Unsealed: Alien Files (2012–…): Season 4, Episode 10 - Finding Aliens - full transcript

Rapid advancements in science and technology have given mankind unprecedented access to distant galaxies that could harbor life. And some scientists believe that to find alien life we need look no further than our own backyard.

[narrator] The hunt for
intelligent life in the universe

has never been more urgent.

Rapid advances in science and
technology have given mankind

unprecedented access to distant
galaxies that could harbor life

and the galaxies of subatomic particles

that make up the entirety of life itself.

Now that we have the power
to understand our place

in the universe on a fundamental level,

one question remains,

are we alone,
and if extraterrestrial life exists,

where is it?

I believe they are there.

The big question is whether
or not that they have come here.

[narrator] Join us as we
investigate evidence of an alien presence

in the universe and here on Earth.

A global effort has begun.

Secret files hidden
from the public for decades,

detailing every UFO account are now
available to the public.

We are about uncover the truth
behind these classified documents.

Find out what the government
doesn't want you to know.

Unsealed: Alien Files ,

exposing the biggest secrets
on planet Earth.

Scientists around the world
are hunting the universe

for signs of intelligent life,
but where are they looking, and why?

If there's other life out
there in the universe,

which I'm sure there is,

it's only a matter of time
before we find them.

Uh, basically, this is gonna
happen one of two ways.

[Pope] Either they'll come to us,
and--and it will be beyond any dispute.

There will be sort of landing
on the White House lawn,

spaceships in orbit over all major cities,
whatever form it takes.

Or if it doesn't happen that way,
we'll go out and find them.

When we look at the stars for life
or intelligent life

that has budded on another planet,
we look, number one,

for Earth-like planets,

and what we've realized
in the last couple of decades

is that nearly every star in the sky
probably has a string of planets

very much like our solar system.

So you would look for a rocky,
inner planet,

and this is the critical thing.

It should be probably
in the so-called Goldilocks zone,

which is that part of a solar system

where the temperature would
be neither too hot nor too cold,

and where water,
this is the critical thing,

would be able to exist in liquid form.

I believe that by the sheer numbers alone,

the odds of another civilization being out
there are pretty astronomical.

[Pope] It's only a matter of time
before we find kind of Earth two,

so to speak,
and recent studies suggesting

there might not be hundreds or thousands
but millions or even billions of worlds

like our own out there.

Billions of Earths, suggests to me

that the universe should be
absolutely swarming with life.

[narrator] It's one thing to look
for simple organisms,

but how can scientists search for
advanced extraterrestrial civilizations?

Many scientists are looking
at the phenomenon known as a black hole,

a vortex where a huge amount of matter
has collapsed in on itself,

creating such an extreme force of gravity

that nothing can escape it,
not even light.

Some of the people who
say, "Where do we look?",

say the real smart civilizations
will migrate to near the black hole.

So if you look for the black hole,

that's where you might find aliens,
not in it but close enough to it

to mine somehow the energy.

[narrator] Using a black hole as fuel is
far beyond our technological capability,

but there is another more prevalent type
of universal energy much closer to home.

Unsealed case file: the Sun.

March 12, 2012.

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory
captures stunning pictures of a giant orb

that appears to be detaching

from the surface of the sun
and shooting out into space.

A lot speculate this
is an alien spaceship,

that this is something
that's using our sun to power their ship

like a gas station.

Stop, fill up, and away they go.

[narrator] NASA claims the object is
a little understood phenomenon

called a prominence,

and how they arise on the surface
of the Sun makes them appear otherworldly.

One of the biggest problems I have
with this discovery is the sheer size

of what this phenomena is.

When you compare
the size of Earth to the Sun,

you're talking about a very small dot,
maybe even a marble

compared to this gigantic sun,

this star that gives us life
here on Earth.

When you look at this video
and you see the sun,

this object is a considerable size.

This would have to be the size
of multiple Earths all put together.

Even NASA say they don't really understand
what--what these filaments would be,

so I think what this tells us is
whatever we think this thing is,

alien spaceship or--or natural
phenomenon, it tells us

that the universe has some big surprises
in store for us

and that everything we think we know,
we may have to rethink

and learn a whole new physics.

[narrator] The hunt for alien life
in the universe

has taken huge leaps forward.

With new advances in physics,
telescopes and communications.

But perhaps the most important

has come from developments
in the aerospace industry.

