The Young Riders (1989–1992): Season 2, Episode 18 - The Talisman - full transcript

The riders help a priest defend his mission from marauding bandits; Buck protects Lottie from from a mountain man.

Here, let me help you with that.

Easy, son.

I don't think the holy father
would approve of that.

Here, let me help you with that.

Thank you, father.

I don't think the holy father
would approve of that.

Who's your leader?

Yeah. Silver.

Well, now,
would you be talking
about the silver lining

that's under every cloud?

Who's your leader?

The lord almighty in heaven...

That's under every cloud?

- Or maybe the silver...
- Cut it. Padre!

But I think you're gonna
have to be talking
to me, instead.

Heavenly father
likes to devote his time
to kindred souls,

The only market
I'm interested in is silver.

Silver, you say?

Yeah. Silver.

You hove a pig mouth
for a padre.

And a bigger heart
if you're in the market
for being saved.

The only market
I'm interested in is silver.

So, it is.

And what penance
would you suggest
for such a grievous sin?

I know you got silver
hidden away in your
miserable little shacks.

Bring it all here in two weeks
or I'll give you a lesson

and what penance
would you suggest
for such a grievous sin?

Leave him!

You and your dirt farmers
got silver. We want it.

Dirt farmers have dirt.

You want dirt? Help yourself.

Ain't you heard, father,
lying's a sin.

So, it is.

There's your penance.

In the ten commandments
you won't forget.
Start with murder.

There's your penance.

Bring it all here in two weeks
or I'll give you a lesson

in the ten commandments
you won't forget.
Start with murder.

Are you all right, father?

And just to show you
I'm not unreasonable...

If you get the silver
together before,

so much for today's sermon.

Remember, two weeks.

Just so you don't forget me,

I'm gonna burn
one of your farms
everyday till I get back.

And just to show you
I'm not unreasonable...

Now, go pack some food
while I draw you a map.

You got a hard ride
ahead of you.


If you get the silver
together before,

just run up a white flag
and I'll come and take it
off your hands


We're gonna need some help.

We can defend ourselves.
We don't need more outsiders.

Are you all right, father?

Ask me in two weeks.
Give me a hand.

Take it.

Now, go pack some food
while I draw you a map.


To a town called Sweetwater.

I want you to find a man there
called teaspoon hunter.

We can defend ourselves.
We don't need more outsiders.

They'll just try to
steal our silver, too.

Not this man.
I trust this man with my life.

I want you to find a man there
called teaspoon hunter.

Give him that talisman.


Not this man.
I trust this man with my life.

Well, ma'am, I can sure try.

Uh, you got any notion
who this shadowy figure
might be?

Not this man.
I trust this man with my life.

Hold on!
You have to wait your turn.

I'm marshal hunter, son.
What can I do for you?

Noises outside my front door,
shadows beneath my window...

I know he's out there.

We got to do something
for her. Teaspoon.
We just got to.

Marshal hunter...

I am a single woman
alone in the wilderness...

Can't you please protect me?

Well, ma'am, I can sure try.


I have no earthly idea.

Marshal hunter?

Hold on!
You have to wait your turn.

- But, marshal...
- My deputy will take care
of you, ma'am.

- I promise, we'll talk.
- But, marshal...

Ma'am, I promise.

- Where is he?
- A long ride.

I will take you there.

Miss Pearson, it seems
we have a matter
of some concern here.

If you'll excuse me...
Barnett, would you show
miss Pearson here to her rig.

- But, marshal...
- My deputy will take care
of you, ma'am.

Jimmy, Noah, kid, Cody,
get ready. We're riding out!

Ma'am, I promise.

- Don't forget.
- I won't.

Father Reilly says to bring
some guns and coffee,

and he will supply the whiskey.

I will take you there.

He give you any message for me?

Father Reilly says to bring
some guns and coffee,

That's Reilly, all right.

We cornered this band
of bank robbers

up this old abandoned mine.

We thought we cleaned 'em out,

but one of them escaped
up a hidden shaft.

Can't none of them
tell the truth?

Little friend...

I'm afraid we're gonna have to
make an example out of you
for the rest of your flock.

Jimmy, Noah, kid, Cody,
get ready. We're riding out!

Buck, get over here.

Hold up your right hand.

Come on, boys.
Get a move on.

Reilly didn't have time
to draw his gun, so he knocked
me to the ground.

While I was rolling,
I shot the man.

So, he saved your life?

Come on, boys.
Get a move on.

How do you know this
father Reilly, teaspoon?

