Truth Hunter (2017): Season 1, Episode 3 - Insiders Reveal the Alien Struggle for Humanity's Future - full transcript

Join Linda Moulton Howe in this new episode of Truth Hunter. She reports on continuing binary communications and what remote viewers have uncovered.

In Part 2 of this "Truth Hunter"

series about alien symbols
on craft and telepathic

communication in binary code
to humans from non-humans,

we met US Army Sergeant CJ.

On June 30, 2015,
he and his family

were stopped on a road
near Wadley, Georgia.

In front of them was a
huge disk-shaped craft.

Sergeant CJ estimated
it to be 820 feet long.

Symbols at the
craft's midsection

were similar to other symbols
seen by US Air Force Staff

Sergeant James Penniston
on a black glassy

triangle in Rendlesham Forest
at RAF Bentwaters Woodbridge,

England, in December 1980.

The same triangle
with circles patterns

was also reported in 1803
on a disk that emerged

from the ocean in Japan.

After encounters
with UFO symbols,

both Air Force Sergeant
Penniston and Army Sergeant CJ

experienced downloads of 0's
and 1's into their minds.

Both described
seeing the numbers

moving right to left in their
mind's eye, as if on a screen.

Sergeant Penniston said he
consciously copied binary code

from his mind onto pages
in his flight notebook.

At first, Sergeant
CJ was shocked

to wake up in a Motel
6 bathroom staring

at the back of his
letter size motel receipt

covered with squares and ones.

He knew nothing
about binary code.

And he did not have any idea
what the squares and the ones

were, or how he got
from sleep in bed

to standing at the bathroom
door with a ballpoint pen in one

hand and the paper covered
with squares and ones

in the other hand.

After his shock,
Sergeant CJ remembered

he had been having a vivid
dream before he woke up

in the bathroom.

In the dream, there were
tall, pale Grey non-humans

wearing dark lenses over
eyes that Sergeant CJ said

were similar to human
eyes, but larger.

One being even took off
one of his dark lenses

and there was a crystal
blue eye underneath.

Sergeant CJ learned telepathically

that these beings
described themselves

as being from a Cosmic
Council of Five,

like the Star Trek Federation.

Sergeant CJ heard thought
voices in his head

warn that Earth humans could
be in danger, that the Grey

beings from the Council
of Five were on a mission

to more rapidly advance human
knowledge and technology so

that humans would not be
so vulnerable to attack.

Sergeant CJ told
me in an interview

that the Council
of Five non-humans

were quote "doing what
they can to try to help us.

They are almost to the point
where they are outnumbered.

And we're going to
need to assist in order

to survive" closed quote.

When I had Sergeant
CJ's squares and one's

translated with ASCII
8-bit binary code,

there was a warning.

Quote "Imminent threat
soon upon Earth's leaders

and civilizations.

Expose and disband hidden
knowledge to all citizens.

Employ safe and controlled
joint study to all minds.

Progression imperative
for combined survival"

closed quote.

By February of 2016,
Army Sergeant CJ

had written down five
new lines of binary code

that turned out to be three
Akkadian and two Sumerian

ancient words that
roughly translated

as Nabu, an important
Sumerian Lord on a horse

or in a chariot going from
or to the city of Larsa

in southern Mesopotamia, today's
Iraq, returning to Earth.

On May 25, 2016,
Sergeant CJ sent me

an email that began
quote "woke up

to go to work when I
walked out to my truck,

I saw three white
oval-shaped orbs in the sky

above me close by.

I ran back to grab my
iPhone to take a picture,

but my phone would not zoom in.

I don't know why the
phone wouldn't work."

Two weeks later,
on June 8, 2016,

Sergeant CJ woke up to write
down 4 1/2 lines of more

squares and ones in his notebook
that he keeps by his bed.

At the end of those lines, he
also wrote could not keep up.

He says when the
squares and ones

are running in his
mind's eye from right

to left, that he has to focus
very hard to keep them clear

so he can copy them down
before they are gone.

Here is the ASCII
8-bit code translation

of those June 8th lines.

Your creator is
D-I-S-P-L-E-X, capital X,

this is in the ASCII
code, followed by unknown,

and unknown, and the letter
Y, and another unknown meaning

the 0's and 1's.

That D-I-S-P-L-E-X could
have meant displeased.

Three weeks after
that, on June 19th,

Sergeant CJ sent another email.

"Came into work early to receive
first flight of soldiers coming

back from Poland training.

I was standing out in the
field after I sent the soldiers

to pick up bags when I spotted
an odd anomaly in the distance


It came closer and I took a
couple of pictures running back

to my truck for protection.