I believe it's inevitable

that the human race
will conquer long-term space flight,

but, you're gonna have to figure out
what you're willing to sacrifice.

Are we talking about a 10-year flight,

are we talking about a 10-week flight,

or are we talking about
a 10,000-year flight

to get to another solar system in general?

So we have to figure out
what we're willing to do

to achieve that long-term space flight.

[narrator] As mankind expands its presence
in the solar system,

Mars is a natural stepping stone,
and NASA predicts

we will set foot on the red planet
sometime in the 2030s.

Here we are truly on the cusp
of manned Mars missions.

In the next two to three decades,

they believe that we will put a human
on the surface of Mars,

but they're not coming back.

It's a sacrifice that the astronauts,
who will leave the planet Earth for good,

will land on Mars

and live the remaining
days of their lives on another planet.

[narrator] We already have evidence
that it's supported life in the past,

and exploring
Mars could answer a fundamental question,

"Is there extraterrestrial life beyond
our solar system?"

There's life out there, and, you know,

whether it's picking up a signal
on a radio telescope,

whether it's going
out there and finding them for ourselves,

but we're gonna get there.

Ours is gonna be the generation
that makes this discovery,

and, my goodness, it's going to be
the biggest and most profound discovery

that the human race has ever made.

[narrator] Unsealed case file:
the Mars anomalies.

July 26, 1976.

The Viking 1 spacecraft
is 1,000 miles above Mars

and scanning the surface for a place

to send the Viking 2 Lander
down to the red planet.

On its 35th orbit,
Viking 1 captures a photograph

taken from Mars' northern
desert region called Cydonia.

This picture of a mile-long desert mesa
stuns the world

with its uncanny similarity
to a human face.

Hardly a week goes by, so it seems,

without some photo
from the surface of Mars

cropping up that someone says
shows some anomaly.

[narrator] This leads many in
ufology to conclude

that this and countless more pictures
from the surface of Mars

are evidence of an alien civilization.

Is this an artifact,
is this a bone, is this a life?

I mean, people talk
about the face on Mars,

but there have also been, uh, lizards,

bones, fossils, uh, all sorts.

Looking at photos
that have come back from Mars,

people have seen pyramids,
faces on Mars, creatures walking around,

fossilized remnants of ground squirrels,
a skull.

[narrator] We are now collecting
an unprecedented amount of data

from satellites and probes on Mars.

The theory was that Mars used
to have water, which we now know is true.

Perhaps there was a civilization there,
but it was dying,

and it was building these canals to try
and irrigate their crops,

to try and desperately cling to life.

[narrator] But what does the red
planet have to offer mankind now?

Scientists believe
Mars may be our best option

if humanity needs to start again.

Our first view was that we
would probably set up some sort of colony

under a dome in which
we would have an atmosphere like our own,

but now the thinking is why build a dome

and have ourselves so limited
and so vulnerable

when actually the best way
to go forward would be to change Mars,

um, so that we terraform it into something

where we wouldn't need a dome or
a space suit,

where we could just walk around
and breathe the atmosphere?

[narrator] NASA has studied
how Mars could be terraformed

using our current technology and suggests
that it's complicated but possible.

The process would begin

by releasing greenhouse gases
into the Mars atmosphere.

The effect would be to raise the planet's
surface temperature to a livable level,

melt polar ice caps to provide water,
and plant trees to produce oxygen.

We know for a scientific fact
that Earth will die.

Everybody here on the planet
Earth will cease to exist,

and so we have to figure out
how to get off this planet.

The search for extraterrestrial life

extends from
our own planetary neighborhood

deep into the cosmos,

but some scientists
believe that to find alien life,

we need to rethink our concept of time

and look no farther than our own backyard.

Unsealed case file:
the Papua New Guinea wave.

June 26 and 27, 1959.
Boianai, Papua New Guinea.

Reverend William Gill is
a respected educator and ordained priest

teaching in Papua New Guinea.

On the night of June 26th,
he and 38 other witnesses

see a light descend from the clouds

and a large object that he later
refers to as "a mother ship."

The mass sightings that took place
in Papua New Guinea in 1959

were compelling
and actually a little disturbing.

The main witness
was a missionary called Father Gill,

and together with a number of locals,

they saw UFOs
over a period of several weeks,

and there were probably
20, 30, 40, 50 sightings.

[narrator] Reverend Gill
describes the UFO as disk-shaped

with a wide base and landing gear.

