The Young Riders (1989–1992): Season 3, Episode 9 - Spirits - full transcript

With Teaspoon and others away, Noah heads a slim crew. Rachel falls for an injured Mike Stolder who they learn has a drinking problem. Murderous horse thieves trail him for revenge. Jesse wants to grow up too fast.

Come on. Easy, easy.

Keep them quiet, boys.

Step out.

Here you go, Matt.
Come on.

It gets easier every time.

Like I said, little brother,
stick with me and things will
work out just fine.

If you find anything,
report back to me.

Don't take any
unnecessary chances.

We never do.

The cottonwood station
last week, made off
with a string of new horses.

Bound to happen.
Pony express buys
the best stock.

Tracking men like that,
it can be dangerous.

When are you gonna realize
I can take care of myself
just as good as anybody else?

Bound to happen.
Pony express buys
the best stock.

Buck, I want you to track them.

Take Noah and the kid.

If you find anything,
report back to me.

You're getting pretty
handy with
that thing, ain't you?

Not that it's gonna
do me any good

seeing as how you won't
let me help catch
those horse thieves.

Jesse, I need
your help
around here.

Now I know why
I never had
any young ones.

Jesse, I need
your help
around here.

We're already short-handed
with Cody and hickok going off
to St. Jo with that cargo.


tracking men like that,
it can be dangerous.

Sometimes when you
get older, things look
a little different.

Chasing after those outlaws
may not seem
dangerous to you,

I'll talk to him.

Now I know why
I never had
any young ones.

Teaspoon is just
looking out for you,
you know.

I can take care of myself.

Sure you can.

Teaspoon is just
looking out for you,
you know.

Chasing after those outlaws
may not seem
dangerous to you,

but the boys
have had
more experience.

Well, how am I supposed
to learn if I don't
get any experience?

Sure you can.

It's just...

Sometimes when you
get older, things look
a little different.

Well, how am I supposed
to learn if I don't
get any experience?

Jesse, growing up
happens fast enough.

You don't have to rush it.

It's sure not.

Jake, we got trouble.

- Riders headed this way.
- Yeah, how many?

Well, the horses are there,
but the camp looks empty.

Something's wrong here.



These ought to fetch
quite a price.

Not bad for a couple of
nights work.

It's sure not.

- Three.
- Good work, little brother.

Everybody, spread out.
We'll catch them
in a crossfire.

There they are.

Well, the horses are there,
but the camp looks empty.

We gotta get out of here.

The trail's covered.


It's a trap!







They're all around us!



Let's get out of here, drummond!

Not before I get the man
that killed my brother!

What are you boys
doing out here?

We work at
the pony express station
in rock creek.


Drummond's getting away.

It'll be dark soon,
and you're in no shape
to chase him.

Buck, give me a hand.

They're gone.

Well, you're lucky.
The bullet passed
clean through.

Don't feel like it.

Drummond's getting away.

So you was tracking those
horse thieves?


Headed up by a man
named drummond.

They're gone.


They've been stealing
horses from stations all along
the express route.

I'd appreciate it
if you boys headed
back to rock creek.

Headed up by a man
named drummond.

They've been stealing
horses from stations all along
the express route.

We work at
the pony express station
in rock creek.

Some of those horses are ours.

Well, I'm a special agent
from the company
assigned to this territory.

Name's Mike staulder.

So you was tracking those
horse thieves?

He's coming to.

I ain't quitting once i'm...


- Whoa.
- Close...

I'd appreciate it
if you boys headed
back to rock creek.

Oh, now, where are you going?

I ain't quitting once i'm...

You've got a lot
of healing to do.

What happened exactly?

You don't remember anything?

Mr. Staulder?

Where am I?

You're not in any shape
to be trying that
just yet.

You've got a lot
of healing to do.

I feel like I ought to
be thanking you.

You're feeling better
than I thought.

Well, I'd feel a heck of a lot
better if somebody would
tell me how I got here.

Rock creek.
Pony express way station.

Rock creek?

I gotta get after drummond.

- Whoa.
- Oh...

You're not in any shape
to be trying that
just yet.

Uh, it's kind of fuzzy.

I feel like I ought to
be thanking you.

