not to go.

I shouldn't enjoy it.

But you've earned a few hours
of happiness.

Go out and spend them.

James means what he says,

Go to your party.

Virginia is dining.

We shall celebrate the armistice
in our own quiet way here.

Yes, all right, I will.

I've done the pots,
Mrs. Bridges.

Can I go now
and get my hat and coat on?

Yes, run along with you.

They going out upstairs?

No, no, only Miss Georgina.

I've set the bridge table
for them.

All right if we go out now,
Mr. Hudson?

Yes. Yes, away you go, Edward.

Don't you go without Ruby.

- DAISY: well, where is she?
- Fetching her hat and coat.

I told her to be ready.

I'm here, Mrs. Bridges.

Well, I must say,

if the Germans had seen you
looking like that, Ruby,

they would have surrendered
weeks ago.

[ Chuckles ]

Careful how you go now.
The streets are very crowded.

I'll take care of them,
Mr. Hudson.

Thanks for letting them off.

There'll never be another
armistice night, Edward,

not in your lifetime.

Oh, God willing.

Where are you all making for?

Oh, we're gonna walk across
to Hyde Park Corner

and along Piccadilly
to the circus.

- That's right, isn't it?
EDWARD: That's the idea, yeah.

What you grinning at, Ruby?

Well, it's nice to be going out
with a soldier,

even if I do have to share him.

[Laughs] Come on, then.
You behave yourself.

Bye-bye, bye-bye.


Don't talk to strangers.

♫ It's a long way to Tipperary ♫

Ah, Well.

Come on, Angus.

We'll have a nice sit-down,
us old ones, eh?

Trouble with this game is,

you have to make
all the decisions yourself.

No partner to blame if you lose.

Oh, come on, Virginia.
You must take a trick soon.

I'm afraid I'm letting
your father down badly.

I don't think you will somehow.



Don't strain your eyes sitting
over there all by yourself.

Come over here by the fire
and get warm.

I'm all right, Mrs. Bridges.

Subtitling by
Acorn Media (re-sync by moviesbyrizzo)