True Detective (2014–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - The Secret Fate of All Life - full transcript
Hart and Cohle share the spoils of a solved case; Papania and Gilbough confront the detectives with troubling new intelligence.
What happened to your face?
Pool game the other night,
called the wrong dude on cheating.
You gotta watch that.
What do you want, again?
I'm repping some people.
And they want to get to the good cook.
They'll trade you or the IC Brotherhood,
however you want to do it.
Coke for crystal.
Why ain't I talking to Miles?
Me and Ginger go way back,
boosted together.
You ain't saying much.
I figure I'd let my man
give you the details.
Look, this shit I got,
you step on it five, six
times, it'll still kick.
This means you got to cook a little more,
for a lot more profit.
I ain't got no use for it. Or your money.
My money don't spend?
I can see your soul at
the edges of your eyes.
It's corrosive, like acid.
You got a demon, little man.
And I don't like your face.
It makes me want to do things to it.
You call me again, I'm
setting Miles on you.
I see you again,
I'm putting you down.
There's a shadow on you, son.
You got him? You fucking better,
the shit I've been through.
I do. I got him.
We're on empty roads now, so I got
to drop back or he'll spot the tail.
That's Reggie Ledoux's cook partner,
Dewall. Bird-dog him, Marty.
Got it.
Whats your location?
Just south of I-10
along the Creole Nature Trail.
Heading toward Carlyss. Hurry up, man.
Copy that. On my way.
How we doing back there, Ginger'?
Fuck you, motherfucker!
How did you get onto Ledoux?
One of my old Cl's tipped me off
the location of his cookhouse.
So I came back on the job.
Didn't want anybody else to catch him,
bring him in.
Look, you want my help?
Just show me the rest of the file.
Why are you so hot to see
the new discovery file, man?
Why are y'all
so hot to not give it to me?
It's supposed to be like
a consultation, right?
Yeah, but, uh, you go first.
You take me through it
and I'll let you see what we got.
I'll hold you to that.
When-is Ginger'?
Wrapped up in a ditch.
What you got?
Lost him a minute.
I had to double back a few times
till I found the exit.
That's his truck there.
We're gonna have to call this in, Rust.
Eh, we don't want to do that.
Troops will come flood these woods.
They could scatter.
All right, we ain't gonna
find him from here.
You ever been hunting, Marty?
Uh, yeah.
Ten-point buck, year before last, 50 yards.
I'm not talking about
sitting in a tree house
waiting to ambush a buck
come to sniff your gash bait.
Talking about tracking.
Jesus' you're a prick.
Look, we find the place,
we come back here, we call it in.
One of us stays surveillance, yeah?
I can live with that.
Let's go.
So you got a tip
where Ledoux cooks,
and Cohle came back from wherever he was.
You knew it was gonna get here, man.
Just the once.
The way you tell it.
I tell it the same way
that I told the shooting board
and every cop bar
between Houston and Biloxi.
And you know why
the story's always the same, 17 years gone?
Because it only went down the one way.
Now, Rust's dad taught him bow-hunting.
You know, he had to track game
iii! he got within maybe 30 yards of it.
Now, this enabled us
to discern the suspect's path
while sidestepping the various
anti-intruder devices they installed.
Trip wires back there.
The clearings probably mined.
All right.
How do you want to do it?
You go back, call it in. I'll wait here.
- You're gonna hold position?
- Yeah.
Do it now, Marty.
Fuck you. You ain't doing this without me.
All right, stay low.
We were just about to turn back,
call in Parish, State, whoever.
I mean, we had the location,
we had our suspects identified
at the location, you know.
Might as well just leave the shit be
and hand it off.
But that ain't what happened. Hmm.
No, as soon as we started
to back off, man...
Bullets cut through right near Rust's head.
We dove opposite ways into the high growth.
But they'd already spotted us,
and they had something high-velocity...
Blew apart this tree between us.
I mean, it was on.
Heavy shit.
Fucking ferns and whatnot bursting all
around us, bark flying off of trees.
I mean, we were in a fucking shitstorm.
State Police! Put your hands on your head.
Put 'em on your head, now.
Don't even think about it.
Put your hands on your head right now.
Intertwine your fingers.
Do it! Back up toward me.
Down on your knees. Come on.
It's time, isn't it?
The black star.
Shut the fuck up.
They'd spotted us
before we crossed the forest,
so all we could do was
duck for cover, dig in,
try getting closer.
It was chaos.
The black stars rise.
Why the antlers?
Freeze, motherfucker. Put it down.
Hands up.
State Police.
Set it down.
I know what happens next.
I saw you in my dream.
You're in Carcosa now
with me.
He sees you.
You'll do this again.
Time is a flat circle.
What's that, Nietzsche?
Shut the fuck up. Put it down!
HART; Marty!
There you go.
Black stars.
- They're coming from the sky.
- Put your hands on your head.
While I was hunkered down
behind this old decrepit boat,
Captain America, Marty Hart,
decides he's gonna run deep into the woods,
flank around the back of the house,
where Ledoux's firing at us, right?
Well, he sneaks up behind Ledoux,
and just as Ledoux turns... Bam!
Popped one off in him.
Head shot' clean, dropped him.
His buddy, Dewall, he made a run for it.
And his homemade cracker-ass
security system took care of the rest.
