Touch (2012–2013): Season 2, Episode 12 - Fight or Flight - full transcript

Martin finds out that Avram has not been returning his calls because he was seen to be abducted, although the news never made it to the police. Going back to where Avram was last seen, Martin runs into Dr. McCormick. Martin learns fr

Previously on Touch:

Dr. McCormick, my name is Avram.

This is my friend Jake.

We believe that your life

may be in danger.

My mind has begun
working too fast.

It made sleep impossible.

I went weeks
without a single night.

I felt like I was dying.

But at the sleep center...

500 milligrams of
adrenaline, now.

They're helping
me. Last night I slept.

A sleep clinic.

Insomnia's getting worse.

The problem has reached
a whole nother level.

The clinic gets amazing results.

My name is Martin Bohm.

I'm wanted in the
state of New York

on one count of kidnapping.

And you've come
here to turn yourself in?

I came here to clear my name.

I told you not to take
Jake out of the house.

You did it anyway.
It's not what you think.

Two men came into my house
last night and tried to kill me

and take my son.

Don't you realize

how dangerous this is?

Martin Bohm!

What's happening?

This is Avram. Please
leave a message.

Avram, it's Martin.

We're back at your house.

I'm sorry for yelling.


come back so we can talk.

Where's the girl?



Amel... oh!

Lucy: Amelia! Amel...

There are few things in
the world more frightening

than the future stretching
out ahead of you, unknowable

and unseen.

It was a dream, okay?

Just a dream.

But sometimes the
most frightening future

is the one you do know.

The fate you see coming...

and can't escape.

Hey, guys.

Everything all right?


Come on, let's get up.

We got to get breakfast.

This is Avram. Please
leave a message

Avram, it's me again.

Look, you have every
right to be angry with me,

but please just call me back

as soon as you get this, okay?




turns out a vendor at
the farmer's market gave a

description of a Hasidic
man in his 40s being dragged

into a van yesterday.

He was abducted?

Looks like it.

Avram was running down a lead.

A man named Dr. McCormick.

He thought he was one of the 36.

Trevor, we need
to find this vendor.

I can be there in 20 minutes.

Thank you.


Hey, buddy.

I'm getting closer.

It took going back
to Aster Corps...

but I'm finally making
progress on the sequence.

We're getting so close.

Maybe ten digits away.

When it's complete,

then it'll all make sense.

All the random synapses

and pathways will...

will untangle, and I'll know.

I'll know how to save you.

I have to go.

I love you.

It won't be long.

Since Enron, every reputable
accounting firm is skittish.

We can't hide a $40
billion loss in one quarter.

And this gets out, our
stock'll be worthless

by close of bell Thursday.

None of that is going to happen,

because Calvin here

is going to help
us avoid all that.

Now, thank you for coming.

Everything all right?

You have the updates
from the sleep clinic?

Yeah, we got another
four digits last night,

so the sequence is
now 97 numbers long.

How predictive is it?

Uh, 40% one day,

70% the next.

We won't really be able to
apply it until it's completed.

And when will that be?

When it

wraps back around to
the beginning, to 318.

Then we'll know it's
completed. It should be soon.

Well, you need to work faster.

You're auditor shopping, huh?

How bad is it?

My friend was here yesterday.

And then he went missing.

Do you remember seeing him?


I haven't seen him.

Thank you.


I found the vendor.

She said it took place in
the parking lot around 3:00.

She called the police
'cause she got a license plate,

but they never showed up.

My friend at LAPD

ran the van’s plates... nothing.

How is that possible?

I don't know, maybe the witness

got the number wrong.

This isn't adding up.

Why would Aster
Corps take Avram?

I mean, if they knew about him,

why didn't they just
follow him back to Jake?

That's what they want. Martin.

Oh, no.

Hey, buddy, what's wrong?

Jake, what's happening?

And we have lovely
new jasmine blend.

Oh, cardamom.

Reminds me of Afghanistan.

And a hint of orange blossom.


Jake, what's happening?

They're dying.

What do you mean, they're dying?

Who's dying? Avram?


What's happening?

They're leading us to something.

It's Dr. McCormick.

Amelia, wait there.

Dr. McCormick?

Hi, my-my name is Martin Bishop.

A friend of mine was looking
for you yesterday, and he

came to this market.
I was wondering...

I can't talk. Just look
at the photo. It'll take

two seconds. Please.
No, I can't, really.

