The Witcher (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - What Is Lost - full transcript

[wind howling]

[breathing heavily]



[Ciri] Again.


[yells] Shit!

That's enough. We'll start fresh tomorrow.

I can do it.


You need rest.

Anything else
will have diminishing returns.

Sir Lazlo, he protected me in Cintra,

and he said less than perfect means death.

Your stomach's growling loud enough
to wake the dead,

if that counts.

Hunger makes for good sauce.

Also makes for shitty lunges.




You are safe here.

Was it the Black Knight again?

- No.
- If he's still haunting you...

Whose turn is it for lunch?

[Lambert] Coen!

What's the difference
between a witcher and a heap of shit?

Well, go on, then.

Eventually, the shit will stop smelling.

That joke's old as the Conjunction.

Well, you tell me one, then,
you comedic fuck.

All right.

What do you call a witcher with no brains?



Okay, now she's funny.

Oh, Lambert!

When you finish this, get some rest.


Trouble with the pretty, pretty princess?

- Leave it alone.
- Why should I?

He made his choice.

Cost us a brother.

That wasn't our brother.

Not by the end of it.

And bitterness won't help us
find what killed him.

[Lambert] Oh, I know what killed him.

[Coen] Leave it alone.


[Eskel] Wait, Geralt…

[Geralt] Eskel?

Sorrel's waiting for us.

No, no. [sighs]

I'm finished, mate.

We're finished
when we're counting worms in the ground,

- not after an hour on the combs.
- [laughs]

Three fucking hours.

You sound just like Vesemir.

Last I checked,
we come here to rest in the winter,

and to restore, and to have some fun,

not train till our legs give out.

- Legs seem fine to me.
- Arsehole.

I haven't seen you this sore
since Vesemir tanned our hides

for tying that thread
to the bumblebee's leg.


It wasn't the thread that was the problem.
It was the jug we tied to the other end.

"If you don't leave that bee in peace,
you'll feel my sting again."

[chuckles] See, you're just like him.

We're all just like him.

We won't get any rest.

None of us will have any peace

until there are no monsters left
in the world.

- Until our life's mission is complete.
- Which will be never.

- 'Cause what else would we do?
- Exactly.

Come on.

- One more hour.
- [sighs] Fine. One more hour.

Then you can hang what's left of me
on the medallion tree.

- [laughs]
- [Geralt] Hah.

[Eskel] Just like…



- [loud crack]
- [scraping]

- [door opens]
- [squelching]

Thank you, Wolf.

Don't thank me yet.
It was Lambert's turn to cook.

[Vesemir sighs]

[sighs] This shouldn't have happened.

We shouldn't have lost him this way.

I know.

There must be more tests I can run
to track whatever mutated the other leshy.

If there was a scientific explanation
for any of this,

you would've found it by now.

We've got a lab
full of alchemical compounds

that can change day to fucking night.

I'm not going to give up now.

I'm not asking you to give up.


But it's time to let Eskel rest.

He deserves the peace.

[inhales] Yeah.

[wind rushing]

[seabirds calling]

[Artorius] So tell us, Istredd,
while at the Nilfgaardian dig site,

did you absorb
any insight into their followers?

I absorbed nothing.
Except perhaps some dirt.

Archaeological dig sites
being what they are.

A respected mage, and even he found
no indication of their plan to attack.

How could any of us have known?

Because we told you.

[scoffs] Vilgefortz had one good hunch
about Nilfgaard's military strategy.

A hunch that saved the Continent.

Ah, I am not here to glorify my part
in our victory in Sodden.

Nor to watch you
perform feigned inquisitions

- to distract from your failures.
- Hmm.

The Northern kings are coming
for the memorial, and they need answers.

The Nilfgaardian prisoner
hasn't proven fruitful.

There's evidence
of a magical barrier in his head.

- So we need to search elsewhere.
- Yeah, I would help if I could.

But I wasn't there to study Nilfgaard.

I was there to study monoliths.

They hold the history of this Continent.

I think they hold our future too.

A future that will soon go to hell
now that the elves are flocking to Cintra.

If we want to keep our people safe,

we'd be wise
to recognize the enemies in our midst.

The elves are not our enemies.

