The Walking Dead (2010–…): Season 11, Episode 17 - Lockdown - full transcript

Daryl and Negan rush to the commonwealth to stop Hornsby from going after their families. Pamela deals with protesters demanding justice for Sebastian's crimes. Mercer needs Rosita's help to fight a swarm. Directed by Greg Nicoter...

Julia: He's been watching
since we moved in.

- This isn't gonna be easy.
- When is it ever?

Previously on "The
Walking Dead"...

Now we take it all.

Uh, is my mom pissed at me?

Magna: We need a key
to crack the code.

Until we have that,

I'll write about
Sebastian's heist...

and hang it around
Pamela's neck.

Negan: You helped us,

and I am grateful.

Maggie: This fight
that I started,

with Hornsby...

It's not gonna end
until I end it.

Judith: I've heard a
lot of stories about

when the world fell.

There were more dead
than the living,

and it started to look like
the world would go cold.

It felt like it
was almost there.


Some people survived by
connecting with each other.

Making found families.

Others gave in to the darkness.

That was a long time ago.

And it's now.

Will it be tomorrow?


Maggie: Clear.

Fan out.

Check every window, doorway,

stairway, and hallway.

This ends here.

How many you think they got?

Daryl: Don't matter.

Gonna take them out one by one.

Look who we found.

Where's Hershel?

He's with Elijah and the
others. He's hidden and safe.

Negan: He's good, Maggie.

We're here to take out shithead
and the dickless brigade.

Well, like I've been saying,

we should go back to
the Commonwealth first.

Get our people out and then
deal with Hornsby together.

Aaron: No, Gabe, he probably
already radioed back.

You know that.

Look, he knows us.

We're never getting
through those checkpoints.

And if he has his
people go after

our families in the meantime?

Carol's there. So is
Rosita and Jerry, Ezekiel.

We have to hope
they can handle it.

Hope is running low, and
the longer we're out here

having these debates,
the more our families

back home are at risk. Our
people are out here, too.

We need to find Hornsby and kill
him before he gets to anybody.

Wait, wait, hold up, hold up.

We can do all of this.

They've never seen
your face before.

Right, are you saying I
just walk right on in there?

Yeah. That's exactly
what I'm saying.

Me too.

No, Annie, not you too.

Only one of us needs to go
into the belly of the beast.


I need you to be safe.

Besides, I am fucked either way.

Hey, not gonna get rid
of me that easy, okay?

Alright. So what's the play?

Man: Come in, this
is Bravo team.

We need to clear
out quadrant four.

Man #2: Copy that, Bravo.

Let's roll.

Alright, let's get
this over with.

Does anyone have eyes
on that goddamn car?!

Fire it up.

We need to get a message
to the Commonwealth.

I don't think this
signal is strong enough.

Dial in now!


Calhoun! Come in. Do you read?

Contingency protocol
on Daryl Dixon.


Alright, go find a goddamn
signal and get a message home.

If that car shows up,
make sure our people

are on the wall, ready.

Yes, sir. Shoot to kill!

- Aah!

Man: We have visual
on the stolen vehicle

heading westbound.

Moving to intercept,
two minutes.

Take it down, then
find the rest.

If this gets back
to Milton or Mercer,

we're eighty-sixed.

We contain this now!


Kill him!

Man: Target westbound!

Keep it steady.

Hold on! Target
is now northbound.

Keep it steady!
We almost got him!

Try and cut him off up ahead.

Crowd: We want justice!

Deliver Sebastian now!

We want justice!

Deliver Sebastian now!

We want justice!

Deliver Sebastian now!

We want justice!

Deliver Sebastian now!

We want justice!

Deliver Sebastian now!

We want justice!

Deliver Sebastian
now! We want justice!

Pamela: Citizens of
the Commonwealth,

this is your governor,
Pamela Milton.

And I want you all to
know this so-called report

is nothing but lies meant
to sow fear and anger

in people who have
suffered enough.