Oh, fuck.
Get the cuffs off him before his blood
settles. We gotta make this look right.
Goddamn. Fuck.
What do we do, Rust?
Fuck him.
Good to see you commit to something.
Now go see to the kids,
and don't bring them out until I say so.
After we confirmed the two deaths
and searched the rest of the premises,
that's when we found the two children.
I mean, we got very lucky.
Uh, we just as easily could've been
chewed to pieces by that AK
on approach.
I can say
that I walked away from the experience
with a greater respect
for the sanctity of human life, you know.
Thank you, Detective.
I believe I speak for the board
when I commend you
on the heroism displayed
by you and Detective Hart.
No, we were doing our jobs, sir.
There were the twig sculptures.
And the LSD on hand
matched that of Dora Lange.
Everybody was pretty satisfied
that we got our man.
The boy had been missing since January.
He'd been dead less than a day.
The girl, she hadn't been reported yet.
She was from Si. Landry.
Catatonic when we found her.
Why should I live in history, huh?
Fuck, I don't wanna know anything anymore.
This is a world where nothing is solved.
Someone once told me
time is a fiat circle,
where everything we've
ever done or will do,
we're gonna do over and
over and over again.
And that little boy and that little girl,
they're gonna be in that room
And again.
And again.
Cohle. Couldn't manage to get shot?
Next time.
- Thanks for not doubting us.
- Never did.
Here they come. Marty, our hero!
Way to go, boys.
Little extra pouring
while I finish this up
with the semi-celebrities?
There's plenty of news stories,
if you care to find them.
I got promoted to Detective Sergeant.
Rust got a commendation for bravery,
basically because I insisted.
And things were
pretty good for a while, I guess.
Come on, get your speed up.
Ooh. All right.
Maggie came around.
Just, you know, a lot
of talking, counseling.
And maybe being in a shootout
kind of opened her up to forgiveness,
or the possibility.
Right to the wall. Right lo the wall.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Oh!
Oh, thank God.
All right. Go take off your skates.
It's time to go.
- One more time, one more time.
- No. No. Please, please, one more time.
All right. One more time around,
then take them off, okay?
Is Daddy coming home yet?
One more time around.
Go on, One more time. One more time.
Thanks. I needed that.
I think they did, too.
- Were there others?
- What?
Besides her, were there others?
Maggie, listen, that was
a different person.
I lost it, you know, just a little.
I'm back. I'm begging.
I'll keep begging.
I'll go to my grave begging you.
It's not just the affair.
You used to be a good man.
I've cut the booze, five weeks now.
I'm in a program, Promise Keepers.
You have a long road to climb.
Yes, I do.
Few years,
good ones.
Down the line, one of those
set-ups Maggie was so intent on
finally m.
Doctor, no less.
Yeah, she and Rust had a thing, few years.
He's conflict-oriented,
so, when I deny him small arguments,
it builds up his energy.
- Wow.
- Wow.
Are you ever a match for this dude!
Look, you know about Rust.
During those seven years,
he probably pulled more assists
than any other detective in the state.
Word got around quick.
You want a confession,
see if State Detective Cohle's available.
Your interview technique,
I'm sure there's some
secret you can pass on.
Look, everybody knows
there's something wrong with them.
They just don't know what it is.
Everybody wants a confession.
Everybody wants some cathartic narrative
for it. The guilty, especially.
Oh, but everybody's guilty.
You know the good years
when you're in them.
Or you just wait for them
until you get ass cancer
and realize that the good years
came and went.
'Cause there's a feeling...
You might notice it sometimes.
This feeling like life has
slipped through your fingers.
Like the future's behind you.
Like it's always been behind you.
You know, I cleaned up,
but maybe I didn't change.
Not the way I needed to.
Give I! back.
Give it back!
Remember what I said
about the detectives curse?
The solution to my whole life
was right under my nose.
That woman, those kids...
And I was watching everything else.
See, infidelity is one kind of sin.
But my true failure was inattention.
I understand that now.
Hey, Audrey!
So when do you think
things started to,
how you put it, change again,
with Detective Cohle?
Early on' 2002.
But that was his life.
Mine was steady, like I said.
I'm just trying to understand.
What is it you're going for?
What's the, uh, message?
There is no message. lt's just me.
What's just you? Your hair? Your clothes?
I mean, I look at Macie...
Women don't have to look
like you want them to, Dad.
No, women.
But I'm talking about my teenage daughter.
And I'm not trying to tell you
what to wear or anything.
I'm just trying to understand it.
Well, who told you you had to understand?
Why would you?
I hear you made cheerleader.
Yeah, there were like 10 other girls
who didn't get it.
I didn't know they had
eighth-grade cheerleaders.
- Well...
- Same as there's football players.
Tell us
what you know about his girl.
Yeah, uh, Laurie.
Yeah. She became chief of something.
Lafayette General, I believe.
You know what happened there
between them?
What always happens
between men and women.
- Dad...
- Tell it to your mother.
Deputy found her
parked in a car with two boys.
Come here. Get over here.
Yeah, in states of undress. You know...
Like fucking.
Boys are 19 and 20.
Got them in holding for the night.
Haven't decided
whether to press statch rape charges.
- What?
- You can't do that.
I can do anything
I goddamn want to those boys.
You think about that.
