Third Watch (1999–2005): Season 5, Episode 14 - Blessed and Bewildered - full transcript

Steeper orders the paramedics out of the house. Bosco finds out Allie Nardo has visited Rose Boscorelli. Doc invites Christian along in the bus.

Previously on "Third Watch.."

Didn't mean to interrupt
the, uh, engagement party.

- How can we help you?
- I'm your new captain.

You don't want to go to Bed-Stuy, do you?

I know. This is a great opportunity, Kimmy.

- Rose Boscorelli? Right? - Right.

I didn't realize I was so famous.

I know your son... the cop.

Now go away.

My father took away my baby brother.

Could we just get out of here?

Just us? Just the family? We
could just go away somewhere.

Just get out of here.
Just get out of the city.

- Aww, is that Jimmy's? - Wow! What?

- Jimmy forgot his hot sauce?
- Yeah, I guess so.

You ready?

- Zambrano? - Yes, sir?

- See you a minute. - Yeah.


Downtown's pleased the way
you're supervising your medics.


Does that surprise you?

Well, I guess it's just..

No, I.. It's just nice to hear.

I know you stepped
into a difficult situation.

Apparently, you handle it well.

Thank you.

I have another difficult
situation I need your help with.

You've never worked
another house, have you?

Is that my record?

'You've been assigned to
the 5-5 your entire career.'

Yes, sir.

Did you know that no
other firehouse in the city

houses firefighters and
paramedics together?

Excuse me?

Paramedics in every other
house are assigned to spots

on the street where they sit in their buses

'and wait for dispatch.'

Yeah, I've heard that, but I've never...

I have no problem

with paramedics keeping their lockers here

but once you're dressed,
you're on the street.

These are my suggestions
for assigned locations.

If you think there are better spots

feel free to address them as necessary.

You're throwing us out?

I'm rectifying a situation.

You shouldn't have been
here in the first place.

You can go.

- 'Hey, ma.' - Hey.

This is my new partner.

- Sasha Monroe. My mom. - Hi.

Oh, my god.

That face. What a beauty!

It's, um, it's a pleasure to
meet you, Mrs. Boscorelli.

Oh, no honey. Rose. Please.

Here's your key, ma.

Oh, finally.

So, do you have time for a sandwich?

- No. - 'Why?'

We have a mealtime comin' up.

Yeah. But we have that call too.

'What call?'

The thing. You know.

Stop, Maurice. Please,
okay? I'm not stupid.

Yeah. Stop, Maurice.

We gotta roll, ma. We got to run.

It was great to meet you, Mrs. Boscorelli.

You come back anytime, alright?

You and your husband
are always welcome here.

Oh, I-I'm.. I'm not married.

Get outta here. You not
married? What? A catch like you?

- We have to go, Monroe. - Let's go.

- Oh, wait. I almost forgot.
- Don't you always?

This guy, Allie Nardo, told
me to tell you that he says hello.

- What? - Allie Nardo?

Yeah. He came in the other night.

He left me a 20 on a ten-dollar tab.

Did he say anything else?

No. Just to say hello. That's it.

Take it easy, Bosco.


Bosco. Slow down, man.

Slow down?

Slow down? I'm gonna kill the mother..

Dammit. I can't believe Doc is late.

He'll be here, Kim.

How does Jimmy like his new assignment?

Oh.. Good, I guess. I
mean, the commute sucks.

You know, why is it everytime
I have a negative feeling

about anybody, you change the subject?

Is that a new watch?

Ah. See? That's what I'm talkin' about.

Right. You know, as
fun as it is to sit here

and listen to the two
of you stitch and bitch

'can you at least tell us
what you have to tell us?'

"Stitch and bitch?"

Hey, hey, hey. Beautiful
ladies and Mr. Nieto.

- Doc, you're late. - Yeah. I know.

My damn printer took it's sweet
time spittin' these things out.

Oh, cool. Tomorrow night.

Yeah. I know it's short notice.

A party? You?

You're throwin' a party?

- Why? Has it been that long?
- How about ever?

Hey, you gonna be there, right, Carlos?

You're seriously having a party?

