Unsealed: Alien Files (2012–…): Season 3, Episode 26 - Solar System UFOs - full transcript
[narrator] Between 1981 and 2011
NASA's space shuttles flew 135 missions.
The space shuttle cameras,
manned and unmanned,
have recorded astounding footage of UFOs
that many experts
find hard to explain.
[Nick] People say NASA are covering up
the truth about UFOs,
and... when they're asked,
"Well, where's the proof?"
they cite NASA's own films.
[narrator] What do NASA's films
really show?
Explainable phenomena
or something else?
Join us
as we investigate
key space shuttle encounters
that many believe show UFOs
flying dangerously close to Earth.
[narrator] A global effort has begun.
Secret files hidden
from the public for decades,
detailing every UFO account
are now available to the public.
We're about to uncover the truth
behind these classified documents.
Find out what the government
doesn't want you to know.
Unsealed: Alien Files,
exposing the biggest secrets
on planet Earth.
In 1981
NASA launches its
first space shuttle, Columbia,
marking a new era in space exploration.
It really kinda gave us
a floating laboratory in the sky
versus the older Apollo rockets that
you would just strap in and,
essentially, hope for the best.
The space shuttle was
a much more controlled environment
for human space travel.
They were used to launch
and to repair satellites.
They were used for cutting edge
scientific research.
And of course they played
a hugely pivotal role
in the construction
of the International Space Station.
[narrator] For the first time
mankind establishes
a permanent presence in space.
It has been continuously occupied
since the year 2000.
The space shuttle was instrumental
in creating our next
steps in human space flight,
getting beyond the Moon
and essentially towards Mars and beyond.
[narrator] Two years
before the first mission
to build the International Space Station
a NASA shuttle captures stunning video
of what many consider
to be a UFO.
Unsealed Case File:
The Tether Incident.
February 22, 1996,
Kennedy Space Center, Florida.
Space Shuttle Columbia is launched
on its nineteenth mission.
The goal
is to deploy an experimental
satellite system into orbit
on a conducting tether.
The Tether incident
from the space shuttle mission STS-75
is one of the biggest conspiracy theories
involving NASA.
[John] The space shuttle's
mission was to launch
a more than 12 mile long space tether
out from the shuttle cargo bay.
Now this thing stretched for 12 miles,
but it actually ended up breaking
before it could extend
to about a 12.8 mile length.
[Nick] Strange objects were seen.
And some believe
that these objects were UFOs,
perhaps monitoring what NASA was doing
with-- with this satellite
and this tether.
[narrator] This is actual
live footage recorded by NASA
of the STS-75 tether incident.
As the astronauts continue
to film the tether
you saw these mysterious objects
that seem to be flying behind
this focal point on the film.
Now, we know for a fact
that this was 12 miles long,
and yet it appeared that these craft
were passing behind it.
Now, math can deduce that these objects
were huge
and nobody could explain them.
[narrator] But NASA is quick
to dismiss the incident as space debris.
There's a huge amount of debris
out there in space.
The space tracking radars
that are located
at various locations on Earth
track literally thousands
of these pieces. Some of them just, uh,
inches across.
But others, uh, defunct satellites
for example.
Scientists have estimated that
there are more than 20,000 objects
bigger than a softball
that are in orbit around Earth.
They're going more than
17.5 thousand miles an hour.
So you're talking about bullets
going everywhere around
trying to fly an airplane.
That creates quite a challenge
for safe human space flight.
[Nick] I don't think people realize
just how much is out there.
Spanners and gloves
dropped by astronauts
on previous missions.
Uh, bits of foam,
uh, all sorts of debris.
If any of this directly impacts
uh, a satellite, it could take it out.
If any of it directly impacts
an astronaut, it could be fatal.
[narrator] But some experts
are not convinced
that the objects seen in
the STS-75 footage are space debris.
When you look at the evidence,
the real evidence,
you look at the videos, you see that
a lot of times these objects
appear to be intelligently controlled.
That they're making right angle turns.
They're not just slowly floating off
into space and then they go away.
I mean, these are things that appear
time and time again.
[narrator] One theory
is that the shuttle released
large pieces
of debris from its cargo bay
minutes before the UFOs
appeared on screen.
But critics claim the space shuttle rarely
sheds any debris from its cargo bay.
Once the STS-75 footage in the tether
incident really came to light,
people were very excited over this,
because I think that this was, to many,
undeniable proof that there was something
massive flying in space that wasn't us.