Audrey. Look at me.
Look at me!
What are you thinking? God!
What the fuck is wrong with you? Huh?
Or is this one of those things
that I'll never understand?
You know, being the captain
of the varsity slut team.
Fuck you.
- Get in your fucking room!
- Ow!
- Mom, she hit my head.
- Go to bed. This isn't about you.
Audrey, open the door.
Open the door, Audrey.
Audrey, it's just you and me, honey.
You need to tell me what's going on.
Audrey' open the door, please.
You ever heard of something called
the M-brane theory, Detectives?
No, that's... That's over my head.
It's like, in this universe,
we process time linearly.
But outside of our space-time,
from what would be
a fourth-dimensional perspective,
time wouldn't exist.
And from that vantage, could we attain it,
we'd see
our space-time would look flattened.
Like a single sculpture of matter
in a superposition
of every place it ever occupied.
Our sentience
just cycling through our lives like
carts on a track.
See, everything outside our dimension,
that's eternity.
Eternity looking down on us.
Now, to us,
it's a sphere.
But to them,
it's a circle.
Mr. Cohle.
Mr. Cohle.
What happened in 2002?
Guy Leonard Francis.
They say you killed two
people in Livingston.
They say you're the drug store robber.
You know they already
got a nickname for you?
Southern Fried Pharmacy Firearm Thief.
You like that? Got a nice ring to it.
Bit of a mouthful. Fuck.
I'm telling you, man,
the shit they got these days,
technology, fingerprints, DNA.
You gotta be a fucking genius
to get past that shit.
Let's face it, Francis,
you ain't no fucking genius, are you?
First you come in and say,
"I got the drugs from somewhere else."
Then you say, "No, I don't remember.
I don't remember where I got the drugs."
You're making it too complicated.
You're creating a maze for yourself
that you ain't never gonna get out of.
They got you.
You just gotta change your play.
You gotta plead impairment.
You know what that means?
That means
that you cannot be held accountable
for your actions.
Well, I don't think I ought lo be blamed,
entirely blamed for things I did
when I was under the influence of anything.
I don't think you should either.
That's what I'm saying. PCP.
Stuff makes a man crazy.
One time, a famous case,
a guy, he cut off his
own face on that shit.
- For real?
- Yeah.
You mix that with meth, that's an
insanity defense if I ever heard one.
How are you gonna say
a man who's not on anything
is insane 'cause he did something crazy,
but a man who's on something
that made him crazy
is sane, you know what I mean?
- Works both ways.
- Yeah, exactly.
I mean, I'm not even saying
that I remember anything.
I was shit hammered.
Here we go. That's your play. Right there.
Fuck this amnesia story.
That dirt don't stick.
But insanity defense,
that's your ticket.
That's your way out.
Right? 'Cause you sobered up now.
You got your mind right.
You're back.
You gotta show them the difference
between that madman in that pharmacy
who blew them two people away,
and the man who's sitting here right now.
You gotta show shock.
Terror and re-fucking-morse.
I am. l do. I'm...
I'm scared, sir.
Yeah, you should be. Right?
Now, what'd you say to the pharmacist?
I said, "Give me everything."
And then what?
Boom! Boom!
Blew that fucker away, didn't you?
You want forgiveness for that?
- Yeah.
- Say it.
- I want it.
- You want what?
You see what you just did?
You just copped to a double murder.
They got you now.
I wanna make a deal.
A deal about what?
I know things.
What do you know now, all of a sudden?
I know...
I know who you are.
And I know about that woman
y'all found out in the woods, way back.
- The antlers.
- Hmm.
That don't mean shit.
That was in the newspaper.
What do you know'?
You don't know shit, do you?
Y'all never caught the man who did that.
He's been out there,
You talking out your ass, boy.
You don't know a fucking thing. You're
just trying to buy some time, ain't you?
I met him once.
There's big people who know about him.
Big People.
Ain't no deal, 'cause
there ain't no people.
You make me a deal.
You deal with me about these murders.
Ain't no deal. You ain't got nothing,
because you're full of shit.
And there ain't nobody alive
that did none of that killing.
He's dead, boy.
Ru tell you
about the Yellow King.
What the fuck did you say, boy?
Give me a name.
Give me a fucking name.
Fucking say it, boy.
The Yellow King!
Get off me! Get the hell off me!
No, don't! Get off him!
Make a deal with me!
Deal with me, you son of a bitch!
You deal with me!
Get out of here!
Easy! Calm down, man. Calm down.
Take a deep breath, all right?
You got the confession,
then you made it inadmissible.
What do you fucking mean?
He's still talking.
He's shucking and jiving.
He knows exactly who you are.
You called me in here, huh? You did.
I know. And if we need anything else,
we'll let you know.
We appreciate the assist, Detective.
What the fuck is going on here?
We have to salvage a double murder
confession is what's going on.
If he wasn't just running you in there,
you'll get anything we get.
You have my word.
Come on. Ease up, baby. Calm down.
- I'll be back. Hear me?
- I got it.
Stay the fuck back, I got it.
In eternity, where there is no time,
nothing can grow, nothing can become.
Nothing changes.
So, death created time
to grow the things that it would kill.
And you are reborn.
But into the same life
that you've always been born into.
And how many times
have we had this conversation, Detectives?
Well, who knows?
