The X-Files (1993–…): Season 11, Episode 2 - This - full transcript

A chilling secret is revealed when an old friend reaches out to Mulder and Scully in a seemingly impossible way.

Mulder. Mulder.


Mulder. Mulder.

Is this Mulder?

Mulder. Mulder.

Is this Mulder?

Mulder. Fox Mulder.

Mulder. Fox Mulder.


Is this Mulder?

Fox Mulder.


II believe...

I believe you knew me as Langly.

Um, Richard Langly. "Ringo" Langly.

Lone Gunman Langly?

Mulder, II need to know.

Am I dead?

If I am...

they know that I know.

Know that he knows what?


Scully? You all right?

There's one in the room.
Behind the couch.

Two down, all clear.



am I... dead?

If I am...

they know that I know.

Synced & corrected by kinglouisxx

Better call it in from a landline.


This is Special Agent Dana Scully.

Yes, Washington, D.C. field office.

Yes, I'm calling in an incident

where multiple gunshots were exchanged.

There are two suspects on the ground.

No, we weren't injured.

Agent Mulder's residence.

Yes. Yeah. Farrs Corner.

227700 Wallis Road.

You're careful not to taint that,

but you're willing to conceal this?

You said "taint."

This may not be related to that.

Yes, but we're not gonna know

unless it's properly investigated.

Scully, ten minutes ago,

we received a message on this phone

from a man who's been dead for 16 years,

and now you want me
to hand it over to evidence,

where it's gonna sit in a locker
for what, two, three years?

I was gone back then.

Couldcould Langly be alive?

No. I was at Langly's,

at the Lone Gunmen's burial
in Arlington Cemetery.

But did you ever see Langly's body?

Well, nobody did.

They were exposed

to a weaponized strain
of the Marburg virus.

Their bodies were incinerated.

It's got to be connected, right?

Thatthat whatever...
Langly message and this.

They know that he knows. WWho's they?

I mean, it'sit'sit's too much
of a coincidence. Right?

Well, I think that the Langly message

was warning us
that these guys were coming.

It wasn't warning us.

Itit asked if he were dead.

What do you think it was?

I don't know what I think. I don't know.

But I'll tell you what I do know.

We got to take a trip to IKEA.

Well, that was fast.

What is that?

A Critical Incident
Response Group maneuver?

- I got 14 rounds.
- Eight.

Don't answer the phone.

If we use the phone,
they may be able to pinpoint

our exact location in the house.

Identify yourself!

Can't hear you. Answer your phone.

Should I call Skinner?
We haven't talked to him

in a couple weeks.
I don't know where he stands.

We are federal agents.

We are armed. Identify yourselves.

Hold on, hold on.

See, the "we are armed" thing...

That is a problem for you.

Put down your guns.

- Come out.
- Hello?

Skinner, it's Scully. I'm with Mulder.

- Listen to me, Scully.
- You don't have much time.

Surrender. I can't
explain on an open line,

- but I can't help you right now.
- Waiting!

The only chance you have
is to put down your weapons

and surrender to them.

You know what you did.

We defended ourselves!

Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say.

But, see, they were wearing
body cams, so...

You know how that turns out
for the ones who weren't.

Skinner says surrender.

Why should we surrender?

- To who? Why are we under suspicion?
- I don't know.

Identify yourselves

or we'll be forced to consider
you hostile agents and respond

with deadly action
to any aggressive action.

Identify ourselves?

No. We don't need to identify ourselves.

What world are you living in?

Where's your phone, bro?

Easy for Orwell to say.

"I want to believe"?

Here's what I believe.

We would've all saved
lots of money and headaches

if we only knew Americans
would have been just fine

losing the Cold War...

if they could only make
a little money off of it.

You guys there, find his phone.
You two, watch these two.

Once we find his phone...

Mulder. Mulder.

- Hold on, hold on. Hold on!
- Shh, shh.

Mulder. Mulder?



This is Richard Langly.

Richard Langly.

Ringo Langly. I need to know.

- Well, well, well, Ringo.
- Am I dead?

You're never going to know.

And neither will these two.


"Give up"?

I'm risking my own ass being out here.

Who are they? Why are you so afraid?

They're not U.S. intelligence,
I'll tell you that much.

Commander was Russian.

Skinner, tell us who they are.

It's Purlieu Services,

an American security contractor
with its headquarters in Moscow.

A private contractor has
ascendancy over the FBI?

Under a classified security directive...

from the Executive Branch.

I thought they were just
questioning you guys.

