The Spectacular Spider-Man (2008–2009): Season 2, Episode 10 - Gangland - full transcript

On Valentine's day, the youth has gathered for a glamorous dinner in LC's dad's restaurant. The New York crime high life gathers in the Metropolitan Opera. It's unclear who invited the others, but achieves his (Hammerhead's) plan: they start fighting each-other. Peter must leave the table fun of kicking Flash each time he puts his jock foot in his dumb mouth, to 'cover breaking news', an excuse Jonah craves just to leave. As Spiderman, Pete tries to stop the fighting fiends from demolishing the Met.

This is the Big Man's turf.

It was Silvermane's first,
and he's taking it back.

I just wanted flowers for my date
with Liz tonight.

It's like the bad guys know
when I'm in a hurry.

City's a powder keg
with Tombstone, Silvermane...

...and even Doc Ock,
each vying to turn New York...

...into his own personal
criminal empire.

Liz's flowers.
Maybe Tombie would write me a note.

- Hey, Harr.
- Whoa, Pete, ninja much?

Sorry. Where's Gwen?

M.J. insisted on bringing her.

Gentlemen, may I present,
Gwen Stacy.


Wow, babe, you look great.

Gwen, you look like an angel.

Thanks, Peter. That was sweet.

Michael, don't run.

But, Joan, honeybunch, darling, it's not
too late to catch the Knicks. Why--?

Because it's Valentine's Day
and you're giving me romantic or else.

What's so romantic
about yodelling yokels?

- What's that, dear?
- Nothing, sweetums.

Dr. Octopus, I presume.


But where is our third party?

Silvio Manfredi has arrived.

We can begin.

See, boss, it's good you brung me.

You need me watching your back.

Just don't give me or my back
cause to regret your inclusion.

To the Valentine's Day Massa--

Wow, everything looks great.

And it's free.
Helps to be the owner's daughter.

Wow, what a surprise.

Romantic minds think alike, eh?

Why don't all us homeys sit together?

You expect us to sit with them?
I don't think--

Please, Sal. Stay.

Fine. Scoot over.

- Excuse me.
- I'm sorry.

- Don't touch me.
- Come on, stop complaining.

- Patch, what are you--?
- I needed the scratch.


But stay inconspicuous.

Sure, sure.

Sir, someone left this for you.

Clumsy me.

Yo, Parker,
help me pick this up, amigo.

Okay, Parker, here's the deal.

Make sure I don't say nothing
to make Sha Shan think I'm stupid.

Dude. Ship. Sailed.

Shut up! She likes smartness.

That and, like, integrity and stuff.

So if I say something dumb,
you kick me or something.

For you, pal, anytime.

- Weren't you picking up the silverware?
- Why? Wanna eat off dirty forks or--?

Look, Big Man, here's the bottom line:

The Manfredi family's ruled New York
for decades.

You are not taking what is mine.

You old-school types
always make things personal.

But a criminal empire
should be run like a business.

Not a business, a science.

You both think so small...

...fighting over scraps like rats.

Given such confidence, doctor...

...I wonder why you bothered
calling this summit.

I didn't Call it.

This relic did.

What's the game here?

You called the summit yourself,

Bet we could settle this easy.

Oh, yeah? How would that go?



Your plan worked, boss. Take them.


Will you stop squirming?

It's this furshlugginer seat.

It's built for hamsters.

Zip it! People are trying to hear!

You and I will have words.

Now we make this personal.

All goes well, them three mooks
take each other out...

...and Hammerhead's the new
Big Man.

Wonder who I got to thank
for them posies.

Come on, come on.

Hello? Robbie.

Yo, Osborn.

Nice remodel on Gwe--

So you two enjoying your un-date?

- Undoubtedly.
- Undoubtedly.

Hello? Robbie?

Look, I'm sorry, but I'm on a--

Wait, who's fighting?

Right. On my Way-

Petey, it's Valentine's Day.

Doesn't the Bugle
have any other photographers?

- Not for this assignment.
- Parker, what are you doing?

Sorry, Flash, you're on your own.

Liz, I'll try to come back soon.

Sorry, Gwen.

- What's that?
- Shush.

Oh, sorry, sorry, picklepuss.

I gotta investigate. Could be news.

We were all betrayed,
by Hammerhead.

Hammerhead is a stooge.

He doesn't blink without orders.

Indeed, your denial lacks sincerity.

I thought I was just making an excuse.

Et tu, Octopus?

What can I say?

An opportunity is an opportunity,

Oh, so that's Silvermane.

Wow, three-way battle
to declare New York's biggest jerk.

Where do I start?

Perhaps with your demise, arachnid.

Hey, picklepuss,
this is heavier than it looks, so--

Move, kids. Can't trust
that blasted web-head to save us.

Oh, real nice.

Oh, man.

Cordon off the area.

