Unsealed: Alien Files (2012–…): Season 2, Episode 34 - Best UFO Evidence - full transcript

Do visitors to planet Earth come from some far off galaxy? Traveling vast distances to the only planet boasting intelligent life in this corner of space. We investigate the shocking secrets of alien civilizations in our solar system.

[narrator] Where do UFOs come from?

Do visitors to planet Earth
travel vast distances

to the only planet boasting
intelligent life in this corner of space?

Or do they originate much closer to home?

[Michael Salla] There are other planets,
such as Mars, with artifacts on them

that are suggestive of civilization that
have been there for a long, long time.

[narrator] The solar system was born
over 4.5 billion years ago.

Earth's civilization
is only 12,000 years old.

How many others have emerged
on different worlds

since our planetary neighborhood
first took shape?

And if there were other civilizations,
what happened to them?

Did they fall victim
to natural catastrophes?

Or conquest?

From derelict spacecraft
to the face of Mars,

join us as we investigate
the shocking secrets

of alien civilizations in our solar system

on Unsealed: Alien Files.

A global effort has begun.

Secret files hidden
from the public for decades,

detailing every UFO account
are now available to the public.

We are about to uncover the truth
behind these classified documents.

Find out what the government
doesn't want you to know.

Unsealed: Alien Files,

exposing the biggest secrets
on planet Earth.

Nantes, France. October 3rd, 2011.

The world's top space scientists
have gathered for a joint meeting

of the European Planetary
Science Congress,

and the American Division
for Planetary Sciences.

Dr. Pedro Lacerda
of Queens University in Belfast

presents a stunning series of photographs

of a mysterious object
in the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune.

It's a strange hourglass-shaped object

In a long, lonely orbit
around the distant sun.

Careful analysis has revealed
the object to be spinning through space

perpendicular to its orbital plane
like an airplane propeller.

The object's spinning motion
bears a striking resemblance

to existing models
for a rotating spacecraft

designed to generate artificial gravity,

essential for survival on long journeys
through deep space.

[Steve Bassett] The technology aspect

of the extraterrestrial phenomena
is the crown jewels of the truth embargo.

One can get all excited about

where these E.T.s are from,
and... and what they're like,

But in terms of the human race
and what it means,

The technology is the centerpiece.

[narrator] Is the Nantes object,
in fact, a UFO?

And if it is an alien spacecraft,

how many more might be lurking

in the farthest reaches
of our solar system?

The space beyond Saturn
is a vast , virtually unexplored region.

The only craft to visit
the two outer planets

of Uranus and Neptune was Voyager II
that flew by in the late 1980's.

The spacecraft relayed images
in unprecedented detail.

But in the decades since,
we have discovered

there was much its cameras missed.

Unsealed case file:
Neptune's new moon.

July 1st, 2013.

A scientist with S.E.T.I.,

or the Search for
Extra Terrestrial Intelligence,

announces the discovery of a new moon
around the planet Neptune,

one of 14 orbiting the planet.

The tiny world, dubbed S/2004 N 1,
is only 11 miles in diameter.

The moon was only located
through an intense scrutiny

of images generated years earlier
by the Hubble Space Telescope.

And according to some experts,

it should not exist.

They claim the tiny world should
have been pulverized by asteroids

during the solar system's formation,

or long ago fallen prey to the gravity
of the nearby moon Proteus

and dragged down to its fiery destruction.

The object's unlikely survival
has led many UFO experts

to conclude the moon is a spacecraft.

But if Neptune's newest satellite
is in fact a UFO,

where does it come from?

Recent evidence has revealed
what may be alien spacecraft

active in the distant reaches
of our solar system.

The photos have left many wondering

whether these spacecraft came here
from another star system,

or if they originated here
in our own planetary neighborhood.

August 16th, 2012.

A flying disc appears in the sky
over the planet Mars.

It hurtles toward the surface
at great speed, but it isn't a UFO.

It's the landing craft
for NASA's Curiosity rover.

Its mission, to travel the surface of Mars
and use its high-tech instruments

to search the rocks and soil
for signs of life.

It's the latest in a series
of missions searching for life.

[John Greenewald] When they discovered
that there was at one time

possibly water on the surface of Mars,

that blew open the door of possibility
for there being extraterrestrial life

in our solar system,
let alone the universe.

Unsealed case file:
the Face of Mars.