Yeah. Yeah. Look. Look. Jimmy transferred.

I can't let anymore of my
friends get away without me

lettin' 'em know how much they mean to me.

That is so unbelievably sweet.

- Fellows upstairs? - 'Yeah.'

Hey, Doc. Wait a second.

I got to talk to everyone.

Alright, alright. But talk
fast because I got a..

I got a lot of invites to pass out.

Look, Captain Steeper wants
us to stay out of the house.

- What? - For how long?

- Permanently. - He can't do that.

- Yes, he can. - No way.

Look, we can use the lockers
to change before the shift

and change to go home.

Oh, well, that's big of him.

You know, see? Like I said

the man is here to close
this house down, alright?

Transferred Jimmy, phase one.

Put the medics out on
fixed posts, phase two.

Look. No other house in the city

has medics living with firefighters.

- So? - So, maybe that's all it is.

Doesn't necessarily mean
he's closing the house.

I admire your endless optimism, Kimmy.

Never lose that.

This doesn't bother you?

Well, what am I supposed
to do? Huh? Scream? Cry?

This house is necessary in this community.

The city will realize that,
and Steeper the Reaper..

He won't matter anymore.

Alright, I got to pass out these
invites and then we got to go.

Seems incredibly happy.

Why wouldn't he be? He's right again.


Where's Allie?

Ah, may I help you, officers?

Where's the boss?

That'd be me. I'm the day manager.

Your boss. Allie Nardo.

Well, I'm afraid, uh, Mr. Nardo

is not on the premises at the moment.

Whom shall I say was asking for him?


- Y-you wanna know whom? Hmm? - Bosco.

Perhaps I can reach
Mr. Nardo on the phone for you.

Yeah. Perhaps you'd better.

Let's wait outside.

- You wait outside. - I'm not asking.

114th and Arthur?

There's nothin' there
but an old gas station.

Ah, it has a bathroom.

How does sitting in a gas station

help us do our job any better?

Just let it go. Let it go.

This really doesn't bother you?

'You've been in this
house most of your life.'

It's temporary.

You're the one who said
Steeper was closing down.

Trust me.

- Ah, right on time.
- 'What the hell is this?'

Well, I, uh, I invited your
brother for a ride along.


'I wanted him to see what you do.'

- 'Without talking to me?' - 'Yeah.'

- Hey. - Hey.


That'd be one word for it.

I'm just letting you know right now

I'm not spending my whole
day chasing you around the city.

What if it was your mother
who he was paying visits to?

It is possible that he could have just

stumbled in there,
Bosco. It was only one visit.

No. Ten visits is no threat.

One visit is "Say hello to your son

and tell him I know
where his mother works."


You know, any real partner
would have my back on this.

Oh, I have your back on
this. I'm just sayin' do it right.

As I suspected, Mr. Nardo
is unable to free himself

from a prior obligation.

Where is he? Hmm?

Where is he?

- Huh? Huh? I ain't playin'.
- Central Auto Salvage.

On a Hundred and Twelfth.

That felt right to me.

Alright, hold on. Let me
get a better grip here, Doc.

We don't need any help
here or anything, Christian.

Here we go.

- Whoa! Lift it. Lift it. - I got it.

Oh, wow, wow. Wait, wait.

Take a picture of this.
You don't mind, do you?

- Nice one. - Yeah, I wanna see that.

Mind opening up the doors?

Hey, that's good. Hey, you
ever, you ever think of a career

as a medic? Your brother
here is pretty good at it.

Ah, no, thanks.

You know, it's not
as difficult as it looks.

- He knows. - There you go.

There you go. Up, up!

You a lawyer, huh?

Ah, chief prosecutor with
the Honolulu DA's office.

Ho, ho! Hey, that's pretty impressive.

- See what I'm sayin'. - Enough.

Chief prosecutor. Hmm.

I'm considering a run
for DA in the next election.

Hey, you got a plan, huh?

- Well, everybody needs one.
- That's right. That's right.

'There he is. There's our jack-off.'

Here comes a couple of New York's finest.

- You crossed a line. - Take it easy.

- You threatened my mother? - What threat?

I didn't have your phone number.