Doc, please, it'll
just take a second.

No, I really can't. Please...


Oh, my God.



Oh, my God. Trevor,
call an ambulance.


Guys, I'm sorry
you had to see that.

Martin Bohm?

Yes. Detective Lange

is on his way to speak to you.

Fine. I'll be here.

Well, this day just
keeps getting better.

I don't know how this is gonna

play out... I don't want
the kids to be here.



What do you think?

Popcorn for lunch?

Are you trying to
distract us from the fact

that we just saw a man die?

That's exactly
what I'm trying to do.

Come on.

It's okay, buddy.

You can go, I'll be fine.

Go with Trevor.

Martin Bishop. Hello.

Dr. Plimpton, what
are you doing here?

I'm meeting a friend for lunch.

Is your friend Dr. McCormick?

Yes. Why?

Please, come with me.

So, what cartoons

do you like?

I don't like cartoons.

I like real things.


Not hungry, then?

Five and three.

Five and three.


53. Does that mean
something, Jake?

I don't know.

I came to L.A.

as part of a medical study.

McCormick was one
of the first patients.

He took me under his
wing, helped me adjust.

Look, I know how
difficult this is for you,

but I need to know what
happened to Dr. McCormick.

Did he have a
history with seizures?

I don't know.

He was always making notes

in that little book
about his health,

but I never asked why.

The study you both were part of,

wh-what was it for?

It's a treatment for a
rare form of insomnia.

My mind is not like
other people's, it...

I see images.

Sometimes just
flashes, other times

whole sequences.

People. Things happening.

Often in the past.

I try,

but I can't shut it off.

I don't even know how to begin

to explain this, but...

this is my friend Avram.

Have you seen this man before?

Uh... no. Why?

He was kidnapped here yesterday.

He was looking
for Dr. McCormick.

Oh, my God.

How many people
are part of your study?

Seven. Well, six,

now that McCormick's gone.

The nest of seven.

Beg your pardon?

Mr. Bohm.

Ex-Excuse me for one second.

Detective Lange is
here to see you now.

Okay, just give me one minute.

I thought you said your name

was Bishop.

It's not.


I had to use an alias
to protect my son...

I think I've heard
enough. Please.

Dr. Plimpton.


Let's go.

Mr. Bohm, why is it,
every time I see you,

someone has died? I
know it doesn't look good.

No, it doesn't look
good; it looks criminal.

I didn't do anything
wrong. Mr. Bohm,

I am trying to help you, but
you're not helping yourself.

Why are you here?

Yesterday a friend of mine
was abducted from here.

He was trying to
find Dr. McCormick,

the man who just died. Abducted.

Let me guess, by Aster Corps.

Yes, I think so. You think so.

Did you report it to the police?

No. Why not, Mr. Bohm?

Because I didn't
think you'd believe me.

That's the first logical
thing you've said so far.

What's your friend's name?

Avram Hadar. Here,
I have his passport.

Mr. Bohm, the best advice

I can give you right
now is to go home

and stay there until I
get this whole Aster Corps

abduction, whatever
else thing all sorted out.

So I can go?

For now.

But I'll be in touch.

Thank you.

You okay? Yeah, I'm okay.

Right before Guillermo Ortiz

killed himself, he
said that he had failed

because he couldn't
find the "nest of seven."

I didn't know what he was
talking about, but I think I do.

Dr. Plimpton said that
she and McCormick

were part of some sleep study.

There were seven
patients, all sharing similar

characteristics to
Jake and Amelia.

Maybe that's what
Amelia was talking about

when she said, "They're dying."

Dr. Plimpton said that
McCormick was tracking

his health problems
in his journal.

When I walked up to him,
he was writing in his journal.

He put it in his pocket
right before he died.

We need to find
that journal now.

Come on, guys, let's go.

Come on.

We acquired several
companies in 2007.

They seemed healthy.

A few problem patches but sound.

Then we looked closer
and discovered that...

there were billions

of dollars in hidden debt.

So by then it was too late...

The deal was done.

I thought if I could just
buy a couple more years...

So we, as they
say, kicked the can

down the road.

Now that road has
come to an end.

All these people,

their pensions...

their futures.

At 11:00 on Thursday...

our company will
release its quarterly report,

and the world will see

a $40 billion loss.

That's why you
need the sequence.

I've got one play left.

Go all in with what
money we have.