Uh, he wasn't no father
when I knew him.
We was Texas rangers together.

Matter of fact,
I played a small part
in his conversion.

- You, teaspoon?
- Yep.

We cornered this band
of bank robbers

Peter Reilly is as tough
as they come.

And if he sent this bullet,
we got us a fight
on our hands.

But one of them escaped
up a hidden shaft.

Reilly saw him.
He was taking dead aim at me
from about 10 feet.

Reilly didn't have time
to draw his gun, so he knocked
me to the ground.

If he hadn't, I wouldn't be
standing here today.

So, then, how did that
help him to decide
to become a priest?

Well, Reilly caught my bullet
in his shooting arm.

Severed something clear through.

So, he saved your life?


If he hadn't, I wouldn't be
standing here today.

I told him if he ever
run into something

he couldn't handle or
the odds seemed overwhelming,

send this to me,
and wherever I was,
I'd come to him.

I'll tell you boys something.

Priest or Texas ranger,
it don't matter.

Peter Reilly is as tough
as they come.

But, uh, turned out
that was fine by him,

'cuz he was tired of living
by the gun, anyways.

And that was meant for you?


The day he left,
I gave him this.

I told him if he ever
run into something

send this to me,
and wherever I was,
I'd come to him.

Let's skedaddle.

And if he sent this bullet,
we got us a fight
on our hands.

I deputized buck.
He'll stay here
and help barnett.

You know nothing
about my people!

Just because we are farmers
does not mean we are not men!

All right.
You don't got to get
so riled up about it.

I think we ought to have
this mess cleaned up
in about a week, Noah.

How do you figure that?

It seems to me it's just
a bunch of scalawags

Don't mind him. He's just...

Look, if I said something
that offended you,
I apologize, all right.

We're just here to help,
that's all.

We don't need your help.

All right.
You don't got to get
so riled up about it.

And carrying that big gun
does not make you a man.

It seems to me it's just
a bunch of scalawags

terrorizing some
scared farmers, that's all.

You know nothing
about my people!

There is no honor in this.

We should defend ourselves.

Well, maybe you don't.

We should defend ourselves.

You're asking for help
to make it a fair fight.

Look, if I said something
that offended you,
I apologize, all right.

Don't mind him. He's just...

He just talks
without thinking, sometimes.

So, you don't want
our help, huh?

Well, maybe you don't.

Maybe what you need is
a good kick in the pants
to teach you some manners.

Come and get it.

Mission's that away.

That's where we're going.

Yes, senor.

White men attack us.

So, he sends for more
white men to defend us?

There is no honor in this.

So, you don't want
our help, huh?

We could fight our own battles.

Yeah, well.
Father Reilly didn't think so.

Father Reilly's a good man.
But he's not one of us.

White men attack us.

If friends want to help,
does it matter what they are?

Adios, amigos.

Ain't no dishonor in that.

If friends want to help,
does it matter what they are?

Heading the wrong way, santo.

Yes, senor.

What is it with these people?

Can't none of them
tell the truth?

Little friend...

I'm afraid we're gonna have to
make an example out of you
for the rest of your flock.

Adios, amigos.

Leave me be or I'll fill you
so full of holes the wind will
whistle through you!

Well, 15 years ago,
I sick of sending men
to their graves.

Now, I just
send them onto heaven.

I know you're out there,
whoever you are!

Leave me be or I'll fill you
so full of holes the wind will
whistle through you!

Still the poet.

Did you ever meet
an irishman that wasn't?


Thanks for coming.

I'd like you to meet my boys.


Felipe will show you
where you can bunk down.

Come along with me.
I'll tell you what kind of
hell you just rode into.

Another man's pain
still feels the same

whether you shed his blood
or watch in vain.


Is that you?

It's none other, my friend.

Well, you look a little strange.

Always, always, always knew
you had that stuff runnin'
in your veins.

My last vice.

Well, don't look like you got
much opportunity to indulge
in many others around here.

Now, I just
send them onto heaven.

Doesn't get any easier, though.

But less guilt.

Another man's pain
still feels the same

Come along with me.
I'll tell you what kind of
hell you just rode into.

Hope you won't regret coming.

Not coming,
that's what I'd regret.

Bless you, teaspoon.
Bless you for being here.

Well, don't look like you got
much opportunity to indulge
in many others around here.

Temptation is sharply reduced.

Welcome, gentlemen.
We're grateful to have you.

Juan, Pedro, get some men
to take their horses.