On one of the occasions,

Father Gill reported, um, a--a craft

where he said there was
what appeared to be

almost a viewing deck
on top of this thing,

where he saw strangely humanoid entities,

which almost appeared to be looking at us.

[narrator] In a spontaneous gesture,
Reverend Gill stretches his hand to wave,

and he claims that
the beings on the spaceship wave back.

He wasn't the only witness.

There were about five others ones,
including a teacher,

that saw these humanoid beings
on top of a UFO above them.

Copies of Reverend Gill's own report

were distributed to members
of Australia's parliament,

but in the end, Air Force authorities
dismissed the incident.

I mean, you can almost understand
an alien spaceship with aliens in,

but if you see something with beings

that are so similar to us

that they're indistinguishable,

um, it--it is almost
the most disturbing thing of all.

I mean, because you ask yourself
"Who are these people?

What do they want?
Why do they look so like us?"

[narrator] The sighting is so important

that 13 years later, famous American
UFO investigator Dr. Allen Hynek

decides to reexamine the evidence.

Dr. J. Allen Hynek was a scientist
who headed Project Blue Book.

He started off as a pretty big skeptic,
pretty much a debunker.

He thought every UFO case
that was out there was explainable.

But as he saw more and more
and he, uh, talked to more witnesses

and he understood a little bit
more about the phenomena,

he was a skeptic-debunker turned believer.

For him to say so many years
after the event that this is important

and he flew out there and he interviewed
some of the witnesses,

this tells me that this was a case

of almost unique interest and importance

in the whole history
of the UFO phenomenon.

[narrator] Hynek is mostly
interested in the eyewitness claims

that the aliens looked human.

One possible reason why
this disturbs people so much,

and it's a motif that one sees
in science fiction is infiltration.

I guess the classic sci-fi
series is The Invaders

but the idea
that we have aliens in human form

perhaps slowly, uh,
bringing their people down,

getting them
into key positions of--of power.

Some speculate
that the case in New Guinea is proof

that the human race is being visited
not necessarily by an alien race

that comes from
another solar system or another planet

but rather it's ourselves.

It's the human race coming back
in time to revisit its infant self,

to look down
at their civilization 1,000, 50,000,

even a 100,000 years prior
to when they are.

[narrator] Could the Papua New Guinea
UFO incidents be humans from the future?

[Greenwald] I believe that if we
are being visited,

uh, and these UFOs are not
our Earth-based technology

that it's probably an alien civilization
that comes from the stars.

But the fun thing about this is
we simply don't know.

Science is proven wrong all the time.

And how can you fight them
if you don't know who they are?

Uh, your family,
your friends, your neighbors,

your scientific figures,

your political leaders,
your religious, uh, leaders.

I mean, what if all these people
are actually aliens?

I mean, it--it sounds crazy.

Any civilization with the technology
to travel between the stars

probably has the technology
to disguise itself effectively,

so maybe it's not a question of,
you know, going out and looking for them.

Maybe they are already here.

[narrator] While some search
for extraterrestrials in deep space,

encounters reported with humanoid beings

have many in the UFO community
wrestling with a paradox.

Are extraterrestrials
human beings from the future?

It's definitely possible
that if a biological life form

started evolving on another planet

with Earth-like conditions
on an Earth-like planet

in a solar system that is like ours,

that the theory of evolution
will probably prove true

that they will look very similar to us.

[narrator] Recently an expert
in computational genomics

decided to find out.

[Pope] Dr. Alan Kwan
at Washington university

conducted an intriguing, uh, study

where he speculated
about the future of the human race

and he said, "Well, we often look back,

but what if we look forward
maybe 100,000 years?

What might human beings look like?"

Both a man and a woman,
their head was growing in size

so it's much larger
than what we look like today.

I mean, it's--it's obviously human,
and yet it isn't.

[narrator] Many UFO researchers have seen
these physical characteristics before.

If you go forward,
not a 100,000 years but a million,

is that image going to actually be
the image of a gray alien

that would be familiar to every sci-fi fan
and ufologist on the face of the planet?

And that leads us to a possibility.

Are the Grays
actually not aliens at all but us?

Are the Grays what we human
beings evolve into?

[narrator] Could our genetic
makeup be universally connected?

Are alien visitors in our skies
actually our distant relatives?

People often talk
about the search for aliens.

Well, maybe we've already found them.

Maybe they're already here.

Maybe if they are us, we are the aliens.

[narrator] This is Unsealed: Alien Files,

exposing the biggest secret
on planet Earth.