- What? - Yeah. I wanted to talk to you.

- Talk to me? - In private.

- Bosco. - I'm alright.

Sorry you got the wrong impression

but all I wanted to do was talk.

I didn't know how else to
get you to come and see me.

- You know where I work.
- Yeah. You wouldn't have come.

You violating my parole

had me really pissed
off for a while, paisan.

Look. I'm not your paisan.

Sorry. Sorry. But while
I was back on the inside

- I had time to think about us. - Us?

I don't need a cop out here on
the outside who's got a hard-on

for me and my operation. I'm a businessman.

No. You're a small-time
jack-off pretending to be big time.

You and me got way more
in common than you think.

We practically come from
the same streets, Boscorelli.

I'm thinking we put our heads together

we could do a lot of good things.

- You and me? - Yeah.

I turned over a new leaf. I'm
like a new person born again.

Like I rose from the dead.

I don't get mad. I make
offers. Generous offers.

Using bribe?

If you can't beat me, join me.

- Oh, I can beat you. - No, you can't.

You go near my mother again

I won't be wearin' this
uniform next time you see me.


Well, if I can't go to that bar

then you gonna have to give
this envelope to her for me.

- What is this? What is this? - Relax.

It's not dirty money. I owe it to her.

'What are you talkin' about?'

I got three Joker Poker machines
in that pit that she works in.

She had big payouts last weekend.

- Payouts? - Yeah.

Your mom and me, we're
like... we're business associates.

Not anymore.

It's your mom that you're costing here.

You go near her again, I'm
gonna kill you. You hear me?

You greasy son of a bitch.

'Have a nice day, officers.'

That was, that was something.

Ah, there he is. My big
son, the police officer.

Maurice? Maurice?


- What are you doing? - Game over.

You know who these belong to?

The owner of this place
is responsible for them.

Well, you tell him that these machines

are comin' out of here now!

Maurice, he's my boss.
I don't tell him anything.


Maurice, stop it. Stop! What are you doing?

That's it. No more Joker Poker
machines in this place ever!

- Ever, mom! - Can't come here and do that.

What's wrong with you?

- You gotta control yourself.
- What's wrong with him?

BP's good. Your resps are good.

Sir, I hope you appreciate
how lucky you are to be alive.

- I do. I am. Thank you. - Good.

I thought it was a dog
dying in the other room.

We got him sleepin' on the
John Sullivan memorial couch.

You mean the one designed
to discourage anybody

from staying very long?

That metal bar across the kidney?

Oh. I carry it with me today.

Crease right across my lower back.

Only the best.

Hey, let me take a picture of you guys.

- Sure, snap away. - Yeah.

- Come on, Davis. - Alright, alright.

- Come on. - Alright, alright.

Sully, Davis, hey! Party
tomorrow night at my house.

Uh, I'm really not much
of a party kind of guy, Doc.

So what? Neither am I.
Come on. One night, Sul.

Alright, I'll see.

Hey, listen, is that, uh, tight
little sister working today?

- The one from midnights? - Monroe?

- Sasha Monroe. That's her.
- Yeah. She's with Bosco today.

Hey, will you, uh, slide
her one of these for me?

Uh, yeah. I should see her, yeah.

- Ah, good, good.
- Hey, PD. All ready here?

Yeah, yeah. We're good. Come
on, Christian. Let's mount up.

- See you, guys. - Yeah.

Who's Christian?

He's Carlos Nieto's brother.

Is that so?

- Hey, Zambrano? - Yo?

Nieto's brother's on a ride-along today?

- He is? - You didn't know that?

Guess I spoke too soon about you.

'Five David.'


'Platoon Commander's requesting
your presence at the house.'


Gee, I wonder what that could be about.

Proud of yourself?


Threaten Nardo, break the machines.

Do you really think you solved something?

Do you really think you saw something?

I think you should mind
your own damn business.

I think that what we do
on this shift is my business.

Not when it involves my family.

Well, whatever happened to

"Any real partner would have
my back on this, Monroe?"

Still applies.

Oh. So I should have your
back but keep my mouth shut?

Yup. Something like that.

You got the wrong girl, Bosco.