Crowd: We want justice!
Deliver Sebastian now!

Pamela: But I know my son.

He couldn't have done
the horrible things

he's been accused of.

Crowd: We want justice!

Pamela: He is a
good young man.

Crowd: We want justice!

Pamela: And the
Commonwealth is his home.

Crowd: Deliver Sebastian now!

Pamela: He would never
do anything to undermine

the safety and stability
of our great community.

We want justice!

Crowd: We want justice!

This could get ugly.

We need to be ready
to help these people

if it goes sideways.

It's only a matter of time
until this gets worse.

We... We need options.

What you mean, leave?

No, I don't want to leave.

These... These
people need our help.

Nothing gets decided until
everyone's back, okay?

Secure the station.

Crowd: We want justice!

Pamela: That calling is
an honor and a privilege.

Woman: He's in
there! Bring him out!

Deliver Sebastian now!

What are you doing
out of uniform?

Personal day.

Not today. Not with all this.

This isn't my problem.
It's not yours either.

Man: General Mercer, sir,

you're needed in
processing ASAP.

Not now.

You're gonna want to
see this one, sir.

Alright, I'm on my way.

We want justice!

Crowd: Deliver Sebastian now!

I need you today.

These people do.

Now suit up.

Crowd: We want justice!

Deliver Sebastian now!

We want justice!

I will find the real culprits
and bring them to justice.

Now I will answer
some written questions

submitted by citizens.

Crowd: We want justice!

You think she knows where he is?

No. Probably in hiding.

He's more afraid of
her than he is them.

Hey, you okay?


Pamela: We are following
multiple leads.

I want to keep going.

Then we will.

Pamela: We are working
diligently to find the people

responsible for
spreading these lies.

Rest assured... they will
be brought to justice.

You know me?

Yeah, word gets
around the wasteland.

So no.

A friend told me about you.

Said that I should ask for you

when I came looking for her.


When I came looking for April.

Do you know what
happened to her?

I think you asking me that
means that it can't be good.

Why are you really here?

Ran into some trouble.

Some shirt-and-tie-wearing
shit and his

clamshell assholes he runs with.

Get him some water.



Who sent you?

I think you know who sent me.


So, listen.

So, this Hornsby prick?

He's been cutting
us up out there,

and we're dealing with it.

But see, the problem is
that we got people in here

to protect, too.

That's my job.

And yet I was sent here anyway.

I can't just let you
in. We got rules here.

Oh, rules? Right.

Well, if no one else is
playing by those rules,

then why are you?

Aunt Carol?


The blueberry
pancakes are burning.

Oh. Oh, no.

You don't like them burned?

Not really.

You're missing out.

Kelly took these?

Mm-hmm. What for?

So we can learn
about this place.

Keep an eye on things.

When are Uncle Aaron and
Uncle Daryl coming back?

Why? You like their
cooking better?

No way.

Unless there's a campfire, Daryl
has no idea what he's doing.

My dad's a good cook

wherever he is.

They'll be back soon.

What is it?

Maybe nothing.

Alright. You guys get
up. We got to move.

But breakfast.

No, we'll come back later.

Right now we got to
play the quiet game.

It's empty.

Are you sure he didn't
say anything else?

Dixon was the only
name that came through.

Let's check the school.

Dude. What the hell?

What are you doing here, man?

Well, I'm here to
save your asses.

Where is Carol?


Charlie Whiskey Actual.

Charlie Whiskey Actual,
this is field unit Bravo.

Charlie Whiskey Actual,
Charlie Whiskey Actual,

this is field unit Bravo.

Man: Copy, this is
Actual, go ahead...

Actual, this is
field unit Bravo OTB.

Message from Hornsby,
as follows...

Man: Field unit, come
back. I didn't get that.

Carol: We're just gonna have a
little adventure today, okay?

I need you guys to go back
to the bedroom and wait.

