Truth Hunter (2017): Season 1, Episode 9 - Proof of Presidential Briefings on the Alien Presence - full transcript

Join Linda Moulton Howe in this new episode of Truth Hunter as we see documents which informed Reagan of five types of the alien presence on Earth.

The first time that someone
tried to put the baffling

puzzle pieces of other life in
the universe together for me

in a more coherent
picture was October 1983.

That's when I was still
trying to go forward

with the HBO project in spite of
government efforts to block me.

A Washington, D.C,
military source

who claimed first
hand interaction

with at least one
type of non-human

agreed to talk with me off
the record about the type

that he knew as extraterrestrial
biological entities, also known

as EBENs.

He was aware that
on April, 9 1983,

at Kirtland Air Force Base I
was shown an alleged briefing

document for an
unnamed US president.

And it said extraterrestrial
biological entities, or EBENs,

had manipulated DNA in
already evolving primates

to create homosapien.

The military source
told me that was true.

But he stressed that no one
in the American government

with access to
that knowledge ever

wanted to be alive if or when
such an announcement were

broadcast to the world that
humans are someone else's

experimental androids.

He told me that he had talk
firsthand with a US Air Force

captain who received telepathic
communication from one

non-human at a crash site
in the Roswell region.

He said 1949, not 1947.

Because the captain, more than
anyone else at the crash site,

could clearly and receive
mind to mind communication

from the non-human,
an EBEN, the captain

was assigned to live with this
entity called EBE 1 at the Los

Alamos Laboratory in
New Mexico until EBE

died of unknown causes
on June 18, 1952.

That Air Force captain said
one of the most important

transmissions that he ever
received from this EBEN was,

quote, we made you.

We put you here on Earth.

But you have to live it.

Close quote.

I typed up notes after the
October 18, 1983, meeting

that began with this
military source talking

about information
gained from EBE 1

and another captured
being called EBE 2.

Here are some brief excerpts
from my October 1983 notes

in Washington, D.C.

October 18.

EBE 2.

Trying to teach human scientists
about their EBEN technology.

They use a completely different
set of physical laws than ours.

Our physics would not apply
in their civilization,

but there's can apply in ours.

They, the EBENs, travel interdimensionally

many times faster than
the speed of light,

like the corner of a napkin
folded to its opposite corner.

There are many
dimensions, two of which

we might relate to but at least
a dozen dimensions we would not

relate to.

All EBENs look alike.

Their society is worldwide on
a planet in the Zeta Reticuli

binary solar system about
39 light years from Earth.

Hive minds, all telepathic.

Leaders are for life.

Even though they look
pretty much the same,

there are personality differences.

The EBENs brought five
different humanoid species,

he said to me.

Juvenile delinquents,
possibly, from somewhere else

in the cosmos to this planet
Earth a long time ago.

Our whole planet is a
sociological experiment,

according to this whistleblower.

That's why the EBENs persist
in the so-called guardian

rule versus the renegade blonde,
Swedes, Nordics, and other ET


Are their secret wars
ongoing to protect

humans that are kept in
a state of ignorance?

He said the problem is
if the EBENs go away

from Earth, what will happen?

They have a computer
base inside of our moon

and throughout our
solar system, he said.

Is that sufficient
monitoring to keep

the blonde Swedes, reptilians,
and others in check?

He said the Swedes, quote,
have a large menagerie

of cloned biological
entities, close quote, which

do work for them everywhere.

He talked to me about the
presidents and what they knew.

He said Truman, 1945 to 1953,
knew everything at the time.

And then Ike, 1953 to
1961, knew everything,

but put a lid on it.

Then came Kennedy, 1961 to 1963.

He wanted to tell the whole
world about the alien presence

and was killed in Dallas
on November 22, 1963,

for trying to open up the truth.

LBJ, 1963 to '69.

He did not want to know
because he heard rumors

about what happened to Kennedy.

Nixon, 1969 to 1974.

Knew and bragged about
his inside knowledge

to friends, showed
Jackie Gleason

some retrieved craft
and ET bodies preserved

in tubes hanging on walls
underground at an Eglin Air

Force Base near Fort
Walton Beach, Florida.