Well, I didn't pick you, did I?

Your brother sure likes
that camera, Carlos.

Yeah. He's a regular Ansel Adams.

Hey, Mary, listen..

If you or any of the other nurses

are free tomorrow night..

- Party? - Yeah, yeah.

- You? - Yeah.

- Hey, take a couple of extras.
- 'Thank you.'

Your brother's on a ride-along?

All day.

- 'Who authorized that?' - Authorized?

I'm responsible for what
happens on this shift.

Are you listening to me?

You can't just do
whatever the hell you want.

I didn't invite him, Kim.

I think he's having a great time.

- Ah, this is the Reaper, huh?
- No, this is me.

Hey, remember what I said, okay?

Alright? Steeper is only temporary.

Don't let him get to you.

I'm in charge of this shift.

Yeah, temporary.

'Adam 553, respond to an assault.'

'102, East Prospect at Durwood.'

Adam 553.

- That's us, right? - Right.

- No, it's us. - What?

I'm working here, okay?

And... this is my job.

You're getting me into trouble.

I am?

Ride-alongs are supposed
to go through downtown.

Gee! Look, I'm sorry.

- It's not your fault. - No, no.

I didn't mean to get in the way at all.

Sure you didn't. You got cab money, right?

- Yeah, yeah. I do. - Great. Okay. Bye-bye.

Hey, hey, you did a great job today.

Great job. I'll see you later.

Hey, Carlos?

'In broad daylight, no less.'


It's not what it looks like.


'Cause it looks like you just took a payoff

'from an organized crime figure.'

Sarge, we had no idea you
had surveillance out there.

No kidding.


That's not what I mean.

It's not a payoff, alright?

He wanted me to..

There is no other way to look at this

but as a shakedown.

I took that envelope

and threw it right back at him.

- Off camera.
- That's exactly what happened.

I-I, I can, I can vouch for Bosco.


That's supposed to help?

These guys are moving hot TVs

from one truck to another.

And you did nothing about it.

What did you think they were
doing? Working for FedEx?

I didn't know..

That's not what we went there for.

Listen, Monroe had nothing

to do with this. Okay, boss?

'This is all me.'

I am tired of hearing that from you.

Nardo paid Bosco's mother a visit.

A clearly threatening visit.

He actually threatened her?

No. Not directly but...

The only reason I'm not hand-delivering

this tape to IAB tonight

is it might screw up our operation.


We finally built a rock-solid

no-loopholes case against
Carlo "Crazy Charlie" Spagnolo.

'Nardo's boss.'

And we're taking him down tomorrow.

Are you picking up Nardo in the sweep?


Yeah, but you've got tape
of Nardo moving swag.

You mean we "had" tape of him?

What we've got now

is you two dopes taking a bribe.

That wasn't a bribe.

Do anything else to screw us up

and I'll personally make sure

that this tape becomes the lead

on every news show in the city.

Come on, lieu. You know I wouldn't do that.

You're relieved of duty.

Go home.

Monroe had nothing to do with this.

'Yeah, I know.'

'Don't worry. This time
I won't let you bring'

'someone else down with you.'

Where's Rose?

Rose got fired last night.

That's why I'm here at
this godforsaken hour.

You drinking?

Hold it. Fired?

Hey, paisan!

- You son of a.. - Easy now. Easy now.

You said not to come
around your mother anymore.

She ain't here, right?

She got fired, right?

Somebody busted up my machines.

Old Rose got the boot.

Almost doesn't seem fair.

- Get out of here. - I don't think so.

What you say? Let me buy you a drink.

This isn't finished, Nardo.

Oh, I think it may be.

It's nice to see you, Boscorelli.

Stop around again.


What are you doing down here?

I didn't want to wake you.

Where's you brother?

He didn't come home last night.

- Hey. Go, Christian. - Not like that.

I told him he was getting in my way.


'Cause he was.

Good enough for you?

Hey, it's not my issue.

Here you go.

He wants me to quit... my job.

Apparently, being a medic is grunt work.

My family is full of professionals.

I've got two cousins who are lawyers

one who's an architect, and my brother

the chief prosecutor of Honolulu.


