Torchwood (2006–2011): Season 4, Episode 8 - Miracle Day: End of the Road - full transcript

The team is taken to see Olivia Colisanto, in whose house her grandfather, Angelo, ancient and comatose, lies on a life support machine. She explains that in 1928 three mobster families, named Ablemarch, Costerdane and Frines, tapped Jack's blood to gain immortality - the Blessing. Those families have now disappeared but seem to hold the key to Miracle Day. Angelo dies, baffling new CIA boss Shapiro, who deports Gwen. Jack finds a link between Angelo's death and a plate containing a mysterious force field under his floor. He gets Esther to take it and him to safety whilst Jilly tells Danes that he is expendable.

- No.



Angelo. No!

I'm so sorry, Jack.

- In the future, are we together?
- We can't be

cos one day you're going to die
and I won't.

Then we forget the future
and we make a promise.

I'm sorry, Angelo.

This is the story of my life.

Captain Harkness,
the last mortal man.

You'll want to come with me,

because I can take you to the one man
who knows how the miracle began.

Who's that?


Angelo Colasanto.

They're with me. They've agreed
to leave their weapons behind.

- But Esther's going to stay outside.
- Why? What for?

She's going to keep an open relay
to a hard drive back in Los Angeles.

If we go through those doors
and disappear, then we have a record.

OK? So tell your goons
to leave her alone.

Come on, Angelo's inside.

He talked about you
all the time, Jack.

His immortal man in old New York.
He never forgot.

You telling me
the whole world got screwed

because two gay guys had a hissy fit?

- Rex, get back in your cave.
- Come on, give me a break.

You inspired him.
You proved immortality was possible.

And he devoted the rest of his life
to finding out how to live forever.

And he did it?

He's still alive? He's still young?

Oh, yes, he's still alive.

Angelo Colasanto
is still very much alive...

but he's not young.

My grandfather waited
all this time to live forever.

And his wish came true...

too late.

What's wrong with him?

At his age? Just about everything.

You can leave us alone, thanks.

Of course, ma'am.

What happened to your eye?

I was just born with it.

It's him.

You must be horrified.

- Why would you say that?
- Well, he's grown so old.

That's how I see the whole world.

He's still young compared to me.

This is for Esther.

Just keeping an open line
to make sure we're all safe.

After everything I've heard about
Torchwood technology,

you're going to rely on
an open handset?

Yeah, well,
we had to leave LA in a hurry,

thanks to someone I could mention.

REX: Anyway, what the hell's going on
with the stock market?

They're falling.

It's been inevitable
ever since Miracle Day,

which I reckon is part of the plan.

So you put a gun to my daughter's head
for what, for this?!

- So you get your revenge on Jack?
- We weren't trying to hurt you.

I was carrying out
my grandfather's final wish...

to keep you safe.

- So you don't want him dead, then.
- W-wait..

Do you mean,
you were protecting me?

Hell of a way of going about it.

There's a crucial distinction.
My grandfather cared for you. I don't.

You might be important
in some way we've yet to work out.

So It's best to keep you intact.

But that's as far as
the sentiment goes.

So why the hell, you know...

Bollocks. Start again.

Any chance of a drink?

I could murder
a pint of bitter right now.

Thanks, Gwen. I'll have a vodka.

These are all of you.

Some of these are...

That's Torchwood.

That's Cardiff.

When was that?

- The '70s.
- A mustache?

My God, Jack.

He watched you for decades.

But he never made contact.

You may not be ashamed
of being old,

but... he was.

Hold on now. He didn't cause this?

Angelo didn't cause the miracle?

No, he lived this long
through natural means.

He kept his body at a temperature
two degrees below normal,

he controlled his caloric intake,
kept his blood pressure below 110.

- Does that work?
- Oh, yes.

Prolonging life is simple.

But no-one's worked out how to make
a profit at it, so it's not advertised.

And the whole time
he was looking for immortality?

It's not as impossible as it sounds.

You are not the only remarkable thing
on this Earth, Jack.

Consider the jellyfish.

The species turritopsis nutricula
is considered to be immortal.

Its cells undergo a process
called transdifferentiation.

Quite simply, it can revert to
a younger state, and grow old again.

And then repeat, without limit.

It's possible there are
individual jellyfish upon this planet

that have existed
for thousands and thousands of years.

I'm not as special as I thought.

You never were.

Even within the human body,
cancer cells

are immortal. Stem cells,
in theory, they can divide forever.

And this is the research
that Angelo investigated.

Well, they all did,

because my grandfather wasn't alone.

- Who were the others?
- Well, the story says

that it started with three men,
each representing a different family.

