Truth Hunter (2017): Season 1, Episode 11 - Detailing the Government's Alien Taxonomy - full transcript

Join Linda Moulton Howe in this new episode of Truth Hunter as she digs deeper into the presidential briefings presented to Ronald Reagan on alien activity.

It is not often that
mainstream media does serious

news reports about alien
beings traveling to Earth

and abducting humans.

But in the December 1974
issue of "Astronomy" magazine,

there was an article entitled
"The Zeta Reticuli Incident."

And that was by astronomer and
author Terence Dickinson, PhD.

The article was
groundbreaking because it

was by a respected PhD scientist
investigating and writing

about a binary star
system that was referenced

in the famous Betty and
Barney Hill human abduction

case of 1961.

That was the first
well-documented human abduction

case publicized
around the world.

The events and the
effort to unlock missing

time by a psychiatrist
Benjamin Simon, MD,

were detailed in that 1966
book, "The Interrupted Journey,"

by John Fuller.

Astronomer Dickinson
began his article,

quote, "A faint pair of stars
220 trillion miles away,

which is about 39 light years,
has been tentatively identified

as the home base of
intelligent extraterrestrials

who allegedly visited Earth
in 1961," close quote.

The stars he referenced
are in the upper right,

underlined with an orange
line as Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2.

That is a binary star
system of yellow suns

that are very similar
to our Earth sun.

Astronomer Dickinson
continued, quote,

"This hypothesis is based on a
strange, almost bizarre series

of events mixing
astronomical research

with hypnosis, amnesia, and
alien humanoid creatures."

That hypnosis, amnesia, and
alien humanoid creatures

that astronomer
Dickinson referred to

are from the Betty and
Barney Hill abduction

case in the White Mountains of
New Hampshire near Franconia


It was the night of
September 19, 1961

as the couple drove
home to Portsmouth.

Barney stopped the
car on the road,

and he hurried out
with his binoculars

to get a better look at the disk
with red lights on either end.

And it was descending downward.

Barney estimated the craft
got to about 50 feet from him.

And he could see
humanoids standing

in the windows of the craft.

One humanoid in a
window continued

to stare at Barney, who
became very frightened.

Barney felt the beings
were about to carry out

some type of plan,
and he said it

was the precision
of their movements

that frightened him so badly.

He attempted to pull the
binoculars from his eyes,

but he could not do so.

His arms were paralyzed.

Barney attempted to
reach for his gun,

but his arms would not
move to his coat pocket.

Barney felt that he was
coming under the control

of the humanoid at the
window, who was communicating

telepathically to Barney's
mind to stay where he was

and keep looking
at that humanoid.

No harm would come to Barney,
the thought voice said.

At that point,
Barney was terrified

and felt that he was
about to be captured.

But Barney said on
the hypnosis tapes

that he did not know what they
were going to capture him for.

Barney put the car
into first gear,

and he swiftly took off
down US Highway Route 3.

That's the route they
were traveling on,

the major north-south root
through northern New Hampshire

at that time.

Then, when they were just
a few hundred feet away

from where Barney had
stopped on the road,

the couple heard a series
of electronic buzzing sounds

that seemed to bounce
off the trunk of the car.

The car vibrated,
and Betty and Barney

felt tingling vibrations pass
through their bodies as well.

And that's when they were
abducted by the UFO humanoids

and subjected to tests.

Later, there would
be many small circles

on the back of that trunk
that, inexplicably, no one ever


The ET leader communicated
telepathically with Betty Hill

and showed her a
three-dimensional star

map that later she drew under
hypnosis with psychiatrist Dr.

Benjamin Simon.

Betty's sketch
shows several stars,

including our G2
spectrum sun that

is at the upper-right black dot
at the end of the double lines.

The leader alien told Betty
the lines were trade routes

in our solar system.

Further distant to the left,
the gray being mentally

communicated that the
single-dotted lines were

expedition routes.

The large circles with several
trade route lines between them

were matched by amateur
astronomer Marjorie Fish

as being Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2,
a binary star system about 39

lightyears from Earth.