Felipe will show you
where you can bunk down.

What's silver is that?

Well, six months ago,
we found an old vein of
silver in the hills.

So, I started refinin'
my blood till I got
to the good stuff.

Always, always, always knew
you had that stuff runnin'
in your veins.

Ah! Lordy, lord.

Where'd you find a bottle of
real Irish whiskey, anyways?

Well, I figured it'd be
a sin to waste 20 years
of hard drinkin'.

So, I started refinin'
my blood till I got
to the good stuff.

Temptation is sharply reduced.

How long you been here?

Coming on 15 years.

Kid, do you see that?


More and more like that
old tin star of yours.

Change of hardware don't mean
a change of heart.

Well, six months ago,
we found an old vein of
silver in the hills.

Must have been mined
by the Spaniards.

No big strike, mind you.

Coming on 15 years.

Reilly, that's a long time.

I've been offered
other parishes,
but I passed on them all.

How come?

I feel like I make
a difference to these
people, teaspoon.

Their lives would be
even more cruel if
I weren't about.

- Like with this silver.
- Silver?

What's silver is that?

No big strike, mind you.

Just enough to let
these people buy some plows,

Change of hardware don't mean
a change of heart.

Well, they're lucky to have you.

Hope you won't regret coming.

Just enough to let
these people buy some plows,

looms, seed, some livestock,
maybe even build a school.

Things which could
lift their lives a rung
or two permanently.

And I won't let that be
taken from them.

Reilly, that cross you're
wearing's beginning to look

Well, that's Mary, right?

Well, Mary, uh...

Change of hardware don't mean
a change of heart.

Well, they're lucky to have you.

Hope you won't regret coming.



Well, that's Mary, right?

Bless you, teaspoon.
Bless you for being here.

And bless the Irish.

Ah! Bless 'em again.

Better luck next time.

Dah, dah, dah,
dah, dah, dah, dah...


Pay attention, kid.

Let me give you
a hand with that.

What's your name?


What did you put in this?


It's my specialty.

I demand protection!

Ma'am, please calm down.
Have a seat. Barnett?

Uh, what happened?

Well, Mary, uh...

Anybody ever tell you
how beautiful them eyes
of yours are?

Better luck next time.

- Ma'am, did you see
who left it?
- No.

But I know he was there.
I could sense him.
Feel his presence.

Dah, dah, dah,
dah, dah, dah, dah...

But I know he was there.
I could sense him.
Feel his presence.

You must stand guard
at my house!





You could help.

Laid it right in front
of my door.

And he was watching me!
Enjoying my suffering!

That's what we're fighting for.

Well, it's as good a reason as
any to take a stand, father.

It's my specialty.

Barnett! Barnett!

I demand protection!

Uh, what happened?

I came back to my house,
and he'd been there.

- Who?
- Him!

The devil! The mad man!
My tormentor!

He left...

Oh! This!

And he was watching me!
Enjoying my suffering!

Who would have left that?

It's the devil's work,
I tell you!

We got responsibilities here.

Way I see it,
this is one of them.

Well, I don't agree.

It's the devil's work,
I tell you!

Looks more like a Turkey.

Looks can be deceiving
to the naked eye.

Reilly, remember that time
we was hold up in that
fort, uh...

What's the...
What's the name?
Fort MacKenzie!

And how many men do they have?

Twenty, 25. All heavily armed.

How many guns do you have here?

Ma'am, I understand
how you're feeling, but we're
shorthanded here. I can't...

- I'll go.
- Barnett?

Excuse me, ma'am. Barnett?

Barnett, you know we can't be
chasing every boogie man
that doesn't exist.

We got responsibilities here.

Fine. But I'm gonna go
have a looksy.

That silver will make
the difference between

dirt-scratching poverty
and a decent life
for these people.

That's what we're fighting for.

Pedro, what is it?

We want to speak to you.

So, we've collected
all the silver here in
the mission to safeguard it.

And as I was telling
teaspoon, here,

that silver will make
the difference between

Because these ruthless dogs
will burn out
another farm everyday.

He's already killed one man.

Sorry, lads,

What kind of cowards are you?

You're not willing to
fight for what is yours?

When they come tomorrow,
let them in and give them
the silver. All of it.

But if you give away
the silver, you'll be
giving away your dreams.

What good are dreams
to a dead man?

How many guns do you have here?

Five or six relics. Probably
do more harm to the shooter
than to the target.

And another thing...

Few of our people
have ever shot a gun.

Why don't we just bar up
the doors and wait 'em out?

