The Secret Life of the American Teenager (2008–2013): Season 1, Episode 13 - Baked Nevada - full transcript

Adrian's father tries to find out who is behind the fake I.D.s.

Previously on:

In just a few months,
you're gonna have a baby.

Yeah,I know.

And if what you want
to do is keep that baby,

just know that that baby
is your respsibility.

George,it's time you move out
and find your own place.

Do you still want to get married?

Yeah,of course.

We have to elope.

You can go out with Ricky

as long as know where you
are and what you're doing.


Ben and I are getting married.

You can't tell Mom or Dad.

We're getting fake IDs.

You think you can get away with this?

I was wondering--

Would you like to hang
at Ben's tonight?

You cannot turn my garage
into your apartment.

I want to be around my girls.

I thought this would give you
your space and I'd have my space.

I can't wait to marry you.

It's a party,Alice,
all right? Let lo enjoy it.

I now pronounce you man and wife.

Amy and Ben Boykewich.

We're next.

You can't get married.
It's your first date.

We can't get married?

You don't know her,Tom.

I don't know him either.

But we d'tt care about that.

You don't care that you don't
know her and she doesn't know you?

You don't know each other.

How many ways can
she say the same thing?

Did you give her my promise ring?

- Did I?
- Did u?

He did.

Tom,I'm gonna want that ring back.

Why? Afraid you'll accidentally
have sex with Ricky?

Accidental sex?

There's no such th sg as accidental sex.

Isn't that why we are here?

I just want my ring back.

Finder keepers,losers weepers.

You know what? Listen up,you two.

Okay,you're not getting married.

You don't even know each
other,okay? We have to go home.

No,we don't.

Not until we are married.

This is love at first sight.


Could you talk to him,please?

Hey,if he wants to
get married,who am I to--?

Okay,I'll talk to him.

Tom,you know your parents would
be very upset with you

if you just get married without
them knowing about it.

Yeah,we have to call them.

Although I'd rather not.

I'd rather you two just give up
on this so we can go home.

TO Call them.
Invite tIn to the wedding.

What's wrong?

Mom,I don't know what to do.

This wedding we came to,
it's at a public chapel,

and now Tom is trying to marry Tammy.

come on.

No,it's true,and I can't get
the two of them out of here.

Tom is insisting on marrying her.

And Mom,he can,I mean,he's over 18.

Honey,don't be ridiculous.

Who would marry Tom and
Tammy on their first date?

Elbert of Elbertson's Wedding Chapel.

Mom,I'm sorry,I hate to
ask you to do this,

but I think you really,
really need to get down here.

The wedding was at Elbertson's?

Someone actually got married
at Elbertson's Wedding Chapel?


Amy and Ben.


Mom,it's a long story. I don't--

I don't even know
if their parents know yet.


I'm sorry you can't be here.
It's the breaks.

Tom,I would really like
to be at your wedding.

And your father would really
like to be at your wedding.

Would you wait for us,please?

- I guess.
- I'll be right there.


George Juergens.


Are you aware that your
daughter is getting married

or just got married at
Elbertson's Wedding Chapel?

Who is this?

- Kathleen.
- How do you know?

Grace was there-- Or is there.

I just thought I should call you.

Waste not,want not.


You know about
the kids getting married?


How'd you get hooked up with Madison?

Um,I'm just a lazy dater.

What can I tell you?

I present Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boykewich.


What happened?
I stopped by the restaurant.

Uh-huh. When?

Just now.

Just now?

Two hours after you were
supposed to meet us?

So how'd it go?

Well,your mother had to leave.

She had a plane to catch.
She's working.

Yeah,I know that. But how'd it go?

How was it,seeing her and everything?

She looks good,huh?


You two haven't seen
each other in a long time.

So,what does that
have to do with you?

I don't know,everything?

Yeah,I'm married.

And dinner tonight was supposed
to be with you and your mother

so the three of us could talk.

Your mother let me wait here for you.

I still want to talk to you.

Well,I had to go to a wedding.

A wedding? That's where you were?

Your mother didn't say
anything about a wedding.

