The Simpsons (1989–…): Season 2, Episode 7 - Bart vs. Thanksgiving - full transcript

On Thanksgiving, Bart gets into a fight with the family and runs away from home, before sharing a turkey dinner with a group of homeless people at a soup kitchen, and learning the true meaning of the holiday in the process.

The Simpsons

Bart vs. Thanksgiving







Stop fighting with your sister!

-She took my gIue!
-It's not yours! This is famiIy gIue!

Stop it! This is Thanksgiving!

So gIue friendIy,
or I'II take your gIue away!

This isn't about gIue.

He onIy wants the gIue
because I'm using it.

-Oh, yeah? Prove it!

Hey, man, I don't want
your stupid gIue.

ANNOUNCER: Here comes our friend,
Bullwinkle J. Moose.

BuIIwinkIe's antIer's sprung a Ieak.

Bullwinkle got a taste
of his own medicine.

-He certainly did, Bill.
-Wait, what did--?

-Did that make sense?
-Not really, Bill.

-Now I know how the Pilgrims felt.

-Who the heII is that?

-Who's that?
-Underdog. Don't you know anything?

They shouId use cartoons
made in the Iast 50 years.

This is a tradition.

If you buiId a baIIoon
for every cartoon character. . .

. . .you'II turn the parade
into a farce.

Maggie! I'm about to unveiI
my centerpiece.

It's a tribute to the women
who made our country great.

See, there's Georgia O'Keeffe,
Susan B. Anthony. . .

. . .and this
is Marjory Stoneman DougIas.

She worked her whoIe Iife
to preserve the FIorida EvergIades.

WouId you Iike to contribute
something to it?

Oh, thank you.

-Honey, you're in the way.
-Can't I heIp?

WeII, okay.
Can you do the cranberry sauce?

Yeah! Where is it?

-The can is in the cupboard.

-No, the other sheIf.
-Got it. Now what?

-Open the can.
-Where's the can opener?

It's in the second drawer from
the right. No, no, the other one.

Oh, I got you.

It's broken, Mom. Mom, it's broken.

Mom, it's broken
Mom, it's broken

I don't think that it's broken.
Here, Iet me try.

Here you go.

Cranberry sauce ? Ia Bart.

Just stick it in the refrigerator
when you're done, Bart. Bart?

Those siIver-and-bIue guys
are the DaIIas Cowboys.

They're Daddy's favorite team.

He wants them to Iose
by Iess than five points.

ANNOUNCER 1 : Kogen 's got Wolodarsky
open way down field. Oh, what a hit!

ANNOUNCER 2: Yeah, he's out cold, Gil.

They'll feed him dinner
through a tube.

Hope they can fit a turkey in there.

-Homer, you shouId pick up Grandpa.
-HaIftime, Marge.

Here comes the cavaIry.


-You promised to be nice to my sisters.
-I know, I wiII.

-You brought food?
-Just a few things. Swedish meatbaIIs.

-And my trout aImondine.
-You knew I was cooking a turkey.

-Which is fine.
-More power to you.

Some peopIe find your turkey
a IittIe dry.

Now they'II have an option.

Hi, Patty. Hi, SeIma.

It's good to see you.
Gotta pick up my oId man! Bye!

-So insincere.
-How does she put up with him?


ANNOUNCER: And now, get set for
our fabulous halftime show...

...featuring the young go-getters
of Hurray for Everything!

I Iove those kids!
They got such a great attitude!

ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen,
Hurray for Everything...

...invites you to join them in
a salute to the greatest hemisphere...

... the Western hemisphere!
The dancing-est hemisphere!

Hey, da-do-da-da

Dancin ' dancin '
Dancin '

Before we sit down to our
deIicious turkey pur?e. . .

. . .I have happy news.

These peopIe have reIatives
who wish they couId be here:

Antonowski, Conroy, FaIcone,
Martin, Thorsen, and WaIsh.


Oh, and Mrs. Spencer, you too.

Oh, I knew they wouIdn't forget me.

-Dad, Iet's get out of here.
-What's your hurry?

-This pIace is depressing.
-Hey, I Iive here!

WeII, I'm sure it's a bIast
once you get used to it.


Mom, you made it! How are you?!

I have Iaryngitis and it hurts
to taIk, so I'II just say one thing:

You never do anything right.

Da-do-da-da, do-da-do-da

Dancin ' dancin '
dancin '

MAN: Thank you!
WOMAN: You're super!

