The Waltons (1971–1981): Season 7, Episode 13 - The Conscience - full transcript

Jason expresses doubt to the army recruiters that he could ever kill a person. Ben is embarrassed by his hesitation to serve. Meanwhile, Jim-Bob cannot wait to serve.

Hey! You take back what
you said about my brother!

I do believe this boy
is peeved at us, Bert.

Yeah, well, don't blame us
'cause your brother's a chicken.

You have no right to say that.

- Yeah, well, who's gonna stop us?
- I am!

Come on, boy, you show
us how brave you are.

Put up or shut up, squirt!

The weeks that followed the
sneak attack on Pearl Harbor

affected our family deeply.

It was a time of great
anxiety and uncertainty.

And like all Americans,
we wanted to contribute

to the war effort
as best we could.

My brother, Jason, was
particularly troubled during this time.

He wanted to serve his country,
but doubts of conscience forced him

to face one of the most
difficult decisions of his life.

You're making a
big mistake, Jason.

- I still haven't decided anything.
- You can't keep putting it off.

You won't get drafted right now because
you've served your time in the Guard,

- but that could change in a hurry.
- I know.

Our whole outfit is
regular Army now.

A lot of your old buddies
are asking about you.

You'd be a cinch to get sergeant stripes,
then maybe go on to OCS, the way I did.

But you've finished
college already.

I have to think about it.

I just wanted you to know,
we'd like to have you with us.

I'll call you.

Thanks for coming by. Good luck.

Remember, time's a-wasting.

Take care, Billy.

What did you tell Billy?

I told him I needed
some more time.

Would it help to talk about it?

Yes, it would. But right
now I've got a class to make.

Somehow, school doesn't
seem very important these days.

You're so close to finishing, it
would be a shame if you didn't.

I so feel guilty when I hear about
the guys in my old Guard outfit.

- Might be good to serve with your friends.
- I guess it would.

I've got to get
going. See you later.

You think he should give up
everything now just to be with his friends?

He'd be with men he knows.

Makes a difference who
you're with in the service, Liv.

Let's just don't push him.

I'm having enough trouble with
John-Boy joining up in England.

Being a reporter for Stars and Stripes
isn't the same as being a foot soldier.

Reporting on a war means
being in the line of fire.

If that's not bad
enough, I expect Jim-Bob

to come home any day now
and say he's joined the Air Corps.

They won't take him
yet, so take it easy.

Ben's still here, we've got
enough government contracts

to last us for a long time.

He's getting impatient. All he
ever talks about now is the Navy.

Let's face it, Liv. There's a war,
that means men, young men.

I listen to the radio and
I read the newspapers.

But these are our
sons we're talking about.

No, that is not it.

Oh, here, let me do it.

There. Now, that is
the way it should be.

That is where I
had it to begin with.

Mr. Godsey, you simply
lack the artistic touch.

Hey, Ike, Corabeth.

You're just in time to see, we
just put John-Boy's name up there.

Looks good, sure does.

I suppose it won't be long before
we'll be adding your name up there.

I don't know how
soon it will be.

Don't wait too long. Army
needs young men like you.

Here's a dollar
for the gas, Ike.

I'm just so proud of all our
fine young men in the service.

I just pray we don't
lose any more boys.

Yeah. Still hurts when
we think of G.W. and Curt.

I've got to be getting
to school. See you later.


- Boy, he'll be in the service in no time.
- Don't be so certain.

He's so sensitive.

I just can't think of
Jason as a warrior.

I sure am sorry, Walton.

But the regulations
haven't changed.

Without you getting
permission from your parents,

you're still too young
to join the Air Corps.

I'm getting tired of waiting.

I admire your spirit,
but rules are rules.

Yeah, but I'm ready to
join the fight right now.

You know, so am I.

But I'm close to retirement,

so they've got me
running a recruiting office,

instead of doing
what I was trained for.

- What was that?
- Cavalry.

Served in France. Been
a horse soldier ever since.

Well, up till now, that is.

But at least I'm doing my part.

- I'm sure not.
- You will, Walton.

I got a feeling you're gonna
make a good pilot one of these days

and we're going to need them.

- You come see me on your birthday.
- Yes, sir.

Sergeant Gates said
I'd make a good pilot.

Recruiting officer will say almost
anything to keep you interested.

No, he was really nice. He didn't
talk to me like I was a dumb kid.

If it wasn't for that rule
about age, I'd be in right now.