Ford, 1974 to 1977.

The whistleblower
said he did not

know if he was ever
briefed on anything.

Jimmy Carter, 1977 to 1981.

Briefed in 1976 and again
later on, but decided the story

was too big to deal with.

Ronald Reagan 1981 to 1989.

He was briefed
during the campaign

because he was so pro-military
that MJ12 wanted to quiet him

down a little, and then he
was briefed in March 1981

after the election by
CIA director with CIA,

advisors present.

And about that
word, reincarnation,

he said that the EBENs described
this, quote, only so many souls

are allowed per
planet, close quote.

They are recycled constantly
at birth and death.

But why?

After that conversation,
I didn't know who to trust

or what to believe in 1983.

So I didn't do anything public
with this Washington D.C.

Military sources of information.

Then a decade later, an alleged
1950s government document

was leaked on March 7, 1994.

This is its title.

Quote, Restricted SUM 1-01
Majestic 12 Group Special

Operations Manual...

Extraterrestrial Entities
and Technology Recovery

and Disposal, top
secret Magic eyes only.

Warning... this is
a top secret magic

eyes only document containing
compartmentalized information

essential to the national
security of the United States.

Eyes only access to
the material herein

is strictly limited to personnel
possessing Magic 12 clearance


Examination or use by
unauthorized personnel

is strictly forbidden and is
punishable by federal law.

Since the US war
office was transitioned

to the US Department of the Army
under the Department of Defense

in 1949, the implication is
that this SUM 1-01 Training

Manual for Extraterrestrial
Entities and Technology

Recovery and Disposal was
first produced before 1949

and updated in April 1954.

The unofficial leak of
this SUM 1-01 manual

started at a La Crosse,
Wisconsin, pharmacy

pages of text and
drawings showed up

on 35 millimeter
negative film addressed

to Don Berliner at the Fund
for UFO Research in Maryland.

The film was in an envelope
postmarked March 7, 1994.

Don Berliner gave Bob Wood,
an aerospace engineer retiring

from McDonnell
Douglas, permission

to print the
negatives for study.

The first negative frame
was the SUM 1-01 cover.

Then, on page 6 of the training
manual, is Section 10...

Description of Extraterrestrial
Biological Entities EBE

Type 1 and EBE Type 2.

EBE Type 1.

These entities are
humanoid and might

be mistaken for human
beings of the Oriental race

if seen from a distance.

They are bipedal, five feet
to five feet four inches

in height, and weigh
80 to 100 pounds.

Proportionally, they
are similar to humans,

although the cranium is somewhat
larger and more rounded.

The skin is a pale,
chalky, yellow in color,

thick and slightly
pebbled in appearance.

This was odd to read because the
gray EBENs and other gray types

are not described by
people, let's say,

in the human abduction
or a whistleblower

or as chalky yellow in color.

Is this yet another
type or something

related to the
metabolism of the EBENs?

I'm now showing a
charcoal illustration

that a government whistleblower
told me, quote, is almost

like a photograph of an
EBEN, the acronym the US

government uses for
extraterrestrial biological


The SUM 1-01 manual continues,
quote, the eyes are small,

wide set, almond-shaped,
with brownish black irises

with very large pupils.

The whites of the eyes are
not like that of humans,

but have a pale gray cast.

The ears are small and
set low on the skull.

The nose is thin and
long and the mouth

is wider than in humans
and nearly lipless.

There is no apparent facial
hair and very little body hair,

that being very fine and
confined to the under

arm and the groin area.

The body is thin and
without apparent body fat,

but the muscles
are well-developed.

The hands are small
with four long digits

but no opposable thumb.

The outside digit is
jointed in a manner

as to be nearly
opposable and there

is no webbing between the
fingers as there is in humans.

The legs are slightly
but noticeably bowed

and the feet are somewhat
splayed and proportionally


A second type on page 6 of
the SUM 1-01 manual states,

EBA Type 2.

These smaller entities are
humanoid but differ from Type 1

in many respects.

They are bipedal,
three feet five inches

to four feet two
inches in height,

and weigh 25 to 50 pounds.

Proportionally, the head is much
larger than humans or Type 1

EBEs the cranium being
much larger and elongated.

