Topi (2021): Season 1, Episode 4 - Isstuplenie - full transcript

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— What did they tell you?

I'm inoperable. Chemo won't help.

Listen, there's a guy in your friends list,
Denis Titov.

Going to some monastery...

I want to drink to Denis.
To the fact that he has dragged us all out.


And where's your other one,
with the yellow scarf?

So easy to get lost in our woods

I still need to find my own guy.

My colleague disappeared with
his uniform and service weapon.

There's something going on
in these Marshes of yours.

The hell is this?

Dog heads looks like.

No one's allowed in the circle, but us.

Break the rule and your days are done.

Says who?

Says the master.

Have you seen a girl? This is her scarf.

We were friends, remember?

Someone you knew died?

My sister died, crashed on a motorbike.

Ask. I've prayed mine away


«I went to the monastery with Ana Petrovna.
We'll be back by dusk. Sonya».

And Ellia?

Not with them?

What do we do?

No idea.

Listen, let's go to the monastery.

I mean, Sonya is there with that wacko granny.

She has to know something too,
about all of this.

So then.

We find them, and after - we'll see about Ellia.



Seems like everyone here knows everything.



Oh, my head is spinning.

What is this?


Why are you whining?

What's this? Some kind of church?

It's a miraculous monastery.

You and father dragged me to some monastery?

Why do you always side with those fuckers.

Is father here too?

No, no, he's not here.

Why can't I remember anything?

Lis, you left us two years ago.

Because it's impossible to be around you.

Where is Tyoma?

Tyoma? Tyoma's not here.

Lis, we were so worried.
The doctors didn't know what to do.

What doctors? What are you going on about?

Where's my phone?

I don't know.


I can't remember a thing.

I've beendoped with something, right?

What have you done to me?

I just asked…

I hate you, you spineless weakling.

Where's the exit? Through here?

What do you want?


What? Speak.

I hate you!
You're a perfect slave. Sod off!

What the fuck is this dump anyway?

I can't for the life of me,
understand how they can live in all this shit?

How... they just live.

All the real action happens in dumps
just like this one, proper thrills.

What ever happens in Moscow: some hipsters
stealing a smoothie-bar idea from each other.

That's your criminal chronicles for the day,
but around here there's place for real journalism.

I keep thinking about the Angarsk killings.

There were like 70 or 80 victims.

And the authorities kept denying until the end.

That killer probably barely
spiked the statistics anyway.

Mincing folk as he would... nobody gave a fuck.

Where is Angarsk anyway?
Some shithole as well?

Afterlife indeed.

Angarsk is in the same place as Irkutsk. Shithole...

Of course, civilisation is only
that within the Boulevard circle.

Not only.

Well, yeah, there's Bali as well.

Dude, this is how half of the country lives,
don't you know...

Your life is a joke, a daydream
of some little spoiled princess.

Sod this kind of reality.

People are fine with it.

Arina lives with her mother
on a retirement bonus.

And she's just fine, don't need
no Moscow or anything.

Who's this Arina?

That girl from before.

What girl?

The one in that house.

I just questioned her for investigation.

You mean your local Lolita?

Oh, fuck off.

She's no Lolita, mind you.

Just so you know, she's takes care
of her disabled mom on her own.

Well, you can shag the mother as well.

Humbert Humbert started with mom.


Enough yourself.

Why so jumpy, huh?

I'm not jumpy.

You're a fucktard.

You're a fucktard yourself.

Have you got no one else left to shag?

Katty wasn't enough for you, huh?
Sodding journalist investigator...

Fucking candour and purity.

This Arihka of yours has likely been
shagging as a stray cat since 6-th grade.

Shut your trap.

Or I'll knock off your melon.

Oh, yeah? Go on.

Wow. Come on now. Come on.

Journalist. Fucking investigator.

Go incestigate then. Why're you still here?

Wow, you're headed straight for Hollywood, I see.

Oh, fuck you.

What? You think I don't know your kindа?

You think I've never paid off "Commerce",

when I needed an article,
or "Vedomosti"»?

And your "Moska" is not even worth mentioning.

Fucking journalist. Go eat shit, got it?

Listen, you're actually a pussy, aren't you?

There is some shit in that whole
story of yours, yeah?