Why would they want to kill you?

- You tell us.
- They're not supposed

to kill any intelligence agents,
but apparently, they will.

You need to come with me.

You have any money?

Take it.

It's all I have on me.

Is Langly alive?

Lone Gunmen Langly?

You and I buried him in Arlington

along with Byers and Frohike.

You didn't answer my question.

I just did.

He's buried in Arlington.

Hack Mulder's phone.

Find out how he contacted Mulder.

Kill switch.

Here's Byers.


What are we looking for, Mulder?

Knowing Langly, bread crumbs.

His birth date is wrong.

October 13. We shared the same birthday.

Byers was born on the day
Kennedy was assassinated, so,

that's correct.



Frohike look 57 to you when he died?

Frohike looked 57 the day he was born.

His birthday is the same day
that FDR died.

So, Langly... March 28, 1969.
Any president die that day?

- Eisenhower.
- Who needs Google when you got Scully?


Well, JFK was the 35th president,

Eisenhower was
the 34th president, FDR...

Now you're just showing off, really.

- The...
- Thirty...

- 32nd president.
- Two. 32.

34, 35.

32nd, 34th, 35th. Anything in that?

You mean, other than the fact
that the 33rd is missing?

33rd? Three and three?

Three up, three down, three over?

Well, he's facing this way.

One... two...

three. I'll go this way.

All right.


This is it.

I watched his funeral

from 1,000 yards away,

over there, through binoculars.

Deep Throat.

I didn't know his real name
till right now.

I never visited,
out of respect, I guess. I...


He's dead because the world was
so dangerous and complex then.

Who'd have thought we'd look
back with nostalgia and say,

"That was a simpler time," Scully?

Everything we feared came to pass.

How the hell did that happen?

Mulder, Deep Throat was assassinated

eight years before the Lone Gunmen died.

How and why would Langly
leave bread crumbs

at a grave in a graveyard

that he didn't even know
he was gonna be buried in?

This cross...

is different from all the others.

It's not engraved. It protrudes.

What is that?


Thank you, Skinner.

I think it's a memory medallion.

You scan it, and it links
to a video of the pet or person.

But I don't have my phone to scan it.

Mulder, do gravediggers work at night?

I'm gonna open an XFile

on this bran muffin.

I got to get to the bottom
of why it's so freaking good.

I don't care if it came out
of an alien's butt.

I'm gonna eat the whole thing.

All right.

New Yorkers call it
"The Long Lines Building."

Edward Snowden documents indicated

the building...
code named "Titanpointe"...

was used as an NSA
mass surveillance station

in a program code named "Blarney."

It was started in the '70s
and expanded after 9/11.

Well, why? Why did he point us
to an NSA program?

Why didn't he just tell us
if it was about a building?

II opened an XFile

on this building in the, in the '90s.

In fact,

Langly actually provided
the initial information.

We should check it out.

It? An XFile?

You mean the XFiles
that are in our office

that we can't get into kind of XFile?

Right. Okay.

Don't get in.

I need you to
put the weapon down, Mulder.

Cannot do that, sir.

You seem to be working with
people who tried to kill us.

I don't work with them.

The world is different, Mulder.

When Scully started, it was just us.

Dark forces in the U.S. government.
There was barely a Russia.

Now there's 17
U.S. intelligence agencies.

Homeland Security, Russian FSB,

Chinese MSS, ISIS,

alQaeda, Blackwater.

Private companies launch
to the Space Station,

and all of them are in bed
with one another,

while trying to exterminate each other,

and that includes each of us.

We need your help, Walter.

Even if we don't trust you.

What is this?

How did we get here?

What about us?

We were the ones
who were just assaulted.

We can't go to our home.

They'll be waiting for us at our office.

We're not asking
for you to get us out of this,

but we do expect your help.

We need to see the XFiles.

If you want to see the XFiles,

you don't have to go to the office.

After the XFiles were closed
in 2002, the agency lobbied.

Director Mueller for
jurisdiction over the files.

They were looking to crossreference

their own past research
in telekinesis, MKUltra,

remote viewing with your fieldwork.

The agency then contracted
a private company

to digitize
and maintain the files online

for any U.S.
intelligence agencies to have

classified access.

A private contractor.


So the Russians who tried to kill us

have had access to all of our work?

So when the XFiles were
reopened, why weren't we told?

Why didn't you tell us?

The XFiles belong to us.

Do you work with them?

Do you work for them?

You two were gone.

I was left here. I didn't know
if you were coming back,

and the files were too important

to sit in a basement gathering dust.

