The Spy (2019): Season 1, Episode 5 - Fish Gotta Swim - full transcript

After a bloody coup, Eli insinuates himself closer to the center of Syrian power. But the emotional demands of the job take a severe toll.

♪ Dream ♪

♪ Dream, dream, dream ♪

♪ Dream ♪

♪ Dream, dream, dream ♪

♪ When I want you ♪

♪ In my arms ♪

♪ When I want you ♪

♪ And all your charms ♪

♪ Whenever I want you ♪

♪ All I have to do ♪

♪ Is dream ♪

♪ Dream, dream, dream ♪

♪ When I feel blue ♪

♪ In the night ♪

♪ And I need you ♪

♪ To hold me tight ♪

♪ Whenever I want you ♪

♪ All I have to do ♪

♪ Is dream ♪

♪ I can make you mine ♪

♪ Taste your lips of wine ♪

♪ Any time, night or day ♪

♪ Only trouble is ♪

♪ Gee whiz ♪

♪ I'm dreamin' my life away ♪

♪ I need you so ♪

♪ That I could die ♪

♪ I love you so ♪

♪ And that is why ♪

General Ad-Din.


♪ All I have to do ♪

♪ Is dream ♪
Come in. Enjoy.

- ♪ Dream, dream, dream ♪
- Lots to see here.

- ♪ Dream ♪
- I think we'll have a lovely time.

I really do.

- ♪ I can make you mine ♪
- Uncle.

♪ Taste your lips of wine ♪

♪ Any time, night or day ♪

♪ Only trouble is ♪

♪ Gee whiz ♪

♪ I'm dreamin' my life away ♪

♪ I need you so ♪

♪ That I could die ♪

♪ I love you so ♪

Colonel, we're not...

♪ Non son degno di te ♪

♪ Non ti merito più ♪

♪ Ma al mondo non esiste nessuno ♪

No, no. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't.

♪ Che non ha sbagliato una volta ♪

♪ E va bene così ♪

♪ Me ne vado da te ♪

♪ Ma quando la sera tu resterai sola ♪

♪ Ricorda qualcuno che amava te ♪

♪ Sui monti di pietra
Può nascere un fiore ♪

♪ In me questa sera ♪

♪ È nato l'amore per te ♪

♪ E va bene così ♪

♪ Me ne vado da te ♪

♪ Ma al mondo no non esiste nessuno ♪

♪ Che non ha sbagliato una volta ♪

♪ Amor! ♪

♪ Ma al mondo no non esiste nessuno ♪

♪ Che non ha sbagliato una volta ♪

♪ Amor! ♪

President Al-Kudsi.

I'm ready to accept your resignation.


Sir, your parties are always incredible.

Ah, thank you, my friend.

Till next week. Goodbye.

Thank you.


♪ Ma quando la sera tu resterai sola ♪

♪ Ricorda qualcuno che amava te ♪

♪ Amore ♪

♪ Amor ♪

♪ Amor ♪



This is George Seif, Radio Damascus.

Tonight, in a peaceful
transition of power...

now former President Al-Kudsi

has handed full control of the government.

Tonight marks a glorious new beginning
for all of Syria.

...nuclear weapons...


- I have news, habibi.
- Good or bad?

I don't know.

Hafez asked me to be
Minister of Information.

- So, what happened to the last one?
- Exactly.

They're going through ministers
faster than Hatoum goes through whores.

Suidani's becoming more and more paranoid.

Speaking of...

Ah, shit.

They arrested
the Deputy Minister of Defense last night.

Suidani thinks he sold information.

- To whom?
- It doesn't matter.

To the Americans and the Saudis,
who knows if it's even true?

They threw him in Mezze prison now.

So you're gonna get his job too?

No, Hafez Al-Assad would want
that position, you know?

He’s sick of running the Air Force.




Who is that?

It's, ah... I don't know.

Probably the next Minister of Information,

Today marks the 18th anniversary

of Syria's independence from foreign rule.

The 18th anniversary

of the creation
of the greatest nation state

the Arab world has ever known.

Under the lead of our president,

Amin Al-Hafez, hafidallah,

Syria will continue to grow.

Not only among Arabic states,

but among all the countries of the world.

Independence has not been easy.

Many have feared
what a strong Syria could accomplish,

and so they have attempted
to drive us apart.

But no longer.

On this day of independence,

we acknowledge the struggles
of the past...

- I'll be right back.
- ...but we also look forward to a bright,

united, and glorious future

for all Syrians under the Ba'ath party.

Thank you.

His name is Mohammed Bin Laden.

He's a construction giant
from Saudi Arabia.

What's he doing in Syria?

We don't know.

We also don't know
how long he's been there.