And when you were being murdered
over and over again,

these three men came
to witness your resurrection.

I saw them.

They made a deal.

They formed an alliance to purchase
the power of resurrection.

And when you escaped,

the three families swore
that they'd find the gift again.

What were their names?

The Ablemarch family,
the Costerdane family and the Frines.

Ablemarch, Costerdane, Frines.
Did you get that?

Ablemarch, Costerdane and. .

- Is Caster with a T-E-R?
- Is Coster with a T-E-R?

- Yeah, T-E-R. And...
- Spell Frines.

- Could you spell Frines?
- F-R-I-N-E-S.


Trace 'em. I want you to find
every member of those three families.

Rex, this is nine decades later.

Look, I don't care
if it's 500,000 people.

I want you to find them all... now.

So... what happened then?

1928 - what did they do next?

Well, they lost Jack,
but they still had his blood.

No, no, no, no!


I thought they were draining it away...

but they were collecting it.

All they had to do
was figure out how to use it.

But that doesn't work.
There's nothing special

about my blood in itself.
That's not what made me immortal.

Then why would the three families
want to kill you?

I don't know.

Whatever they were planning,
my grandfather wasn't included.

I think they considered him...

[LAUGHS] What's inappropriate?

He loved a man.

He did go on
to have a family of his own,

and I think he loved
my grandmother very much,

but he never lied about you, Jack.

And I think that Ablemarch,
Costerdane and Frines

found that... a little... unfortunate.

As a result, Angelo was forced
to watch them from afar.

Made enough money,
by the looks of it.

Well, Jack told him enough
to navigate his way

through the 20th century
and make a profit.

But what did these families do
to the world?

They... they started in Manhattan.

80 years later, the whole of the planet
becomes immortal.

- And I become mortal.
- In 1998 we intercepted a message.

It was just one word - "Blessing".

JACK: We've heard about the Blessing.

They found it. Whatever the Blessing is,
the three families found it.

- Now it's time that we found them.
- GWEN: Mmm.

Esther, you got any news for us?

This is... plain weird.

There's no-one called Ablemarch
or Costerdane or Frines.

I mean, literally,

there's no such names. There's nothing.
It's blank. They don't exist.

REX: Esther? Esther?

Esther? I think there's trouble.

How long till Shapiro gets here?

He was out of the airport
right behind us.

We've got maybe five minutes
till the rest of the CIA descends.

Five minutes should be enough.
Bring her.

We've got to finish this
before the rest of the CIA arrives.

- Shit.
- What is it, Rex? What's happening?

Just tell us where we can find
the three families, quickly.

You'll never find them,
that's the whole point.

They came out of New York with
the motivation of keeping this secret.

Where's the best place
to hide yourself?

- In plain sight.
- Nobody move!

- This is the CIA.
- Everybody, stay where you are.

That's an order. You, with the others.

- Hey...
- Matheson, don't try anything.

We are arresting all of you

for violations
of the Miracle Security Act.

This is the same as treason now, folks.
And I want a word with Rex.

Right now. Secure him.

- Who the hell are you?
- Don't move.

- That's your last warning.
- Brian Friedkin.

Yeah, of course it's Friedkin.

If anyone's working
for the three families, it's him.

That's enough! Keep them covered.

We may have to end this
with an unfortunate number of Category 1s.

- Get him out. Take him out.
- GWEN: You're not taking him.

- Back down.
- No, you're not.

- Back down!
- No, you're not.

- Back down!
- OK. OK, all right, OK? It's all right.

Well, they've just taken Rex.

- All right.
- OK?

OK. I'm fine. It's fine.

Right. Right.

They're not legitimate CIA.



All right.
Go out and keep watch for the squad.

Leave me alone with him.

This is gonna have to be quick.

- Shapiro's arriving any minute.
- Right. Right. I get it.

You have to dispose of me
before the rest of the CIA comes in,

finds out what you're up to.

- How did you find us?
- Ten hours ago

Rex made a phone call
to the brother of Dr. Vera Juarez

expressing his condolences.

We've been tracking his phone
ever since.

I knew you'd make a mistake
in the end. It's funny, though.

I never thought that sympathy
would draw you out.

Now all I've gotta do is say that
you attacked me and then I pulled my gun.

I wonder which spot is memories

or personality.

Here, please feel free
to piss yourself.

Why's Friedkin inside?
Who put him in the field?

Rex Matheson was his division, sir.

He feels personally responsible.

Yeah, well, he should have waited
for me, the fat-ass.

[WHISPERS] Doesn't make sense.

I mean, Rex?
He'd know they'd be tracing him.

- How much did the families pay you?
- It wasn't about the money.

You can't escape them.