When you can't remember your lives,
you can't change your lives.
And that is the terrible
and secret fate of all life.
You're trapped
by that nightmare you keep waking up into.
You all right?
We gotta go to Abbeville.
We got a deposition this afternoon.
Push it. I got somebody we need to talk to.
I'll tell you on the way. Come on.
You really think he's serious
about having something?
And if so, then what?
Reggie Ledoux deserved to die' Marty.
That was justice.
But I'm not ruling out other agencies.
Mmm-hmm. What does that mean?
Guy Francis and Charlie Lange
both say the Yellow King.
Dora Lange said the Yellow King.
Okay, look, if the killer's still out
there, why haven! there been more killings?
Well' maybe there have, Many,
and we just don't know about them.
Haven't put them together.
Ever wonder why that task force
was so hot to take the case
back in '95?
Are you telling me
you think the task force was in on it?
How the fuck does this happen?
You know what he was looking at
with the double murders.
Guess he thought about
it and made a choice.
You got a camera feed?
Here, go back. Play this.
He took a phone call
at 7:15. His lawyer.
You got audio on this? Sound?
No, just the vid.
That's it. Just
three hours of nothing.
Till you see the blood.
We don't know what somebody
might have told him on that phone call.
I wanna see your incoming call logs now.
All right.
What are the two officers' names?
Childress and Mahoney.
- Give me their files, please.
- Yes, sir.
- Terrence, get prints on this.
- Yes, sir.
That's a public phone.
No kind of lawyer makes calls from here.
- Francis have relatives?
- Yeah, sisters. A few nieces, nephews.
Connects to the suicide how'?
Well, somebody might have
told him something.
Gave him no choice.
Well, great.
So, when he got
going on this thing again,
did he mention Billy Lee Tuttle?
You know that he did.
Turtle died a couple of years back. 2010.
Yeah. Yeah, what was that?
Uh, mixed medications? So what?
Right after Cohle showed
back up in the state.
Fuck this.
Fuck this bullshit.
You tell me right now
why you're all over Cohle,
or I'll walk.
His record. His reports, his stories.
They don't add up.
So talk to him about it already.
Stop pissing in my ear.
- We did.
- Oh, you did?
Well, if you two talked to Rust
and you weren't getting a read on him,
he was getting a read on you.
This is all you got?
Fuck, I already know all this.
And what we have, so far.
You hadn't checked old unsolveds.
Maybe you stop dancing with us.
Tell us what you've really been up to.
How you spend your time.
I already told you how I spend my time.
Except you've been bullshitting us
all afternoon.
Excuse us for one minute, please.
These are from the crime scene
in Lake Charles.
Once folks got word.
Recognize anybody in there?
Lake Charles is a bit
out of the way for you, ain't it?
How'd you
keep her out of the papers?
Maybe you got some friends in
high places?
Your truck
and a man fitting your description
was spotted in the vicinity
of our crime scene
five times, by five different people
over the last month.
Now, besides people seeing him and
his truck around the location for weeks,
you know he was off the grid
after he left in '02.
Didn't show up anywhere till 2010.
Got his driver's license renewed.
Nobody knows what he's been doing
in the meantime.
He's got a storage shed
near Church Point.
He won't let us see what's inside.
How about you let us see
what you're keeping in storage?
Fuck no, you can't see my storage unit.
Get a warrant.
Christ, try working a case.
- We are working it.
- Yeah?
See, how we work it is, we think way back.
You put the case on Rianne Olivier.
Put it on her old boyfriend.
I don't know,
maybe the Ledoux boys knew you.
Maybe you traveled the same circles.
Got the same hobbies.
Maybe they had something on you.
You just kept pulling
the right old murders,
take the case wherever you wanted it to go.
You're a juicer.
Ever black out?
Ever wake up,
don't remember what happened?
Look, y'all want to arrest me, go ahead.
You want to follow me...
Come on. You want to see something?
Get a warrant.
Thanks for the beer.
Beyond that,
you wasted my fucking day, company men.
Now, he bartends
four days a week.
This roadhouse
has a little apartment behind it.
No other accounting of his time.
Says he drinks.
You're wrong.
Nobody could change that much.
You are dead wrong.
Hey, you've been telling us all day
about the kind of shit he'd think up.
Way he'd talk.
We got a good earful of that, too.
You're gonna tell me
that's a stable individual?
Left a burnout, junkie rumors.
You think 10 years on the sauce
has made him more reasonable?
Think about this. You said it.
He'd been there three months.
And you two catch a heater
like you've never had before or since.
One that he shines on.
You saying he did such a great job.
Didn't he get you every bit of evidence?
Didn't he push you where
he wanted it to go?
He brought you Rianne Olivier.
She wasn't one of Ledoux's.
She was one of his.
What'd he say? "Life is a disease"?
When he heard the Abbeville prisoner,
Francis, knew something, he got on it.
He shut it down.
You ever thought if he made that
phone call to the prisoner'?
Like, I don't know,
the guy was trying to blackmail him?
He got on that, too, didn't he?
The idea that the Lange killer
was still out there.
Yeah. Yeah, he did.
Looking for a new patsy, maybe.
Y'all are giving me a lotto absorb.
You're goddamn right
it's a lot to absorb.
- So help us out.
- Yeah.