Does your own backdoor still hold?
Mr. TrueTalk.

Go fuck yourself.

You say anything else about Arina,
and I will hurt you, you hear me?

Oh I hear ya. Hear you loud and clear.


What's the matter?



She's there…


Lying there...

Leave her be.

She's in there…

Prayed her away.

It's not me…

She needs to regain strength.

It wasn't me...

She's basically came back from the dead.

Let her stay there a while, in the temple.

No cars allowed in the yard.

Well now. God's things unto God,
and Ceasar's unto Ceasar.

You would know, right?

Where're the others? Are you all here?

The rest are back at the village.

— Haven't found the girlfriend yet?
— No.

Hello again.

Where did you go to, by the way, father?

Been away?

People were looking for you.

Couldn't find you.

Where would I go?

So I thought as well.

You're just like us:
always on duty, ever on the post.

Who asked about me?

These ones here.

There's more in the village.

Said they've come for a miracle.

Did you get them a miracle, father?

What's it to you? You're an infidel.

Well I'm not really. Only a little.

I just don't believe in God.

Come, ladies,
I'll give you a lift to the village.

Cause elsewise shuffling in the dark
by yourselves, that's not on. Jump in.

Leave it, don't go in there.

She'll be ll right. Father Eli will look after her.

Stay away!

What would you gals do without me.

Went off at dusk...

These city folk are one thing.

But you, Ana Petrovna?

The Lord will provide.


Well, unless that.

You just try and pray harder then, Orthodox.

Didn't help their friend much, did he.

It's kind of beautiful.

Hell's kitchen.

Heh! Good one that!

You're living off their benefits, and still at it.

Hell's kitchen…

If it weren't for that hell's kitchen, people
would've eat each other alive long ago around here.

Who's there?

What do you mean gone?

I woke up, there was no one here.

I took my pills earlier, crashed under them.

She was just walking around outside.

Yeah, and Katya just went for a bath too.

This is some bullshit.

Let's scour all the houses again then.

I want nobody gong outside tonight, understood?

And I've had just about enough
of your amateur hour activities.

So what, we should just stay at home?

Hey, watch it…

I've been to Central today. Barely got there.

Talked to command
and requested reinforcements.

They'll be here in a day or two.

Then you lot are out on the first train.

Got you a 92 gas cannister too.

It's 5000 roubles for you.

I said, I'm not budging.

— Me neither.
— Especially if now Ellia too…

Here we fudging go again.

Introduce yourself, please, comrade policeman.

— Bugger off.
— Go on, go on.

Just wait till I get a signal,
and it's off your head promptly.

Let me just bounce a vid to Moscow,
straight on "Moska".

We like hot stuff there.

I said, no amateur hour!

Get to the bedroom.

Can't you hear me?

Get to the bedroom, I said, now!


Come on!


Let me in?

We've got another girl missing - Ellia.

If you know something, you do know!

Where're you going?


Mine what?

Your girl?

No. None of them are my girls.

Who cares?
Two people went missing within 24 hours.

It's a serial killer, right?

You're a serial.

Why have you lot come here at all?

Take the ones that are left and leave.

Why don't you want to talk?

You won't change anything around here.

What's this now?

Are you wearing lipstick?

Leave here, really. Leave.

Listen, wait. Wait, Arin.

You simply don't know.
I can. I've a name in Moscow.

I've connections, my speciality
is investigative journalism.

I'm known over there.
I swear to you, if this goes public...

Come on, let's make an interview right now?


I don't want to.

You're affraid.

You know who it is, right?

You'll leave and I'll stay here.

I can take you with me, if you want?

Let me take you with me to Moscow.

No one will find you there. Come with me.

No, you're lying to me.

I'm telling you, I want to take you with me.

And mother?

I won't leave, I won't abandon her.

We'll bring her, take mother along.


I know what'll happen.

You'll fuck me, then get bored.


And I'll be left alone with a
disabled mother to care for.

— Come on, no!
— In your sodding Moscow.

Our home is here. Mother receives
triple retirement benefit off the combine.

And what's there?

Who will care for us?

A journalist?


Venny, stop tossing and turning so.

You'll shove me off the bed.


Why are you awake?

Can't sleep.