And don't come out
until I call. Go.

Jerry: Carol, it's clear.

Hey. Hey.

Turns out you
might've been right...

I probably should've stayed
in the goddamn cabin.

Hornsby tried to scare Maggie
by interrogating Hershel.

So the thought is that he
is somehow gonna try to use

the kids to draw our people out.

That's why they came for Daryl.


But if Hornsby sent those two,

he's trying to keep
it under the radar.

Which means we might be able to
get ahead of them... and him.

Jerry, do you still have
access to that attic space?

Yes, ma'am.

Stocked with supplies,
like you asked.

Keep the kids there, and
get word to the others.

Tell them to be ready
to move on your signal.

I'll start the chain.

Ready for what?

I mean, this doesn't seem
like the kind of place

that you can just

stroll out the front
gate, hand in hand.

That's why me and you are gonna
go try to get some insurance.

Woman: There she is, over there!

Man: Our daughter is dead.

What are you going to do?

I can't imagine the
pain you've experienced.

And I share your horror.

Though I can't bring
your loved ones back,

I will get to the bottom
of what happened...

And who was responsible.

We know who did this.

He did this.

Where are you hiding your son?

What you read was not the truth.

You know where he is.

Guard: Alright! That's enough!

Get back! Now!

Or what, you gonna
disappear us, too?

Hey. We hear you.

We do. Guard: Calm down!

To make it here,
after everything,

and then lose loved
ones this way?

It's unthinkable.

We will find out what happened.

And we will update you on
every step of the investigation

throughout the
whole process, okay?

Come on, everybody out.

You heard him. Move
along. Let's go!

Move it. You, move along.

Man: I'm tired of the lies.

Woman: Everyone's
blood is on your hands.

Guard: Clear the area.

Woman: We are not
gonna go anywhere.

Come on. We want...

Move it along. Man:
Alright, that's good.

Your friend, Connie,
the journalist...

You don't suppose she
would have an idea

who wrote that piece, do you?

It would surprise me if she did.

Crowd: Down with the Miltons!

Down with the Miltons!

Down with the Miltons!

Down with the Miltons!

Down with the Miltons!

Down with the Miltons!

Down with the Miltons!

Down with the Miltons!

Down with the Miltons!

Down with the Miltons!

Down with the Miltons!

Down with the Miltons!

Man: Where is Sebastian?!

We want Sebastian!
Pamela, where is he?


Do it right away.

What do you mean Pamela knows?

Well, suspects,
you know, at least,

who's behind the article.

But she doesn't have any proof.

Not yet.

Have you told Connie?

I really wanted to
talk to you first.

But you know who
what she's like...

She's never gonna run
away from a fight.

You think I will?


From the beginning, you've
seen this place for what it is.

You've never stood for bullshit.

It's one of your
better qualities.

But you know...
More than anyone...

We've made it through a lot
by knowing when is good to go.

And if things go bad here,

I want a strong exit
plan for you guys.

"You guys"?

Come on, Magna. You
know I can't leave Tomi.

We don't go anywhere
without you.

End of story.

No, Magna, that's... Miko.

If the time comes to go,
then we're all going.

Even if I have to drag
you and Tomi along.

Until then, we keep
our eyes peeled,

help everyone we can, and wait
for the other shoe to drop.

You're so stubborn.

Not one of my better qualities.

But you never seemed to mind.

Woman: Lockdown
procedures initiated.

Proceed to your residences,
follow all instructions,

remain inside until
further notice.

This might be the other shoe.

Come on.

Deliver Sebastian
now! We want justice!

Deliver Sebastian now!

A swarm has been
detected five miles out.

Lockdown has been instituted by
order of Governor Pamela Milton.

Return to your
homes immediately.

After curfew, anyone
found on the streets

will be arrested for
their own safety.

I repeat... a swarm has been
detected five miles out.

- Clear out, everyone.
- Alright. Okay.

