Thirteen (2016): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

Ivy is faced with the prospect of putting her own life at risk in order to save Phoebe. Carne and Merchant try to find a way to ensure her safety but have underestimated Mark White, putting themselves in danger.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You had to move on.

I'm so sorry, Ivy.

We don't really know each other.

Not anymore.

Hopes for finding
Phoebe are dimming.

Let her go. Please
don't hurt her.

So, why take Phoebe?

Maybe he plans to hole up,
recreate what he had with Ivy?

Or he isn't finished
with Ivy yet.

He has a 10-year-old
girl with him.

Dillon was a 30-year-old
man when he was killed.

Phoebe doesn't stand a chance.

What is it now?

White called the station.

He'll only talk to you, Ivy.

Where is Phoebe?

I've missed you.

Meet me at 3.00. Cabot
Circus, by the cinema.

Just us.

What about Phoebe?

If you don't come,
I'll kill her.

♪ Kiss your face

♪ Turn your cheek

♪ Lay your head down
Lay your head down

♪ Lay your head down
Lay your head down ♪

Traducerea: R.Ambo

How you doing, Ivy?

I'm okay. I'm okay.

Head to the second floor cinema.

When you get there, stay put.

We've eyes on you
the whole time.

That's it, Ivy. Keep going.

If you see anything that
worries you, just let us know.

Promise us she'll be safe.

We've over 40 officers inside.

The minute we've got visuals
on White, he'll be picked up.

I promise.

Sorry, lass.

Well done, Ivy.

It's going 3.00, and
there's no sign of White.

- I can do this, I can do this.
- Ivy.

Just try and keep calm.

I really need you to stay put.

What's happening, Ivy?


I've lost eyes on you.

Speak to me, Ivy.



Let her go.

Ivy, say something so
we know you're okay.

I found her earpiece,
but no Ivy.


- What's she doing?
- Ivy?

Somebody give me eyes on Ivy.


I'm a policeman, all right?
You're safe.

I got Phoebe, but
no sign of White.

Something's wrong. What's wrong?

She should be back by now.

Tell us what's happening.

Does anyone have eyes on White?

No, nothing.

Move out of Cabot Circus, cut off
arterial roads around the area.

Search the car parks, the
side roads, anything.

Move! Out of the way!

They've lost Ivy.


Elliott, he's got her.

All units, we've Mark
White in a blue van,

registration number,

heading north towards the M32.

- Ivy!
- Ivy!


- Chris!
- Ivy!

Chris! Chris! Chris!

She's not here.

- What are you doing?
- Saving Ivy.

- He's not stopping.
- He will.

Move the car, Elliott! Move
the fucking car, Elliott!




Talk to me!

Can either of you hear me?

Lisa! Elliott!

Sir, it's the Commissioner.

Look at me.

It's just us now.

Are you gonna be a good girl?


You're hurt.

- I'm fine.
- We need to get out of here.

Master of understatement.

You can't move, can you?

The cavalry are here.
They'll get me out.

You need to go to a hospital.

- I'm not leaving you.
- Lisa, don't be stupid.

Oh, me stupid? After
what you just pulled?

We're the Fire Service. Stay still.
Wait. Don't move your neck.

Getting yourself in a state.


Drink it.

Here, let me help you.

They're crisps, Tim.

I think I can just about
bear their weight.

You're pissed off, I get it.

No. I'm done with that.

You obviously need time
to get your head around

whatever it is you can't
get your head around.

Please, Yazz, none of this
has been fair on you.

But I wanna make it up to you.

You're my wife and
this is my home.

You found my daughter.

Where is she? I need to see her.

This way, sir.

We're not just
sitting here again.

- We'll look for her ourselves.
- But the police said...

The police can do their
thing, but she's my daughter.

I gave up on her once.

I won't now.

Where's Tim?


It's Ivy.

Sir, they're ready for us.

You should take the
lead in there.

Phoebe seems to like you.

I think she'd have been
the same with anyone.

Just get her talking. Only
she knows where White is.

Any joy with his van?

It's been found abandoned.

We'll find him, sir. We will.

I'm so sorry I wasn't there.

Was that a nice rest?

Don't worry, they're not coming.

Thinking they're clever?

Finding things.

Things that weren't
meant to be found.

But you know that.

Don't you, Alison?

That was...

He was ours.

You're hungry.

That's all, isn't it?

I am, too.

It's been a big day.

Some of us should drive,
look for the van.

Some of us on foot,
retrace our steps.

- Hi, I'm so sorry.
- You've got a car, yes?