[Nick] NASA effectively live streamed
uh, a lot of its missions
and so this footage was
all being recorded
and was getting out there
and there are whole bunch of... I guess
you would call them, space geeks
who would tap into this, uh, record it
off the NASA feed and then go back
and try and analyze and interpret it,
literally frame-by-frame.
[John] You see these gigantic objects
that appear to pass
behind the tether.
Doing that math,
some scientists, some experts,
they postulate that these objects
were miles in diameter.
That's not anything
that we've put up there.
Many in the UFO community
believe NASA's live feed
may have captured
compelling footage of UFOs
in Earth's orbits.
But are the objects
extra-terrestrial space ships
or a trick of the camera?
[John] Many years ago
NASA decided to start broadcasting
their camera feeds from space.
It's very difficult
for... uh, people that really
don't know anything about
uh, space photography
and the way in which things look in space
to really get a true handle
on what's going on.
The ordinary person can't judge distances.
They can't judge the sizes of objects
Those amateur researchers then would go in
and start analyzing frame
by frame by frame.
And they made some
fascinating discoveries,
that it wasn't just space, stars and a few
debris things hanging around outside.
That it appeared to have, uh, evidence
of craft being seen outside
the space station or the space shuttle.
[narrator] Compelling footage
of what may be extraterrestrial craft
has been recorded form multiple cameras
mounted on
the International Space Station.
And on the now de-commissioned
space shuttles.
There are fixed cameras
mounted on some of the, uh, space shuttles
and the rockets, for example.
[control room communication]
The astronauts, of course, themselves
have hand held cameras
so they can point and shoot
at specific things
as situations arise.
[narrator] And in many cases,
astronauts are following orders
from mission control.
Indeed, if you look at mission control
itself there are fixed cameras
in the room recording all the time
what's going on at mission control.
So there are multiple levels of this.
The central philosophy
running through all of this is
"Don't miss anything."
[narrator] Unsealed Case File:
The Abrupt Turn.
September 15, 1991,
Kennedy Space Center, Florida.
Space Shuttle Discovery launches into
orbit to deploy several satellites.
It completes 81 orbits of Earth
and travels over 2 million miles
surveying vast swathes of space.
During the mission, one of its cameras
catches an unusual sight.
[John] As the astronauts were filming
outside the window
they see multiple objects.
[Nick] There are bright objects
just drifting in straight lines.
[John] Hundreds of objects
that are floating
all around outside of their space craft.
[narrator] And then something
even more strange occurs.
All of a sudden in the--
in the film you see this
bright flash of light that appears
to have come from
the surface of Earth.
And a split second later
you see one of the objects.
And then you see that object
make a right angle turn.
And again that-- what may be
a weapon of some kind,
just shoots right by the UFO.
[narrator] Some experts believe
the objects change direction
as if under intelligent control.
Not so, point out the skeptics.
If one piece of debris hits another
as-- as will happen from time to time
just through the laws of chance,
then of course
there will be this change of direction.
[narrator] Others are not convinced.
[John] And so NASA tried to say, "Well,
the flash of light you see
is the shuttle thruster."
And when they fire the thruster that's
when you see the object make a move.
[narrator] But on close inspection,
some of the objects in the film
are moving in multiple directions.
And so when you would fire
a thruster like that
common sense tells you everything
will essentially go the same way.
And that's not the case with
the STS-48 footage. At the end of the day,
I think we may have more
questions than answers.
[narrator] The UFO community
follows NASA's space shuttle program
night and day.
And over the course of 135 missions
space shuttle cameras have captured
unidentified objects
turning many amateur enthusiasts
into investigators.
I don't think they quite expected
for amateurs to start
tapping into those feeds
and literally recording
24 hours a day whatever those
shuttle cameras were seeing.
[narrator] Unsealed Case File:
The Smoking Gun.
November 19, 1996, Earth's orbits.
Space Shuttle Columbia
is on what will become
the longest shuttle mission in history,
17 days.
The STS-80 mission
is something that's also excited
a lot of people in the UFO community.
And they refer to this sometimes
as The Smoking Gun Incident.
[narrator] One hundred ninety
nautical miles above the Earth.
Space shuttle Columbia's cameras
point toward the Earth's upper atmosphere.
During STS-80 the astronauts
were filming outside of the window
at a massive hurricane that had
formed here on Earth.
And in the process
of filming this hurricane
they saw an unknown object appear
seemingly out of the clouds
and start moving towards
the lightning in this massive storm.