What's your name, son?

Jesse. Jesse James.

Hi, Jesse.

I was wondering if...

Well, I'd feel a heck of a lot
better if somebody would
tell me how I got here.

Noah told me all about it.

Let's go, Jesse.

I already did my chores.


You made quite
an impression
on these boys.

They're looking forward
to you spending some
time around here.

Said you was
one of the bravest men
he'd ever seen.

Shot that outlaw dead
from 100 yards,

and then rode straight
at him like
a one-man stampede.

What's your name, son?

And then rode straight
at him like
a one-man stampede.

What's your name, son?

I was wondering if...

If you could do
your chores, now would
be a good time, kid.

Let's go, Jesse.

I just want to say thank you.

It meant a lot to get
Katie back.

You're welcome.

That's not the half of it.
There's five more
where they came from.

Five? What, a young
woman like you?

Oh, lordy, no.

Come on.

Looks like you
got your hands full
with those two.

That's not the half of it.
There's five more
where they came from.

They're looking forward
to you spending some
time around here.

Are you offering me
a place to stay?

Oh, lordy, no.

They're riders at the station.
I just look after them.

I'm Rachel dunne.

I'm Mike staulder.

You made quite
an impression
on these boys.

You got to do your
healing someplace.

Safer than the one
we're gonna have.

Well, I couldn't think
of a better one.

Let's take a look
at those dressings.

All right.

When do you figure
you'll be back
from fort kearny, teaspoon?

Oh, the end of the week.

Buck, you okay?

Got some army business
to settle after I've turned
this fellow over for trial.

Noah, why don't you try to
break that little Chestnut
Colt while I'm gone?

Safer than the one
we're gonna have.

Come on, you'll break him!

Safe ride, teaspoon.

- Who's next?
- Oh, you almost had him.

It was a good ride.

Teaspoon sure picked
a mean one this time.

Come on, you'll break him!

Look out!

Teaspoon sure picked
a mean one this time.

Buck, you okay?

- Who's next?
- Oh, you almost had him.

- Not on your life.
- Why not?

'Cause you'll break
your neck, that's why.

Same old story.

Well, I've had my fill of
dirt for one day.
He'll keep 'til tomorrow.

As far as I'm concerned,
he can wait forever.

Let me try.
I can do it.
I swear I can.

Same old story.

He'll get over it.

I hope so.

Let me try.
I can do it.
I swear I can.

I know I can.
You just got to
give me a chance.

- Not on your life.
- Why not?

Maybe you'd like to
show me around.

What I'd like to do is take
a look and see how those
bandages are doing.

Oh, I just had to
stretch my legs
a little bit.

You know, uh,
rock creek seems
like a nice town.

Maybe you'd like to
show me around.

You shouldn't be up.

Ah, a testament to
your doctoring,
miss Rachel.

Found myself on my feet
sooner than I'd ever

I still don't think you
should be pushing
yourself like that.

Oh, I just had to
stretch my legs
a little bit.

What I'd like to do is take
a look and see how those
bandages are doing.

All right.

How's it looking?

Well, I've seen worse,
what with the kind of trouble
the boys get into around here.

You got a husband
to help you out
with those boys?

I did. He...
He died two years ago.


It's just for
medicinal purposes.

I did. He...
He died two years ago.

Well, I'm real sorry
to hear that.

It's just for
medicinal purposes.

The company doesn't allow
drinking, Mr. Staulder.


Well, I'm real sorry
to hear that.

I'm sorry to hear about
anything that might
cause you pain.

It's looking a little better.

Hey, I didn't mean no offense.



Mike, I'd appreciate you
not letting the boys
see that.

Hey, I didn't mean no offense.

None taken.

I'd better get back.

I'm awful busy right now.
I'm not sure I'll be able to.

You should just concentrate
on getting better.


Look, uh, give some thought
to showing me the town, okay?

Hey, barkeep, three whiskeys.

I'm gonna buy you boys
a real drink.

I'd better get back.


I... I swear, that guy

ran so fast it took his
shadow a week to catch
up with him.

Look, uh, give some thought
to showing me the town, okay?

I'm awful busy right now.
I'm not sure I'll be able to.