Then I was startled that
the light was suddenly

right over my head.

And then, almost
immediately after that,

two Black Hawk type
helicopters came

in fast pursuing
whatever the light was."

That same night of June
19, 2016, Sergeant CJ

was receiving more binary code,
but was only able to write down

a few squares and lines.

But wrote in his notebook that
he could not stay focused.

I was able to get the
squares and lines translated.

And there was one
perfectly spelled word...


Here are the squares and
ones Sergeant CJ also

wrote down in his notebook
the same time as the dream.

And below is the binary
translation belief as the word

belief, followed by capital
Q-L-L-O-W, the word all,

space 31 space 77745.

Sergeant CJ said he could not
stay alert to keep up with

the moving squares and lines,
which could explain why

the second word is Q-L-L-O-W
instead of A-L-L-O-W,

which would be allow.

And what is interesting.

There is only one number
difference in ASCII code

between capital Q and capital
A. Q is 0101 space 0001.

A is 0100 space 0001.

This may be an example
of a human mind that

is in a link with a
non-human intelligence that

knows that some people can
take binary code in 0's and 1's

into their minds and at least
be able to retain it long enough

to write it down, if not
always completely accurately.

All of the new binary code
might relate to a vivid dream

that both Sergeant
CJ and his wife

told me they had at the same
time on the night of March 6,


I dreamt that I was on
the ground near houses.

And I recall seeing
a bunch people

running away from something.

And I saw them
looking up in the sky.

So I looked up as well.

And I saw an oval shape.

I remember a light coming down.

And I tried to run from it.

And then I was immersed in it.

What is this beam like?

It was a bright white
with blue inside it.

I felt completely numb and
paralyzed, couldn't move.

And at that moment
I was no there.

And I remember there were
different humanoid species.

Not human.

Not human.

Well, besides one.

The one that looked human was
a male, late 40s, early 50s,

and everyone referred
to him as Colonel.

He looked like an American to
me, slight receding hairline,

light brown hair,
brown eyes, and was

wearing a dark blue
jumpsuit, no patches.

Similar to what astronauts
would wear on the Space Station.

Dark navy blue jumpsuit with
no identification or patches

on the jumpsuit.

There was a small Grey
alien in the room.

There was a tall Grey.

Was that tall Grey
like those back on June

30th when you wrote
the binary code?


They appeared to be the same.

There was a tall human
looking blond hair species

in that room, but I
never got the impression

that it was a human at all.

It was a few inches taller
than me and I'm six one.

There was a short female that
also looked human, was not.

She was about four feet tall.

A characteristic that
I noticed and that

was a raised dark spot between
her eyes, above her eyebrows.

It looked like a swollen
spot that was blue in color.

Another one kind of look like
an incredible hulk, but not

quite that big.

Strong jaw, very rugged
looking head, broad shoulders.

You're describing a scene
of some sort of collaboration

between a US government
person and extraterrestrials.

Why have the non-humans
lifted you up in a beam

and put you in a room with
an American colonel who

is immediately enraged?


This colonel was very angry
they chose me to be there.

He didn't feel that
I needed to be there.

He was upset that
I was even there.

He actually mentioned that
I needed to be extinguished,

which pissed me off and
I began yelling at him.

I was hearing the tall Grey
talking, in whatever language

it was talking, but I was
hearing it through telepathic.

I could hear in
my head, everyone

was saying in clear
English, but none of them

were moving their mouths.

They told the colonel that
the reason I was there

was because I am not
influenced by others who

are making decisions for me.

They mentioned that
the colonel's group

that he works for
had been infiltrated

and it was being arrogant.

That group is being
too arrogant to realize

that they are blinding
the American government

from something important?


Trying to do something
that the aliens don't want?

It could be.

My impression is
that the non-humans

need to come clean, come
clean with what's going on,

get everybody out of the dark.

One of the most important parts

of your notes about the March 6,
2016 event quoting "the colonel

was still angry.

And the aliens told
him you will remain.

As if that one
sentence indicates

that the power is
with the non-humans,

not the American colonel."


That's the impression
that I got as well.

He's the speaker for our
race in this meeting.

And everyone else
in this meeting

is agreeing that I should stay.

There has to be something
important about why

the non-humans would
have the ability

to counter an American
Air Force colonel

and do so with confidence
that you would not be harmed.


If the government of the United

States with the Allies of
World War II are the ones

that are holding strict policies
of denial for the whole world

to not know that there
are other life forms,

and that our government has
been working and collaborating

with some since World War
II while trying to fight

or defeat others, a secret war.