The families don't just pay me.
They own me.

- Who did that?
- They are everywhere.

- They are always.
- What's it doing?

- They are no-one.
- And they are listening.

- What?

Oh, Friedkin,
I'm so glad you mentioned money.

That's gonna transmit beautifully.

What do you mean, transmit?
Transmit from where?

You 're not wearing a wire,
we already checked.

Ha! He stole them.

Mr. Shapiro, you've got a confession
from Brian Friedkin live on air.

- You're lying.
- Oh, yeah? You should read more.

Check the Torchwood file, OK?

I-5 technology transmitting
from a contact lens camera?

Yeah, you see,
once my heart rate hits 120,

that's the signal to transmit the image
on every frequency

and on every monitor within 100 feet.

You planned this.

Mm. I used my phone on purpose.

I was just waiting
until Torchwood got enough information.

But then, the Colasantos,
they showed their hand,

so I needed to get back inside,
which meant laying a trap for you.


It's over, Friedkin.

It's over.

And you're no killer.

MAN: Agent Friedkin, show yourself!

- Good job.
- Thank you.

Very good job.

Mr. Shapiro,

sir, tell me something...

all that time I was on the run,
did you think I was a traitor?

There was evidence,

woven through your records,
going back ten years or more.

Whoever these people are,
they're a lot smarter than Friedkin,

and they're operating on all sorts of
different levels.

Yeah, but now
we've got them on the run.


So... let's start from the beginning.

Exactly what is going on?

- OK, let's see where we are.
- Er, hold on a minute, mate.

Rex, look, I need to know, did you plan
this whole thing from the start?

No, I just improvised
when these Colasanto people appeared.

- You could have warned us.
- People seem to be talking over me,

which is fascinating and rare.

And forbidden.

I'll come back to you.

First of all, we're going to deal
with this Colasanto woman.

The granddaughter Olivia.
Have I got that right?

Yes, and as far as I'm aware,

the CIA does not have the authority
to operate on American soil.

- Get her out of here.
- This is my property.

Take her to the safe house.
Tell her to line up her lawyers,

so I can piss on them long and hard.

So, these are the Torchwood clowns?

Torchwood did more to piece this together
than the entire CIA!

You're that English girl, Cooper.
Have I got that right?

No, I'm not English
and I'm not a girl.

Gwen, this is Allen Shapiro.

- [SOFTLY] Don't. Really, don't.
- Well, he's not scaring me.


I am sick of her already.
Can we deport her? Let's deport her.

- Hey, hey, hey, leave her alone.
- Don't you dare.

- Don't you dare.
- Sorry, sir.

With all due respect, Gwen Cooper

has proven herself
to be extremely useful.

I think it's worth keeping her
on our side.

- Did you sleep with her?
- Pardon me?!

No, sir, I did not.

Because most women that bitter,
you've slept with.

Did you make that mistake?


No, sir, I did not.

Esther Drummond. Rex said
you did a good job out in the field.

- Thank you, sir.
- In my opinion

you deserted your post.
I'm docking your pay.

And what is it with you, Red Baron?

- You got Snoopy up your ass?

[GIGGLES] That's funny.

While you're wasting time, Mr. Shapiro,
we've got the names of the people

who are responsible
for causing the miracle.

I suggest we get to work.

Torchwood is gonna work for the CIA?

I think the CIA can work for Torchwood,
if you're lucky.


We've got a plane ready and waiting
20 minutes away.

The sooner we pool our resources,
the sooner we can end this thing.

- All right, let's go. Everybody out.
- What about him?

- We've got a very sick man here.
- Didn't you read the news?

Nobody dies. There's a nurse
around here somewhere.

You got two minutes.
Don't leave them alone.

Jack, did we just join the CIA?

I think we did.

- Hmm.
- Hmm.

Take that fat-ass traitor to the airport
and put him in cargo.

God help you.

The families aren't kind
to people who let them down.

- I did a lot of good.
- Oh, sure.

All I'm gonna be remembered for...

is this.

But there were times
when I stopped them,

when I said no to the families.

There were so many times
that I said no.

I wish I could say no now.

What are you doing?

It's all about the family in the end.

They said that
they would get mine, unless...

- No. No, no, no!
- No, please!

What the hell was that?

MAN: What happened?

- GWEN: Oh, my God.
- AGENT BAYLOR: Who was in there?

REX: Friedkin, Colasanto.
I don't know how many others.

- Goddamn it.
- Shit.


More bloodshed.

All these years later,
my life hasn't changed.

I can't believe you were watching me.

Maybe you said hello.

Some old man asking me directions

and I just...

looked right through you.

Did you see him?

Did you see Ianto?