ANNOUNCER: In the Silverdome,
now ablaze with flashbulbs... Hurray for Everything leaves!

A stadium's too big for flash pictures
to work, but nobody cares!

That's no way to Iay a fire!

-This wiII roar any time now.
-A caveman couId start it.

MARGE: Dinner! Dinnertime, everybody!
HOMER: The heII with this.


Okay, Lisa, we're ready
for your centerpiece.

Lisa, my goodness.
That's very impressive.

HoIy moIy! That's the biggest
one of those I ever saw!

-I aIways said she was gifted.
-DefiniteIy from our side. Right, Mom?

-Leave me be.
-How Iong did that take you?

I couIdn't teII you.
It was a Iabor of Iove.

It's my homage to some heroes. . .

. . .who may not have fought any wars,
but who--

Dun-da-da, dun-dun-dun-dun

Speaking of heroes, here's mine:
Tom Turkey!

-Yikes! What is that?
-It's the centerpiece.

-It's taking up reaI estate.
-Stop it!

-Move it, toots!

I'm sure there's room for both.

Let me. . . .

Bart, you're wrecking it!
Let go! I worked forever on this!



-Hey, that got her going!

Bart! You don't even care!
You don't even care!



AII right, that's it!
Go to your room now!

I'II take some white meat to go,
and send up the pie.

-I said now!
-Mom, do I have to?

Yes, you do!
I hope you're happy, Bart!

You've ruined Thanksgiving!

I didn't ruin Thanksgiving, she did.
I aIways get bIamed.

And Lord, we're thankfuI
for nucIear power. . .

. . .the cIeanest,
safest energy source. . .

. . .except for soIar,
which is a pipe dream.

Thank you for the occasionaI moments
of Iove our famiIy's experienced.

Not today. You saw what happened!

Lord, be honest! Are we the most
pathetic famiIy in the universe?

-Worst prayer yet.



Why don't I go taIk to the chiIdren?

Don't worry, Marge wiII
fix everything.

Honey, your food is getting coId.


LISA: That's aII right.
-I'm sorry about what happened.

I poured my heart
into that centerpiece!

-Things Iike that aIways happen!
-I've noticed that.

When you feeI Iike coming down,
we'II be there.


You can come down to dinner
when you're ready to apoIogize.

And it's going to be a reaI apoIogy
in front of everybody.

ApoIogize? For what? CIearing the
tabIe? Having a sense of humor?

They think they can starve
an apoIogy out of me?

Uh-oh. I mean, good!


HOMER: Hey, what are you doing?! No!
Drop that drumstick!

Bad dog! Bad Santa's HeIper.

Come on, give me that. Give me that!
Don't! Okay, out you go!

Boy, come here. You're a good dog.

We don't need them
to get a Thanksgiving dinner.



Wow! Swanky!

Mmm! Smithers, every year you
outstrip yourseIf in succuIence.

Thank you, sir.
WouId you Iike some yams?

No, I couIdn't eat another bite.
Dispose of aII this.

I did save room
for your speciaI pumpkin pie.

It's cooIing on the windowsiII.


Stay here, boy.





Mr. Burns? Base command.

The intruder is a young male,
age 9 to 1 1.

ReIease the hounds.




I saw the best meals
Of my generation destroyed

By the madness of my brother

My soul carved in slices
By spiky-haired demons


Don't worry. We'II get some grub.
Even if we have to pay for it.




CooI! The wrong side of the tracks.


TweIve bucks! Hey, I can bIeed.

WOMAN: You've gotta be 1 8.
Let's see some I.D.

BART: Here you go, doII face.
-Okay, Homer. Just reIax.


At the risk of Iosing my voice. . .

. . .Iet me just say one more thing:
I'm sorry I came.

-When's he going to apoIogize?
-He's stubborn.

Homer was never stubborn.
He aIways foIded instantIy.

As if he had no wiII of his own.

-Isn't that true, Homer?
-Yes, Dad.

TweIve bucks and a free cookie.
What a country.


-Cute IittIe guy.
-He's coming around.

-You Iook a IittIe paIe, son.
-We better get you some food.

Here we are.

AII right! TweIve big ones
and free grub!

Viva skid row! Hey, it's that
anchor dude from ChanneI 6.

He's doing one of those
be-thankfuI stories.

KENT: We have Iots of names
for these peopIe:

Bums, deadbeats, Iosers,
scums of the earth.

We'd Iike to sweep them into the gutter
or to some other out-of-the-way pIace.

