The Six Million Dollar Man (1974–1978): Season 4, Episode 20 - The Privacy of the Mind - full transcript

It looks good at NASA One.

B- 52 >PILOT:

BCS Arm switch is on.

Okay, Victor.

B-52 PILOT: Landing Rocket Arm switch
is on. Here comes the throttle.

Circuit breakers in.

We have separation.

Inboard and outboards are on.

I'm comin' forward with the side stick.

Looks good.

Ah, Roger.

I've got a blowout in damper three.

Get your pitch to zero.

Pitch is out. I can't hold altitude!

B-52 PILOT: Correction. Alpha Hold is oil“.
Threat selector is emergency.

STEVE: Flight Com. I can't hold it!
She's breaking up! She's breaking...

Steve Austin. Astronaut.

A man barely alive.

Gentlemen, we can rebuild him.

We have the technology.

We have the capability
to make the world's first bionic man.

Steve Austin will be that man.

Better than he was before.

Better, stronger, faster.



Here are those computer cards
you asked for, Dr. Berman.

Huh? I'm mean...
I'm sorry?

The cards you asked me to get.

Oh. Yes, yes.

Thank you, Bob.

You never stop working, do you?

What did you say?

I can't believe you're really going to allow
yourself to take a vacation next week.

Oh, it's just for a week...
a little fishing.

The mind needs
an occasional change.

Did you give any thought to that
moonlighting idea we discussed?

Oh? Oh, yes.

Well, I didn't take you seriously.

Oh, I was dead serious!

For a week's work, these people I know
willing to pay you one million dollars.

Well, then you can understand
why I didn't take you seriously.

That's a preposterous amount
of money for one week's work.

Not for the best neurophysicist
in the country.

All right, I'll do it.

Good. I'll make the arrangements.

Good night, Professor.
Good night.

Well, you heard it.

What do you make of it?

Well, we didn't learn
any additional information.

But it does sound serious...
and big.

I know, I told you that.

But what do I do?


Do what the man asks, George.

Sell out.

Professor, how long has this man
Kemps been working for you?

Kemps isn't mine, actually.

He was assigned to me by O.S.I.
a couple of years ago.

He was thoroughly checked out.

There must be enough money here to
tempt even a top-security clearance.

Do you have any idea
who he's working for?


Well, you know, he just
keeps mentioning friends.

He say what they want from you?


I've been involved in the field of pain control
for the last couple of years...

haven't even scratched the surface.

I don't know what they
expect of me in one week.

Well, I've offered to go
along with your plan.

As soon as I find out who...

Too risky.

Anybody who's willing to spend
a million dollars is willing to kill.


What can we do?

That's why I called in Colonel Austin.

He's gonna take your place.

You have no idea
what this project involves.

How can you possibly
expect to carry it off?

Well, we got a couple of days.

You'll have to brief me enough so
that at least I can fake it for a while.

All right, even if you do,
what about Bob Kemps?

He was supposed to go
along with me, you know?

We can arrange for Mr. Kemps
to have a... change of plans.


Berman here.

This is Oscar Goldman speaking,

I've got the report from the
Kemps surveillance team.

All right, Kemps finished lunch at 2:18.

He started with a small salad consisting
of lettuce and one slice of tomato.

I have it.

He had a hard roll
with one ounce of butter.

An eight ounce steak from which
three ounces of fat and gristle...

remained on the plate.

Also three and a half ounces
of whipped potatoes.

No dessert.

Do you want a repeat on that?

That won't be necessary,
thank you.

Listen, Bob, could you check this out
against the DZ-11?

Relax, professor.

In a few days
you'll be a rich man.

It checks out to the
sixth decimal place.

Thank you.

Oh, Bob, these people
I'll be working for...

do you know anything about them?

Please don't worry about it,

They're just businessmen.

They want you to work
on a commercial project.


And the money
will be paid in advance?

Deposited in a bank of your choice
under whatever name you specify.


Fine. We'll make these
arrangements tomorrow.

It's getting late, will you
need me any more today?

No, I think not.

Good, I'll see you in the morning.

Good night.
Good night.


Uh, Colonel Austin,
can you hear me out there?

Yes, Professor, I read you.

All right, now, Kemps just left.

Now he ingested
64% of the drug at 5:22:05.