[Nick] And there are a series of flashes
and then there seem to be these-- these
strange objects just drifting across
the field of vision.
[narrator] Surrounded by what some
say appears to be a plasma field,
the unidentified object decelerates,
hovers and then turns and continues
down across the Earth.
[John] Now, the question is,
"What exactly is this object?"
because you can then see
what lightning looks like because
it's going on at the same time,
so you can rule that out.
[Nick] These points of light
I mean that-- that some UFO believers
seize upon and say
uh, alien spacecraft.
I mean, to me this is just part
of the huge amount
of dust and debris that's out there.
[John] Whatever this object was
was circular in nature,
and it seems like it was almost attracted
to what was going on
inside the storm.
And it's something that really lacks
any explanation whatsoever.
[narrator] But some experts think
they may have the answer.
None of these things seem to really behave
in a way that would indicate
that they were under intelligent control.
I mean, pretty much all these things
just drift in a straight line,
at a constant speed.
[narrator] NASA experts
quickly dismiss any UFO speculation
suggesting that the thrust
of Columbia's RCS jets
pushed ice crystals into its wake.
[John] NASA, in their
typical fashion,
wanted to explain away the STS-80 footage
as simply being ice crystals.
[Nick] NASA often says that
many of these so called anomalous images
that show up on so many of these films
uh, are ice crystals.
This has become almost a standing joke
in-- in the UFO community
that, "Oh, well, you know,
NASA dismissing these UFOs
uh, that we see right in front of us here,
Oh, more ice crystals."
[narrator] But some see much more
than ice crystals.
When you look at it, it looks
undeniably like some type of craft,
or something that is much farther
in the distance
than an ice crystal could ever be seen at.
NASA and the government
and the military,
they come out with these explanations
that are so off the wall ridiculous,
you can't help but think, "Why don't they
just not address it at all."
Because that would be less conspiratorial
than them trying to go
over the top and say,
"Uh, yes, that massive what seems to be
12 mile in diameter spaceship
is simply an ice crystal."
Nothing makes sense whatsoever.
[narrator] On board
the space shuttle Columbia at that time
is payload specialist and veteran
astronaut Story Musgrave.
Musgrave witnesses the object
stating quote,
"I don't know what it is, it appears
to come from nowhere,
it's really impressive."
A lot of people in the UFO community
have seized on this and said,
"Ah, well, he must know something."
[narrator] Musgrave has also gone
on record as saying
that he does not believe that we are alone
in the universe.
I don't think that he has any evidence
that we're being visited.
It would be kind of crazy to assume
that we are alone in the universe,
and that is just his belief system.
If NASA really was
the-- the gatekeeper here
uh, the guardian of this great secret
about UFOs, there's no way that
they'd be putting this footage out, uh,
for the public to see in the first place.
Many in the UFO community believe
that cameras documenting
NASA's space missions
24 hours a day,
seven days a week
have captured UFO activity.
[Nick] There have been
some cases where
NASA's live feed has been cut.
And I think believers
and conspiracy theorists say,
"Wait a minute,
something must have happened
and NASA didn't want the world to see."
[narrator] But despite consistent denials,
one such incident in January 2015
leaves more questions than answers.
In January of 2015
NASA was streaming their live feed
from the International Space Station
when a mysterious object appeared
in the background of the shot.
Now, a split moment later
all of a sudden the feed cuts.
Everything goes off line.
After about five minutes
the feed comes back
and you see in the video
that this object, whatever it is,
is now gone.
[narrator] NASA also employs a standard
broadcast delay on its live feed.
If something catastrophic were to happen
arguably if we look back
at the space shuttle disasters
the families don't necessarily
want to see that live.
I think another point is there's no secret
in the fact that there are
classified military satellites
for example.
And maybe again, sometimes,
these broadcast delays
are just to ensure that
uh, one of these secret projects
isn't inadvertently exposed to the world.
[narrator] But how can NASA
publicly appear transparent
and still maintain
the highest level of secrecy.
It's safe to assume that after
all these cases and sightings,
all these videos that are being
live fed to the world
where anybody can sit and watch them
in real time as they occur is problematic.
And so, they're probably broadcasting
these live feeds,
what they claim live feeds,
but probably with a massive delay.
And then that will kind of bring down
the amount of evidence
that investigators are collecting,
because let's face it,
the evidence is absolutely mounting up
that something is going on.