- And Mama wouldn't be talking to you.
- I wouldn't be where she could talk to me.

I'm thinking about the Navy.

- Daddy needs you right here.
- Anybody could be doing what I'm doing.

- I want to get in with the action.
- Why are you so anxious to go?

There's a war on, Jason.

Don't you feel uncomfortable
when you're not in uniform?

Sure I do. But that's not reason
enough to rush out and put one on.

Going to be joining
up with the old outfit?

- I'm not sure yet.
- You're crazy not to join now, Jason.

I'm the one who's facing going
right now, Jim-Bob. Not you or Ben.

- What's wrong with him?
- Beats me.

- What are you up to?
- Just reading an old book of poetry.

It's funny, when I was in
school I didn't like poetry much.

It seems to have more
meaning for me now.

It's kind of like music when
something gets you down.

What did you want to talk to
me about? What's on your mind?

The war.

War's on everybody's mind.

I've been really confused lately,
wondering whether to join up now or wait.

Don't do anything
until you have to.

I kind of feel like I have a
responsibility to get in on the fight.

You sound just like Curt.

I've been thinking a
lot about Curt lately.

Our family's sacrificed
enough already.

I don't want any of my
brothers going off to war.

Most men my age
don't have any choice.

Don't join, Jason. We
need you here at home.

It's not just the joining
up that's bothering me.

Mary Ellen,

I don't know if I can kill
another human being,

not even for my country.

Jim-Bob, have you
seen my dictionary?

- What have you done to yourself?
- Nothing. Stop sneaking up on me.

I'm not sneaking! Let me
see! Come on, let me see!

Oh, what is that awful
thing on your arm?

- It's an Army Air Corps tattoo.
- It's ugly.

It is not. I like it.

That's the stupidest
thing you've ever done.

- I'm proud of it.
- Well, you better be.

'Cause you're gonna have to
live with it the rest of your life.

- Mama's going to disown you.
- You better not tell her, Erin.

I won't tell her.

But how long do you think you
can keep a thing like that a secret?

Well, at least till I get in the
Air Corps. Want to see it move?

Oh, Jim-Bob, that's revolting!

Guys in the Air Corps
are going to love it.

The girls are going to hate it.

- Not all girls are like you, Erin.
- Nice ones are.

Where are you off to?

I've been wanting to go up there
lately. Lonesome for the mountain.

I know how you feel.
Mind if I join you?

Let's get a front row seat.

You followed me
here, didn't you?

It was what you said last night.

It's not easy to talk
about, with anyone.

You shouldn't feel
that way, Jason.

I talked to the hospital chaplain today
and he opened my eyes to a lot of things.

Did he say there was
something wrong with me?

He had no idea who
I was talking about.

But he said that anyone who
feels the way you do is probably

just a little more sensitive
and honest than the rest of us.

All my life I've been
taught that killing is wrong.

I don't know if I can change
now, or even if I want to.

"Thou shalt not kill."

Those aren't just words to me.

You don't have to change, Jason.
You can do your part without killing.

The Army doesn't work like that.

A soldier has one
purpose, to kill the enemy.

We've all been taught that
killing is totally against God's plan.

That's true.

But I can't deny the fact that
sometimes we have to fight to survive.

Doesn't make
much sense, does it?

The chaplain said that there's a
law called the conscience clause.

It exempts men from carrying
a weapon if he can prove

that his moral and religious
beliefs are too strong to justify killing.

I know.

But I also know how people
look on conscientious objectors.

The ones in work camps take
a lot of abuse from the public,

and those in uniform get
sneered at by the troops,

even though they work as medics

or ambulance drivers right
there in the combat zone.

Thought we were supposed to
be fighting for freedom of thought,

among other things.

You have to sacrifice a
lot of freedoms in war time.

It's just so hard to prove you're
really sincere about something like this.

You have a good reputation, Jason.
Everybody would speak up for you.

And a lot of others
would call me a coward.

You're not a coward.

I wonder.


- I'm Sergeant Gates.
- Jason Walton.

- Coffee?
- No, thanks.

I just came for
some information.

- Have a seat.
- Thanks.

Walton, Walton...

- You any relation to James Robert?
- My youngest brother.

Spunky young man.

Hope he doesn't do anything
rash before he's of age.

That's how my folks feel.

So, you want to sign up
before he beats you to it, huh?

Well, I do want to
serve as best I can.

But I really came for some information
about being a conscientious objector.

Do you know what
you're asking for?

