The Wild Wild West (1965–1969): Season 4, Episode 15 - The Night of the Winged Terror: Part 1 - full transcript
James West is dispatched to a town after the U.S. receives a warning of an impending catastrophe. The Secret Service agent is unable to prevent the town's mayor from blowing up a new railroad trestle. West is assigned to work with agent Frank Harper on the case. Harper arrives too late to prevent a museum official from slashing paintings and destroying other artwork. President Grant departs Washington to personally brief the agents about the case, in which prominent people inexplicably commit acts of destruction. West arrives just in time to stop a dedicated sheriff from releasing a vicious gang from his jail. The sheriff, like the other prominent people involved, had received a free pair of spectacles from a Dr. Occularis. It turns out there are at least two doctors dispensing the free spectacles. Harper takes the place of a mayor who is scheduled for a visit from Dr. Occularis and he nearly kills West. The Secret Service man is captured and is informed by Professor Toombs that a group called Raven is behind all this and it intends to rule the world scientifically. West is then freed to pass an ultimatum to President Grant. As the episode ends, West has managed to find Raven's headquarters and observes Tycho, the leader of Raven who has an enormous head.
( horse neighs )
( cocks gun )
There was never but one man
could surprise me
with my own calling card.
( chuckling )
Hey, did I keep you
waiting long, Frank?
Well, I've been occupying
the time constructively.
Good to see ya, Jim.
What's new?
Oh, the president
got two more warnings.
Ah, it's gettin' to be
a steady thing, isn't it?
What now?
The state capital
and Pinewood.
Why don't you take
the state capital?
I'll take Pinewood, huh?
All right.
( ominous theme playing )
See you
at the capital.
...spells "prosperity,"
my friends.
And a new day
is dawning for Pinewood.
( cheers and applause )
And so, my friends,
in just ten minutes,
the new spur line from Tucson
will make its first stop
in our fair city.
With the Tucson
and Tucumcari railroad
will come people,
and you know what that means.
Folks spell more industry,
and industry means prosperity
beyond your wildest dreams.
( cheering )
Now, ladies and gentlemen,
here is our own Zenobia Finch,
with a few verses appropriate
to this historic occasion.
Mr. Mayor.
O, Captain! my Captain!
our fearful trip is done;
The ship has weather'd
every rack,
the prize we sought
is won...
Now, what's this
all about, Mr. West?
Mayor, the government
has received a warning
that there's going to be
disaster in your town today.
A disaster?
Well, what sort
of a disaster?
Well, we don't know, sir.
Who sent the warning?
Well, we don't know that
either, sir.
( chuckles )
An anonymous message warning
of some unnamed disaster.
Sounds like somebody's
idea of a very bad joke.
Sir, the town of Cactus Falls
received a similar warning.
They thought it was a--
A bad joke.
The dam just outside
of their town collapsed.
It flooded all
of Cactus Falls.
Well, a coincidence,
no doubt.
( crowd applauds )
My heaven,
Zenobia's finished.
Oh, I want to thank you
for your concern, Mr. West,
but, uh, I'm sure
there's no cause for alarm.
The people of Pinewood
would do nothing to mar
this historic occasion.
They realize
how important this linkup
with the railroad is.
( train whistle blows )
Oh, my goodness.
That train is nearly
at the trestle.
Yes, it's our new trestle,
just outside of town.
( quietly ):
( whistling )
Thank you.
And now, my fellow citizens...
( raven cawing )
( ominous theme playing )
( cawing )
( cawing )
( whistle blows )
( upbeat Western theme playing )
( ominous theme playing )
( knocking )
Come in.
Yes, Miss Simms?
This crate was just
delivered, professor.
That's odd.
There's no return address.
Did the messenger say
who sent it?
No, sir.
Hm. Odd.
Thank you, Miss Simms.
( caws )
If you don't need me
anymore this evening...
Professor Winkler?
are you all...
( screams )
Professor, don't!
( screams )
( screams )
Don't, professor!
( screams )
( Simms screaming )
Open up!
Open up in there!
( Simms screaming )
( whistle blowing )
It just doesn't make
any sense.
Winkler, Forbes,
And you're sure
that Forbes is the man
who blew up the dam
at Cactus Falls?
I'm positive.
He founded
that town, Jim.
He's a former
territorial governor.
Now, why in the world would
he do a thing like that?
Why would Pudney
blow up the trestle,
and why would Winkler
destroy his own artworks,
worth a million dollars?
I don't know.