Because these ruthless dogs
will burn out
another farm everyday.


Just hold it.
Good old aloysius here
has got a good idea.

Reilly, remember that time
we was hold up in that
fort, uh...

Sorry, lads,

but if it was goin'
to be easy, I'd never have
called on aloysius, here.


We must not fight.

Why not?

Because we cannot win.
And you being here
only makes it worse for us.

What good are dreams
to a dead man?

And what about your children?

They will become farmers
like their fathers.

- And like their father's
before them.
- And you believe

what's the...
What's the name?
Fort MacKenzie!

There were six of us.
Whole band of comanche
about to come down on us?

Indeed, I do.

Remember how that turned out?

Fight like your lives
depended on it.

Because they do.

We will not
fight at all, father.

We want to speak to you.

Of course.

We want them to go.
We don't want them here.

You're not willing to
fight for what is yours?

To defend your wives
and your children?

All right, Miguel.

So, what do you propose, Pedro?

We want them to go.
We don't want them here.

Pedro, what are you
talking about?

We must give stoltz
what he asked for, father.

We must not fight.

Because we cannot win.
And you being here
only makes it worse for us.

Do you speak for everyone?


Pedro, I became a priest
because I didn't want to live
by the gun anymore.

But there are times when
only the gun can help you.

Silver is all they want.

Today. Tomorrow,
it will be your crops.

Then your women.
And then your homes.

So, what do you propose, Pedro?

When they come tomorrow,
let them in and give them
the silver. All of it.

- And like their father's
before them.
- And you believe

they'll leave us alone if
we give them the silver?

Silver is all they want.

But there are times when
only the gun can help you.

And this is one of them.

Fight like your lives
depended on it.

Then your women.
And then your homes.

And if you fight,
they'll kill us.
We don't stand a chance.

Please, go home.

Pedro, I became a priest
because I didn't want to live
by the gun anymore.

I'm sorry.

We will not
fight at all, father.

I'm sorry.

Looks like there's
a turncoat among us.

Yeah. Well, how did they get
in the mission?

Well, there's a side door.
But that's always bolted
and locked.

Of course, we'll need to use
some of your people.

My people will be glad to help.

It's good.

These people are very
grateful to you for coming.

- You boys hurt?
- No.

Do you know who they are?

Yeah. They're stoltz's men.

Nice of him to lend a hand.

Keep up the good work, ladies.

Figure it was them
who let stoltz's men in?

I don't know.

- Who else could it be?
- Somebody with a grudge.

Of course, we'll need to use
some of your people.

I know that, Reilly.

Well, am I supposed to
call you father?

You'll get used to it.

These people are very
grateful to you for coming.

There's only a few of them
that feel otherwise.

I know that, Reilly.

Nice of him to lend a hand.

You'll get used to it.

Now, sight it down right to
the end of the barrel.

Hold it steady.

Because you don't
want to spill any.

You got a lot of bottles.
We got to parcel it out,

so it all...
All comes out even.

You want to be
real careful how you pour

because you don't
want to spill any.

We can't let it happen again.

No, we can't.
The way I figure,

nobody goes in or
comes out of the mission.

One of us keeps
an eye on that gate and
the back doors at all times.

So it all...
All comes out even.

Now, then, you want to
start tearing your fuses
right with this...

We're ready.

Start tearing your fuses.

Keep up the good work, ladies.




- Who else could it be?
- Somebody with a grudge.

Somebody that made
a deal with stoltz.
Could be anybody.

We can't let it happen again.

One of us keeps
an eye on that gate and
the back doors at all times.

Anyway, we got us a few
surprises for Mr. Stoltz.

Well, look who's here.

Hold it steady.

You're gonna
squeeze off the trigger.

Just squeeze it off.

Stoltz and his men are sitting
out there watching us like
vultures with an appetite.

I will get the oil.

I'll go with him.

Decided to help us, huh?

No. I decided
you were helping us.

Pablo has two small drums
at his place.

- Let's go.
- No. Wait. It's not that easy.

Stoltz and his men are sitting
out there watching us like
vultures with an appetite.

Teaspoon, there's almost no
lamp oil left for your bombs.

- That's important, father.
- I know it.

Where can we find some?

Pablo has two small drums
at his place.




Come on! Come on!

Will you look at this beauty?
It looks older
than the mission.

- Do you think it will work?
- I know it will work.

Sure is a big galoot.



What do you want?

I want you to be my wife.

Why do you keep staring at me?