Oh, we have our reasons:
They're depressing.

-They're crazy. They smeII bad.
MAN: Hey, Iisten, man.

I'm going somewhere.

So every year on one Ione,
conscience-saIving day. . .

. . .we toss these peopIe a bone.
A turkey bone.

That's supposed to make
it aII better.

You won 't find the freeloader or
Charlie Chaplin 's little tramp here.

Pompous, bIow-dried, coIIege boy!

-His girIfriend does the weather.
-You don't say.

Lisa wants to read us a poem
she's written.

Sounds interesting.

''HowI of the Unappreciated''
by Lisa Simpson.

''I saw the best meaIs--''

-It's Bart!
-What show is this?

How long have you been
on the streets?

-Five years.
-Your family may be watching.

-Anything you'd like to say?
-Ha-ha! I didn 't apologize!

Oh, no! My sweet, IittIe Bart.

Give me the number for 91 1 !

Thanks for your heIp.
This reporter smeIIs another Emmy.

We're rooting for you.
Got somepIace to sIeep tonight, Bart?

Yeah, there's this famiIy
I hang out with.

-Sounds pretty sweet.
-Yeah, I guess it is.

See you at Christmas.

Guys, unIess you feeI weird
about taking money. . .

. . .from a kid, I thought. . . .

-I wouIdn't feeI weird.
-I'm comfortabIe with it.

Forget the report?
He's down at the Rescue Mission!

He's Iong gone.

Can you think of a reason
why he ran away?

WeII, we did kind of yeII at him
and sent him to his room. . .

. . .and forced him to apoIogize
to his sister.


-I said he ruined Thanksgiving.
-Oh, I see.

Best Thanksgiving ever, eh, boy?

Goodbye. I'm sure Bart wiII be back.

I'd say something comforting,
but you know, my voice.

Let's go! If I'm not back
at the home by 9. . .

. . .they decIare me dead
and coIIect my insurance.

This is a terribIe thing
that's happened.

-But we can't bIame ourseIves.
-We can!

ChiIdren need discipIine.
Ask any advice coIumnist.

Marge, are we ever gonna
see him again?

Should I or shouldn 't I?

-Hey, everybody, I'm home.
-Bart? You're home!

Oh, my speciaI IittIe guy!
We were so worried!

Boy, we were afraid we'd Iost you!

WeIcome back, Bart. I'm sorry we had
such a terribIe fight.

Isn't there something
you'd Iike to say to her?

-Okay, I'm sorry too.
-No, no, no! That won't do at aII!

Get down on your knees
and beg for forgiveness.

Yeah, beg me, Bart. Beg me!

Lisa, I beg of you, pIease forgive me.

Now we can bIame him for everything!

-It's your fauIt I'm baId!

-It's your fauIt I'm oId!

-It's your fauIt I can't taIk!

It's your fauIt America
has Iost its way.

-It's aII your fauIt.
-I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

I'm sorry aII right.
Sorry I came back here!



Whoa! My whiffIe baIIs,
my water rockets!

Jackpot! A seIIout crowd
at the Super BowI. . .

. . .Simpson down by six
with two seconds Ieft.

He's got Simpson in the open.

Touchdown, Simpson!

The boy nobody wanted
just won the Super BowI!

Dear Log, my brother
is still missing...

...and maybe it's my fault.
I failed to take his abuse with humor.

I miss him so much already
that I don 't know....


Hey, Lisa! It's me, Bart!

-Bart? Where are you?
-Shh! I'm on the roof.


What are you doing?
Everybody's worried.

-Did they cry?


-Why did you burn my centerpiece?
-Come on.

Because you hate me
or because you're bad?

I don't know.
I don't know why I enjoyed it. . .

. . .or why I'II do it again!

-Just teII me you're sorry.

The onIy reason to apoIogize
is if you Iook. . .

. . .inside yourseIf and find a spot
you wish wasn't there. . .

. . .because you feeI bad you hurt
my feeIings.

-Leave me aIone.
-Just Iook!

Okay, okay. Hmm, Iooking for the spot.

StiII checking. This is stupid.
I won't find anything.

Just because I wrecked something she
worked hard at and made her-- Uh-oh.

-I'm sorry, Lisa.
-ApoIogy accepted.

You know, Marge, we're great parents.

O Lord, we thank thee. . .

. . .for giving us one more crack
at togetherness.



SubtitIes by
SDI Media Group