The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017): Season 4, Episode 13 - Into the Wild - full transcript

Shane (DAVID ALPAY) leads an expedition to a desolate island, where he believes the secret of the cure lies hidden. Rebekah (CLAIRE HOLT) and Elena continue their bitter rivalry.

I'm a new vampire, and there
have been complications.

I know that I'm
sired to you, damon.

You know what would
make me happy?

That what you
actually felt for me
was real.

Elena, voice-over:
But there's hope now.

Woman: Jeremy's tattoo
leads to a cure.

Elena, voice-over:
If you kill klaus's brother kol,

Their entire sire line
will die with them.

I was gonna make him
suffer on my terms!

Man: Unlikely alliances
have formed.

Finding the cure could
come at a price.

Silas is the world's
first immortal being

Who just happens
to be imprisoned
with the cure.

Man: We'll be fine when
we have everything we need.

Here we go.


We made it.

They couldn't have hidden
this cure in hawaii?

Where the hell
did you take us?

200 miles off the
nova scotia mainland.

If you recall, the whole
point was to hide
the cure

On the world's
most obscure,
desolate island.

Oh, yeah?
I thought
the whole point

Was that no one
found silas,

The oldest, deadliest
freak in the world.

Yeah, that too.


Is that a joke?

You're right.

You're perfectly
capable of tying
a knot.

Your giving elena
the evil eye--
it's not really helping.

Tried to get you
to put a dagger
in my back.

She's lucky all she's
getting is the evil eye.

You know I can
hear you, right?

You know I don't
care, right?


Go ahead.
Try and kill me.

But then you'd have
to face your real problems--

Like the fact that
stefan invited me
here himself.

I guess he likes
me again.

[unzips coat]

Looks like
someone forgot

Her team-building

I'm not apologizing
for not wanting
her here.

You know, stefan
just brought her here

To make it seem like
he's moving on.

He wants you to think
that he's over you

And he wants me to think

That I can't get
under her skin.

You know, you're right.

I'll only have to
tolerate her for a few
more days

And then we'll find
the cure and I'll

Never have to deal
with her again.

Human rebekah.

Can't imagine her
without fangs.

You know...

You've never talked about

What you'll do
with the cure

Once we find it.

Will you take it?

I don't like
to speculate.


Sorry. If there was
a less awkward

Way to do this,
I would.

Doesn't bother me.

These symbols must
have been left
for the hunters

So they could
find silas,

And this must be
the story of
qetsiyah and silas.

According to shane,
silas asked qetsiyah

For help making a spell
for immortality.

She helped make him
immortal, only to learn

He planned to use
the same spell on

Another woman, not her

When she found out,
she freaked.

So, qetsiyah killed
the other woman?

Yeah. Silas
was immortal.

She couldn't kill him.

So, she trapped him
in a cave

And buried him
alive instead.

Does it say anything
about the hunter's
purpose in all this?

Shane: I was wondering
when you'd ask.

Qetsiyah created
a cure for immortality

And then she
buried it with silas,

Hoping that he'd
take it and die.

End up on the other
side with her

But he wouldn't
give her the satisfaction.

So, many centuries
later, her descendants

Created the hunters
to find him, cure him,
and kill him.

You know what?
I'll explain on the hike.

Come on.
We gotta get going.

[door opens and closes]

Morning, sunshine.

Only until bonnie's spell
locking me in here wears off.

Then I'll look different.

Angrier, perhaps.

Or, I won't look
like anything,

Because I'll have
gouged your eyeballs
from their sockets.

My friends will be
back with the cure
by then.

So, I could shove it
down your throat

And make you mortal.

I'm an original.

What makes you think
my entire vampire bloodline

Won't be cured
along with me?

I.E., you.

You know what I think?

I think
that's impossible.

I think the moment
you stop being a vampire,

Our whole blood connection
to you is broken,

And your sire-line
ceases to exist.

So, whatever
happens to you,

Happens only to you,

Which means I can
kill your ass

And no one else
has to die.

Although I am
still debating
just how to do it.

There's nothing quite
like the feeling of

Someone fighting for
something as basic as
human breath.

And let me tell you,
your mother
was a fighter.


Satellite phone
lost its signal.

Damon: That's a good sign.

Is anyone else
a little creeped out?