That revelation is why
astronomer Terence Dickinson

wrote "The Zeta Reticuli
Incident" for the December 1974

issue of "Astronomy" magazine.

I contacted a
Washington, DC source

for more information about the
Betty and Barney Hill abduction


My source said the gray beings
in the Betty and Barney Hill

case were... and
this is his word...


He meant those aliens that were
outside the US government's

alleged treaty
with the Ebens, who

wanted to do medical and genetic
experiments on our planet.

According to the
man in Washington,

the treaty demanded that the
Ebens give the US government

a list of names and
locations of people

that the Germans wanted
to test and genetically

harvest in human abductions.

Were Betty and Barney
Hill on a US treaty list?

Were thousands of
other human abductees

around the world since
the 1960s on a treaty

list with the United States?

Do intelligence agents who talk
about such a treaty really know

and trust non-humans that
are interacting with Earth?

What is the relationship
between the Ebens

and other extraterrestrial
types that

were listed for President
Ronald Reagan at that Camp David

briefing March 6-8, 1981?

In a previous "Truth Hunter,"
I dug into a document that is

supposed to be an accurate
transcript of that briefing

for President Reagan at Camp
David about UFO's and ET's.

It is called "Release
27a Reagan Briefing."

It was included in a series
of 35 reports between 2005

to 2007.

The anonymous leaker
identified himself

as affiliated with the
Defense Intelligence Agency,

and that his mission is
quote, "to facilitate

the gradual release of
confidential documents

pertaining to a top-secret
exchange program of 12 US

military personnel to Serpo,"
a planet of Zeta Reticuli,

and that this happened between
the years 1965 and 1978.

The information began to be
released on November 2, 2004

by a retired senior official
within the United States

Defense Intelligence Agency.

That is also known as the DIA.

This leaker calls
himself Anonymous.

Until he chooses to
make his name known,

this will be the way he
will be represented here.

Anonymous reports that he
is "not acting individually

but is part of a group of six
Defense Intelligence Agency

personnel working together
as an alliance of three

current and three
former DIA employees,

and he is their chief
spokesman," close quote.

There are sobering surprises
in the Reagan briefing,

as the intelligence agents
explained to President Reagan

that two of the alien
types on the list of five

were genetically cloned
or hybridized by the Ebens

and distributed to
other star systems.

That implies one
prime intelligence,

such as the Ebens.

They are so skilled with
genetic manipulation, cloning,

and hybridization
that they can be

the source of lots of
humanoid life spread

throughout the Milky Way galaxy,
including Homo sapien sapien.

That's what I read in that
alleged presidential briefing

paper at Kirtland Air
Force Base in March 1983

while working on a Home
Box Office documentary.

That also means
that in this cosmos,

there is other life, that
it is the result of cloning

and hybridizing from
already existing lifeforms.

That might also explain why
many humans in the abduction

syndrome have said that
aliens have introduced

them, the humans, to an
identical-looking human being,

a doppelganger.

But why?

And then there is the
discussion with President Reagan

about dangerous hostile
insectoids called Trantaloids.

In this next piece, Anonymous
describes more details

about the five
different alien types

released on the Serpo website
about the 1981 Reagan briefing.

Quote, "The Ebens cloned
other races of aliens.

The Archquloid is a cloned
biological entity, or CBE,

created by the Ebens
with big, curved noses...

also referred to
as Big Nosed Grays

by modern military personnel.

The Quadloids were also
cloned from two other species,

the praying mantis and
lizards," close quote.

So the Ebens
genetically engineered

these Archquloid entities
by rapid cycle cloning

and allegedly
presented two or more

to the United States government
for observation, examination,

and study, according
to the briefing.

Here is a summary
of what we know

so far from the alleged
President Ronald Reagan

briefing at Camp David,
Maryland on March 6-8 1981.

First, what I call a prime
intelligence are the Ebens.

That stands for Extraterrestrial
Biological Entities.

These are allegedly
from this planet Serpo,

a desert planet where
skies are bright or dim

but they're never dark, that it
orbits one of the Zeta Reticuli

binary suns in a solar system
39.4 lightyears from Earth.