They've already aligned with Nilfgaard,

proving what many of us
have known for centuries.

They cannot be trusted.

If we don't control this now,

it'll grow

beyond even our capabilities.

We'll be burying a lot more
than 14 mages then.

[Yennefer] Thirteen.



[Tissaia] I waited a month

to carve it.


[wind gusts]

What was happening in there?

It's tumultuous. [sighs]

Artorius can feel his grasp
on the leadership slipping.

- And Stregobor is...
- A fuckhead.


Which makes him dangerous.

- I need to tell you something.
- Let me speak first.

Your actions

turned the tide at Sodden Hill.

You are a hero to me and many others.

But we need to let Vilgefortz carry
the mantle of victory for now.

- You want me to lay low.
- I need you to.

Because you and Vilgefortz
are making a play for their seats.

We know it's dangerous,
but this is not the time to be weak.

It's the time to be strong.

Just like you were at Sodden.

You did what you had to do.

And I, for one, will always be grateful
for your sacrifice.

[laughs ruefully]

[man] Make sure you have your papers!

[bustle of voices]

[Filavandrel] They're coming to Xin'trea
from everywhere.

A place of refuge,

where elves can be safe.

Our scouts tell us the North
has turned against the elves completely.

- [Francesca] It wasn't that far to turn.
- Yes.

But our immigration to Xin'trea
has inflamed tensions.

With Nilfgaard, who will protect us.

I've never known a human to give
out of the kindness of his heart.

[Francesca] Yes, there's a cost.

But if it saves our people,
it's one I'm happy to pay.

- You say that now.
- Because I stand in the here and now.

Where Ithlinne wanted us.

Go. Eat meat.

Be happy.

We're safe here.

I hope so.

- [inhales deeply]
- [horse whinnies]


Gettin' tired?

[breathing heavily]

Do you remember wasting your time
battling sacks of straw, Coen?

Can't say I do.

[panting] What did you do, then?


I don't think so.

Some things are far too scary
for little girls.

I'm not little, and I'm not afraid.

That's easy to say.
But our road is a dark one.

Full of dangers.

Is that what you want?

I want to do what a witcher does.



Come on, then.

Afraid to break a nail, Princess?


[sails snapping]

[blades swishing]

- [wood creaking]
- [Lambert] Give it a try.

Go on.

[poles swooshing]

[Coen] Are you sure about this?

I'm just having a little fun.



Still wanna be a witcher?



[Vesemir grunts] Now you can rest.

[sobbing quietly]

[wolf howling]

[sighs heavily]

[Vesemir sniffling]

[sniffles and sighs]

[Vesemir sighs deeply]

None of this makes sense.

Death by a mutating leshy.
Find that in our annals.

How did we miss this?

I feel like the Continent's evolving
underneath our feet and…

We didn't see it coming.

Maybe another Conjunction'll come along
and change it all again.

I know you think I'm mad,

but I need to know what happened.

If it were your child…

You'd be going crazy to figure it out.

What you missed.

What you could have done differently.

[Geralt] I know.

It's a burden I now share.

[Vesemir grunts]

[wolves snarling]

- [howling]
- [Geralt] They're here.


[howling continues]

[speaking in Elder]


[speaking in Elder]

Fuck. Fuck!

- [sighs]
- [footsteps]

Do you kiss your elven father
with that mouth?

We heard you were back.

Word spread fast.

Like wildfire.

We heard about that too.

You survived.

So did you.

How divine.

Indeed, darling. Indeed.

[both laughing]

Come on, join us for a swim.

It's freezing.

Surely the savior of Sodden
would know how to heat a pool.

[speaking in Elder]


You look different.

So do you.

[Sabrina] Oh, the water's perfect.


Come on, you two!


[both laugh]

[gasps and sighs]

- [all laugh]
- [Sabrina] I could stay here a while.

Gods, this feels good.

Like you're alive again?


Come on, Triss. Join us.

Not today.

Not yet.

You remember Falka.


[roaring and rumbling]

From your studies,

you know
she was a power-hungry mutt of a girl…

[roaring and screeching]

…who cried, "Death to all kings!"

When Vridank spurned her elven mother.