Ran so fast it took his
shadow a week to catch
up with him.

I'm gonna buy you boys
a real drink.

Thank you.

Now, we appreciate that, Mike,

but you know the company
don't hold much for us

I said a real drink.

Now, we appreciate that, Mike,

there you go.
All right.

Well, thank you, but,
uh, sarsaparilla will
be just fine.

I wasn't talking to you.

Well, the whole saloon
heard you.

Well, maybe the whole saloon
would like to see me
take you outside.

Thank you.

There you go.
All right.

Mike, Mike...

Mike! Mike!

Well, maybe the whole saloon
would like to see me
take you outside.

Well, forget
I mentioned it.
Damn drunk.

Hey, mister, I'll drink
with you if you're

I wasn't talking to you.

- Mean.
- Awful mean.

Cool off, Mike!

Let go of me.

Stop it, Mike!

Don't you ever call me
a drunk! Ever!

Cool off, Mike!

I don't think he's too hungry.

Why not?

He got into a little
disagreement over at
the saloon last night.

Kid and I had to break it up.

He don't look so mean to me.

Kid and I had to break it up.

He must still be
in the tack room.

I'll take it to him.

How is he looking?

- Mean.
- Awful mean.

You sure that stuff's
good for you this early
in the morning?


Sometimes the only thing
that gets me going.

Any of you boys
seen Mr. Staulder?

He wasn't at breakfast
this morning.

I don't think he's too hungry.

Sometimes the only thing
that gets me going.

You ain't interested
in having some,
are you?

I'll take it to him.

I come to bring you
some breakfast.

It's okay. I ain't hungry.

What are you doing here?

I come to bring you
some breakfast.

Good, 'cause you're too
young to be drinking.

Mr. Staulder?

Good, 'cause you're too
young to be drinking.

Well, how old was you
when you started drinking?


I guess I was about your age.

It's okay. I ain't hungry.

You sure that stuff's
good for you this early
in the morning?

Must have.

You liked it?

You ain't interested
in having some,
are you?



You ain't interested
in having some,
are you?



I guess I was about your age.

The folks must keep a pretty
tight rein on you, huh?

Give me that!

I guess I just had one of them
experiences everyone's
been talking about.

Never could get folks to
take me seriously.

What did you do?

Give me that!

I guess I just had one of them
experiences everyone's
been talking about.

I figured out ways to
prove them wrong.

I had the same problem
when I was your age.

Never could get folks to
take me seriously.


I gotta go.
Thanks for the advice.

I figured out ways to
prove them wrong.


I guess I just had one of them
experiences everyone's
been talking about.

I gotta go.
Thanks for the advice.

All right.

Let's go.

- Got a little job for you.
- What kind of job?

I'm looking for the marshal.

Right there.


What can I do for you?

I just saw this fellow go
in the saloon.

Dobie gilmore? You sure?

Damn right.

Stay here. I'll send back
if I need you.

All right.

- Let's hope he
doesn't need you.
- What?


Congratulations, boys.
You just got paroled.

We're gonna pay him back.

Sorry. I wasn't
expecting any company.

You were talking about
needing to catch
those horse thieves.

Hey, is this about me?
Or is it about my drinking?

Sorry. I wasn't
expecting any company.

I figured your bandages
could use one more changing,

and then I guess
you'll be ready to ride
on out of here, huh?

All of a sudden you seem
in an awful hurry
to get rid of me.

No, it ain't that.
I just...

You were talking about
needing to catch
those horse thieves.

Hey, is this about me?
Or is it about my drinking?

It's the riders i'm
concerned with.

Or maybe a
little more than that.

I'm sorry,
Mike, but I'm afraid
that can't happen.

It's the riders i'm
concerned with.

Maybe you don't realize it,
but they respect you.

Look, Rachel, the furthest
thing from my mind is doing
anything to upset you.

The fact is, I was sort of
looking forward to us
becoming friends.

Well, I would think that
that would make it harder.

Actually, it makes it easier.

Look, Rachel, the furthest
thing from my mind is doing
anything to upset you.

I'm sorry,
Mike, but I'm afraid
that can't happen.

Best thing for both of us
would be you getting better
and moving on.


Well, how long was I on?