It doesn't matter
what stock we invest in

or what currency we short,
we just need a sure thing.

Why are you telling me this?

We're the same, you and I.

Look... we both have made

a terrible mistake.

But we have a
chance to make it right.

Why haven't you
brought in the boy?

You said you were close. I
am. They can't have gone far.

I don't care what you
have to do, you get them!

Copy. We have another problem.

One of the sleep
study patients died.

We cannot have the police
showing up at the clinic.

I know. I'll handle it.

How'd the meeting
with Farington go?

She wants faster results.

Bad timing.

Why? What are you talking about?

Dr. McCormick died today.


Here at the clinic?

No. He was out.


I-I don't know how. I
think he had a history

of heart disease in his family.

Still, a death in the study...

We-we have to investigate.

The procedure is perfectly safe.

We put these people
into medical coma

and we force their brains

through hours of
exhaustive testing.

I'm not sure "safe" is the word

that I would use. You might want

to get on board with
this. Where's his chart?

I'll handle it.

I can't take the
kids into the morgue.

I'll be right back.

Excuse me. My friend
was just brought in here...

Dr. McCormick. I-I
was there when he died,

and in the panic I forgot

to grab something...
His-his journal.

It was in his jacket pocket.

This is kind of
embarrassing, but...

he was seeing another
woman, and he wrote about her.

He made me promise that
if anything ever happened,

I would burn it before his wife

could see it.
Look, I'll tell you

what I told the last guy...

We don't release
personal effects.

What do you mean,
"the last guy"?

Apparently, that journal
must have been pretty hot,

because a guy came in here
20 minutes ago asking for it.

20 minutes ago.


Sir! You are not
allowed in there!

So we know that everything that's happening
is somehow connected to the sleep study.

It must be one of Aster
Corps' subsidiaries.

There are eight

sleep studies in Los Angeles.

This one's only been
open for three months.


It's genius.

In an evil, insidious way.

They don't have to fake deaths

or kidnap anyone.

No, the patients just
check themselves in

and keep coming
back... unless we

shut them down. Yeah,
but how? We need proof.

You can't just walk in through
the front door. You've been a thorn

in their side for
months. If there's not

a picture of you in
every Aster Corps

security office by now,
they're criminally inept.

Amelia said they're dying... we
need to do something. Hang on.

They know you,

but they don't know me... I
could go in, look for evidence.

No, too dangerous.
No more dangerous

than Sarajevo. Come on, it'll
be like old times, you and me.

Trevor, I can't let you go in
there alone, and I can't take

the kids anywhere near
an Aster Corps facility.

What is it, sweetheart?

It's okay. We stay in
the car the whole time,

nothing happens to us.

Are you sure?


And me?

I can't see that far.

Martin, I'm willing
to take the chance.

We need to do this.

Can I help you?

Oh, I certainly hope so.

I'm interested in
the insomnia study.

We research a
very specific group.

It's unlikely that you qualify.


That's such a shame.

My friend Dr. McCormick
was so sure you could help.

Excuse me. Hi. I'm Dr. Linus.

Oh, Trevor. Trevor Wilbur.

I understand you're
having trouble sleeping.

It's plagued me my whole life.

Really, I'm at my wits' end.

Okay, um...

You mentioned you
knew Dr. McCormick?

Yes. We, uh, we seemed
to share the same symptoms.

I try to fall asleep,
and then my mind

gets full of...

numbers and-and
patterns, weird connections.

And I can't seem to
shut it off. Interesting.

Okay, well, why don't you

come with me...
We'll go this way.

Come on in.

Why don't you grab a seat?

We've developed a test...

to determine if you're one of
the people that we can help.

Take your time with
it. Press the button

on the intercom
when you're finished.

Will do.


Trevor, what's wrong?

We got to be quick;
they've got a camera on me.

They gave me sort of
test to identify the 36s.

I can now say quite
definitively I am not one of them.

It's a page of
symbols and numbers.

Some are circled.

Take a picture of
it and send it to me.

Okay, I got it. Hold on.


Show me what to do.

Jake circled three

and 48.

Okay, I don't get the point.

It doesn't matter;
Jake does. Just do it.

I asked you for faster
results, and you bring me...

What exactly am I looking at?

McCormick's file is full
of holes. There should be

patient histories, follow-ups...
There's none of that.

Did you ask Linus about it? Yes.

I think he's hiding
something. I mean...