You'd have liked him.

Or maybe not.

You'd have been jealous.



Gotta go.

Work to do.

I'll take care of you.

I promise.

I could travel this whole wide world...

but where would I find
another man like you?

See you later, old man.


What's the point in that?


He's sick, I know.

Tell me something new.


Shut up!

You want to tell
whoever made this stuff

dying's not quite the same any more?

Oh, how do 1...?


That's better.

Kinda cruel, though.



Even if your heart stops,

you go on living nowadays.

Like I said, I... I gotta go.

No way.

That's impossible.

How the hell did you do this?


I've got a man dying here!

Do you hear me?

Someone's dying!

Jack, what's happening?

- He's dead. He died.
- What?

Angelo died right in front of me.

- Think about it, Jack. He can't die.
- Listen to me.

This man's dead.
We've got to help him.

Get away from the bed.
Clear the area. That's an order.

MAN: All right, come on, step back.
Clear the bed. We have an emergency.

Stand back. You, do what you can.
This man is either dying or dead.

Jack, just let the medical staff
take a look at him, OK?

He can't be dead. He just can't be.
It's impossible. Nobody can die.

- He's just Category 1.
- I scanned him. He's gone.

REX: But is it everyone? I mean,

did the world just change back?

And if so, what happens to me?

I was supposed to die.

You, tell Langley to go online,
check the hospitals, check with everyone,

cos if he's dying, then who else is dead?
Matter of fact, just come with me.

Excuse me.

He's dead!

H Ow?

Only him, no-one else.

The only man
in the whole wide world to die.

The miracle continues,
minus Mr. Colasanto.

So, how did he do it?

We've taken the body for autopsy.
Any idea what we're gonna find?

I don't know.

We should go.

No, no, no, no. Nobody is leaving.
This house is secure.

- It's not a crime scene.
- Are you sure about that?

Dying of old age
can now be considered a crime.

Something happened here,

and we are going to search this place
for every last bit of information.

And nobody is gonna leave
until we know exactly what happened.

So you can stay
just where you are, Captain.


I'm sorry.


And you really don't know
what happened to him?

What is it, Jack?

Come on, what's wrong?
Are we in trouble?

- Yes.
- We're in trouble because he died?


But Why?

Well, Brian Friedkin's a Category 1,

the economy's going into a freefall,
and one man died.

So, how was your day?

Welcome back, Rex.
Things were kinda quiet without you.

But there's nothing else happening

Colasanto is the only death.

We're trying to keep it secret
in case it starts a riot,

but you've got the only corpse
on Planet Earth.

Yeah, how do you think it happened?

Was it some kind of drug
or something?

- What makes him so different?
- Still waiting for the results.

Well, if he found a way to die
then we need to find it, and quickly.

Past two hours, Greece and Ireland
have declared bankruptcy

and Spain is going under.

They're gonna take the whole
European Union down with them.

OK, let's investigate this thing
from the day it began

with the three families. Esther?

I've sent you their names -
Costerdane, Ablemarch, Frines.

Problem is, I've looked.
There's no-one with these last names.

REX: But there has to be.
They're names.

I mean, they're names.
What names aren't names?

These names.
According to every site I can think of,

the names didn't just die out.

They never existed.

Could be done - it's happened before.

At the end of the Second World War,

all the Hitlers disappeared
from the Berlin phone book.

Change your name, go back
and erase passport records,

birth certificates.

Do that for decades and you'd be buried
in the fabric of the world.

There's gotta be a paper trail.

Oh, I was born for this.

All right, we've got Manhattan 1928.

Let's check... churches,
schools, Western Union.

I'll get the full division on this.

If these people bought or sold
or joined anything,

it's gotta be on paper somewhere.

People always miss something.

All right. Noah, sidebar.
I got something for you.

ESTHER: Hey, remember
the Vivaldi inheritance in 2004?

Follow that same pathway,
cos it worked in the end.

And cross-reference it
with the word "Blessing".

- Make "Blessing " a filter.
- Yep.

Hey, um, I've gathered
some information for you.

It's your sister.

Is... is she all right?

She's... OK
She's under psych observation.

- In the high security wing.
- Oh, my God.

I went ahead and told them
you work for the government

to get her some extra care, you know?

Thank you.


Yeah, well, don't tell anyone.
Bad for my image.

- All right; I'll send you the details.
- Are you making a personal call?

No. Sorry, sir.

Is that Mr. Shapiro?

You tell him, "Yes, it's personal.
Yes, it's important.

"And yes, his wife called.

And I sent her flowers on his behalf

Charlotte Wills. Bane of my life.

REX: Try hitting PhiCorp
with an official disclosure.