So, then leave.
Out of everyone,

Your presence is
the least necessary.

Please don't start.

I'm merely stating
the facts.

Jeremy has the spell
on his body.

Bonnie's the witch
that unseals the cure.

Shane is
the human compass.

You and I have
the tombstone,

Which does
god knows what.

And elena has no point.

What about me?

You have a nice behind.

Shane: Centuries after
qetsiyah died,

There were these miners
who were excavating

A well on the island.

Bled themselves dry.
No apparent reason.

So, the legend spread
that these miners,

In exchange for
a drop of their blood,

Saw visions of their
lost loved ones

In the well
they were digging.

The word traveled
and explorers

Sought out the well

To see if
the legend was true.

So, the well
was magic?

Yeah. Some people
believe the voices
of lost souls

Were just a wind
vortex whipping
through caves.

And visions were caused
by inhaling the island's

Poisonous plant life.

And what do
you believe?

I believe in magic.

My wife and my son

Died within months
of each other.

And so...I decided
to try the well out
for myself.

I offered up my blood
and waited.

Hello? Hello?

Woman, whispering:

Caitlin. Caitlin?

[indistinct whispering]




Hello, atty.


Shane: I saw my wife.

I saw her eyes.

Her smile.

My blood let me
see her again.

Yeah, got it.

Don't eat the
poisonous flowers.

Wait. Stop.
Stop! Stop.

Is everybody
paying attention?

Our first lesson
in survival.

Stay together.
Keep your eyes open.

Jeremy: I want
a water.

Here. Take mine.

Magic well?

I don't know.
I mean...

We've all lost someone.

The chance to maybe
see them again?

I kinda get it.

[branch snaps]

Elena: Jeremy!


What the hell
just happened?

Jeremy: Somebody
just saved my life.

What is this place?

Shane: According to
island lore,

A group of college kids
came here for spring break.

A few weeks later,
they were all found dead,

Completely drained
of blood.

Well, tragic for them,
brilliant for us.

Who sleeps where?

Well, that's lovely.

There's a mystery man
with a hatchet

Lurking in the woods

And we're just
gonna camp?

Shane: We're safer here
than we are

Hiking in the dark.

Let's just keep going.
You know?

Get the cure.
Get in, get out.
Where is it?

How stupid do you
think I am?

Stupid enough to raise
an immortal witch,

So I'd say...Incredibly.

Yeah, I'm shocked you
even want the cure,

Considering you've got
the most to lose

Once elena's human.

Shane doesn't know what
he's talking about.

We'll find out

Do you really think I'm
gonna take this cure,

Break the sire bond,
and fall out of love
with you?

No. I'm saying
we don't know.

And if we find it
tomorrow, we will.

This cure is gonna
change so many things.

Jeremy's not gonna want
to kill me anymore.

We're finally gonna
get rid of klaus.

Bonnie's mom isn't
gonna be a vampire.

And anyone who wants
to take this cure

Is gonna have
that option.

Caroline, stefan,
and you.

If you want it.

I get it.
Everything changes tomorrow.

It'll be all
unicorns and rainbows.

No, not everything.
That's what I'm saying.

Damon, not my feelings
for you.


You're still here?
What are you doing?


Hello, caroline.

Come home.

Don't stoop
to his level.

He destroyed
my life.

I plan on
being present

For every second
of his misery

Until I can
kill him myself.

Fine. You can gloat
and multitask.

This place
is a disaster.

Starting with
a horrific burnt corpse.

Tyler's mother is dead.
So is my brother.

We're even.

Call bonnie

And get her to let me
out of here.

I will never, ever,
help you.

How quickly you
forget the part

Where I saved tyler
from the misery

Of being a werewolf.

Or the night your mother
invited me into her home

To save the life of her
precious daughter.

How delusional
are you?

You killed his mother.

And let's not forget
that we're standing
in a house

Where elena's aunt jenna
used to live.

Would make us forget
how you killed her, too?

You know what? No.
I am not going to
engage in this.

You are not even worth
the calories I burn
talking to you.




Now, that was definitely
worth the calories.

Well, 7 of us and no one
thought to bring s'mores.

What are you doing
with that?

We're a day away from
finding the cure.

Not letting it
out of my sight.

[animal howls]

Do you hear that?

I swear this place
is haunted.

crushing my arm.