Whatever you can tell us about, you know,
from when he got on the Lange killer,
up to when you two had your altercation.
Whatever that was about.
Pool game the other night,
called the wrong dude on cheating.
You gotta watch that.
What do you want, again?
I'm repping some people.
And they want to get to the good cook.
They'll trade you or the IC Brotherhood,
however you want to do it.
Coke for crystal.
Why ain't I talking to Miles?
Me and Ginger go way back,
boosted together.
You ain't saying much.
I figure I'd let my man
give you the details.
Look, this shit I got,
you step on it five, six
times, it'll still kick.
This means you got to cook a little more,
for a lot more profit.
I ain't got no use for it. Or your money.
My money don't spend?
I can see your soul at
the edges of your eyes.
It's corrosive, like acid.
You got a demon, little man.
And I don't like your face.
It makes me want to do things to it.
You call me again, I'm
setting Miles on you.
I see you again,
I'm putting you down.
There's a shadow on you, son.
You got him? You fucking better,
the shit I've been through.
I do. I got him.
We're on empty roads now, so I got
to drop back or he'll spot the tail.
That's Reggie Ledoux's cook partner,
Dewall. Bird-dog him, Marty.
Got it.
Whats your location?
Just south of I-10
along the Creole Nature Trail.
Heading toward Carlyss. Hurry up, man.
Copy that. On my way.
How we doing back there, Ginger'?
Fuck you, motherfucker!
How did you get onto Ledoux?
One of my old Cl's tipped me off
the location of his cookhouse.
So I came back on the job.
Didn't want anybody else to catch him,
bring him in.
Look, you want my help?
Just show me the rest of the file.
Why are you so hot to see
the new discovery file, man?
Why are y'all
so hot to not give it to me?
It's supposed to be like
a consultation, right?
Yeah, but, uh, you go first.
You take me through it
and I'll let you see what we got.
I'll hold you to that.
When-is Ginger'?
Wrapped up in a ditch.
What you got?
Lost him a minute.
I had to double back a few times
till I found the exit.
That's his truck there.
We're gonna have to call this in, Rust.
Eh, we don't want to do that.
Troops will come flood these woods.
They could scatter.
All right, we ain't gonna
find him from here.
You ever been hunting, Marty?
Uh, yeah.
Ten-point buck, year before last, 50 yards.
I'm not talking about
sitting in a tree house
waiting to ambush a buck
come to sniff your gash bait.
Talking about tracking.
Jesus' you're a prick.
Look, we find the place,
we come back here, we call it in.
One of us stays surveillance, yeah?
I can live with that.
Let's go.
So you got a tip
where Ledoux cooks,
and Cohle came back from wherever he was.
You knew it was gonna get here, man.
Just the once.
The way you tell it.
I tell it the same way
that I told the shooting board
and every cop bar
between Houston and Biloxi.
And you know why
the story's always the same, 17 years gone?
Because it only went down the one way.
Now, Rust's dad taught him bow-hunting.
You know, he had to track game
iii! he got within maybe 30 yards of it.
Now, this enabled us
to discern the suspect's path
while sidestepping the various
anti-intruder devices they installed.
Trip wires back there.
The clearings probably mined.
All right.
How do you want to do it?
You go back, call it in. I'll wait here.
- You're gonna hold position?
- Yeah.
Do it now, Marty.
Fuck you. You ain't doing this without me.
All right, stay low.
We were just about to turn back,
call in Parish, State, whoever.
I mean, we had the location,
we had our suspects identified
at the location, you know.
Might as well just leave the shit be
and hand it off.
But that ain't what happened. Hmm.
No, as soon as we started
to back off, man...
Bullets cut through right near Rust's head.
We dove opposite ways into the high growth.
But they'd already spotted us,
and they had something high-velocity...
Blew apart this tree between us.
I mean, it was on.
Heavy shit.
Fucking ferns and whatnot bursting all
around us, bark flying off of trees.
I mean, we were in a fucking shitstorm.
State Police! Put your hands on your head.
Put 'em on your head, now.
Don't even think about it.
Put your hands on your head right now.
Intertwine your fingers.
Do it! Back up toward me.
Down on your knees. Come on.
It's time, isn't it?
The black star.
Shut the fuck up.
They'd spotted us
before we crossed the forest,
so all we could do was
duck for cover, dig in,
try getting closer.
It was chaos.
The black stars rise.
Why the antlers?
Freeze, motherfucker. Put it down.
Hands up.
State Police.
Set it down.
I know what happens next.
I saw you in my dream.
You're in Carcosa now
with me.
He sees you.
You'll do this again.
Time is a flat circle.
What's that, Nietzsche?
Shut the fuck up. Put it down!
HART; Marty!
There you go.
Black stars.
- They're coming from the sky.
- Put your hands on your head.
While I was hunkered down
behind this old decrepit boat,
Captain America, Marty Hart,
decides he's gonna run deep into the woods,
flank around the back of the house,
where Ledoux's firing at us, right?
Well, he sneaks up behind Ledoux,
and just as Ledoux turns... Bam!
Popped one off in him.
Head shot' clean, dropped him.
His buddy, Dewall, he made a run for it.
And his homemade cracker-ass
security system took care of the rest.
Oh, fuck.
Get the cuffs off him before his blood
settles. We gotta make this look right.