Yeah. Amy and Ben got married.


The girl who's having Ricky's baby?

Who's Ben?

Oh,that's her boyfriend.
I mean,husband.

How old are they?


Two 15-year-olds got married?


And who were the witnesses?

Her sister and his best friend.

And how old are they?

I think her sister's,like,13
and his best friend's 15.


So where'd they get married?

- Elbertson's.
- Really?

Really,and then I stopped
by the reception.

I take it their parents were involved.


I see.

Yeah,well,her dad and his dad
showed up afterwards.

They weren't all that happy,
but too late.

Well,I don't know
if it's too late,but--

But why are you so happy?

Because Amy is married.

She's having Ricky's baby,
but still she's married.

So now it's Ben's baby.

Or it will be.

You still have feelings for Ricky

even though he betrayed you and
is dating your only friend?

No,I don't have feelings for Ricky.

I hate to tell you this...

So I won't.

So I'm guessing
the newlyweds used fake IDs?

I don't know,I guess so.

So what? Other people have fake IDs.

Other people are not my concern.

You are.

I don't use it.

- Give it to me.
- No.

Why would you need one?

I don't need one,
I just like having one.

So if you wanted to have a drink,
you would have a drink.

Or if you wanted to go to
a bar or something like that,

you would just go to
a bar,right? No big deal.

Right,no big deal.

You know the penalty for using
a fake ID can be a $250 fine

and/or community service?

- Give it to me.
- No.

Adrian,give it to me
before you get into trouble.

I'm not gonna get into trouble.

So where'd you get it,huh?

Where did you and all your
little friends get fake IDs?

Someone running a shop at school?

All right,I'll giveou my ID,
but don't ask me where I got it

and don't get anyone into any trouble.


A plea bargain?


Yeah,I don't plea
bargain cases I can win.

What does that mean?

Your mother thinks you
should remain in school

until the end of the year.

And then,depending on how things go,

maybe you should come and
stay with me for a while.


depending on how things go,

maybe you should come and
live with us for a while.

Adrian,I'm married,okay?

You know that.

Yeah,I know that.

This is not the way to do things.

It was the only way to do things.

I wanted to tell you,but Amy
didn't want me to tell you.

She didn't want anyone to stop us.

Don't ever say that again to me.

Don't ever say that you wanted
to do the right thing,

but Amy or someone else,
or anyone else,

talked you out of it.

You know the right thing to d

You do the right thing. Always.

Right or wrong,we're married.

Married? You're not married,Benjamin.

- I am.
- Son,

if you got married with
an illegal document,

and you had to have been
married with an illegal document,

like a fake ID,

then you're not married.

You're not married and
you're in trouble.

- With?
- With me.

I've told you before.

You can't always have what you want.

That's life.

You don't get to be married to Amy.

Her parents don't want her married.

I tried to help you with
this and the answer was no.

And then you went against
her parents' wishes,

and you lied to me and you
betrayed my trust in you.

We're not married?

You're not married.

Have you paid attention to
anything I just said to you?

Are you sure we're not married?

I'm sure.

But we exchanged vows.

I mean,we said,"I do."

We're married,I don't care what
the State of California says.

Do you care what I say?

You're not married.

Let's go.

Why Nevada?

I don't know,but I wish I was there.

Me too.

You really thought you could
get married with a fake ID?

I did get married with a fake ID.

No,you didn't.

- Yes,I did.
- Doesn't count.

It counts to me.

I mean legally,it doesn't count.

We promised we'd stay with
each other until death.

Yeah,so did your mother and me.

And by the way,
you're both in big trouble

if she finds out about this.

If? I'm not gonna tell her.

I've got enough problems
with her already.

"Sally-Ann Sweetwater"?

Hanging out with your
dad at his new place?


- How'd it go?
- Fine.

This was Ashley's first date,

so I just want to know how it went.


What did you do?

We just hung out at Ben's house.

What's his house like?


How big?

Bigger than ours. Bigger than Dad's.


Well,wait a minute.

You guys want some pancakes?

Mom,it's 1 in the morning.

Are you craving anything?

I always crave pancakes.