Ok. You got me.
I'm a scaredy cat.

You do realize you're an
original vampire, right?

Which is precisely why
you should stop teasing me.

I'm very powerful.

What are you gonna do
when elena becomes human

And comes running back
to you?

You said that
you'd take the cure
to be with her.

You'd have children
and grow old.

Is it still true?

Why do you want
to take it?

Aren't you
the perfect vampire?

Isn't it obvious?

It's all an act, stefan.

Being a vampire
is miserable.

I would give anything
to be human.


If I take the cure...
It wouldn't be for her.

It'd be for me.

I've been staring
at pictures of
jeremy's tattoo

And there's no spell.

Expression doesn't
require a written spell.

Just think of it
as a way of

Accessing magic that
already exists inside you.

You just have to
want it bad enough.

And I'm just supposed
to trust you?

Bonnie, listen,
I taught you expression

So that you could
access the cure.

I'll be right there
with you the whole time.

You didn't answer
the trust part.

All right.
Let me put it this way.

You need me to help
you through it, bonnie.

And as you've demonstrated,
expression can get messy.

Believe me when I say I've
seen it get a lot worse.

How much worse?

When we lost our son
in the car accident,

My wife kind of lost it.

She tried to resurrect
his body using magic.

Your wife was a witch?

She was
a powerful witch.

And incredibly

And you never thought
to tell me?

I just didn't want
to scare you.

To bring our son back
using expression,

And it overwhelmed her,
and she died.

You taught me the same
magic that killed your wife?

Yeah, but look,
the upside is,

I've learned the warning
signs, all right?

I can keep expression
from consuming you.

Downside is, you turned
her into a bomb

That only you
can dismantle.

Don't you think I know
how this ends?

I came here
to raise silas

So that he could
bring back the dead,

But you're never gonna
let that happen.

The second I point
to a cure, you're
gonna kill me.

Now bonnie has to
keep me alive

So that I can
keep her alive.


Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.

Oh, my god...
Hey. Hey.

Look at me.
Look at me.

I can fix this.

How? The only thing

That can heal me
is his blood.

Oh, my god...
Tyler: I know.

I'll fix it.

She'll die if you
don't heal her.


Beg me to save
her life.

This is what
you want?

To remind me that
I'm powerless
against you?

Fine. You win.
I'm nothing.

Now, save her.

I'm sorry, mate.
I didn't quite
catch that.



Please save her life.

See, now I think
you're just

Telling me what
I want to hear.

I mean, you did call
me pathetic earlier.

And wouldn't it be
more pathetic of me
to help now,

Knowing that hours
ago, you announced

Your plan to kill me
in a manner in which

You're still
debating because

You want it to have
a certain amount
of flair?

I'm just asking.

I'll be your
slave again.

I'll do whatever
you want.

Just help her.


Get me out of here.

I can't even
look at him.

Come on.

Elena: Jeremy!

Did you find

He's not on the trail.

His gear's
still here.

Stefan: He's not
at the quarry,

Split up.

I'm gonna stay and try
a locator spell.

Ok. I'll stay here.

I'll make sure
she's safe.

I'll stay here
and make sure
you're not lying.

Fine. We'll keep
searching the island.


Thought it didn't work.

Yeah. I'm just--
just checking the signal.

So you can call someone?

This place has a habit
of getting to you,
doesn't it?

See for yourself.

I'm done trusting you.

Where's the cure?

You know that
magical well I was
telling you about?

Silas and the cure
are buried deep
below it.

So, you've seen it?


But you could say
I heard it from
a reliable source.


How is this happening?

You're bleeding.

Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.

No. It's good.
It's ok.

It's what's
keeping me here.

If a single drop of blood
can give you a vision,

Could you imagine what
two liters could do?

What does your dead wife
have to do with a cure?

She got nothing to do
with a cure,

But she has everything
to do with silas.

I'm so sorry I let
things get out of control.

I should've stopped you.

Sweetheart, it's ok.

You wanted sam back
as much as I did.

What if you had a second
chance to bring us
both back?

I can't, baby.
I'm not a witch.

We have a witch.

His name is silas.

If you set him free,
he'll help those
who have helped him.

Set him free from--
from what?

He's entombed
in the caves below us,

But it's impossible
to get him out

Without a spell.

You need to get
the spell.