At his body weight
and with what he ate earlier...

my computations indicate
the drug will take effect at 5:42...

eh... plus or minus two seconds,
you know.



He's leaving the parking lot now, Oscar.

Stay with him, Steve,
we don't want anything to happen to him.

Don't worry.




He's all yours, Oscar.

I don't understand what happened.

One minute I was driving along,
feeling good...

the next thing I knew,
I woke up here.

Well, will your friends
call off our deal?

Of course not.

You don't really need me, any more.

Well, how will I get in touch with them?

Oh, they'll contact you.

Oh, and I've already made arrangements
for the money to be deposited in your bank.

Oh, good.


Well, you'd better get some rest.



You will be careful, won't you?

I don't quite understand.

Is it dangerous?

No, not as long as everybody
keeps their part of the bargain.

Please do that, Professor,
for both our sakes.

Well, I think I got it.

I don't know, Steve.

What you're attempting to learn in two days
normally takes about ten years, you know?

Look, all I want to do is learn enough
to run a bluff for a couple of days.

All right.

The computer has to be
programmed according to this.


You finished already?

I'm a quick learner.

Well, let's run the program.

That's very good, Steve.

Very good.

Dr. Berman?

Professor Breman.

Who are you?

It's all right,
I'm Terry Campbell.

What's all right?
I don't know you.

Who are you?

We're the friends of Bob Kemps
you agreed to work with.

Why the chloroform?

I must apologize, Professor...

but we prefer that this location
remain known only to us.

Well, I would've agreed to a blind-fold,
had the gentlemen asked.

Well, we couldn't afford the risk that
you might have had a change of heart.

Since Kemps met with his accident,
we had to be sure.

Are you up to inspecting your lab?


This way, Professor. This way.

Duplicated my lab.

Must've gone to a lot of trouble
and expense.

We wanted you to feel at home,

Kemps told us exactly what you needed.

You're only with us for a week,
so every step we save you is worth it.

Well, I hope your superiors realize that
my experiment is nowhere near completed.

My superiors?

Well, you keep saying "we".

I presume you have associates.

We're ready.

I'm at a disadvantage.

You know so much more
about me than I know about you.

You take care of your end of the bargain,
Professor, we'll take care of ours.

There's somebody
I'd like you to meet...

a fellow scientist.

Dr. Tamara Batalova,
Dr. George Berman.


Are you familiar
with Dr. Batalova's work?

Yes, to some extent.

I used to admire your work,

Well, I guess you two
are anxious to get started.

Now will you tell us
exactly what you want?

Well, it should be obvious.

You both been approaching the same
problem from opposite directions.

I didn't know that you were working
on pain control also, Doctor.

I'm not.

No, no, what you two
have in common...

it's a project you abandoned
a few years ago, Professor.

Well, which project?
I've abandoned many.

The most promising.

The one you made
the greatest strides in.

Biocybernetic communication!

Well, of course I abandoned it,
it led nowhere.

It was a dead end.

Not really, Doctor.

You gave up too soon.

I don't understand.

You developed a computer
that could tune into brain waves...

organize thoughts into patterns.

Well, of course,
but it was impractical.

Well, naturally people couldn't go
around permanently wired to a computer...

but Dr. Batalova has developed this.

It acts like a radar.

It emits a high frequency radio signal
that's capable of homing in on brainwaves.

Would you like to explain it?

You are doing quite well.

We're not just talking about brainwaves.

We're talking about human thought!

With Dr. Batalova's method,
you can program your computer...

unscramble thoughts,
and translate them.

It won't work.

It will work!
Believe me!

Within a week you and
Dr. Batalova will have a system...

that can accurately read
any person's mind.

Anywhere. Any time.


We are only here a week.

We are wasting precious time.

Doctor, have I done
something to offend you?

You are here of your own free choice.

I am not.

I want to get this over.

Shall we start, Professor?

I seem to have left
my notes in my room.

In the interest of time,
I will get the notes for you.

You continue.
Thank you.

They're in the top drawer
of my dresser.


Hey, Terry?

Come here.

The lab, there's no picture.



I'll check it out.



All right.

I could not find the notes.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I had them in my case
here all the time.

The memory management unit doesn't
seem to be working correctly.

That's impossible!

Can you fix it?