And pancakespa great
at 1 in the morning.

Come on,I want to
know how her date went.

Wait a minute,why didn't
Mr. Boykewich drive you home

or have his driver drive you home?

Uh,it was late,so I just called Dad.


- Get your own bathroom.
- No time to chat.

Mom,I'm really tired.

I should just get some sleep.

Look,it-- It was fine,Mom.

It was-- It was great.



Grace has a fake ID.

Everyone has one.

You ruined my night,

and I'm going to ruin your night.

- You already did.
- You ruined my life!

I did not!

Grace,why would
you need a fake ID?

Not to get married.

Nobody wants to marry her.

But somebody wants to marry me.

Tom,can you go upstairs

so that we can talk
to Grace alone,please?

Yeah,I will go upstairs
and call my Tammy.

No,it's late,her mother
is not very happy with you.

Do not call Tammy right now.

I am a grownup.

And so is Tammy.

And if it's too late,
she won't answer her phone.


It's me,your father,remember?

said do not call Tammy right now.

Give me your cell phone.


You heard me,Give me
your cell phone,now.

- No.
- Tom,

this is not a casual suggestion.

Give me your cell phone,now.

The battery's dead.

All right,you. Upstairs,right now.

We'll talk about this tomorrow.

Yeah,call me.


Yeah,that was a great idea.

Getting Tom a girlfriend.

He deserves to have a
relationship with someone

other than the three of us.

Mm,I liked Betty better.

Me too. at Tammy's a bad influen.


A fake ID?

Where did you get a fake ID?

At school. It's no big deal.

It's illegal.

Even to have it in my purse?

even if I don't use it?

- Nevada?
- They all say Nevada.

"Sally-Anne Sweetwater?"

I'm delighted you two think this is funny,

but you won't think it's very
funny when you get caught.

It's illegal. Yo'ure breaking the law.

Do you realize if you get caught
with this,it's a $250 fine?

- Who's going to catch her?
- Oh,I don't know,

A man,wears a uniform,
carries a gun,wears a badge.

Marshall,I think you're making
too big a deal out of this.

That right? How about when
I found out it was you

that cheated on George,
not the other way around?

Was I making a big deal--?

You said you'd never bring that up.


Am I old enough to hear this?

You're 27 years old
in Nevada,you're old enough.

Your father is never gonna
let you forget this.

Dad,I'm sorry,I didn't know
it was illegal to have this.

You don't look sorry.

Well,that's because

I'm in love.


No,Ricky told me tonight
that he loves me.

And I love him,Dad.

We're in love.

Where's your promise ring?

Oh,Tom gave it to Tammy.

We'll be getting that back.

Okay,Dad,whatever you say.


Maybe we should give it to your mother.


Look who's here.

Can I come in?

I don't know. Can you?

Yes,I can.

I decided to take a shower
while I had the chance.


You want some pancakes?


Yeah. I could put some
blueberries in if you want.


What would make you offer
me blueberry pancakes?

I made them for the girls
but they were tired and went to bed.

I'm kind of tired myself.

I better get to bed too.
Wait a minute.

You wanna talk?



Why doesn't anyone want
to talk to me around here?

You're not that fun to talk to.

I can be.



I should have moved
out here years ago.

Who knew garage
sex could be like this?


just because we had great
sex for the first time in years

does not mean we're
getting back together.

Oh,no,not at all.
In fact,I think we should

stay at least this far apart.
That was unbelievable.


But we shouldn't have.

We really shouldn't have.

Oh,no,we should have,
we really should have.

It's time to forgive and forget.


You're not forgiven.

Come on,I'm forgiven.

- No,you're not.
- Why not?

Because you're not.

I'm sure you haven't forgiven me.

Forgiven you for what?

Chicago! I knew it!

Yeah,I know you knew it.

You knew it,right?

What happened? And tell
me the truth. I told you the truth.

Yeah,after you got caught.

Nothing happened,okay,
I had dinner with him.

I didn't sleep with him.

You're lying.

Yeah,I'm lying.

We're even.

I almost added "I'm sorry,"
but I'm not sorry.