Archquloids are Ebens'
genetically created beings

that we on the Earth have
called Big Nosed Grays

and that are defined
in the breathing

as being cloned biological
entities using a method called

rapid cycle cloning.

Archquloids are around
five foot six inches tall,

gray or tanned skin,
mushroom-shaped head

with large black
slanted eyes that are

yellow with vertical pupils.

The nose is very
large and beaked.

The name given by the United
States government insiders

probably relates to the
ancient Greek archon.

And that meant ruler or lord.

Writer Robert Emenegger,
who wrote "UFOs...

Past, Present and Future" with
producer Alan Sandler in 1974...

and Sandler also did
work for the CIA...

showed this illustration
in their book.

Emenegger later
told me face-to-face

that this illustration
was sketched directly

from a 16-millimeter
film frame that

was shot when the Ebens
landed at Holloman Air Force

Base in a formal meeting with
our military representatives.

That ET and human meeting was
also described to me by others,

including retired
Lieutenant Colonel Philip J.

Corso, who said the actual
meeting site was further

north, inside White Sands
Missile Range near the Trinity


The date that I was
given was April 25, 1964.

Here's another sketch of an
Archquloid gray type made

by a Navy quartermaster
in 1972 based in Oahu,

Hawaii who saw black-and-white
photos of these five-and-a-half

foot tall extraterrestrials
in profile,

showing huge beak noses and
slanted eyes that had very

bright, vertical pupils
like a snake, he said.

One of the photographs showed
three of these five-and-a-half

foot tall Big Nosed Archquloid
that had been made genetically

by the Ebens with
rapid cycle cloning.

They were standing
against a cement

wall in a black-and-white

the Navy quartermaster
saw in 1972 while on duty

in Oahu, Hawaii.

That name, Archquloid, given
by US government insiders

probably relates to that ancient
Greek word "archon," meaning

ruler or lord.

And here on the left is
an Archquloid Big Nosed

Gray in a ropey headdress,
vertical pupil eyes, huge bent

nose, holding a telepathic
communication rod at,

I think it's White Sands.

Others have said
Holloman Air Force Base.

But the date, I think
everyone agrees,

was April 25, 1964, when the
US government had a meeting

with Ebens and an Archquloid.

On the right, carved
in ancient stone

is the Sumerian sun-god
Shamash, it also in a ropey

headdress as depicted
in Sumerian clay images.

The eyes have large
vertical pupils

like a cat or an alligator.

The coiled rod is described
as a communication device,

implying that rods in
Sumerian and Egyptian carvings

were communication devices.

They were used by Archquloids
to manage and control

the human creations and
workers specifically placed

in Mesopotamia.

If the March 1981 President
Reagan briefing is an accurate

transcript, then the
very advanced Ebens

turned Earth into a social
experiment very long ago.

But evolving primates
were deliberately

kept ignorant of the
true bigger picture.

Government insiders
who caught on to what

is really happening...

they might be running scared.

Perhaps they have
come to understand

that the Mesopotamian overlords
were actually Archquloids

that humans worshipped as
Sumerian or Anunnaki gods.

Those rapid cycle clone
biological entities

were made by Ebens, according
to the Reagan briefing.

And how ironic that the
Ebens made the Archquloids

and then made Homo
sapien sapien, who

worshipped the Archquloids.

Why did the Ebens put
the Big Nosed Archquloids

in charge of this Planet
Earth social experiment?

A third type of ET listed in
the President Reagan briefing

at Camp David are
called Quadloids.

The Ebens also genetically
engineered these Quadloids

by hybridizing praying mantis
and lizard-like creatures,

according to the briefing.

And "quad" in Latin means
"four," so perhaps they

are referring in
that name to the fact

that these entities have only
four fingers and four toes.

Ebens allegedly placed
these genetically-engineered

creatures on a planet
in the Zeta Reticuli

binary solar system.

A fourth type are
called Heplaloids.

No details are given
about characteristics,

but "hepla" in
Latin means "seven."

Could it be that these are
some of the tall entities

with white skin?

They are allegedly
from the planet DAMCO

near the Cygnus Arm
in a solar system that

contains 11 planets?

And DAMCO is described
as the fourth planet

out from that sun.