Given sufficient time, yes.

I don't know what you consider
sufficient time, Professor...

but you get exactly three hours.

Your three hours are up,

Well, that should do it.

That's the problem.

Computers do all your work
and your muscles get mushy.

I'll give you a hand with that.


I'd like to see a demonstration.

We can show you the basic steps.


We need a subject.


Think of the word "up".


Think of the word "down".


Thank you.

The computer is functioning fine.

Good! Good.

You wanted to see me?

Mr. Campbell, yes.

May I assume that this project is not
just for your own amusement?

What's your point?

My point is,
as a commercial property...

it's worth considerably more
than a million dollars.

I see and just how
much is "considerably"?

Well, would you consider
five million dollars unreasonable?

Of course not.

I think we can manage that.

I'm not an idiot, Mr. Campbell,
so don't treat me like one.

But, Professor,
I've agreed to your terms.

You haven't heard my terms yet.

I want half deposited in a bank immediately,
and the other half when we finish.

You accepted the original deal
and we kept our part of the bargain!

Don't you push me!

Even you're expendable!

Not at this point.

You might not realize,
Mr. Campbell...

that no one else can
possibly decipher my notes.

So I suggest that
you call your boss now.





Yeah, Steve!
Are you all right?

Yeah, Oscar, I'm all right.
Listen to me.

What they want is Berman's work
on biocybernetic communications.

They're designing
a mind-reading computer.

OS CAR: What?

There's a Russian scientist
here with me.

Her name is Dr. Tamara Batalova.

Where are you calling from?

It's a lodge, I think.

There's no number on this phone.

So try to put a tracer on it.

Trace it, Bob.

Trace this call.

All right, go ahead.

Oscar, there's a number
I want you to check out.

All right, What is it?


I think you'll find the boss
of this operation on the other end.

Steve, that number is the central
number of the Russian Embassy.

I want you to get out
of there right now!

This minute!

Oscar, I can't, there's still too much...


I gotta go, there's somebody coming.

Steve, we haven't got the trace, yet.

I'll try and leave the line open.


There wasn't enough time.
We lost the trace.

How'd you get out of Russia?

Not voluntarily.

I was drugged and when I came to,
I found I was out of Russia.

Whoever arranged my exit made certain that
my government would think I had defected.

And if you don't cooperate,
you'll be sent back to Russia as a traitor?


As I said, Professor, you are here
of your own free choice, I am not.

So I want to finish this project
because I want to stay alive.

Besides, I believe
it could help people.

Help people? The only privacy
we have left are our thoughts.

It does not have to be that way.

You don't think these people want this
for the benefit of mankind, do you?

Then why did you come here?

Well, I thought they wanted
my work on pain control.

If I had known,
I wouldn't have come.

I don't believe you!

Then why are you
asking for more money?

I've been stalling.

Stalling? Why?

Because I can't deliver
my half of the project.

My work on biocybernetic communications
was completely fruitless.

But I read the data you published.

The data was falsified.

I did it to impress
the scientific community.

Well, Professor,
you certainly did that!

That is inexcusable!

Don't tell Campbell.
He'll kill me!

Where is Mr. Campbell?

He's out at the pool.

Dr. Batalova!

Hey, Professor, c'mere!

Here! Catch!

Oh, boy, you're really out of shape.

God, you should get away
from these computers...

and get out in the
fresh air once in a while.

You've hurt him!

We'd better get back
to the laboratory.

Did you want to see me
about something?


It was not important.

Call for you, Terry.
The boss.

Please. Hold still.

You didn't tell him about me.

It occurred to me that I am
useless to them without you.

This is Campbell, Mr. Kulikov,
they're making progress.

What does that mean?
Will they be finished by Sunday?

Um, that's difficult to say.

That is no answer.

I will be at the lodge
tomorrow morning.


Anything yet?

We had every lodge within
a SOD-mile radius checked out.

Also any place that even
appeared to be a lodge.

Well, maybe it's beyond
the SOD-mile radius.

We're checking on that, now.

But you realize, of course,
as the circle widens...

the area increases
in geometric proportion.

Steve's alone and in trouble and you're
giving me a lecture in basic math.

I can't just stay around here
and do nothing.

I think I'll question Kemps.

Sir, you gave orders
not to question Kemps.