You know all those pictures that he takes?

That's him documenting
my rise to better things.

Snapshots of all the dues I've been paying

on my way to becoming a doctor.

Were you still planning on doing that?

What's it matter? I mean,
who's he to look down

at where I am now?

I may not always love
what I do but it's what I do.

'You always love your job?'

You're asking a guy who's
trying to go back to law school, so..

That's different. You're
doing that because you want to

not because being a cop's beneath you.


Your brother's gonna be fine, man.

You know, that's what
happens. Families are rough.

They should come with warning labels.

If they did, who'd ever have one?

- Hey, boss.
- This isn't about Bosco, is it?

I just think you need
to know the whole story.

What do I need to know?

The money.

Nardo gave Bosco the
money to give to his mother

because he said he owed it to her

for some Joker Poker machines in her bar.


And he didn't say anything

'cause he didn't want
her to get in trouble.

Now, I saw Bosco throw
that money back at Nardo.

Bosco may be of lot of things
but I don't think he's dirty.

And I don't think you
think he's dirty either.

Is he here?

No, sir.

Okay, find him and tell
him to get his ass into work.

Thanks, boss.

Thanks, Billy. I got all this food coming

and nowhere to put it.

Yeah, just save me some hot wings.

What's going on?

- I'm borrowing the table. - City table?

No. We paid for this table
with our own money, cap.


Slick move kicking the
medics out of the house.

I'm not having this discussion with you.

Of course you aren't.

You didn't belong here in the first place.

Right. For firefighters only.

It's about response time.

You can get to a job
a hell of a lot quicker

if you're on the street in your bus

than if you're up here watching TV.

You know, guys like you

it's all about the numbers, huh?

Camaraderie has nothing to do with it?

- Camaraderie? - Yeah.

If this house can operate more efficiently

I don't give a damn if you know these guys

well enough to borrow
that card table or not.

'This is a work
environment, not a fraternity.'

You're a blip, Reaper, an anomaly.

You don't even count.

I'm not gonna let you
close this house down.

If you're not working today..


Yes, sir.

Let's go, Billy.

What do you want?

I came by the bar to apologize to you.

It's too late.

I never meant for you to get fired.

Really? What did you think
was gonna happen, Maurice?

You came into my job and
you busted up machines

that my boss was responsible for.

I only wanted you to be safe.

Safe from what?

Allie Nardo.

He was using you to threaten me.

You don't need to protect me all the time.

- He can hurt you. - You hurt me!

I lost my job. Where am I gonna work now?

- Ma, there are other bars.
- Well, guess what?

All those bars have little
Joker Poker machines.

And they're all owned by pissants like him.

So what are you gonna do?

Come into every job I
do and bust the joint up?

- They're illegal. - So are football pools.

Look, I lost my temper, alright? I'm sorry.

Alright? He wanted me to
give you the money. I lost it.

I just... I lost it.

- What money? - The money he owed you.

He gave me an envelope to give to you

but I threw it right back at him.

He said you had some big payouts this week?

I haven't made any big
payouts in a really long time.

- You haven't? - No.

Then why would he..

- Son of a bitch. - What?

He set me up.

Son of a bitch set me up.

He knew about the surveillance.

What surveillance?

- I got to go. - Maurice, wait.

- Wait, wait. - I got to go.

What's wrong? Oh!

I'll see you both tonight, right?

I got nowhere else to be.

I don't know, Doc.

Hey, don't stand me up, Kim.

- I'm still mad at you. - Well, don't be.

Well, it's not that easy.


Forgive me. Okay?

Come to my party.

Alright. Maybe for a little while.

That's my girl. I'll see you guys tonight.

- You really going? - Guess so.

Going where?

Where have you been?

Stayed at a hotel.

Thought I'd give you your space.

You could have called.

Well, I didn't think you'd worry about it.

I wasn't. But... you don't
know the city that well.

I made it all the way here from Honolulu.

I think I can find myself a hotel room.

You mind if I talk to him
in private for a minute?

Yeah, but not too long.

I don't want Steeper to see us hanging out.

What's up?

I don't want to quit my job, Christian.