Our brave Commonwealth Army
will be intercepting it

before it reaches our gates.

Guard: You heard
him. Let's go.

- Can't stay here.
- What are you doing?

Lockdown has been instituted by

order of Governor Pamela Milton.

Take it easy! There
are kids here!

Little help. I got a tail.

Keep up with me, okay?
We're gonna need to motor.

Come on. Go.

Woman: Get out of the way.

Return to your
homes immediately.

After curfew, anyone
found on the streets

will be arrested for
their own safety.


What are we looking for exactly?

Um, blueprints, schematics.

Plans for Union Station
have to be here somewhere.

Uh-huh. And what else?

The person that I'm looking
for was in the building

right before people started
calling for his head.

So he may have stayed.

So, if he stayed and
everybody was looking for him,

then he has one hell
of a hiding spot.


Hey, did I, uh... Did I
tell you I got married?

Mm. Why are you
telling me this now?

Well, I don't know.


Because she is out there, and...

she is carrying our child.

It's gonna be okay.

Thank you.


Man: Check up ahead.

Where are the others?

Maggie: They'll be here.

Daryl, what y... What
you did back there...

I know that Leah meant
something to you.

I'm sorry.

Glenn would've wanted
me to look after you.

You don't have to
ever say sorry.

Not to me.

Hey! Hey! Sss!


He's dug in up ahead
with half his men.

We wouldn't get close.

The others are flanking
us from behind.

We should go east
before they pin us in.

Is there any way
to get behind him?

Not without them spotting us.

Unless they never see us coming.

Come on.

Come on, buddy.

Go. Go.

Go. Go, go, go.

Hello there.

Small favor, please.

Man: That is last call
before we head out.

You made it.

I heard walkers needed killing.

I couldn't resist.

Man: Swarm is past
the second checkpoint.

We need support.

Hold your position.
On our way.

You okay?


Just... you know.

Yeah. I do.

You want to take a minute?

No, we should keep going.

If we keep going that
way, we should come up

right behind them.

Maybe we can get them
to come down here to us.

I hate to say it, but we are
running out of places to look.

Let me have a look at that.

Huh. What?

There should be a door here.


What the hell?

How'd you guys get in here?

Whoa. Ugh!

Easy, champ.

Get off me!

What do we have here?

Do you know who I am?

Aw. Do you know who Iam?

What do you assholes want?

Get up.

We're taking you
home to your mother.

I'm not going anywhere
until this thing blows over.

My mother doesn't care anyway.

Yes, she does. You're her kid.

The Commonwealth is her
kid. I'm just a problem.

Aw. Oh, my God.

Hey, Junior, when
you're pissing in jars

and everybody wants
you dead, call me nuts,

but I think maybe it's time
to rethink your options.

Now, this one here, well,
she is a goddamn magician.

I have seen her
pull little bunnies

right out of her ass with
my very own two eyes.

So if, for whatever reason, she
is throwing you a life raft,

well, then I recommend
you jump in that sucker

and save yourself from drowning.

You really think you can help?


You are in violation of curfew.

The swarm is past the first
two outer checkpoints.

Go to your homes immediately.

My daughter can
never return home.

And we're not moving until

Sebastian Milton
is brought to us.

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

This is Henderson.
We have a situation.

Hey. Hey.

I found him! I found him!

Sebastian's here!
He's over here!

You guys go. I'll
take care of this.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. You
got the wrong guy.

He's over here!
Sebastian's here!

He's getting away!

You are mistaken.

This is your final
warning. Go home!

You are not safe here.

Crowd: Pamela lies!
Sebastian kills!

Pamela lies! Sebastian kills!

Pamela lies! Sebastian kills!

This is for your own protection!

Sebastian kills!

Just shut the hell up
and listen for a second!

Fine. Clear them.

Man: They've passed
Checkpoint 3.

Execute Echo, Delta.

Delta team, keep
moving to the west.