Goddamn. Fuck.
What do we do, Rust?
Fuck him.
Good to see you commit to something.
Now go see to the kids,
and don't bring them out until I say so.
After we confirmed the two deaths
and searched the rest of the premises,
that's when we found the two children.
I mean, we got very lucky.
Uh, we just as easily could've been
chewed to pieces by that AK
on approach.
I can say
that I walked away from the experience
with a greater respect
for the sanctity of human life, you know.
Thank you, Detective.
I believe I speak for the board
when I commend you
on the heroism displayed
by you and Detective Hart.
No, we were doing our jobs, sir.
There were the twig sculptures.
And the LSD on hand
matched that of Dora Lange.
Everybody was pretty satisfied
that we got our man.
The boy had been missing since January.
He'd been dead less than a day.
The girl, she hadn't been reported yet.
She was from Si. Landry.
Catatonic when we found her.
Why should I live in history, huh?
Fuck, I don't wanna know anything anymore.
This is a world where nothing is solved.
Someone once told me
time is a fiat circle,
where everything we've
ever done or will do,
we're gonna do over and
over and over again.
And that little boy and that little girl,
they're gonna be in that room
And again.
And again.
Cohle. Couldn't manage to get shot?
Next time.
- Thanks for not doubting us.
- Never did.
Here they come. Marty, our hero!
Way to go, boys.
Little extra pouring
while I finish this up
with the semi-celebrities?
There's plenty of news stories,
if you care to find them.
I got promoted to Detective Sergeant.
Rust got a commendation for bravery,
basically because I insisted.
And things were
pretty good for a while, I guess.
Come on, get your speed up.
Ooh. All right.
Maggie came around.
Just, you know, a lot
of talking, counseling.
And maybe being in a shootout
kind of opened her up to forgiveness,
or the possibility.
Right to the wall. Right lo the wall.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Oh!
Oh, thank God.
All right. Go take off your skates.
It's time to go.
- One more time, one more time.
- No. No. Please, please, one more time.
All right. One more time around,
then take them off, okay?
Is Daddy coming home yet?
One more time around.
Go on, One more time. One more time.
Thanks. I needed that.
I think they did, too.
- Were there others?
- What?
Besides her, were there others?
Maggie, listen, that was
a different person.
I lost it, you know, just a little.
I'm back. I'm begging.
I'll keep begging.
I'll go to my grave begging you.
It's not just the affair.
You used to be a good man.
I've cut the booze, five weeks now.
I'm in a program, Promise Keepers.
You have a long road to climb.
Yes, I do.
Few years,
good ones.
Down the line, one of those
set-ups Maggie was so intent on
finally m.
Doctor, no less.
Yeah, she and Rust had a thing, few years.
He's conflict-oriented,
so, when I deny him small arguments,
it builds up his energy.
- Wow.
- Wow.
Are you ever a match for this dude!
Look, you know about Rust.
During those seven years,
he probably pulled more assists
than any other detective in the state.
Word got around quick.
You want a confession,
see if State Detective Cohle's available.
Your interview technique,
I'm sure there's some
secret you can pass on.
Look, everybody knows
there's something wrong with them.
They just don't know what it is.
Everybody wants a confession.
Everybody wants some cathartic narrative
for it. The guilty, especially.
Oh, but everybody's guilty.
You know the good years
when you're in them.
Or you just wait for them
until you get ass cancer
and realize that the good years
came and went.
'Cause there's a feeling...
You might notice it sometimes.
This feeling like life has
slipped through your fingers.
Like the future's behind you.
Like it's always been behind you.
You know, I cleaned up,
but maybe I didn't change.
Not the way I needed to.
Give I! back.
Give it back!
Remember what I said
about the detectives curse?
The solution to my whole life
was right under my nose.
That woman, those kids...
And I was watching everything else.
See, infidelity is one kind of sin.
But my true failure was inattention.
I understand that now.
Hey, Audrey!
So when do you think
things started to,
how you put it, change again,
with Detective Cohle?
Early on' 2002.
But that was his life.
Mine was steady, like I said.
I'm just trying to understand.
What is it you're going for?
What's the, uh, message?
There is no message. lt's just me.
What's just you? Your hair? Your clothes?
I mean, I look at Macie...
Women don't have to look
like you want them to, Dad.
No, women.
But I'm talking about my teenage daughter.
And I'm not trying to tell you
what to wear or anything.
I'm just trying to understand it.
Well, who told you you had to understand?
Why would you?
I hear you made cheerleader.
Yeah, there were like 10 other girls
who didn't get it.
I didn't know they had
eighth-grade cheerleaders.
- Well...
- Same as there's football players.
Tell us
what you know about his girl.
Yeah, uh, Laurie.
Yeah. She became chief of something.
Lafayette General, I believe.
You know what happened there
between them?
What always happens
between men and women.
- Dad...
- Tell it to your mother.
Deputy found her
parked in a car with two boys.
Come here. Get over here.
Yeah, in states of undress. You know...
Like fucking.
Boys are 19 and 20.
Got them in holding for the night.
Haven't decided
whether to press statch rape charges.
- What?
- You can't do that.
I can do anything
I goddamn want to those boys.
You think about that.
Audrey. Look at me.
Look at me!
What are you thinking? God!
What the fuck is wrong with you? Huh?