And now it appears that
there is some intent

by yet other non-human
intelligences insisting

that it is vital to humanity's
survival for the truth

to be opened up.

There were numbers involved that

were associated with Germany.

And there was an ancient
thing that happened.

In the 1500s, there was a battle

of different craft in the
sky over Nuremberg, Germany.

Those were spheres and
crosses, weren't they?


And long dark craft.

If there was a war
between black triangles,

spheres, and some sort
of technology that

looked like crosses, and
that was in the 1500s, now

we're at 2016.

And the implication is
there is a war going

on for some geopolitical
territorial reason

between non-humans.

And that somehow American
humans are involved.

Is it the same war?

And if it is, what
would be the war

raging throughout
millennia coming

into various battles over what?

I know.

I'm right there with you.

Over what?

I'd love to know.

About which non-humans are
allies and which are not,

in September 2015, I interviewed
retired US Army Sergeant First

Class Lynn Buchanan
who had worked

as a controlled remote viewer
for the Defense Intelligence

Agency's DTS Intelligence
Unit in Fort Meade, Maryland,

next to the National
Security Agency.

Lynn told me about a project
that he was tasked to Remote

View that divided the many
different types of non-human

intelligences interacting with
Earth into four categories...

psychic Greys that are
friendly and like humans,

psychic Greys that do not
like humans, non-psychic Greys

do like humans, and non-psychic
Greys that do not like humans.

That, he said, is the
most dangerous category.

I ask Lynn for more details
about the hostile psychic ETs

after he explained that he
received firsthand knowledge

about non-humans
interacting with Earth

during his official
government work

in classified black projects.

There's not us and them.

Everybody says well
what do they want?

Well, they want something
different from what they want

and from what they
want, and you know.

And so there's us and
them and them and them.

And each one is here with
their own different agenda.

After service, I was asked to
do a study on the comparison

and contrasting of
ET psychic abilities

with human psychic abilities.

I was given access
to many things

that the public will probably
never see in order to do this.

And I came up with basically
you can cut all of them

into four groups.

And now the Greys will be
in each of the four groups.

The insectoids will be in each
of the four groups and all in.

Because there are
Greys there and there

are Greys there and all in.

But it turned out they had
friendly and unfriendly.

And in each of those
two groups, you

had psychic and non psychic.

And from the
documentation that I got,

I found out that the friendly
non-psychic ones come here

for trade.

I know the guy who's in charge
of the technology transfer.

And he was laughing one day.

He said they're not
inventive people.

And their culture is old
and all that, they're not

inventive people.

And he said we get
stuff from them.

We play with it, we find all
these different enhancements

for it.

And he said these days we're
trading them their stuff

back to them and
they're glad to get it.

They're here for trade.

The non-psychic, non-friendly
ones don't come here.

Friendly psychic ones want to
help us develop our abilities.

And the non-friendly
psychic ones

want us wiped off the planet.

They want us dead.


To the last human.

And I couldn't figure out
what the motivation is

for each of those two groups.

And there was one
event that happened

that finally made it click.

A UFO came up and
abducted these guys that

were out camping at a lake.

And they watched it come up.

And it got over them.

And then they froze.

And, well, it dawned
on me from that,

and after reading
all this other stuff,

that group has more
psychic power than we do.

But they have no range at all.

We can see across the
universe as easily

as we can see across the room.

The conclusion that I
came to on this study

was that as we get
out into the universe,

we have the psychic ability.

We have the creativity.

We have all that.

And we can be a powerful
force in the universe.

And that's why
those friendly to us

want us to develop that ability.

And that's why those unfriendly
to us don't want us out there.

And so, this is my conclusion.

And that's what I
wrote in the report.

Our planet is now in the midst
of its sixth mass extinction

of plants and animals,
because of humanity's spread

around the planet destroying
and paving over so much ground

that once sustained
abundant Earth life.

We're currently experiencing
the worst period

of die offs since the
loss of the dinosaurs

66 million years ago.

Scientists estimate we're
now losing animals, plants,

and insects at 1.000-10,000
times the rate prior

to the 20th century with dozens
of species going extinct every


That means by the end
of this 21st century,

as many as 30%-50% of all
Earth's species could be gone.

Perhaps, the non-human

which watch this planet, can see
humanity's own future hanging

in a balance, but will not allow
humans to destroy the earth.

Perhaps that is why the aliens
increase their interference

at nuclear missile sites
and human abductions,

despite aggressive
government efforts

to keep everything about the
alien presence a big secret.

One fact is certain, no
matter who made humans

or why, life on earth
is not guaranteed.