The eyes are very large,
slanted, and nearly wrap

around the side of the skull.

They are black with
no white showing.

There is no
noticeable brow ridge

and the skull has a slight
peak that runs over the crown.

The nose consists of only two
small slits, which sit high

above the slit-like mouth.

There are no external ears.

The skin is a pale
bluish gray color,

being somewhat darker on
the back of the creature,

and is very smooth
and fine celled.

There is no hair on either
the face or the body

and these creatures do not
appear to be mammalian.

The arms are long in
proportion to the legs

and the hands have three long
tapering fingers and a thumb,

which is nearly as
long as the fingers.

The second finger is
thicker than the other,

but not as long as
the index finger.

The feet are small and
narrow and four toes

are joined together
inside a membrane.

Would a membrane
around four toes

explain tracks at
animal mutilation sites

where ranchers and
law enforcement

have described hoof-like
tracks or ice cream

cone shaped tracks?

It is not definitely known
where either type of creature

originated, but it seems
certain that they did not

evolve on Earth.

It is further evident,
although not certain,

that they may have
originated on two

different planets, close quote.

And this is from the SUM
1-01 training manual.

Today I can add the probability
that EBE 1 types genetically

manufactured EBE type 2s
to do work on this planet.

That means abductees
have usually

been handled by the small large
black eyed little guys, not

the prime EBEN intelligence
behind the genetically

cloned biological
entities or androids.

The concept of cloned biological
entities of various types made

by EBENs and other
extraterrestrial types

has emerged in more
details about five

different non-human
species, allegedly presented

in a briefing for US
President Ronald Reagan.

This Release 27a,
Reagan Briefing,

was included in a
series of 35 reports

from 2005 to 2007
posted in order, quote,

to facilitate the
gradual release

of confidential
documents pertaining

to a top secret exchange program
of 12 US military personnel

to Serpo, a planet
of Zeta Reticuli.

And this happened between
the years 1965 to 1978.

The information began
to be released on 2

November 2005 by a
retired senior official

within the United States
Defense Intelligence Agency.

He calls himself Anonymous.

Until he chooses to
make his name known,

this is the way he will
be represented here.

Anonymous reports that he
is not acting individually

and is part of a group
of six DIA personnel

working together as an alliance
of three current and three

former defense intelligence
agency employees.

He is their chief
spokesman, close quote.

The following
excerpts are allegedly

from a transcript
of a tape recording

made at Camp David, Maryland,
for President Ronald Reagan

on March 6 and March 8
1981 about the subject

of, quote, unidentified
flying objects

and extraterrestrial visitation
of Earth, close quote.

Leading the discussion was
CIA director William Casey,

along with the CIA advisors and
a caretaker of the ET history.

Casey was Reagan's
campaign manager in 1980,

and then President Reagan asked
Casey to become CIA director

from 1981 to 1987.

That means this briefing,
March 6 to 8, 1981,

was only two months
after Ronald Reagan first

took office on January 20,
1981, as President of the United


I begin with excerpts from
the presidential briefing

as the anonymous caretaker
speaks to President Reagan.

Quote, the United
States of America

has been visited by
extraterrestrial visitors

since 1947.

We have proof of
that, close quote.

My own note is that the
truth about crashes,

that we appear to have a
history of a crash retrieval

six years before
Roswell events and that

was in Cape Girardeau, Missouri,
allegedly in the first part

of 1941 and discussed
in leaked Majestic

12 documents, from which a
quote, neutronic propulsion

device was retrieved
and later delivered

to Robert Oppenheimer
when he began work

at Los Alamos, New
Mexico, to produce

the first American atomic bomb.

The caretaker says,
however, we also

have some proof that
Earth has been visited

for many thousands of
years by various races

of extraterrestrial visitors.

Mr. President, I'll just refer
to those visitors as ETs.

In July 1947, a remarkable
event occurred in New Mexico.

During a storm, two
ET spacecraft crashed.

One crashed southwest of Corona,
New Mexico, and one crash

near Datil, New Mexico.

The US Army eventually
found both sites

and recovered all of the
debris and one live alien.

I'll refer to this
live alien as EBE 1.