The fifth on the list
are the Trantaloids,

called "the dangerous
ones," and also known

in the government as hostile
alien visitors, or HAVs.

They are allegedly from the
third planet in Epsilon Eridani

solar system that is 10.5
light-years from Earth.

And this information is
from this web transcript

Now, returning to a piece
of the actual transcript

of this briefing
for President Ronald

Reagan in early March of
1981, one of the advisors

from NSA, NRO, DIA...

the intelligence groups...
is named Adviser Number 4.

And he says, Mr.
President, the Trantaloids

have strange materials, nothing
like those found on Earth.

And these aliens
can imitate humans.

They can look like blond humans.

However, they are not blond.

They are ugly-looking insects.

But they have the ability
to change their bodies.

They are 1,000 years ahead of
us in technology and probably

every other science.

Their spaceships have a
forcefield around them.

They can be shot down, but it
takes some doing on our part.

We know, or we can
recognize, their language,

which is entirely
different than the Ebens.

They use a very high
band radio system,

but they have
different frequencies

and it is difficult for NSA,
the National Security Agency,

to track them.

So according to the Serpo
leaks, the big picture

is Ebens, with their
genetically-created Big Nosed

four-fingered praying

mantis and lizard
Quadloids, plus perhaps

some type of tall Haplaloids.

But apparently,
the Ebens warned us

about the dangerous
insect Trantaloids

from Epsilon Eridani.

All these ETs are very
skilled with making

cloned biological entities,
including the assertion

that the Ebens also made
Homo sapiens sapien,

our current container
model of humanity.

Ebens genetically
create all kinds

of organic containers
with DNA manipulation

to do work for them on various
planets, including Earth.

Those Eben-created androids
have included praying

mantis and reptilian humanoids.

But who are the so-called
Blonde Swedes or Nordics?

What is their relationship
to the Ebens or Trantaloids?

There is one startling
answer, perhaps,

to that mystery in the President
Reagan briefing in March 1981

that adviser Number
4 talks in more

detail about the technology
of the dangerous Trantaloids.

"Mr. President, in
their technology,

which is at least 1,000 years
more advanced than ours,

the Trantaloids have different
materials to work with.

Some of their materials
are not found on Earth.

Maybe they have more
than 104 elements

that are different than
ours, very strange materials.

These aliens can imitate humans.

They can look like blond humans.

And they are not blond.

They are ugly-looking insects.

They can imitate
looking like humans.

So which blonde Nordics
might be camouflage

for insect Trantaloids that
President Reagan was told were

actually dangerous insects?

Or are some blondes and
red-haired beings trying

to help android humanity,
such as the archangel Michael,

who historically has fought
off dragons and serpents?

I was also told that about
2,500 years ago, the Ebens

genetically experimented
with DNA changes

in humans living in
Bhutan, Tibet, and Nepal.

The result was that some
of those altered humans

were transplanted
to Central America,

specifically the
Mayans that were

related to that genetic experimentation.

And that comes from
a Washington source.

My Washington
military source back

in 1983, who told me that the
Ebens made us and put us here,

they watch us live and grow...

they've been here since at
least the time of the dinosaur

origin some 250 million
years ago, maybe older.

He told me that he had read a
government classified report

that the Ebens collected one
of each species of dinosaur

and placed them either
in one big planetary zoo

or on different planets.

I ask him what
happened that caused

almost total annihilation
of Earth life,

including the wipeout of the
dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

And this is what he said, quote,
"I read in the Yellow Book

that an Eben three-dimensional
history of Earth

shows that the Ebens knew back
then, 65 million years ago,

that a very large asteroid
was going to hit the Earth.

The Ebens wrote that they were
saving one of each species that

was on this planet...

not just the dinosaurs,
but the ants, insects,

flies, snakes, fish.

The Ebens said they
took one of everything

to save all the species
before the asteroid hit."

So I said, it's a
Noah's ark rescue story.

And he said, that's right.

And I guess they've
experimented with life forms

here on Earth ever since.

But what bothers us is that
the Ebens can do most anything

they want.

They could have evaporated that
asteroid, even if it was big.

But they didn't.