On June 19th, 1976,

Viking I enters orbit
around the red planet.

A day later, on July 20th,

it releases the Viking lander,
which makes the first touchdown on Mars.

The lander's instruments
conduct the first-ever scientific analysis

of the surface of another planet.

The experiments add volumes
to our knowledge of the solar system,

but ultimately find no signs of life.

High above the planet, however,
a different story is unfolding.

The Viking orbiter continues
to circle the planets,

relaying data from the lander
back to Earth

and taking photos of the surface below.

Five days after touchdown,

it captures an image that will
send shock waves around the world.

One of the most well-known
photographs from the surface of Mars

is what we've all known in pop culture
as "The face on Mars."

This is something that scientists estimate
is about two miles across,

and it really shows and depicts
what is arguably a face.

You can clearly see eyes, you can clearly
see a nose, you can clearly see a mouth,

and you can clearly see
the outline of a face.

Now, there's a lot of coincidences there
if this wasn't artificial or manufactured.

So, you have to ask, was this just a trick
of lights and shadows by the cameras,

or was this really
a manufactured structure?

[narrator] Most are prepared
to pass off the phenomenon

as a trick of the light.

That is, until another shocking image
appears in the Viking photos.

It's a series of high points
in the Martian landscape

that bear an uncanny resemblance to
the mightiest monuments of Earth's past,

the pyramids of ancient Egypt.

In the decades since Viking ,

many in the scientific community
have embraced the theory

that life here on Earth was sparked
by the impact of a Martian meteor.

Is it possible that meteor
brought alien DNA to our planet?

And could the pyramids be evidence

of a genetic link
with our Martian ancestors?

Look at civilizations here on Earth
stretching back thousands of years.

You've got giant structures
in the middle of Egypt,

one of which just happens to be
a very large face on the Sphinx.

You've got other structures
from other cultures that are being built

that you can only see from the sky.

So, when you look at those commonalities,
you have to see

maybe there's a connection between life

3,000, 4,000, 5,000 years ago
here on Earth

and quite possibly a life
starting on the planet of Mars.

[narrator] Recent missions have revealed
the red planet

once had a much thicker atmosphere,
and water on its surface,

both essential to life
as we understand it.

The question is, what happened to Mars?

Was it hit by a natural catastrophe?

Or was it conquered?

And if it was conquered,
where are the victors?

August 25th, 2013.

NASA releases a series of photos
taken by the Curiosity rover,

the latest generation of its Mars landers.

Among them are two images taken by
the vehicle's rear hazard detection camera

that reveal what appear
to be flying saucers.

Are we the only civilization
to ever appear in the solar system?

Mounting evidence suggests
they may have once been

a thriving alien culture
on the planet Mars.

But is this the only place
outside of Earth

where intelligent life has taken root?

Recent events suggest
there may have been others

and in the most unlikely
places imaginable.

[Steve Bassett] We are a young star,
a young system.

There are stars and systems out there

that are billions of years
older than us, all right?

So, how much contact have we had?

[narrator] December 1st, 2012.

NASA's STEREO-A satellite
captures stunning images

of a massive burst of energy blasting out
into space from the surface of the Sun.

In the days that follow,

an amateur ufologist
conducts a careful analysis of the photos

and discovers something
silhouetted by the blast.

It's a strange rectangular shaped anomaly
hovering in space near the planet Mercury.

The object's outcroppings
bear a striking resemblance

to the solar panels found in
our own satellites and space stations.

But there are no known
spacecraft in the area.

The ufologist posts his findings
on the internet,

causing an instant sensation among
alien enthusiasts and scientists alike.

But this isn't the kind of attention
NASA is looking for.

The agency claims the mysterious craft
to be, in reality, a solar filament,

a naturally occurring jet of gas
protruding from the Sun.

Despite this innocent explanation,

the agency then abruptly shuts down
STEREO's image feed.

In a statement, NASA explains
that STEREO has gone into

an unexpected
"Emergency Sun Reacquisition Mode,"

And that they were "Working on
the recovery of the spacecraft."

Why did NASA close the STEREO image feed

a day after the Mercury UFO
was revealed to the world?

Were the agency's technical difficulties
merely a coincidence,

or does NASA allegedly
have something to hide?

Like Neptune and Mars before, the answer
may be found on the surface below.