I never said you had to quit.

I just said you need a
job during medical school.

And I'm not going back to med school.

Look, all I'm saying is that
you could be a professional.


I am.

I'm a professional paramedic.

I mean, yeah, I get dirty.

Yeah, the pay sucks.

Yeah, I'm sitting at a fixed
post at a rundown gas station

but you know what?

I'm good at it.

I make a difference.

And people respect me.

Maybe even more than any doctor

because when they call me

I come to them.

I help them.

I'm, uh..

I'm leaving in the morning.

Why? Because I won't quit?

No, it's..

I was only going to be able to stay

another couple of days.

I just bumped my reservation up a little.

That's why I came down
here. To tell you that.

You don't... You don't have to...

Look, I wanted to say... goodbye.

- What about Doc's party? - Party?

Well, it's tonight. I mean, you
promised him you'd be there.

Well, I don't think I promised.

You gotta be there.

- Look, my plane, it's... - Aw, Christian.

Come on.

Well, maybe, okay?

Maybe's good.

Hey. I was just calling you. What's up?

- Did OCCB leave on their raid? - What?

Spagnolo. Did OCCB go after Spagnolo?

Oh, yeah, about 30 minutes ago. Why?

He didn't owe my mother any money.

- What? - Nardo.

He didn't own the bar any money.

It was a lie. I think he
knew about the surveillance

an that they'd film me taking the money.

That's why he had me out in
the open to take the envelope.

It was a lie. It was a setup. He set me up.

Carlos Spanyolo and associates.

Enjoy your stay, boys.

- Everything go alright?
- Like a Swiss watch. why?

Because I think Nardo knew
about the surveillance yesterday.

- Is that right? - Yeah.

That's why he moved me

right in front of the camera

right before he gave me that envelope.

Yeah. I saw.

That doesn't make you wanna ask why?

I don't care. I got my guy.

What about Nardo? You going after him now?

Look I don't give a damn about Allie Nardo.

I gotta ton of paper work
to do on a real bad guy.


Go change.

You're back on the street with Monroe.

Thanks, boss.

That son of a bitch set me up.


- He set us up. - Right. Right.

Going after him?

You want to. You want to do it?

- Well, I'm thinking. - What?

I can't even believe I'm thinking it.

I'm in.


Maybe he's in for the night.

He'll be coming out.

Right on cue.

Here we go.

It's a bad time here, Boscorelli!

- I'm in no mood. - You can't speed.

Don't bust my balls. I wasn't speeding!

You got a broken taillight back there.

What are you talking about?

You little moulie bitch!

Son of a.. Wipe that smile off your face!

- You done? You done?
- Get your hands off me.

- Now you're under arrest. - For what?

- For assaulting an officer.
- You're done. You're done.

You little son of a bitch!

This time you went too far.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and
will be used against you

in a court of law.


You have the right to have an attorney.

Good eats, Doc.

Hey, there's plenty more
where that came from.

- You guys help yourselves.
- And I love your place.

Well, I love you. And I love all you guys.

Mi casa es su casa.

So, show yourselves
around, whatever you need.

There's some classic vinyl here, Doc.

Immaculate shape, too.

Look, Stevie Wonder,
"Inner Visions" right here.

- Miles Davis, "Bitches Brew."
- Hey, take 'em both.

No, seriously. I don't even
listen to them anymore.

- They're yours. - Oh, Doc, come on.

I don't even... I don't
even have a record player.

Hey, I want you to have them, alright?

Please, come on.

- Alright. Uh, you're sure?
- Yeah, you guys are my friends.

- I'm sure, alright? Take it. - Thank you.

You don't even know the
mistake you're making here.

- Oh, I think I do. - Yeah.

What's this?

What are you doing?

- You can go. - What?

There's been a terrible mistake.

- You're damn right.
- Please, accept my apology.

Like hell! I'm gonna sue
you and the whole damn city!

Listen, I really understand
that. We understand it.

You don't understand nothing.

We appreciate everything

you've done for us, Mr. Nardo.

- Please. - What..

Thanks for all your cooperation.
You did the right thing.

- Really. Thank you. - What..