Does that mean the
Ebens wanted to get rid

of their dinosaur experiment?

And what came next was
the rise of mammals.

Humans are primate mammals.

And the question we both talked
about without a clear answer

was, would the
Ebens save us humans

now if a big asteroid
was headed for Earth?

In the 1990s, I
was told that MJ12

had evolved to a different
letter number code that

began E2, perhaps related
to an alleged black budget

military organization with
a Defense Department called

E2 SCD, stands for the
Extraterrestrial Space Command


Whatever the letter
number name is now

as we head toward the
middle of the 21st century,

I would like to
share what I think

is one of the most
important leaked documents.

It is another executive briefing
for an unnamed president

on the subject of Project
Aquarius, top secret.

The next page is entitled
"Executive Briefing,"

perhaps meaning it has been
used for American presidential


This is another page
classified TS/ORCON.

In June 1947, a civilian
pilot flying over the Cascade

Mountains in Washington state
observed nine flying disks,

later referred to as UFOs.

The Commander, Air Technical
Intelligence Center

of the then-Army Air
Force, became concerned

and ordered an inquiry.

This was the beginning of
the United States involvement

with UFO investigations.

That's not true.

It was earlier.

But this is what
they're saying formally.

In 1947, an aircraft of
extraterrestrial origin

crashed in the
desert of New Mexico.

The craft was recovered
by the military.

Four alien non-homo
sapiens bodies

were recovered in the wreckage.

The aliens were found to
be creatures not related

to human beings.

See attachment one, which is
not included with this leaked

Project Aquarius document.

That would have
been photographs.

In late 1949, another
alien aircraft

crashed in the United States and
was recovered partially intact

by the military.

One alien of
extraterrestrial origin

survived that crash in 1949.

The surviving alien was
male and called itself EBE.

The alien was
thoroughly interrogated

by military
intelligence personnel

at a base in New Mexico.

The alien's language
was translated

by means of picture graphs.

It was learned the
alien came from a planet

in the Zeta Reticuli star system
approximately 40 light-years

from Earth.

EBE lived until June
18, 1952, when he

died of an unexplained illness.

During the time
period EBE was alive,

he provided valuable information
regarding space technology,

origins of the universe,
and exobiological matters,

meaning other life
in the cosmos.

Further data is contained
in attachment two,

which is also not included
in this leaked document.

The next page, also
classified TS/ORCON,

states, "The recovery of Alien
aircraft led the United States

on an extensive
investigative program

to determine whether these
aliens posed a direct threat

to our national security."

In 1947, the newly
created Air Force

initiated a program
to investigate

incidents involving UFOs.

The program was operated under
three different code names...

Grudge, Sign, and
finally, Blue Book.

The original mission of
the Air Force program

was to collect and analyze all
reported sightings or incidents

involving UFOs, and determine
whether the information could

be interpreted as having
any bearing on the security

of the United States.

Some information was
evaluated with the idea

of using the gained data
to advance our own space

technology and future
space programs.

Of the estimated 12,000 reports
analyzed by the Air Force

were considered hoaxes,
explained aerial phenomena,

or natural astronomical objects.

The other 10% were considered
legitimate aliens sightings

and/or incidents.

However, not all UFO
sightings or incidents

were reported under
the Air Force program.

In 1953, Project
Gleem was initiated

by order of President
Eisenhower, who

believed the UFOs presented a
threat to the national security

of the United States.

Project Gleem, which became
Project Aquarius in 1966,

was a parallel reporting system
for UFO sightings and incidents

that you could say were real, as
opposed to those being parceled

out to Project Blue Book,
which had another reason.

Reports collected
under Project Aquarius

were considered actual sightings
of Alien aircraft or contacts

with Alien Life Forms.

Most reports were made by
reliable military and defense

department civilian personnel.

The next page of the
Aquarius document

classified TS/ORCON
says in 1958,

the United States recovered
a third alien aircraft

from the desert of Utah.

The aircraft was in
excellent flying condition.

The aircraft was
apparently abandoned

by the aliens for some
unexplainable reason,

since no alien
lifeforms were found

in or around the aircraft.