Bin Laden's been involved in some of
the biggest construction efforts

in the Middle East,

including the reconstruction
of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

If he's working on something in Syria,

something no one knows about,

something the Syrians don't even trust
their own people with...

maybe it's...


So tonight, send a message to 88
to follow the lead,

but he's not to make contact,
no matter what.

He should find out what
Bin Laden's working on, but that's all.

You used to be able to keep up.

Just be happy it's not yours.

Congratulations to me.

You tell him to stick to eight a.m.
and eight p.m. transmissions.

Nothing more.


- Hey, sorry I'm late.
- Don't worry about it.

- Traffic.
- Yeah.

- Have fun.
- Thank you.

The diagonal lines mean that it's
a top-secret document, you know.

Of course I know.
Those are the interesting ones.

Mohammed Bin Laden.

The construction billionaire?

I saw him talking to the president
the other day.

What brings him to town?

Kamel, habibi,
it's not like they tell me everything.

Don't lie, my friend. I know when
you're not telling me the truth.

It's like listening to you
on the radio all over again.

Why so discreet?

Why the sudden interest?

'Cause I don't trust people
who are richer than me,

and I don't trust
a Minister of Information

who claims to have no information.

There are secrets,
and then there are secrets.

The ones that might get you murdered
are the ones that I'm discreet about.

By the way,

do you mind if I use
your beautiful apartment this weekend?


Who now?

Rita, you can take the cups.


You are a dog.

I know.


I'll see you later, yes?

- Shukran, habibi.
- Shukran illa.

What do you think?

It's almost as beautiful as you are.

Is it better than the blue one?

They're both amazing. Let's get them both.

Thank you, Kamel.

Thank you so much.

- I'm really excited about tonight.
- As am I.

But if we don't hurry,
there's not gonna be a tonight. Come on.

I'll take both dresses.

That's a good choice, especially for me.

- Ow!
- What?



I'd like to kill this machine,

- before it kills me.
- Show me.

Show me.

I can give you a good price for that.

Can you ship it?

If you pay enough,
I can ship it to the moon.

- That's wonderful, thank you.
- You're welcome.

Oh, the smell of
Zeinab's cooking is killing me.

Ah! I'm famished!

You won't be when I'm done with you,
I promise.

The girls have been cleaning fish
all day long.


Well, yes. Quite a handful.

General Ad-Din tried to kill himself.

- What?
- Tried to hang himself.

Couldn't take the torture.

This isn't appropriate conversation.

It is not public knowledge.

I can't believe anyone trusted you
with the Information Ministry.


They entrusted
our nation's greatest secret

to a bigger gossip than my wife.

We're among friends, Michel.
Calm down, come on.

You seem upset, Kamel.

Is it because you used to know his nephew?

No, it's not that at all.

It's because of the people.

They don't understand our purpose.

I speak to them on the street, you know,

those who were my friends,
my business partners, vendors.

They think this is just another shift
in the balance of power.

They don't know Al-Hafez like I do.

He cares about Syria,

about our children,

about making this a proud,

independent Arab nation again.

They're afraid of change,
but there's no progress without change.

- Hm.
- What they do not realize

is that the Ba'ath is the future,

and that the president

is actually saving Syria.


I apologize, I would never have been
so bitter if I knew you were there.

No, no, no, no, no.

I very much enjoyed listening
to your impassioned speech.

It's rare that one gets to hear
what is said behind his back

and even more rare when what is said

is good.

Thank you.


I'm going to steal him for a bit, okay?


I hope you know I meant every word.

The Ba'ath has become like a home to me.

I'm so happy.

This is as personal to you as it is to me.

Can I ask you to do something for me,


After dinner,

go to the terrace.


Enjoying the view?


Mohammed Bin Laden.


- Kamel Amin Tha...
- I know. I know.

Al-Hafez tells me you have
a big import-export business.

Well, it's adequate.

Mainly furniture and textiles.

And these shipments of furniture,

what European ports do you use?

A variety.

Gent, Narvik, Marseille, Split.

We need to get something into the country.

A few things, actually.

We've been having a hard time
doing it discreetly, you know.

These are things we don't want
other governments to know about.

So if we use the regular channels,

no doubt the information will leak out.

So what exactly are we talking about?

Nothing that would get you into trouble.

Not arms or anything of the sort,
I can assure you of that.

Just a few... pieces of machinery
that I'm missing.

Missing from what?

I do not even know what line of business
you are in.

We'll just say, um...
agro project, Yugoslavia.

Osama, I told you to stay inside.

Go to the kitchen, I'll be back soon.

Yalla. Yalla.

Now, in terms of the boat schedule,
what would be...

Uh, hold on.