We're going out to find Ivy.

- How?
- By looking for her.

Tell us where you need us.

Emma, you've got a recent
photo of Ivy, yes?

Good. Text that around.

We ask people. Show
them Ivy's face.

Someone will have seen something.
Emma, you come with me.

- Craig, you take Christina.
- No, I want to go with you.

Better we split up.
Double our chances.

We'll be home soon.

All of us.

Your foot's smashed
up pretty bad.



- But she's...
- They've got her under obs.

Head injury. They
won't let me see her.


We found the van
by Lowman Bridge.

CCTV showed White switched
into a Vauxhall Vectra.

No sign since.

You've got to be more careful.

You'll hurt yourself.


What do actions have?


Excuse me, you haven't
seen this girl, have you?

Ivy Moxam.

- No, sorry.
- Sorry, mate.

If you could just remember that
face, that was Ivy Moxam, yeah?

- Five minutes? Have you seen this girl?
- Hey? No. No, I'm sorry.

- Excuse me, you haven't seen this...
- Not right now.

- Hi, I'm just wondering if I could...
- Hey, watch it!



They wouldn't let
me come see you.


I'm impressed.


How are you feeling?

I want to get back
to the station.

Yeah. I'll make a pit
stop and then I'm there.

Call me with any news on Ivy.

- Lisa?
- Hmm.

I'm fine.

Can we...

Can we get a nurse
in here, please?

You're not meant to be in here.

She's not feeling well, maybe you
should be more concerned with that.

- Right, you out. Now!
- You take it easy, okay?

Get yourself better. I'll
be back as soon as I can.

Bearing grapes and...

I don't want to have
to do that again.

It's not nice for me.

Airbus 83.

Still no sighting of the
suspect's Vauxhall Vectra. Over.

Thank you.

Excuse me, I'm sorry
to bother you.

Ivy Moxam. Have you seen her?

Excuse me. This is Ivy Moxam. She's
gone missing. Have you seen her?


Angus will be ringing any minute
now, to say he's found her.

Then we can get back to normal.

Come on.

What do you say?

Thank you.

Good girl.

You could, uh...

Untie me.

You left me.

You made me a promise...


That you would never try again.

I treated you well.
You had everything.

I was scared.

I went outside to find you.

To find me?

I needed you back.

But the police, they came.
And they...

I knew you wouldn't leave me.

I wouldn't.

I won't.


Yes, Alison?

My wrists hurt.

I deserve it.

Never give me a choice, do you?

Do you?


But now you know I didn't run.

You can trust me.

You've been out there.

All those germs...

All those people...

Spreading their lies.

I bet you feel a part of it.

Of their world.

Don't lie to me.

I can see it.

They've got in.

In there.

What did they say?

That I was...





She always says that.


I looked after you. I kept you safe.
All of them out there,

they're the ones
that let you down.

You see, that's the thing.

There's only me and you.

Only we know what happened.

Only we have all those years.

You can't ever really
be a part of out there.

You'll always be different.

Then I want it to be how
it was this last year.

Not like this.

I had to know I could trust you.

You can.


She's back.

She's back.

Would you like your reward?

Come here.

We can make our home
just as it was.

Would you like that?

That's his van.

I don't know.

Wait here.



- Dad!
- Ivy!

- Dad, please.
- She's here.

I know she is.

Is he here? Are you hiding him?

- Goin' on about?
- This is his van! I know it is!

Listen, mate. I think you better leave.
All right?

Is that her?

- Goin' on about?
- I can hear her.

- I'm warning you, mate.
- You've got my daughter!

- I'm warning you!
- Listen to me!

Back off!

Fuck's wrong with you, man?

Oi, get rid of him, all right?

Dad, you're scaring me.

I'm calling Mum.

You found her?


What are you up to now?


I get that you're not the
accepting-help type,

but while you're in here, you've
got to learn to. Take my arm.

And let's leave this, shall we?

No, no. In case my
partner rings, I need...

You don't need anything
but to take it easy.

I'm sure your boyfriend's

- on his way here now.
- No.

No, it's not like that.

I'm a detective.

Right now, you're
just my patient.

Come on, love. That's lovely.

Anything from Phoebe?

The poor girl's terrified.

Barely confirmed her name.

You don't look
exactly match fit.

Who's in there with her now?

She's with medical.

And then we're to wait until
Dr Young says we're okay...

We don't have that kind of time.

Yeah, I hear ya.

How's Lisa doing?

Back to work soon.

You should be at the hospital.

Let me interview Phoebe.

Absolutely not. You're not
going anywhere near her.