I think he's hurting

these people. Well,
he's getting results.

Yeah, but at-at what
cost? At what cost?

Do you have any idea what
will happen if Aster Corps fails?

We're talking about gross
medical misconduct here.

You kidnapped a child
and held her for three years.

Yes, and I regret
that every single day.

But even at my worst, I
made sure she was safe.

I took care of her.
Do you have any idea

how close we are?

With the sequence, we
can create an algorithm

that will reveal to us
the hidden order of...

the weather,

the stock market,
human behavior. I know.

You can tell the future. I know.

When you know which strings
influence which outcomes,

you can grab those strings
and manipulate those outcomes.

With the sequence, we
can control the future.

If you're not
comfortable with this,

by all means,

you can leave.

Just remember that I
know everything about you.

I'm the only person
standing between you

and your kidnapping charges.

And if you're in jail,

what will happen to William?


your test results
were remarkable.

I'm just glad I qualified.

Here you go.

One of the nurses
will get you settled.

Make yourself at home.

Uh, wh...

what are you doing in here?
Who-who are these guys? Ms. Farington

is worried about security. Look,
these people need to believe

this is an actual
legitimate sleep study.

I can't have these goons
wandering the hallways.

I grabbed the doctor's journal

before it fell into
the wrong hands.

You should be thanking
me. Good for you.

Just try not to
scare anyone, okay?

And take that to my office.


Hey. Where've you been?

Out for a walk.

Yeah? For an hour?

I like long walks.

Hi, it's Dr. Linus.

"The tremors are
worse today. I brought

my concerns to Dr. Linus..."

Oh, my God.

Oh, there you are.

There's a problem with the
machine in seven's room.

I'll be right there.

Dr. Linus wants it
handled immediately.

What are you doing
in here anyway?

Just, uh... just

looking for a pen.

Take these.

What is it?

They'll help you sleep. Oh.


Everyone's nervous at first.

Please sit.

This will track your brain
waves while you sleep.


You'll be asleep in no time.


I believe there's been
some sort of mistake.

"In that day, the Lord
will take his terrible,

"swift sword and
punish Leviathan,

"the swiftly moving serpent,
the coiling, writhing serpent.

He will kill the
dragon of the sea."

I'm afraid I don't understand
the meaning of this.

Thank you. Thank you.


Do you see that?

Perfectly normal side effect.


Think sleepy thoughts.

I recalibrated the machine
in Mrs. Plimpton's room.

Great. Then
we'll start with her.

We have a new subject?

We do.

A walk-in.

Didn't even have to recruit him.


Is the new
patient... Is it a boy?

About 11 years old?

No. Why?

Oh. Nothing.

Fine. Let's begin.

Amelia, do you ever
have trouble sleeping?

Well, I have these dreams,

and I wake up and I
can't go back to sleep.

But I'm fine.

Jake seems to sleep all right.

He's always out
when I check on him.


If something's ever wrong
with him that I don't understand...

you have to tell me, okay?


Jake has all this information,

like, coming at
him all the time.

H-He sometimes doesn't
know how to turn it off.

But he hears you
coming down the hall,

so he just pretends
like he's asleep.

He doesn't want
to make you worry.

All I ever do is worry.

Trevor, what's happening?

I have to move fast.

It won't be long before
they realize I'm gone.

Okay, look for medical files.

Anything that's gonna
help us figure out

how they're
hurting the patients.

What are you doing out here?

Oh, I'm looking
for the bathroom.

You should be out




Damn it.

I need to get you
guys out of here.

No, you have to go in there.

If you don't, there's a 94%
chance someone will die.

Okay, I'm gonna

leave the car locked.
Don't let anybody in.

If you have to, call the police.

I'm gonna step outside
in a couple minutes.

I'll call you back.

I should call Dr. Linus.
That won't be necessary.

Hey. There you are.

Sorry, seems his
dosage was wrong.

My screw-up.
I'll take care of it.

What's going on?

Shh, shh.

You're Calvin Norburg.

Yeah, I know.

What are you doing?

I'm creating a feedback loop,

so they'll get a
continuous stream of data.

If the system doesn't
receive an input for more

than three minutes,
an alarm sounds.

Probably should have
factored that into your plan.

There's no plan.
I'm a patient here.

I have insomnia. Now, look,
I'm trying to help you, okay?

I know you're
working with Martin.