[narrator] This is Unsealed: Alien Files,
exposing the biggest secret
on planet Earth.
NASA's space shuttles flew 135 missions.
The space shuttle cameras,
manned and unmanned,
have recorded astounding footage of UFOs
that many experts
find hard to explain.
[Nick] People say NASA are covering up
the truth about UFOs,
and... when they're asked,
"Well, where's the proof?"
they cite NASA's own films.
[narrator] What do NASA's films
really show?
Explainable phenomena
or something else?
Join us
as we investigate
key space shuttle encounters
that many believe show UFOs
flying dangerously close to Earth.
[narrator] A global effort has begun.
Secret files hidden
from the public for decades,
detailing every UFO account
are now available to the public.
We're about to uncover the truth
behind these classified documents.
Find out what the government
doesn't want you to know.
Unsealed: Alien Files,
exposing the biggest secrets
on planet Earth.
In 1981
NASA launches its
first space shuttle, Columbia,
marking a new era in space exploration.
It really kinda gave us
a floating laboratory in the sky
versus the older Apollo rockets that
you would just strap in and,
essentially, hope for the best.
The space shuttle was
a much more controlled environment
for human space travel.
They were used to launch
and to repair satellites.
They were used for cutting edge
scientific research.
And of course they played
a hugely pivotal role
in the construction
of the International Space Station.
[narrator] For the first time
mankind establishes
a permanent presence in space.
It has been continuously occupied
since the year 2000.
The space shuttle was instrumental
in creating our next
steps in human space flight,
getting beyond the Moon
and essentially towards Mars and beyond.
[narrator] Two years
before the first mission
to build the International Space Station
a NASA shuttle captures stunning video
of what many consider
to be a UFO.
Unsealed Case File:
The Tether Incident.
February 22, 1996,
Kennedy Space Center, Florida.
Space Shuttle Columbia is launched
on its nineteenth mission.
The goal
is to deploy an experimental
satellite system into orbit
on a conducting tether.
The Tether incident
from the space shuttle mission STS-75
is one of the biggest conspiracy theories
involving NASA.
[John] The space shuttle's
mission was to launch
a more than 12 mile long space tether
out from the shuttle cargo bay.
Now this thing stretched for 12 miles,
but it actually ended up breaking
before it could extend
to about a 12.8 mile length.
[Nick] Strange objects were seen.
And some believe
that these objects were UFOs,
perhaps monitoring what NASA was doing
with-- with this satellite
and this tether.
[narrator] This is actual
live footage recorded by NASA
of the STS-75 tether incident.
As the astronauts continue
to film the tether
you saw these mysterious objects
that seem to be flying behind
this focal point on the film.
Now, we know for a fact
that this was 12 miles long,
and yet it appeared that these craft
were passing behind it.
Now, math can deduce that these objects
were huge
and nobody could explain them.
[narrator] But NASA is quick
to dismiss the incident as space debris.
There's a huge amount of debris
out there in space.
The space tracking radars
that are located
at various locations on Earth
track literally thousands
of these pieces. Some of them just, uh,
inches across.
But others, uh, defunct satellites
for example.
Scientists have estimated that
there are more than 20,000 objects
bigger than a softball
that are in orbit around Earth.
They're going more than
17.5 thousand miles an hour.
So you're talking about bullets
going everywhere around
trying to fly an airplane.
That creates quite a challenge
for safe human space flight.
[Nick] I don't think people realize
just how much is out there.
Spanners and gloves
dropped by astronauts
on previous missions.
Uh, bits of foam,
uh, all sorts of debris.
If any of this directly impacts
uh, a satellite, it could take it out.
If any of it directly impacts
an astronaut, it could be fatal.
[narrator] But some experts
are not convinced
that the objects seen in
the STS-75 footage are space debris.
When you look at the evidence,
the real evidence,
you look at the videos, you see that
a lot of times these objects
appear to be intelligently controlled.
That they're making right angle turns.
They're not just slowly floating off
into space and then they go away.
I mean, these are things that appear
time and time again.
[narrator] One theory
is that the shuttle released
large pieces
of debris from its cargo bay
minutes before the UFOs
appeared on screen.
But critics claim the space shuttle rarely
sheds any debris from its cargo bay.
Once the STS-75 footage in the tether
incident really came to light,
people were very excited over this,
because I think that this was, to many,
undeniable proof that there was something
massive flying in space that wasn't us.