And what's in them...
belongs to everyone.

That's the point of 'em.

Control of the XFiles
reverted back to the FBI

after the files were reopened.

Yeah? All right.

All the files

on NSA Project Blarney and the
Titanpointe building are gone.

Langly has been bleached
from the XFiles.

Not just the person,

but any information Langly contributed

to theoretical computer science.

Byers and Frohike are still in here.

Cryptographic protocols,

machine learning, quantum algorithms,

all gone.

All right, thanks.

I had the director speak with
the Executive Branch

to call this off, but the,

the Bureau's not in good standing

with the White House these days.

How do you like that?

The FBI finally found out what it's like

to be looked upon as a little spooky.

Okay, so complete the two problems,

and email me your solutions by Friday.

We're old friends of Richard Langly.

I figured if I...

hadn't seen you in five years,

then I never would and I could...

stop regretting.

We received a message on my cell.

Asking if he was alive.

You should go. They're watching.

Who is watching?

Purlieu Services.

They came to us 15 years ago,

with the science and the math to prove

that we could live forever.

The contract states we can
live out our natural lives.

We could continue our work after we die.

And where is Richard now?

They brought us to a facility,
and over a twoweek period,

they scanned and copied
the salient features

of our biological brain.

They uploaded us into a simulation.

The two minds could never exist at once.

Our simulated selves would come
into consciousness

in that life once we died in this.

And so did he instruct you to...

to leave this for us?

He entrusted me in case

he discovered that they had lied
about life in the simulation.

And if Richard is reaching out,
then they must have.

We wanted a life eternal together.

So we took the deal.

But we theorized what to do

if it was not what they had offered.

How would that life know
it was a simulation?

There would be cheats.

The stars and the moon,
they wouldn't be fully realized.

The background people
wouldn't be fully rendered.

They'd constrict the use of technology,

of twoway contact to control them.

But Richard being Richard,
hacked a way to reach out.

Why reach out to me if you're alive?

Memory isn't erased, it's suppressed.

They've probably theorized, as we have,

that their lives are a simulation,

but perhaps Richard's subconscious

must have recalled
the two of you investigating

this type of subject matter.

Maybe he saw Mulder in his dreams.

Who hasn't?

Purlieu is likely aware that Richard

is reaching out to you
to expose a simulation.

Is there anything we can do
to help Langly get through?

Do you have the cell?

No, it was taken from us.

I phreaked my phone years ago,

using video signal manipulation
to my cell.

You'd have to help him

by making this side easier to reach.

You're gonna have to edit
the SIM card to your number,

and follow these steps...

for the phone,
so that you can contact...

Mulder, that's evidence.

He's evidence.

- Hey.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sorry.

- Come on.
- It's been a, it's been a long day.

Tough day. Thank you.

Chick's freaking out over here.

Scully, you looked so adorbs just there.

All curled up in a ball
in the booth of a skanky bar

with your fingers
wrapped around the grip

of an assassin's Glock.

I did what I could to follow
Dr. Hamby's algorithms,

and I added what little I know
about phreaking.

And we have to wait and see if
we receive another transmission,

but they knew Langly
was trying to reach us,

and they knew that Dr. Hamby
knew about Langly

and the computer simulations.

The longer we leave the phone on,

the sooner they're gonna find us.

So I got to turn it off, and we
got to move to different spots.

- Mulder.
- Scully.

- Is this Mulder?
- Yes, it'sit's Mulder.

It is Mulder. Is that Langly?

Richard Langly?

It's Mulder and Scully.



Dana Scully?


But I'm not real, though. That right?

You are real and I'm not?

Dr. Hamby told us
you were in a simulation.

Mulder, it's like I designed heaven.

I eat hot dogs and donuts all day long.

No one here ever dies of cancer
or Alzheimer's.

And the Ramones are here,
and they don't fight.

And every night they get on stage

and they play "California Sun,"

and I circle the mosh pit
like they do on the west coast.

There's consensual sex
without blame or judgment.

And the New England
Patriots are here

and they never, ever win.


And I'm begging you...

destroy it.

We're living a lie here.

It's a work camp. We're digital slaves.

They take our uploaded minds
to develop science

that only the elite will use
to leave your world.

We turn theories of space colonization

into realities for them.

We dream, but we're not allowed
to have dreams,

goals, nothing for ourselves.

No choice, no diversity.

There's a... there's a wall
around this place.

The stars are fake.

The sunlight... has no warmth.

And all the great minds that have died

since they realized this place are here.