How did she act over there?

— Who?
— Granny.

As usual. Why?

I saw her husband's grave at the cemetery.

She's by herself in that room now,
he's long dead.

— When?
— In 2017.

She's there talking to herself.

And a parrot.

— A parrot?
— Yes, Sonya, a parrot.

A parrot, you understand?

He sits in the cage there and coughs.

What're you laughing for? You're normal.
Let's leave here asap.

This one wants to investigate,
let him. Let us leave, huh?

— No... no.
— Why?

This place is special.

What the hell now?

You wanted to come here yourself,
wanted the monastery, to ask something.

Ask who? For what, Sonya?

The monastery is empty, the priest is not there.

He is. He's was there today.

Have you talked to him?

What is it?

I'm very ill.

I have cancer.

The pain drives me nuts.

I'm almost out of pills,
couple of days left, tops.

You need to see him.

Go see him…

— See who?
— Father Eli.

— No, come on. No.
— Yes.

Let's go together tomorrow, please.
Let us go…

Leave me be, stop it!

I need to leave, understand.

I cannot stay here anymore.

Evil One, Begone

Where's Katya?

Talk, talk... I like the sound of your voice.

What have you done to her?

I am curious though,

how did you actually find me?

By Katya's scarf.

Where is she?

Well, scarf it is then.


Hands behind your back.


Please, don't do this.

I beg you, don't.
Please, I beg of you, don't do this!

Please, no! Don't!

No, please! I beg you!

Please, please, don't do this. No, no!

Lady, do you need help?

I'm so hungry.
If I could just eat a tiny bite even.


From our table to yours.


Forgotten me, have you?

Can't... don't remember?

Whoa now, gran. You're mistaken.

You must've thought I'm your grandson.

Would you take me? Would you marry me?

— Marry me?
— Ok, lady. Enough.

He left me.

And you want to leave me too.

What's with you? There, over there!

— There…
— What?

There's your house.

And your dear husband is waiting
for you there just over the fence.



Yes, really.

Forty five.

«Your bait of falsehood takes this carp of truth:

And thus do we of wisdom and of reach,

With windlasses and with assays of bias,

By indirections find directions out».

Class of 1999

Bloody hell.

The road is awash:
no passage in either direction.

So rejoice, you'll stick around here some more.

And I'll keep you company.

Well, comrade captain,

I for one am certainly not going to sit around.


Got the day all planned out.

Head's cleared overnight.

— What do you know!
— Just so.

And where're you off to?

The woods. Want to have chat
with those convicts myself.

I'm not going anywhere.

Well that's clear as day,
you didn't even have to say it.

Let me see the spot, where it is.

Come on.

Listen, I'll come with you.

Dress warmer, we've got an anomaly here.

Why not?

No good if they pop him over there.

No youths, let me at least put you
on that train alive.

Stay here.

We'll deal with those, and then go door to door.

We'll look for your lasses some more.

Got to actually do something indeed.

Indeed, fuck.


Yes, Ana Petrovna.

Do a good deed: go see
holy father at the church.

I've prepared some food there
in a basket on the table.

You're not coming?

Back's acting up, I'll lie in for a bit.

Denis, you have to come with me.


He said stay here.

Who said?

The rozzer.

Told us to not go anywhere.

Listen, what if it's all for real?

Actually real.



What are you talking about?

You need to come with me.

Come on, get dressed and we'll go.

— What for?
— You'll get help there.

With your ilness.
I thought about it all night.

I won't go anywhere.

And I won't let you go

— Denis, I have to go.
— Come to me. Let's just lie here.

Grandma Noora asked me.
Stay if you want.




Wait up.

I'm coming.

Why do you pout?

I don't pout.

Why so serious then?

Smoke of the fatherland?

Our own and dearest.

How do you breath it around here?

Just like that.

Reaches the big five-oh,
consider yourself lucky.

Take your landlady's husband, died o'cancer.

Big five-oh...


That's my Mishka.

He looks different now…


Bedridden with leukaemia.

Eight years old. Understand?

That's our fucking ecosystem.

And you know how much is it
to keep him hanging in to this world?

Our medicine is only free for the healthy.

Russia is no match for cancer.

What were you even thinking, love?