[Nick] NASA effectively live streamed
uh, a lot of its missions
and so this footage was
all being recorded
and was getting out there
and there are whole bunch of... I guess
you would call them, space geeks
who would tap into this, uh, record it
off the NASA feed and then go back
and try and analyze and interpret it,
literally frame-by-frame.
[John] You see these gigantic objects
that appear to pass
behind the tether.
Doing that math,
some scientists, some experts,
they postulate that these objects
were miles in diameter.
That's not anything
that we've put up there.
Many in the UFO community
believe NASA's live feed
may have captured
compelling footage of UFOs
in Earth's orbits.
But are the objects
extra-terrestrial space ships
or a trick of the camera?
[John] Many years ago
NASA decided to start broadcasting
their camera feeds from space.
It's very difficult
for... uh, people that really
don't know anything about
uh, space photography
and the way in which things look in space
to really get a true handle
on what's going on.
The ordinary person can't judge distances.
They can't judge the sizes of objects
Those amateur researchers then would go in
and start analyzing frame
by frame by frame.
And they made some
fascinating discoveries,
that it wasn't just space, stars and a few
debris things hanging around outside.
That it appeared to have, uh, evidence
of craft being seen outside
the space station or the space shuttle.
[narrator] Compelling footage
of what may be extraterrestrial craft
has been recorded form multiple cameras
mounted on
the International Space Station.
And on the now de-commissioned
space shuttles.
There are fixed cameras
mounted on some of the, uh, space shuttles
and the rockets, for example.
[control room communication]
The astronauts, of course, themselves
have hand held cameras
so they can point and shoot
at specific things
as situations arise.
[narrator] And in many cases,
astronauts are following orders
from mission control.
Indeed, if you look at mission control
itself there are fixed cameras
in the room recording all the time
what's going on at mission control.
So there are multiple levels of this.
The central philosophy
running through all of this is
"Don't miss anything."
[narrator] Unsealed Case File:
The Abrupt Turn.
September 15, 1991,
Kennedy Space Center, Florida.
Space Shuttle Discovery launches into
orbit to deploy several satellites.
It completes 81 orbits of Earth
and travels over 2 million miles
surveying vast swathes of space.
During the mission, one of its cameras
catches an unusual sight.
[John] As the astronauts were filming
outside the window
they see multiple objects.
[Nick] There are bright objects
just drifting in straight lines.
[John] Hundreds of objects
that are floating
all around outside of their space craft.
[narrator] And then something
even more strange occurs.
All of a sudden in the--
in the film you see this
bright flash of light that appears
to have come from
the surface of Earth.
And a split second later
you see one of the objects.
And then you see that object
make a right angle turn.
And again that-- what may be
a weapon of some kind,
just shoots right by the UFO.
[narrator] Some experts believe
the objects change direction
as if under intelligent control.
Not so, point out the skeptics.
If one piece of debris hits another
as-- as will happen from time to time
just through the laws of chance,
then of course
there will be this change of direction.
[narrator] Others are not convinced.
[John] And so NASA tried to say, "Well,
the flash of light you see
is the shuttle thruster."
And when they fire the thruster that's
when you see the object make a move.
[narrator] But on close inspection,
some of the objects in the film
are moving in multiple directions.
And so when you would fire
a thruster like that
common sense tells you everything
will essentially go the same way.
And that's not the case with
the STS-48 footage. At the end of the day,
I think we may have more
questions than answers.
[narrator] The UFO community
follows NASA's space shuttle program
night and day.
And over the course of 135 missions
space shuttle cameras have captured
unidentified objects
turning many amateur enthusiasts
into investigators.
I don't think they quite expected
for amateurs to start
tapping into those feeds
and literally recording
24 hours a day whatever those
shuttle cameras were seeing.
[narrator] Unsealed Case File:
The Smoking Gun.
November 19, 1996, Earth's orbits.
Space Shuttle Columbia
is on what will become
the longest shuttle mission in history,
17 days.
The STS-80 mission
is something that's also excited
a lot of people in the UFO community.
And they refer to this sometimes
as The Smoking Gun Incident.
[narrator] One hundred ninety
nautical miles above the Earth.
Space shuttle Columbia's cameras
point toward the Earth's upper atmosphere.
During STS-80 the astronauts
were filming outside of the window
at a massive hurricane that had
formed here on Earth.
And in the process
of filming this hurricane
they saw an unknown object appear
seemingly out of the clouds
and start moving towards
the lightning in this massive storm.