Jake is the only one who
could've sailed through

the test like that.
Where are they?

Look, I don't know what
your agenda is here...

If you go wandering around
this facility without my help,

you will get caught, and
they'll never find your body.

You have to trust me,
okay? You have no choice.

What are you doing here?

I think he just saved my life.

The study is killing the
patients. I have evidence.

Follow me.

I found Dr. McCormick's journal.

Aster Corps sent someone over
to the morgue to get this earlier.

Same guy who
broke into my house.

They must have known he was

keeping records of his
symptoms, logging his complaints.

What exactly are they
doing to the patients?

It's similar to my experiments,

but much more
prolonged and intense.

The patients start
out fine, but over time,

the process shreds
the frontal lobe.

Trevor, let me see your phone.

After a while, the
damage is permanent.

They can't recover.

What's your angle? Why
are you telling us this?

Look, I know you
think I'm a monster,

but I can't stand by
and watch this happen.

These people stay
here, they're gonna die.

We can't get them all out before
Linus realizes what's going on.

We need to call the police
and shut this place down.

The police will take too long.

There's a patient...
Dr. Plimpton...

She's in real trouble.

We have to get
her out of here now.

Oh, she came back.
Come on, let's go.

All right, this way.

Is she gonna be okay?

Once she gets some rest,

her brain should be
able to repair itself.

Okay, there.

They'll be getting data
for the rest of the night.

Dr. Plimpton, can you hear me?

What's going on?
It's okay. It's okay.

We're gonna get you out of here.

I have to get back to the lab.

They can't know
that I helped you.

If there's a problem on the
way to the hospital, give her this.

- It should stabilize her.
- How long do we have

before they start to realize
they're watching the same data

over and over? Not long.
As soon as they know

that she's gone, they're gonna
order a complete lockdown.

You have to get out
of here now. Good luck.

Slowly, slowly.
Trevor, come here.

Help me get this off of her.

Dr. Plimpton, here.

Great. Let's see what's
happening with the new subject.


Dr. Linus, I know I've had
reservations about your methods,

but you've done some
amazing things here.

Well, thank you.
I appreciate that.

You are a pioneer.

I can't tell you how
much it means...

Wait. Wait. I think
there's some kind of glitch.

We're not getting new data.

It's the same information,
over and over, like...

like it's on a loop.

He's clear. We can
go. Martin, they know.

What? Calvin just
texted me. They know.

They're gonna lock
this place down.

We need to get a passkey.

Dr. Plimpton, do you
have your key on you?

Dr. Plimpton, please.

53. What?

53. Jake showed me
that number earlier.

It's too loud.






Come on, think. Think.

The first three digits
of the Amelia sequence.

Three... one...


I got a passkey.

No. Damn it!

Give her the shot now.


Hold her still.

Come on.

She's stabilizing.

Slide on over, sweetheart.

Is she gonna be okay?

She's gonna be fine.

Martin, you get her
to the hospital. I'll call

Detective Lange and
send him the evidence.

Okay. Thanks.

Wipe all the drives. We
can't leave any records.

Let's go, people.

The police will be
here any minute.

Time to go. Quickly now!

What about the patients?

We'll be long gone
before they're questioned.

Out now.

What is the meaning of this?

I must apologize for the
crudeness of our methods.

But I can assure
you, it was necessary

for your safety...
as well as ours.

I was given a mission
by one of the 36.

Please... I must go.

I'm afraid that's not possible.

He will be here by
tomorrow morning.

Everything will
be explained then.


Who will be? Who
is holding me here?

Look, Aster Corps is
a Fortune 50 company.

Why go to these
lengths for some number?

I can't explain it.

This isn't the first time
they've killed people,

and it won't be the last.

Aster Corps takes
what they want,

no thought to who they hurt.

And they always
get away with it.

Yeah, well, not anymore.


We just dropped Dr. Plimpton off

at West Los Angeles
Regional Hospital.

She'll be safe.

We're on our way back home.

I'll call you as soon
as we get there.


thanks for everything.

I'm just glad
everyone's all right.

I'll talk to you later.


There's nothing more
terrifying than the future.

And nothing more inevitable.

It's happening.

What, sweetheart?

What's happening?

There are some
futures so devastating,

you can't imagine
surviving them.

So you fight and you run.

But no matter how far you run,

or how hard you fight,
the future catches up.

Captioning sponsored

Fate catches up.