Sure ain't nothin' in those
cards to help us, is there?
Hey, Frank, I failed
to mention one thing.
Well, don't spare me now.
Ethan Forbes' wife
swore she saw a raven
fly into the window
of Forbes' study
just before he left
to blow up the dam.
Another raven, huh?
What's the answer, Jim?
Frank, I'm not sure
I know the question.
( train whistle blowing )
( whistle blowing )
Pull the curtains
first, gentlemen.
Mr. President, sir.
My apology, gentlemen,
for dropping in unannounced.
I felt it was best
to have complete secrecy.
I don't even want it known
I'm not in Washington.
May I present
Colonel Chaveros,
special assistant
of Ambassador Ramirez of Mexico.
This is James West,
Frank Harper.
Mr. President.
Oh, by the way,
Artemus sends his regards
to both of you.
How is he bearing up under
his Washington assignment, sir?
The question is,
how is Washington bearing up?
I hear there's been a steady
influx of lovely young ladies
since Artemus has been
assigned to us there.
( laughter )
Gentlemen, the colonel
will explain to you
the reason
for our visit here.
Colonel, tell them.
Señores, what has been
happening in your country,
the strange,
inexplicable behavior
on the part of such men
as Mayor Pudney,
Professor Winkler,
and Señor Forbes,
has also been taking
place in my country.
Several of my countrymen,
men of unimpeachable patriotism,
have engaged in senseless acts
of sabotage.
Just as with Pudney,
Winkler, and Forbes,
his countrymen have no memory
of committing any crimes.
Or any possible explanation
of why they committed them.
Well, gentlemen, we might
just as well get comfortable.
We've got a lot
of talking to do.
Well, gentlemen,
I guess that's it.
So we're agreed that someone has
found a way to make these men
behave in a manner
completely foreign to them.
The thing
I do not understand
is why our governments
are warned
that a disaster
is about to take place.
Well, it appears
that they're giving us
a sort of a preview
of their power,
a demonstration,
so to speak.
Whoever "they" are.
Mr. President.
Someone has
started a campaign
to sow fear
and suspicion
among the people
of this country,
and of Mexico,
by destroying their confidence
in the leaders
of their communities.
What do they want?
I have a feeling we're
to find out soon enough.
Well, I've been expecting
some demand on me before this.
Jim, Ambassador Ramirez
is going to be in Nogales
day after tomorrow.
Now, I want you or Frank...
Both of you,
to be there to meet him.
Now, the colonel here
will be there too.
I want you to give him all
the information that we've got.
I want you to assure him
of our complete cooperation
with the Mexican
in combating
this terrible threat.
This-- This insidious power,
whatever it is,
whatever its purpose,
it's gotta be crushed.
Crushed quickly.
( telegraph typing )
What's wrong?
It's a message
for you, sir.
Well, it can't--
That's not possible.
No one knows I'm here.
Someone does now, sir.
What's the message?
It says Wolfville is next.
You check
the mayor's office.
I'll get the sheriff.
Let's go.
Hey, sheriff!
( clinking )
What do you want, Brass?
How about a little
something to eat
out of that $5,000
reward you got for us?
You'll get food
when it gets here.
( raven caws )
Hey, Elmo. Look what was sitting
on the hitch rail out front.
Ain't that somethin'?
( caws )
And he hopped
right up on my arm
like he wanted to come inside
all that time.
( cawing )
Friendly critter,
ain't he?
I guess I'll finish
cleaning up now.
( suspenseful theme playing )
You can go now, Bill.
What are you doing,
No. No.
No, sheriff.
No, sheriff. No!
What's he up to?
I don't get it.
Looks like
he's letting us go.
I don't know.
But I ain't gonna stick around
to argue with him.
Let's get out of here.
( caws )
( caws )
These are the exact
same glasses
that Pudney
and Forbes wore.
And Professor Winkler.
And now Elmo Stone.
Now, that's just
incredible to me.
Elmo Stone is one of the most
dedicated lawmen in the West.
Before the war, he brought
the law to this territory
almost single-handedly.
He's waking up.
( groans )
Frank Harper.
That's right,
Jim West.
What are you
doing here?
It's a long story, Elmo.
I-- I don't understand.
Elmo, just a little
while ago,
you tried to release
the Brass gang.
That's right.
They didn't
get away.
They're back
in your jail right now.
Now, why in the world
would you try to do
a thing like that?
Well, I--
I don't know.
I-- I just don't know.
Elmo, we're interested
in those spectacles of yours.