Priority one is protecting civilians.

Call me a relic.

- Call Blackie Gaxton.
- Gaxton.

Hey, Blackie.

I just don't get Pete.

What kind of guy abandons his girl
on Valentine's?

That's not fair, Harry. You know
he needs the Bugle to help his aunt.

How are your snails?

When you told me to try the escargot,
I thought you'd escar-went, but--

What was that for?

I don't know, but Parker was doing it.
It looked like fun.

- A romantic rose for your lady?
- I'll take your whole basket.

- Thank you.
- Now, he knows how to treat a lady.

So this is the Spider-Man...

...that's given Tombstone and Octopus
so much trouble.

As yet, I'm unimpressed.

You haven't seen me juggle bowling
balls while drinking a glass of water.

I've gotta start making that stuff

Octopus calling Kraven. Do you read?

They are so not making old folks
like they used to.

Excellent, May. You're fit as a fiddle.

That's what I keep telling Peter.

It's sweet of you to make this
house call so I can give him the word.

Oh, my pleasure.

But, you know, I'm surprised
you're home alone on Valentine's Day.

Oh, well, what would I be doing?

And Peter's hanging with his friends.

You will pay the price for your
constant interference, arachnid.

I'm broke. How about you pay tonight
and I'll owe you one?

My enemies and this Jurassic jerk
are taking each other out.

And I'm trying to stop them, why?

Oh, right. Public safety.

Robbie? Robbie?

Confounded static. Robbie!

This is the cause of our troubles.

We can rule Manhattan together
or divide it at our leisure... soon as we dispose of this pest.

Please tell me the fat lady's
not singing.

Hold him still,
and I'll finish what the both of you--

Stop, fool.

Let go.

Thanks, Tombie.
Just don't expect roses.

Best field trip ever.

Sorry, doctor. Too many witnesses.

L. Thompson Lincoln can't be seen
collaborating with super-villains.

Then L. Thompson Lincoln is weak.

You're all weak.

I'm confused.
Did you wanna fight or dance?

If your knee's bothering you,
we can just talk.

No, we'll dance. We'll dance.

Flash, stop. You don't have to be afraid
to open your mouth around me.

I like you for who you are:

An honest guy
who stands up for what's right.

Then dance with me.

Because honestly,
I can't think of anything I'd rather do.

Come on, sis, dance with us.

And be a third wheel on the most
romantic night of the year?

Romantic? Please.

It's a commercial holiday created by
florists and greeting card companies.

Nothing romantic about it.

Yes. Yes, I will.

Okay, maybe a little romantic.


But I don't need my sight to finish this.

Oh, great. A hood with focus.

That sound. Hydraulic servos
are powering this armor.

No hydraulics, no power.

No. No.

This cannot happen to Silvio Manfredi.

Sable, Sable, do you read me?

Sable to Silvermane.
Daddy, do you copy?

Spill, hamster.
How have you blocked our comm?

Blocked your comm?

Well, wouldn't you like to know?

Don't you turn your back on me.

- My father--
- Daddy's out of the picture, princess.

So be nice.

I know it's not sporting...

...but who am I to balk
at playing the scavenger?

The law of the jungle prevails.

Newsflash, doc.

Not a lot of octopi in the jungle.

Don't go anywhere.

No witnesses down here.

I assume you remember
our last physical encounter.


But I told you then,
I don't look the other way.

Captain George Stacy,
meet L. Thompson Lincoln...

...alias Tombstone...

...alias the Big Man of crime.

Mr. Lincoln, you're under arrest.

Confound it, Stacy.

I'll give you six seconds to arrest
Spider-Man for assaulting this citizen.

Everyone saw Lincoln save
that ungrateful web-head's life.

Boss. J.J.

What? What?

Never mind.

Jonah Jameson, you abandoned me.

Joan, if I'm not elsewhere
in 0.2 seconds, I'm stroking out!

You're fired.

Expect your severance package soon.


This can't be what you had planned
for Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day.

- You're not seeing her.
- Look, Mark.

I didn't wanna go, but I need that job.

You think this is about your job?
Liz gets the job.

- Then what--?
- Two words: Gwen Stacy.

Liz saw how you looked at her,
how you apologized to her for leaving.

My sister's not gonna be your
second choice. She's too good for that.

She's too good for you.

Something wrong, son?

Did you see the paper?

Tombstone made bail.

Lincoln may be free,
but the world knows he's the Big Man.

Sixteen government agencies
now have him under surveillance.

His operation is crippled.

We'll get him eventually.

Well, good.

Here's the real problem:

You've created a power vacuum
in the criminal universe.

And nature abhors a vacuum.

Hammerhead never showed
this kind of initiative.

I should have known
you were behind this.

Guilty, gum)'-

And, oh, so very guilty...

...of being the new Big Man of crime.