Or is this one of those things
that I'll never understand?
You know, being the captain
of the varsity slut team.
Fuck you.
- Get in your fucking room!
- Ow!
- Mom, she hit my head.
- Go to bed. This isn't about you.
Audrey, open the door.
Open the door, Audrey.
Audrey, it's just you and me, honey.
You need to tell me what's going on.
Audrey' open the door, please.
You ever heard of something called
the M-brane theory, Detectives?
No, that's... That's over my head.
It's like, in this universe,
we process time linearly.
But outside of our space-time,
from what would be
a fourth-dimensional perspective,
time wouldn't exist.
And from that vantage, could we attain it,
we'd see
our space-time would look flattened.
Like a single sculpture of matter
in a superposition
of every place it ever occupied.
Our sentience
just cycling through our lives like
carts on a track.
See, everything outside our dimension,
that's eternity.
Eternity looking down on us.
Now, to us,
it's a sphere.
But to them,
it's a circle.
Mr. Cohle.
Mr. Cohle.
What happened in 2002?
Guy Leonard Francis.
They say you killed two
people in Livingston.
They say you're the drug store robber.
You know they already
got a nickname for you?
Southern Fried Pharmacy Firearm Thief.
You like that? Got a nice ring to it.
Bit of a mouthful. Fuck.
I'm telling you, man,
the shit they got these days,
technology, fingerprints, DNA.
You gotta be a fucking genius
to get past that shit.
Let's face it, Francis,
you ain't no fucking genius, are you?
First you come in and say,
"I got the drugs from somewhere else."
Then you say, "No, I don't remember.
I don't remember where I got the drugs."
You're making it too complicated.
You're creating a maze for yourself
that you ain't never gonna get out of.
They got you.
You just gotta change your play.
You gotta plead impairment.
You know what that means?
That means
that you cannot be held accountable
for your actions.
Well, I don't think I ought lo be blamed,
entirely blamed for things I did
when I was under the influence of anything.
I don't think you should either.
That's what I'm saying. PCP.
Stuff makes a man crazy.
One time, a famous case,
a guy, he cut off his
own face on that shit.
- For real?
- Yeah.
You mix that with meth, that's an
insanity defense if I ever heard one.
How are you gonna say
a man who's not on anything
is insane 'cause he did something crazy,
but a man who's on something
that made him crazy
is sane, you know what I mean?
- Works both ways.
- Yeah, exactly.
I mean, I'm not even saying
that I remember anything.
I was shit hammered.
Here we go. That's your play. Right there.
Fuck this amnesia story.
That dirt don't stick.
But insanity defense,
that's your ticket.
That's your way out.
Right? 'Cause you sobered up now.
You got your mind right.
You're back.
You gotta show them the difference
between that madman in that pharmacy
who blew them two people away,
and the man who's sitting here right now.
You gotta show shock.
Terror and re-fucking-morse.
I am. l do. I'm...
I'm scared, sir.
Yeah, you should be. Right?
Now, what'd you say to the pharmacist?
I said, "Give me everything."
And then what?
Boom! Boom!
Blew that fucker away, didn't you?
You want forgiveness for that?
- Yeah.
- Say it.
- I want it.
- You want what?
You see what you just did?
You just copped to a double murder.
They got you now.
I wanna make a deal.
A deal about what?
I know things.
What do you know now, all of a sudden?
I know...
I know who you are.
And I know about that woman
y'all found out in the woods, way back.
- The antlers.
- Hmm.
That don't mean shit.
That was in the newspaper.
What do you know'?
You don't know shit, do you?
Y'all never caught the man who did that.
He's been out there,
You talking out your ass, boy.
You don't know a fucking thing. You're
just trying to buy some time, ain't you?
I met him once.
There's big people who know about him.
Big People.
Ain't no deal, 'cause
there ain't no people.
You make me a deal.
You deal with me about these murders.
Ain't no deal. You ain't got nothing,
because you're full of shit.
And there ain't nobody alive
that did none of that killing.
He's dead, boy.
Ru tell you
about the Yellow King.
What the fuck did you say, boy?
Give me a name.
Give me a fucking name.
Fucking say it, boy.
The Yellow King!
Get off me! Get the hell off me!
No, don't! Get off him!
Make a deal with me!
Deal with me, you son of a bitch!
You deal with me!
Get out of here!
Easy! Calm down, man. Calm down.
Take a deep breath, all right?
You got the confession,
then you made it inadmissible.
What do you fucking mean?
He's still talking.
He's shucking and jiving.
He knows exactly who you are.
You called me in here, huh? You did.
I know. And if we need anything else,
we'll let you know.
We appreciate the assist, Detective.
What the fuck is going on here?
We have to salvage a double murder
confession is what's going on.
If he wasn't just running you in there,
you'll get anything we get.
You have my word.
Come on. Ease up, baby. Calm down.
- I'll be back. Hear me?
- I got it.
Stay the fuck back, I got it.
In eternity, where there is no time,
nothing can grow, nothing can become.
Nothing changes.
So, death created time
to grow the things that it would kill.
And you are reborn.
But into the same life
that you've always been born into.
And how many times
have we had this conversation, Detectives?
Well, who knows?
When you can't remember your lives,
you can't change your lives.
And that is the terrible
and secret fate of all life.