Echo is en route. Espinosa
and I will handle what's left.

What happened to
the outer perimeter?

How did the walkers
get this close?

Somebody wasn't doing their job.

Seems to happen a
lot around here.

About the other week. That
shouldn't have happened.

But I appreciate
you having my back.

Yeah. You're trying to do
what you can. I get it.

Yeah. Shit is
upside-down around here.

In this job, I need
people like you.

People I can trust.

I can't. I'm sorry.

If you need my help out
here, I'm your girl.

But you want my help back
there, that's not for me.

My daughter and my family
will always come first.

I respect that.

If the time comes,
and you decide to go

and you need help getting out...

I got you.

Man: This is Delta!
Echo is down!

- Vehicle overturned!

- Watch it.
- Come on.

Take them out. Take them out.


Give me your hand!

Help me!


We got to go, sir!

Would you like one?

It's a little early
for me. Thank you.

You tear-gassed my friends.

If they were there, they
were in defiance of lockdown.

And did it help?

Did it actually make
the troopers' jobs

easier outside the walls?

It was about what
could have happened.

It was about safety.

It always is.

And you don't care that
it makes you look guilty.

If you have an accusation,
Yumiko, make it.


Can you really sit there and
say there is no way your son

did the things he
was accused of?

He's always been something
of a renegade, it's true.

But his grandfather and
uncles were the same way,

and they mellowed over time.

Became leaders of men.

Maybe he's having his youthful
rebellions later than most,

but he's not a murderer.

Pamela, I am trying to
figure out how much you knew.

It might be my
job to defend you.

How can I talk to my lawyer
freely when she's also friends

with the most prominent
journalist around?

Mom, I...

You've humiliated
me. And yourself.

I told you I shouldn't
have come here.

Look at me!

What did you have to
do with all of this?

Nothing. Mom, I... Look.

That story is a lie.

People... they want
someone to blame,

and I'm an easy target.

You'll need to tell me more than
that for me to save your ass.

I think we can help each other.

And who are you?

I work for Lance Hornsby.

He's out there hunting my
friends under your flag.

I need your help to stop him.

I don't know
anything about this.

And I don't see how it helps me.

If your son didn't do the
things that he's accused of,

someone did.

Okay, this ends now.

Drop your weapons!

Guns on the ground.

Guns on the ground!
Tell 'em! Now!

Weapons down!

Pamela: This is not just
about you. I need him alive.

Daryl? What have you done?

What does Pamela
get out of this?

Saving her son.

You go after the Miltons,
they'll crush you.

Pamela: You're
trying to win a game,

but you've never
been a player in it.

Whatever game you're playing,
Pamela, I'm very much in it.

A swarm has been
detected five miles out.

Lockdown has been instituted

by order of Governor
Pamela Milton.

Return to your
homes immediately.

Kang: Our characters that
are in the Commonwealth

are experiencing their
first-ever lockdown drill.

It's really about our characters

feeling like the net
is closing around them

and what they've got to do
to try to break out of that.


Fan out.

Check every window, doorway,
stairway, and hallway.

This ends here.

I think Lance is used to being
the smartest person in the room.

And I think that he
kind of underestimated

some of our group.

Aah! Oh! Oh!

At this point in the
story, they've just become

a major nuisance for him,
because they will not

just listen to

and he can't have that.

We contain this now! Aah!

Kill him!

It's not often that they
come across a community

that pushes back so hard

against what the
Commonwealth is doing.


I think Negan is eager to help

because he still feels like
he has something to prove.

And he's been trying to show

that he is somebody that
they can rely on and trust.

And he wants to earn
his place with them.

It was really fun to get to

write a car chase into the show.

And you know, the
footage they got

was really, really
cool and fun to see.

I think everybody
did a great job

that's involved in the scenes,

and I hope everybody
enjoyed watching.

When Negan shows up at
that detention center,

we thought it'd be
interesting to see

how Negan handles intake,

knowing what he knows now

about what our people
have been through.