No, not really.
That's why I'm here.

I don't think you understand
what you're getting yourself into.

I mean, you're gonna ruin your future,
in the Army and the rest of your life.

I just want the information,
Sergeant. Do I have to go elsewhere?

I'm just trying to
help you, Walton.

This is supposed to be taken
care of by your local draft board.

Now, this is a Selective
Service pamphlet.

There's a form in it that you
apply for conscientious objector.

My advice to you
is, don't use it.

Howdy, Sergeant. You got
our induction papers yet?

Yeah, Sarge. We're raring to go!

Your papers are all
ready, you just hold up a bit.

Now, if you go
through with this,

you're not the only one
that's gonna have a hard time.

Your whole family
is gonna suffer.

Can I just have the
pamphlet, Sergeant?

You told them about
your being a CO?

Not yet.

Well, at least with
John Curtis walking now,

he doesn't wear out the
knees of his rompers so quickly.

He'll get back to his knees as
soon as he starts playing marbles.

I used to have to sew
patches on Jim-Bob's patches.

Remember how your mama
used to mend your coveralls

after sliding into home or trying
to stretch a single into a double?

- Which was easier, Mama, boys or girls?
- Neither.

Not having children
would have been easier.

- Well, another night at the Dew Drop.
- At least you get to go out.

All they want to hear is Praise
the Lord and Pass the Ammunition.

How about Don't Sit
Under the Apple Tree?

That, too, but it's a job.


Found this on the
floor. Is this yours?

- What if it is?
- You're crazy! You know that?

What's going on?

I went to the recruiting
office today, Daddy.

I picked up this conscientious
objector pamphlet.

I just want to study it.

What do you think other
people are gonna say about you?

Ben, you don't know
what you're talking about.

Now, wait a minute. Nobody's
given Jason a chance to explain.

Mama, I haven't done
anything definite yet.

Then don't. Give yourself
plenty of time to think this out.

Don't worry, I will.
I've got to get going.

You're not going to let him
do that, are you, Daddy?

Ben, you're more
concerned about what people

are going to say than
about how Jason feels.

Don't you care about what
other people say about you?

This family has suffered
enough by this war already.

Hold it, now. Jason said he was
gonna think about it. Give him time.

- He'll do the right thing.
- And just what is the right thing, John?

Fighting among ourselves
isn't gonna help Jason any.

He's got enough
on his mind as it is.

- It's chilly. You want a sweater?
- No.

I remember the night Jason
was born. It was cold like this.

He's confused and scared, Liv.

I just don't want him to do
something he's gonna regret.

He'll work it out for himself.

There are times when a man
just doesn't have a choice.

You think it's wrong for Jason
to listen to his own feelings?

You can't run away from yourself
and that's just what Jason is doing.

- You sound so sure.
- I know what he's thinking.

I know if he doesn't face up to it
now, he'll always question himself.

I just can't let him
throw away his pride.

His pride or yours?

That's not fair, Liv.

I grew up believing there are
some things a man doesn't question.

Serving his country is one.

Fighting to protect
his family is another.

I can't change now.

I wouldn't expect you to, John.

I love you for being
strong and sure,

just as I love Jason
because he isn't.

I love him, too.

That's why I won't let him do
anything that will ruin his life.

I'm cold. Let's go inside.

Quit rubbing so hard, Erin.

Jim-Bob, this nail polish
remover isn't going to work, either.

We've tried every cleaner we've got.
I don't think that tattoo is coming off.

I sure thought the
Baldwins' Recipe would do it.

Maybe Ike will have
something. We sure don't.

You know, I don't think I'm
gonna have to go to Ike's.

- How come?
- It feels like my skin is coming off.

- Hey, Ace.
- Hey.

We'd stick around this
dump longer, barkeep,

but we don't like that
piano player of yours.

Yeah, he's got himself
a yellow streak this wide.

Let's go, Bert.

Now, you hold on, you guys!

Nobody's gonna talk
about my brother that way.

Go away, shorty. We
don't want any trouble.

- I'm gonna give you some.
- Let go, boy!

All right, that's enough.

Why don't you just
relax and go on home?

What are you going
to do about it, chicken?

- You're a lousy CO.
- Yeah, come on, boy.

- Let's see you fight.
- I don't want to fight you.

Come on. JEB: Come
on, it's my turn, slacker.

Come on, Jason, we can lick 'em.

You don't belong in the Army.
Scared of his own shadow.

You see now? Your
brother is a coward.