You're trapped
by that nightmare you keep waking up into.
You all right?
We gotta go to Abbeville.
We got a deposition this afternoon.
Push it. I got somebody we need to talk to.
I'll tell you on the way. Come on.
You really think he's serious
about having something?
And if so, then what?
Reggie Ledoux deserved to die' Marty.
That was justice.
But I'm not ruling out other agencies.
Mmm-hmm. What does that mean?
Guy Francis and Charlie Lange
both say the Yellow King.
Dora Lange said the Yellow King.
Okay, look, if the killer's still out
there, why haven! there been more killings?
Well' maybe there have, Many,
and we just don't know about them.
Haven't put them together.
Ever wonder why that task force
was so hot to take the case
back in '95?
Are you telling me
you think the task force was in on it?
How the fuck does this happen?
You know what he was looking at
with the double murders.
Guess he thought about
it and made a choice.
You got a camera feed?
Here, go back. Play this.
He took a phone call
at 7:15. His lawyer.
You got audio on this? Sound?
No, just the vid.
That's it. Just
three hours of nothing.
Till you see the blood.
We don't know what somebody
might have told him on that phone call.
I wanna see your incoming call logs now.
All right.
What are the two officers' names?
Childress and Mahoney.
- Give me their files, please.
- Yes, sir.
- Terrence, get prints on this.
- Yes, sir.
That's a public phone.
No kind of lawyer makes calls from here.
- Francis have relatives?
- Yeah, sisters. A few nieces, nephews.
Connects to the suicide how'?
Well, somebody might have
told him something.
Gave him no choice.
Well, great.
So, when he got
going on this thing again,
did he mention Billy Lee Tuttle?
You know that he did.
Turtle died a couple of years back. 2010.
Yeah. Yeah, what was that?
Uh, mixed medications? So what?
Right after Cohle showed
back up in the state.
Fuck this.
Fuck this bullshit.
You tell me right now
why you're all over Cohle,
or I'll walk.
His record. His reports, his stories.
They don't add up.
So talk to him about it already.
Stop pissing in my ear.
- We did.
- Oh, you did?
Well, if you two talked to Rust
and you weren't getting a read on him,
he was getting a read on you.
This is all you got?
Fuck, I already know all this.
And what we have, so far.
You hadn't checked old unsolveds.
Maybe you stop dancing with us.
Tell us what you've really been up to.
How you spend your time.
I already told you how I spend my time.
Except you've been bullshitting us
all afternoon.
Excuse us for one minute, please.
These are from the crime scene
in Lake Charles.
Once folks got word.
Recognize anybody in there?
Lake Charles is a bit
out of the way for you, ain't it?
How'd you
keep her out of the papers?
Maybe you got some friends in
high places?
Your truck
and a man fitting your description
was spotted in the vicinity
of our crime scene
five times, by five different people
over the last month.
Now, besides people seeing him and
his truck around the location for weeks,
you know he was off the grid
after he left in '02.
Didn't show up anywhere till 2010.
Got his driver's license renewed.
Nobody knows what he's been doing
in the meantime.
He's got a storage shed
near Church Point.
He won't let us see what's inside.
How about you let us see
what you're keeping in storage?
Fuck no, you can't see my storage unit.
Get a warrant.
Christ, try working a case.
- We are working it.
- Yeah?
See, how we work it is, we think way back.
You put the case on Rianne Olivier.
Put it on her old boyfriend.
I don't know,
maybe the Ledoux boys knew you.
Maybe you traveled the same circles.
Got the same hobbies.
Maybe they had something on you.
You just kept pulling
the right old murders,
take the case wherever you wanted it to go.
You're a juicer.
Ever black out?
Ever wake up,
don't remember what happened?
Look, y'all want to arrest me, go ahead.
You want to follow me...
Come on. You want to see something?
Get a warrant.
Thanks for the beer.
Beyond that,
you wasted my fucking day, company men.
Now, he bartends
four days a week.
This roadhouse
has a little apartment behind it.
No other accounting of his time.
Says he drinks.
You're wrong.
Nobody could change that much.
You are dead wrong.
Hey, you've been telling us all day
about the kind of shit he'd think up.
Way he'd talk.
We got a good earful of that, too.
You're gonna tell me
that's a stable individual?
Left a burnout, junkie rumors.
You think 10 years on the sauce
has made him more reasonable?
Think about this. You said it.
He'd been there three months.
And you two catch a heater
like you've never had before or since.
One that he shines on.
You saying he did such a great job.
Didn't he get you every bit of evidence?
Didn't he push you where
he wanted it to go?
He brought you Rianne Olivier.
She wasn't one of Ledoux's.
She was one of his.
What'd he say? "Life is a disease"?
When he heard the Abbeville prisoner,
Francis, knew something, he got on it.
He shut it down.
You ever thought if he made that
phone call to the prisoner'?
Like, I don't know,
the guy was trying to blackmail him?
He got on that, too, didn't he?
The idea that the Lange killer
was still out there.
Yeah. Yeah, he did.
Looking for a new patsy, maybe.
Y'all are giving me a lotto absorb.
You're goddamn right
it's a lot to absorb.
- So help us out.
- Yeah.
Whatever you can tell us about, you know,
from when he got on the Lange killer,
up to when you two had your altercation.
Whatever that was about.