What does that mean?

Do we have codes or a
special terminology for this,

President Reagan asked.

Mr. President, EBE means
extraterrestrial biological


It was a code designated
to this creature

by the US Army
back in those days.

This creature was
not human and we

had to decide on a term for
it, so scientists designated

the creature as EBE 1.

We also referred to it as Noah.

There was different
terminology used

by various aspects of the
US military and intelligence

community back then.

Can we classify them?

Can we connect them
with anything earthly?

No, Mr. President.

They don't have any similar
characteristics of a human,

with the exception that they
have eyes, ears, and a mouth.

Their internal body
organs are different,

their skin is entirely
different from human.

We could not classify any part
of the aliens with humans.

They had blood and skin,
although considerably different

than human skin.

Their eyes had two
different eyelids, probably

because their home
planet was very bright.

Is time the same on
their planet as on ours?

No, Mr. President.

Time is very different on the
EBEN planet, which, by the way,

we call Serpo.

When you look in Latin and
you find the word S-E-R-P-O,

it means to creep or crawl,
perhaps they meant like

a snake.

Their day is
approximately 40 hours.

That is measured by the
movement of their two suns.

The solar system
containing Serpo

is a binary star system, two
suns rather than the one sun

like our solar system.

The distance from Earth to
Serpo is about 40 light years.

They can travel that in about
nine months of our time.

I am no scientist, but
as I mentioned earlier

they can travel
that great distance

by means of space tunnels.

They seem to be able to
bend the distance from one

point in space to another.

Just how they do this must
be explained scientifically.

Are they all friendly?

Adviser number one.

Mr. President, that is a very
difficult question to answer.

There are many
parameters that we

follow to evaluate the threat.

However, we have
little intelligence

on four of the five visitors.

We have plenty of
intel on the EBENs.

They've given us
everything we've asked for.

They have also helped us to
understand the other four


I'm afraid to say,
Mr. President...

and please don't
misunderstand my words...

but we think one of the
species is very hostile.

William Casey, CIA Director.

Mr. President, we
have intelligence

that would indicate this
one species of aliens

have abducted people from Earth.

They have performed
scientific and medical tests

on these humans.

To the best of our knowledge,
no humans have been killed.

But as adviser
number one stated,

the intelligence
is from witnesses

and we haven't thoroughly
evaluated this intelligence.

We have captured one of
these hostile aliens.

This gets into some very, very
sensitive areas, Mr. President.

I strongly suggest we
end this discussion

and move on to any further
questions that you might have

and then get back to this.

I don't think we are
prepared to provide you

with accurate answers
to your questions

about the potentially
hostile aliens at this time.

Close quote.

And that was March 6 to 8 1981.

President Reagan
said, OK, but expect

this to be given to me
as soon as possible.

I want to know everything
about these hostile creatures.

So, I mean, we should
start forming policies

on how to deal with them.

Advisor number one, do we have
operational war plans on this?

Adviser number one,
yes, Mr. President.

We have war plans on
all potential threats

to our country.

William Casey, OK, give the
president the names, caretaker.

OK, thank you, Mr. President.

The five non-human
species are called

EBENs, Arkaloids, Quadloids,
Heplaloids, and trantaloids.

These names were given
to the alien species

by the intelligence community,
specifically by MJ 5.

The EBENs are friendly.

The trantaloids are
the dangerous ones.

We call a hostile
aliens simply that, HAV,

meaning hostile alien visitors.

MJ 12 placed that code on them
back as early in the 1950s.

A note about MJ 5.

A member of Majestical
or Majority 12,

also known as MJ
12, is this group

that was originally
organized in September 1947

after the July 1947 Roswell
and other UFO crash incidents.

That's when President
Harry Truman organized

MJ 12 as a secret committee of
scientists, military leaders,

businessmen, and
government officials

under an executive order
to monitor and analyze

the interactions of non-human
intelligences with Earth

and to organize back engineering
of advanced ET technologies

retrieved from downed ET craft.

In the briefing President
Ronald Reagan said,

you mean to say these HAVs have
been visiting us and kidnapping

our people since the 1950s?