I know the case
better than anyone.

Let me talk to Phoebe.

Save your cock-up.

- And once we know where Ivy is...
- You'll be the one to save her?

I'm not the only one who's
made mistakes here.

It's just like it was, isn't it?

Just you to get ready now.

In front of me.



But, I don't... I
don't have any...

My Alison.

This is pointless.

There are a number of leads
we have on White's car.

And the police helicopter's
still up in the air.

We're doing everything
we can to find Ivy.

The best thing you
could do is sit tight,

and as I say, anything
that should be done,

is being done.

You're full of shit!

Excuse me, Detective Inspector?

We should be in there
right now with Phoebe,

and we shouldn't leave until
we get some sort of a lead.

That's doing everything.

Consider this your last warning.

Come here.

Perfect takes time. It's
what you always said.



I want us to try again.

To start a family.


I'd like that.

Chance for us to start over.

Don't be scared.

It'll be okay this time.

I know it will.

Let's get clean first.

Bath time.

I'll see what I can cobble
together from the fridge.

Whatever hour they get
home, they'll need food.

What you did was idiotic.
You endangered yourself,

our daughter...

I took charge!

I thought that's what
you wanted, but...

Stop! Both of you!

It's just like the first time.

And it didn't bring her
back then, did it?

- Eyes. Or they'll sting.
- Mmm-hmm.

Time to wash off.


- Alison?
- I have to go.

I don't want to use this.
I don't want to hurt you.

- You are hurting me.
- Thirteen years!


Everyone out there has changed,

and I thought it was
them, their fault,

but it's yours.

It's time to let me go.

You can't.

We're starting a family.

Our baby'd be three
and a half years now.

You cried for so long.

- I wasn't sad.
- I was there.

- I saw you. I held you.
- I was relieved!

To bring a baby into that
place with you, as a father.

That is why I ran from you!

You don't mean that. I'm a good man.
I would never hurt my baby.

I'd never hurt you. I'd
never hurt anyone.

What about Dillon?

I forgave you.

I know you didn't mean it.
It was an accident.

You killed him.

- But it was your fault.
- It wasn't.

The only good part of you

and you killed him!

All those years I
spent hating myself,

thinking my family would
never forgive me...

That was a lie.

Your lie.

My mum,

- she forgives me.
- She doesn't.

- She's tricking you.
- But yours.

You'll never get
her forgiveness.

Don't talk about her.

She's been dead for years and
you pretended all that time!

Put the gun down.


- Put the gun down.
- No!


It was never loaded.

You're meant to love me.

I'll grab another tea towel.

Shit, sorry.

Do you know what I think?

I don't think
life's cruel enough

to take any more from
this family, from Ivy.

I think she'll be safe and home and
get a chance to have her own life.

Yazz, um...

Thank you.

I bet you're better
at drawing than me.

Is this about right?


Now what about
outside the house?

What could you see out there?

Could you see trees?

Or other buildings?

What about a bridge?

Or a church?



Could you draw it for me?

Is that... Is that a chimney?

DI Carne, a word?

I'm getting somewhere.

Phoebe's doing really
well, aren't you?

With more than a
little persuasion.

Interview suspended.

Have you, er, found her?

Not as yet.

But we are hopeful.

Excuse us.

You've given me no
choice, Elliott.

That's Purdown BT Tower.

The house is in Lockleaze.

Let whoever it is
leave you a message.

Chasing up those
grapes, are you, Lisa?

I've good news.

I'm coming.

You're not going anywhere
other than my office.

Lisa's ill and I left her.


That's where Ivy is. Lockleaze.

Ivy's gonna come back to us.

I know she is.

But I can't do this
on my own again.

Come here.

That's it.

Come on.

That's it.

It's everyone else

getting to you.

I know you don't mean it.

I know you love me.

Don't do that.

Then please let me go.


The police will be coming.

Elliott. He'll be coming.

It doesn't matter now.

Sir, Elliott was on the
money with Lockleaze.

The choppers got White's
Vectra there on Enville Drive.

We have a strong lead
on Ivy's location.

We're dispatching
units as we speak.

Can you take us there?

We will be a proper family.

Mother, Dillon, our baby,



What do you mean?

Is she okay?

We managed to stop the bleed,
but she's still unconscious.

Now what does that mean? Is
that good news, bad news, what?

It's wait-and-see news.

The brain is a
complicated beast.

Do her family know?

You're the one she put down
as the point of contact.

Why don't you come
in and sit with her?

I've fucked everything up.


Good girl.






Traducerea: R.Ambo