[Nick] And there are a series of flashes
and then there seem to be these-- these
strange objects just drifting across
the field of vision.
[narrator] Surrounded by what some
say appears to be a plasma field,
the unidentified object decelerates,
hovers and then turns and continues
down across the Earth.
[John] Now, the question is,
"What exactly is this object?"
because you can then see
what lightning looks like because
it's going on at the same time,
so you can rule that out.
[Nick] These points of light
I mean that-- that some UFO believers
seize upon and say
uh, alien spacecraft.
I mean, to me this is just part
of the huge amount
of dust and debris that's out there.
[John] Whatever this object was
was circular in nature,
and it seems like it was almost attracted
to what was going on
inside the storm.
And it's something that really lacks
any explanation whatsoever.
[narrator] But some experts think
they may have the answer.
None of these things seem to really behave
in a way that would indicate
that they were under intelligent control.
I mean, pretty much all these things
just drift in a straight line,
at a constant speed.
[narrator] NASA experts
quickly dismiss any UFO speculation
suggesting that the thrust
of Columbia's RCS jets
pushed ice crystals into its wake.
[John] NASA, in their
typical fashion,
wanted to explain away the STS-80 footage
as simply being ice crystals.
[Nick] NASA often says that
many of these so called anomalous images
that show up on so many of these films
uh, are ice crystals.
This has become almost a standing joke
in-- in the UFO community
that, "Oh, well, you know,
NASA dismissing these UFOs
uh, that we see right in front of us here,
Oh, more ice crystals."
[narrator] But some see much more
than ice crystals.
When you look at it, it looks
undeniably like some type of craft,
or something that is much farther
in the distance
than an ice crystal could ever be seen at.
NASA and the government
and the military,
they come out with these explanations
that are so off the wall ridiculous,
you can't help but think, "Why don't they
just not address it at all."
Because that would be less conspiratorial
than them trying to go
over the top and say,
"Uh, yes, that massive what seems to be
12 mile in diameter spaceship
is simply an ice crystal."
Nothing makes sense whatsoever.
[narrator] On board
the space shuttle Columbia at that time
is payload specialist and veteran
astronaut Story Musgrave.
Musgrave witnesses the object
stating quote,
"I don't know what it is, it appears
to come from nowhere,
it's really impressive."
A lot of people in the UFO community
have seized on this and said,
"Ah, well, he must know something."
[narrator] Musgrave has also gone
on record as saying
that he does not believe that we are alone
in the universe.
I don't think that he has any evidence
that we're being visited.
It would be kind of crazy to assume
that we are alone in the universe,
and that is just his belief system.
If NASA really was
the-- the gatekeeper here
uh, the guardian of this great secret
about UFOs, there's no way that
they'd be putting this footage out, uh,
for the public to see in the first place.
Many in the UFO community believe
that cameras documenting
NASA's space missions
24 hours a day,
seven days a week
have captured UFO activity.
[Nick] There have been
some cases where
NASA's live feed has been cut.
And I think believers
and conspiracy theorists say,
"Wait a minute,
something must have happened
and NASA didn't want the world to see."
[narrator] But despite consistent denials,
one such incident in January 2015
leaves more questions than answers.
In January of 2015
NASA was streaming their live feed
from the International Space Station
when a mysterious object appeared
in the background of the shot.
Now, a split moment later
all of a sudden the feed cuts.
Everything goes off line.
After about five minutes
the feed comes back
and you see in the video
that this object, whatever it is,
is now gone.
[narrator] NASA also employs a standard
broadcast delay on its live feed.
If something catastrophic were to happen
arguably if we look back
at the space shuttle disasters
the families don't necessarily
want to see that live.
I think another point is there's no secret
in the fact that there are
classified military satellites
for example.
And maybe again, sometimes,
these broadcast delays
are just to ensure that
uh, one of these secret projects
isn't inadvertently exposed to the world.
[narrator] But how can NASA
publicly appear transparent
and still maintain
the highest level of secrecy.
It's safe to assume that after
all these cases and sightings,
all these videos that are being
live fed to the world
where anybody can sit and watch them
in real time as they occur is problematic.
And so, they're probably broadcasting
these live feeds,
what they claim live feeds,
but probably with a massive delay.
And then that will kind of bring down
the amount of evidence
that investigators are collecting,
because let's face it,
the evidence is absolutely mounting up
that something is going on.
[narrator] This is Unsealed: Alien Files,
exposing the biggest secret
on planet Earth.