It's just something
I had to do,George.

For me.

You really should move out.

Oh,not now.

Never gonna happen!


Come on,girls,you're gonna be late.

I got it,I'll take
the girls to school.

okay,I got it.


Well,that's very nice
of your dad,but I'll take you.


???ABhem,not always.

You know,I can just walk.
No,you can't.

No,yes,an,I just wanna walk.





what happened on their date.

Don'll me,okay? I doow. t,
I don't want to know.

?????but you and dad were fighting.

You're always fighting.

That's why you're not talking,
because we are fighting?

I don'Amy.

Ever since I talked to you
about finding a job

and taking on the responsibility
of being a parent,

you' just dist yourself from me.

I can't help it
if you don't like what I said.

It just needed to be said.


About finding a job?

Ben and I are gonnarok after school,

if you don't mind if I go over.

Yeah,that's fine.

about getting the work
permit if he's there.

- He's been away.
- Okay.

Anything else?



Let's go,Mrs. Boykewich.

Okay,maybe we should just tell her.


on your own on this one.

Remember what Dad said.
You don't have to tell her.



CRare boyfrid and girlfriend

And the three of us are friends.


We're all friends because
you're a gracious person.

Because you have a lot
of really,really good things

going on in your life right now.

- Like your dad.
- Yeah,you're right.

My life is very good right now.

Very,very good right now.

So did you go to the wedding
reception? How was it?

It was great,well,until Ben's
dad and Amy's dad showed up.

Then it was just over pretty quickly.

But still,the food
was good and we danced

and,oh-- And Jack was there.

He's a really good dancer,you know.

Ohyeah,I know,yeah,he's a--
He's a good dancer.

Are you interested in Jack?

???interested in Jack.

I'm interested in someone else.

Oh,who is it?

No one you know.

Hey,I heard Mr. Molina is back.

Really? Where's he been?
Does anyone know where he's been?

Does anyone ever know
where anyone's been?


Come on,Grace,I want
to walk you to class.



I wonder where Mr.???


All I care is you,Grace.


y.Oh,hey,Jac you see Grace?

If youurry you can stillcatch up

She's not my girlfriend. I'm over it.


You're over it?

Yeah,I don't care.

You don't care she's
going out with Ricky?

No,I don't.
I feel like such a loser

I even once cared about a girl
that cares about that guy,but--

- No offense.
- None taken.

I'm just gonna stay away
from women for a while.

I'm wanna do something more
productive with my time.

- Like?
- I heard Mr. Molina's back.

Figured I just talk to him.

I want to do some volunteer work.

I want to focus my time on someone
or something other than me.

I want to do something
that matters to someone.

Okay,well,I'm sure you'll get
a lot of satisfaction out of that.


than having mindless,meaningless sex.

Yeah,sure you will.

Hey,Alice. Henry.

Oh,hi,Jack,nice to see you.

I had a great time Saturday night.

You looked like you were
having a great time.

So did you,did you have sex?

No! Did you have sex?


Ashley is 13.

Yeah? So? She's 43 in Nevada.

She's never had sex in
Nevada or anywhere else.

I have to get to class.

???s thinking.


no,thank you

What's she so upset about?

I don't know.

Where's your wife?

I didn't even see her yesterday

and I hardly got to talk to her.

She was so scared about her mom

ABOFheg us talkinging married.

Her mother doesn't know?

No. She didn't tell her.

I'll let you two honeymooners talk.

I'm sorry. About everything.

Me too.

I want to be married.

I do too.

I can't tell my mom.

She'd just get angry with me.

She's already angry
with my dad right now.

The two of them are fighting.

About him living in the garage?

I don't know. But Ashley
thinks they were havi there.

Well,that could be a good thing.

Maybe they'll get back together.

Maybe u should talk to your
mom while she's in a good mood.

????not in a


Uh,did you have any
problem with the IDs?

Noly. Thank you,those worked out great.



***for possessing a fake ID?

And that if you're making
and selling them,

there's-- There's jail time.

Yeah. I'm very well aware
of that. Thus,the pricing.