Then I'll take you.

Wouldn't be fair.
Two against one.

Come on.

- You all right, Ben?
- Why didn't you fight them?

I don't care what
those jerks think.

- They called you a coward.
- Doesn't mean I am one.

Are you sure of that, Jason?

- You slept late.
- No classes till this afternoon.

- There's some warm biscuits in the oven.
- I'm not hungry.

- You doing the crossword puzzle?
- No.

I'm looking at all the things
that might be rationed soon.

We're lucky we
live in the country.

I wish we could grow tires.
The coupe needs them.

- What happened to your chin?
- Ben didn't tell you?


I got into a little tussle
outside the Dew Drop last night.

- You, in a fight?
- Is that so hard to believe?

It's not like you, Jason.

I didn't fight back.

Ben thinks I should have.

They called me a coward.

Now, why would they
do a thing like that?

They were in the recruiting office
yesterday when I picked up my CO pamphlet.

- Where's Daddy?
- He and Ben went to Charlottesville.

It takes courage to go
against the tide, Jason.

I wish I could help.

Men seem to be
the experts on killing.

There's no reason why you
have to be like everybody else.

That's not the right thing to
be thinking about these days.

You got to think about
it in your own time.

Whatever you decision,
you're gonna have to live with it

- for the rest of your life.
- So will our whole family.

You got to consider
yourself before any of us.

It would help me to know
how you feel about it.

Probably the same
way the first mother felt

when she had to
send her son off to war.

Mostly, I want you
to be alive and unhurt.

But I also want you to feel right
about the kind of life you're living,

whether we're at
war or at peace.

I thought about all that,

about honor and responsibility,
and doing your part.

I've always believed
in those things.

There are different
kinds of courage, Jason.

I know.

I've just got to talk to Daddy.

He may see things
differently than we do.

- I hope he'll have some answers for me.
- I'm sure he will.

Just you be honest with him,
and try to tell him as best you can

what you've been going through.

I'll just have to make
him understand.

Is this the strongest
thing you got, Ike?

That'll take the spots off a zebra and
the stripes off a leopard or vice versa.

- What about ink?
- Well, sure, it'll get rid of ink.

- But don't let it get on your skin.
- Why not?

Well, because it's got acid
in it, and it'll burn your skin.

Oh. Got anything that
won't burn your skin?

Exactly what is it that
you want to remove?

It's personal.

You can tell me.

Your mama's going to kill you.

That's why I need to find
something to take it off.

Jim-Bob, I don't have
anything that'll take that off.

Ike, you've got to help
me. You're my last hope.

You know, come to think
about it, I did have a friend

that tried to take off a tattoo.

It seems his
girlfriend was unhappy

'cause he had another
girl's name on his arm.

- What'd he do?
- Well, he tried two things.

He put a poultice together
with milk and bread.

Then, afterwards, he tried a
piece of raw liver on his arm.

I can't even eat liver.
Did the tattoo go away?


Maybe if I tried both of them.


- Do you smell something?
- No.

Can't you smell that?

Elizabeth, I don't know
what you're talking about.

Smells horrible, like sour milk.

It's stronger near you.

- Where are you going?
- Upstairs where I can study in peace.

I need to talk to you, Daddy.

All right, Son. Let's
go to the office.

- We had fudge brownies for dessert.
- I don't want any.

That's good. There's none left.

I really appreciate
that, Elizabeth.

Daddy, I don't want
you to be ashamed of me

because of something I've done,

something I might do.

I doubt that could
ever happen, Son.

I have a feeling you don't
think the same way I do

about this conscientious
objector business.

You've got to remember,
you're talking to an old soldier.

You think I'm wrong?

Yes, I do, Jason, if
you go through with it.

But it's your decision.

I need help making it.

All right, Son.
I'll try to help you.

Why don't you tell me
what's on your mind?

Well, it's nothing new.

I've always felt this
way about killing.

I understand about having
to kill stock to feed the family,

but I usually made myself scarce
whenever Grandpa was slaughtering a hog

or you were taking an ax
to chickens and turkeys.

Nobody likes those chores, Son,
but they're jobs that have to be done.

I realize that.

When it comes to killing
another man, that's very different.

I just know I couldn't do it.

What makes you so sure, Jason?

We've talked about this before.

Remember those bayonet
drills in the National Guard?

- I thought you worked all that out, Son.
- We weren't at war then.

It was the main
reason I didn't re-enlist.