How long have you
been wearing them?
Well, about, uh--
About a week.
Fellow came through.
He was a traveling
eye doctor.
Now, this eye doctor,
what was his name?
Um... It was...
Oc-- Occularis.
Dr. Horatio Occularis.
He-- He said he was
going through the country
introducing these new kind
of spectacles,
and said he'd give me
a pair of specs
if I'd wear them for a month
and then write him a letter
and tell him whether
I liked them or not.
Well, why were you chosen
for this free trial?
Well, because
I'm the sheriff, I guess.
Because he said he usually went
to the town's leading citizen.
Oh, that fits.
Go on, Elmo.
Well, that's about it.
He tested my eyes
and adjusted and fixed
the spectacles for me
and left town.
W-what kind of a test
did he give ya?
Well, he put
some drops in them
and then had me look
into this-- This machine.
It was kind of like
a magic lantern.
I-I seen one in Kansas City,
in a penny arcade one time.
You know, a little black box
that you look into,
and you crank the handle,
and the pictures move.
That's a kinetoscope.
Now, did this Dr. Occularis
say where he was going
after he left
No, no, but he did ask me
if I knew anybody
in any of the towns around
that might be willing
to take him up on his offer.
You know, like a mayor
or a judge or a sheriff.
So I gave him
Hiram's name.
Well, who's Hiram?
That's Hiram Sneed.
It's my brother-in-law.
He's mayor of San Pablo.
San Pablo?
Yeah, just this side
of the border.
Do you know it?
Heh. Well enough.
Sat in on a stud poker game
there one time
that ran on
for three straight days.
Best I could do
was break even.
( laughs )
Well, sounds like maybe
I ought to, uh,
ride on down there
and meet this Mayor Sneed, huh?
I'll join you there
as soon as possible.
As soon as I finish
my business here, Frank.
All right.
I'll wait in San Pablo
till I hear from you, Jim.
Bye, Frank.
Elmo, take care
of yourself.
All right.
Hey, sheriff!
What kind of a jailbird
do you call this?
( laughter )
All right.
What's this all about?
( crows )
A raven.
That's the one that Billy
brought in last night.
( cawing )
Billy found him out on
the hitching post outside
and said he acted
real tame-like.
Maybe he belongs
to somebody.
He does, to Dr. Occularis.
I think he expected
it'd return to him
after it served
its purpose.
You mean he was trained,
like a-- Like a homing pigeon?
That's what I mean
( cawing )
( ominous theme playing )
( cawing )
Get on your feet.
Wha--? Who are you?
I said
get on your feet.
What's the meaning
of this?
Unhand me, you ruffian!
Come on, Occularis.
You can read, can't you?
And who, may I ask,
are you?
And by what right do you
come into this camp,
manhandling me
in this manner?
Now, don't move.
No! Let go!
What do we have here?
I don't know anything
about all this, honest!
Calm down.
Honest, I don't know
anything about all this.
If you've got some
problem with him,
don't mix me up in it.
I got plenty of troubles
of my own.
Who is she?
I have no idea.
That's right.
He doesn't.
I just hid in the wagon
to get a ride.
You just got in the wagon
for a ride?
Well, I didn't have
much choice.
There I was,
in Burrow Flats, broke...
it didn't look like there
was much future there for me,
so when he came through--
Well, any place is better
than Burrow Flats.
What's your name?
What's yours?
All right, Laurette.
Get on the wagon.
We'll take you
to Wolfville.
( Spanish music playing )
Occularis, you say?
Dr. Horatio Occularis?
That's right,
Mr. Sneed.
Does that name
mean anything to you?
Yeah. Yeah, it sure does,
Mr. Harper.
Well, what?
Well, I got it
right here.
Now, just hold on, now.
What is it
that you got?
I got a letter.
He sent me a letter.
Well, maybe you
could just tell me
what was in the letter.
What? Oh, well,
let's see now.
As I remember, he said
he would be here on the 15th.
I remember the date,
'cause it was just two days
before our big fiesta.
Why, that's today.
Why, sure it is.
I sure hope he shows up.
He promised me
a free pair of glasses.
He'll be here, Mr. Mayor.
Are you sure?
I'd hate to miss out
on those glasses.
I'd be willing
to bet on it.
Why don't you
wait here.
I see you caught up
with him, Jim.
No, sheriff. Surely you've
mistaken me for someone else.
No, no,
you're the one.
I protest.
I've never seen you
before in my life.
Oh, come on, I--
( gun cocks )
It's not gonna
do you any good.