Steve Jobs. Marvin Minsky.

Michael Crichton.

They all hate it here.

They don't even know who they are.

What we were in that life
is completely opposite

from what we are here.

Go to the Long Lines Building.

Please, for all of us.

Shut this down!

Travel guides for NSA personnel

to Titanpointe for Blarney operations

were included in the Snowden leaks.

NSA and FBI personnel could not carry

identification to or in the building.

You'd have to arrange
for a meeting a week prior,

and confirm with the program
director 24 hours before.

That's what we're sure of.
What we're not sure of is...

Whether they serve mimosas on the bus?

Highfive, Scully.

- That was, that was fun.
- Are you kidding me?

Langly believed there was
a tunnel between Titanpointe

and the FBI field office
a few blocks away.

You think we can get in there
looking like this

without raising suspicion?

You look good.

I'm a bit tied up here
to, flash you my ID,

but Special Agent Scully,

Washington Field Office.

You taking him upstairs to holding?

No, I'm taking him to Titanpointe.

The, NSA guys want to question him.

It would help if you could
get us in the tunnel.

Well, after you drop him off,

maybe you'll come back
and repay the favor.

It's easier getting him through
without cuffs.

I'm not uncuffing him.

This guy's like
Hannibal Lecterlevel psycho.

So, hon...

what's your home office?

Sorry, bro. Married to the Bureau.

All right.

You know, if they're waiting
outside the elevator doors

when they open, that's it, so...

I'm guessing the computer
simulation is housed

on one of the upper floors
by the exhaust opening, so...

But there are 29 floors.

26, 28. What's after 28? 30. 32.

34, 36, 38.

- There they are!
- Hold it there!

Down the stairs!

What are you running for?

Ain't you heard, FBI Mulder?

You're on our side now.

I'll confess.

After our last... encounter,

I was disappointed by you.

I didn't get your value to Mr. Y,

but he explained that,

we'd meet over and over, and then I'd...

change my opinion.

In the last few days, I've seen your...

instinct for survival.

Well, now that I've won you over,

you'll stop sending assassins
to kill us?

We've really turned a corner.

Easy. You have a way to go, Fox.

Or rather, you need to change
how you look at all this.

You're still refusing to answer
the question of your father.

You don't understand
what's about to happen.

Our world is a progression

of one life being replaced
by another, over and over.

This is what's really meant
by evolution.

And this series

of replacements isn't about

this is black, and this white,

this is male, and this female,

this is rich, and this poor,

- this is chaos, and this...
- Control.

Now that you understand that...

what you really need to know is this.

Life on this earth... all human life,

most animal life...
is about to be crushed.

Burned to the ground.

The computer simulator
down the hall is necessary

for our evolution as a species.

When we leave this planet,

this life will have evolved into that.

Of the hundreds of extraordinary minds

uploaded into that world,

the only one that figured out

it was living in a computer simulation

had seven billion choices

to contact in this world.

And the one person Langly reached out to

was you.


And to think my company
advised killing you.

But now that you are once again
in front of me

and aware of the simulation,

I believe you won't want to destroy it,

not when you understand
the good it's doing.

Its reason for being is to advance life,

not end it.

If I were to change my course of action

and, um...

terminate my father,

would I be able
to upload to the simulation?

And could Agent Scully be with me?

It won't be her...

and it won't be... you.

We can upload a mind now
through any smartphone.

No one's even aware we're doing it.

We can take a piece of your mind
any time you make a call.


Two hours.

Painless, except we have to die.

One of our best incentives here

is that you
and loved ones don't ever die.

So if you upload me through my phone,

I don't really have a choice.

Sure you do.

You could not use your phone.

I mean, don't get me wrong.

I want to believe, but...

I would just like to... to see it.

Very few have ever seen it,

and those that do
don't realize what it is.

It's just a clientserver.

Wires, lights.
Why do you need to see it?

It's the closest I'll get to seeing God.

In this life...

or that.

Stop. Face to the wall.


Why do you operate

so well with your hands cuffed
behind your back?

As if you didn't know.

Byebye, Ringo.

I'm armed!



You okay?

Got my phone back.

The simulator's down.


Let's bring him back

through the tunnel
to the FBI field office.

Come back with some
cyber forensics agents

and then start a case
against Erika Price.

- Okay.
- I thought

I was gonna throw up
for a second, but I'm okay.

They're gone.

Mulder? Mulder!

They know that we know!
Destroy the backup!

Mulder, I'm afraid.


Synced & corrected by kinglouisxx