- Do you think it will work?
- I know it will work.

I've tested it every month
for the past five years.

No! No! No!

Can't say that I have.

What a grand place.

So full of life, and people,
and excitement.

She watches me
like a chicken hawk.

Mother-in-law? You're married?


Why do you keep staring at me?

- Let it go, Pedro.
- This is our home!

You do not tell me what to do!

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

You're all so good to help us.

Oh, it's nothing.

Why don't you just calm down?

Just leave us alone! You'll
get us all killed like santo.

Let's go, Pedro.

When this is all over,
you will go home,
and we will still be here.

Come on! Come on!

So full of life, and people,
and excitement.

I was so happy there

don't be.
He was not good to me.

Then why did you marry him?

Let me do that for you.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Oh, it's nothing.

No, it's very brave.

I'm sorry about
my mother-in-law yesterday.

She watches me
like a chicken hawk.


You're awfully young
to be a widow.

My husband died last year
from a fever.

I'm sorry to hear that.

When I was 17, I ran off
to San Francisco.

Have you ever been there?

Can't say that I have.

Then why did you marry him?

I had no choice.

I grew up in an ugly
little village like these
around here.

And I couldn't wait to get away.

When I was 17, I ran off
to San Francisco.

I was so happy there

for the first time in my life.

Buck, I tell you
he had arms like fence posts.
This big around.

And he was all wooly-headed
like a buffalo.

But my father came
and dragged me home.

Said I disgraced the family.

And forced me to marry
a poor dirt farmer
twice my age.

Now, she watches me always.

You'd better go now.

Good work, Noah. Miguel.

He doubled back here.
Tried to throw us off.

Satisfy the appetites of
my fellow man.

You think them dirt diggers
got enough silver in there
for that?

I have it on
the best information.

Well, you weren't there, buck.
You didn't see him.

He was one man,
and you had a shotgun.

All right, ladies,
let's get to work.

Well, I do. A whole lot.

This is the part I hate.


But, now, you want these
people to take up their guns.

Well, I believe in the power
of prayer and love,

and he was all wooly-headed
like a buffalo.

Yeah. I can't understand
how you let him take her.

I just don't understand you.

Well, if you'd been there
to help, like I asked,
like teaspoon asked,

none of this
would have happened.

Yeah, well, it happened
because you fouled up.

Well, you weren't there, buck.
You didn't see him.

Over there. Ha!

How are you gonna
spend your share of
the silver, stoltz?

Teaspoon mentioned
you used to be a gunfighter.
Is that right?

Oh, he did, did he?

He said you had
quite a reputation.

I have it on
the best information.

Your spy also know how we're
going to get inside that wall?

Yep. Got it all worked out.

How are you gonna
spend your share of
the silver, stoltz?

Go back to frisco
and buy me a saloon.

Then, I'm gonna live
a high life.

Satisfy the appetites of
my fellow man.

And anyway, James,
you shouldn't take all this
too seriously.

Remember, earthly life's
but an emergency
on the road to eternity.

Waitin' for St. Patrick
to return and drive
these snakes out.

Teaspoon mentioned
you used to be a gunfighter.
Is that right?

Yep. Got it all worked out.

Whoever he is, you sure got
a lot of confidence in him.

Well, I do. A whole lot.

Because every time
I killed a man,

a piece of me went
into the grave with him.


Waitin' for the rain.
Waitin' for the mail.

Waitin' for your pot of gold.

Waitin' for St. Patrick
to return and drive
these snakes out.

Being highly esteemed
among vermin is nothing
to puff up about.

How'd you give up the gun?

Had no choice.

"Time to be born, time to die...

"The time to kill
and the time to heal."

He said you had
quite a reputation.

Being highly esteemed
among vermin is nothing
to puff up about.

Had no choice.

The bullet you took
for teaspoon?

Oh, no. That had nothing
to do with it.

I shot every bit as well
with my left arm
as with my right.

You better see this.

I shot every bit as well
with my left arm
as with my right.

Well, then, why?

Because every time
I killed a man,

Ah, they spiked the barrel.

- It's completely useless.
- Can it be fixed?

A piece of me went
into the grave with him.

I figured I'd better stop
while there was still
something left.

But, now, you want these
people to take up their guns.

I heard the glass break, and
I ran in here and found him.

Well, I believe in the power
of prayer and love,

and the almighty
to change many things.

But there are
a few times in life, like now,

when only the gun can help.

Do you know your Bible,
Mr. Hickok?

No, not really, father.