I've had nightmares about sticking
that steel blade in that dummy.

It was filled with straw,
but I couldn't help thinking

that there'd be screaming
flesh and blood coming at me,

and maybe I just couldn't do it.

And in that second
of hesitation,

it could mean the
difference in a buddy's life

or a whole squad, a
platoon, who knows?

I know how you feel, Jason.

I had those feelings over
in the trenches in France.

Every man questions
his limits, Son.

But there comes a time
when you've got to believe

you'll be there
when you have to be.

That time is now, Jason.
The enemy has attacked us.

They're out to destroy our way of
life and they'll stop at nothing to do it.

Don't worry, Son. When the
time comes, you'll be there.

I wish I was as sure
of that as you are.

Jason, the Waltons
have always been there.

Your grandpa and everybody
who came before him.

I've been thinking a
lot about Grandpa lately.

He was a man of peace, Jason,

but he fought in the
Spanish-American war.

And our family fought on both
sides in the war between the states.

And they fought for
this land before that.

Remember how Pa used to
tell us we ought to be proud

of the pioneer
stock in our family?

Jason, this is fought-for land.

Remember how Pa used to say
we owe something to all our family

that's over there in
the family graveyard?

Remember how Pa
used to talk like that?

I've been thinking a lot about
maybe going up on the mountain.

- Maybe spending the night there.
- It's the best place in the world, Son.

- You want to come along?
- No, I don't think so.

This is a trip you ought
to make by yourself.

I think I'm gonna turn in.

I want to get an early start.

Good night, Jason.

Good night, Dad.

Jim-Bob, you'll never convince me
that liver is gonna take off a tattoo.

Ike said it might work.

That's what he told you about the
milk and bread poultice you tried.

- Hurry up.
- No, no, no. Wait.

Quick. Quick, okay.

- What are you doing?
- Changing a light bulb.

Don't stare,
Elizabeth. It's not polite.

He just walked in. Jason?

It's for you. Billy Streeter.


I haven't decided yet. I
need some more time.

I know that. I'm prepared
to take my chances.

You and the other guys are just
gonna have to go on without me.

Look, Billy, I know you mean well,
but just stay off my back, will you?

Yeah, I'm sorry.

Good luck.

I'm sorry about last night, Ben.

You shouldn't have
stood up for me.

Should've done it yourself.

I'm going up on
the mountain early.

Good night.

Jason, wait.

Did a lot of thinking
about last night.

I want you to take
over my job at the mill.

- I couldn't do that. What about you?
- It'd be the best for both of us.

That way I can go into the Navy
and you can get out of fighting.

- I don't want to get out of anything.
- I'm trying to do you a favor.

I thought you said
you didn't want to fight.

Don't do me any favors.

I'm trying to save you
the embarrassment!

You're trying to save yourself
the embarrassment, Ben.

That's right, I am. 'Cause I can't
see you disgracing this family!

I'm sorry you feel that way.

But not sorry enough to
change your mind, right?

No, Ben.

Jason, you're running away.

Those guys were
right. You're a coward!


Must be beautiful up
in the mountain today.

Thank heavens the
mountain never changes.

Why is it every generation
seems to have to have a war?

I figure this one won't last long,
Liv, once we really get into it.

In the meantime, it's
tearing our family apart.

We all see it differently.

I pray to God, when this nightmare is
over, we never have to go through another.

Jim-Bob went back to bed again.

Well, wake him up.
He'll be late for school.

It'll be a pleasure.

Maybe if we take care
of things in this world, Liv,

Elizabeth's children won't have
to grow up and go off to war.

Jim-Bob, you're coming apart!

- Elizabeth, go away!
- What's the matter, Elizabeth?

- Nothing's the matter. Go away.
- Elizabeth? You all right?

- He's cut himself open. His arm's all raw.
- Are you hurt, Jim-Bob?

Everybody relax. It's
only a piece of liver.

Erin, you promised not to tell.

- Oh, Jim-Bob, it's too late.
- Now what's going on around here?

- I had this piece of liver on my arm.
- Told you I saw raw meat.

What on earth would
make you do such a thing?

Come on, Jim-Bob.
We haven't got all day.

What is it?

It's a tattoo.

Oh, Jim-Bob.

- It's the Army Air Corps insignia.
- It's more revolting than the liver.

That's what I keep telling him.

I can't believe you would do
such a thing. It's disgusting.

What am I gonna do,
Daddy? It won't come off.

Looks to me like you're gonna have
to live with this the rest of your life.