You are asking me to risk my business.

I deserve to know
what you would use it for.

I apologize,
but that's not how this will work.

I will tell Al-Hafez this isn't for you.

We'll find someone else.

W... Wait.

Why is he transmitting
outside of his regular schedule?

He has something against us sleeping.

I can get to Split
in a couple of days.

And how do you make sure
that they don't findthe tracking device?

It's very small.

And even if they do,
it can't be tracked back to us.

It's made by the Soviets.

Okay, then. Let's do it.

Jacob, and when it's done,

when the shipment reaches
its destination,

we bring him in for a debrief.

We schedule him a business trip.

He hasn't been home in a very long time.

Every agent needs to come up for air,

or they drown.



So, when you get to Split,
how will you get into the warehouse?

I don't know if I've ever seen you
so busy.

The business must be going well.

It is.

It's been overwhelming.

I apologize.


I'm glad that we could finally find
the time to be together.

Mm. Me, too.

- My father...
- Mm-hmm.

- He's been asking about you.
- Oh?

He's been asking if and when
are you planning on proposing?

I told him, of course,
that it wasn't my place to say.

That I didn't know your mind
or your heart.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up.

I ruined the dinner.



You're just going to ignore that I'm here?


Just wait inside.

What are you doing here, Ma'azi?

It's not safe for you to be seen here.

- You should go...
- You worried about me?

Do you want to get yourself killed?
Is that it?

These people are dangerous.

Your new friends, you mean?

Get your fucking hands off me!

Stop following me around.

Did you know they were going to arrest
my uncle at your party?

My uncle treated you with kindness.

So did I.

I went above and beyond for you.

I thought you were my friend.

I am your friend, I am.

Did you know?

What did he want?

He seemed very upset.

Nothing, it's fine. Let's go upstairs.


Go home.

Tell your father it's off.

What's off?

Me and you.

It's over.


Go home.

Just go home.


would you go and check the mailbox?

Okay, Mommy.

Mommy, I got a letter from Daddy!

Guys, come on, the game is starting.

- So sorry I have to leave.
- Don't worry about it.

I'm just glad I can help.

The Egyptian desk gets boring.

Well, he should be transmitting
at eight p.m. sharp.

Got it, don't worry.

Same protocols as our desk.

Except this is 88.


Ah, come on.



- Yes!
- Yes!

Every time.

What do you mean...

"every time"?

These... interferences
you are talking about,

how often do they take place?

I don't know.

Every morning, every night.

At what time?

Hey, what's the code "singer" mean?

We don't use it on the Egyptian desk.

Just hand it in.
They'll deal with it upstairs.


Were you expecting something else?

To be frank, yes.

What is this?

Agricultural equipment?

You're using my shipping service
to become a farmer, Bin Laden?


You've done a great service.

But from here, I will take care of it.



What did you say?

I've heard the name whispered, the rumors.

I've proved that I can be of service.

Take me there.

Show it to me. I can help.

I'm sure I don't know
what you're talking about.

Shtuglun, yalla.

Yes, yes, I'm sure he's not home.

He gave me the key
and I called him before.

Aaah! Here you go.

Give me one kiss.

Stop it! Not here.


Pumping station?

Mr. Thaabeth.

I was looking for George.

We have dinner plans.

Come with us.



the source of life.

No creature, no matter how primitive,
can survive without it.

No civilization can thrive without it.

That is why mankind has always fought
over sources of water.

For years,

we've been playing a deadly game
with our neighbors.

They steal the water they claim is theirs.

We, uh, damage their main pipes,
blow them up,

but they fix them and life goes on.

It's a stupid cycle.

Lake Tiberias may be in Israel,

but the two rivers that feed it are not.

The Banias and the Hasbani.

Without those rivers...

As they say,


Why are you telling me this?

Prime Minister Eshkol,

it is an honor to meet you.

Agent 88.

We don't have much time.


tell us exactly what he said.

I have been thinking a lot
about what you said

at the dinner a few weeks ago,

about feeling like a part of us.

I feel the same.

All this whispering behind my back,

scheming, conspiring...

I can't sleep at night.

I'm going to ask you a question,

and I want you to answer me honestly.

Of course.


Suidani is convinced
that there is a spy working against us.

He thinks it explains
many of our failed operations.

I got rid of my Deputy Minister of Defense
because Suidani didn't trust him.

I'm telling you all this because
you've become a part of the family.

I would like you to be our new
Deputy Minister of Defense.

So what will be my answer?

Hey, sorry I'm late.

Hey, Maurice. Sit.

- The food is still hot.
- Hey, everyone.

Thank you.

- Hey.
- What?

Did you wash your hands?



Okay. Okay!