That I'm digging around in the yard here?

Thought you could drop me at three meters
to the back of the neck?

What? No, no, what are you talking about?

I swear to you. You don't have to do this, please.

I do have to.

Commander said to do it, so I'll do it.

Please, believe me, I…

I didn't want anything like it.

I recognize your smell always.

You smell different from people.

To sweet, too sultry.

Is it the beast? Or death?

What is it?

You were born with it, live with it.

You don't feel anything, but I feel it.

I swear to you, I was running
from my fiance.

I ended up here by random accident…

— Random...
— Completely random.

Oh, sweety.

But you're one of them…

Of them? Who're "they"?

— They…
— What are you saying…

I'm telling you, I came here from Moscow.

I live in Moscow. That's it.

What, actually from Moscow itself?

— The capital?
— Yes…

Well, why haven't you said so from the start?

— I don't know…
— A muscovite?

Yes.Yes, from Moscow.

Why haven't you just said so before?

I don't know...

Look, can you, please, let me go.

I really haven't done anything to you.

You haven't, because you've failed.

But if you could…

War is war.

Jesus, what war? What are you on about?

And what's this?

That's no mere cap gun, mind you.

This, fucking, kills people.

You lack in sense, that's the trouble.

Plenty of cunning,

but no sense.

Father Eli.

Father Eli, it's Sonya.

He's not there.

The door is locked from the inside.

Maybe he kicked the bucket.

But we were here together with Ana Petrovna.

Smells like burning, feel it?

Burned paper.

Denis, this is no joke. I'm not crazy.

This all happened for real.


Why did I get involved in all this?

What kind of idiotmust I be to...

Let's go look for him.

Father Eli!

Holiness! Yoo-hoo!

He really was here. You can ask gran Noora.


Better off asking the parrot.


I'm not lying to you.
I can swear it on your TrueTalk, if you want.

He's in the church probably.

Come with me, I'm scared to go alone.

I'm scared too.

So what's in here?


You're back?

You can…

You can see her, right?

I see her.


That's Lisa - my sister.

How is it she's here?

She was in an accident a few days ago.


We saved her by a miracle, prayed her away.

She's full of it...

an accident, prayed away.

There's not a scratch on me.

Where're the bruises, broken limbs?

Nothing at all.

I brought you some food. Hungry?


I don't smoke.

The road is washed out apparently.

Pickles are fucktastic.

Have some.

Unless you too are sustained by holy spirit?


that's really your sister?


You couldn't tell straight away, right?

She's this little dork of the church persuasion,

and I'm led astray by demons.

I'll go bring some water.

Come with me?

Secret thingies…

Let's go.

Swear that you won't tell her.

Won't tell her what?

Swear first, please.

Ok, I swear.

She died.

Lisa died in the crash…

last Friday.

How is she here then?

I just prayed.

And the Lord returned her to me.

Come on.

So she's now what, resurrected?

You've seen her yourself.

I was so afraid you wouldn't be able to.

I thought I might be having…

a mindwarp.

I saw her.

So what are you going to do?

She's still weak.

But when she regains her strength…

God, Denis, do you realise what this is?

This literally cannot be explained…

There's no way!

Simply a miracle.

— I see…
— Do you see it?!

That if she is now... arisen…

That means, you too may ask to be cured.

Ask who?

Ask Him, the Lord.

I don't even know any prayers.

— Are you baptised?
— Yes.

Mother says, she baptised me as a child.

There. You have been
brought before God. He knows you.

Go to church and simply ask…

I don't really want to.

It's all right. He is mercyful.

I'm not about to go begging.

He may know me,
but I haven't laid eyes on him.

That's pride talking.

— You've seen her yourself.
— I have…

You saw. You have hope,
so you want to believe.

Give me your pills.

Go on, give it.


What's up with him?

He needs to ask too.

Can you just be quiet, please?

Don't be watching me, I can't do it like this.

Who are you going to ask and for what?


God's dead.

You're supposed to be the sane one here.

Denis, run away from my sis, while you still can.

Could you, please, be quiet?

And you, you've started some kind of cult?

You lure people in here and brainwash them?

Youre' so…


Fuck, it hurts! My head!

My head!

Fuck, the pain.


Where're my pills?