Oh, yeah, and I got one more thing
for you - Oswald Danes.

Yeah, we're eyeballing him now
but not under close surveillance. Why?

Harkness keeps watching him,
and his instincts are good.

He says that if we 're watching Danes

then the three families
are watching him too.

So, I want you to get
someone in there, OK?

I'm on it right now Er, it says here
that Oswald sold out Cowboy Stadium.

- He's in Dallas.
- He's playing a stadium?

He's preaching hellfire and salvation,
which makes Oswald Danes

the most popular man in the world
right now.

First, I'm trying to set up

a joint appearance for you
with Madison Weakly.

She's the bisected bride.

You know, car accident sheared off
everything below the bikini line.

Got married a week later
propped up on a box.

Basically, she's made up of positive
thinking and colostomy bags.

Um, anyway, they were thinking
you and she could share the spotlight

if they could manage a two-shot,
obviously. [CLEARS THROAT]

Next, I, er, I've got you these essays
by John Maynard Keynes.

You've got interviews
about fixing the economy tomorrow.

Mostly just call for more deregulation
and a resumption of burning.

Now, we've got this.

- It's a request

from Washington to speak to
the Committee on Health and Immortality.

♪ Riding down Sunset

- ♪ Santa Monica too... ♪
- Oswald?

- ♪ over to the valley... ♪
- It's Washington.

So, what do you think? Yes, or no?


If you could turn that down...

All right, I'm gonna need a reply
by Friday night

or they'll ask someone else.

I said, they'll ask someone else.

Please, Oswald,

I'm just trying to finish the day.
Could you turn the music down?


Get me a girl.

How old?

Legal age.


I've made a new life for myself,
a new chance

with new... tastes.

So, I want a woman.

Now, get me one.

A redhead.

♪ I'm jumping like a Jack-in-the-box

♪ Cruising in the big bowl

♪ For a burger and some fries

♪ All the cool cats gather round

♪ They want to go for a ride

♪ In a stretch Cadillac... ♪

- Hi there.

I'm sorry,
but you're Jilly Kitzinger, right?

- I'm sorry. I don't have time...
- No, here, let me help you with this...

All this stuff. I will take this.

I will take that. That's better.



So, my name is Shawnie Yamaguchi,

and I'm on that internship
from Harrigan Knights PR,

and they said that
you are so busy and overworked

and I figured, well, you know,
learn from the best.

I don't need an intern. Thank you.

I'm sure.
But... this isn't the latest model.

And I can get you the prototype,

if you want,
and you really need to get 4-G.

I got a contact in the store.
And that is an awful lot of reading.

And I am free all night.

Shawnie Yamaguchi?

That is correct.

Go get me a sandwich,

tomato and Swiss

on sourdough.

Let's see how well you cope with that.

And then you can find me a prostitute.

I'm sorry?

Start with the sandwich.


I don't mean to be rude,
but I don't know how you put up with him.


I won't have to. Not for much longer.

I'm sorry, what do you mean?

Never mind. Off you go.


Danes and Kitzinger.

Shawnie's in.

Told you I'd come back, didn't I?

Just give me till tomorrow
and I'll come see you, OK?

Did you fix things?

You said you were gonna fix them.

Not yet.

Still flying.

Doctor said you'd been good today.

- She sounded nice.
- Yeah.

She is, yeah.

Hey, when I get back,
we'll go to the promenade together,

just you and me.

Would you like that?

I suppose.

I know we keep talking about the miracle
like it's a bad thing,

but we forget about the good side,

all the years we're gonna have...

together. That's good, isn't it?

They said you reported me.

Who said that?

Is it true?

I had to.

For your own good.

I know.

I get that, yeah.

That's why I know you'll understand.

- I want to volunteer.
- For what?

Category 1 ...


you can't volunteer.
Category 1 is...

it's a medical condition.

You can't choose it.

People do.

Online, there's thousands of us.

This whole world's changed, Esther.

This body...

is without a soul.

Don't say that.

What about the girls?
Think about the girls.

I've put them on the list too.

Sometimes I wonder what keeps us
from falling straight through the Earth

to the other side of the world.

[sol-rm] Oh, God.

Damn it.

You OK?


Time out, I think, Drummond.

No, sir. Not at all.

We need to find out how that man died
and fix this stinking world.

Thank you, sir.

GWEN: I can't tell you.
I don't trust the phones these days.

And we've got
these family people everywhere.

And Jack's just as bad.

Honestly, you should see him
right now Rhys. He's sulking.

Why? What's he doing now?

Oh, don't tell me.
Did he get another bruise?

- Who's that?
- Jack, her boss.

Well, you tell her from me,

I had a gun held to my head.