That aircraft was considered
a technological marvel

by United States scientists.

However, the operating instrumentations

of the aircraft were so complex
that our scientists could not

interrupt their operation,
meaning stop or start or use.

The aircraft was stored
in a top security area

and analyzed
throughout the years

by our best
aerospace scientists.

And I am told that that is
a letter-number location

in the state of Utah.

The United States gained a large
volume of technological data

from the recovered
Alien aircraft.

A detailed description
and further information

regarding the aircraft is
explained in attachment three,

not included in this
leaked document.

The next page is
entitled "Sub Projects

Under Project Aquarias."

Paragraph one, Top Secret ORCON,
Project Bando, Proword Risk.

Originally established
in 1949, its mission

was to collect and evaluate
medical information

from the surviving Alien
creature and the recovered

Alien bodies.

This project
medically examined EBE

and provided United
States medical researchers

with certain answers to
the evolutionary theory.

OPR CIA was the category
responsible that

was terminated in 1974.

Paragraph two, TS/ORCON,
Project Sigma, Proword Midnight.

This was originally
established as part

of Project Gleam in 1954.

This became a separate
project in 1976

its mission was to establish
communication with aliens.

This project met
with positive success

when in 1959, the United
States established

primitive communications
with the aliens.

On April 26, 1964, a US Air
Force intelligence officer

met two aliens at a
prearranged location

in the desert of New Mexico...

this is what I was shown...

at Kirtland Air Force Base on
April 9, 1983 about this event.

The contact lasted for
approximately three hours.

It was based on the alien's
language given to us by EBE.

The Air Force officer managed
to exchange basic information

with the two aliens.

Attachment seven,
also not included

in this leaked document... that
would be photographs and film.

This project is continuing
at an Air Force Base

in New Mexico, OPR MJ12/NSA.

This paragraph three is
TS/ORCON, Project Snowbird,

Proword Cetus.

Originally established
in 1972, its mission

was to test fly a
recovered Alien aircraft.

This project is
continuing in Nevada

under OPR, US Air Force,
NASA, CIA, and MJ12.

Paragraph four... TS/ORCON
Project Pounce, Proword Dixie.

Originally established
in 1968, its mission

was to evaluate all UFO
IAC, which is the identified

aerial craft that our government
knows are extraterrestrials.

All UFO IAC information
pertaining to space technology.

Project Pounce continues
with OPR, NASA, US Air Force.

The next page begins TS/ORCON.

Several independent
scientific investigations,

at the request of the
Air Force and CIA,

were initiated during the
era of Project Blue Book.

MJ12 decided that officially,
the Air Force should end

their investigation of UFOs.

This decision was
arrived at during the...

and there is a word
that's not readable...

a meeting.

And this was an attachment
four, that also was not

included in this
leaked document,

but that the meeting
was held in 1966.

The reason was twofold.

First, the United States had
established communication

with the aliens.

The United States
felt relatively sure

the aliens' exploration of
earth was non-aggressive,

at least the Ebens, and
that they were not hostile.

Perhaps they didn't know
about the dangerous insect

Trantaloids at
that time in 1966.

It was also established that
the aliens' presence did not

directly threaten the
security of the United States

at that time.

Secondly, the
public was beginning

to believe that UFOs were real.

The National Security Council
felt this public feeling could

lead to a nationwide panic.

The United States was involved
in several sensitive projects

during this time
period, so it was

felt the public awareness
of these projects

would have jeopardized
the future space

program of the United States,
meaning if it were made public.

Therefore, MJ12 decided that
an independent scientific study

of UFO phenomena would be needed
to satisfy public curiosity.

The final official study
of the UFO phenomena

was accomplished by the
University of Colorado

under Air Force contract.

And this was the very
controversial Condon report

that inside researchers
say was deliberately

concocted to keep the
media and the public

from serious interest in the
UFO alien presence on Earth,

and to take away heat from the
Air Force and the government.

That Condon study concluded
that sufficient data did not

exist that would indicate
UFOs threatened the security

of the United States.

The final conclusion
satisfied the government

and allowed the Air Force
to officially step out

of the UFO
investigating business.