Bent on revenge,

- she slaughtered nobility…
- [men scream]

- …priests…
- [swords clash]

- …even civilians, with her bare hands.
- [women scream]

It wasn't enough, though.

She preyed on foolish followers,

- incited a rebellion.
- [crowd cheering]

Together, they burned cities to the ground

and sent rivers of innocent blood

down the streets of Redania and Temeria.

- Anything to reclaim power!
- [crowd yelling]

[Istredd] That's not true.


Falka was a girl forgotten by her family.

She was trying
to rightly recover her throne.

You weren't there, boy.

No, I'm a historian.

Falka was quarter elven,
just as Yennefer is.

What are you saying?
Yennefer's related to Falka?

[Stregobor] Course not.


A historian should know bloodlines better.


But history does have a way
of repeating itself, doesn't it?

And I was there.

I was there when Falka destroyed Mirthe

and all the mages in it.

Her violence, etched here…

- Forever.
- [audience gasp]


[chuckles] I have always tried
to protect our institutions.

To protect…


If we allow Vilgefortz and Tissaia
to take charge of our council,

if we allow our power
to be diluted by elven blood,

- Thanedd will be led to ruin.
- No. Yennefer…

She would never do something like that.

I'm sure of it.

King Vridank was sure
of his sweet daughter Falka,

and then she axed him in the neck.

The only certainty
on this Continent, my boy…

Is that no one

is ever what they seem.

[Triss] At Sodden,

after I'd been burnt
by that soldier, I was…

On the ground, screaming, and…

You walked by me.

I'm so sorry.

- No...
- No, I sent you to that gate.

- If I'd have known...
- No.

It's not that.

We were all there to play a part.

We knew we might not survive.

I remember thinking,

"If only one of us gets to live,

I'm so glad it's Yen."

We will find a cure for your scars.

- I'll talk to Tissaia.
- No.

What's lost is lost.

I'm not on Tissaia's plaque.

I'm not dead.

I have to find a new way forward.

[poles swooshing]

[yells and coughs]

[Lambert] That all you got, girl?

[Coen] Come on, Ciri.

- Let's go back.
- [splutters]

- You've had enough.
- [coughs]



[blades swishing]





- [winces]
- [Lambert] Nice try, Princess.

Admit it.

You belong in a castle,

not our keep.

[bell ringing]

[Hake] That makes 4,000 elves coming in
and more on the way.

How exactly do you plan
to feed them, let alone train them?

How can you be sure
they won't impede our mission?

The White Flame always finds a way.

Oh, just as he found a way
to empower you in his absence?


- Thank you for joining me.
- Of course.


Trouble with your men?

Are you comfortable here?


My people are used to sleeping
on a forest floor.

To awaken without the bite of a snake
or the sting of a wasp is a pleasure.

What will it cost me?

[laughs] We're both smart women.

I was told
by someone masquerading as Ithlinne

to come here
in order to find Dol Blathanna.

You were told by someone masquerading as…

Emhyr. To bring you here to fight against
the people who have wronged us both.

You suffered great losses in Sodden.

You need a new army.


We are looked upon as imperialists.

People, they see our black armor
and they assume

that we are here to destroy the world.

But we're not.

We are trying to feed,

to house, to…

To liberate.

You can help us.


The elves know the Continent
better than any man,

Northern or Nilfgaardian, ever could.

I want your partnership.

The Deathless Mother may have
brought us together, but you can trust me.

I want a home for my people.

But, more importantly,

I want a place for our future to begin.

Can you promise me that?

[man 1] …is desperate…

[man 2] …I'm doing it…

…next time, do I need to…


What are you doing down here?

Staying out from underfoot.

Per Tissaia's request.

I wish things were different.



Requires a certain type of person.

Calculating. I understand.


Of course you do.

[faint voices overlapping]

[voices and laughter]

[soft groaning]

[continues groaning]

Oh! [laughs]

My condolences.

It isn't the end I'd hoped for, no.

I hate to break it to you,
but you won't meet an end here.

Well, Yennefer of Vengerberg,

it seems mages are merciful.

- [splutters]
- No, we're practical.

Death must serve a purpose.

And mine serves none?

None whatsoever.

- Fringilla told me about you.
- [thump]

Your days as schoolmates. [laughs]

She envied you.