Best thing for both of us
would be you getting better
and moving on.

- Are you sure you don't want
to give it a try, Lou?
- Supper's on!

Show us how it's done?

I wouldn't want
to show you up, kid.


You all right, kid?

Well, how long was I on?

I don't think you even
touched the saddle.

If you're so smart, you try it.

Go on, Lou. Mount up.

$5 says that horse
never gets broken.

Come on, let's eat!

Go on, Lou. Mount up.

No, thank you.

- Are you sure you don't want
to give it a try, Lou?
- Supper's on!



Where's Jesse?

He was right behind us.


Oh, my god, Jesse.

Jesse! Jesse!



- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Jesse!

Whoa! Easy, boy. Easy.

Rachel, I never seen you
take a drink a day in my life.



Whoa! Easy, boy. Easy.

Pull him out!

Down, down, down!

Look out, look out!
I got him, I got him.

Look out!

Let's get him inside.
Come on.

Why don't you
get some sleep?
I'll watch him.

I should have known
he'd try
something like this.

It wasn't your fault.

Oh, he was asking
a lot of questions.

I think maybe I gave him
some answers that led to him
getting on that horse.

Did I miss supper?

Oh, well, that's real
good to hear.

I sort of feel like this
is my fault.

You didn't walk out.

I guess I've been doing
a lot of that, haven't I?



I think maybe I gave him
some answers that led to him
getting on that horse.

Well, it would have been
a lot worse if
you hadn't been there.

How is he doing?

Yeah, I know.

Of course, there are all sorts
of good reasons to crack open
a bottle every now and again.

How is he doing?

He just came to.
Looks like he's gonna be fine.

Oh, well, that's real
good to hear.

I sort of feel like this
is my fault.

How is that?

Oh, he was asking
a lot of questions.

Oh, me getting up enough
nerve to talk to
a pretty lady like you.

You want to tell me why?

Well, it would have been
a lot worse if
you hadn't been there.

I owe you an apology.

When I woke up the other day
and I saw you
standing over me...

Of course, it, uh, might be
kind of nice if every time I
walked into a room

you didn't walk out.

Well, I can't think
of a better reason
for celebrating than that.

Can you?

You remind me of someone
I used to know.

You bring back
memories that I've been
trying to forget.

You remind me of someone
I used to know.

I think that's why
I keep this around.

Yeah, I know.

Yeah, well, we all got those.

It couldn't have been that hard.


When I woke up the other day
and I saw you
standing over me...

Well, it just took
my breath away.

Of course, there are all sorts
of good reasons to crack open
a bottle every now and again.

Like celebrating, for one.

Celebrating what?

Oh, me getting up enough
nerve to talk to
a pretty lady like you.

And I can't remember
the last time that I've
felt that way

about anything.

Well, it just took
my breath away.

And I ain't caught it since.

And I can't remember
the last time that I've
felt that way

about anything.

Neither can I.

Well, I can't think
of a better reason
for celebrating than that.

I don't know.


You and him?

I don't remember, Lou.

This is staulder's, isn't it?

Go away.

Rachel, I never seen you
take a drink a day in my life.

What's going on?

Rachel, what happened?


Ha! Boy, nothing gets
past you, does it?

I wish everybody around here
smiled when they said that
about me.

I don't remember, Lou.

How can you not remember?

Damn it, Lou, why can't
you just leave me alone?

Did you drink this?

Lou, please.

Could you just go away?

No, I won't.

Something happened here,
and I think...

I guess it was kind of stupid
getting on that horse.

Oh, we're all prone
to do stupid things.

Some of us more than others.

Catch them horse thieves?

No, they didn't.
Spent too much time
tending to you.

Hey, Jesse.

Who are the flowers for?

Oh, a pretty lady.

You and Rachel, huh?

Ha! Boy, nothing gets
past you, does it?

I wish everybody around here
smiled when they said that
about me.

Hard for them to smile when
you give them so much
to worry about.

I guess it was kind of stupid
getting on that horse.

What are you doing here?

Picking you up for supper.
Just like we said last night,
don't you remember?

Some of us more than others.

Well, I'd better get going.
I don't want to keep
the lady waiting.

Well, I thought I was
better company than that.