On the contrary, I expect it
to do me a great deal of good.
( gun fires )
What--? What happened?
His gun was rigged
to fire backward.
Fire backwards?
Sheriff, he didn't have
this gun on him
when I captured him.
I frisked him.
Well, then how--?
How did he--?
The girl.
What girl?
Looks like I'm gonna
have to find out.
( ominous theme playing )
( knocking )
Come in, come in.
I'm addressing
Mayor Sneed, I presume.
Yeah, that's me, all right.
What can I do for ya?
Dr. Occularis.
Dr. Horatio Occularis.
I wrote you a letter
from Wolfville a few days ago.
I trust you received it.
Yeah, uh, I got it,
all right.
It's around here
Then you know the purpose
for which I'm here.
Uh, yeah.
Ya-- You want to give me
a pair of new
Now, your letter
said "free," right?
Exactly, your honor.
Without charge or obligation.
All I ask is that you
try them for 30 days,
and then drop me a line
letting me know,
frankly and honestly,
how you like them.
A letter which you will permit
me to use as a testimonial
when I make the new lens
available on the open market.
Is that agreeable
to you?
Never passed up
an offer like that.
You sure?
There's no strings, now?
( laughs )
Absolutely free.
Now, if you will permit me,
Mr. Mayor,
I will get the equipment
that I need for the examination.!
It won't hurt, will it?
The examination?
( chuckles )
My dear sir, you won't know
anything is happening.
How nice.
( ominous theme playing )
There we are.
( chuckles )
Now, if you'll just
step over to the table.
Mayor Sneed?
Now, if you'll just
look into the kinetoscope
and turn the handle
as rapidly as you can.
Like this?
Very good.
Faster, Mayor Sneed.
Well, look at that,
would ya.
I never.
That's lovely.
You may stop now,
your honor.
Mayor Sneed?
Mayor Sneed.
Your honor.
Mayor Sneed.
You may stop now.
About those glasses
I promised you.
Oh, yes,
my free glasses.
Oh, not now.
But I think you will find
an occasion to use them.
I don't know how I'll
ever thank you, doctor.
I just don't know how.
Oh, you'll find a way,
Mr. Mayor.
I know you will.
Hi, Frank.
Hey, Jim.
I just talked
to Mayor Sneed.
Oh, well, then
he told you
that I had a visit
from Dr. Occularis.
You had a visit
from another Occularis.
The one that conditioned
Sheriff Stone is dead.
You mean there's
more than one of those guys?
There may be several,
but we'll know the answer to
that when we talk to your man.
Well, that's gonna be
a little hard to do, Jim.
He's left.
You mean you
didn't arrest him?
Well, why should I?
He hadn't done
anything unlawful.
Hey, you know,
I never thought
I'd have so much trouble
getting Hiram Sneed's ring
off my finger.
Frank, we've gotta find him
and bring him back here.
( cawing )
I'm going to kill you,
Mr. West.
Now, Frank...
Frank, put that gun down.
Who is Frank?
Why do you
call me that?
My name is Sneed.
Hiram Sneed.
I forgot.
Of course, Mr. Sneed.
You were told
to kill me by Dr.--
By Dr. Occularis.
Did he say anything about...
About Frank Harper?
Frank Harper?
Yep, yep.
Supposed to kill him too.
Why don't you, uh,
kill him first?
Got to kill Frank Harper.
Feeling better, Frank?
Oh, a little better,
I think.
Till I remember how close
I come to killing you, Jim.
You know, I-I still can't--
( groans )
I still can't quite understand
how Occularis could have
gotten me under his control
without my being
aware of it.
Well, we know these glasses
have something to do with it.
And his eye drops, and the--
The kinetoscope.
And then the appearance
of the raven,
it seems to trigger off
the desired reaction
in a person
who's been conditioned.
There's a brilliant mind
behind this,
but, uh, I'm sure it's not
those eye doctors
that call themselves
"Occularis." It's--
What's the matter, Jim?
Hey, Jim.
( woman laughing )
Hm. Well, for goodness sake,
look who's here.
I bet you wondered
where I ran off to.
I'd like to speak
to this lady alone, please.
Go on.
Go on.
Come sit down.
You've got
some explaining to do.
Why don't you buy me a drink,
and I'll tell you
the whole story.
Because I'm not thirsty.
Oh, I guess you're angry
'cause I didn't wait for you
in Wolfville.
That's right.
Well, you know,
a funny thing happened there.