I didn't.. I didn't do nothing.

I didn't say anything, Carlo, I swear.

This is a setup. It's this cop over here.

Come on, let's go.

You're a dead man, Boscorelli.

One of us will be.

- That goes for you too, lady. - Yeah.

Yeah. I'll try not to lose any sleep.

Get out of my house, Allie.

Well, you care to tell me
what that was all about?

I don't know, boss. He's crazy.

I don't know what to tell you.


You know that was smart.

Turning it on him like that.

He makes it look like we're on the take.

Now he looks like a rat.

Don't worry about his threats.

Alright? He'll be hiding a long time.

I'm not used to working like this, Bosco.

Working like what?

You may have just signed
a death warrant for him.

Come on. It's not our fault

that he's in that world.

We gotta play by the rules

these jack-offs set up.

No, we don't.

Yes, we do.

If you wanna win.

I don't feel much like a winner right now.

You going to Doc's party?



I wasn't at first. But now
I'm thinking what the hell?

I got somewhere else to be.

'You have fun, okay?'


Oh, my god! This place used to be a dump.

I don't even think it had electricity.

Wow. Doc did all this?

And he did it fast.

There was like plastic all over the place

like, three months ago.

You know, I need my kitchen done.

You think he'd do it?

- Hey, you made it. - Almost didn't.

Then you remembered I
was gonna be here, right?

You don't know how
badly I need a glass of wine.


'Do it.'

Oh, my god! Oh, my god!

You are so beautiful.

Woo! Life is good!

- Still want that wine? - Yeah.

Hey, Christian! Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Alright. Thanks for coming.

Um, listen, can I have your
attention for one minute please?

Just one minute.


I was saying to someone
the other day that, uh..

That I wanted to make sure

that you all knew

what you meant to me
while I had the chance.


It was you I was saying to, right, Kim?

Yeah, listen, I know that, you know

we've been butting
heads the last few months.

But I hope you know that,
you know, that deep down I..

Well, I consider you a friend.

And I don't get to say that nearly enough.

But, I'm, I'm blessed to know

and to work with every one of you.

And... I'm honored to have you in my home.

Oh, oh, hold it! One minute! One minute!

I almost forgot that, uh..

That my boy Christian here has
something he wants to say so..

- Oh, no. - ...say it.

Thank you.

Carlos, can you come up here please?

Get up there! Yeah, go! Go, go, go!

Come here.

There was a woman a long time ago

who lost her youngest child.

He was taken away from her.

She never once stopped thinking

about this boy until the day she died.

'We'd celebrate his birthdays every year'

'and she'd pray that wherever
he was, he was with a family.'

'I thought I was coming
down here to give my brother'

that family.

I was looking at these pictures today

and discovered something
that I didn't expect.

He already has a family.

I'm gonna take these
home... and show my friends


My mother's prayers

'came true after all.'

Kinda surprised you called.

I'm coming back to work tomorrow.


Yeah, the department doctors
say that there's no medical reason

why I can't.

So, you're alright?

According to the doctors.

So you're not alright?

The city wants me to go for counseling.

But I don't want that in my file.

So if they think I'm ready to come back

I'm ready to come back.

- If you're not really better... - Bosco.

I want you to ask Swersky
to put us back together.

You do?

I'm coming back, I'm
coming back all the way.

I thought you wanted me out of your life.

All the way.

- I have to. It's the house.
- We're almost done here.



Yeah, I'll be right there.

- It's an OCCB detective. He... - Go.

You sure you're alright?


I don't usually move this quickly.

Oh. Yeah, neither do I.

I can't spend the night.

Well, how about your place?

What do you want?

You gotta be proud of yourself.

I have to admit

I got a little kick myself at
the look on Nardo's face.

Priceless stuff.

I'm not sure what you mean.

He was in on a simple traffic stop.

But it was a misunderstanding.

Then I guess the shooting
at Cafe Roma tonight

doesn't concern you.

- A shooting? - Classic mob hit.

Two dead.


Witnesses put the oily
bastard slipping out a back door.

He's in the wind.

But that wouldn't concern you..

Seeing how it was
just a misunderstanding

between you and him, huh?