But first,they're going
to have to catch me

and prove that I am running a shop.

May I have your attention,please?

Students possessing fake IDs

should report to Mr. Molina's
office immediately.

Students possessing fake IDs

ould report to Mr. Molina's office
immediately for police questioning.

Oh. I'm sorry.Just Joe Hampton.

Joe Hampton,report to
Mr. Molina's office,please.


We didn't tell anyone where
we got the IDs.,yeah,y


wo best frie????

Hey. What are you doing here?

Listen,I have to get to work.


LY wlaying chess--

- ABs.
- What? Why?

Just give st your ID.

I don't have mine. My dad took e

Hey. IDs. Give me your IDs.

What's going on?

Yeah,why are you shaking us down?

You do not want to get
caught with these,okay?


I didn't say anything. Nothing.

I mean,I really wanted this
to work out for Ben and Amy.

Well,yeah,me too,
but someone's in trouble.

Oh,my God,I hope this wasn't a setup.

I don't want to go to jail.

I don't think they'll send us to jail.

We're not in possession
of anything illegal.

I've never seen that
ID before in my life.

So you're gonna lie
if we get caught?

I might.

Yeah,well,I've got
two words for you:

"Martha Stewart."

ID? Give me your ID.

I don't know what you're
doing,but thanks,man.

What's going on?

Quickly,give me your ID. ID,ID.

- Hey,give me your IDs.
- What are you doing?

I don't know,just give me your ID.

There's no sense in all of us
getting in trouble for this.

I don't want to have to make
this a bigger deal than it is.

However,I could arrest you right now

for running a shop
and making illegal IDs

which carries a penalty of up
to six months in jail.

You want to go to jail?

Not really. I've-- I've heard
it's really bad there.

Amy and Ben wanted to get married,

so they needed an ID to prove
that they were old enough,

so I made them one
and everyone else one

who might want to go to the wedding.

And in case we wanted to get
a drink afterwards,but we didn't.

So no one has them.
I have them,or had them.

I-- I cut them up.

an easy way to make some cash

and I didn't think it'dig deal.

But you can'you anyone else but me.

Me who? Who are you?

I'm Jack Pappas,sir.

You sure you're the one
who made the IDs?

Yeah,I'm responsible for them.

I was the driver.
I drove Ben and Amy to the wedding.

The DA's office would
like a word with you.

- ??your pare
- Yeah,why not?

Can I get some privacy,though?

How's the back seat of a squad car?

Great. I've never seen
the back seat of a squad car.

Why would Jack do that?

Why would he take the blame for you?

I inspire loyalty.

Or you just know way too much.

Or he's just stupid. Or maybe he did it.

Hi. Uh,could we talk?

Oh,yeah. Sure,dude.

I think he's talking to me.



Hello. Uh,how are you?

Where have you been?

May I ask what's going on here?

You and Amy tried to get
married with fake IDs?

So,uh,what happened with Jack?

He fally confessed to making
the IDs for you and everyone

who wanted to go to the wedding.

Now he's on his way downtown,as they say.

is surprising.

Yes,it is.

I heard JoeCR

ght it was Sam.

Jack would never make a fake ID.

He wouldn't know how.

Did he make the IDs?

I-- I-- I'd rather not say.

But I hope they let him off
with community service

or a warning,or something.

Yeah,me too,

because making fake IDs is
a very serious offense.

and I'd hate to see him get
jail time because you and Amy

wanted to try to cheat
the system by getting married.

I know it was a bad idea,

but,you know,I love Amy so
I just-- I went along with it.

Well,you didn't have to.

She's right. I-- I didn't have to.

I should have told her that
I thought it was a bad idea.

But I wanted to marry her.

I want her to be my wife.

You're too young to get married.

And her parents don't want
her getting married.

I think that if she's
old enough to have a baby,

she's old enough
to make this decision.

You think it's a good decision?
To get married?

If we had the support of our parents,

I would make that commitment.

A lifelong commitment at 15?

Is that a--?

Did you get married?

Yeah. That's where I was.



- ***
- To My cousin.

My girlfriend,who do you think?