William Casey...
Mr. President, we

have some indication
that they might

have been doing
this for some time,

but we can be sure that the
EBENs have never done this.

They are extremely
peaceful and they would not

harm a living soul, including
animals, close quote.

In contrast to what the CIA
director told President Reagan,

this can't be a true
statement about the EBENs

because it was EBENs that
abducted the Colorado

couple from the Longmont
Highway in November of 1980.

President Reagan, my God.

Just knowing we have names
for these things is amazing.

Which one did we capture?

William Casey... well, Mr.
President, we have a trantaloid

but it is dead.

We captured it in 1961 in Canada
and we had it in captivity

until 1962 when it died.

Adviser number one...

Mr. President, these hostile
aliens are pretty sneaky.

They seem to appear
and disappear,

which is beyond our
technical understanding.

They also seem to
float or defy gravity.

We have actual photographs
of them doing this.

We have a classic
abduction incident

that was recorded by military
intelligence personnel.

It happened in 1979
near a military base.

President Reagan... where?

Adviser number
one... in New Mexico.

The caretaker, New Mexico
is similar to the home

planet of the EBENs.

I now understand that
the EBENs originally

come from a desert-like planet
in the binary G2 solar system

Zeta 1 and 2 Reticuli,
and this is information

that comes from abductees
I've interviewed

and from other
government whistleblowers

and this is what they're
talking about right now

in this briefing with
President Reagan.

Those binary suns are very
similar to our own yellow sun.

And they say to
President Reagan, quote,

since we do not know which
planet the trantaloids came


and then the caretaker
is interrupted

by advisor number four.

Adviser number four
says, I think we do.

I think the EBENs gave
us that information.

We know the star group.

It is close to our solar
system in astronomical terms,

maybe ten and a half
light years away.

It's on the third planet of the
Epsilon Eridani solar system.

It's the trantaloids, and
they are actually closer to us

than the EBENs are.

Epsilon Eridani on the left
is an orange dwarf star

in the constellation
Eridanus, a cooler,

fainter K2V solar spectrum
compared to our G2V sun.

At 10.5 light years from
Earth, Epsilon Eridani

is in a multiple
star system and has

an estimated 82% of our sun's
mass on the right and 74%

of our sun's radius, but only
34% of our sun's luminosity.

Our sun is much brighter.

The Epsilon Eridani is an orange
color versus our yellow sun,

and it's dimmer.

The Reagan briefing indicates
the third planet in the Epsilon

Eridani solar system
is the home of

the hostile insect trantaloids.

Epsilon Eridani has a large
ring Jupiter-like gaseous planet

called Epsilon Eridani B and
probable second rocky planet

called Epsilon Eridani
C. And it might even

have a third distant planet
in one of two asteroid belts.

Our solar system is
underlined in red

at the center of this
three-dimensional star

map of our region in
the Milky Way Galaxy.

In the lower left of our solar
system is Epsilon Eridani,

also underlined in red.

Not far from Epsilon Eridani
is Tau Ceti, underlined in red.

And Tau Ceti has been
referenced by people

in the human abduction
syndrome as a solar system also

containing humanoid life.

When astronomers Frank
Drake and Carl Sagan in 1960

first started to look
for radio signals

from intelligent extraterrestrials,

they turned their
radio telescope

on both Epsilon
Eridani and Tau Ceti,

but no signals were found then.

President Reagan's
1981 briefers would

say that is because
SETI was looking

in the wrong frequencies or
the very advanced trantaloids

have a way to
cloak their planet.

Was this Astronomy Magazine
cover in December 2007

another leak from government
intelligence sources

trying to condition
the public that there

is other life in our galaxy
and beyond because they already

know about the dangerous
trantaloids insect

beings on a planet in the
Epsilon Eridani solar system?

There are more revelations
upcoming in my next Truth

Hunter about the five different
extraterrestrial groups that

were discussed in President
Reagan's Camp David briefing.

Plus, a look back to the
most famous human abduction

case of all time that
involved alien beings

from the binary star system
Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2.

This is Linda Moulton Howe.

Please stay tuned
to my Truth Hunter

series on Gaia for more
surprises about our universe,

this solar system, and
the planet we live on.