[laughs softly]


Ah. What's the hurry, my dear?

What is it
with men lurking about this place?

[chuckles] Oh, I startled you.

So sorry.


I always pegged you as a pervert.

[chuckles] Oh, I'd never demean myself
with the likes of you,

quarter blood.

I prefer Hero of Sodden.

Heroes don't go mysteriously missing
for a month after battle.

It's telling that you don't understand
such complex concepts as prisoners of war!


You were in the company of Nilfgaard.

[echoing] Nilfgaard, Nilfgaard…

Don't get shy now.

We have so much more to talk about.

Tell me how it felt…

[echoing] Tell me how…

…to control fire.

Fuck you!

Or why you returned to Aretuza,

a place you once so colorfully conveyed
that you'd, what was it?

"Burn it all down"?


Well… if you don't want to chat
about your true intentions,

I'll be forced to use a method
your dear Tissaia's grown so fond of.

[intense crackling]


[horse neighs]


[Yennefer yells]


[Stregobor] That's more like it.

[Tissaia] Stop!




[Tissaia] You will answer to this.

I thought the girl
was supposed to be tending your horses.

- [horse neighing]
- She was.

Training's going well, then.

She's a quick study, if impatient.

Sounds familiar.

[horse snorts]


I'm sorry for Eskel.

I know, son.

And if I was ever a burden…


- [laughs]
- Geralt!

You need to see this.


[Lambert] I've told you once,
and I'm not gonna say it again!

- [panting]
- Stop showing off!

Steady your legs.

And breathe, damn it!

You're panting like a dying mammoth.





- Stay calm, girl!
- Go on!
















So close.

You have committed treason

against one of our own.


Tissaia's pet,

Yennefer of Vengerberg,

survived fire magic,

survived imprisonment by Nilfgaard,

survived capture by elves,

and now returns
to these hallowed halls unscathed?

And we are to unquestioningly believe

that she's here with good intentions?

I'm not saying she is the enemy.

I don't know.

Do you?

I'm simply saying, Vilgefortz,

that if you claim
to want to defend the Brotherhood,

as you so vociferously did before Sodden,

then you must also be willing to defend it
from threats inside these walls!

- [thunder rumbling]
- [heavy rainfall]

[Tissaia] We have no other choice.

To prove your innocence,
you have to kill

- the Nilfgaardian prisoner.
- Is this Vilgefortz talking or you?

The hero

kills the enemy.

Which will prove what?

That you are not a spy!

Or that I am a killer!

[thunder crashes]

I'd be gift-wrapping yet another reason
for Stregobor to vilify me!

Then tell them the truth.


That you are not a threat
because you have lost your magic.

I know you to your core.

Your pain is my pain.

Triss is scarred.
Sabrina's bruised. We're all in pain.


- Yes, we are.
- [sighs]


[sighs heavily]

For a month,

I've searched the Continent,

trying every herb,
every potion, every spell

to get back what I had.

[sobbing] What I deserve!

Tell me how to save myself!


- I cannot.
- [yells] I don't believe you!

- [gasps and sobs]
- [thunder crashes]

I want to pierce Cahir's mind.

Punish him. Push him towards madness,
all to find out what had happened to you.

- I would have done anything.
- [sighs]

But what is lost

is lost.

[gasps] Without it, I'm nothing.


I'm stumbling through darkness.

From the moment we met,
you have been trying to fill a void.

Power couldn't do it,
even when you had it at your fingertips.

- What makes you think it's the answer now?
- Because it's all I have left!

[Ciri] I almost had it.

I can do it.

[Geralt] You can do anything.


Doesn't mean you have to.


When a witcher cracks his skull,

all we need do is stick him in a cot

and fill him with veratrum,
spurge, and hawthorn.

Chances are, he'll survive.

You do not have that luxury.

But you said we catch fear.

That you have to face it.
You mustn't just give up.

That's right.

But you have to train first.

Well, then let me train.

I am.

No, you're not. Not enough.

I want to be a great fighter.

And not just against sacks of straw.

I have known many who wanted
to be great fighters in my time.

Do you know where they are now?


In cemeteries.




[Istredd] Where are you going?
Are you fleeing?