Oh,well,E ems to me from what you
told me and my dad about your girlfriend,

your cousin would have
been a better choice.

Oh,yeah. I forgot
we had that conversation.

Yeah. Over pizza.

Well,forget we had that conversation.

This is why they don't want
students and faculty socializing.

So we wouldn't be afraid for you?

It'll be fine.

Can I get you something?

A glass of water? An apple?

An apple?

Why would I want an apple?

IFcause we have apples?


I'm just feeling a little bit anxious.

You know,um,no,thank you.

You know,I'm not really
much of an apple person.

I like pts,bananas.

I like a good banana now and then

as long n't too n'pe.

Do you know if she's
gonna be much longer?

Because I have otherings to do.

I gotta CR my daughters at scho




We're practically best friends.
I mean-- But not really.


You know,if I was their
best friend,who'd be their mother?

I'm definitely their mother.

But we are close.

Ashley,Amy and me.

Would you like the number of
someone you could really talk to?

A therapist.

We have a very nice family therapist

we recommend at times like this.

A therist?

Why would I need a therapist?

If you wanted someone to talk to.

But I talk to my daughters.

I just told you. Ashley and Amy.

We're very close.
We talk about everything.

I don't need a therapist.

Not that I have anything
against therapists,

but I just don't need one. Thanks.




I'm-- I'm Marshall Bowman.

ah,I know who areCF

guess you knowu

- rgens.rg.
- ***

inalFinally Fina

I've seen you a loyothe
high se ool foot

but we've ever been formally
introduced by the exes.

Yeah,I-- I guess we haven't.

Um,well,it's nice to finally meet you.

Could there be a more
awkward place for us to meet?

No,I don't think so.

Are you and,um--?

Are you getting a divorce?

No,no. Um,in fact,uh,

vent a wedding.

You see,our-- Our son Tom was
at Ben and Amy's wedding

at Elbertson's and
he now has it in his mind

he wants to marry a girl
he's had one date with.

He hardly knows her at all.
He's an adult,but...

I wanted to get some legal
advice before he makes a big mistake.

I'm-- I'm sorry. You--
You're probably here

because you and George are...

about that. An????

Look,if there's ever anything
I can do for--?????


the pra t Our pediatr
Dr. Hightower,I know.

- Yeah.
- Oh,look.

I really appreciated
ever tdid y in school.



You have a good rest of your day,Anne.


Ben and Amy's wedding?

At Elbertson's?

She didn't tell you?

Jack. Hey.

Hey. Are you okay?

Yeah,fine. Unless I sell fake IDs again,




It slipped out.

I mean,I didn't even
tell him it was Joe.

I think he just did
some digging around.

Hey. It's okay. I wanted to
do something nice for someone.


Yeah. He does a lot for everyone
in his own way,I guess.

I just hope he doesn't
sell fake IDs again

use I don't think I'd be
willino time for him.

I got community service

So what? You're SEg uprash on
the side of the road or something?

I'm gonna do whatever
they tell me to do.

They being your dad.


Sorry about that.

I don't even understand why
he cares about these fake IDs.

I mean,he prosecutes murder
trials and assault cases and...

Did he ask you anything about Ricky?

No. Why?

I don't know,but I have this gut feeling

it wasn't Joe he was after.

I don't think he was after anyone.


. Protect me. But om whom?

???say anything about you an?


Look,Adrian,I might be lazy

and make some bad decisions,
but I'm not stupid.

I'm really not.

I don't think you're stupid at all.

Actually. I think you're
a really good guy,Jack.

Yeah,but it's usually
the good guys that finish last,right?

I'll see you.




So,Jack got everyone off the hof ?

Guess so.

All right,well,

whre you dre y?

Don't you have a girlfriend?

YeahCRdo hIFe efriend.

And just to bestlear love with Grace

Someday,I might even marry Grace Bowman.

Yeah. Good for you.

But I'd rather be
the one you cheat with

than the one you cheat on.

I like our relationship just fine.

Yeah. Me too.

Just out of curiosity,

have you ever been
arrested for anything?