But if the chokehold on
the truth were released

and the entire human family
could know everything

the governments and
military are hiding

about an alien presence on this
planet that still manipulates

DNA and harvests earth life,
perhaps human tribal warfare

would slow down in the alien
concocted Garden of Eden,

where a reptile was the teacher.

In November 1984,
I was a speaker

at the University of Nebraska
with astronomer and CUFOS

founder, J Allen
Hynek PhD, that's

the Center for UFO Studies.

I presented about
animal mutilations

and Dr. Hynek talked about UFOs.

Afterward he said to me,
Linda, let's let our hair down

with each other.

I thought, wow I'm going to
learn what Allen Hynek really

knows about UFOs and ETs.

We went to a quiet room away
from the conference buzz.

And to my surprise, he began
with the most important book

I have ever read and hope
that you will read too

is "Theosophy" by
Rudolf Steiner.

In that book, first
written in 1922,

Steiner summed up
his understanding

about the relationship
between the human mind-body,

its soul, and animating
life force spirit.

"In the soul, the eye flashes
forth, receives the impulse

from the spirit, and
thereby becomes the bearer

of the spiritual human being.

Humans are rooted in
the physical world

through physical body,
ether body, and soul body.

They come to flower in
the spiritual world.

The stock, however, that takes
root in the physical body

and flowers in the spirit.

It is the soul
itself" close quote

Neither J Allen Hynek
nor I knew that he

would pass into another
dimension only a year

and a half later
from a brain tumor.

And I would not learn from
abductees about the ET soul

transfer technology for
seven more years in 1991

when abductee Linda
Porter sent me

her sketches of the human
soul life force radiating

gold orange light as it moved
from the dying man's body

into another body
cloned by rapid cycle

cloning in what the abductees
call resurrection tubes.

Managed by a Grey EBEN
and praying mantis being.

Military voices have
made it clear to me

that there is a
secret war on Earth.

One group of other
intelligences want

to see humans evolve
into consciousness

with the divine feel that is
responsible for all matter


Another intelligence wants
to stop human evolution

so it can continue to
harvest us genetically

for its own
self-serving purposes.

Maybe, like political
factions, the dark party

and the light party are
competing over legislation

to legalize the production
of cloned android life

outside the force of
creation's recycling program

of a finite number of souls.

Maybe some souls
are captured and put

into cloned bodies which is
fouling up the divine field's


Other clones might
never receive souls.

That political issue about
cloning for galactic trade

or alien wars might
explain why dramas

of resurrected saviors from
Osiris in Egypt to Christ

in ancient Palestine,
Israel today,

have been presented
repeatedly to humanity.

Osiris and Christ were
beings with human bodies

and mysterious
divinity who emphasized

that death in the
body does not end life

for the soul and the spirit.

That concept underlies
the Egyptian obsession

with mummies and
sacred the rights

to protect the soul
at the moment of death

from competing forces.

If there is a finite
number of souls,

as the government
whistleblowers that I

call Sherman say, and they are
under a strictly regulated god

force recycling program, then
clone bodies and androids might

end up outside, excluded
from that recycling process.

The full scope of the
complex multi-layered chess

game for souls,
spirits, and bodies

of humans, extraterrestrials,
angels, and time travelers

might be beyond human
ability to understand.

One scientist in New England,
who has also been abducted

by grey beings who repaired
his diseased heart,

told me that he was shown
holograms that depicted

a series of universes in pairs.

Mirrored images,
each the opposite

of the other from the
subatomic to the macro.

He says quote "our
universe is paired

to another universe
which is completely

opposite of this one.

There the skies are glowing
white with dark suns.

Colors are indescribable
and iridescent.

Time flows to the past.

Like a conveyor
belt at the moment

of death in our universe,
we move through a tunnel

into the mirror universe
where it is all light.

There, time moves to the past
and souls return back here

in this universe" closed quote.

Perhaps the unique isolation
that each human feels

and the peculiar melancholy that
a dark sky filled with stars

can evoke have something
to do with knowledge

buried in our genes
and our souls,

a sensing of ancient
intimacies with other beings

in other worlds.

Now in this time of revolution,
when the whole world

will know we are not
alone in this universe,

our greatest
challenge as a species

will be to stand up
unafraid before the old gods

and watchers.

Ultimately, there
is a common bond

among all lifeforms
ebbing and flowing

on spirals of
different frequencies,

supported by a singular force,
an invisible matrix of energy

from which everything
emerges and to which

everything returns.

This is Linda Moulton Howe.

Please stay tuned to my Gaia
series for more revelations

about our universe,
this solar system,

and the planet we live on.