I'm serious, Mike.
What did we do last night?




Then I brought you back
to your house.

And after that?

I left.

I found your coat.

I put it over your shoulders
to keep you warm.

We had a couple of
drinks, that's all.

Then I brought you back
to your house.


What are you doing here?

I put it over your shoulders
to keep you warm.

Look, whatever you think
happened, didn't.

I don't believe you.

Picking you up for supper.
Just like we said last night,
don't you remember?

No, I don't. I don't
remember anything
about last night.

Well, I thought I was
better company than that.

I don't need you telling me
what I should and shouldn't
be doing, Rachel.

I'm not telling you
what to do with your life.
That's up to you.

I don't believe you.

Nothing happened, Rachel.

Made me feel like
I've wasted the past
two years of my life.

I know you don't
like my drinking.

It's my drinking i'm
talking about.

Those drinks last night
sent me to a place I swore
I'd never see again.

And if I spend time with you,
I'm gonna keep going back
to that place,

Then we got nothing to
talk about.

Oh, god.

Well, what is this all about?

You and me
and a couple of bottles
of liquor.

Made me feel like
I've wasted the past
two years of my life.

In every
paddlewheel I worked,
every card game I dealt.

Even at home, my mama drank.

And if I spend time with you,
I'm gonna keep going back
to that place,

and I can't survive if I do
that and I don't know if
you can either.

I've been around liquor
ever since I can remember.

In every
paddlewheel I worked,
every card game I dealt.

I'm not telling you
what to do with your life.
That's up to you.

Yeah, you have, Lou.



It never did much to me either.

The problem was,
after a while that sun
never came out again.

You ever tasted whiskey?

Once or twice.

I can't say it appealed to me.

I never knew anyone to
drink like that.

Yeah, you have, Lou.

When the sun was out
I could find things
to busy myself,

but when that sun went down,
it got so cold.

I'd forgotten all the pleasure.

And I hadn't
had a drink since,
until last night.

Even at home, my mama drank.

Sometimes it seems
that's all she did.

I was so alone.

The problem was,
after a while that sun
never came out again.

After my husband was killed,

In the morning I woke up
and I couldn't remember what
my husband had looked like.

When the sun was out
I could find things
to busy myself,

And now I'm right back
where I started.

But it's different now.
You got us.

And drinking made me
feel warm again.

Get out of my way.

In the morning I woke up
and I couldn't remember what
my husband had looked like.

It had been two years.

I was sure I could have
just one to be friendly.

I'd been trying so hard
to forget the pain

Hey, look...

That guy practically lives here.

I'm not talking
about him.
I meant the bottle.

And I hadn't
had a drink since,
until last night.

But it's different now.
You got us.


I was sure I could have
just one to be friendly.

And now I'm right back
where I started.

What's it look like I'm doing?



Well, maybe not tomorrow, but...

Hey, look...

I don't know if I
have the strength

to start all over again.

It's okay. We do.


I'm a little sore,
but I don't let on.

Think you'll be getting
on that horse again?


Well, ain't we gonna get
some glasses?

Real men drink
from a bottle.

I'm not talking
about him.
I meant the bottle.

- Jesse...
- Shh.

Jesse, what are you doing?

What's it look like I'm doing?

- Where'd you get that?
- Found it.

- Where are you going?
- Leave me alone.

Here, let me help you.

Get off of me!
I don't need any help!

Real men drink
from a bottle.

Good, ain't it?

Yeah, it's real good.

- Where are you going?
- Leave me alone.

Get out of the way!

Mike, have a drink with us.

- Where'd you get that?
- Found it.

Jesse, easy...

Stay here!

What was that for?

I thought you and me
was friends.

Oh, my god. Jesse...


You pack up and
ride out of here now!

I mean it!

I'm sorry, Rachel.

I'll get a doctor.



Oh, my god!

- Jesse!
- Jesse!



- Let me see him.
- No! You've done enough!

Let me see him!

You pack up and
ride out of here now!

How could you do this?

You could have killed him.

- Let me see him.
- No! You've done enough!

I mean it!

Don't give me an excuse
to do something I've got
half a mind to, anyway.

But I'm feeling better.

Well, I'm not.