There aren't that
many places that hire,uh,

teenagers with or without work permits.

Yeah,well,my research isn't that great.

Uh,maybe Mr. Molina can help
us tomorrow if his wife lets him.

Oh,she's the jealous type.

Mr. Molina went out with another
woman and while he was at her house,

his girlfriend,and now wife,
broke down the door.


And now he's married
to the door-breaker.

Well,I promise to never
break down your door.

I'm sorry if I seemed meologetic,

talking to Mr. Molina Mout marroung

It's just that we bow that that
wahe way t a life together,didn'r,d

edet married in the fir

I know,but that was if it
was okay with your parents.

And it's not.

It's clearly not. So...

...I can't marry you,Amy.

But we're gonna have to figure
out what this non-married,

relationship is.

And we will. We will.
It's gonna be fine.

Yeah. You keep saying that,but...

Oh. Hi.


It's okay that I'm here,right?

I asked you. I'm just looking
for a job,remember?

I too am looking for a job.


um,by doing chores
around the house.

Not that I don't help
out around the house.

I do on occasion.

I-- I found that
I'm very good at ironing.

Did you want something?

Yeah,I do want something.

I wanna talk to you and
Ben about the wedding.

Uh, could you wait
just a second while I,uh,

get rid of this stuff?
I'll-- I apologize.

I was,uh,going to tell you

ouo overjob firsjo

It might. It might not.

So about the wedding.

I take full responsibility.

No,I take full responsibility.

You're both responsible.

And so is the guy at
Elbertson's who married you.

He knew that you were underage.
He knew that they were fake IDs.

He just felt sorry for you,Amy.

And you,Ben.


I kind of thought so,
but I really didn't care.

I just wanted to get married.

You can't run away awhis,Amy.

It's not possible.

She can run to our house,

if you'd let her..

I'm not gonna let her.

But Mom,I can't find a job.

And I don't know anything about
having a baby or raising a child.

And I can't go to school and
go to work and be a mother.

But you can run over here

and have someone else raise your
child so you can go to school

and then be a mother
when it's convenient?

Well,we weren't quite
thinking about it like that.

We weren't thinking. Period.

It's just that...

I love her.

I know you do,Ben.

And so do I.

And I love you for loving Amy.

But,you know,funny thing y,



for the person that you love.

And that's what
I'm doing right now,Amy.

I'm coming here to try
to make you to realize

the awesome responsibility of taking
care of a baby and raising a child.

Did you really think getting
married would solve anything?

Kind of. Yeah.

I thought that if I just lived here,

then somebody could watch
the baby while I went to school.

That would be better than
daycare,wouldn't it?

Someone like?


Yeah,or we could get a nanny.

And have your dad pay for that?


Ricky should help.
He's the father.

I don't know if he
could or if he would,

and I-- I don't know
if we want him to be involved.

Oh,he's involved.

He said he wants to be
involved,and legally,he is,Amy.


But Mom,can't we keep him
from being involved somehow?

No. I don't thinkat we can.

I mean,he has said that
he wants to be involved.

He's made that pretty clear.

We jusn't know howkn.



You're sYohave a baby.

Look,I'm on your side here,Amy.
I am on your side.

I am not being mean by trying
to get you face reality.

But a baby is coming.

And it's not just enough
to have a plan.

You have to act on that plan.

So,what is your plan,Amy?


Look,I want to help you.

But I can't help you
if you don't talk to me.

And there are no easy answers.

You ei a job,

go to school and get someone
to help with child care,

or you think seriously
about adoption.

But whatever choice you make,

it has to be what is right
for your child,Amy,

not just about
what is easiest for you.

You can't run away from this.

You have to face the fact

that you are halfway
through your pregnancy.

And the baby's gonna
be here before you know it.


I think the baby agrees with you.

I think it might be coming right now.

Mom,it's moving,it's really moving.

I thought I felt it before,
but I wasn't sure. Now I'm sure.

Should I call an ambulance?


It's stoABe.

MIe baby's n comingt now,

but it is coming.

Mom,I don't think I can do this.

You can do this,Amy.

You can.

You have to.

It's okay.