My life was in danger,

and her father's,
right inside our own house.

And all because of her.

So you tell her,

don't give UP...

Go get the bastards,

whatever it takes.

Tell her yourself.


I'm watching TV.

- She says go get 'em.
- Yeah, I heard.

So, what about Jack, then?

Oh, he's doing that old thing,
keeping secrets. Won't tell me.

Will you?


God knows what's going on.
What time is it there?

Ah, it's almost eight.

The telly's been on all night.

They said there's gonna be

a run on the banks.
Like a Lehman Brothers thing.

- It's the pensions.
- Aye.

The pension funds go bankrupt
because of the miracle

and that starts off a domino effect

cos everything's been on a knife-edge
since 2008.

They said the best advice
is to invest in gold.

There we are, we'll be fine.

Thank God for my vast reserves, eh[?]

Huh! How's Dad?

[WHISPERS] She's asking how Dad is.

Tell her the truth.

Not so good, Gwen.

Is he conscious?

Not so much, no.

The trouble is, we can't get a doctor in
cos they'll classifiv him Category 1.

And them ovens are still sitting there.

They're only closed
cos of the protests.

And they said on the news

if we get a recession
then it's classic isolation policy.

Given our lack of resources

- the camps will open up again.
- Like someone planned it.

Yeah. But does that include 2008
as well?

I mean, you know,
was that part of the plan?

- You know a first stage?
- Could be.

I think we've been manipulated
for decades.

Yeah, but what for?

- I mean, where's it all heading?
- I don't know.

It's not like the old days with Torchwood.
I mean... [SIGHS]

we knew what we were fighting there.
But this,

this is like the whole world is changing

and we're just so tiny.

God, I wish you'd come home.

Not yet, sweetheart.

But soon.




- What are you doing?

You seen this? Maybe it's the floor.

What do you mean?

Well, we're going through evidence
like Angelo's body did something.

But the only strange thing
with this room is the floor. I...

I knew something was bugging me.

Look, the bed's on a sort of platform.

Esther, don't. Just leave it.

But look, it's not part
of the original design. It can't be.

Esther, seriously. Listen to me.

Don't say another word. Just leave it.


It's the floor.

Esther, stop, right now.


This is a hell of a lot better
than nicotine gum, let me tell you.

You know what the rumor is
from Washington?

If cancer cells are immortal,

well then, the miracle switched them
around and made them plain mortal.

They're keeping it quiet in case
there's an outbreak of spontaneous joy.

I mean, we can't have that.

But it means we've got
nothing to worry about.

We can smoke our way into
the next Great Depression.



does somebody want to tell me
what's going on between you three?


I'm sorry, Jack...

but we're trying to figure out
how Angelo Colasanto died.

I think there's something
under the floor.

OK, people, thank you very much.
Leave the room immediately.

Good work.

Wait for my call.

Captain Harkness, what is that?

No idea.

Jack, tell us what it is,
cos if you could hear my sister

volunteering to be categorized,
you would help.

Look, if he says he doesn't know,
he doesn't know, OK?

I've read the Torchwood file.
Are those materials extraterrestrial?

I said he doesn't know.
Now, get out of his face.

The file also says that Cooper
and Harkness inevitably form an alliance

and the best results can be achieved
by separating them.

OK, get her out of here.
And I mean it this time.

Deport her. She's no longer welcome
in the United States.

- Get her out of the country.
- Don't touch me.

- Leave her alone.
- Oh, you have something to say?

Please. No? Well,

I'm sorry, Miss Cooper, but from
this moment on, Torchwood is defunct.

You will be removed
from American soil immediately.

And God help Great Britain.

With me. Don't cause trouble.

GWEN: Jack. I'll find you, all right?

- I'll find you. I'll find you, Jack.
- Sir, you've got to reconsider this.

- You can't do this.
- Then talk.

By all means, start talking.

The CIA doesn't have any authority
over me. You're not deporting me!

I'm coming back!

Still got nothing to say?

Well, then, you're not gonna mind

if we dig this thing up
and take it back for analysis.

You can't.

I'm sorry, OK? You can't touch it.

Oh, he speaks at last.

Jack, come on. What the hell is it?

- Some sort of transmitter.
- OK, what does it do?

Well, it mostly proves my theory

that immortality is caused by
some kind of morphic field.

Wait a minute.
You know what's causing the miracle?

No, saying it's a morphic field is...
is as vague as saying it's radiation.

I still don't know how,
where or what is creating it.

So, it transmits, what, some sort of field
that cancels out the first one

so Angelo could die?

- And where did he get it?
- I don't know everything.

How big is this field?

- The whole house?
- Smaller.