Ecclesiastes, "to everything,
there is a season.

I heard the glass break, and
I ran in here and found him.

I did nothing. I swear it.

I too heard breaking glass
and I came to see.

"The time to kill
and the time to heal."

"Slavery is worse than death,
and freedom's worth
dying for."

And anyway, James,
you shouldn't take all this
too seriously.



I'm too frightened to be alone.

Everything's gonna be
all right now.

You got nothing to be afraid of.

The looks on their faces,
what they did to santo.

- It's completely useless.
- Can it be fixed?

Not by anyone here.
Not in time to do us any good.


Noah, over here.

The looks on their faces,
what they did to santo.

Nothing's gonna happen to you.
I promise.


I too heard breaking glass
and I came to see.

Oh, my god, Miguel.


You shouldn't be here.

I'm too frightened to be alone.

Because I hate this place!
And I hate these people!


I can't help
remembering those men.

This is our spy.
He killed Miguel.

This is your spy, kid.

Nothing's gonna happen to you.
I promise.

I feel better with you, Cody...



Because I hate this place!
And I hate these people!

We got a few surprises for 'em.

Noah, go light the fuel!

Look! She did it!

Let's get 'em!

Believe me.

Pedro couldn't hove done it.
I've been watching him
all night.

Now, take this one
and lock her up.

Here they come!

Must be a couple of
100 yards and closin'!

Open the gate!

Why'd you decide to fight?

For Miguel! He was right!
His death proved it!

Noah, go light the fuel!

Look! She did it!

Why'd you decide to fight?

Well, Cody, this ought to
jar their preserves.

Maria must have cut it.

- We gotta get that fixed.
- Well, it's too late now.

I will do it!


Hold your fire! Not yet!



Buck, I'm disappointed in us.

What are you talking about?

Teaspoon said to work
as a team, and here we've
been at odds since he left.


We sure did.
It was quite a sight.

- Miss Pearson, ma'am...
- Call me lottie.

Father, via con dios!

Now, we got to figure out
a way to get her out of there.

I got an idea. What if...

Assault with a deadly weapon,

breaking and entering?

Oh, my stars, nils.
What a litany of sins.

They're in there, all right.

Buck, I'm disappointed in us.

And don't you just
adore the flowers?

Couldn't you just die
from the scent?

Oh, my stars, nils.
What a litany of sins.

And if I did press charges,
what would happen?

He'd probably end up, uh...


What do you say we shake hands
and try to work together
for teaspoon's sake?

All right.

Now, we got to figure out
a way to get her out of there.

And what charges
would you be referring to?

Well, it's quite a list.

Assault with a deadly weapon,

I got an idea. What if...

Barnett? Buck?

You're just in time for a meal.

Well, he could get eight to
10 years, I imagine.

Eight to 10 years.


And if convicted,
what kind of sentence
would Mr. Peterson serve?

Couldn't you just die
from the scent?

I collected them in that
enormous field down below.
Did you see it on your way up?

We sure did.
It was quite a sight.

Well, he could get eight to
10 years, I imagine.

- Miss Pearson, ma'am...
- Call me lottie.

Um, I take it you do not
wish to press charges?

And what charges
would you be referring to?

As the kind,
sweet man he truly is.

Not at all the gruesome beast
who haunted my every movement.

He was just infatuated
with me, poor thing.
Weren't you?


You see, he's terribly shy.

And he spoke to me in
the only language he knows...

He'd probably end up, uh...

Never refer to
someone present as he.

It's awfully rude.

Mr. Peterson would be sent to
fort laramie for trial.

And if convicted,
what kind of sentence
would Mr. Peterson serve?

That of the roughhewn

Primitive and yearning.

Thank you all for
settling teaspoon's debt.

Well, he died fighting
for his people.

They're what really
mattered to him.

Oh, I almost forgot.


Do you hear
what can befall a person
for acting like a savage?

- Do you?
- Yes.

No, buck, I won't be
preferring any charges.

You see, in the past few days,
I've come to know nils

as the kind,
sweet man he truly is.

And he spoke to me in
the only language he knows...

That of the roughhewn

I'll be holdin' to you now.

But we will be returning
to Sweetwater

to meet my brother, Donald,
and to begin a more
civilized courtship.

Thank you all for
settling teaspoon's debt.

We're sorry about
what happened to Miguel.

Well, he died fighting
for his people.

They're what really
mattered to him.

Oh, I almost forgot.

I never gave this back to you.

You keep it.

I'll be holdin' to you now.