Shane, voice-over:
And that's when she explained

Everything that I had to do.

Complete the hunter's
mark to access the spell

And empower
a descendant of qetsiyah
to perform it.

Bonnie bennett's related
to this crazy-ass witch?

Elena: Jeremy!
[voice echoes]

Why don't you
yell louder?

Maybe we haven't
drawn enough attention

I'm sorry, and how
are you helping?

I'm stronger than you
and faster than you

And I'm quite certain

I can charm
the islanders

A lot easier
thank you.

Not disagreeing
on the easy part.

All right, we get it.
You two hate each other.

Can we just
keep going, please?

I tried
being her friend,

But somehow, I ended up
with a dagger in my back

Because I'm the evil one.

Technically, you didn't
achieve evil status

Until you killed me.



Nice catch.
Thank you.

No, actually,
thank you.

This thing
killed me.

I don't care what
happens to you
either way.

But if you're gonna die,
it might as well be epic.

I'm gonna go back
and check on bonnie,

See if she
found anything.

Be careful.

You have the rock,
hunter, bennett witch.

What about the dozens
that died in sacrifice?

Where do they
fit in to all this?

As you can imagine,
that was not an easy
pill to swallow.

The guy who refused
to serve a meat course
at our wedding.

I can't--I can't
orchestrate 3 massacres.

It isn't like that.

You're merely
leading these people

So silas
can bring them
back from the dead.

Why--why should they die
just to be resurrected?

It doesn't make sense.

The spell that
brings me back

Requires a witch
to channel

An extreme amount
of mystical energy.

Energy that doesn't
occur in nature.

Because it
isn't natural.

I'm sorry, cate.

I just--I can't do that
to innocent people.

Can you feel my touch?

How is this possible?

Because you believe
it is possible.

You believe that you
can see me again.

You don't have to
take a single

Human life yourself,

All you have to do
is convince someone

To believe that
it is possible

That they can see
a lost loved one again.

And they'll do it
for you.

Which is how you
manipulated the pastor

To blow up a farmhouse
full of people.

He just wanted to
see his wife again.

We need 3 massacres.

Fire at the young farm.

Holiday hybrid slaughter.

What mass blood-letting
am I forgetting?

You're not.

You're not finished.

Is that why you
brought us all out here

In the middle of nowhere?

Massacre number 3?

It doesn't work
that way, damon.

I think you need
to tell me

Where this magical
well is.

You know I can't
do that.

Oh, I know.

I know.
[slaps shane's shoulder]


It's getting worse.

I'm sorry.

It's my fault.
I'm sorry.

No. You didn't
do any of this.

I unsired the hybrids
and turned them
on klaus.

I should've just
left it alone.

You freed them, tyler.

People put their
faith in you

Because you're
a leader.

Don't forget that.

Then you trust me?

You want to be in
control, klaus? Here.

Now you get to be in
control of her life.

If you want her
to die, fine.

But then you
can sit here

And watch her
die yourself.

Nothing personal, love.

If I kill you,
that means victory for him.

Don't worry.
It won't be long now.

Where's the cure?

I think we both know you'd
rather just torture me.

Torture gives you
a sense of control,

Especially with your
relevance slipping away.

I look at you.
Here you are,

Hours from elena
breaking her
sire bond.

Start to freak out
a little bit.

Listen, you want
my advice?
Leave. Go.

Don't put yourself
through this.

Fine. Ok.

Let's say her
feelings for you
are real.

How does that end?
She's human.
You're a vampire.

Mm. It's doomed,

See, you're not
torturing me, man.

You're torturing
by helping them

Find the cure.

I could kill you.

Then no one
would find it.

We've established that
you can't kill me

Without sending bonnie
off the deep end.

You can leave
the island.

Have a modicum
of self-respect.

Don't stay here
and watch elena
walk away from you.

Right. Because
if I'm not here,

Then I can't get
in between you

And whatever you're
planning with silas.

I'm not that easily
manipulated, professor.

And there is one flaw
in your logic.

I don't give a crap
about bonnie bennett.


What is wrong
with you?

What did you say
to him?

Your boyfriend's
a maniac, elena.

Stop messing
with my friends.

Shane is the only thing
that's keeping
bonnie safe,

And you try to kill him?

And you wonder why
bonnie hates you.

I don't wonder, elena,
because I don't care.