This page, TS/ORCON...

"When the Air Force
officially closed

Project Blue Book in December
1969, Project Aquarius...

this document...
continued operation

under control of the National
Security Council and MJ12."

The NSC felt investigations
of UFO sightings and incidents

had to continue in secrecy,
without any public knowledge.

The reasoning behind
the decision was this.

If the Air Force continued
its investigation of UFOs,

eventually some uncleared and
unbriefed Air Force or Defense

Department civilian officials
would obtain these facts

behind Project Aquarias.

And obviously, for
operational security reasons,

this cannot be allowed.

In order to continue the
investigation of UFO sightings

and incidents in secrecy,
investigators from CIA, DCD,

and MJ12 were assigned to
military and other governmental

agencies with orders to
investigate all legitimate UFO

IAC sightings and incidents.

These agents are presently
operating at various locations

throughout the United
States and Canada.

All reports are filtered either
directly or indirectly to MJ12.

These agents are collecting
reports of UFO IAC sightings

and incidents occurring on
or near sensitive government


Note, aliens have been
extremely interested

in our nuclear weapons
and nuclear research.

Many reported military
sightings and incidents occur

over nuclear weapon bases.

The aliens' interest
in our nuclear weapons

can only be attributed
to the future threat

of a nuclear war on Earth.

The Air Force have
initiated measures

to assure the security
of the nuclear weapons

from alien theft or destruction.

MJ12 feels confident
the aliens are

on an exploration of our solar
system for peaceful purposes,

at least the Ebens.

However, we must continue
to observe and track

the aliens' movement
until it is determined

that the aliens'
future plans contain

no threat to our
national security

or the civilization of Earth.

This near-final page
classified TS/ORCON states,

"Most governmental
documents pertaining

to UFO sightings, incidents,
and governmental policies,

including Project
Blue Book, have

been released to the
public under FOIA

or under various other
release programs.

MJ12 felt the remaining
documents of information,

not relating to Project
Aquarius but relating

to technological facts regarding
alien medical matters, the fact

that an Alien was captured alive
and survived for three years

under secrecy...

and I know that
was at Los Alamos...

this cannot be released to the
public for fear the information

would be obtained by SHIS,"
an acronym that is still not

clearly identified.

There was other information
obtained from EBE

that was deemed sensitive and
not releasable to the public.

Notably, Project
Aquarius Volume 9,

which pertains to tracing
the aliens' first visitation

of earth back some 5,000 years.

I will also insert that I
think that that is not correct.

I have been told
by a DIA source...

privately, confidentially,

that our government now
in this 21st century

has proof that three competing
extraterrestrial biological

groups have been
terraforming and harvesting

genetic material from our planet
for at least 270 million years,

from before the time
of the dinosaurs.

But continuing with
this Project Aquarius,

obviously written politically
for a presidential briefing...

and not telling the
president everything either...

Iba reported that 2,000
years ago, his ancestors

planted a human
creature on Earth

to assist the
inhabitants of Earth

in developing civilization.

This information was only
vague, and the exact identity

or background of this
information on this homosapien

was not obtained.

Undoubtfully... that is a
word in this document...

if this information was
released to the public,

it would cause a
worldwide religious panic.

MJ3 has developed a plan that
will allow release of Project

Aquarius Volumes 1 through 3.

The release program calls for a
gradual release of information

over a period of time in
order to condition the public

for future disclosures.

Attachment five of this briefing
contains certain guidelines

for future public releases.

The last page of
the linked Aquarius

documents states, TS/ORCON...

"In the 1976 MJ3 report...

and this is in attachment
six, which is not included

in my leaked document...

it was estimated the
aliens' technology was

many thousands of years ahead
of United States technology."

Our scientists speculate that
until our technology develops

to a level equal to the aliens,
we cannot understand the large

volume of scientific information
the United States has already

gained from the aliens.

This advancement of
United States technology

may take many hundreds of years.

We are not alone
in this universe.

And this is Linda Moulton Howe.

Please, stay tuned
to my "Truth Hunter"

series on Gaia for more
whistleblower leaks

and surprises about the
cosmos, the solar system,

and the planet we live on.