Question is, how are you
gonna live with your mama?

Let me help you, Mama.

- Are you still mad at me?
- No, I'm furious.

- You knew I wouldn't approve.
- I'm sorry, I just didn't think.

Saw that Air Corps insignia
and I just had to have the tattoo.

You know how much I
want to join the Air Corps.

I most certainly do. So does
everyone else this side of Richmond.

If you'd let me join, you
wouldn't have to look at it.

Sorry, Jim-Bob. That won't work.

I'd rather have you
here and unhurt for now,

- even with that thing on your arm.
- I promise I'll keep it covered.

I'd appreciate that.

Who knows? It might go away.
Ike says that happens sometimes.

Then we'll just have
to hope for the best.

Thanks, Mom. I knew
you'd understand.

You cold?

There's a chill
in the air tonight.

Seems nice and warm to me.

I guess I'm thinking about
Jason up on the mountain.

He's been up there
overnight before.

I know.

Guess I'm thinking more
about myself than him.

Is that why you're trying to turn
this place into a Turkish bath?

I guess so.

I said some real mean
things to him, Daddy.

I just didn't mean them.

I think he
understands that, Son.

I hope so.

I was thinking about going up
on the mountain tomorrow morning

and see if I can find him and
ask him if he wants a ride home.

Well, I think Jason
would appreciate that.

He's probably up there right now, sleeping
in a blanket, staring at the stars.

It's a great place to
find peace of mind.

I hope he does.

I hope so, too.

What's the matter with you,
Walton? Don't you like that thought?

I can see what you're
saying is true, sir.

All right.

Let me see you hit that
dummy, yelling as you go.


That's it! You got him!

Stick it in him
again. That's it!

You got him! Stick it
in him again. Come on!

Get him again. That's
it! Stick it in him again.

That's it.


I came up here because
that's what you always did

when something
wasn't clear in your mind.

I remember you told me
that the mountain couldn't lie,

that it and the truth
were bound together.

Well, your world up
here is still beautiful,

still peaceful.

But the world off this mountain,

it's filled with hate right now.

You wouldn't like
it much, Grandpa.

I sure wish you could be here to tell
me how I could fit into a world like that.

Give yourself plenty
of time to think this out.

Don't wait too long. Army
needs young men like you.

I'm just so proud of all our
fine young men in the service.

They're trying to
destroy our way of life

and they'll stop
at nothing to do it.

You're crazy not
to join now, Jason.

You have to consider
yourself before any of us.

Jason, this is fought-for land.

Your whole family
is gonna suffer.

Remember how Pa used to
tell us we ought to be proud

of the pioneer
stock in our family?

You don't belong in the Army.
Scared of his own shadow.

When the time
comes, you'll be there.

I can't see you
disgracing this family!

You're not a coward.

Every man questions
his limits, Son.

The Waltons have
always been there.

Don't worry, Son.

When the time
comes, you'll be there.

- Thought you might like a ride home.
- Sure would.

I'm really sorry, Jason. I had no
right to say those things to you.

I'll back you up with
whatever you decide.

Thanks, Ben.

- Here, I'll take this for you, Jason.
- Thanks.

I was about to send a
search party out for you two.

Ben drove me into Rockfish.

I took that conscientious objector
pamphlet back to the sergeant.

I didn't fill it out.

I was hoping that would happen.

Hope you did it for yourself,
not for me or anyone else.

I did it for me.

I did it because I'm a part of this
family and a part of this country.

Without either one, I wouldn't
be here or be what I am.

And what you are is
pretty damn good, Son.

I enlisted, Mama.

I can finish college
first, though.

I don't have to report
until after I graduate.

I feel better for it.

It's all I need to know. You
don't have to tell me anymore.

Jason had searched his soul
and found an inner strength

that would help him enter
a new phase of his life.

Jim-Bob's tattoo remained on his arm,
a symbol of his youthful lack of judgment

as well as his
commendable ambition.

It is to this day a topic
which amuses everyone,

except my mother.

Jim-Bob, quit tossing
and turning, will you?

I can't go to sleep.
- Well, neither can I!

Not with you spinning
around like a whirling dervish.

What's the matter, Jim-Bob?

Well, I got to thinking about
my Army Air Corps tattoo.

What if I end up flying for
the Navy or the Marines?

They'd really get on you,
Jim-Bob. That's what would happen.

Pleasant dreams, Jim-Bob.

Good night, Mama.

English -SDH