About the size of that panel.

So, we would be able to
stop the miracle

if we could create a field
as big as, what, the whole planet?

No, you need a structure like this panel
as big as the whole planet.

Well, I'm sure we'll be able
to replicate its effects.

Don't touch it, seriously.

That's a proper null field.
You change the dynamic

and it could nullify everything,
even life.

- Well, then, you need to make it safe.
- I am not an expert.

You're the closest thing we've got.
Now, make it safe.

And then we're gonna take this thing
back to Langley.


Mr. Danes.

My name's Claire.
Or whatever you want it to be.

Now, I did have to adopt a dress code
in order to get through hotel security.

You know how that is. But I have
clothes in my bag if you'd like.

Schoolgirl outfit, maybe?

There won't be any need for that.

OK. Well, it's not about
the clothes, anyway.

I can act all kinds of innocent.

Whatever you want.

I was very clear I don't want that.
Not at all.

What do you want?

I suppose...

we could talk a little.

- Would you like a drink?
- And then what?

I need to know exactly
what we're doing tonight.

Maybe we could have dinner...

on room service.

I'm sorry, you mean like a date?


If you want.

Mr. Danes, I do know who you are.

I mean, from your trial.

Except that's not everything that I am.

Don't presume to know me.
I am capable of

much more than my reputation.

So, you wanna date me?

To begin with.

Oh, my God.

So, would that be, like,

your first date ever?


I said don't presume.

We could have a drink.

Maybe a fine wine,

civilized people...

adult company.

Actually... no.

If you don't mind,
I think I'd like to go.

But I do mind. I'm paying.

Mr. Danes, the thing is,
I could cope with this

if it meant shoving my face
in the dirt - I'm used to that.

But if you want us to pretend
that you're normal,

no way. No.

- No. No, look...
- Please don't...

- Please don't do that.
- All I'm asking for is your company.

That's all. Just your company.

Well, I think I should warn you
that girls my age fight back.

You know that already, though,
don't you, and that's why

- you prefer kids in the first...
- Stop!

Don't you dare!

If you want to be a changed man,
you're running out of time.

The way I heard it,

you've been classified a Category 0.

What's Category 0?

Oh, that day is gonna come.

Category 0 is you.


- What's Category 0?
- What's...?

What? Um...

What's Category 0,

and why does my whore
know about it?


Clever girl.

That's what you get for employing
someone who sleeps with senators.

- She's been listening.
- Tell me,

- what's Category 0?
- Look, Oswald,

did you really think it would never
come to an end, your freedom?

There's an emergency mandate
being passed through Congress

defining a new Category 0,

meaning people who have...

earned themselves a place
in the ovens for moral reasons.

They want to burn me alive?

Oswald, you were always
sentenced to death.

What you had was a wonderful delay.

And now it's time for that adventure
to come to an end.


people love me.

Television loves you.

It's a different thing.

They can't kill me.

- Not yet. I haven't found them.
- Haven't found who?

How long have you known about this?

- How long have you known?
- I...

How long have you known about this?



I'll have you arrested for this!

Brand-new charges!


They're gonna reopen those ovens
and you're going in!

You run, Oswald!

Run as fast as you can!

You've got the most famous face
on the planet.

Where are you gonna hide?!

Where are you gonna go, Oswald?
What are you gonna do?


can you come here for a second?

Er, and Rex.

I need you to hold
these pattern blocks in place.

- All right, which ones?
- There.

- Put your hands on the panel.
- Jack,

I'm really sorry about this,
but I didn't know.

Yeah, now, listen to me quickly.
I've broadened the transmission

so it's nullifying sound waves.

No-one outside the field can hear us.

So, make yourself look busy,

just stay where you are
and no-one can hear what we're saying.

What are you talking about?
They're right there.

Hey, you can hear me, right? Hey!

Would you turn around
and not look at him?

They can't hear us?

It's a null field.

No. No way.

Rex, don't attract attention.

All right. Esther,
I want you to count to 100 out loud.

All right? Just keep counting.

Go ahead, go.


two, three,

four, five,

six, seven...


Excuse me. Sorry about that.

Just check that medical record, OK?

- ..30, 31, 32...
- Holy shit. This is insane.

They can still see us.

Keep your heads down, facing away,
like you're concentrating, OK?

This thing's real.

How does it work?

I can't tell you. That's the point.
Just listen to me.

I knew this stuff the second I saw it.
Yes, it's alien technology.

The only examples of it on Earth

were in the Torchwood Hub.

They were buried in the ruins.

But Angelo had people watching.

He must have salvaged it,
knowing the miracle was coming.

So what did he do?
Trigger it with your DNA or something?