I don't care
about her.

I don't care about
some lame-ass

Cure for vampires, either.

How can you say that
right now?

Because I don't
want you to be cured.

I'm not fighting with
you about this anymore.

Being human isn't gonna
change my feelings
for you.

Fine. Say
they're real.

Say you've become
human and you still
love me.

Then what?

You grow old.
You die.

I stay a vampire.

Face reality, elena.
We don't work.

So, things aren't easy

And you're just gonna
push me away now?

That's what
you do, damon.

You think that
you don't--

You don't
deserve something,

So you ruin it.

I'm not gonna let you
pull that this time.

Take the cure with me.

That's how much I know
this is real.

That's how certain
I am that

I'm going to love you

Even after this is
all over.

Take the cure.

Be human with me.

We can be together.
Grow old together.

This doesn't have
to be hard anymore.

That's not me, elena.
That's stefan.

I used to miss
being human.

Now I can't think
of anything more
miserable on earth.

Stefan: Haven't we
been through here before?

Rebekah: It all looks
the same to me.

Thanks. But that
wouldn't have
killed me.

Sorry. Force of habit.

Elena could be
lurking somewhere
in the woods.

Do you mean
what you said?

About a cease-fire?

Why do you all assume
that I hate elena so much?

Well, I mean, you did
run her off a bridge.

You all seem to forget
that elena's death

Was the only way
to save my family.

I did the same thing
that every one of you

Would've done to protect
the people that you love.

And before you cast me
as the bad guy,

Maybe you should remember
that elena's helped to kill

Not one but two
of my brothers.

Maybe we're not
as different as everyone's

Making us out to be.

Jeremy's not here.
I'm going back.


Where is everyone?

What are you
talking about?

Bonnie is not here
and shane's stuff
is all gone.

Oh, my god.

The tombstone's gone.

[caroline breathing weakly]

If you don't feed me
your blood, I'll die.

Then you'll die,

And tyler will have
learned his lesson

The hard way.

How could you
do this to him?

To his mom?
To me?

I'm a thousand
years old.
Call it boredom.

I don't believe you.

Fine. Then maybe
it's because

I'm pure evil,

And I can't
help myself.

No. It's because
you were hurt.

Which means
that there is
a part of you

That is human.

How could you possibly
think that?

Because I've seen it.

Because...I've caught
myself wishing

That I could forget
all the horrible

Things that you've done.

But you can't.
Can you?

I know that you're
in love with me.

And anybody capable
of love

Is capable
of being saved.

You're hallucinating.

I guess I'll never know.

[breathing weakly]


[breathing weakly]




[breathing heavily]

What are you doing
in my tent?

Where's the tombstone?

What have you done
with it?

What are you
talking about?

Like it's not
bloody obvious?

All you people ever do
is betray me

And here you go again.

Let her go.
She didn't take it.

Was any of this real?

Was it just a ploy
to distract me

While shane ran off
with the tombstone?

You think
I would do that?

You think I would
let some psychopath

Run off with the cure?

Every single moment
of my last 146 years

Has been ruled by the pain
of being a vampire.

And this cure ends that.

It ends the guilt
and it ends the suffering.

And you really think
I would jeopardize that?

Fine. You didn't
take it.

But that doesn't
mean I trust her.

I didn't take it,
but here.

Consider this
a peace offering.

Don't you get it, elena?

There is no peace.

We're all screwed.

Exactly, rebekah.
We're screwed.

Bonnie's gone.

Shane's got
the tombstone.

Jeremy's missing

Who knows if damon's
coming back.

So, us 3 right here,

This is all
we've got.

So, we're either
in this together...

Or it's over.

For all of us.


Was a bit of a
scare yesterday.

Thanks for fending
off his attacker.

Jeremy was attacked
by an islander.

I assumed you were
his hatchet-flinging
guardian angel.

That wasn't me.

Then I guess there's
somebody else
on this island

Who's desperate
to keep our
hunter alive.

Bonnie: How did
I get here?

What the hell's
going on?

I see your locator
spell worked.

The path behind me--

Magically disappeared?

You can thank
the talents of massak.

He's a witch.

Should you try to
escape, he'll ensure

That you never
find your way back.

So, the gang's all here.
Silas awaits.

Uhh! Ohh.

You're kidding me.


You're one of the five.