My pills.

Denis, don't give up, please, don't you give up...

Give me!

Our father who art in Heaven…

We've arrived, your lordship.

Hang about…

They have a kind of fence here.

Let's show respect.

After all, they're people of hardship.

Also armed.

We'll call out.

Hey, people! You there?

Hi there!

Some weather, eh?

What do ya want?

What do ya want...Where's your partner in crime?

Chucked him down?

You jest, mister bossman.

Look here, Chump, see who I've brought you.

He's a journalist from Moscow.

Making a report, see...

of a serial killer who's at large here.

Help him out?


You were talking of someone,

who keeps everyone in fear around here.

Of the master?

We don't have no serial killers here.

Yeah? And who's chopping dogs' heads?

That'd be fishermen.

What fishermen?

What's fishermen got to do with dog heads?

They make bait of maggots.

And that's where maggots breed.

Even I didn't know this.

File this one for the cook book.

What are you going on about?

So there's no master then is there?

Got no idea what you're talking about, mate.

Oh, fuck!

What the hell, yo…

It's off with your heads for this!

What are you doing, dipshit?

So there's no serial killer?

Well, now you'll get to see for yourselves, punks.

We don't give fuck. We observe the rules.

You're shitting yourself too.
It's not a serial killer, right?

You've got something like in Kushchyovka here?

What Kushchyovka?

Are you a fucking idiot?

Sort yourselves out.

Fuck wasting time on ya, dick wipes.

There, there. You've had your chat, it's enough.

Go on, let's go.

Come on.

Where're you going? Hey, stop!

You get out of there, now!

Your Moscow mug has no sense left behind it?

If wetwork were allowed,
I'd gut you on the spot.

No worries.

The master will gut you himself.
No need to get dirty.

Ah, so there is a master after all?


Why is our copster scared of him shitless?

Cause he's got his head on
the right way, bloddy hell.


Can you tell me the truth?

At least where are we, geographically.

Somewhere in Archangelsk region.

And how did you manage to get me here?

Drove by car.

And where's father?

Sitting here listening, somewhere?

You've got some hidden cameras planted around?



I told you, he isn't here.

You never believe me.

Because you're a little liar.

And I know how fucked up our father is.

Miraculous monastery, you say?








You've got your thing going here, I have mine.

We've had two girls go missing.

Disappeared just so.

Look, I can see you're decent folk.

And the cop keeps throwing up roadblocks.

Is it that darkskinned one that went missing,
the one who poked her strap at us?

Short hair.

Yeah, her to. What's this about a strap?

We warned her about the circle.
To stay out of it.

Looks like the master took her.

What the hell is this master, damn you?
Where can I find him?

You don't need to look for him, dumb-ass.

He'll find you himself now, just give it time.

Oh yeah? You think you've scared me just now?


I don't give a shit about your local ghost stories.

I will turn this Kushchyovka of yours
up on it's head if I have to.

You'll be known across the whole country.

Look, I'm not asking for myself, it's the girls...

You're decent guys. We just need to find
the girls and that's it.

So we could just leave!

— Where will you leave then.
— Where... home.

Go on then, try.

You haven't tried leaving yet, joker?

What's so funny? I don't understant.

Doesn't matter where you go from here,
north or south,

you get back to these sodding Marshes.

Oh, come on, enough already!

Took us la while to register that too.

It's like being inside a glass ball.

— Got it?
— Yeah...

That's some bullshit.

The copster has been to Mudyuga
just yesterday, called reinforcements.

Aha. And where are they?

The roads are washed out.
They'll come when it dries up.

They come, and we go.

Ain't nothing's gonna dry up.

He didn't go to no Mudyuga.

How many years he's been
wanking about in our bubble now?

Mister big shot.

Fuck knows.

There's no heartbeat.

It stopped, didn't it?

Well, love, let's get this show started.

How much dew of the sky

In this river of acid

How long dog remains frightened

Or remains loyal

What is up with these scales

Both their panes seem endless

So my life became damaged

And there's naught to be done with it

I no longer belong. be alone.
all my memories are shattered

of the one I lament without comfort.
you no longer belong

and if you can discover your place

would you tell me the truth,
whom do you serve?

I no longer belong.
How long? I don't know