I was sitting on the wagon,
waiting for you,
and I didn't know
how long you'd be,
and along came this fellow
headed for San Pablo.
He was awfully nice,
and when he offered me a ride--
Well, I never cared much
for Wolfville, anyway.
I know why you left.
Well, I just told you why.
But I'm glad
you followed me anyway.
What about the trick gun
you slipped to Dr. Occularis?
Trick gun?
Dr. Occularis?
What are you
talking about?
Come on. Let's go.
You're not arresting me?
I'm not inviting you
to dance.
No, you're not, are you?
( clicks )
( raven caws )
Permit me to introduce
myself, Mr. West.
I'm Professor
Thaddeus Toombs.
Sit down, Mr. West.
Suit yourself.
It may interest you to know
that you're the first outsider
that has ever visited
the headquarters of Raven.
Raven, Mr. West,
is an organization
composed of scientists
like myself,
men possessed of learning
and talents undreamed of by...
lesser mortals,
shall we say?
Men dedicated
to freeing the world
from the ignorant masses
and their vain
and small-minded leaders.
We shall,
when we come to power,
rule the earth and its
inhabitants scientifically.
Our organization
is called Raven, Mr. West,
out of a mutual admiration
for that much-maligned bird.
I will detain you
no longer.
You've been brought here
for one purpose:
to carry a message
to President Grant.
You will tell President Grant
there is no defense
against Raven.
Tell him we demand
unconditional surrender!
Jim. Jim, wake up.
Hey, Jim.
Hey, Frank.
What in the world
happened to you?
This lady friend of mine,
she, uh...
She drugged me.
Drugged you? Why?
She wanted
to show me something.
There was this, uh...
This large room,
and there was this man
with a large head,
sitting on, uh,
sort of a stage,
and then, uh, three
other men walked in,
and one of them said
his name was, uh, "Toombs."
Yeah. Professor
Thaddeus Toombs,
and that he, uh...
He belonged to this organization
called the "Raven,"
and they had a message for--
For our president.
Well, go on.
That's all I can remember.
Then I-- I must
have passed out.
Look, Jim, there must
be more to it than that.
Yeah, there was more.
Yeah, now I remember.
Those dots
and those lines,
the same
geometric figure.
W-when I came to
in the room, Frank,
there was this--
This kinetoscope.
You think they used that on you
while you were unconscious?
They must have.
They must have conditioned me,
just like they did you
and all the others.
I'm a walking time bomb
for the Raven to use
whenever he thinks
it's necessary.
Now, look, Jim,
they must have got you
from here to that--
To that room somehow.
Why don't you look around
the saloon, here,
and, uh, I'll go pick up our
gear at the hotel, all right?
All right, Frank.
( Spanish music playing )
( music stops )
These piñatas
must have worked
by some kind of
a preset trigger mechanism.
We'll never know for sure.
Yeah, I guess
you're right, Frank.
Why don't you go see
Ramirez in Nogales.
Raven's headquarters is
somewhere here in San Pablo,
or close by,
and I'm gonna find it.
Well, I guess it makes sense
for one of us to stay but, uh...
But you're worried
about me, eh, Frank?
Well, aren't you a little
worried about yourself, Jim?
Yeah, I was.
Frank, we're both
forgetting one thing.
If Raven had
conditioned me,
he would have given me
the glasses.
That's right.
He didn't, did he?
So I'm not
a walking time bomb.
Well, that's, uh--
That's quite a relief.
Yeah. Frank, you've got
a long ride ahead of you.
You don't wanna keep
the ambassador waiting.
Why don't you
get it on?
Okay, Jim.
Good luck.
Good luck to you, Frank.
Hey, Frank.
Why don't you keep Ramirez
with you until I get there?
I understand.
Oh, pardon me, sir.
( suspenseful theme playing )
( door closes )
Why have you left
your posts?
There's supposed to be someone
on guard in this corridor
at all times.
Oh, I have to go
to my meeting with Toombs.
Now, let me hear
reports on Philadelphia.
I am not interested
in Philadelphia, professor.
Tell me about Nogales.
Ah, yes, Nogales.
I am pleased to announce
that I've heard
from our colleague in Nogales
within the hour.
Well, well.
Well, what does he say?
That Ambassador Ramirez
has arrived in that city,
and that all is proceeding
according to plan.
I can say
with complete confidence
that due to our operative
in that city,
by this time
tomorrow night,
the republic of Mexico
will be ripe for the plucking.
( ominous theme playing )
( upbeat Western theme playing )