Let's get him in there.

Come on...


No, they didn't.
Spent too much time
tending to you.

All right, why don't you just
yell at me now so's we can
get it over with.

Get back in that bunk!

He's been drinking
for a long time, hasn't he?


I guess he ain't learning
from his mistakes.

You ain't?

No, but we got
some talking to do.

About me not being growed up?

You, and some others.

'Cause things he's hoping the
bottle will help him forget
just don't go away that easy.

He's been drinking
for a long time, hasn't he?

All right, why don't you just
yell at me now so's we can
get it over with.

I'm not going to yell at you.

You ain't?

No, but we got
some talking to do.

About me not being growed up?

You, and some others.

- Who?
- Well, Mike, for one.

He hit me in the stables.

He hit me, too.

I know.

Did it hurt?

Almost as much as when
I saw you run out there
and get shot.

Rachel, I didn't mean
to hurt ya.

I know. Neither did Mike.

Then why'd he do it?

'Cause Mike doesn't like
the way his life
has turned out

and doesn't know
how to change it.

- Is that why he drinks?
- Yeah.

But why does he act that way?

'Cause things he's hoping the
bottle will help him forget
just don't go away that easy.

Those horse thieves
got Rachel!
You gotta help her!

Jesse what are you
talking about?

Come on!

There's no one inside.

What do you say
we just go in
and take a look.

I guess he ain't learning
from his mistakes.

No, but maybe you can.

You know, you ain't gonna
prove nothing by drinking.

I know.

I done a lot of things
in the last couple of days
I ain't never gonna do again.

Thank goodness.

Leastways, not till
I'm growed up.

Well, that ought to give us
at least a week or two
of peace and quiet.

We got company, three of them!

Go on, get over there!

It wouldn't happen to be
Mike staulder you were talking
to in there, would it?

There's no one inside.

Give me staulder
or the lady dies!

You can't get
a clean shot at him.
Rachel's in there.

No one's in here.

Get up! Get up!

Stay on look out.

Jesse, get in the barn.

I'm gonna help.

You can't get
a clean shot at him.
Rachel's in there.

I'm gonna try
to swing around
the back.

Too dangerous, Noah.

I'm gonna help.

Jesse, get in the barn!


Hey, drummond!

Yeah, well, leaving Rachel
in there with them
ain't no safer.

Cover me.

Not 'til you let her go.

Afraid not.
Not 'til I pay you back
for killing Matt!



One more move like that
and she's dead!

Jesse, what's going on?

Mike, Rachel's in trouble.

Those horse thieves got her.

Stay here!


Hey, drummond!

Come out where I can
see you, staulder!

Not 'til you let her go.

Yeah, I was.

But I realized
I had to apologize
to a couple of people.

Staulder, no.



Let's get him inside, come on.

This one's for Matt!

I thought you were
headed to Fairfield.

Yeah, I was.



I still can't believe
this is the same horse
that threw me.

Just goes to show you
what you can accomplish
with a little Patience.

I'm gonna miss you, too, Jesse.

Just don't be
in such a hurry
to get where you're going.

I thought you were
headed to Fairfield.

How was that?

I still can't believe
this is the same horse
that threw me.

Starting with you.

Right now there's a lot
of questions I've
got to try and answer.

The most important
person for me to be with
is myself.

When you answer some of those
questions you're more than
welcome to come back.

And I'm willing to lay odds
that you can do
better than that.

I hope if I do then I
find someone in my life
as good as you.

When you answer some of those
questions you're more than
welcome to come back.

I can't think of anything
I'd rather do.

Just goes to show you
what you can accomplish
with a little Patience.

We're gonna miss you, Mike.

I'm gonna miss you, too, Jesse.

Just don't be
in such a hurry
to get where you're going.

It'll still be there when
you show up.

You sure you have to go?

Right now there's a lot
of questions I've
got to try and answer.

Ain't gonna be easy, is it?


I can't think of anything
I'd rather do.


But I was at peace for two years

and I'm willing to lay odds
that you can do
better than that.

I hope if I do then I
find someone in my life
as good as you.

You're growing up,
Mike staulder.

I guess it had to happen


It's nice when
the sun's out,
ain't it?