Maybe that was revenge,
or maybe giving me a clue.

But there's only one
course of action left now.

You have to get me out of here.

- Are you crazy?
- Turn your head!

Jack, listen to me. The CIA is not
the enemy. That's why I brought them in.

Don't you understand? You don't...

[MUTTERS] Here we go.

Be calm...


Look, you don't need to run any more, OK?
We can protect you.

There's a reason
why Torchwood was secret.

We kept things hidden
from the human race.

This technology is a science
the world should never know.

How can you know that?

I know, Esther,
because I've seen the future.

I've walked the future world
and breathed its air.

And this technology
would send it to damnation.

Just imagine
the stealth technology of a null field

hiding bombs, hiding planes,

shielding one side from radiation
while the other side burns.

This thing would be the end of us.

This timeline would be terminal.

He's right.

[SCOFFS] Whose side are you on?

Even if the government...

Even if the government
had this one panel

and they put people inside and they died,
it's the same thing as the ovens.

It's control over life and death
and we've seen that that doesn't work.

But you trust me, don't you?
Both of you?

After all we've done?

Please, I'm begging you,
get me out of here.

Look, this is the alpha plate.

Without it,
this is just a bunch of metal.

You've gotta get me and the plate
away from this house.

Jack, listen to me.
We can't, OK? We are the CIA

and this is a genuine CIA operation.

This is history, Rex.
This is everything.

Please, get me out.


- I think you should call the police.
- This is bigger than the police.

I'm organizing a press conference.

I'm gonna say
that Oswald Danes is on the run

- with all his old appetites

It's gonna be the biggest witch hunt
this country's ever seen.



Shawnie, can you give us a second?
This is a friend of mine...

I think.

- What are you doing here?
- I'm here to warn you.

You're being watched
by a CIA field agent.


Don't be ridiculous.


And secondly, you're being considered
for a promotion.

- You just shot her.
- Does a promotion sound interesting?

- She was CIA?
- I need you to focus, Miss Kitzinger.

- How would you react to a promotion?
- With PhiCorp?

Oh, we're way above PhiCorp.

Then who are you?

We're a family business.



Well, then,
that completes the interview.

- And we'd better leave.
- Where are we going?

A long way away.

I have her.

She's with us now.

Thanks. Good news.

Catholic churches love records.
There's tons of this stuff.

Sorry, am I interrupting?

Oh, no, it was just a family thing,
that's all.

All right, let's get started.

The whole world's depending on us.

REX: Hey, Jack,

Shapiro wants to see you.


Wait a minute.
You might want to grab your coat.

- He's outside by the forensics vehicle.
- Thanks.

- JACK: Thank you.
- Yeah, just shut up.

Now listen, this is the story.

Jack knocked him out, held us
at gunpoint and stole a car, OK?

- All right, come on.
- OK.

You're not coming with me?

We can't. That's why we've gotta
keep our faces out of this.

I'm sorry, Jack. But the CIA has a chance
of solving this thing now.

And they need me and Esther -
we can help.

There's a courtyard this way.

All right, now listen.
There's gonna be a guard on the gate.

I'll tell him Shapiro authorized a car.
Just keep your head down.

- Go, go, go!
- Which one is it?

I don't know. They're all the same.
Just chirp the thing.


- MAN: Hey, stop! I said stop.
- Go! Just go.



Stay where you are!

He saw me. Rex, he saw me.

- Come on, Jack.
- He saw me. Rex, he saw me.

REX: I know. You can't stay.
You definitely cannot stay.

Someone's gonna have to go with him.
Jack, that's right, get in there.

Come with us.

- I can't. Look after him, Esther.
- My sister.

I know, but someone will have heard
that shot. Now go.

Rex, you've got blood!

It's my heart, OK? Just go
It's my heart. Go! Go!


RADIO: It's morning in America,
it's morning across the Western world,

and the banks are closing down.

Its a disaster
of almost biblical proportions.

Jack, you still with me?

Some say the concept of money
itself is under threat.

- The euro has exacerbated...
- Jack?

- ...the financial crisis...
- Can you hear me?

Encouraging some countries
to behave as recklessly

as the banks themselves...

Oh, my God...
I don't... I don't know where to go.

Jack, please. Please say something.

Oh, my God, I don't know what to do!


Oh, my God.

I don't know what to do.

I have reason to suspect
you may be illegally harboring

an unsupported Category 1
deceased person.

You've been invited to Shanghai.

The families want to meet you...

in person.

I'm rather jealous.
They're taking you to the Blessing.



You're scared.
Your skin's a little too tight.

There's something
just out of the corner of your eye

you can't quite see. Hmm?