You didn't want him
alerted to the fact that...

Bob, another bit of basic math...

sometimes one hunch is worth
three intelligent decisions!


What are you doing here?

We are going to escape tonight.

No, it's too dangerous.
They're watching us every minute.

It is more dangerous to stay here.

But Campbell says the boss
is coming tomorrow.

Wouldn't you want
to find out who he is?

What for?
Come on, Professor!

We go that way.

That's too high.

Don't you want to get out of here?

Come help me move this.

The bench.

Now try.


Better lock the door.



I can't get it.
It's stuck.

Let me try.

Come, help me up.

Give me the vase.


Let's go.

We climb down here.

I don't think that will hold our weight.

Certainly it will.

Okay, I'll go first.

You watch for the guards.



I told you it wouldn't hold us.

Then we'll jump.


What's wrong?

It's my leg.


Let's go this way.

Our scientist friends
are trying to get away.

They're at the north side fence.

Get 'em.

We have to try, Professor.

We have to give them something.

I know.

Would you assist us, please?

How did this happen?

We don't know.

He was supposed to be
sedated and under guard!

There's no way that
we can warn Steve!

Professor, would you place an electrode
on the tri-geminal nerve, please?

Remove that.

That will be all, thank you.

Who are you, really?

What do you mean?

You are not Professor Berman.


My mother would be
very surprised to hear that.

Professor Berman's mother would also be
very surprised to hear that her son...

the neurophysicist, does not know
where the tri-geminal nerve is.

Oh, tri-geminal nerve!
I'm sorry, I misunderstood you.

Well, you understand me now.

Where is the tri-geminal nerve?

So, I ask you again.
Who are you?

I can't tell you that.

TAMARA: What do we do now,
whatever your name is?

I suggest we don't do
anything hasty.

Well, I know what I must do.

Tell Campbell.

Look, we're both in
a spot of trouble here.

Let's just go on
helping each other out.

Dr. Berman
and Dr. Batalova.


Sergei Kulikov!
You are a traitor!

Officially, you are the traitor.

Dr. Berman,
is the computer functioning?

It will be when I get
the additional money.

Let me tell you something,

You have run out of delays,
you have run out of demands...

you have run out of excuses.

I have made a commitment
based on your commitment to me.

My neck is on the block.

If your project is not delivered to me,
fully functional, in two more days, I...

KULIKOV: Tamara will tell you that
I do not make idle threats.

Do we now understand each other
completely, Professor?

Their time is short.

It is not fair to keep them
from their work any longer.


I know Kulikov.

He meant every word.

He will not believe
that we failed honestly.

He'll enjoy what he does to us.

I gathered that.

What do we do now?

We'll get out of here tonight.

We tried that and failed.

Tonight... we try harder.


Bob, what are you doing here?

There's something
very wrong going on.

I thought you were in the hospital.
Your accident...

There was no accident.

I don't know what happened,
but somebody wanted me out of the way.

Where's Dr. Berman?

He's in the lab.

KEMPS: That's why they
wanted me out of the way.

What do you mean?

That man is not Dr. Berman!

Tie him up.

What's going on?

Now just get in the chair.

Stay with him. We'll have some
questions to ask him later.




Who is he?

I do not know.
You brought him here.

You worked together
for several days!

You must know
something about him!

He is Professor Berman!



How did he get out?
I'll handle him.

Don't hurt him!








Oh, that's wonderful.

Fine. Very good.

Thank you, Mr. Secretary.

Good bye.

Well, it's all arranged.

You're going back
to the Soviet Union.

They dropped all the charges...

when they found out that you were
kidnapped and held against your will.

Thank you, Oscar.

Pleasure, ma'am.

Professor, I hope someday
we can really work with each other.

It'd be a pleasure.

But not on the biocybernetic
communications project.

I don't know what they wanted with that,
anyway, you know?

Well, Professor,
don't you understand?

It would be the ultimate weapon.

You could read the thoughts
of generals, world leaders.

But there are some
things better left alone.

Like the privacy of the mind.

I'll drive you to the airport.

Yes, I'd better be getting
back to my lab.

Doctor... goodbye.


Professor, after all
we found out...

don't you want to get back on
that mind-reading computer?

No, it's not practical and
I'm afraid it would never work.