In October 2013,

an amateur UFO investigator analyzing
photos taken by NASA's MESSENGER probe

discovers a series
of strange features that look like cities,

leading some experts to conclude
there was once a civilization

on the closest planet to the Sun.

But could a society thrive
In such a hostile environment?

The answer to this
and many other vital questions

about our solar system's past

may be found on the surface
of Mercury's closest neighbor.

Unsealed case file: Venus.

Venus has confounded scientists
for centuries.

Apart from the Moon, it is
the brightest object in the night sky.

But its atmosphere
is shrouded in dense cloud,

obscuring everything on the surface below.

Generations of astronomers
imagined what lay beneath those clouds,

envisioning massive gleaming cities
populated by a race of ethereal beings.

The reality, however, would turn out to be
much different than anyone ever imagined.

Between 1967 and 1985,

the Soviet Union lands
a series of probes on the planet's surface

in a program called Venera.

They discover a true-to-life
vision of hell,

A desolate landscape
littered with volcanoes,

and an upper atmosphere that generates
endless rainfall of sulfuric acid.

A crushing atmospheric pressure
more than 90 times that of Earth

ensures that none of the probes survive
more than a few hours on the surface.

But more recent studies suggest
that Venus wasn't always like this.

Billions of years ago,
Venus was not unlike Earth,

complete with large bodies of water,

but long ago, the planet fell victim
to a runaway greenhouse effect,

not unlike that plaguing our world today,

leaving Venus the desolate
pressure cooker it is today.

Legend, however, tells a different story.

According to Greek and Roman mythology,

the goddess Venus launched
a sudden attack on Mars, the god of war,

mortally wounding him in a battle
of unprecedented scale.

[Tom Durant] Ancient Roman records
talk about

eyewitnesses seeing a fire in the sky

which they later found
to be the planet Mars.

That planet, Mars, then became associated
with their deity, Ares, the god of war.

[narrator] According to
controversial author Immanuel Velikovsky,

ancient observers describe

a giant serpent-like dust plume
extending off Mars.

Is it possible that these legends
have a basis in reality?

Did ancient astronomers pay witness
to a distant interplanetary war?

And while the myth says
Mars alone was defeated,

did Venus also suffer
a mortal blow in the course of battle,

one whose devastating effect played out
quietly over a much longer period of time?

In 1989, NASA launches the Magellan probe
to map the Venusian landscape.

Over the past two decades,
UFO experts have discovered

compelling evidence of structures
on the planet's surface.

Are these the ruins of ancient Venus?

Was this planet once home
to a race of aliens

who launched an interplanetary war
against Mars?

And if it was, what happened
to their civilization?

Mounting evidence suggests
that ancient civilizations

existed on at least four other worlds
in our solar system.

It's a revelation that has left
many experts searching for an answer

to what may be
the greatest question of our time.

What caused each of them
to fall into ruin?

There are many possible scenarios.

They may have fallen victim
to natural catastrophe,

or destroyed themselves
in a catastrophic war

like the legendary battle
between Venus and Mars.

But some experts have a different theory,

one that strikes at the heart
of our world today.

It appears that every time
there's this major leap in technology,

that somehow, somewhere,

there's a reported alien encounter
lurking in the background.

[narrator] They believe every
civilization accelerates

toward a period of unprecedented
technological advancement

culminating with the creation
of artificial intelligence.

Could an alien species reliant or infected
by a destructive artificial intelligence

view the human race as inferior?

All you have to do
is walk down the street,

and you can see how dependent
the human race has become on technology.

Each of us has one of our cell phones
glued to our hip.

We're either on it, texting with it,
or taking photos with it.

There are cameras on every street corner.

It's safe to say that technology
is a huge part of the human race.

[narrator] Digital-based logic
may inevitably lead

an out-of-control artificial intelligence

to see their creators as a threat
to their continued existence.

The machines may see no other choice

but to eliminate them
by any means at their disposal.

Is it possible this catastrophe
has already happened on other worlds?

Did an alien civilization
on a neighboring planet

fall prey to its own technology?

And is a robot fleet
lying in wait somewhere

in the distant reaches
of the solar system,

ready to lay waste to Earth
when the time is right?

Or have they already planted
the technological seeds of our doom,

secretly giving birth to the digital age?

This is Unsealed: Alien Files,

exposing the biggest secret
on planet Earth.