- Why do you care?
- 'Cause I care about you.

If you have an ulterior motive,
you can tell me.

What, so you can
rat me out to Stregobor? Again?

- Oh, come on, Yenna.
- Don't call me that.

I lied to the Council.

I spent time
amongst Nilfgaard's followers.

I talked to them.

Heard how they feel protected
under the emperor, how they feel welcomed.

I haven't told anyone.

But I trust you.

- I'm not a spy!
- I'm leaving for Cintra tomorrow,

to help the elves who are migrating,
to help people like…

Like me? How heroic.

If only you were asked to prove
your loyalty by beheading a man.

Stregobor has spies
stationed on the towers outside.

If you slip out in the night,
you will be caught.

But you were never one
to go quietly, were you?

[whispering voices overlapping]

[old woman] All you lost…


All you deserve…


Come to me.

Come to me.

[faintly echoing] Come to me…

- [Ciri grunts]
- [Coen] Again!

- [groans]
- [Coen] You keep looking down.

That's why you're losing your balance.

Your enemies aren't on the ground.

- [grunts]
- Again!


Eyes up.

- [grunts]
- Again!


You said I couldn't train more yesterday.

Not today.

That strange feeling that you get
like someone's coming after you,

can you describe it to me?

I don't know.

When you think about it,

what's the first word
that comes into your mind?

A pull.

It's… like I'm being pulled.

Pulled towards what?

I don't know.

[Geralt sighs]

If you were to follow that feeling,

where would it take you?

[man roars]

The woods.

[Ciri] What do you think we'll find here?

Why does it want me?

Why me?

I was at your parents' wedding feast.

I saw your mother exhibit…

Uncontrolled magical power.

She destroyed an entire throne room.

Given that you're her blood,

I think you've inherited that power.

Or something like it.

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want to scare you if I was wrong.

You said you'd never let
anything happen to me.

And I trust you.

Good. It's about time.

[gasps] I think we're close.


It's missing a hand.

It's Eskel's leshy.






- [shuddering roar]
- [leshy screeches]

[blaring roar]




[high-pitched, bleating roar]



[creature's shrieks echoing]


[shrieking continues]


[echoing shrieks and snarls]

[breathing deeply]

[echoing shrieks continue]

[buzzing and chittering]


[high-pitched shrieking]








Less than perfect means death.

Sir Lazlo would be proud.


[Cahir panting]


Can you at least tell me
what purpose my death serves now?




If the White Flame asks for my sacrifice,
I am ready for the darkness.

It is in blindness
that we find our true strength.


We thank the Northern Kingdoms

for their generous contribution
honoring our fallen.

May it stand forever on the Hill!


Where's Triss?

She was summoned away this morning.

[Vilgefortz] In Sodden,
we banded together,

to fight not only for the future of magic,

but for the future of the Continent.


our victory came at a great cost.

Vanielle of Brugge.

Atlan Kerk.

Lawdbor of Murivel.

[King Foltest] Look there, Vizimir,

the sorceress that saved Sodden.

Yennefer of Vengerberg.

Think she'll put on a fiery display
for us tonight, Foltest?

I've heard mages embed these events
with spells to prevent magic.

[Vizimir] Yes, well…

My adviser Dijkstra says
she's worth keeping an eye on.

[Tissaia] Kalia de Torteville.

[Foltest sighs] They all are these days.

Our most trusted advisers…

[Tissaia] Wagens of White Hills.

…are becoming less and less trustworthy.

[Tissaia] …C'steczko Tower. Gorazd.

Lytta Neyd.

Yoël Grethen.


we must unite again

against a common enemy.

[murmurs of agreement]

[chains rattling]

This Nilfgaardian

will be put to death.

His head

will be sent to Cintra

to make our voices heard.

The North,

kings and mages alike,

this is what strength looks like.


[man] Hear, hear!

[applause dies down]

[Cahir wheezes]

[old woman whispering] Free yourself.

Reclaim your power.

[voices overlapping] Simply say the words…


[breathes deeply]

[breathing shakily]

[breathing heavily]

- [grunts]
- [gasps]

[crowd groans]




- [snorts]
- Come on, then.

Why save me?

Don't flatter yourself.

I'm saving me.