Mercer: You know me?

Yeah, word gets
around the wasteland.

So no.

So his entire goal

is to get Mercer in there
to talk to him directly.

And then he's gonna try
to sweet-talk his way in.

Our characters... they think

that Mercer is an
honest operator

and that he's somebody that
they could perhaps convince

to help them.

Why are you really here?

Ran into some trouble.

We really liked the idea
of something that had

almost like you're
in a spy thriller

and that the vibe is,
you've got to have

a very honest conversation
while being careful,

knowing that people might
be listening nearby.


Who sent you?

I think you know who sent me...


We really had a lot
of fun with this one

and seeing it kind
of come together,

'cause I think Jeffrey and
Michael did an amazing job

playing all the
nuance of that scene.

I think Carol is
definitely shocked

to see Negan show
up at her door.

Carol is wary of Negan.

Like, we've shown that
she was gonna kick him out

and just, like, kind of
walk him off into the woods,

which Negan makes a joke about.

Turns out, you might
have been right.

I probably should have
stayed in the goddamn cabin.

It's a really fun dynamic
for us to play with,

because Carol just
suffers no fools.

And in her mind, Negan is
still a little bit shady.

So there's definitely
always gonna be

a little bit of tension
between those two.

But at the same
time, they realize

that they have a bigger problem

that they've got to
work on together.

I mean, this doesn't seem
like the kind of place

that you can just stroll out
the front gate hand-in-hand.

That's why me and you are gonna
go try to get some insurance.

We've well established that
Negan does respect people

who are strong and
smart and have purpose.

Now, this one here...

Well, she's a goddamn magician.

So if, for whatever reason,

she is throwing you a life raft,

well, then I recommend
you jump in that sucker

and save yourself from drowning.

I don't think he
has a lot of use

for people like Sebastian,

who just are kind of
drifting through life

and relying on
everyone around them

to prop them up.

I definitely think
he sees somebody

that has, like, just
drifted off of others

for way too long.

Hey, Junior, when you
are pissing in jars

and everybody wants you dead,

call me nuts but I think

maybe it's time to
rethink your options.

One of the relationships

that we've really enjoyed
building a bit this season

has been between
Rosita and Mercer.

These are two people

that are really, really
good at what they do.

And I think that Mercer
really is somebody

that can identify
that in somebody,

and so he looks at
Rosita as somebody

that he can trust
and that he respects.

If the time comes
when you decide to go,

and you need help getting out,

I got you.

Trooper: This is
Delta! Echo is down!


And I think Rosita,
for her part,

she respects people
that are the same way.

You know, she can see
that Mercer works hard,

is good at what he does,

cares about the people
that work for him,

even though she does
not entirely think

that the system is a great one.

In this job, I need
people like you...

People I can trust.

If you need my help out
here, I'm your girl.

But you want my help back
there, it's not for me.

My daughter and my family
will always come first.

There's sort of a line

for how far she's gonna
go for the Commonwealth.

When Daryl and Maggie are
on a mission together,

they're really great as a team.

They have such a
long relationship,

and both of them
are really tough,

they are leaders
in their own right.

But I think that
Daryl really feels

like he still owes
this debt to Maggie

because of what
happened to Glenn.

He blames himself still.

Glenn would have wanted
me to look out for you.

You don't have to ever
say "sorry"... not to me.

So much of the world is
so broken at this point,

our characters...
They don't have

a lot of trust in the
Commonwealth in general,

but especially
not at this point.

Hope is running low.

And the longer we're out
here having these debates,

the more our families
back home are at risk.

Our people are out here, too.

We need to find
Hornsby and kill him

before he gets to anybody.

They are so outgunned,

there's no safety if they really

get in the crosshairs
of the Miltons.

Trooper: Drop your weapon!

Guns on the ground.

Guns on the ground!

Down! Now!

Weapons down!